How to translate rsfsr. Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic


The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR, Russian RSFSR) is the name that Russia bore from 1918 to 1991. The name was officially fixed by the Constitution of 1936 and the Constitution of 1937.

The Russian Empire turned into a socialist state (republic) as a result of the 1917 revolution, when the Bolsheviks overthrew the existing monarchical system and began to build a new state on the principles of socialism. Russia, which turned into the world's first socialist state, began to bear the name of the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic, which was later replaced and clarified. Also unofficially, the country was called the Russian Federation.

It should be understood that the RSFSR and the USSR are different things. The RSFSR (Russia) was part of the USSR as one of the union republics, and after the collapse of the USSR it existed as an independent state, which was transformed into the Russian Federation.

The collapse of the monarchy and the creation of the republic

After the February Revolution of 1917, dual power was established in Russia - power in the country belonged simultaneously to the Provisional Government and the Council of Workers, Soldiers and Peasants' Deputies (the supreme body that united various local councils). Emperor Nicholas II abdicated in favor of Mikhail Romanov. However, he transferred all power to the Provisional Government, thus ending the era of autocracy. Until the convocation of the Constituent Assembly, power could still return as a monarchy, but it soon became clear that this was impossible.

In July, the Chairman of the Council recognized the full and unlimited power of the Provisional Government, renouncing the right to govern the country, and already in September Russia officially ceased to exist as an Empire and became a Republic.

Creation of the RSFSR

However, the Bolsheviks were not going to give up power so quickly. The situation in the country was still difficult and in October 1917 a new uprising broke out, as a result of which the 2nd Congress of Soviets proclaimed the creation of the Russian Soviet Republic. In January 1918, a new congress was held, at which V.I. Lenin had already officially proclaimed the transfer of power in the country from the Provisional Government and the Constituent Assembly to the Soviets - the old regime collapsed in less than a year.

From 1918 to 1921, active edification and distribution of Soviet power throughout Russia was carried out. Not all parts of the country wanted to submit to the Bolsheviks, so armed clashes began to occur more and more often, which eventually led to a large-scale civil war between supporters and opponents of the Soviets. The war went on until 1921, and in some territories the clashes continued after that.

Despite resistance, the Soviets were still able to defend the right to single-handedly rule Russia. Even at the very beginning of the war, Moscow was declared the new capital (it was moved largely for military reasons), and the first Constitution of the RSFSR was adopted, which finally consolidated the new regime.

After the war, on December 30, 1922, the 1st Congress of Soviets of the USSR took place, at which the creation of a new state was proclaimed - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - which included the RSFSR.

State system of administration of the RSFSR

The RSFSR, as a subject, was subject to the authority of the government of the USSR, however, the republic also had its own legislative bodies.

Until 1990, the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR was considered the highest state person, but this person did not have real power, the position was more nominal than real. The RSFSR was also distinguished by the fact that, unlike other subjects, it did not have its own first secretary and the Communist Party - the RSFSR was subordinate to the Communist Party of the USSR.

The main governing body of the RSFSR was the All-Russian Congress of Soviets, which was proclaimed the "main power" in the republic by the Constitution of 18918, and then, after joining the USSR, only confirmed its powers. The General Congress was elected by direct voting from members of the regional and provincial Soviets.

The supreme legislative, executive and controlling body of the RSFSR was the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK). He was elected by the next Congress and embodied the power in the period between several Congresses of Soviets.

The Congress and the All-Russian Central Executive Committee were engaged in solving all important state issues, their powers were divided, but in many respects they coincided.

These two bodies existed until 1937, when a new Constitution was adopted. It was replaced by a new state body - the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR, which took over the powers of its predecessors. In this form, the body existed until 1989, when it was reformed and divided into two chambers - the Council of the Republic and the Council of Nationalities.

In the same year, a new body appeared - the Congress of People's Deputies. Representatives for this congress were chosen from the people by voting, the body itself was engaged in solving important state affairs along with the Supreme Council.

The collapse of the USSR and the further fate of the RSFSR

The collapse of the USSR led to the fact that the union republics separated from a single state, and the RSFSR, which was the basis of the Union, became an independent entity.

In 1991, the Declaration on State Sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted, a corresponding referendum was held, which proclaimed the transformation of the RSFSR into a presidential republic. The post of President of the RSFSR was introduced, and the era of reforming the old legislation of the USSR began, taking into account new realities.

On December 21, 1991, the RSFSR officially became the Russian Federation - the official collapse of the USSR and the RSFSR took place.

abbreviation, that is, the abbreviated name of our state from January 1918 to December 1991.

Between October 1917 and January 1918. in the documents of the Soviet authorities one can find the names: Russian Republic, Russian Soviet Republic (Soviet Russian Republic), Russian Socialist Soviet Republic. Russia was proclaimed a federal state by the III All-Russian Congress of Soviets of Workers', Soldiers' and Peasants' Deputies in the Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People of January 25 (12), 1918 and in the resolution "On Federal Institutions of the Russian Republic" of January 28 (15), 1918. The last document stated: "The Russian Socialist Soviet Republic is being established on the basis of a voluntary union of the peoples of Russia as a federation of the Soviet republics of these peoples." Thus, since that time, the abbreviation of the RSFSR has existed.

Its decoding according to the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1918. - Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic. The state is also called in the Constitution of the USSR of 1924 and the Constitution of the RSFSR of 1925.

With the adoption of the Constitution of the USSR in 1936 and the Constitution of the RSFSR in 1937, the words "Soviet" and "Socialist" changed places, and the name of the state became: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic.

In connection with the abolition of the USSR and the rejection of the concept of the Soviet and socialist organization of power in Russia, the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR adopted the Law "On changing the name of the state of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic" of December 25, 1991. It became known as "Russian Federation - Russia". On April 21, 1992, this name was reflected in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, and then in the current Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 (S.A.)

The RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, Soviet Russia) is the first socialist state in world history, the formation of which was proclaimed on November 7, 1917. Almost a year later, on July 19, 1918, the Constitution of the RSFSR was adopted and entered into force.

Since 1920, it has been one of the Union Republics of the USSR, which is the largest territory in terms of population with a high level of industry and agriculture.

Throughout the history of its existence, the republic was the basis for the other 14 Soviet republics that were part of the USSR. For many residents of the Soviet era, it did not matter which republic it was in, since the party's policy was aimed at uniting peoples while preserving the cultural heritage. There was an idea of ​​economic and political unification to resist the West.

The long Cold War, which grew into political intrigues and espionage, led to instability on the territory of the USSR. The power of the party was discredited, and democracy and glasnost led to a new trend in politics. As a result, the Soviet Union, the economic and political power of the once superpower were reduced to a minimum.

Termination of the activities of the RSFSR. Education of the Russian Federation

If you follow the chronological order, then on June 2, 1990, the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted the Declaration on the state sovereignty of the republic. This led to an open conflict between the USSR and the RSFSR.

On December 12, 1991, the 1922 Treaty on the Formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was denounced by the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. Currently, lawyers are challenging the legality of this act, since it is not one hundred percent.

On December 26, 1991, the USSR ceases to exist, and the Russian Federation becomes the successor and successor.

It was on December 25, 1991 that the RSFSR ceased to exist. In 1991, a turning point came not only for Russians, but for all residents of the former Soviet republics. First, the CIS (Union of Independent States) was organized, but the heads of the newly formed sovereign states began to show ardent independence from the Russian Federation, which led to the termination of the partnership.

Stalingrad was renamed Volgograd in November 1961 by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. The decree was signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Presidium N. Organov and S. Orlov. The city bore the name of the "leader of the peoples" for 36 years. Its original name is Tsaritsyn.


The first mention of the city of Tsaritsyn in documents dates back to 1589, the period of Fyodor Ivanovich - the son of Ivan the Terrible. The city got its name, apparently, from the river Tsaritsa. The name of the river most likely comes from the distorted Tatar "sari-su" (water) or "sara-chin" (yellow island). According to folk legends recorded in the 19th century by local historian A. Leopoldov, the river is so named after a certain one. Either the daughter of Batu, who was martyred for the Christian faith, or the wife of this Horde king, who loved to walk along the picturesque banks of the steppe river.

In April 1925, Tsaritsyn was renamed Stalingrad. The initiative to rename, as usual, came from local party leaders. In the 1920s, a semi-spontaneous campaign was launched to rename cities named after representatives of the Russian imperial house. The name Tsaritsyn also turned out to be inconvenient. The question was not to rename or not, but in honor of whom to rename. Various versions have been put forward. So, it is well known that the prominent Sergei Konstantinovich Minin, one of the leaders of the defense of Tsaritsyn from the "whites" during the civil war, sought to rename the city to Miningrad. As a result, local party leaders, headed by the secretary of the provincial committee Boris Petrovich Shedolbaev, decided to give the city the name of Stalin. Iosif Vissarionovich himself, judging by the surviving documents, was not very enthusiastic about this idea.

The city received its current name Volgograd in 1961 during the "de-Stalinization" campaign. Then it was considered ideologically correct to get rid of geographical, reminiscent of the "leader". The choice to give the city a new name was not obvious. It was proposed to rename it to Geroisk, Boygorodsk, Leningrad-on-Volga and Khrushchevsk. The point of view that "the hero-city and the mighty river on which it is located should merge into one" prevailed. Immediately after the removal of N.S. Khrushchev from the leadership of the state, initiatives began to appear to return the name of Stalingrad. Supporters of this idea, of which there are many, in a similar way want to perpetuate the heroism of Soviet soldiers in the Battle of Stalingrad, which turned the tide of World War II.

Helpful advice


  • Tsaritsyn, Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron
  • Leopoldov A. Historical sketch of the Saratov region
  • Miningrad - a city that could be
  • Renaming Volgograd

Fundamental changes in the life of the country at the turn of the 80-90s, which led to the collapse of the USSR, the separation of many republics and the formation of a new state system, required the development and approval of a new constitution of the Russian Federation.

Development of a new constitution of the Russian Federation

At the I Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR, which took place in 1990, the Constitutional Congress was formed. In four months of work, the committee prepared and published the first new Constitution.

The constituent laws established in the ancient Greek policies, as a rule, by special legislators, of which the laws of Cleisthenes and Solon in Athens are most famous, are considered the prototypes of modern constitutions.

There were several drafts themselves, they were partially adopted, finalized and submitted for consideration by the deputies, and only in April 1992, at the VI Congress of People's Deputies of Russia, was the general reform and the main points of the editorial board of the Constitutional Commission approved. The practice of broad discussion had a positive effect on the progress, but the people's representatives could not find agreement on the issue of delimitation of powers between the executive and legislative bodies. Therefore, none of the subsequent congresses failed to adopt a new constitution.

Over the course of several years, along with the draft of the Constitutional Commission, other alternative Constitutions of the Federation were developed, which were also submitted to the deputies for consideration and discussed with the public. The draft approved by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation was made public in May 1993.

The referendum is a guarantor of high legitimacy

In June 1993, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the Constitutional was convened, which completed the preparatory process of work on the draft of the new Constitution of Russia. The forum brought together about 250 delegates from the highest state authorities and representatives of the public. The participants discussed the draft Constitution of the Russian Federation, which was submitted by the President, the draft Constitutional Commission of the Congress of People's Deputies, as well as other proposals. A month later, the commission terminated its own, and on July 12, 1993, a compromise was approved. The confrontation between the executive and legislative powers in August-September 1993 aggravated the political crisis in the government. This development of the situation led to the fact that the draft was submitted by the President to a national referendum. According to the results of the referendum, 58.4% voted for the adoption of the project, which amounted to about 55% of the total number of registered voters.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation of 1993 came into force on the day of its publication in Rossiyskaya Gazeta - December 25, 1993.

On December 12, 1993, the first Constitution in the history of Russia was adopted, the fate of which was decided at a national referendum, which determines the high level of its legitimacy.


  • Development and adoption of the Constitution of the Russian Federation in 2019

The Bolsheviks, having come to power, almost immediately issued a decree on the introduction of a state monopoly on foreign exchange transactions. This meant that the rates of foreign currencies in the USSR were set only by the State Bank. Currency transactions within the country were reduced to a minimum, and the official dollar exchange rate was tightly controlled by the state.

The Soviet ruble was a closed currency, and throughout the entire period of the existence of the USSR, it was possible to exchange rubles for dollars only at the official rate. Moreover, for citizens such an exchange was fraught with significant difficulties and was allowed only in exceptional cases.

Rules for the circulation of foreign currency in the USSR

Since all settlements on the territory of the USSR were carried out exclusively in rubles, only the State Bank had the right to sell foreign currency to citizens and redeem it from them. Other organizations could carry out similar operations only with his written permission. An exception was made only for Beryozka special foreign trade stores, where trade for dollars and Vneshposyltorg checks was allowed.

Only citizens leaving on foreign business trips or tourist trips could buy dollars, and only a limited amount was allowed to convert. Naturally, the exchange was carried out at officially established rates, which were published daily in the media.

How did the official and real dollar exchange rate compare in the USSR

In 1918, the US dollar was worth 31.25 rubles, the revolution and civil war tens of thousands of times the ruble. After the monetary reform of 1924, the dollar began to cost 2.22 rubles.

Until 1936, the dollar devalued against the ruble to the level of 1.15 rubles. After the establishment of the official rate of 1 ruble for 3 French francs, the dollar began to cost 5 rubles. This ratio lasted until the monetary reform of 1961, when the official exchange rate of the ruble was 90 kopecks per 1 dollar.

In the 1960s and 1990s, the official exchange rate of the dollar was gradually declining, keeping around the mark of 60 kopecks, but it was impossible to freely buy the American currency at this price. Currency exchange was a criminal offense under Article 88 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR and similar articles in the codes of other Soviet republics.

The measures set out in the Criminal Code were harsh: speculation in currency values ​​was punishable by imprisonment for a term of 3 to 15 years, confiscation of property, exile up to 5 years. If transactions with foreign currency were carried out on an especially large scale, the defendant could also be sentenced to death. Despite this, the black currency market flourished. In Moscow, for example, knowledgeable people knew where and how to buy US dollars from black market traders at a price of 3-4 rubles per 1 dollar.

In 1991, the State Bank began selling dollars at a commercial rate of 1.75 rubles. per dollar, but on the black market the price of the dollar jumped to 30-43 rubles. In mid-1992, the currency monopoly was abolished, and the dollar began to be set by market methods.

The 1990s saw significant changes in Europe and Asia. The largest country, the Soviet Union, collapsed. The so-called “socialist camp”, that is, a group of countries that once signed the Warsaw Pact, also collapsed. The states that were called "countries of people's democracy" appeared on the world map after the Second World War.

You will need

  • - pre-war political map of the world;
  • - post-war political map of the world.


The treaty of the USSR was signed on December 30, 1922. It was signed by the RSFSR, the Ukrainian and Belarusian Soviet Socialist Republics and the Transcaucasian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, which included Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan. These new a appeared on part of the territory of pre-revolutionary Russia. But some countries that gained independence during the Great October Revolution did not join. These are countries such as Poland, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Gdansk, which had previously belonged to Germany, became a free city.

As for Europe, after the First World War, Austro-Hungarian broke up into several countries. Austria, Hungary, Czechoslovakia and several Balkan states appeared on its territory, which later became the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

The formation of new states also took place in the Far East. In particular, almost simultaneously with the Soviet Union, the Mongolian People's Republic appeared on the world. At that time, Tuva and Buryatia existed as separate states, which joined the Soviet Union in the 1930s and became part of the RSFSR as autonomies.

The redistribution of Europe began shortly before the Second World War. The Baltic countries and Moldova joined the Soviet Union. The territories of Ukraine and Belarus have changed - they included the western territories that were previously part of Poland. As for the Soviet Union itself, there were sixteen union republics in its composition in the last pre-war years: the RSFSR Ukrainian, Belarusian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Estonian, Azerbaijan, Armenian, Georgian, Moldavian, Kazakh, Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen, Kirghiz and Karelian Finnish Soviet socialist republics. Subsequently, the Karelian-Finnish SSR became part of the RSFSR on the rights of autonomy.

The main changes after World War II took place in Europe. In fact, three states were formed on the territory of Germany - the FRG, the GDR and West Berlin. The territory of the GDR was controlled by the Soviet Union, the FRG and West Berlin were in the zone of responsibility of the allies, that is, England, France and the United States.

The RSFSR is the name of the Russian Federation that existed until 1991. The abbreviation is fully deciphered as follows: Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. This name appeared in the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, adopted under Joseph Stalin. At the same time, the names Russian Federation and Russia were unofficially used.

First socialist state

The RSFSR is the first socialist state in the world. Its formation was announced immediately after the victory of the October Revolution in 1917. After the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was officially formed in 1922, the RSFSR became part of it as one of the sovereign republics along with the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Kazakh and others.

At the same time, it was the most populated and the largest, and had the greatest economic potential. More than half of the entire population of the USSR lived in the RSFSR, half of agricultural production and two-thirds of industrial production were concentrated.

Since 1991, the RSFSR has been the only official successor to the USSR. On December 25, the country received its current name - the Russian Federation, or Russia.

How did the RSFSR appear?

The formation of the RSFSR is associated with the victory of the Bolsheviks in the Great October Revolution. One of the first resolutions of the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets was the proclamation of the Russian Soviet Republic.

The RSFSR (deciphering the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic) is a state that was formed when the Declaration of the Rights of Workers, written by Vladimir Lenin, was adopted at the Third Congress of Soviets, held in Petrograd. In particular, it stated that the Russian Soviet Republic would henceforth become a federation of Soviet national republics.

In March 1918, the Soviets established their dominance over most of the country. On March 12, Moscow was officially declared the capital.

In July of the same year, another significant event took place - the adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR. The decoding of the abbreviation at that time was not yet known to everyone. It was in the Constitution that the official name was fixed - the Russian Socialist Federative Soviet Republic.

In the first months, the new state lacked a lot: there was no anthem, coat of arms and, most importantly, the Constitution. The state was even called differently in various documents. All this led to ridiculous incidents. For example, several deputy councils could exist on the same territory at once, and often they made conflicting decisions.

And individual provinces sometimes proclaimed themselves separate independent republics.

Recognition in the international arena

At first, the world community refused to recognize the new state. The first contact at the international level took place in the last days of 1917. The first Soviet republic was recognized by Finland, whose independence from the Russian Empire was recognized by the Soviet government headed by Vladimir Lenin. The document was signed by Finnish Prime Minister Per Evind Svinhufvud, who later became president.

The second independence of the young state was recognized by Germany.

RSFSR within the USSR

On the eve of 1923, a declaration was approved, which included an agreement on the formation of the USSR. The RSFSR on it united with the Ukrainian, Byelorussian SSR and the Transcaucasian Federation. It was in this composition that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was born.

Throughout the existence of the Soviet Union, the borders of the RSFSR have repeatedly changed. In 1924, the Turkestan, Uzbek, Turkmen and Tajik SSRs were formed.

The highest authority in the RSFSR

The Central Executive Committee was the highest authority in the RSFSR. He performed legislative, administrative and supervisory functions. The new composition of the committee was chosen at each Congress of Soviets.

Lev Kamenev was elected the first chairman in 1917. Later this position was held by Yakov Sverdlov, Mikhail Vladimirsky and Mikhail Kalinin. This system was changed in 1937 after the adoption of the "Stalinist Constitution". The All-Russian Central Executive Committee was abolished, its place was taken by the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR.

In the RSFSR, whose years of existence fell on the period from 1917 to 1991, the Supreme Council was the legislative body. The Constitution of 1978 was amended, according to which the Council could consider any issue within the competence of the Russian Republic. For example, to approve their own constitution, to create autonomous republics and regions in their composition, to approve plans for state and economic development.

A number of significant changes were approved as a result of the constitutional reform during perestroika - the council became bicameral.

Congress of People's Deputies

In 1989, the main body of state power was approved, which was elected by the people. It consisted of 1068 deputies from each territorial district.

The congress was authorized to make decisions on all issues related to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR. His exclusive right was to determine the composition of the Supreme Council and the chairman, to adopt a constitution and amendments to it, to approve the prosecutor general of the republic, to determine judges, and to resolve many other issues.

The president

In 1991, it was decided to popularly elect the president of the RSFSR for a period of 5 years. This post was approved in a referendum held in 1991. Boris Yeltsin became the first and only president.

His powers included the issuance of decrees that had to be executed on the territory of the USSR and the RSFSR, he had a special right to unilaterally suspend the actions of decrees issued by the executive authorities if they contradicted the laws or the constitution of the RSFSR.

The first elections were held on June 12, 1991. 6 candidates took part in the voting. Each of them also proposed a vice-presidential candidacy. Turnout was very high, ballots were sent to the ballot box by almost 77 percent of the population.

The last sixth place was taken by non-partisan Vadim Bakatin, who previously held the post of head of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. He received the support of less than three million voters, gaining more than three percent of the vote.

The fifth was the candidate from the Communist Party of the RSFSR Albert Makashov. His result was only a few tenths of a percent better than Bakatin's. Makashov is a career military man, retired Colonel General.

Fourth place went to another non-partisan candidate - Aman Tuleev, chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Executive Committee. He was supported by almost 7 percent of voters - about five and a half million people.

The top three was closed by the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union Vladimir Zhirinovsky. One of the political centenarians, who is still involved in political life, regularly runs for the presidency. More than 6 million people voted for him, which is slightly less than 8% of the total number of voters.

The second place belongs to another candidate of the Communist Party of the RSFS, Nikolai Ryzhkov. He received almost 17%. Boris Yeltsin, a representative of the Democratic Russia Party, won a landslide victory. 57% of voters voted for him, this is more than 45 million people.

29.11.2016 04:43

We receive a myriad of questions on the topic of issuing a temporary residence permit outside the birth quota. For some reason, not everyone knows about the difference between the USSR and the RSFSR. And they complain - "the inspector is a fool, he did not accept my documents." Let's see if the inspector is a fool?

What the law tells us:

Without taking into account the quota approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, a temporary residence permit may be issued to a foreign citizen:

1) who was born on the territory of the RSFSR and was a citizen of the USSR in the past or was born on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The key phrase here - born on the territory of the RSFSR. What is the RSFSR? Now it will become clear.

The USSR - the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics - was the largest state in the world. It occupied almost a sixth of the land. The Union consisted of several republics. At the time of the collapse in 1991, there were 15 of them. On the map (top), each republic is highlighted in its own color.

Republics of the USSR in alphabetical order:

Azerbaijan SSR (AzSSR)

Armenian SSR (ArmSSR)

Byelorussian SSR (BSSR)

Georgian SSR (GruzSSR)

Kazakh SSR (KazSSR)

Kirghiz SSR (Kyrgyz SSR)

Latvian SSR (Latvian SSR)

Lithuanian SSR (LitSSR)

Moldavian SSR (MoldSSR)


Tajik SSR (Tajik SSR)

Turkmen SSR (TurSSR)

Uzbek SSR (UzSSR)

Ukrainian SSR (Ukrainian SSR)

Estonian SSR (ESSR)

As you can see, the RSFSR was one of the republics. Roughly speaking, this is the territory of modern Russia. On the map, it is indicated in red-pink color (number 10).

Now you need to take your birth certificate and carefully read what is written in the line Place of birth - republic.

In this certificate, the place of birth is the RSFSR. The owner of such a certificate can apply for a TRP outside the quota

This man's certificate says that he was born in the republic of the Ukrainian SSR. Therefore, he will not be able to apply for a TRP by birth outside the quota


To apply for a temporary residence permit outside the birth quota, it is not enough to be born in the USSR. It is necessary that the certificate indicate that you were born in the RSFSR.


Can I apply for a TRP outside the quota if I was born in the USSR?

Can I apply for a TRP outside the quota if I was born in the Ukrainian SSR?

Can I apply for TRP outside the quota if I was born in the Armenian SSR?

Can I apply for TRP outside the birth quota if I was born in the ESSR / BSSR / KirSSR / KazSSR.....?
No, no and NO

Can I apply for a TRP outside the quota if I was born in the RSFSR?

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