How to host a round table. Round table, discussion, debate


“Truth is born in a dispute” - this Latin proverb very clearly characterizes the human essence. Heated debates, debates and discussions, apparently, have been going on since ancient times, when a person only learned to speak. A round table (event) is a place where you can and should speak.

Valiant knights and great orators

The inhabitants of the primitive communal system could hardly boast of an organized conversation, but already at a later time, when world civilization reached a new, higher quality level, debates became an art. In educational institutions, it was customary to study not only science and literacy, oratory was a separate discipline.

Such a phenomenon as a round table (event) is not just a designation of a process. An equal way of communication, which involves a conversation in this format, according to legend, was founded by the folklore hero King Arthur. There is no reliable information confirming the existence of a real person with that name, nevertheless, the story about him and his knights sitting at a round table is loved not only by the British, but by the whole world.

Who needs a round table?

Numerous discussion clubs very vividly prove how necessary such a round table is. This event involves a conversation according to certain rules, within the established framework and a given format. At all times, it was customary in society to bring the discussion of controversial issues to the public. This manifestation of democracy in our time is increasingly common. Conferences are held for a variety of reasons. Business issues, scientific conferences, political debates and many other issues are resolved through collective discussion.

Still, one should not think that such an event is available only to great businessmen and politicians. Very often round table meetings take place in educational institutions of all levels. Even the standard “five-minute” at work is a kind of round table. True, in this version, the message of an equal conversation is slightly distorted, nevertheless, everyone can speak.

Round? Or maybe rectangular? Square?

Round table (event) is a phrase that in the twentieth century acquired the meaning of a term that defines the generally accepted format of conferences, meetings at various levels.

The table, its shape, the seating of the participants, the presence in the hall of other attributes of the board, multimedia equipment) depend on the purpose of the meeting.

A conversation at a round table will take place in the most relaxed and equal atmosphere. If the event still involves a leader, a host, then it is more expedient to use a negotiating table of square, rectangular or U-shaped shapes. Then it is headed by a leader or chairman. When a conversation requires a more active process, for example, speakers need to be on the move, have access to everyone present for a personal conversation, transferring data, documents to him, it is necessary to use a table installed with the letter U with an open passage where conference participants can move freely.

Basic Rules

In general, different formats imply different options. A lot depends on whether there is a leader among the participants. It does not have to be announced as such for everyone's attention. But understanding that a certain person has more influence and power is an indicator of his authority and influence on the assembly. Often such a person (vowel or undeclared leader) is seated at the head of the table, and the seating of other participants occurs according to the principle "the more important, the closer." That is, people close to the leader sit next to him. The deputy, the second person in the organization after the boss, is located on the right hand.

Holding conferences involves the order and adherence to the schedule, the rules of the event. Keynote speeches are scheduled. They, in turn, are obliged to make their report as informative, logical and concise as possible. The remarks that the participants wish to make can be made only with the permission of the leader and when the speaker has finished his speech.

How to organize a round table?

The round table is organized with a certain purpose. Most often it consists in solving certain problems. To achieve a positive result, it is necessary to develop a round table scenario.

A well-executed event has a certain sequence of events. What are the main stages to break the conference?

Introduction. This stage assumes that the leader or organizer of the whole process will familiarize those present with the purpose of the meeting, as well as introduce themselves, guests, participants, lecturers. After that, the next stage begins.

Introduction to the subject matter. At this point, the roundtable facilitator briefly explains the issues and the first discussion takes place. Collectively, the participants must find out all the "problem areas", discuss the priority tasks and fully get into the know.

Further, each of the participants can express their arguments, arguments, opinions on how to get out of this or that situation. It is at this point that the most desperate discussions and disputes take place. The host of the event is simply obliged to return the participants to a peaceful direction and the topic of conversation.

When all opinions have been expressed, it is time to make decisions and draw conclusions. This final stage becomes the apotheosis of the event and its result.

There are no losers in a discussion, and no winners in a dispute, as B. Toyshibekov said. A constructive dialogue will always lead people to a common point of view and will allow them to find a way out of the most difficult situation, and the round table will help them in this.

Round tables is one of the most popular formats for scientific events. In fact, the Round Table is a platform for discussion of a limited number of people (usually no more than 25 people; by default, experts, respected specialists in a particular field).

But you should not use the concept of "round table" as a synonym for the concepts of "discussion", "controversy", "dialogue". It is not right. Each of them has its own content, and it only partly coincides with the content of others. "Round table" is a form of organizing the exchange of opinions. What will be the nature of the exchange of views, this term does not indicate. In contrast, the concept of “discussion” implies that during, for example, a “round table”, its participants not only make presentations on some issue, but also exchange remarks, clarify each other’s positions, etc. Within the framework of the discussion, free exchange of opinions (open discussion of professional problems). “Controversy” is a special type of discussion, during which some participants try to refute, “destroy” their opponents. "Dialogue", in turn, is a type of speech characterized by situationality (dependence on the situation of the conversation), contextuality (conditionality of previous statements), a low degree of organization, involuntary and unplanned nature.

Purpose of the Round Table - to provide the participants with the opportunity to express their point of view on the problem under discussion, and in the future to formulate either a common opinion, or to clearly distinguish between the different positions of the parties.

Organizational features of round tables:

    relative cheapness of holding in comparison with other "open" formats of events;

    lack of a rigid structure, rules of conduct. That is, the organizer has practically no tools for direct influence on the program (you cannot force guests to say what the organizers need), but only indirect ones. For example, it is possible to divide the entire discussion into several semantic blocks, thereby formalizing the structure of the event, but everything that happens within these blocks depends entirely on the leading Round Table; . significant restrictions in terms of the number of visitors;

    intimacy of the event.

Moderation (maintenance).

The key element of any Round Table is moderation. The term "moderation" comes from the Italian "moderare" and means "softening", "restraint", "moderation", "curbing". The moderator is the moderator of the round table. In the modern sense, moderation is understood as a technique for organizing communication, thanks to which group work becomes more focused and structured.

Leader's task- not just to announce the composition of the participants, designate the main topics of the event and start the Round Table, but to keep in your hands everything that happens from beginning to end.

Rules for the participants of the round table:

    the participant must be an expert on the topic under discussion;

    you should not agree to participate in the Round Table just for the sake of the fact of participation.

    Stages of preparation of round tables:

    1. Choice of topic. Here the general rule should be taken into account: the more specifically the topic is formulated, the better. In addition, the topic should be of interest to the audience.

    2. Selection of a presenter (moderator) and his preparation. The moderator must possess such qualities as communication skills, artistry, intelligence. Personal charm and a sense of tact are also important.

    3.Selection of participants and selection of experts of the Round Table. The essence of any Roundtable is to attempt to "brainstorm" on a specific problem and find answers to some important questions. To do this, it is necessary to gather in one place people who have the necessary knowledge on the problem that requires coverage. These people are called experts or specialists. The initiator needs to identify potential experts who could give qualified answers to questions that arise in the framework of the discussion of the announced topic of the Round Table.

    5. Preparation of a questionnaire for the Round Table participants - the purpose of the survey is to quickly and without spending a lot of time and money to get an objective idea of ​​the opinion of the Round Table participants on the issues discussed. Questioning can be continuous (in which all participants of the Round Table are surveyed) or selective (in which some of the participants of the Round Table are surveyed).

    6. Preparation of a preliminary resolution of the Round Table. The draft final document should include a statement that lists the issues that were discussed by the Round Table participants. The resolution may contain specific recommendations to libraries, methodological centers, management bodies at various levels, developed during the discussion or decisions that can be implemented through certain activities, indicating the deadlines for their implementation and those responsible.

Methodology for the Round Table.

The round table is opened by the moderator. He represents the participants in the discussion, directs its course, monitors the rules, which are determined at the beginning of the discussion, summarizes the results, summarizes constructive proposals. Discussion within the framework of the Round Table should be constructive and should not be limited, on the one hand, to reports on the work done, and, on the other hand, only to critical speeches. Messages should be short, no more than 10-12 minutes. The draft final document is announced at the end of the discussion (discussion), additions, changes, and amendments are made to it.

Round table options:

    The first option - the participants make presentations, then they are discussed. At the same time, the leader takes a relatively modest part in the meeting - distributes the time for speeches, gives the floor to the participants in the discussion.

    The second option - the host interviews the participants of the Round Table or puts forward abstracts for discussion. In this case, he makes sure that all the participants speak, "keeps" the course of discussion in line with the main problem, for the sake of which the meeting at the "round table" was organized. This way of holding the Round Table is of greater interest to the audience. But it requires more skill and deep knowledge of the “nuances” of the problem under discussion from the leader.

    The third option is "methodical gatherings." The organization of such a round table has its own characteristics. For discussion, questions are proposed that are essential for solving some key tasks of the educational process. The topic of discussion is not announced in advance. In this case, the skill of the host of the Round Table is to invite listeners in a relaxed atmosphere to a frank conversation on the issue under discussion and lead them to certain conclusions. The purpose of such "gatherings" is to form the correct point of view on a particular pedagogical problem; creation of a favorable psychological climate in this group of students.

    The fourth option is "methodical dialogue". Within the framework of this form of the Round Table, the listeners get acquainted with the topic of discussion in advance, receive theoretical homework. A methodical dialogue is conducted on a specific problem between the facilitator and listeners or between groups of listeners. The driving force of the dialogue is the culture of communication and the activity of the listeners. Of great importance is the overall emotional atmosphere, which allows you to evoke a sense of inner unity. In conclusion, a conclusion is made on the topic, a decision is made on further joint actions.

Presentation of materials of the Round table.

The most common options for publishing the results of round table discussions are as follows:

    a brief (reduced) summary of all the speeches of the Round Table participants. In this case, the most important is selected. The text is given on behalf of the participants in the form of direct speech. At the same time, the host of the Round Table should discuss with the speakers what exactly will be selected for printing from each speech. These rules dictate ethical requirements that must always be observed when working with authors of texts.

    general summary extracted from the various interventions made during the discussion. In fact, these are general conclusions on the material that was heard during the conversation or discussion of the Round Table.

    a complete summary of all the participants' presentations.

In the process of organizing an event in the round table format, a large number of nuances must be taken into account. After all, communication at such a table implies the maximum openness of the participants to each other and their readiness for dialogue. Therefore, for an effective "round table" it is necessary first of all to take care of choosing the right room. It should be spacious and bright enough so that each participant of the event can feel comfortable enough.

You also need to think about what the hall will be like. Often flowers are placed in the middle. In some cases, the center of the table is given over to demonstration screens that will duplicate the text of the speech.

Don't forget the details too. Prepare in advance signs with the names of the participants of the event. Immediately determine who and where will sit. Decide this taking into account the views and interests of those present. So, for example, you should not place people next to each other who have diametrically opposed views on the same event - you will not succeed in anything but conflict.

Place glasses of water on the table according to the number of participants in the event. Also lay out clean sheets of paper and writing utensils.

For the convenience of speakers, prepare a projector, a DVD player and (you can have a laptop) that will be connected to the screen. All this is necessary so that you can demonstrate visual materials in the process of speaking.

Select the person who will lead the event. His tasks include the process. This presenter must clearly respond to the situation, master the topic of the event, be able to insert the right question in time or translate the conversation into a more peaceful direction, in case of a collision of rivals who are irreconcilable on a particular issue.

It is necessary to prepare a number of questions on the topic of the event. Suddenly, the conversation “sags” somewhere and it will be necessary to help the audience. For this, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the topic of the conversation in advance and work out the smallest details related to it.

Of course, take into account the fact that the round table meeting must be interrupted at least once for a coffee break. It should also be prepared in advance. Such a pause does not imply a hearty lunch, so you need to organize canapes, caviar tartlets, cookies, sandwiches, as well as tea and coffee. The more spiritually you organize a “snack” break, the easier it will be for you to make some kind of common decision during the entire meeting.

And don't forget to close the event. The final meeting must be thought out very carefully. It can be an award for all participants, and someone alone. The final word of the organizer of the "round table" can be used as a conclusion.

“I have seen the round table principle in action in the schools I have visited and have been impressed by the difference”

"Round table"

Move the tables (desks) and seat the students in a circle. Make sure the circle is in the correct shape so that everyone can see everyone's face. The teacher is part of the circle and sits on the same chair or stool as everyone else. This helps alert you to anything special that might be happening in the classroom; in this case, the teacher is an intermediary, not a leader.

The ideal number of children is between six and eighteen; if there are more, then conversations become burdensome. It is also necessary to establish ground rules. I recommend using the minimum amount, but the following three rules are mandatory.

I recommend taking the time to prepare the classroom for the round table. Take a roll of duct tape, which sticks quickly and easily to the floor. In the formed circle, you can put chairs or stools.

How to hold a round table?

Only one person can speak at a time.

No one is obliged to speak if he does not want to.

No one is allowed to be rude or unkind.

Have a conversation with younger students, for example about a bear. The one who has the bear in his hands is the narrator. When the toy is passed, the child holding it becomes the next storyteller (a pillow or any other object can be used instead of the bear). The object of the conversation is passed around the circle, and the only person who is allowed to speak is the one who holds it in his hands. This maintains order and prevents everyone from talking at the same time. It also gives any shy child a chance to join in the conversation.

“The qualitative model of the “round table” transforms closed, negatively minded teams. It will help all adults and children fight bullying in schools, destructive behavior and bad relationships. This program should be at the heart of the new teaching strategy.”

Where to start and where to end?

Start the roundtable with a game to break the ice and stimulate listening skills. As you move further into a guided discussion, start with a neutral topic such as "My favorite weekend activity."

"Round table" can also be used to work on a particular problem. For example, if a group of younger students engage in a bullying process, then this behavior could be discussed openly in a close circle. Another example would be the following: when a student is excluded from a group due to incompatibility of opinion; a roundtable discussion could be held that would focus on the human right to be different and not like everyone else. This can be done in such a way as not to draw attention to the excluded person, but to make the rest of the children think about the reasons for the isolation.

And in conclusion, I want to say: always finish the work of the “round table” correctly. Think about what you can use as a signal of the end. Some teachers use relaxation or stretching exercises while others read a short poem.

"Round table" against school bullying

The benefit of a round table is that it facilitates helping and respectful attitudes at school, improves communication skills and helps children develop their self-esteem and self-confidence. The method also promotes the development of citizenship, teaches democracy and problem solving, and nourishes creativity. In addition, the "round table" increases the effectiveness and efficiency of the education system and supports the school staff.

The Roundtable is already regularly used in many schools in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and the US and plays an important role in the prevention of school bullying. The application of the method helps adolescents develop skills such as the ability to listen and empathize. The round table contributes to the development of a sense of respect for other people and an individual sense of self-worth. The method allows for the creation of a mini-forum within which the nature and consequences of bullying can be considered, and can also be used to collectively develop an anti-bullying policy system to which all members of the school community contribute.

Round table - traditional business discussion. The round table, for all its democratic nature, contains elements of organization and assumes the following principles:

  • There are no clearly defined positions, but only participants in the discussion of the controversial issue.
  • · All positions are equal, and no one has the right to be superior to others.
  • · The purpose of the round table is to bring out ideas and opinions about the problem or dispute under discussion.

Based on the agreements, the roundtable leads to results that are new agreements.

General discussion rules:

  • 1. There is no discussion without a key question.
  • 2. The round table assumes a key issue in the form of an agenda.
  • 3. The key issue must be agreed in advance with all interested participants in the discussion.
  • 4. The nature of the discussion of the "round table" - a speech is an expression of one's own opinion;
  • 5. Criticism is practically unacceptable here, since everyone has the right to express their point of view. Ideas are criticized, not individuals; criticism should be constructive, not destructive, loyal, not personal.

Round table - voicing problems and finding out the opinions of various parties involved in their solution. With unprofessional conduct, this event often leads to a "bazaar" and exacerbation of existing contradictions. Therefore, to conduct a round table, skills and techniques for organizing the discussion process are needed.

It is of great importance. Much depends on the purpose of the round table and the severity of the problem that is being condemned. Of course, the participants in the discussion should be, first of all, representatives of the "involved" parties. These are people and organizations that are (or should, but are not) involved in solving the problems discussed. In order for the discussion to be effective, it is necessary to gather the maximum possible number of carriers of different points of view, to unite all the parties involved, representatives of the public, administration, business, etc. Each group has its own rules:

  • If invited to the round table government official, then you should not promise the rest of the participants that he will come. First, he may not come. Secondly, those who are interested in this particular person, and not in discussion, will come. The focus of the round table can be shifted.
  • · If invited business representative, then it is necessary to foresee the situation with the possible importunity of the participants with requests for funding of certain types of activities. At other times, representatives of firms may refuse to take part in the discussion because of this.
  • · Concerning mass media First of all, you need to decide whether to invite them or not. If the discussion is about voicing all the problems, trying to understand each other and discussing solutions, then it might be better not to invite the media. For this kind of round table, an atmosphere of freedom and openness is needed, and the press always "fetters" people, not everything can be said in the presence of the media, knowing that it can be voiced on television or in the press. As a rule, the media are invited in order to convey the very fact of the discussion or its results to certain organizations and / or the population. Another point that matters - do you invite the media to cover the event, or participate in the discussion? This must be indicated in the invitation, otherwise the journalist will come for half an hour, collect the necessary information for a story or article and leave.

There should not be random people on the round table. When inviting participants, you need to proceed from certain criteria: the participant is related to this problem; he has something to say (possession of information, figures, facts, etc.); he is ready to solve the problem constructively. Since the round table is an event that is always limited in time, extra people, non-constructive, "empty" conversations will "eat up" the time.

Preparatory stage:

  • Definition of the topic and purpose of the round table
  • · Selection of participants
  • Planning the content of the event
  • Planning of organizational issues and the technical side of the event

The development of the content of the round table includes the definition of the name

(which will appear in all documents, press releases, etc.), goals (will also be declared everywhere), the list of participants, the need to invite the media and experts. The content part determines the parameters of the discussion: what aspects will be discussed (the logic of the development of the topic), then the main information blocks are built on this. The next step is to determine the rules for organizing the discussion process: to whom and in what sequence the floor will be given, the time limit for speaking, how questions will be asked - a block of questions and answers can be put after each information block, or after each speech, who will be asked questions - a speaker or a friend friend / all participants in the discussion. At the stage of preparing a round table, attention should be paid to the beginning of each information block - where each new block begins - with a speech, a short message on a given topic, an example, or a provocative question (seed).

To have an effective discussion, it is important to choose the right leader and clearly delineate his spheres of influence. The task of the facilitator is to help the participants discuss the problem effectively and constructively. If the facilitator knows the topic well and has useful information for discussion, then he / she can also act as an expert. The role of the facilitator should be determined at the preparation stage and announced to those present at the very beginning of the discussion.

In the process of holding a round table, the facilitator should strictly adhere to his role, in no case use his position to speak himself or give the floor to the same people, and in general, the facilitator should be "as little as possible". His behavior as a whole can be described as neutral, tactful, unobtrusive. The facilitator must constantly monitor the timetable, sum up the intermediate results of the discussion, find out, summarize, ask leading or provocative questions if the discussion fades, and also translate the flaring emotional discussion into a constructive channel.

The main stage is conducting a round table

Where does the round table start?

  • 1. The host calls the topic, goal, rules of discussion, rules of speech. It is possible to stipulate issues that will not be discussed within the framework of this event.
  • 2. Then the facilitator introduces the participants or invites them to introduce themselves (this is beneficial if the facilitator is an outsider and does not know the people who take part in the event, and also if the participants have complicated names, surnames or names of organizations).
  • 3. Next, the facilitator calls the first block of discussion. As a rule, after this there is silence, it is necessary to give people a little time. If the discussion still does not occur, then you can ask a few additional (pre-prepared questions).

When and how to intervene

The facilitator should intervene in the discussion in order to:

  • stimulate discussion of the issue that you think is important (for example, "Does everyone agree with this?");
  • · "Protect" part of the group, which is aggressively "attacked" by another. At the same time, it is not at all necessary that the leader speaks "for" or "against" one of them. Just in this situation, it is worth recalling that the participants of the round table have different points of view, and everyone has the right to this. The purpose of the round table is to exchange views, and not to bring them "to the same denominator";
  • Include in the discussion people who would like to speak, but cannot do so due to non-compliance with the procedure by other participants;
  • · to respond to comments based on conjectures, not facts ("Can you confirm this with facts?") In this case, the presenter can provide reliable information (if he has it);
  • Find out the opinion of the other participants on the issue or argument (“Does everyone share this point of view?”);
  • · "provoke" a discussion from a different point of view ("And if you look at the problem ...");
  • ask additional questions in order to expand / deepen / change the topic under discussion;
  • stimulate discussion ("How do you feel about this?" "Do you all agree with this?")
  • · Remind the participants of the facts that they have not yet taken into account in the discussion.

If one of the issues discussed is of fundamental importance for the participants and it takes more time than originally planned, then the program of the round table can be changed, but subject to the consent of all participants.

Methods of "intervention" in the discussion

There are six main methods of intervention in the discussion, the application of which depends on the specific situation.

  • 1. Controlling. The facilitator determines the course of the discussion and the time required for a particular issue. For example, "And now, let's continue the discussion ...". "On this, we can complete the discussion of this issue ...".
  • 2. Informational. The facilitator provides information that may be useful in discussing the issue. Information can be not only statistics, but also theory, trends, practical examples.
  • 3. Confrontational. The host "breaks" stereotypes, traditional opinions, attitudes, etc.

This intervention should not look aggressive. To do this, you should start with the words "Why not ...?". You need to be prepared for a defensive reaction from the audience, since in this case certain values, views, and beliefs of specific people are affected.

  • 4. Overwhelming. If emotions have accumulated during the discussion, then you need to remove them. The deeper the emotions, the more difficult it is to deal with them. If the facilitator has no experience in managing this kind of situation, it is better to do nothing.
  • 5. Catalytic. It is used to summarize what has been said, analyze opinions, sum up an intermediate result, etc.
  • 6. supportive. The facilitator in every possible way makes it clear to the participants in the discussion that their opinion is interesting, has value for those present, and deserves attention. The danger in using this method is that the facilitator may either appear to be insincere to the participants or end up in the position of someone who knows the "correct answer".

Summarization / intermediate debriefing

Summarizing is especially useful because it allows you to check the degree of agreement between group members. If the participants do not agree with each other, it is better to reveal this during the discussion than later in the actual activity. If an agreement reached during the discussion is not a real agreement, then it is quite possible that it will not be fulfilled in life after the end of the discussion.

Generalization should be done periodically at certain intervals of time (they can be timed to coincide with different information blocks of the round table), especially if the discussion is designed for a long time or includes different aspects of the topic. When summarizing, you need to say the words that the participants used, and only what you heard, without adding anything new from yourself. It is important to make sure that the group agrees on the main points you have listed. It is not necessary to seek the consent of all participants on the issues discussed. The purpose of the round table is to exchange opinions and, when summarizing / summing up, it is better to identify / state the views and points of view of the group. Even if new questions, topics arise during the discussion, one should not deviate from the program. Be sure to leave enough time to complete the round table and summarize its results. If the round table is difficult to complete, the participants are eager to continue the discussion, then this is a good indicator of the success of the event.

Problems that may arise during the round table, and options for their solution

1. Too many negative opinions are expressed during the discussion.

This often happens when discussing a problem that seriously affects the interests of the participants in the discussion. When such a situation arises, the facilitator should be aware that his / her powers are limited and do not include changing the point of view or beliefs of the people who are participating in the discussion. The host should only state facts, opinions, while remaining as objective as possible. He/she can also take part in the discussion and express his/her opinion or propose a solution to the problem, but under no circumstances should he/she argue with the participants or try to convince them. It is best to allow all participants to express their opinions. Even if the discussion threatens to escalate into a stormy one. This will help "let off steam".

2. The obvious lack of knowledge/experience of the majority of the roundtable participants in the area under discussion.

If such a problem arises, then the discussion cannot be constructive, the participants will easily agree with the first point of view proposed, since there are no others and in order to argue, you need to know the subject. In this situation, it is possible to interrupt the discussion and hold a small session (to present information on the topic, experience or facts), and then continue the discussion.

3. Too emotional discussion of the problem.

The most important thing is to prevent such a situation. And for this you need to follow the rules.

Tightening blocks, performances leads to fatigue, irritation. The optimal time for performances is 3-5 minutes. Leading for comments, remarks - a maximum of 2 minutes. Strict observance of the regulations "keeps" the participants within the framework, and the change of information blocks and, accordingly, aspects and the need to adhere to them also prevents emotions from accumulating. During the round table, the facilitator should ensure that the discussion is not monopolized, and that each participant has the right to speak.

4. Not everyone present takes part in the discussion.

The facilitator should carefully monitor the behavior and reactions of the participants, not allow individual present to monopolize the discussion (“Thank you, we understand your position, and now let's listen to others ...”), give the rest an opportunity to speak (this can be planned in advance, knowing the composition of the participants and contact people in the process of discussion (Among us there is a representative of ..., I think he has something to say on this issue" or: "We know that the solution to this problem also depends on ... I would like to hear the opinion of ...).

Lead Tips:

  • · Throughout the discussion process, the facilitator must constantly control the content, the discussion process and his behavior.
  • · The main job of the roundtable facilitator is to ensure that the participants do not wander off the topic of discussion, to clarify unclear questions and statements, and to ensure that all participants have the opportunity to speak.
  • It is important that all participants in the discussion understand what is being said. As a rule, people from different areas of life, with different professional and life experience, take part in the discussion. The facilitator's task is to ensure that statements and examples are understandable, if terminology is used, then it is familiar to everyone, etc.
  • The behavior of the leader is important. Most often, it is it that “sets the tone” for the discussion.
  • · In addition to the actual discussion process, the leader must control the behavior and mood of the audience.
  • o If the participants start fidgeting, whispering, flipping through papers, etc. These are signs that they are not interested.
  • o If there is silence, then you need to understand what it means - reflection, bewilderment, or people are simply tired and do not want to speak out.
  • o When participants look at the facilitator, it means that they are interested and have good contact. If not, something needs to be done urgently.
  • o How do participants look at each other when they are having a dialogue? If they do not look away, this is an indicator of good contact and a normal environment.
  • o Postures of interested people - slightly leaning forward, towards the interlocutor or leader. Everyone knows the postures and facial expressions of angry or disinterested people.

The technical side of the round table

The room should be bright and spacious (in a stuffy room, people get tired faster, and this is one of the reasons for negative emotions). There are two options for placing people: in a circle (less formal), in the form of a closed or open square. There must be water on the tables. In front of each participant are signs indicating the names, surnames, positions and organizations they represent. Each participant should be given the program of the round table and materials that will be used in the discussion. The media must receive press packages. If possible, participants in the discussion are provided with pens, notepads. Sometimes the results of the discussion are recorded by the organizers using a voice recorder. This allows quotes to be included in a press release or roundtable outcome document.

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