What is the peculiarity of the tyranny of the boar. The image and characteristics of the Kabanikh in the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky: a description of the character, a portrait in quotes


As you know, in classical works and fairy tales there are several types of heroes. In this article we will talk about a pair of antagonist - protagonist. This opposition will be considered on the example of Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky's play "Thunderstorm". The main character of this play, in other words, the protagonist, is a young girl, Katerina Kabanova. She is opposed, that is, she is an antagonist, Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova. On the example of comparisons and analysis of actions, we will give a more complete description of Kabanikh in the play "Thunderstorm".

To begin with, let's turn to the list of characters: Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha) - an old merchant's wife, a widow. Her husband died, so the woman had to raise two children alone, manage the household and take care of business. Agree, it is quite difficult at the present time. Despite the fact that the nickname of the merchant's wife is indicated in brackets, the author never calls her that. The text contains replicas of Kabanova, not Kabanikha. With a similar technique, the playwright wanted to emphasize that people call a woman that among themselves, but they personally treat her with respect.
That is, in fact, the inhabitants of Kalinov do not like this person, but they are afraid of him.

Initially, the reader learns about Marfa Ignatievna from the lips of Kuligin. A self-taught mechanic calls her "a hypocrite who ate all the household." Curly only confirms these words. Then a wanderer, Feklusha, appears on the stage. Her judgment about Kabanikh is just the opposite: a quote. As a result of this disagreement, there is additional interest in this character. Marfa Ignatievna appears on stage already in the first act, and the reader or viewer is given the opportunity to verify the veracity of Kuligin's words.

The boar is not happy with the way her son is behaving. She teaches him to live, despite the fact that the son is already an adult and has been married for a long time. Marfa Ignatievna shows herself as a grumpy domineering woman. Her sister-in-law Katerina behaves differently. In general, it is quite interesting to trace the similarities and differences between these characters throughout the play.

In theory, both Kabanikha and Katerina should love Tikhon. For one he is a son, for another he is a husband. However, neither Katya nor Marfa Ignatievna have true love for Tikhon. Katya pities her husband, but does not love him. And Kabanikha treats him like a guinea pig, as a creature on which you can vent your aggression and try manipulation methods, hiding behind maternal love. Everyone knows that for every mother the most important thing is the happiness of her child. But Marfa Kabanova in The Thunderstorm is not at all interested in Tikhon's opinion. Through years of tyranny and dictatorship, she was able to accustom her son to the fact that the absence of her own point of view is quite normal. Even observing how carefully and, at some points, gently Tikhon treats Katerina, Kabanikha is constantly trying to destroy their relationship.

Many critics argued about the strength or weakness of Katerina's character, but no one doubted the strength of Kabanikh's character.
This is a truly cruel person who tries to subjugate others. She would have to rule the state, otherwise she has to waste her “talents” on her family and a provincial town. Varvara, daughter of Marfa Kabanova, has chosen pretense and lies as a way of coexisting with her domineering mother. Katerina, on the contrary, strongly opposes her mother-in-law. They seemed to take two positions, truth and lies, defending them. And in their conversations that Kabanikha should not categorically accuse Katya of mistakes and various sins, the struggle between light and darkness, truth and the “dark kingdom”, of which Kabanikha is a representative, emerges through the everyday background.

Katerina and Kabanikha are Orthodox Christians. But their faith is completely different. For Katerina, faith that comes from within is much more important. For her, the place of prayer is not important. The girl is pious, she sees the presence of God all over the world, and not just in the church building. The religiosity of Marfa Ignatievna can be called outward. For her, rituals and strict observance of the rules are important. But behind all this obsession with practical manipulation, faith itself disappears. It is also important for Kabanikha to observe and maintain old traditions, despite the fact that many of them are already outdated: “You will not be afraid, and even more so. What is the order in the house will be? After all, you, tea, live with her in law. Ali, do you think the law means nothing? Yes, if you keep such stupid thoughts in your head, you would at least not chatter in front of her and in front of your sister, in front of the girl. The characterization of Kabanikha in Ostrovsky's The Thunderstorm is impossible without mentioning her almost maniacal attention to detail. Tikhon, the son of Kabanova Sr., becomes an inveterate drunkard, the daughter of Varvara lies, walks with whomever she wants, and looks like she will run away from home, disgracing her family. But Marfa Ignatievna is worried that they enter the threshold without bowing, not as her great-grandfathers taught. Her behavior is reminiscent of the behavior of the priestesses of a dying cult, who are trying with all their might to keep it alive with the help of external paraphernalia.

Katerina Kabanova was a somewhat suspicious girl: in the "prophecies" of the half-witted lady, she seemed to her own fate, and in the thunderstorm the girl saw the punishment of the Lord. The boar is too mercantile and mundane for that. She is closer to the material world, practicality and utility. Thunderstorm and thunder don’t scare Kabanova at all, she just doesn’t want to get wet. While the inhabitants of Kalinovo are talking about the raging elements, Kabanikha grumbles and expresses his dissatisfaction: “Look what kind of races he spread. There is so much to hear, nothing to say! The times have come, some teachers have appeared. If the old man thinks like that, what can you demand from the young!”, “Don’t judge yourself older! They know more than you. Old people have signs of everything. An old man will not say a word to the wind.

The image of Kabanikh in the play "Thunderstorm" can be called a kind of generalization, a conglomerate of negative human qualities. It is difficult to call her a woman, a mother, and a person in principle. Of course, she is far from the fools of the city of Foolov, but her desire to subdue and rule killed all human qualities in Marfa Ignatievna.

Characterization of the image of the Kabanikh in the play "Thunderstorm" by Ostrovsky |

In 1856, A. N. Ostrovsky traveled along the Volga. The impressions of the trip are reflected in his work, "Thunderstorm" is also written based on this trip. This is a story about a merchant's wife, brought up in strictness and morality, who fell in love with a young man. Having cheated on her husband, she is unable to hide it. Having publicly repented of treason, she rushes into the Volga.

In contact with

The controversial image of Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova

The play is built on the juxtaposition of two strong opposite characters: Ekaterina and Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova. In fact, they have a lot in common: the primacy of the patriarchal world, the maximalism inherent in both, strong characters. Despite their religiosity, they do not compromise and are not inclined to mercy. This is where their similarities end. They are at different poles of the patriarchal world. Kabanikha is an earthly woman, she is concerned about keeping order to the smallest detail. She is not interested in human relations. The patriarchal way of life for Katerina lies in dreaminess, spirituality.

The image of Kabanikh in the play "Thunderstorm" is one of the central. She is a widow left with two children, Varvara and Tikhon. She can rightly be called harsh and merciless for Tikhon's reproaches that he loves his mother less than his wife Katerina, and constantly strives to get away from the will of his mother.

The predominant property of Kabanikhi's personality can be called despotism, but not madness. Each of her requirements for others, whether it be her son or daughter-in-law, is subject to the moral and everyday code "Domostroy". Therefore, she firmly believes in the principles of which it speaks, and considers their unswerving observance right. Referring to Domostroy's concepts, she believes that children should honor their parents so much that the will of the children does not matter. Relations between spouses should be built on the wife's fear of her husband, unquestioning obedience to him.

Boar in the speech of strangers

The characterization of Kabanikha is understandable to the reader, thanks to the statements of the characters in the play. The first mention of Marfa Ignatievna comes from the lips of Feklusha. This is a poor wanderer who is grateful to her for her kindness and generosity. In contrast, Kuligin's words sound that she is generous to the poor, and not to her relatives. After these brief characteristics, the reader is introduced to Kabanikha. Kuligin's words are confirmed. The mother finds fault with the words of her son and daughter-in-law. Even with her meekness and sincerity, Katerina does not inspire confidence in her. In the direction of the son, reproaches fly for the lack of love for the mother.

Opinion about Kabanova members of her family

One of the most emotional moments in the play scene of seeing off son Tikhon. The boar reproaches him for not bowing at his mother's feet, and does not say goodbye to his wife in the way he should. Katerina, after Tikhon's departure, according to Kabanikha, should show her love for him - howl and lie on the porch. The younger generation violates all customs and traditions, and this leads Kabanikha to sad reflections.

Katerina, the daughter-in-law, gets it more than anyone else. Any of her words is cut off by sharp attacks and remarks. Noticing affection, and not fear, in dealing with Tikhon, Kabanikha reproaches her with malice. Her ruthlessness reaches its limit after Katerina's confession. In her opinion, the daughter-in-law deserves to be buried alive in the ground.

Boar contemptuous of Katherine, considering her an example of how irreverently young people treat the older generation. Most of all, she is burdened by the thought that she can be left without power. Her behavior leads to the play's tragic ending. In the suicide committed by Katerina, there is also her fault. The daughter-in-law endured humiliation in her address for a long time and once could not stand it.

Obeying the orders of a crazy mother Tikhon becomes a spineless creature. The daughter runs away, tired of the constant interference of the parent in her personal life. The old way of life with true high morality disappears from life, leaving only a dead, oppressive shell. The young characters of the play pretend to keep the patriarchal commandments. Tikhon pretends to love his mother, Varvara goes on secret dates, only Katerina is tormented by conflicting feelings.

Marfa Ignatievna is busy with earthly affairs. She considers herself fair, because, in her opinion, the severity of parents will be reflected in the best way on children - they will learn to be kind. But the old way of life is collapsing, the patriarchal order is disappearing. This is a tragedy for Marfa Ignatievna. However, irascibility and folly are not in her character. She is unhappy with the temper of her godfather Wild. With her willful behavior and complaints about the Dikoy family, she irritates her.

The boar is devoted to the traditions of her family and ancestors and honors them without judging, judging or complaining about them. If you live according to the will of your fathers, this will lead to peace and order on earth. There is religiosity in the character of Kabanikh. She believes that a person will go to hell for committing evil deeds, but at the same time she does not consider herself guilty of anything. Humiliating others at the expense of her wealth and power is in the order of things for her.

Kabanikhe characterized by dominance, cruelty and confidence in the correctness of their views. In her opinion, maintaining the old order will be able to save her house from the unrest that is happening outside of her house. Therefore, rigidity and hardness are manifested in her character more and more clearly. And having eradicated his own, superfluous emotions, he cannot bear their manifestation in others. For disobedience to her words, the closest people are punished with cold-blooded humiliation and insults. At the same time, this does not apply to strangers, with them she is pious and respectful.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova is an ambiguous character, it is difficult to feel sorry or just condemn her. On the one hand, she hurts her family members, and on the other, she firmly believes in the correctness of her behavior. Thus, the negative qualities of the character of Kabanikha can be called:

  • cruelty;
  • authority;
  • composure.

And the positive ones:

  • strong unshakable character;
  • religiosity;
  • "kindness and generosity to strangers."

The play "Thunderstorm" is one of the most famous in the work of Ostrovsky. A bright, social drama, the events of which take place in the 19th century in the town of Kalinovo. The female images in the play deserve special attention. They are colorful and unique. The image and characterization of Kabanikha in the play "Thunderstorm" is undoubtedly important in the work. She is the main despot and tyrant in the play. She is responsible for Katerina's death. The goal of Kabanikha is to subjugate as many people as possible in order to hang on them the customs, traditions and laws that she sacredly observes. True fear crept into her soul when she realized that a new time was approaching, a time of change that she could not resist.

Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova- she is a Kabanikha. Widow. Merchant. Mother of Barbara and Tikhon.

Image and characteristics

The surname Kabanova suits the main character very accurately, characterizing her from the first minutes. A wild animal is able to pounce on a person for no good reason, so is the Boar. Furious, ferocious. She is able to “bite to death” a person if he is not pleasing to her, which happened to Katerina, whom the widow simply died from the light. It's impossible to please her. She will always find something to complain about, no matter how hard she tries.

Kabanikha, after the death of her husband, was left with two small children in her arms. There was no time to despair. I had to take care and raise Varvara and Tikhon. Brother and sister are completely different in character and outwardly, although they were brought up the same way.

Powerful, domineering woman, keeping in fear not only the household, but the entire district.

“Mommy is painfully cool with you ...”

To subdue and rule is her credo. I am absolutely convinced that the family is built on fear and subordination of the younger to the elders. “Don’t judge yourself older! They know more than you. Old people have signs of everything.” He does not see anything abnormal in his attitude towards children.

“After all, out of love, parents are strict with you, out of love they scold you, everyone thinks to teach good.”

Religious. This is not the faith of a religious fanatic who sacredly observes all fasts and God's laws. More like a tribute to tradition. She performs rituals on the machine, not really delving into the process and its meaning. She has no faith in forgiveness and mercy. For her, the main thing is the strict implementation of patriarchal orders. This is sacred.

“Well, I’ll go pray to God; Do not bother me…".

She is as demanding of others as she is of herself. What people themselves think about this and what feelings they experience is deeply indifferent to her.

Nerd. Always dissatisfied with everything. Buzzing about and without. It's hard to please her. Her own family annoys her, especially her son and daughter-in-law. That's where Kabanikha comes off in full. Sticks his nose into their lives, climbs with advice. He believes that the son, after marriage, cooled off towards his mother, turning into a rag and henpecked.

“Maybe you loved your mother while you were single. Do you care about me, you have a young wife.

Daughter-in-law is a separate issue. The behavior of the daughter-in-law is out of the ordinary. She doesn’t follow traditions, she doesn’t put her husband in anything. Completely out of hand. Old age does not respect and does not honor.

Self-confident. She is convinced that she is doing everything right. He sincerely believes that if you maintain the old order and way of life, then the house will not suffer from external chaos. The economy is managed harshly, worse than a peasant. She doesn't show emotions. In her opinion, this is redundant. At the slightest manifestation of rebellion on the part of the household, the Kabanikha stops everything in the bud. Any misconduct on their part entails punishment. She is immediately infuriated if they young people try to go against her. Strangers are dearer to her than her son and daughter-in-law.

"Prude, sir! She clothes the poor, but she eats the household completely ... ”.

He will say a good word, he will reward with alms.

Loves money. The boar is accustomed to keeping the entire household on her own. She is sure that the one who has more cash in his pocket is right. Having settled at her place, she hears their laudatory speeches addressed to her every day. Flattering grandmothers completely fooled her head. The boar does not even allow the thought that he can do something wrong. With their talk about the end of the world, the old women support Kabanikh's idea of ​​life on earth.

The rich merchant Kabanova is the guardian of the old foundations of life, a rude, imperious woman, constantly protesting against the movement of life forward. Extremely ignorant, she created for herself a whole world of beliefs and rules based on despotism, gross superstition, tyranny. She contrasts the old with everything new, sees order and goodness in the old, and only evil and nonsense in the new. She keeps her children in fear, makes them observe the ancient rites. In her family, the most natural aspirations and feelings are forbidden - children cannot take a step on their own in anything. They have no right to have their own mind and their own feeling. “What are you hanging around your neck, shameless! Don't say goodbye to your lover! - He is your husband - the head! Al order do not know? Bow down at your feet!" - Kabanova shouts to Katerina, saying goodbye to her husband.

The boar surrounds himself with whoops, goes to church, gives alms to the poor, but at the same time eats at home. She seeks to preserve the old order in the family and does not recognize any right for young people. She is annoyed when young people contradict her and do not observe the old customs. Seeing her son on the road, she reprimands him for not bowing at her feet and not ordering his wife how to live without him, condemns her daughter-in-law for not lying on the porch and not “howling” to show her love for her husband.

She makes her son punish his wife, keep her in fear, as religion commands. According to her, one cannot live without fear, otherwise everything will turn into some kind of chaos. When the son objected: “But why be afraid? It’s enough for me that she loves me, ”the mother shouted:“ How, why be afraid? Yes, you're crazy, right? You will not be afraid, and even more so me. What is the order in the house will be? After all, you, tea, live with her in law? Ali, do you think the law means nothing? Yes, if you keep such stupid thoughts in your head, you would at least not chatter in front of her, but in front of your sister, in front of the girl; she, too, to get married: that way she will hear enough of your chatter, so after that the husband will thank us for science. You see what other mind you have, and you still want to live by your will.

For Kabanova, the dogma of antiquity is higher than living life. She constantly has the same moral instructions on her lips - do not live by your own will, keep the old days, read the elders. Although in her heart she is aware that time is taking its toll and it is no longer possible to force the young to live in the old way, but because of her egoism she could not reconcile herself to the idea that those orders that she loves and considers real will not be preserved.

“That's how old things are brought out,” says Kabanova. “I don’t want to go into another house. And if you go up, you will spit, but get out more quickly. What will happen, how the old people will die, how the light will stand, I don’t know. Well, at least it’s good that I don’t see anything. ”
And elsewhere she bitterly says:
“I know that my words are not to your liking, but what can you do, I am not a stranger to you ... I have long seen that you want freedom.”
Kabanova did not want to understand the demands of the younger generation, did not want to change the dogmas of antiquity, and thereby led to the tragic death of Katerina, pushed her son to drink and forced her daughter to flee from home. But this does not teach the despotic merchant's wife anything; even after the death of her daughter-in-law, she continues to insist on her own. She does not utter a word of reconciliation over the corpse of her daughter-in-law.

When Katerina died, she, true to her character, could only say with senile grumbling: “She has done little shame to us. It’s enough, it’s a sin to cry about her. ”

Slide 1

Slide 2

In 1845 Ostrovsky worked in
Moscow Commercial Court
office clerk.
The whole world opened up before him.
dramatic conflicts. So
brought up the talent of the future master
speech characteristics of the characters in their
Ostrovsky in the drama "Thunderstorm" very clearly
shows the whole global difference between
old patriarchal views and
new. All important features are clearly visible
characters, their reactions to
developing events. Consider
speech characteristics of Kabanikhi.

Slide 3

Kabanikha - an old man
morals. She watches everywhere
homebuilding rules. In everything
new she sees a threat
the established course of things, she
blames the youth for
she doesn't have the right
reverence." Kabanova is scary
not fidelity to the old days, but
arbitrariness "under the guise of


"It's funny to look at them...
know nothing, nothing
order. say goodbye through
they don’t know how ... What will happen, how
the old people will die, as it will be
light to stand, I don’t know.”

Slide 4

The boar makes everyone at home
dance to your own tune. She makes
Tikhon in the old way to say goodbye to
his wife, causing laughter and feeling
regrets from others. The whole family
lives in fear of her. Tikhon,
completely overwhelmed by domineering
mother, lives only one desire
- get out and go for a walk.

"I, it seems, mama, from your will
not one step."
“As soon as he leaves, he will drink. He is now
listens, and he himself thinks, how would he
get out quick."

Slide 5

Kuligin calls her "prudish" and
says she's "beggars
clothes, and ate at home
at all". This characterizes
merchant from the bad side.
Kabanikha in his speech
trying to pretend to be kind
affectionate, although sometimes
speech reveals
her negative traits
character, such as passion for


“Complete, complete, don’t worry! Sin!
I have long seen that your wife
sweeter than mother. Since
married, I already see from you
I don't see love.

Slide 6

Sister Tikhon, Barbara,
also experiences
all the hardships of a family
environment. However, in
unlike Tikhon, she
has a stronger
character, and u lack
insolence, let secretly, not
obey mother.
"Found a place of instruction

"And I was not a liar, yes
learn when needed
has become.”

Slide 7

The boar is very pious and
religious. But before
we are opening
terrible and despotic
the essence of Kabanikhi. She
managed to subdue
everyone, keeps everything under
control, she even
trying to manage
people, which leads
Catherine to death.
The boar is cunning and smart,
difference from the Wild, and this
makes her more

Slide 8

Kabanikha has no doubts about the moral rightness
relations of patriarchal life, but also confidence in their
there is no inviolability either. On the contrary, she feels
almost the last guardian of this
"correct" world order, and the expectation that with its
death will come chaos, gives tragedy to her figure.

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