Katya Osadchaya and her family. Famous model and presenter Katya Osadchaya


Katya Osadchaya is one of the most famous TV presenters in Ukraine. Once she led a small block on a little-known channel, and now her popularity has increased significantly.

Childhood and youth

Katya Osadchaya was the long-awaited child of her parents. They have always been wealthy people who had absolutely everything. However, for complete happiness, they lacked a child's voice coming from different rooms, the tramp of small feet and sincere laughter. On September 12, 1983, their most cherished dream came true - a daughter was born, whom they named Katyusha.

Is it worth saying that Katya Osadchaya has been a spoiled child since her birth? She got absolutely everything, no matter what she asked for. The girl's mother worked all her life as a librarian, and her father held the position of general director in a serious company. At the family council, it was decided that the mother should quit her job in order to devote as much time as possible to her little daughter and do housework. Therefore, the girl was always taken to a variety of circles, but most of all she liked the choreography school.

Modeling career

Katya Osadochnaya by nature had unique natural data: she was tall, proportional figure and attractive features. At the age of 10, her mother brought her to the best modeling school in Ukraine - "Bagira". Three years later, Katya performed at various shows and was published on the covers of magazines. All the teachers of the young beauty denigrated her brilliant future in the modeling business.

After graduation, all Katya's classmates thought about entering a higher educational institution. In turn, she went to conquer Tokyo and other countries of the world. Modeling career filled all her free time, almost every week she was offered to participate in a new show or photo shoot. By the age of 18, this lifestyle bored the young model. She absolutely did not see in him prospects for further development. After a little time, she terminated all contracts and left the modeling business at the very peak of her popularity.

TV presenter career

Talented, beautiful, incredibly successful - all this is her, Katya Osadchaya. The biography of the girl is filled with a huge number of achievements and awards. The girl never stops there, she is used to moving on. At the age of 19, the former model graduated from the courses of a TV presenter. For a long time she was unlucky with work, she went to auditions, and everywhere she was expected to be refused. The girl never despaired, she continued to work on herself. She had to travel to different countries to gain experience, read useful literature and hire a tutor who helped her develop correct diction.

The producers at that time did not know who Katya Osadchaya was. The girl's biography indicated that she was a model, but no one saw her as a TV star. After some time, she managed to get a job as a freelance correspondent for a local channel. The young presenter showed her abilities from the best side and she was offered a place as a journalist.

The girl actively worked in this position for four years, while she continued to develop her skills. In 2005, the most important moment in the life of the Osadchas took place - she was appointed a permanent TV presenter in the programs "Gossip Chronicles" and "Secular Life". In her programs, she talked about the most popular parties, about world stars and gave advice to young girls on how to behave correctly on secular events. The program made the presenter a celebrity, thanks to her she entered the hundred most influential stars and received the title "Face of Kyiv".


Few people do not know who Katya Osadcha's husband is. She met her future chosen one in 1999. At that time, she was a famous world model, and her young man, Oleg Polishchuk, served as a people's deputy. A strong, powerful and reliable man charmed the girl at first sight, and after a year and a half the couple tied the knot. In 2004, their son Ilya was born. Husband and wife constantly quarreled, which led to their divorce.

Now one of the most influential TV presenters in the world is Katya Osadchaya. Her personal life today is not known to almost anyone. She works hard and dreams of making her child the happiest person, in which her parents actively help. Katya Osadchaya is a confident and purposeful girl. At such a young age, she has achieved such heights that one can only envy her. Despite this, she always remained a kind, sincere and open person.

“Through thorns to the stars” is not about Katya Osadchaya. Many people think, who at least not delved into her biography a lot. The girl was born in a fairly prosperous family and had every chance of getting a good and easy job in life. But the girl was not looking for easy ways! While still a young girl, Katya went into a tough and not easy modeling business. She began her career at the Bagheera modeling agency. The next step and the most serious first push was a contract to shoot in Tokyo. The first serious work lasted three months. Katya did an excellent job with her and was one of the best models. Well, of course, after such an amazingly done work, a lot of even more interesting proposals followed: England, France, Germany. Katya Osadchaya, her biography and the beginning of the stellar journey.

Katya Osadchaya, her biography and the beginning of the star trek

Young Katya even had to take final exams externally because of the busy schedule of filming in Paris. But now, after graduating from school, nothing prevented Katya from completely surrendering to her beloved work. And she had plenty of time for that. But by the age of eighteen, Katya returned to her homeland. And the first thing she did was to decide for herself that she was done with the modeling business and got married. And, it would seem, she could boldly follow on the heels of her mother. Who devoted her entire life to her family and the upbringing of her beautiful daughter. But no, it turned out not to Katya Osadchaya's liking, already during her pregnancy she decided to devote herself to television journalism. But there were not big problems with this, because Katya had big problems with the Ukrainian language. But already four months after the birth of baby Ilyusha, the newly-made mother began classes with a teacher to develop speech, diction, and voice skills.

Ekaterina Osadchaya biography, personal life of the Ukrainian TV presenter "Secular Life" is set out in this article.

Ekaterina Osadchaya biography

Ekaterina Alexandrovna Osadchaya was born on September 12, 1983 in Kyiv. Father is the general director of Kievpribor. Mother is a housewife, a librarian by profession. Katya has a younger brother.

In addition to school, Katya studied music and dance. At the age of 13, she began her professional career as a model, graduated from the modeling school of the Bagheera agency. At the age of 14, after graduating from the ninth grade, she went for three months to shoot in Tokyo. Later there were shootings in Germany, England, France. Katya passed her final exams at school as an external student due to a busy filming schedule in Paris.

At the age of 18, Katya ended her modeling career and returned to live in Ukraine. Over time, Katya decided to devote herself to television journalism, studied the Ukrainian language. Graduated in absentia from the Faculty of History of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv.

The first experience of television journalism appeared after working as a freelance correspondent for the First National Channel. In 2005, Katya passed the casting and became the host of the Gossip Chronicles project on the Tonis TV channel. In 2007, she became the host of the "Secular Life" program at the First National. Since August 2008, the program began to appear on the 1 + 1 TV channel.

In 2009, she took part in the second season of the “Dancing for You” program on the 1 + 1 channel with partner Andrei Krys. In 2011, she became the host of the Voice of the Country show on 1 + 1. In 2012, the channel launched the talent show “Voice. Children ”, in which Katya’s role as a host has changed - she helped the children cope with the excitement before going on stage.

In 2015, Ekaterina became the host of the show "Little Giants" on "1 + 1"

Ekaterina Osadchaya biography, personal life

Katya Osadchaya in 2001 married a businessman and people's deputy from the Green Party Oleg Polishchuk. In September 2002, she gave birth to a son, Ilya, from him. In 2004 she divorced her husband. Now Catherine hides the details of her personal life, it is only known that her heart is occupied.

She graced the cover of the May issue of Caravan of Stories and told us unexpected details of her stellar life, and also commented on rumors about an affair with a co-host on Voice of the Country Yuri Gorbunov, with whom they have recently been simply inseparable.

Outside of filming, in ordinary life, I don’t do makeup, I don’t dress as brightly and conspicuously as in the frame, and they don’t recognize me on the streets. It doesn't feel like I'm super popular.

You can even send me as a mystery shopper, because representatives of the service sector do not identify me with TV presenter Katya Osadchaya. They can both get nasty and send. An inattentive person does not recognize me, so sometimes, if I have an appointment, and the person doesn’t notice me point-blank, I introduce myself: “Hello, I’m Katya Osadchaya.”

Katya Osadchaya in Odessa /

"Svitske Zhittya" has been on the air for ten years. Really during this time you did not have symptoms of star disease?

Look, today I was on the radio - I gave an interview, then we filmed a program at a fashion show, then we went to shoot at Mystetsky Arsenal, then we went to another show ... I travel everywhere with a film crew, like ten years ago, when we had a goal to create the coolest, most successful, most rated program. And you can make it like this only by investing work - your own and the whole team. At first we earned a name, authority, but even now we continue to work hard. It’s just that today our team has acquired “armor” - with experience, an understanding has come of what and how to do, what to expect from this or that event. Now we do not scatter our forces on the unnecessary and secondary.

And as for the star disease… I often go to shootings in public places - in the Ukraine Palace, at fashion shows, and hundreds of people come up to me who want to take a picture. I'm trying to explain that I'm working now - here is my film set, and if I take pictures with everyone, the program will not be filmed and will not be aired. It's hard to refuse, I understand that these are my viewers and they can take my refusal as an insult. Unfortunately, this is also a problem of our society - in the absence of a minimum culture, when people can almost pull their hands to take a photo.

Photo: instagram.com/kosadcha

I once had such a story ... It happens that we shoot at events where people drink alcohol, and after the third glass they become noticeably bolder. A certain persistent man approached me several times and demanded to be photographed with him. He even entered the frame while I was recording an interview, and was indignant: “What are you, Katya! You don’t want to act with the people!” And then I say to him: “Just imagine that I came to your office, sat down at your desk and started making claims, they say, why don’t you take pictures with me, why do you work, why don’t you pay attention to me?” He had nothing to answer. It's just hard for people to put themselves in someone else's place and understand: I'm at work and with all my desire I can't be distracted from the filming process.

Naturally, when the audience sees me in such a situation, they may perceive my behavior as manifestations of star disease. But right now, work comes first for me.

You started working at the age of thirteen. Where did the desire to become a model come from at such an early age?

It was 1997. The modeling business in Ukraine was only in its infancy, but even then the name of the model Diana Kovalchuk thundered throughout the country. She won the prestigious Elite Model Look competition in France, and her example inspired many, including me.


Then even this profession did not receive a negative connotation, which appeared later. And on the wave of popularity, I asked my mother to take me to a modeling school. She didn't mind, but there was a problem. Since it was summer, in July, the whole family went on vacation. And I had to make an important decision: either I go to the sea with my parents, or I stay in Kyiv and attend a modeling school. I chose the second option without hesitation. And never once regretted it. Although not everything turned out to be as rosy as I initially imagined.

I was generally a very active child. From early childhood she was engaged in dancing, music and, according to the recollections of her relatives, she was very sociable and talkative, she tried to be in time everywhere. I myself asked my grandmother to take me to a music school. I liked it so much that my parents bought me a beautiful instrument on purpose. He is still standing in their apartment, but I want to move him to my place.

With dad in Crimea, 1999

One of the brightest childhood memories is how my dad took me to a figure skating circle. We lived then on the Windy Mountains, and classes were held in the center. After training, on the way home, my dad and I would definitely go to the Khreshchatyk cafe. He bought me a bun and something hot - cocoa or tea. And then we went home on trolleybus number 18. I remember this route very well, and even now, many years later, when I drive this road in a car, my heart stops... The final stop of the trolleybus was far from our house, and the road to it went to mountain. Every time I asked my dad to carry me to the apartment in his arms. If I behaved well before that and even ate the whole bun, he succumbed to my persuasion and took it in his arms. Now this mountain seems small to me, but then I considered it so steep and long that when dad carried me, it seemed we were making a real climb ...

My parents raised me to be independent from childhood. When I was very young, every year we went to the Desna, to the same recreation center, for the whole summer. They gave out a boat. As long as I can remember, I was always allowed to cross the river on it and “transport” our entire family. It is clear that adults helped to row, but I had a complete feeling that I myself was doing this responsible task. I was very proud of it and felt older.

With younger brother Volodya, 1995

When my brother was born (we have a difference of three years), my parents explained to me: “Volodya is small, and you, Katya, are now an adult.” And since then, in any situation, the parents covered their brother if he did something, saying: “Katya, well, you are the eldest, you must understand.”

But there was no jealousy towards his brother. I was looking forward to his birth with great impatience - my parents prepared me for this important event. I distinctly remember that moment. Mom was in the maternity hospital in Podil, and my dad and I went to visit her. We entered from the courtyard of this old building, and I saw in the window with bars on the basement floor a mother who was holding the newborn Volodya in her arms. My brother was wrapped in a gray downy shawl, which is still kept at our house. I still remember the emotions that I experienced then, at the age of three ...

Were your parents not afraid that you, a girl from an intelligent family, would find yourself in the cruel world of the modeling business?

Mom and dad supported me. In America and Europe, and now even in Ukraine, there is an understanding that this is a normal profession that opens up broad prospects and new opportunities. And in my case, that's exactly what happened.

London, 2001

The attitude of people to the modeling profession is often biased. But you need to understand that everyone who comes into this business chooses it for a specific purpose: someone - to make a career, and someone - to arrange a personal life. At the same time, the beautiful facade of the profession hides hard work. Flights, castings, fittings, fashion shows… Models need to have an iron character, patience, willpower to withstand such a rhythm and psychological stress. Because you are often rejected at castings, but you still have to gather your will into a fist and move on, proving that you are the best. Only the strongest survive here. Exactly the same on television. The viewer sees only the final result. And how much is happening behind the scenes - flights, moving, filming ... The more beautiful the picture, the more difficult the work of creating it - I realized this even when I was a model.

The more beautiful the picture, the more difficult it is to create it - I understood this even while working as a model

And for me, everything turned out to be even more difficult, because I got into the profession as a teenager. I had to adjust to an independent life away from my parents. I lived in another country, next to strangers, I tried to build relationships with them. At this moment, you especially begin to appreciate your parents, their care and attention, and understand that, it turns out, they do a lot for you, even more than you could imagine. But this can only be appreciated from a distance.

Despite all the difficulties, I was not going to retreat. Parents brought me up like this: you can’t give up, stop halfway, if you start something and believe in you, you can’t turn around and leave because you’re tired. This setup helped me survive. If I had given up then, I probably would not have worked on television now.

There is a stereotype that intrigues, enmity, jealousy reign in the modeling business. Have you experienced such things?

It makes no sense for model girls to feud. Within one day, several castings take place, and each time a model is chosen or not chosen. At the very beginning of my journey, I worked in London and lived in a “model” apartment with one girl. So, she very correctly formulated the quintessence of this business. Models are like apples on the market, all are beautiful, only of different varieties and colors: red, green, yellow, with a red barrel ... All are good, but someone likes a yellow, someone red, and someone green apple.


Everyone who arranges castings for models has his own idea of ​​beauty and attractiveness, his own taste and criteria, based on which he selects girls. And this is a very subjective choice. Therefore, girls should not take rejection personally. Tomorrow there will be another casting - and you will have a chance to please. It is important to understand that everything is in order with you, and not to complex if you do not pass the selection. Such are the costs of the profession. Therefore, in the modeling business there is no competition between female models. It's just pointless.

Moreover, many become friends. For example, since then I have a few close people. I met Yana in Paris. I just arrived in the capital of France and came to the agency, and Yana was the first to come up to me and introduce herself: “I am from Ukraine, if you need something, contact me, I will tell you everything.” And we are still friends. When I'm in London (where she lives) or Los Angeles, we definitely meet.

We, models, far from home had a very developed mutual assistance. We - girls from Slavic countries - supported each other, knew what was happening in everyone's life: who got sick, who had a birthday. But it turned out that the relationship between representatives of other countries is somewhat different. Models are constantly moving, and often things have to be transported. In London, I lived with a girl from Germany who needed to move her wardrobe home. And she asked me for a suitcase for a week. I gave it to her without question. How surprised I was when a week later she returned the suitcase, left me a box of chocolates and a long letter of thanks. She admitted that, it turns out, no one had ever helped her like that. My action shocked her.

Japan made a strong impression on me, where I worked for several months. Not only did I have to adjust my life on my own, overcoming the language barrier (I didn’t know the language so thoroughly then), I also had to adapt to the Japanese mentality. In Europe, girls go to castings and shootings on their own, while in Japan they are brought in an organized minibus. What struck me the most was the workaholism of the Japanese. They do so much work in a period of time that we never dreamed of. The Japanese are very demanding of themselves and others, and it is not easy for Europeans to withstand their rhythm and such pressure. The Japanese, for example, have only a 15-minute lunch break during the working day. We were preparing a catalog of wedding dresses, and there were 26 of them, and in one day of shooting, all the outfits had to be shot. We ate our lunch very quickly, because they almost stood over us with a stopwatch. God forbid, we'll skip an extra minute!

Japan, 1998

I remember another episode in Japan, when we were taught to change positions for clapping. We were filmed on video - how we change the position of the body, and it was necessary to perform a certain number of body movements in a certain period of time. Then the video was watched and we were corrected. It was quite difficult to withstand such a training, but then this experience was very useful to me in my work.

The longest I worked in Paris, and most of the memories left about this city. I arrived in the capital of France in November, in winter it is cold, damp and dank there. Therefore, my first impression of the most romantic city in the world was not the most pleasant. That Paris, sunny and romantic, which I saw in the pictures, had nothing to do with what I saw around. And then a terrible depression rolled in - for the first few months this state was my constant companion.

My parents raised me this way: you can’t stop halfway. If I had given up then, I would not work on television now

Then the Internet was not yet so developed, it was not possible to correspond or communicate online. I missed my family very much and wrote letters to them by hand. It was a whole ritual: having written a message, I sealed it in an envelope, glued a stamp and took it to the post office. Or she called home: when it was very sad - every other day, and when not very much - once every few days. Now, thanks to the advent of Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Skype, when you can contact your loved ones and talk at any time, you no longer experience such aching longing. And then time and space were perceived differently. It is now that I go to Paris for a day on a business trip, and then I flew away from home for six months and there was no way to return earlier.

Katya Osadchaya and extravagant billionaire Richard Branson, 2015

Although once every few months I always visited Kiev, because I was still in school and took exams as an external student. But abroad, a whole life passed during these months. I remember I was in Hamburg, walking through the airport, and suddenly I hear the announcement of the departure of a flight to Kyiv. At that moment, I felt such longing, I so wanted to go home! But I didn’t even think about flying there for the weekend ...

In Paris, I had an amazing meeting with the outstanding French couturier Azzedine Alaya. He led a reclusive life, did not release collections for a long time, and then decided to break his creative silence and that year he was going to make the first ready-to-wear collection in many years. On the Hotel de Ville in Paris, Alai had a large house where he lived, and his studio was also located there. And so I came there for a fitting - the designer chose me as his model and sewed his collection according to my parameters. At first, we communicated with him mainly with the help of gestures: Azzedine did not speak English, and I did not speak French. But mutual understanding was found easily.

Today, the program "Svitske Zhittya" is being filmed all over the world, and Katya is interviewing idols from different parts of the world. With the performer of the role of Roksolana in the TV series "The Magnificent Century" Meryem Uzerli, 2013

At the same time, the agency I worked for was turning five years old, and on this occasion there was a big party outside the city, in a luxurious chateau. Once I came to a fitting, and Alaya, having learned that I was going to a party, asked what kind of outfit I want to go. I shrugged because I had nothing to wear. And then Azzedine offered me to take his dress. I was so happy! At this social event, I was in his scarlet dress made of tight-fitting jersey (Alaya often uses this fabric to create her masterpieces). It was wonderful!

Why did you decide to leave the fashion world?

I had a task - either to become the first in the modeling business, or to leave. It didn't suit me to be one of the thousands of models who run from casting to casting or being photographed for catalogs in Germany. By that time I was already quite tired - I worked quite hard for two years, but I did not achieve the results that would suit me. Maybe if I had put in a little more effort, I would have succeeded. But by that time I had already decided to put an end to my career and radically change my life.

I returned to Ukraine to change my documents. I looked at everything around and thought that I need to stay in Kyiv and start building a life here from scratch.

By that time, I already understood that the modeling business is not forever and I need to think about how to live after my career ends. And I decided that I want to be a TV presenter. She began to go to all kinds of castings - only now on television. I found out that UT-1 has a vacancy for a freelance correspondent for an entertainment project. And she asked to go there - without a salary. I agreed to these terms. Probably, if you really want something, then sooner or later you get it. And I was very eager to work, and they took me. Here I learned the basics of the profession, learned how to shoot, interview, decipher texts, write eyeliners ...

Interview with Mila Jovovich, 2012

And then I came to the Tonis TV channel - I took part in the casting for the morning program, and I was approved. She continued to shoot stories, work as a journalist. And already here I met Olesya and Andrey Nogin, the producers of the future "Life of the World". I work with them to this day. In the same place, at Tonis, the management suggested that Olesya and Andrey make a program about a secular party, and they chose me as the host of this show.

When we started, secular life in Ukraine was in its infancy, so it was hard to imagine that our program would have such a long history. We did not make plans for decades ahead, but we had a strategy, an understanding of what we were striving for, and great ambitions - to do interviews not with third-tier singers, but with politicians of the first magnitude. In the second month of the Life of the World, we interviewed Viktor Yushchenko, then President of Ukraine.

With the transition to other channels - first to UT-1, and then to "1 + 1" - the program changed, became tougher. Now "Svitske Zhittya" has become completely different - in fact, only the name remains from its original version. Today we talk with our heroes about everything - about politics, sports, the situation in the country as a whole, about how the elite of our society lives, on which the fate of the country depends.

Katya interviewing Brad Pitt, 2013

You are notorious for asking embarrassing, even tough, questions to famous people. Do you have celebrity friends?

I have friends who are not offended, realizing that it is their profession to answer questions, including uncomfortable ones. They are reasonable adults and normally accept the fact that today we meet for a cup of coffee, and tomorrow at a social party I will ask them something unpleasant.

After all, you can answer any question with a smile, joke, turn the situation in a favorable direction for yourself. This talent is worthy to fend off any question. For example, Nastya Kamenskikh admitted to me: “I never take offense at you, because I know that no matter what you ask me, I will always find an answer.” There are famous people who cannot be unsettled. Nestor Shufrich, for example, always answered any question calmly and imperturbably. Everything seems to bounce off of him!

People often ask me: “If you were interviewed by the same Katya Osadchaya, how would you answer?” Yes, it's very simple: there is no such question to which I would not have found an answer. You just need to know how to do it. And those who are offended by me simply have not mastered this skill. And then, a person's reaction to an uncomfortable question can tell much more about him than hours of conversation. Everyone has something to ask, and depending on the answer, he will appear in a negative or positive way. And it doesn't matter who it is - a star, a politician, a criminal, an official or an ordinary person - if you open it, touch the right strings, you get an interesting conversation.

Katya Osadchaya and the star of the series "Just Maria" Victoria Ruffo, 2013

For ten years of "Svitskogo Zhittya" I had a variety of interviews. But there were no failures. If a person is ready for a dialogue, then I can always “get” the information that I need from him. I have mastered this skill well. But if a person is closed, fundamentally does not want to communicate, answers unequivocally “yes”, “no”, “I don’t know”, then it’s not in my power to force him to speak. This is no longer my problem.

I am always for professionalism in everything. And in the ability to give interviews as well. We, journalists, and the stars have a mutually beneficial relationship. The press does not exist for the sake of the stars and the stars do not exist for the sake of the press - we are two communicating vessels. Western celebrities understand this, but Ukrainian ones do not always.

We often do interviews with Hollywood actors. And you have no idea how happy Brad Pitt answers the 100th journalist in a day to about the same question (if a star gives an interview as part of a film promotional campaign, then the questions from media representatives are almost the same). He finds the strength to have fun and easy to communicate with everyone!

And Western stars are distinguished by an ironic and even skeptical attitude towards their own person. They are very soberly aware that they are not deities and do not decide the fate of people. But their Ukrainian colleagues sometimes lack a sense of humor and an adequate attitude to what they do.

If in “Little Life” I need to lead a celebrity to a frank conversation by any means, then in “Voice of the Country” I need to support the participants, and not drive them into a corner

Well, a journalist of a printed publication or a TV channel cannot wait for a star for two hours under the dressing room, because she is not in the mood and cannot give an interview. This does not happen with professionals. There is force majeure - flight delay, illness, accident - this is understandable ... In all other situations, the artist must make contact with journalists. Giving interviews is also an art and an indicator of professionalism.

I confess that in recent years Ukrainian stars have changed for the better. In addition, now I can say in the face of a celebrity: “If you have claims against me personally, you tell me them, but you don’t have to play around and come up with excuses to refuse to talk. We will meet anyway, we need each other. Now this understanding is coming, and I am very glad about it.

I am a flexible person and I am ready to fulfill the tasks assigned to me by the editors and producers both in Svіtskomu Zhittі and in Voice of the Country. If in the first project I need to bring a celebrity to a frank conversation by any means, then in the “Voice of the Country” I need to support the participants, reveal them, and not drive them into a corner.

I approach the preparation of each program very responsibly, I study the stories of all the participants: where they came from, what they live with, what happens in their lives, how they came to sing. All this is very important. And when you plunge into the fate of each person, you understand what kind of person is in front of you, what kind of relatives he has, and you behave accordingly. Our leading task is to cheer up the contestants, to calm them down, if necessary. Now, at the stage of live broadcasts, when the viewers themselves choose the winner among the participants, they most need support.

Katya with presenter Yuri Gorbunov and the winner of the second season of the Voice. Children" by Romchik Sasanchin

When I worked as the host of the show “Voice. Children” and “Little Giants”, the psychologist of the projects told me how to behave with the kids before the live broadcast: you need to ask them to help you. Children understand all the responsibility, and they need to be involved in the process, then they are imbued and do everything right.

This rule also applies in preparation for live broadcasts of the adult “Voice of the Country”: I help the participants, and they help me. As a host, it is very important for me to feel their problems: they are worried, they want to win, there is a spirit of rivalry between them. And we, on the one hand, are moderators of the relationship between coaches and participants, but at the same time, we are on the side of the latter. Therefore, I feel almost like the mother of the contestants, who will cheer up, console and wipe away tears.

Katya and Zhenya Lebedin, winner of the show "Little Giants"

When I was still working in the show “Voice. Children", visited Holland (it was in this country that the project was invented) at the finals of the children's "Voice". There I talked with my colleague who hosts this show in the Netherlands. We shared our experience with her, because she has more of it, and I asked what her main principle is in communicating with children. And the presenter answered: “The main thing is to hear them.” And this is the key to the success of any interview - to be able to hear the participants, the opponent, the co-host.

There isn't a question that I can't find an answer to. You just need to know
how to do it

And what never ceases to amaze me on both children's and adult projects - where do the participants get these incredible voices from ?! How can you sing so that goosebumps run? How does this miracle happen?

Very friendly and touching. We spend time together, talk a lot and joke. Vanya Dorn has a playstation in his dressing room, and our boys all play together. We have a great relationship with Tina Karol, we have known each other for a long time. We are also friends with Potap and Slava Vakarchuk... This is very important when such a friendly, kind and sincere atmosphere develops on the site - almost a family one.

Photo: instagram.com/kosadcha

I also love the Voice of the Country very much because the coaches and participants here are not teachers and students, but colleagues. First of all, they are professionals, just a little different level. And the coaches treat their wards in this way - with respect and understanding. And when at the rehearsal they begin to communicate using musical terms - you can watch it endlessly! This is very cool. And what is fundamentally important for the format of the project is that everything here is real: what the audience sees does not differ from what happens on the site. Therefore, the audience observes the true reactions, experiences, emotions, stories of the participants ...

I'm used to my personal life being under scrutiny. This is part of my profession. But there are two opposite opinions: to let the public into their personal space and not to let them in. I take both positions when they advertise or hide personal life. As for me, I think I talk a lot about myself. But I don’t see the point in doing PR on my personal life, because viewers should watch “Svitske Zhittya” or “Voice of the Country” not because I’m someone’s wife or I’m dating someone, but because these are cool and interesting projects.

I talk a lot about myself. But I see no reason to do PR on my personal life

Let's talk about what happened in the past: why did your marriage with Oleg Polishchuk break up?

There were several reasons. We met when I was seventeen and he was fifteen years older, and I think the age difference played a role in our relationship. I just returned from Paris and went to rest in the Crimea. There we met, and then met for almost a year before getting married. We had a real wedding - in a large hall, with guests, tables bursting with food and drinks, with a toastmaster. I was in a white dress and veil. In general, everything is as it should be.

Wedding with Oleg Polishchuk, 2002

We lived together for three years and broke up when I had already been the host of Svitsky Zhittya for a couple of months. I can’t say that my work was the reason for the divorce. I think one of the factors was that at a certain point we could not find mutual understanding. Someone had to give in, someone else had to prove himself a wise person ... I was eighteen, of course, I was not going to sit at home for days with my husband, I wanted a fun, free life. On the other hand, now I can understand my ex-husband. At that time, he, 33-year-old, wanted to sit at home, and not run around clubs with me. Now I am 32 years old, and I also have no desire to go to discos.

To be honest, when my husband left, I felt better.

At that time, I had my own ideas about the future. I wanted to build a career, and at eighteen you do everything because you want to, nothing else interests you - let your husband wait.

With newborn son, 2002

It's probably my fault that we broke up. We needed to find a balance in the relationship, hear each other's needs and come to an agreement. Instead, everyone silently drew their own conclusions and did not say anything to their half. As a result, this led to a disappointing result.

But now everything is behind us, and I believe that my husband and I needed to spend these long three years together just so that we would have a son.

Were you ready for his birth?

I really wanted a child, but then, when he was born, I realized that it was still too early to become a mother. At first I was in a state of shock, the realization came that now I have to be responsible for this little screaming boy all my life. But then I calmed down, everything fell into place.

In my life, I had such moments when I invented trials for myself, overcame them myself and then became more mature, stronger, more independent. And the birth of a son is one of those trials.

With son Ilya, 2003

Although at first it was not easy: there was no nanny, but my parents helped me a lot. Yes, I took matters into my own hands. The first thing I learned to drive a car and passed on the rights. Now I could go to the parks with my child, go shopping, come up with various activities for him.

Ilya went to an early development school when he was very young, and I immediately started looking for a job. This stressful situation accumulated my resources. Who knows, maybe if my son hadn’t been born, I wouldn’t have started looking for a job so quickly, I would still want to be free, take a walk, sit on my parents’ necks ... And then I realized that I need to achieve something in the profession, I got an incentive. I remember very well at what moment this understanding came to me ...

With son Ilya, 2003

It was the New Year - the first one I celebrated with the newborn Ilya. I mentally summed up the disappointing results: “I am nineteen years old. Already nineteen! And I have not achieved anything in my life. I study at the institute and that's it. There is no profession. Life is passing by." And literally a few days later I found out that there was a vacancy for a correspondent at UT-1, and I went to work.

In the same period, you were also going through a divorce ...

Well, how I was worried ... Maybe if our marriage lasted twenty years, I would suffer that I was left alone after a long life together. And since my husband and I lived for only three years, after the divorce, I did not feel much anguish. My parents were very supportive. To be honest, when my husband left, I felt better. We've had such a strained relationship lately that marriage has become a burden on both of us.

When I started working in television, being married, household duties were not removed from me. I remember returning from filming and right in makeup, in my outfit and hat, I went to the supermarket, took a cart, bought groceries, came home and cooked. Therefore, after the divorce, I felt relieved: I don’t have to go to the store, I don’t have to stand at the stove.

Life does not end on homemade cutlets ... But if they don’t press me, the cutlets will

It seems to me that the work of each of the spouses in marriage is to make life easier for each other, to support, to understand. After all, life does not end with home-made cutlets ... But if they don’t press me, there will be cutlets. Moreover, now I am preparing full-fledged dinners for Ilya without any problems: the first, second, third and compote. For me, the scariest phrase is “you have to”. No one owes nothing to nobody. Everything is by mutual agreement.

With son Ilya, 2014

Your son is now thirteen, the same age as you were when you started your modeling career. Would you like him to become as independent as you were in your time?

I believe that children need independence, although maybe not in such a rigid version as I had. In today's world, children need more parental control than ever before. But it is still important that the child understands: there are parents, but they are not around - so what? You can only rely on yourself.

I am also learning to give Ilya more freedom. Before, when he lived with me, I was worried about his every step. But now he partially lives with his dad, and I notice that he gives Ilya more freedom. My son loves it and nothing bad happens. And I'm glad about this, because thirteen years old is the age when it's time to get out from under the parental wing.

Now Ilya is 13 years old - “the age when it’s time to get out from under the parental wing,” says Katya (2014)

Where does Ilya see himself in the future?

He hasn't made up his mind yet. Seriously engaged in computer science, wants to have his own business. But that's in the distant future. In the meantime, he sets himself more realistic goals. The son knows that he needs to study, get a good education. And then it will be seen. It seems to me that this is a very correct approach, and it distinguishes modern children.

Recently, your personal life has been on the radar again: everyone is talking about your romantic relationship with your colleague Yuri Gorbunov. Does the novel exist?

I'll tell you this: I'm fine, but I'm not going to get married yet. And as for gossip, let them discuss it. The main thing is that the names are not confused.

Katya is leading the sixth season of the Voice of the Country project with Yuri Gorbunov

Over the past ten years, I have had two serious novels. But the men did not want to make the relationship public, and I am sympathetic to this decision. There are many examples in show business when famous people do not advertise their relationship - and everyone is happy. I can’t force someone to become a public person - and it doesn’t matter if it’s my man or a relative.

Over the past ten years, I have had two serious novels. But the men did not want to make the relationship public

For example, Volodya, my brother, will not admit to anyone that I am his sister. He doesn't want to be a public person. It even seems to me that if they ask him if we are related, he answers that they are just namesakes (although he won’t admit it to me). Mom doesn't like being photographed either. Ilya has recently refused, although we used to shoot together for magazine covers.

Photo: instagram.com/kosadcha

Every person has the right to his private life, his territory, his privacy. Even in the program "Svitske Zhittya" only those celebrities who consider it necessary talk about their personal lives. And there are those who do not want to let anyone into their space, and such a position also deserves respect.

According to the materials of the magazine "Caravan of stories" (May 2016)

Photo: Yuri Zaluzhny, from the personal archive of Ekaterina Osadchaya

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As a child, Osadchaya, in addition to a regular school, attended a music school, where she mastered playing the piano. Also, the girl was professionally engaged in dancing and performed as part of the choreographic ensemble "Falcons".

The growth of 180 centimeters and the correct features of her face determined her future profession when Katya was only 13 years old - it was then that she successfully graduated from the modeling school of the Bagheera agency in the capital.

After the ninth grade, when the girl was already 14 years old, she went to Tokyo, where she worked as a model on the set for three months. Then Katya Osadchaya worked in Germany, Great Britain and France. She passed her final exams at school as an external student due to a busy filming schedule in Paris.

When Katya turned 18, she ended her modeling career and returned to live in Ukraine. It was then that she got married and became pregnant. In order not to sit idle, the energetic Osadchaya decided to try herself in television journalism.

In order for her career to be successful, she actively studied with a teacher who not only taught her the literary Ukrainian language, but also set her diction and voice itself. In the same period, the girl graduated in absentia from the Faculty of History of the Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University.

At first, Katya Osadchaya got a job as a freelance correspondent for the First National Channel of Ukraine. And then, already in 2005, she successfully passed the casting and became the host of the Gossip Chronicles project on the Tonis TV channel. She looked so organically in the frame that she soon became popular and recognizable.

Two years later, Osadchaya was invited to the First National Channel, where she became the host of a similar program, only under a different name, Social Life. A year later, in 2008, the program, along with its stylish and charming presenter, began to air on the 1 + 1 TV channel.

In 2009, Katya took part in the second season of the "Dancing for You" program on the "1 + 1" channel with partner Andrey Krys. In 2011, she became the host of the show "Voice of the Country" on "1 + 1", and in 2012 she hosted the children's talent show "Voice. Children".

Personal life

Divorced. She was married to a businessman and people's deputy from the Green Party, Oleg Polishchuk, whom she married in 2001, and a year later she gave birth to a son, Ilya. In 2004, the couple broke up.

Interesting Facts

In 2009, her hat in the form of a crow sitting on a branch was noted by the British newspaper The Daily Telegraph as one of the most extravagant at Royal Ascot horse racing.

Part of the image of Katya Osadchaya are extravagant hats, which became the reason for satire in the animated series "Fairytale Rus'", where she became the prototype of the character "Katya Ostryachaya"

Favorite clothing brand All Saints

In everyday life, the presenter wears maxi dresses and men's jeans with torn knees.

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