Chinese characters for good luck and money. We use hieroglyphs to attract money and wealth

Hieroglyph "Double Happiness" will bring to your home the fulfillment of all dreams and harmony in marriage. Since this is double happiness, this hieroglyph helps not only the owner of this symbol, but also his soul mate. Success becomes the success of both, happiness becomes twice as much! If you give this hieroglyph, then you sincerely wish the person happiness, the fulfillment of all desires and show an expression of deep friendship.

Hieroglyph "Wealth" contributes to the increase in income and the receipt of all kinds of material benefits. This hieroglyph can be put in the wealth zone, wallet, safe and other "money" places. The hieroglyph "Wealth" helps to gain not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, creates a positive Qi in the house and office. This hieroglyph, in principle, like all the others, is customary to give to friends. After all, the more we desire good, the more we ourselves receive it.

Hieroglyph "Money"- one of the most popular hieroglyphs in feng shui. Attracts wealth and monetary wealth in the places where it is placed. Unlike the hieroglyph "Wealth", it attracts precisely monetary energy and everything related to money. Promotes the formation of several sources of income. Money will make you free and you can do whatever you want.

Hieroglyph "Prosperity" contributes to the growth and prosperity of all aspects of life. Therefore, it can be placed in any Bagua sector that you want to further activate. This generalized hieroglyph will bring good luck, health, love and material well-being to your home. If you do not strive for wealth, then you will find spiritual peace and tranquility.

Hieroglyph "Happiness"- a sign of good wishes. This symbol awakens spiritual strength and inner energy. Happiness for everyone is different, for someone - to find love and family, for another - to achieve career heights, for the third - success in creative activity. So, this hieroglyph "Happiness" contributes to obtaining what exactly for you is happiness and well-being.

Hieroglyph "Abundance" will bring to your home an abundance of whatever you desire, whether it be money, fame, success or love. This hieroglyph, like "Prosperity", attracts the energy of abundance and growth in any area of ​​life. This hieroglyph can be used in conjunction with other hieroglyphs, the symbolism of which is important to you at the moment.

Hieroglyph "Fulfillment of desires" promotes the awakening of energy that is associated with your dreams and desires. It is very good to have such a hieroglyph at home, it will help with the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of all your plans, both personal and business. It is customary to give this calligraphy to friends with the wish of all the best and the fulfillment of all cherished desires.

Hieroglyph "Business success" good for both businessmen and people of creative professions. It attracts customers, business partners, ensures success in all endeavors, contributes to the birth of new ideas and opportunities. This hieroglyph is usually placed in offices, on the desktop or at home in the office to attract energy, activity and creativity.

Hieroglyph "Love" attracts the energy of love, contributes to the acquisition of long and mutual love, happiness in love, and in marriage creates harmony and mutual understanding. This hieroglyph not only strengthens the joint bonds of marriage, but also extinguishes mutual conflicts. You will find harmony and peace, peace and a decent life with your loved one. If you don't have it yet, then put this hieroglyph in the sector of love and marriage, and you yourself will not notice how you will meet your half.

Hieroglyph "Eternal Love" will give you a flame of eternal and unquenchable love. This hieroglyph is used as a love amulet so that nothing can destroy this deep and tender feeling. Present the hieroglyph to your friends, parents with a wish of eternal love, they will only be grateful to you in return.

Hieroglyph "100 years of happiness in marriage" speaks for itself. This hieroglyph promotes a strong family union and happiness in marriage. As a talisman, it is used for the family from the invasion of third parties, helps to prevent betrayal of spouses and gives them happiness and love. Year by year, their married life is only getting better and better.

Hieroglyph "Health" helps to achieve excellent health and good health. In wishes to close people, first of all, we wish health, since it cannot be bought for any money. This hieroglyph not only helps to maintain health, but also contributes to the speedy recovery of patients. Give this hieroglyph to your loved ones and friends with a wish for good health.

Hieroglyph "Longevity"- a symbol of health and long life. One of the most popular hieroglyphs, it is customary to give it to the elderly with a wish for a long life. This symbol can be placed in the health sector or in the bedroom.

Auspicious Japanese Feng Shui characters, Japanese characters, which means hieroglyph, hieroglyph Double happiness, hieroglyph Money, hieroglyph wealth, hieroglyph prosperity, hieroglyph Abundance, hieroglyph business success, hieroglyph Eternal love, hieroglyph Health, hieroglyph Health, hieroglyph Longevity, which means Japanese hieroglyphs

Auspicious Chinese characters are one of the most powerful and effective Feng Shui tools for attracting a specific type of luck. With the help of favorable hieroglyphs, you can activate not only a specific Bagua sector, but also qualitatively improve the Qi energy of your home. The hieroglyph "Wealth" and "Money" can be put in the wallet and the places where you keep money. Thus, you will attract the energy of money and significantly increase your income.

Consider auspicious hieroglyphs as your talisman Well, how to use the talisman is not for me to explain to you. In general, the Chinese are very fond of and sincerely believe in the power of these squiggles. And they, after all, really know a lot about it. Therefore, on red envelopes, which are very popular and not only in China, auspicious hieroglyphs are depicted. So it's up to you, to believe or not to believe, but you can, at least for the sake of curiosity, check the strength of the hieroglyphs, but you will only get better from this, so why not ?!

You can purchase ready-made panels with hieroglyphs in specialized stores, for example, in this - ESOTERICS - an online store of feng shui items, unusual gifts and souvenirs, you can try to draw them yourself (if you can) or just print them from this page and apply at your discretion. We offer you the most common and effective hieroglyphs, which the Chinese themselves have been using for centuries, and not only them.

Friendly site:

Thank you

Japanese Hieroglyphs in Feng Shui, Japanese Hieroglyphs, which means hieroglyph, hieroglyph Double happiness, hieroglyph Money, ie

god glyph

yours, hiero

glyph percent


hieroglyph Abundance, hieroglyph business success, hieroglyph Eternal love, hieroglyph Health, hieroglyph Health, hieroglyph Longevity, which means Japanese hieroglyphs

Tattoo hieroglyphs, hieroglyphs for tattoos, tattoos with Japanese hieroglyphs, Japanese hieroglyphs in tattoos, beautiful Japanese hieroglyphs, beautiful Japanese hieroglyphs.

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1935, 1947, 1959, 1971,
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And then a little more

Month names in Japanese

Now the Japanese months have very simple names - they are simply numbered from 1 to 12 ( ichigatsufirst month (January)nigatsusecond month (February) etc.). But earlier, in the Heian era (794-1185), they were called differently and were tied to the lunar calendar. Now these names are almost never used, but sometimes they can be found in calendars along with modern ones. Months yayoi(March), satsuki(may and sivasu(December) are still mentioned, in addition yayoi And satsuki can be used as female names.
Month Modern name old name Meaning
JanuaryIchigatsuMitsukiMonth of harmony
FebruaryNigatsuKisaragiMonth when more clothes are worn
MarchSangatsuYayoigrowth month
AprilShigatsuUzukiMonth of action (unohana)
MayGogatsuSatsukiRice planting month
JuneRokugatsuMinazukiMonth without rain(1)
JulyShichigatsuFumizukiLiterature Month
AugustHachigatsuHazukileaf month
SeptemberKugatsuNagatsukiLong autumn month
OctoberJu:gatsuKannazukiA month without gods(2)
NovemberJu: IchigatsuShimotsukifrosty month
Decemberju:nigatsuSivasMonth of the Running Priests(3)

(1) As you know, in Japan, the rainy season falls on June, so its name "month without rain" may seem strange. The fact is that the old Japanese calendar lagged behind the European one by one month, that is, minazuki lasted from July 7 to August 7, when there really is no rain.

(2) It was believed that in a month kannazuki(October) all the gods gathered from the Izumo Shrine, so this month was called “the month without gods”.

(3) December is a very busy month. Even the most respected priests ran around the bush preparing for the new year.

How to say in Japanese

Explanations for reading: “U” after deaf consonants may not be pronounced, or it may be greatly reduced, therefore, for ease of reading, I deleted the letter “U” in the Russian version of the notation. The colon denotes the length of the sound.
Group of words with the meaning "Hi" in Japanese:

Ohayo: gozaimasu (Ohayou gozaimasu) - "Good morning" in Japanese. Polite greeting.

Ohayo: (Ohayou) - An informal way to say "good morning" in Japanese

Oss (Ossu) - A very informal male version. Often used by karatekas.

Konnichiwa - "Good afternoon" in Japanese.

Kombanwa (Konbanwa) - "Good evening" in Japanese.

Hisashiburi desu - Long time no see. The usual polite option.

Hisashiburi ne? (Hisashiburi ne?) - The female version.

Hisashiburi da naa... (Hisashiburi da naa) - Male version.

Ahho! (Yahhoo) - Hello. informal option.

Ooh! (Ooi) - Hello. Pretty informal masculine option. The usual greeting for roll call at a distance.

Yo! (Yo!) - Hello. Exclusively informal male version. However, women can also sometimes speak, but it will sound rather rude.

Gokigenyou - Hello. A rather rare, very polite female greeting.

Moshi-moshi - "Hello" in Japanese.

Ogenki des ka? (o genki desuka?) – “how are you?” in Japanese.
Group of words with the meaning of "Bye" in Japanese:

Sayo:nara (Sayonara) - "Goodbye" or "Goodbye" in Japanese The usual option. It is said if the chances of an early new meeting are small.

Saraba - "Bye" informal option.

Mata Ashita - See you tomorrow in Japanese. The usual option.

Mata ne (Mata ne) - Female version.

Mata naa - Male version.

Jaa, mata (Jaa, mata) - "See you again." informal option.

Dzya (Jaa) - Quite an informal option.

De wa (De wa) - A slightly more formal version.

Oyasumi nasai - "Good night" in Japanese. The usual polite-formal option.

Oyasumi - Informal way to say "good night" in Japanese
Group of words with the meaning "Yes" in Japanese:

Hai (Hai) - "Yes / uh-huh / of course / understood / continue." The universal standard expression is to say "Yes" in Japanese, only it does not necessarily mean agreement. Therefore, if during your speech a Japanese will answer your questions with “hi”, and at the very end he will say “No” to the main question, do not be surprised, he just agreed with you, showing that he is listening to you attentively.

Haa (Haa) - "Yes, sir." A very formal expression.

Ee (Ee) - "Yes." Not very formal.

Ryo: kai (Ryoukai) - "That's right / I obey." Military or paramilitary option.
Group of words with the meaning "No" in Japanese:

Iie (Iie) - "No" in Japanese. Standard polite expression. It is also a polite form of declining a thank you or a compliment.

Nai (Nai) - "No." An indication of the absence or non-existence of something.

Betsu ni - "Nothing."
Group of words with the meaning "Of course" in Japanese:

Naruhodo (Naruhodo) - "Of course", "Of course." (besides, it can mean understandable, that's how it is, etc.)

Motiron (Mochiron) - "Naturally!" or “Definitely!” Indicates confidence in a statement.

Yahari - "That's what I thought."

Yappari - Less formal
Group word meaning "Maybe" in Japanese:

Maa... (Maa) - "Maybe..."

Saa ... (Saa) - "Well ..." In the sense - "Perhaps, but doubts still remain."
A group of words meaning "Really?" in Japanese:

Honto: des ka? (Hontou desu ka?) - "Really?" Polite form.

Honto:? (Hontou?) - A less formal form.

So: what? (Sou ka?) - "Wow..." "Is that so?" (if you heard the word "bitch" from the Japanese, then most likely it was exactly this expression)

So: des ka? (Sou desu ka?) - A formal form of the same.

So: desu nee... (Sou desu nee) - "That's how it is..." Formal version.

So: yes na... (Sou da naa) - An informal masculine version.

So: nee... (Sou nee) - Women's informal version.

Masaka! (Masaka) - "It can't be!"

Onegai Shimasu - "please/please" in Japanese. Pretty polite form. Used in requests like "please do this for me."

Onegai - A less polite form of saying "please" in Japanese.

Kudasai - Polite form. Added to the verb in -te form. For example, "mite-kudasai" - "look, please."

Kudasaimasen ka? (kudasaimasen ka) - A more polite form. Can be translated as "Couldn't you do...?". For example, "mite-kudasaimasen ka?" - "Could you take a look?"
Group of words with the meaning "Thank you" in Japanese:

Do: mo (Doumo) - Short form, say "thank you" in Japanese. usually said in response to a little "household" help, such as in response to a coat being served and an offer to enter.

Arigato: gozaimasu (Arigatou gozaimasu) - A slightly formal, polite form of saying "thank you" in Japanese.

Arigato: (Arigatou) is the common polite form of saying "thank you" in Japanese.

Do: mo arigato: (Doumo arigatou) - "Thank you very much" in Japanese. Polite form.

Do: mo arigato: gozaimasu (Doumo arigatou gozaimasu) - "Thank you so much." Very polite, formal, saying "thank you" in Japanese

Katajikenai - Obsolete, very polite form of saying "thank you" in Japanese

Osewa ni narimashita (Osewa ni narimashita) - "I am your debtor." A very polite and formal way to say thank you in Japanese.

Osewa ni natta - An informal form with the same meaning.
Group of words with the meaning "Please" in Japanese:

Do: Dou itashimashite - "Don't thank me / Unexpectedly / Please" in Japanese. Polite, formal.

Iie (Iie) - "No / No thanks / Please" in Japanese. informal form.
Group of words with the meaning "I'm sorry" in Japanese:

Gomen nasai - "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry." Pretty polite form. Expresses regret for some reason, for example, if someone has to be disturbed. Usually it is not actually an apology for a significant misconduct (unlike "sumimasen").

Gomen (Gomen) - Informal form, to say "I'm sorry" in Japanese

Sumimasen (Sumimasen) - "I'm sorry" in Japanese. Polite form. Expresses an apology associated with a significant misconduct.

Sumanai / Suman (Sumanai / Suman) - A not very polite form of saying "I'm sorry" in Japanese, usually a masculine form.

Sumanu - Not very polite, old-fashioned form.

Shitsurei Shimasu - "I beg your pardon" in Japanese. Very polite formal. Used, for example, to enter the boss's office.

Shitsurei - a less formal form of "shitsurei shimas"

Mo: shivake arimasen (Moushiwake arimasen) - "I have no forgiveness." A very polite and formal form of apology in Japanese.

Mo: shivake nai (Moushiwake nai) - A less formal version.
Other expressions

Do: zo (Douzo) - "Please." A short form, an invitation to enter, take a coat, and so on. The standard response is "Do:mo".

Totto... (Chotto) - "Don't worry." Polite form of refusal. For example, if you are busy or something.
Group of words "Departure and return" in Japanese:

Itte kimasu (Itte kimasu) - "I left, but I'll be back." Pronounced when leaving home.

Chotto itte kuru - A less formal form. Usually means something like "I'll be out for a minute."

Itte irashai (Itte irashai) - “Come back soon” They answer a person in response to his “itte kimas”.

Tadaima (Tadaima) - "I'm back, I'm at home." They say when they get home.

Okaeri nasai - "Welcome home." Common response to "Tadaima".

Okaeri is a less formal form of "welcome" in Japanese.
"Bon appetit" in Japanese:
There is no such phrase in Japanese, but instead of "bon appetit" in Japanese, they say the following:

Itadakimasu (Itadakimasu) - Pronounced before you start eating. Literally translated approximately as - "I accept [this food]."

Gotiso: sama deshita (Gochisousama deshita) - "Thank you, it was very tasty." Pronounced after the end of the meal.

Gotiso:sama (Gochisousama) - Less formal form.
Exclamations in Japanese:

Kawaii! (Kawaii) - "How cute! / How cute!"

Sugoi! (Sugoi) - "Cool!"

Kakkoyi! (Kakkoii!) - "Cool, beautiful, drop dead!"

Suteki! (Suteki!) - "Cool, charming, lovely!"

Forge! (Kowai) - "Scary!" Expression of fear.

Abunai! (Abunai) - "Dangerous!" or "Watch out!"

Hida! (Hidoi!) - "Evil!", "Evil, bad."

Tasket! (Tasukete) - "Help!", "Help!"

Yamero!/Yamete! (Yamero/Yamete) - "Stop!", "Stop!"

Dame! (Dame) - "No, don't do it! It is forbidden!"

Hayaku! (Hayaku) - "Faster!"

Matte! (Matte) - "Wait!"

Yoshi! (Yoshi) - “So!”, “Come on!”, “Excellent / Good” Usually pronounced like “Yoshi!”.

Ikuzo! (Ikuzo) - "Let's go!", "Let's go!"

Itai!/Itee! (Itai/Itee) - "Oh!", "It hurts!"

Atsuy! (Atsui) - "Hot!", "Hot!"

Daijou: boo! (Daijoubu) - "It's okay", "Don't worry".

Kampai! (Kanpai) - "To the bottom!" Japanese toast.

Gambate! (Ganbatte) - "Don't give up!", "Hold on!", "Give it your all!", "Try your best!" The usual parting words at the beginning of difficult work.

Hanase! (Hanase) - "Let go!"

Hentai! (Hentai) - "Pervert!"

Urusai! (Urusai) - "Shut up!" , "noisy"

Usos! (Uso) - "Lies!"

Yokatta! (Yokatta!) - "Thank God!", "What happiness!"

Yatta! (Yatta) - "It worked!"

Other Japanese words that people often look up in search engines. Especially for you, I compiled a list of words that you could search for:

Morning in Japanese is asa (asa) (朝)

Day in Japanese - threads (nichi) or hi (hi) (日)

Night in Japanese - Yoru (夜)

Flower in Japanese hana (hana) (花)

Luck in Japanese - un (un) (運) z88;

Happiness/luck in Japanese - shiawase (幸せ)

Good in Japanese - Ii (ii) (良い)

mother in Japanese haha ​​(haha) or politely oka:san (okaasan) (お母さん)

papa in Japanese is titi (chichi), and politely (otousan) (お父さん)

elder brother in Japanese is ani or politely nisan (兄さん)

younger brother in Japanese oto:to (弟)

older sister in Japanese ane (姉)

younger sister in Japanese imo:to (妹)

dragon in Japanese - ryuyu (竜)

friend in Japanese is tomodachi (友達)

congratulations in Japanese omedo: (おめでとう)

cat in Japanese - neko (猫)

wolf in Japanese is ookami (狼)

death in Japanese - si (死)

fire in Japanese - chi (火)

water in Japanese - mizu (水)

wind in Japanese is kaze (風)

earth in Japanese is tsuchi (土)

moon in Japanese - tsuki (月)

angel in Japanese is tenshi (天使)

student in Japanese - gakusei (学生)

teacher in Japanese - sensei (先生)

Japanese beauty is utsukushisa (美しさ)

life in Japanese - sei (生)

girl in Japanese - sho: jo (少女)

beautiful in Japanese - utsukushii (美しい)

beautiful girl in Japanese bishō:jo (美少女)

god in Japanese is kami (神)

the sun in Japanese is chi (日)

world in Japanese - sekai (世界)

way in Japanese - to: or Michi (道)

black in Japanese - ((658; い)

tiger in Japanese is tora (虎)

ass in Japanese - siri (尻)

miss japanese - taikutsu (退屈)

light in Japanese is hikari (光)

fox in Japanese - kitsune (狐)

red in Japanese - akai (赤い)

ambulance in Japanese - kyu: kyu: sya (救急車)

anime in Japanese - anime (アニメ)

sakura in Japanese - sakura (桜)

health in Japanese - kenko: (健康)

baka in Japanese - fool in Japanese (馬(575;)

shadow in Japanese - kage (影)

why is nande in japanese? (何で)

hare in Japanese - usagi (兎)

crow in Japanese - karasu (烏)

star in Japanese - hoshi (星)

bear in Japanese - kuma (熊)

warrior in Japanese - bushi (武士)

soul in Japanese - reykon (霊魂)

sky in Japanese is sora (空)

eye in Japanese - me (目)

rose in Japanese - bara (薔薇)

power in Japanese is chikara (力)

white in Japanese is shiroi (白い)

snake in Japanese - hebi (蛇)

child in Japanese - kodomo (子ども)

dog in Japanese - inu (犬)

time in Japanese is toki (時)

girl in Japanese - onna no ko (女の子)

kiss in Japanese - kissu (キッス)

woman in Japanese - onna (女)

lion in Japanese is shishi (獅子)

master in Japanese is shujin (主人)

work in Japanese - shigoto (仕事)

Japanese summer is natsu (夏)

spring in Japanese - haru (春)

autumn in Japanese - aki (秋)

winter in Japanese - fuyu (冬)

vampire in Japanese - kyu:ketsuki (吸血鬼)

tree in Japanese - ki (木)

princess in Japanese - hime (姫)

sword in Japanese - ken (剣)

killer in Japanese - satsugaysha (殺害者)

city ​​in Japanese - machi (町)

lily in Japanese - yuri 百合)

kill in Japanese - korosu (殺す)

stone in Japanese - willow (岩)

lotus in Japanese - hasu (蓮)

stranger in Japanese - gaijin (外人)

man in Japanese - otoko (男)

boy in Japanese - otoko no ko (男の子)

Japanese Happy New Year - shinnen akemashite omedeto gozaimas

Since time immemorial, mankind has attributed a mystical beginning to luck and luck. Our ancestors noticed that success in business does not always come. This category is relative, and it is impossible to explain it from the point of view of science.

What is luck

Luck is sent down by the gods - so the ancient Romans believed, in whose pantheon there was Fortuna, the goddess of luck.

Success in business was explained not by the personal qualities and merits of a person, but by the goodwill of higher powers that needed to be appeased. So the first symbols that bring good luck appeared. They were realized in amulets that need to be worn on the body, household items arranged in a certain way in the house, and even tattoos.

Until now, a person treats luck as the highest good that needs to be attracted to oneself. Only then will things be successful, and the house will be a full bowl.

How to attract good luck in ancient times

People have been interested in the concept of luck since ancient times. Our ancestors were very observant, so they paid attention to any changes that occur to a person under the influence of certain objects.

Ancient people did not have scientific knowledge, so such categories as love, protection, happiness and luck were attributed to amulets, amulets, plants and animals.

This is not inherent in individual civilizations, but in humanity as a whole: ancient Greece, Egypt, China, the Slavs - each nation had its own symbols of good luck and success.

So, among the ancient Greeks there was the goddess Tycha (among the Romans - Fortuna), whose images were in many houses. The goddess holds a wheel in her hands (“the wheel of Fortune”), symbolizing the changeability of luck, its inconstancy.

Another attribute of Tihi (Fortune) is a cornucopia, bestowing on everyone who is favored by the goddess.

The ancient Egyptians had a symbol of good luck and success in business - a scarab beetle, personifying the god of invisible power, Khepri. Until now, the Egyptians use amulets in the form of scarab beetles, they believe that they will be lucky in the fulfillment of their most secret dreams.

Symbols of Success in China

Feng Shui originated in China. The ancient Chinese noticed the dependence of their lives on certain objects, plants and their location in the workplace or in the home.

Feng Shui symbols of good luck and wealth are the dragon and the three-legged toad. The dragon, a strong national symbol, attracts good luck to the house, favors business, sends happiness, protects the family - it all depends on the location of the figurine in the house. It is believed that this Chinese symbol of good luck will bring it if it stands in the east or southeast. Desires will certainly come true if there is a pearl in the dragon's mouth. It is desirable that the symbol be green. Five-fingered - very strong, imperial, it is better to install it at work.

Another Chinese good luck symbol is the three-legged toad. She became popular all over the world. The figurine is a toad with a gold coin in its mouth, sitting on the coins and the yin-yang symbol. It is believed that the three-legged toad will bring wealth and good luck if it stands in the southeast of the apartment or at the front door, giving the impression that it is jumping into the house. According to legend, this once insidious animal was conquered by the Buddha and called upon to serve people by paying golden motets.

The Feng Shui symbol of happiness and good luck is the goldfish. The same Chinese character means the words "fish" and "abundance", in addition, a goldfish attracts marital happiness. The Chinese believe that an aquarium placed in an apartment where these beauties live in ideally clear water and comfortable conditions will bring good luck to the owners in business and family life. It is desirable that there be nine of them: eight red or gold, and one black.

Laughing Buddha (Hotei) is a symbol of wealth, good luck and success in China and Japan. This is a very positive symbol depicting a full Buddhist monk with a carefree smile. The Buddha holds a bag in his hands - there he has good luck, which everyone who asks receives free of charge. According to legend, the prototype of the laughing Buddha is a cheerful traveling monk who took away sorrows and problems from people, and in return gave them happiness and good luck.

Another feng shui symbol of success in financial matters is the bowl of wealth. It is made of ceramics, precious metals, copper or crystal. The bowl should not be empty, it must be filled to the brim with any objects, but three things must be there: earth or a twig from a rich man’s garden, banknotes with a face value of 988 (rubles, dollars, euros and other currencies), as well as a bunch of nine special Chinese coins with a square hole in the middle. The shape of the bowl should be special, similar to a pumpkin.

Hieroglyphs for good luck

Closely adjacent to the art of Feng Shui are hieroglyphic signs - symbols of good luck. Hieroglyphic writing is a reflection of the environment in the form of special graphic figures. Hieroglyphs that a person wrote himself, according to certain rules, work best. There are hieroglyphs - symbols of good luck in various areas: career, love, life affairs. The hieroglyph "Luck" will attract success and luck in all matters to your home. It is important that he be depicted in a closed space, which makes his action stronger.

The hieroglyph "Wealth" will give prosperity in monetary matters, make business successful. To attract good luck, you need to place his image in the place where the process of raising funds is concentrated, you can even put it in your wallet.

The symbol of wealth, good luck and success is the hieroglyph "Double happiness". Its most powerful energy will give success in business (if it is located in the north), in family happiness (then the hieroglyph must be placed under the bed of the spouses), and if you put "Double Happiness" in your wallet, he will "invite" banknotes there.

Hieroglyphs can be depicted at home, on parchment, figurines. Another way to wear these signs is tattoos, which also came from China. The symbols listed above are very popular with visitors to tattoo parlors. Often the hieroglyph accompanies images of a dragon or the Laughing Buddha. There are also images of European symbols: a four-leaf clover and a horseshoe.

How the Slavs attracted good luck

The ancient Slavs were very observant and superstitious people: they noticed every little thing about their daily life. Trying to protect their homes and attract the favor of higher powers, they made all kinds of amulets and talismans. These were not only symbols to be worn on the body, but also embroidery, dolls, even shutters on the windows. The bird of happiness is a well-known symbol of good luck among the Slavs. Made from a certain wood (fir, spruce, pine or cedar), it was hung out in the most honorable, "red" corner of the peasant's hut. The bird of happiness was cut out of wood chips using a special technology, not glued, the elements were fastened with threads. The Slavs believed that the amulet would bring happiness to the house, would accompany in business.

Another Slavic symbol of good luck is the Magic Rhombus amulet. Made in the form of a plowed field, it not only brought good luck in working on the land, but also gave success in family affairs, good luck and prosperity.

The Slavic symbol that brings good luck to the house has reached the present - a horseshoe. Our ancestors believed that finding a horseshoe on the road is a real gift of fate. It was hung over the door inside the dwelling. To attract wealth and success, the horseshoe had to be placed upside down, so the desired benefits did not flow away. Why a horseshoe? Firstly, because the blacksmith who forged it was considered a warrior with a hostile other world. And secondly, the Slavs deified the horse-nurse. Of course, in the modern world it is impossible to find a horseshoe on the road, so the inhabitants of the Slavic countries use its souvenir versions. A prerequisite is that you cannot buy this symbol. The horseshoe must be made of metal, precious or ordinary.

Talismans of good luck from the plant world

The simplest symbols of good luck are plants. Indeed, they do not need to be made - it is enough to purchase or pluck. It is to disrupt, because in this way a connection is established between a person and a plant. In order for the inhabitants of the dwelling to be accompanied by good luck, you can plant indoor flowers at home that attract it. These include begonia, geranium and azalea. Moreover, the last two must necessarily coexist with each other. Another plant that can provide luck is the common ficus.

If we talk about garden plants, then a rose can be distinguished as a symbol of love, good luck and prosperity. This is a peculiar version of the lotus flower, which gives good luck to the inhabitants of Asian peoples.

Bay leaf will bring success in business to those who put it in their pocket. The laurel wreath is a symbol of the winners, respectively, this symbol will make the owner the first in their affairs.

If we talk about plants-symbols of good luck in the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, there the first place is given to chrysanthemum and sakura.

Four-leaf clover

A separate discussion deserves the most common symbol of good luck and luck - a four-leaf clover. This plant combined the Christian culture and the legends of the ancient Celts. Clover with three leaves symbolizes the spiritual principle: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit or Faith, Hope and Love. But the fourth leaf is a success. Many people still believe in clover as a symbol of good luck in business. Even children, playing in the meadow, try to find this magic sign. Moreover, according to legend, luck will come only to those who find it completely by accident. To make the sign work, it must be dried and put in a red bag. Finding a four leaf clover is not so easy, the odds are 1:10,000.

The four leaf clover is the symbol of Ireland. Saint Patrick, the patron saint of the country, converted pagan residents to Christianity with the help of clover, telling them the basics of the faith, showing the unity of the Holy Trinity.


The oak was revered by many ancient peoples: the Druids held festivities in honor of it, the Scandinavians deified it, associating it with Thor, the son of Odin, the Romans identified the oak with the god Saturn, and the Slavs with the Thunderer Perun. The fruit of the oak, a sacred tree, will give the owner good luck and happiness. It is enough to take it with you, and success will accompany everything. Women wore acorn beads to attract happiness in family life and childbearing. Acorns laid out on the windowsill will protect the house from misfortunes and evil forces, good luck will settle there.

Animals and insects - symbols of luck

An important role is played by symbols of good luck in the animal kingdom. Since ancient times, it has been common for mankind to endow certain animals and insects with magical properties.

The ladybug was revered by many cultures, they considered it an intermediary between people and God. It is noteworthy that in the name of the insect in all languages ​​there is a reference to its divine principle: “God's candle”, “God's Maryushka”, “God's hen”. Even just meeting an insect was considered a great success, our ancestors believed that it brought them God's grace and success in business. To kill him was akin to a great sin.

In English, the name of the insect is lexically associated with the name of the Mother of God. It was believed that the ladybug is a messenger, an assistant to the Virgin Mary.

In France and other European countries, amulet medallions with a ladybug are widespread. People believe that such a pendant is a symbol of good luck and luck, and the more black spots on the wings, the better. The maximum number is seven, such a ladybug will bring good luck and happiness. Charms with the image of a ladybug were hung on newborn children to protect them from evil.

From America came to mankind a symbol of good luck - a rabbit's foot. Newborns were fanned with it so that the child would not be exposed to anything unkind, and adult owners of the rabbit's foot were always successful in business. Why were rabbits endowed with mystical properties? The ancient Celts noticed that these animals dig holes for themselves, and, accordingly, have a connection with the other world. In addition, the fact that rabbits are born with open eyes seemed sacred to ancient people. For a talisman, only the hind leg of a rabbit that was caught in a cemetery on a full moon is suitable. People still tend to trust the luck of the rabbit's foot: many have this amulet.

In the Land of the Rising Sun, Japan, there are also symbols of good luck and success. The most common is Maneki Neko. It is a figurine of a cat with a collar around its neck and a raised paw. Sometimes a Maneki-neko holds a coin in its paw. The Japanese revere this talisman very much, they consider it capable of providing prosperity and good luck. Legend has it that the prototype Maneki-neko, the cat of a poor temple abbot, saved a wealthy merchant from death during a thunderstorm. He decided to thank the owner of his savior and donated funds for the restoration of the religious building. Since then, the cat and its owner have sewn up a full, comfortable life. Now Maneki-neko can be found in almost every home and office in Japan. If the cat's left paw is raised up, the company will have an unprecedented flow of customers, and if the right one, the owner of the talisman will be lucky.

Other famous good luck charms

In addition to the inhabitants of the animal and plant world, there are other symbols of good luck - material, inanimate objects. Endowing them with magical properties is associated with the metaphorical meaning that they carry.

So, it is believed that the sailboat model is able to bring good luck and prosperity to its owner. This symbol was endowed with a sacred meaning at the time of the formation of navigation, when a ship arriving at the port carried wealth, rare and outlandish things. Being the owner of a ship was considered a great success. The sailboat moves with the help of the wind - a natural force beyond the control of man, only the gods. This is what attracts wealth and good luck to a person. Currently, models of sailboats are in the offices of large and small companies, in homes and shops. Initially, large models were used as symbols, quite fragile, brought from China. Gradually, this rule stepped aside, and now sailboats can be bought in souvenir shops, or you can even replace it with a picture. The sailboat should be located floating from the window or door to the owner, the god of wealth should be placed on the stern, and “treasures” should be placed on the deck: coins, jewelry, precious and semi-precious stones.

Another interesting symbol of happiness and good luck is the figurine of a chimney sweep. The custom came from Germany, where it was considered a great success to meet a chimney sweep - the minion of fate. After all, his work is very dangerous: at high altitude, perform almost gymnastic numbers when cleaning pipes. And the chimney sweep copes, it is obvious that luck is on his side. There is also a mystical meaning to the explanation of this symbol: the chimney sweep's broom is made of birch, a tree that carries fertility in itself. For an ancient man, the abundant gifts of the earth are happiness, blessing, good luck. In addition, the chimney sweep gives people warmth - another sacred symbol. It turns out that in his profession two most important symbols for a person were combined: fertility and warmth.

Following Germany, the belief that a chimney sweep brings good luck spread to most European countries. Residents of Poland, Norway, Sweden, Austria and a number of other countries still give figurines of chimney sweeps in the hope that happiness and good luck will come to a person.

There are a lot of symbols that bring luck and happiness. Deciding which symbol of good luck is suitable for a person will help faith in the strength and capabilities of a particular talisman. Only then will luck and success come to him.

Chinese characters are one of the most powerful and effective Feng Shui tools for attracting a specific type of good luck. With the help of hieroglyphs, you can activate not only a specific Bagua sector, but also qualitatively improve the Qi energy of your home.
You can use hieroglyphs as enhancers and as stimulants for the success of your personal energy:
* for sticking them on the wall,
* to put them in the right place in your room,
* for storage in a wallet,
* for placing on a desk, diary, monitor, stationery, etc.
The hieroglyph "Double Happiness" will bring the fulfillment of all dreams and harmony in marriage to your home. Since this is double happiness, this hieroglyph helps not only the owner of this symbol, but also his soul mate. Success becomes the success of both, happiness becomes twice as much! If you give this hieroglyph, then you sincerely wish the person happiness, the fulfillment of all desires and show an expression of deep friendship.

The hieroglyph "Wealth" contributes to an increase in income and the receipt of all kinds of material benefits. This hieroglyph can be put in the wealth zone, wallet, safe and other "money" places. The hieroglyph "Wealth" helps to gain not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, creates a positive Qi in the house and office. This hieroglyph, in principle, like all the others, is customary to give to friends. After all, the more we desire good, the more we ourselves receive it.

The hieroglyph "Money" is one of the most popular hieroglyphs in feng shui. Attracts wealth and monetary wealth in the places where it is placed. Unlike the hieroglyph “Wealth”, it attracts precisely monetary energy and everything related to money. Promotes the formation of several sources of income. Money will make you free and you can do whatever you want.

The hieroglyph "Prosperity" promotes the growth and prosperity of all aspects of life. Therefore, it can be placed in any Bagua sector that you want to further activate. This generalized hieroglyph will bring good luck, health, love and material well-being to your home. If you do not strive for wealth, then you will find spiritual peace and tranquility.

The hieroglyph "Happiness" is a sign of good wishes. This symbol awakens spiritual strength and inner energy. Happiness for everyone is different, for someone - to find love and family, for another - to achieve career heights, for the third - success in creative activity. So, this hieroglyph "Happiness" contributes to obtaining what exactly for you is happiness and well-being.

The hieroglyph "Abundance" will bring to your home an abundance of whatever you desire, whether it be money, fame, success or love. This hieroglyph, like "Prosperity", attracts the energy of abundance and growth in any area of ​​life. This hieroglyph can be used in conjunction with other hieroglyphs, the symbolism of which is important to you at the moment.

The hieroglyph "Fulfillment of desires" helps to awaken the energy that is associated with your dreams and desires. It is very good to have such a hieroglyph at home, it will help with the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of all your plans, both personal and business. It is customary to give this calligraphy to friends with the wish of all the best and the fulfillment of all cherished desires.

The hieroglyph "Business success" is good for both businessmen and people of creative professions. It attracts customers, business partners, ensures success in all endeavors, contributes to the birth of new ideas and opportunities. This hieroglyph is usually placed in offices, on the desktop or at home in the office to attract energy, activity and creativity.

The hieroglyph "Love" attracts the energy of love, contributes to the acquisition of long and mutual love, happiness in love, and in marriage creates harmony and mutual understanding. This hieroglyph not only strengthens the joint bonds of marriage, but also extinguishes mutual conflicts. You will find harmony and peace, peace and a decent life with your loved one. If you don’t have it yet, then put this hieroglyph in the sector of love and marriage, and you yourself will not notice how you will meet your half.

The hieroglyph "Eternal Love" will give you a flame of eternal and unquenchable love. This hieroglyph is used as a love amulet so that nothing can destroy this deep and tender feeling. Present the hieroglyph to your friends, parents with a wish of eternal love, they will only be grateful to you in return.

The hieroglyph "100 years of happiness in marriage" speaks for itself. This hieroglyph promotes a strong family union and happiness in marriage. As a talisman, it is used for the family from the invasion of third parties, helps to prevent betrayal of spouses and gives them happiness and love. Year by year, their married life is only getting better and better.

The hieroglyph "Longevity" is a symbol of health and long life. One of the most popular hieroglyphs, it is customary to give it to the elderly with a wish for a long life. This symbol can be placed in the health sector or in the bedroom.

The hieroglyph "Health" helps to find excellent health and good health. In wishes to close people, first of all, we wish health, since it cannot be bought for any money. This hieroglyph not only helps to maintain health, but also contributes to the speedy recovery of patients. Give this hieroglyph to your loved ones and friends with a wish for good health.

The hieroglyph "Strength" is a symbol that creates a favorable atmosphere and strengthens spiritual and physical strength. It will be appropriate in the zone of love and marriage, as well as in the family zone.

The hieroglyph "Beauty" is a symbol that creates a favorable harmonious atmosphere in the room. Suitable for creative area.

The hieroglyph "Luck" is a symbol that creates a good atmosphere in the room and brings good luck. A good place for this symbol is in the Career zone.

The hieroglyph "Useful friends" can be placed in the assistant zone





Japanese hieroglyphs denoting whole words carry a certain energy, which protects children and adults, home and comfort.

"Angel" - Your guardian, assistant and adviser.

"Bamboo" is an oriental symbol of health, longevity, happiness, stamina and spiritual strength.

"Auspicious" is one of the most popular calligraphy. Protects from evil spirits, for success in business and personal life.

"Blessing" - grants you a blessing for the fulfillment of your plan.

"Big Harvest" - contributes to great success and excellent results in any field of activity.

"Politeness" - helps others to be mutually polite and well-mannered people.

"Spring" - this hieroglyph brings love, joy, fresh strength and renewal into your life.

"Faith". Faith will move mountains. It helps to believe in yourself, love. Justice and a brighter future

"Eternity". Everything that gives us joy and happiness, let it be forever.

"I love you" - helps to preserve the sharpness and trembling of feelings. A good way to express your love.

"Wealth" - helps to gain spiritual and material wealth.

“All is well” - contributes to the best course of affairs at work and at home.

"Harmony" - helps to be in harmony with oneself and the world around.

"Tao" (path) - creates the possibility of following the spiritual path to perfection, streamlines and harmonizes the life situation.

"Kindness" - responsiveness, sympathy, disinterestedness and the ability to forgive.

"Dragon" - personifies extraordinary strength and power.

"Friendship" - strengthens the relationship between friends. It is favorable to give this gift - recognition to a friend or girlfriend.

"Abundance" - contributes to the possession of numerous talents. The hieroglyph depicts a bowl with ears of wheat.

"Strong" - strength of will and spirit. This calligraphy promotes the development of physical strength, power and authority, stamina, invincibility.

"Moon" - this hieroglyph brings to our house the goddess of love, who lives on the moon.

"Dreams" - "There is no such dream that would not come true" - an Eastern proverb.

"Wisdom" - contributes to the accumulation of knowledge, life experience and its correct application in life.

"Person" - this hieroglyph helps to achieve respect and recognition in society, to be worthy of the title of a person.

"Full" - contributes to the fact that there is a "Full bowl" in the house.

"Prosperity". Provides growth and prosperity to everything you need.

"Forgiveness". I'm sorry, I understand. This hieroglyph teaches generosity, the ability to forgive and not notice the mistakes of others.

"Smooth" - contributes to the smooth flow of life without unexpected fractures and turns.

"Firefly". In Japan, it is believed that the bright glow of these insects penetrates to the very heart and awakens love from sleep. In this way, calligraphy contributes to finding your love.

"Light of knowledge" - helps in learning.

"Able" - contributes to the rapid mastery of various skills and teachings.

"Happiness, Money, Love, Longevity" - four hieroglyphs bring us everything we want from life.

"Creativity" - inspiration, ideological abundance.

"Good business" - helps you find your own business.

"Purity". Cleanliness is the key to the health of the body and home. It helps to improve health, cleanse bad thoughts and feelings, improve the energy of space.

"Eternal Love" - ​​bestows the flame of eternal and unquenchable love.

"Mutual Benefit" - This calligraphy promotes success in trading.

"Guru" - attracts into your life the highest patronage and people endowed with power and authority. Raises social status.

"Mountain water" - contributes to financial success, ensures safety
Your property and patronizes vehicles.

"Business success" - contributes to better promotion of your business and career.

"Longevity" - bestows good health and long life.

"Dragon's Breath" - vital energy. This calligraphy improves the overall energy of the room, brings all kinds of prosperity, happiness and well-being.

"Spirituality" - brings spiritual perfection, strength, bliss, patience, mercy, modesty, control

feelings and mind.

"Natural" - helps you to be more simple and natural in life, feel like a part of nature.

"Health" - brings excellent well-being and good health.

"Yin-Yang" is a symbol of life, perfection, harmony, peace and harmony.

"Truth" - helps to see the true essence of ongoing events, to recognize good and evil, lies and truth

"Fulfillment of desires" - helps to fulfill various aspirations and wishes.

"Teamwork", "Teamwork" - improves cooperation and mutual understanding in the team.

"Beauty" - will help you achieve the beauty of the soul and body.

"Love" - ​​contributes to the acquisition of a long and strong love.

"Love one another" - love and be loved.

"Mother" - this hieroglyph teaches motherly love.

"Peaceful" - brings peace, peace to your heart and home.

"Hope" is the last stronghold of success. Helps to always be full of hope for the implementation of their goals.

"Education" is the foundation of the future. This hieroglyph promotes education.

"Renewal" - helps to constantly change for the better, gives freshness and renewal to feelings, flexibility of thinking and versatility in the perception of the world.

"Peony" - Imperial flower. Peony is a symbol of passionate passion and unquenchable love, wealth, glory and dignity.

"Victory" - gives you the strength to win on all fronts.

"Increase" - this hieroglyph contributes to a person in his professional activities.

"Congratulations" - helps all your deeds and achievements to be duly noted and recognized, stimulates you to achieve new heights in your work.

Helping Friends. Whatever difficult situation you find yourself in, this hieroglyph will help you get help and support from friends and acquaintances.

Wealth Invitation is one of the most popular calligraphy in China. The hieroglyph invites wealth to the house or office.

"Offering" - this hieroglyph brings happiness and good luck.

"Advancement" - helps you never stand still, but only move forward and progress in all aspects of your life.

"Paradise". Paradise is a place of complete peace, love and happiness. Brings a heavenly atmosphere into your life.

“Flourishing” is the most favorable combination of Heaven and Earth, time and space. Bestows prosperity, great abundance and harmony.

"Growth" - grants spiritual, physical, professional and career growth, promotes business development.

"Fish" is a symbol of great luck, prosperity and prosperity.

"Sakura" - will help you find such a bright and beautiful love as sakura flowers.

"Freedom" - helps to be more independent in life.

"Courage". Lack of courage leads to failure. This calligraphy helps you reach your goal without hesitation or fear.

"Family" - brings peace, harmony and understanding to the family.

"Cooperate." Collaboration is necessary for your activities at home or at work to be successful.

"Perfect" - helps to be a comprehensively developed person.

"Calm" - helps to achieve a calm measured life: good health, financial well-being and good interpersonal relationships.

"Happiness". Happiness is a need of the soul. This hieroglyph helps to find your bird of happiness.

"Destiny" - helps to believe in yourself, your strength, to be the creator of your happiness.

"Patience". Patience and perseverance are the ingredients of a strong character that achieves success.

"Luck" - the hieroglyph brings good luck in any endeavors and success in business.

"Respect and Prosperity" - grants us respect and honor from relatives and colleagues, contributes to the growth of well-being.

"Feng Shui". One of the most popular hieroglyphs. Brings whatever kind of happiness and good luck you desire.

"Feng Shui II" - a good "Feng Shui" for harmony in the house, so that happiness and good luck do not leave your home.

Qi is life energy. Improves the overall energy of the room, brings all kinds of prosperity and well-being.

"Pure mind" - this calligraphy helps to keep the mind in order, removes unnecessary experiences, brings peace and enlightenment, stimulates the intellect

If you wish to use hieroglyphs, follow these simple rules:

* use only those characters whose meaning you know
* select hieroglyphs for the talisman, in accordance with the logic (that is, for the Wealth zone, for example, use the hieroglyph "Little Waterfall", remembering that this is a water symbol)
* use protective hieroglyphs separately from activating talismans
* hieroglyphs of self-knowledge and personal improvement, place in your best sector, use separately from activating talismans

Correct writing of hieroglyphs and much more can be found

You can draw hieroglyphs on your photo with the corresponding mantra if I need to correct the situation somewhere. and I draw for a child and for all my relatives it works super!

Chinese characters are one of the most powerful and effective Feng Shui tools for attracting a specific type of good luck. With the help of hieroglyphs, you can activate not only a specific Bagua sector, but also qualitatively improve the Qi energy of your home.
You can use hieroglyphs as enhancers and as stimulants for the success of your personal energy:
* for sticking them on the wall,
* to put them in the right place in your room,
* for storage in a wallet,
* for placing on a desk, diary, monitor, stationery, etc.
The hieroglyph "Double Happiness" will bring to your home the fulfillment of all dreams and harmony in marriage. Since this is double happiness, this hieroglyph helps not only the owner of this symbol, but also his soul mate. Success becomes the success of both, happiness becomes twice as much! If you give this hieroglyph, then you sincerely wish the person happiness, the fulfillment of all desires and show an expression of deep friendship.

The hieroglyph "Wealth" contributes to an increase in income and the receipt of all kinds of material benefits. This hieroglyph can be put in the wealth zone, wallet, safe and other "money" places. The hieroglyph "Wealth" helps to gain not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, creates a positive Qi in the house and office. This hieroglyph, in principle, like all the others, is customary to give to friends. After all, the more we desire good, the more we ourselves receive it.

The hieroglyph "Money" is one of the most popular hieroglyphs in feng shui. Attracts wealth and monetary wealth in the places where it is placed. Unlike the hieroglyph "Wealth", it attracts precisely monetary energy and everything related to money. Promotes the formation of several sources of income. Money will make you free and you can do whatever you want.

The hieroglyph "Prosperity" promotes the growth and prosperity of all aspects of life. Therefore, it can be placed in any Bagua sector that you want to further activate. This generalized hieroglyph will bring good luck, health, love and material well-being to your home. If you do not strive for wealth, then you will find spiritual peace and tranquility.

The hieroglyph "Happiness" is a sign of good wishes. This symbol awakens spiritual strength and inner energy. Happiness for everyone is different, for someone - to find love and family, for another - to achieve career heights, for the third - success in creative activity. So, this hieroglyph "Happiness" contributes to obtaining what exactly for you is happiness and well-being.

The hieroglyph "Abundance" will bring to your home an abundance of whatever you desire, whether it be money, fame, success or love. This hieroglyph, like "Prosperity", attracts the energy of abundance and growth in any area of ​​life. This hieroglyph can be used in conjunction with other hieroglyphs, the symbolism of which is important to you at the moment.

The hieroglyph "Fulfillment of desires" helps to awaken the energy that is associated with your dreams and desires. It is very good to have such a hieroglyph at home, it will help with the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of all your plans, both personal and business. It is customary to give this calligraphy to friends with the wish of all the best and the fulfillment of all cherished desires.

The hieroglyph "Business success" is good for both businessmen and people of creative professions. It attracts customers, business partners, ensures success in all endeavors, contributes to the birth of new ideas and opportunities. This hieroglyph is usually placed in offices, on the desktop or at home in the office to attract energy, activity and creativity.

The hieroglyph "Love" attracts the energy of love, contributes to the acquisition of long and mutual love, happiness in love, and in marriage creates harmony and mutual understanding. This hieroglyph not only strengthens the joint bonds of marriage, but also extinguishes mutual conflicts. You will find harmony and peace, peace and a decent life with your loved one. If you don’t have it yet, then put this hieroglyph in the sector of love and marriage, and you yourself will not notice how you will meet your half.

The hieroglyph "Eternal Love" will give you a flame of eternal and unquenchable love. This hieroglyph is used as a love amulet so that nothing can destroy this deep and tender feeling. Present the hieroglyph to your friends, parents with a wish of eternal love, they will only be grateful to you in return.

The hieroglyph "100 years of happiness in marriage" speaks for itself. This hieroglyph promotes a strong family union and happiness in marriage. As a talisman, it is used for the family from the invasion of third parties, helps to prevent betrayal of spouses and gives them happiness and love. Year by year, their married life is only getting better and better.

The hieroglyph "Longevity" is a symbol of health and long life. One of the most popular hieroglyphs, it is customary to give it to the elderly with a wish for a long life. This symbol can be placed in the health sector or in the bedroom.

The hieroglyph "Health" helps to find excellent health and good health. In wishes to close people, first of all, we wish health, since it cannot be bought for any money. This hieroglyph not only helps to maintain health, but also contributes to the speedy recovery of patients. Give this hieroglyph to your loved ones and friends with a wish for good health.

The hieroglyph "Strength" is a symbol that creates a favorable atmosphere and strengthens spiritual and physical strength. It will be appropriate in the zone of love and marriage, as well as in the family zone.

The hieroglyph "Beauty" is a symbol that creates a favorable harmonious atmosphere in the room. Suitable for creative area.

The hieroglyph "Luck" is a symbol that creates a good atmosphere in the room and brings good luck. A good place for this symbol is in the Career zone.

The hieroglyph "Useful friends" can be placed in the assistant zone











diligent and reasonable (good to use for children)







Hieroglyphic meanings

Japanese hieroglyphs denoting whole words carry a certain energy, which protects children and adults, home and comfort.

"Angel" - Your guardian, assistant and adviser.

"Bamboo" is an oriental symbol of health, longevity, happiness, stamina and spiritual strength.

"Auspicious" is one of the most popular calligraphy. Protects from evil spirits, for success in business and personal life.

"Blessing" - grants you a blessing for the fulfillment of your plan.

"Big Harvest" - contributes to great success and excellent results in any field of activity.

"Politeness" - helps others to be mutually polite and well-mannered people.

"Spring" - this hieroglyph brings love, joy, fresh strength and renewal into your life.

"Faith". Faith will move mountains. It helps to believe in yourself, love. Justice and a brighter future

"Eternity". Everything that gives us joy and happiness, let it be forever.

"I love you" - helps to preserve the sharpness and trembling of feelings. A good way to express your love.

"Wealth" - helps to gain spiritual and material wealth.

“All is well” - contributes to the best course of affairs at work and at home.

"Harmony" - helps to be in harmony with oneself and the world around.

"Tao" (path) - creates the possibility of following the spiritual path to perfection, streamlines and harmonizes the life situation.

"Kindness" - responsiveness, sympathy, disinterestedness and the ability to forgive.

"Dragon" - personifies extraordinary strength and power.

"Friendship" - strengthens the relationship between friends. It is favorable to give this gift - recognition to a friend or girlfriend.

"Abundance" - contributes to the possession of numerous talents. The hieroglyph depicts a bowl with ears of wheat.

"Strong" - strength of will and spirit. This calligraphy promotes the development of physical strength, power and authority, stamina, invincibility.

"Moon" - this hieroglyph brings to our house the goddess of love, who lives on the moon.

"Dreams" - "There is no such dream that would not come true" - an Eastern proverb.

"Wisdom" - contributes to the accumulation of knowledge, life experience and its correct application in life.

"Person" - this hieroglyph helps to achieve respect and recognition in society, to be worthy of the title of a person.

"Full" - contributes to the fact that there is a "Full bowl" in the house.

"Prosperity". Provides growth and prosperity to everything you need.

"Forgiveness". I'm sorry, I understand. This hieroglyph teaches generosity, the ability to forgive and not notice the mistakes of others.

"Smooth" - contributes to the smooth flow of life without unexpected fractures and turns.

"Firefly". In Japan, it is believed that the bright glow of these insects penetrates to the very heart and awakens love from sleep. In this way, calligraphy contributes to finding your love.

"Light of knowledge" - helps in learning.

"Able" - contributes to the rapid mastery of various skills and teachings.

"Happiness, Money, Love, Longevity" - four hieroglyphs bring us everything we want from life.

"Creativity" - inspiration, ideological abundance.

"Good business" - helps you find your own business.

"Purity". Cleanliness is the key to the health of the body and home. It helps to improve health, cleanse bad thoughts and feelings, improve the energy of space.

"Eternal Love" - ​​bestows the flame of eternal and unquenchable love.

"Mutual Benefit" - This calligraphy promotes success in trading.

"Guru" - attracts into your life the highest patronage and people endowed with power and authority. Raises social status.

"Mountain water" - contributes to financial success, ensures safety
Your property and patronizes vehicles.

"Business success" - contributes to better promotion of your business and career.

"Longevity" - bestows good health and long life.

"Dragon's Breath" - vital energy. This calligraphy improves the overall energy of the room, brings all kinds of prosperity, happiness and well-being.

"Spirituality" - brings spiritual perfection, strength, bliss, patience, mercy, modesty, control of feelings and mind.

"Natural" - helps you to be more simple and natural in life, feel like a part of nature.

"Health" - brings excellent well-being and good health.

"Yin-Yang" is a symbol of life, perfection, harmony, peace and harmony.

"Truth" - helps to see the true essence of ongoing events, to recognize good and evil, lies and truth

"Fulfillment of desires" - helps to fulfill various aspirations and wishes.

"Teamwork", "Teamwork" - improves cooperation and mutual understanding in the team.

"Beauty" - will help you achieve the beauty of the soul and body.

"Love" - ​​contributes to the acquisition of a long and strong love.

"Love one another" - love and be loved.

"Mother" - this hieroglyph teaches motherly love.

"Peaceful" - brings peace, peace to your heart and home.

"Hope" is the last stronghold of success. Helps to always be full of hope for the implementation of their goals.

"Education" is the foundation of the future. This hieroglyph promotes education.

"Renewal" - helps to constantly change for the better, gives freshness and renewal to feelings, flexibility of thinking and versatility in the perception of the world.

"Peony" - Imperial flower. Peony is a symbol of passionate passion and unquenchable love, wealth, glory and dignity.

"Victory" - gives you the strength to win on all fronts.

"Increase" - this hieroglyph contributes to a person in his professional activities.

"Congratulations" - helps all your deeds and achievements to be duly noted and recognized, stimulates you to achieve new heights in your work.

Helping Friends. Whatever difficult situation you find yourself in, this hieroglyph will help you get help and support from friends and acquaintances.

Wealth Invitation is one of the most popular calligraphy in China. The hieroglyph invites wealth to the house or office.

"Offering" - this hieroglyph brings happiness and good luck.

"Advancement" - helps you never stand still, but only move forward and progress in all aspects of your life.

"Paradise". Paradise is a place of complete peace, love and happiness. Brings a heavenly atmosphere into your life.

“Flourishing” is the most favorable combination of Heaven and Earth, time and space. Bestows prosperity, great abundance and harmony.

"Growth" - grants spiritual, physical, professional and career growth, promotes business development.

"Fish" is a symbol of great luck, prosperity and prosperity.

"Sakura" - will help you find such a bright and beautiful love as sakura flowers.

"Freedom" - helps to be more independent in life.

"Courage". Lack of courage leads to failure. This calligraphy helps you reach your goal without hesitation or fear.

"Family" - brings peace, harmony and understanding to the family.

"Cooperate." Collaboration is necessary for your activities at home or at work to be successful.

"Perfect" - helps to be a comprehensively developed person.

"Calm" - helps to achieve a calm measured life: good health, financial well-being and good interpersonal relationships.

"Happiness". Happiness is a need of the soul. This hieroglyph helps to find your bird of happiness.

"Destiny" - helps to believe in yourself, your strength, to be the creator of your happiness.

"Patience". Patience and perseverance are the ingredients of a strong character that achieves success.

"Luck" - the hieroglyph brings good luck in any endeavors and success in business.

"Respect and Prosperity" - grants us respect and honor from relatives and colleagues, contributes to the growth of well-being.

"Feng Shui". One of the most popular hieroglyphs. Brings whatever kind of happiness and good luck you desire.

"Feng Shui II" - a good "Feng Shui" for harmony in the house, so that happiness and good luck do not leave your home.

Qi is life energy. Improves the overall energy of the room, brings all kinds of prosperity and well-being.

"Pure mind" - this calligraphy helps to keep the mind in order, removes unnecessary experiences, brings peace and enlightenment, stimulates the intellect

If you wish to use hieroglyphs, follow these simple rules:

* use only those characters whose meaning you know
* select hieroglyphs for the talisman, in accordance with the logic (that is, for the Wealth zone, for example, use the hieroglyph "Little Waterfall", remembering that this is a water symbol)
* use protective hieroglyphs separately from activating talismans
* hieroglyphs of self-knowledge and personal improvement, place in your best sector, use separately from activating talismans

Correct writing of hieroglyphs and much more can be found

auspicious chinese characters- one of the most powerful and effective means of Feng Shui to attract a specific type of luck. With the help of favorable hieroglyphs, you can activate not only a specific Bagua sector (), but also qualitatively improve the Qi energy () of your home. The hieroglyph "Wealth" and "Money" can be put in the wallet and the places where you keep money. Thus, you will attract the energy of money and significantly increase your income.

Consider auspicious hieroglyphs as your talisman, Well, how to use the talisman is not for me to explain to you. In general, the Chinese are very fond of and sincerely believe in the power of these squiggles. And they, after all, really know a lot about it. Therefore, on red envelopes, which are very popular and not only in China, auspicious hieroglyphs are depicted. So it's up to you, to believe or not to believe, but you can, at least for the sake of curiosity, check the strength of the hieroglyphs, but you will only get better from this, so why not ?!

You can buy ready-made panels with hieroglyphs in specialized stores, you can try to draw them yourself (if you can), or just print and use at your discretion. We offer you the most common and effective hieroglyphs that the Chinese themselves have been using for centuries, and not only them.

Hieroglyph "Double Happiness" will bring to your home the fulfillment of all dreams and harmony in marriage. Since this is double happiness, this hieroglyph helps not only the owner of this symbol, but also his soul mate. Success becomes the success of both, happiness becomes twice as much! If you give this hieroglyph, then you sincerely wish the person happiness, the fulfillment of all desires and show an expression of deep friendship.

Hieroglyph "Wealth" contributes to the increase in income and the receipt of all kinds of material benefits. This hieroglyph can be put in the wealth zone (), wallet, safe and other "money" places. The hieroglyph "Wealth" helps to gain not only material benefits, but also spiritual ones, creates positive Qi () in the house and office. This hieroglyph, in principle, like all the others, is customary to give to friends. After all, the more we desire good, the more we ourselves receive it.

Hieroglyph "Money"- one of the most popular hieroglyphs in feng shui. Attracts wealth and monetary wealth in the places where it is placed. Unlike the hieroglyph "Wealth", it attracts precisely monetary energy and everything related to money. Promotes the formation of several sources of income. Money will make you free and you can do whatever you want.

Hieroglyph "Prosperity" contributes to the growth and prosperity of all aspects of life. Therefore, it can be placed in any Bagua sector that you want to further activate. This generalized hieroglyph will bring good luck, health, love and material well-being to your home. If you do not strive for wealth, then you will find spiritual peace and tranquility.

Hieroglyph "Happiness"- a sign of good wishes. This symbol awakens spiritual strength and inner energy. Happiness for everyone is different, for someone - to find love and family, for another - to achieve career heights, for the third - success in creative activity. So, this hieroglyph "Happiness" contributes to obtaining what exactly for you is happiness and well-being.

Hieroglyph "Abundance" will bring to your home an abundance of whatever you desire, whether it be money, fame, success or love. This hieroglyph, like "Prosperity", attracts the energy of abundance and growth in any area of ​​life. This hieroglyph can be used in conjunction with other hieroglyphs, the symbolism of which is important to you at the moment.

Hieroglyph "Fulfillment of desires" promotes the awakening of energy that is associated with your dreams and desires. It is very good to have such a hieroglyph at home, it will help with the fulfillment of desires and the implementation of all your plans, both personal and business. It is customary to give this calligraphy to friends with the wish of all the best and the fulfillment of all cherished desires.

Hieroglyph "Business success" good for both businessmen and people of creative professions. It attracts customers, business partners, ensures success in all endeavors, contributes to the birth of new ideas and opportunities. This hieroglyph is usually placed in offices, on the desktop or at home in the office to attract energy, activity and creativity.

Hieroglyph "Love" attracts the energy of love, contributes to the acquisition of long and mutual love, happiness in love, and in marriage creates harmony and mutual understanding. This hieroglyph not only strengthens the joint bonds of marriage, but also extinguishes mutual conflicts. You will find harmony and peace, peace and a decent life with your loved one. If you don’t have it yet, then put this hieroglyph in the sector of love and marriage, and you yourself will not notice how you will meet your half.

Hieroglyph "Eternal Love" will give you a flame of eternal and unquenchable love. This hieroglyph is used as a love amulet so that nothing can destroy this deep and tender feeling. Present the hieroglyph to your friends, parents with a wish of eternal love, they will only be grateful to you in return.

Hieroglyph "100 years of happiness in marriage" speaks for itself. This hieroglyph promotes a strong family union and happiness in marriage. As a talisman, it is used for the family from the invasion of third parties, helps to prevent betrayal of spouses and gives them happiness and love. Year by year, their married life is only getting better and better.

Hieroglyph "Health" helps to achieve excellent health and good health. In wishes to close people, first of all, we wish health, since it cannot be bought for any money. This hieroglyph not only helps to maintain health, but also contributes to the speedy recovery of patients. Give this hieroglyph to your loved ones and friends with a wish for good health.

Hieroglyph "Longevity"- a symbol of health and long life. One of the most popular hieroglyphs, it is customary to give it to the elderly with a wish for a long life. This symbol can be placed in the health sector or in the bedroom.

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