Coffee scrub for the face: gentle and effective cleansing of the skin at home. DIY coffee and sugar body scrub


Coffee scrub is a wonderful remedy for the skin of the face and body. You can prepare it at home, the effectiveness of the product is guaranteed by the naturalness of the ingredients that favorably affect the skin.

Coffee is not only a fragrant drink, it is a non-waste product. We are talking about ground coffee beans, which are used in many face and body scrubs, both store-bought and homemade.

The grounds obtained in the process of brewing coffee, which have undergone heat treatment and brewed into a drink, have useful properties and are able to nourish the skin qualitatively, saturating it with useful microelements. Making a scrub is incredibly easy, and most importantly, it will be much more useful than what costs incredible money from cosmetic manufacturers.

Scrub made from coffee grounds

Why you should abandon store scrubs and switch to coffee of your own production:

  • Coffee scrub is so useful that thanks to its natural ingredients it is able to remove accumulated toxins from the skin.
  • It does not cause allergies and is absolutely safe for anyone who decides to use it. Coffee does not leave any reactions on the skin and does not irritate it.
  • Coffee actively fights cancer. Its properties are able to regulate cell division and “remove” cancerous ones. This means that using a coffee scrub is to prevent skin cancer.
  • Coffee scrub is an incredibly effective cleanser. No bacteria are scary due to the strong antibacterial effect of coffee
  • This is an effective tool for losing weight and removing extra centimeters in volume. Scrub from the thick - the enemy of body fat
  • This scrub is able to make the skin so smooth and silky that after several procedures it can only be compared with a child's skin.
  • Coffee scrub pleases with instant results: nutrition, smartness, even color
  • The availability of this tool will please everyone
  • Aromatherapy during the scrub procedure relaxes and energizes at the same time
  • Ease of preparation will not force anyone to mess with a bunch of components

coffee face scrub

In order to be convinced of all the benefits of this cosmetic product, you need to try it on yourself at least once in your life.

Video: "Coffee scrub for face and body"

How to make coffee scrub?

You can make a scrub from two types of coffee:

  • brewed
  • not brewed

The effectiveness of each scrub will be the same, the only difference is that the brewed ground coffee is a little softer and has been heat treated. Coffee grounds can be obtained pressed from an automatic coffee maker, from a geyser, and even from a regular grater. If there is water in the thick, it must be squeezed out.

Important: Find a separate dish (jar) in which you will put the used coffee and prepare a scrub from it each time.

homemade scrub

Coffee can be mixed with oils, daily creams, lotions, sugar, salt, honey to create a scrub. The uniqueness of this tool is that coffee is able to enhance the effect of other components, and therefore improve the effect of the procedure.

Important: Coffee scrub can be used daily, wraps, masks and massages can be done.

It is not recommended to store the scrub for more than five days, so that it does not bloom and deteriorate, but as practice shows, it is very well spent. During the procedure, you can notice how coffee gives pigmentation - the color of a caramel tan, but it is easily washed off with water and all that remains is an even skin color.

Video: " Cellulite coffee scrub, the simplest and most effective recipes with ground coffee and coffee grounds

How to make coffee honey scrub recipe

Honey is a unique product that has antibacterial and nourishing properties on the skin. In combination with coffee, the scrub gives an incredible effect, moisturizing and saturating the skin with useful trace elements.

Preparing a coffee and honey scrub is very simple. It is perfect for those with dry skin. Honey is a well-known remedy for acne and blackheads, so we can safely say that this remedy is a fighter with problem areas.

coffee scrub with honey

This scrub is useful to use both on the face and on the body:

  • Prepare Scrub Dishes
  • Into the dishes put a large a spoonful of coffee with a slide
  • Next, add sour cream or a spoonful of cream (preferably fatty) to coffee
  • Heat up some honey in the microwave to make it runny.
  • Add honey to the mixture and stir until smooth.
  • This scrub is recommended to be applied only on dry and clean skin.
  • After rubbing, you can leave the mass on the body so that the soft components can be absorbed into the skin. Rinse the scrub thoroughly with warm soapy water

Video: How to make a scrub from honey, coffee?

How to make coffee sugar scrub recipe

Coffee and sugar scrub is able to restore freshness and tone to the skin. It is especially recommended to carry out procedures with such a tool in winter to saturate the skin with useful microelements.

You can make a scrub for both face and body. The necessary components can be found in every home, and cooking does not take much time. During the procedure, you can relax, inhaling the aroma of coffee and oils, and thereby cheer yourself up.

sugar and ground coffee scrub

Scrub recipe:

  • 2 tbsp ground coffee
  • 2 tbsp granulated sugar
  • 4 tbsp oils (it is preferable to choose olive oil, as it nourishes the skin very well)

All components are thoroughly mixed. After water procedures, apply the scrub in a circular motion and try to leave the mass on the skin for a while.

This tool effectively stimulates the skin to remove toxins and even eliminates the so-called "orange peel". With regular use of the scrub, you can notice the disappearance of stretch marks on the body.

sugar coffee scrub

Scrub recipe:

  • pour a (large) spoon of coffee into a container
  • add sugar in the same amount
  • mix with a small spoonful of ground cinnamon
  • any fatty oil will be a dressing

Important: Almond oil is an excellent cosmetic product.

It effectively fights problem areas, nourishes, moisturizes and evens out tone. Apply the scrub with massaging movements, allow the scrub to be absorbed after the procedure and rinse thoroughly with water.

Video: "Coffee Scrub"

How to make a coffee scrub with oils? Recipe

Essential oils added to the scrub recipe can have a wonderful effect on the skin. So, depending on the problems, you can choose the oil that will have the necessary effect.

Such a scrub is prepared from a tablespoon of coffee and a tablespoon of oil (the proportions of the scrub for the face, for the body, the proportions increase three times). It is preferable to choose olive or coconut oil, they have the most moisturizing and nourishing effect.

Important: In the finished scrub, you need to add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Coffee enhances the effect of the oil and gives incredible results.

coffee scrub with essential oil

Choose an essential oil based on your needs:

  • Tea tree oil- has a strong antibacterial effect, able to fight acne, acne and black spots
  • sandalwood oil- refreshes the skin, gives it an even color and tone, it is able to fight wrinkles
  • rose oil- not only fights wrinkles, but also small scars, stretch marks
  • orange oil- this is a real antidepressant that can have a softening effect
  • grapefruit oil- cleanses and refreshes the skin
  • lavender oil- has rejuvenating power
  • rosemary oil- tones the skin and evens out the tone

Peppermint Oil Coffee Scrub:

  1. Ground coffee
  2. Blue clay
  3. Peppermint oil
  4. Olive oil

The ingredients are mixed in a separate bowl and applied to the body in circular massage movements.

Video: How to make a coffee scrub at home?

How to make coffee salt scrub? Recipe

Sea salt is a great body cleanser. Making a coffee and sea salt scrub is not difficult:

  1. Pour sea salt into the dishes (half a glass)
  2. Mix salt with ground coffee (half a glass)
  3. Fatty oil will become a dressing, use coconut or olive
  4. Drip orange or grapefruit oil

coffee salt body scrub

Coffee and salt scrub perfectly fights cellulite problems. It is effective to use as a skin cleanser and leave as a wrap.

The essential oil, which is part of the scrub, is absorbed into the skin and fights excess accumulated fat. Cleansed skin receives a lot of micronutrients, which makes it smooth and silky.

Video: “Slimming scrub for the body, abdomen and hips”

How to make a hot coffee scrub? Recipe

  • A hot coffee scrub has many benefits. Its main advantage is that it promotes weight loss.
  • The unique components of the scrub, interacting with each other, enhance their qualities and rid the body of cellulite. With regular use, in ten days you can achieve the first results
  • Those who practiced hot coffee scrub on themselves claim that they were able to remove the extra three centimeters from the waist and hips.

hot coffee scrub eliminates cellulite and promotes weight loss

Scrub Ingredients:

  1. About 100 grams of natural ground coffee
  2. cinnamon sachet
  3. Hot pepper tincture - half a glass
  4. Two tablespoons of olive oil
  5. Water (up to half a glass, look at the consistency)

Important: All components are mixed in a bowl: coffee, pepper, oil, cinnamon. You can store this scrub in a jar for up to 10 days. One made scrub is enough for three times of use.

Water is needed in order to make the scrub more liquid consistency (optional). After taking a shower, scrub is applied to cleansed skin with massaging movements.

Coffee evens out the skin, cinnamon removes excess moisture, pepper improves blood circulation, and oil nourishes the dermis. After application, it is recommended to hold the scrub on the skin for several minutes. After the procedure, the scrub is thoroughly washed off with water and shower gel.

Important: before use, test the components of the scrub on yourself, an allergic reaction is quite possible. If desired, cinnamon can be replaced with ground ginger.

Video: “Hot coffee scrub, minus 3 cm in 10 days”

Does coffee scrub help with stretch marks?

Many users claim that coffee scrub is an excellent remedy for stretch marks on the body, which are acquired as a result of weight surges. At home, you can get rid of stretch marks with essential oils, herbs, and of course a coffee scrub.

Video: For such a scrub, you need coarse coffee, natural. The main condition is that it must be pre-brewed.

coffee scrub removes not only cellulite, but also stretch marks
  • Pour some ground coffee into a bowl.
  • Pour in hot water to cover the coffee
  • Cover the dishes so that the coffee is infused
  • Add oil to coffee
  • Add a couple of drops of essential oil
  • Apply a scrub to the skin while performing a massage. Movements should be weak at the beginning and strong at the end to the desired area.
  • Do the procedure twice a week for no longer than 15 minutes. You can leave coffee as wraps. Coffee is not allergenic, its properties perfectly nourish and shade the skin

How coffee scrub works, before and after photos

The popularity of coffee scrub is not in vain every day is becoming more and more. The naturalness of the product, the absence of allergic reactions, the efficiency and ease of preparation captivate the average consumer.

Important: In order to feel the effectiveness of the product, you should arrange a weekly course of procedures. Wrapping the skin and essential oils will help enhance the action of the product.

cellulite exfoliation and wrapping

Caffeine has an excellent ability to be absorbed into the skin in a short time and favorably affects it:

  • stimulates the elimination of toxins
  • evens out the skin
  • removes excess moisture
  • improves blood circulation

coffee scrub evens out and improves skin tone

If you use a coffee scrub with sugar or salt for a month, the orange peel leaves the hips, and the stomach can get rid of stretch marks. For a stronger effect, it is recommended to use two important components in the scrub: cinnamon and red pepper.

Important: Using honey in scrubs can relieve redness, nourish dry and irritated skin.

coffee scrub gives a very noticeable effect with regular use

Those who use the scrub mistakenly believe that its effect is provided by the structure of ground coffee, similar to sand. However, this opinion is erroneous, because the whole secret of coffee is caffeine. Caffeine is easily absorbed and just as easily removes unwanted substances from the skin.

body scrub treatment
  • Make your own scrub using homemade ingredients
  • Depending on the needs of your skin, enhance the scrub recipe with essential oils and additives.
  • Test the individual components of the scrub on yourself, coffee is anti-allergic
  • Perform the procedure at least twice a week
  • Scrub must be applied to pre-cleansed skin, for example, after a shower or bath.
  • Coffee choose coarse or medium grinding for the body and fine - for the face
  • Choose only natural coffee, avoid food additives for best results.
  • Instant coffee - not effective in the fight for weight loss and skin cleansing
  • Coffee with sugar is quite aggressive and therefore it is recommended to apply it on wet skin.
  • Use the scrub without forgetting the massage movements

coffee scrub - the secret to perfect skin

Experiment with coffee scrub recipes and don't forget that the result depends only on you and your desire to succeed. Do not be lazy to do the procedure more often and use only natural ingredients.

Video: "Coffee scrub for stretch marks"

Caffeine stimulates the body's metabolic processes and removes toxins from it. Cellulite Coffee Scrub is a simple and effective remedy to solve this problem at home. It breaks down the subcutaneous layers of fat, removes the "orange peel", gives the skin elasticity.

Coffee drink grains have many secrets, they still continue to discover their beneficial properties.

The main ingredient, coffee grounds, has an excellent peeling effect. It cleans the pores from oil and dirt. And this is not all the wonderful possibilities of peeling.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrub at home has a complex effect on the skin due to the high content of caffeine, which improves blood circulation in the subcutaneous and upper skin layers, and has a vasodilating effect. Due to which the metabolism is accelerated and in particular the process of splitting fats.

Caffeine removes excess fluid from the skin cells, which makes it supple and smooth. As a result, she becomes attractive and fit in appearance. In addition, ridding the body of excess fluid leads to weight loss and a decrease in volume.

Another bonus of using a coffee scrub is the antioxidants contained in coffee, which prolong youth and beauty.

Coffee scrub is an excellent remedy for the prevention of varicose veins. Caffeine has a beneficial effect on vascular health. It strengthens and increases the elasticity of the vascular walls.

And most importantly - this tool is easy and simple to prepare at home.

How to make a cellulite coffee scrub

A home-made coffee scrub will not only come out cheaper than a store-bought one, but it will also be completely natural. Its effectiveness and quality will not be in doubt.

True, before making a cellulite coffee scrub, it is worth considering certain nuances.

For use, it is best to use a ground natural product that has not expired and has been stored in the right way. If the task is to rejuvenate, then preference should be given to unroasted, green coffee.

An important condition - no surrogates and coffee drinks! They can harm and definitely will not help to achieve the desired result!

Peeling from ground coffee for cellulite is in no way inferior in its effectiveness to the same scrub for which coffee grounds were used. And in this case, too, there are points that require attention.

Thick or cake should be from a strong natural drink that is brewed without any additives. These are not just ground beans filled with boiling water, but boiled coffee. Thick can even be stored in the refrigerator, for about 3-5 days, and in an airtight container.

So, how to make a cellulite coffee scrub?

To prepare it, you will need freshly ground coffee and regular shower gel. Please note - too coarse grinding can cause skin irritation!

Mix both ingredients and spread the finished product on problem areas. An alternative is to lather the body with a washcloth and apply a second layer of coffee. A 5-10 minute massage with gentle circular movements without pressure will be enough. After that, the mixture should be washed off with warm water from the shower.

The frequency of this procedure is 2-3 times a week.

Coffee scrub recipes

There are many options for making a coffee scrub. It may contain various useful additives - essential oil, fermented milk products, honey or sea salt. The scope of its application is not limited to one fight against cellulite. Coffee-based peeling is a wonderful anti-aging face mask.

Such masks can be used on the skin of the face and the whole body.

Her recipe is very simple. It is necessary to mix coffee grounds to a homogeneous consistency, a spoonful of sour cream and honey, one raw egg. Apply the resulting mixture on a washed face and hold for 15 minutes, then rinse thoroughly with warm water.

The actual question - how to make a cellulite coffee scrub at home also has a simple answer. An excellent tonic effect and a good effect will be given by a coffee scrub mask. To make it you will need ground coffee or ground coffee and some blue clay.

Clay is diluted with a small amount of water, the main ingredient is added to it, after which the mask is applied to a clean, steamed body with massage movements. Leave it on for about an hour and then take a shower.

Anti-cellulite coffee scrub, the recipe of which we have given, is far from the only option. Recipes that contain natural honey and sea salt are very popular.

Scrub from coffee and honey from cellulite

A simple and effective recipe - coffee and honey cellulite scrub. The secret of its preparation lies in the correct proportion. Honey and ground coffee are mixed in a ratio of 2:1. The resulting peeling is applied and massaged in problem areas for 7-10 minutes, after which it is washed off with cold water.

Various additives can be included in such taste masks: spices and citrus fruits.

Coffee and salt scrub

It is also easy to make a cellulite scrub from coffee and salt at home. . Its use can be compared with a full-fledged spa treatment.

Three tablespoons of finely ground coffee is mixed with three tablespoons of salt. A couple of drops of olive oil are added there.

Salt has an excellent antiseptic effect.

Pre-take a short hot bath. It opens the skin pores and makes them more receptive to the peeling action.

Areas where there is cellulite are massaged and left with the mixture for 5-10 minutes, after which it can be washed off.

It is best not to apply any additional creams and products to the skin after this procedure and use only sea salt.

Coffee pomace scrub

Daily universal remedy - coffee pomace cellulite scrub. For him, the most ordinary coffee grounds and the gel with which the shower is taken are taken.

The choice of gels should be approached responsibly - cream-based and without a strong odor are preferred. By itself, coffee already has a fairly rich aroma. It is well complemented by a small amount of cinnamon.

Another way is to mix the cake with essential oils and massage the problem areas for 5-10 minutes. It is recommended to take a shower after the massage.

Unlike ground coffee, press cake can be used for daily procedures. It acts more gently on the skin, but provides the same effect.

It is worth remembering that regardless of the chosen recipe, you will not have to count on an instant result. The answer to the question of interest to many women, whether coffee scrub helps against cellulite, is definitely positive. Regular use of this tool is capable of magic, even at home.

It is very important for every woman to preserve her youth and natural beauty. The main question arises: "How to improve the condition of the skin?". In the modern world, there are many SPA-salons that provide a huge number of cosmetic procedures for facial and body skin care. Recently, it has become very relevant to use natural, natural materials in the manufacturing process of cosmetics, to restore, nourish and cleanse the skin. There are many unique recipes that you can cook yourself at home.

The use of coffee scrub in cosmetology

One of the most widely used materials for the preparation of a scrub is natural coffee. Ground coffee in cosmetology is valued because of its tonic effect and chemical composition. In addition to caffeine, coffee beans contain amino acids, minerals and B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on skin condition.

The effect of coffee on the skin:

  • Activates metabolism.
  • Provides free saturation of cells.
  • Makes skin softer and more elastic.
  • Creates a protective layer of the epidermis.
  • Has anti-cellulite properties.
  • Improves blood circulation and transport of trace elements.
  • Tones the skin and gives it a natural glow.
  • Enhances the process of lipolysis and evens out the fat layer.
  • Exfoliates the skin and completely removes the stratum corneum of the epidermis.

A ground coffee scrub will visually improve the condition of the skin and give it a healthy look. The recipes are quite simple, so it is very easy to make a homemade coffee scrub.

How to make a coffee scrub - recipes

There are many ways to make a coffee scrub in combination with other ingredients and for specific purposes. For example, some very effectively help get rid of cellulite, due to its effect on the fat layer, it gently smoothes the surface and significantly improves the appearance, with regular use, there will be no trace of the “orange peel”, and the skin will acquire a healthy radiant color.

Slimming Body Scrub:

Such a scrub allows not only to cleanse the skin of the stratum corneum and open the pores, for a more effective effect of cosmetics, but also helps to normalize metabolism, thereby improving the transport of microelements, including fats. The body scrub also has a massage effect, which allows you to destroy the accumulated subcutaneous fat layer and significantly reduce the visual signs of cellulite.

On the site "Mom can do anything!" a selection of recipes has been collected, following them everyone can prepare a coffee body scrub at home. If you use it regularly, your skin will quickly tighten, become velvety and very tender. And yet, the frequent implementation of such procedures will be an excellent assistant in the fight against stretch marks, the first manifestations of cellulite, will help to achieve a slender and refined silhouette.

Scrub benefits

It is difficult to overestimate the effect of coffee scrub. This cosmetic product very carefully massages the skin, leaving an invigorating aroma in the bathroom. It is known that coffee is a natural antioxidant containing vitamin E and fatty acids. It is thanks to this that the skin is protected from the harmful effects of external factors.

Coffee scrub after a warm bath perfectly rubs steamed skin, improves blood circulation, triggers fat breakdown, and eliminates cellulite. With the regular use of coffee body scrub at home, you can observe a surge of vivacity, activity, and even an increase in mood. According to the results of a Japanese study: 400 subjects who used coffee bean cream with an oil extract for a long time significantly reduced the number of wrinkles and improved skin condition.

Contraindications, shortcomings of the scrub

This type of product is not recommended for women with overly sensitive skin. It is forbidden to use the scrub on the skin with eczema, other dermatological defects. Women who have undergone treatment, nursing mothers and pregnant women also cannot use it.

Auxiliary components in coffee scrub

Making a coffee scrub is an elementary task. It is better to choose freshly ground coffee beans of the popular Arabica variety. It is permissible to increase the effectiveness of scrubbing at home by adding a variety of auxiliary components to coffee.

Sour cream and cream are ideal for dry skin. If you add a fruit and vegetable mixture seasoned with honey to ground coffee, you can moisturize and tone the skin. A coffee scrub with citrus essential oils is ideal against cellulite. They effectively help to establish lymphatic outflow, remove excess fluid from the body of juniper, cedar, tea tree, sandalwood and bergamot oils. To prevent the occurrence of stretch marks, it is worth trying treatments using essential oils of jasmine, lavender, geranium, patchouli, rosemary and neroli. Your skin will become lively, elastic if castor, olive, wheat germ and avocado oils are added to the scrub.

Coffee scrub recipes

With sea salt, kefir (against cellulite)

The composition includes:

  • ground coffee - two tbsp. spoons;
  • fat kefir - one tablespoon;
  • sea ​​salt of medium grinding - one tbsp. spoon.

Combine all ingredients. Massage the resulting mixture onto the skin area, rinse thoroughly with water after seven minutes.

With essential oils

The composition includes:

  • ground coffee - three tablespoons;
  • coconut oil - one teaspoon;
  • sea ​​salt of medium grinding - three tablespoons;
  • essential oils of rosemary, orange and neroli - two drops each.

Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Scrub is applied to the body with a rubbing motion, while gently affecting problem areas. After that, the cosmetic product is left for ten minutes and washed off with water. At the end of the procedure, apply anti-cellulite cream. In the case of a regular procedure, sports, a balanced diet, positive changes can be quickly noted.

With banana and sugar

With this simple recipe, your skin will quickly become deeply hydrated and smooth.

The composition includes:

  • ground coffee - two tablespoons;
  • one banana;
  • granulated sugar - two tablespoons.

It is necessary to mix the ingredients with a mashed banana. For ten minutes, massage the skin. Then rinse off with water.

Stretch Mark Coffee Scrub: Recipe

A couple of st. spoons of coffee are poured with boiling water to get a sour cream consistency. The mixture is stirred, leaving for 15 minutes. Before going to the shower, massage the body with a freshly brewed scrub for five minutes. Then take a contrast shower.

With sour cream for facial beauty

The composition goes: 1 teaspoon of coffee grounds, olive oil and sour cream. It is prepared as follows: coffee grounds are placed in a separate container. Then add olive oil, sour cream. Place the mixture in a water bath. Scrub is applied to the face along the lines of massage, hold for 15 minutes.

Scrubbing coffee grounds has other positive aspects: the minimum price of the procedure, easy to use. When using coffee scrubs, be sure to ask your doctor if you have allergic reactions, individual intolerance to coffee and other ingredients of the product.

Today, from the Forest Fairy, you will learn how to make a body scrub at home. We will not only present the best recipes here, but also introduce you to the basic principles of preparation and the most effective ingredients for homemade scrubs. Thanks to this, you will be able to develop your own body care formula that will take into account your personal needs:

  • Getting rid of cellulite;
  • Fat burning;
  • Pore ​​cleansing and moisturizing;
  • skin nutrition;
  • Giving the body a unique aroma, etc.

General principles for making homemade scrubs with your own hands

Using a natural handmade body scrub, you will not only save on professional care, but also take care of the health of your skin in advance. Homemade scrubs are great because they:

  1. Safely removes the layer of dead cells on the surface of the skin, exposing younger ones, and leaving your body soft and smooth;
  2. Contain natural oils that moisturize and nourish the skin;
  3. May include essential oils with aromatherapy properties. You can combine and use them to relax, soothe, energize or create a romantic mood. Treat yourself to a spa-like experience!

Do you want to make sure that a homemade body scrub is no worse, or even better than a store-bought one? Then just look at the label of the product you used before. As in our recipes, all purchased scrubs contain 3 main ingredients:

  1. Exfoliant or exfoliating agent. It cleanses and evens out the skin. Sugar and salt are popular exfoliants because they dissolve easily in water and leave no residue in the bath.

We list the best available options and features of their application:

  • Salt is great for relaxing muscles. Of all the varieties for creating a scrub, it is best to choose sea salt, since it undergoes the least processing and contains a wider range of trace elements and minerals.
  • Sugar - acts somewhat milder than salt, therefore it is more preferable for sensitive skin, as well as in the presence of wounds, scratches and other defects. The most gentle and nutritious in cosmetology is considered to be brown sugar. In addition, it has a pleasant smell, especially if you add a little vanilla essential oil to it.
  • Ground coffee - will give you the pleasure of its smell and reduce cellulite. The caffeine in its composition is a vasoconstrictor, so it can temporarily reduce varicose veins and rosacea.
  • Raw honey is gentle enough for sensitive skin, yet harsh enough to remove dirt and dead cells. For homemade scrubs, it is better to choose natural honey that has not been pasteurized. When pasteurized (heated), honey loses most of the antibacterial and probiotic properties it has.
  • Oatmeal is the most gentle of exfoliating substances. Unlike salt, sugar and coffee, it can be used simply by diluting it with a little water instead of oil. Thanks to its emollient and moisturizing properties, it is ideal for dry, itchy skin. The only negative is that it does not dissolve in water, so it is not suitable for use in the bathroom.

Also, a homemade body scrub can be prepared using crushed seeds (such as flax) and nuts (such as almonds), bran, egg and nut shells, shells, raspberry seeds, strawberries, etc. However, in this article, we will only look at recipes for homemade body scrubs with the proven exfoliants listed above.

  1. base oil. All scrubs have an oil that plays two key roles: holding all the ingredients together and moisturizing your skin at the same time. When preparing a body scrub for the first time at home, proceed from the recommended proportion of 1/3 part of oil for every 1 part of exfoliant. Some popular options:
  • Olive - well moisturizes, nourishes and is sold in every store. It is also known to contain antioxidants that help prevent premature skin aging;
  • Coconut oil is famous for its moisturizing properties;
  • Sunflower oil is one of the most affordable on the market, but can leave a slight odor and be difficult to wash off;
  • Sweet almond oil - has a sweet nutty flavor and absorbs fairly quickly;
  • Grape seed oil - has a slight sweet smell and leaves a thin film on the skin;
  • Macadamia nut oil - also has a nutty smell, in addition leaves an oily film on the skin. Recommended for very dry skin.

  1. Aroma. If you decide to make a body scrub at home, choose your favorite essential oils for scent. The “aromatic oils” sold are synthetic, so it is highly undesirable to use them. Here are some interesting combinations of essential oils for different skin types (the dose is calculated for 1 cup of exfoliant and 1/3 cup of carrier oil):
  • Normal skin: 10 drops lavender, 6 geraniums, 4 ylang-ylang;
  • Oily: 8 drops of sandalwood oil, 6 lemons, 6 lavender;
  • Dry: 8 drops of sandalwood oil, 6 geraniums, 6 roses;
  • Sensitive: 6 drops chamomile, 4 roses, 2 neroli;
  • For extra hydration: 10 drops rose, 8 sandalwood, 2 patchouli;
  • For mature skin: 8 drops neroli, 6 frankincense, 6 ylang-ylang;
  • For acne: 10 drops of lemon, 10 cypress, 5 lavender;
  • With a lack of vitamins: 10 drops of geranium, 6 roses, 4 cypress;
  • With visible capillaries: 8 drops of rose, 6 chamomile, 6 cypress.

Also, in order to “burn” fat and cellulite, aggressive agents such as cayenne pepper tincture, citrus extracts, sea buckthorn, etc. are sometimes introduced into body scrubs. Usually they are used simultaneously with a warm wrap, and we will tell you about them in a separate article.

Now that you know all the basic ingredients and how they work, feel free to start experimenting and make your own homemade body scrub recipes! But first, let me offer you some proven recipes.

How to make a coffee body scrub at home

No more throwing away coffee grounds after your morning cup of coffee! Instead, save it and try making a coffee body scrub at home. It is believed that caffeine can help in the fight against cellulite, at least more than any other exfoliating agent.

This homemade coffee body scrub is so easy to make, you'll likely find all the ingredients to make it in your kitchen right now. Use jellies or yogurt jars to store the finished product.

So here's what you need:

  • 1 glass of ground coffee;
  • 1 st. l. salt;
  • 1/3 cup olive oil;
  • 1 tsp ground cinnamon.

For an even more refined aroma, you can add: 8 drops of grapefruit essential oil, 8 drops of orange, 4 drops of mint.

Mix all the ingredients to the consistency of wet sand.

Recipe 2: Homemade Coffee Grounds Body Scrub

  • 1 cup coconut oil (I used white, thicker and firmer)
  • 1/2 cup sugar;
  • 1/3 cup well-squeezed coffee grounds
  • 2-3 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Combine coconut oil, sugar, coffee grounds and olive oil in a small bowl, mix well. What should happen - look at the photo from the author of the recipe.

To date, there is no consensus on which coconut oil is better to use in body care - white or transparent. They are both undeniably good. Use whatever is easier for you to get or is good value for money. If your white butter is too hard, you can melt it in a water bath or microwave before mixing it with the rest of the ingredients.

Recipe 3: Anti-cellulite body scrub with ground coffee

  • 1 glass of ground coffee;
  • 6 art. l. liquid coconut oil;
  • 3 art. l. sea ​​salt.

This scrub differs from other recipes not in the method of preparation, but in the application. If you want to use it to fight cellulite, then before applying to the body, massage the problem areas with a dry brush - to exfoliate and stimulate blood flow. Perform light circular movements with a brush, after which apply a homemade coffee scrub with salt to the body. Repeat every time you shower for best results.

Homemade Honey Body Scrub Recipe

Made from ordinary products, this honey body scrub is so soothing and nourishing! We recommend trying this recipe if your skin needs extra nutrition, hydration and care, especially during the dry summer period.

In addition to the benefits of sugar, honey and olive oil already mentioned above, this homemade body scrub contains aloe vera gel. Aloe vera has been used for centuries to heal wounds and treat sunburn due to its amazing soothing and antioxidant properties.

How to make honey body scrub at home


  • 1 cup white or brown sugar;
  • 1/2 cup olive oil;
  • 3 art. l. raw honey;
  • 1 st. l. aloe vera gel;
  • 10 drops of lavender, rosemary or other essential oil (your choice).

Combine all ingredients. Store the scrub in a cool, dark place.

Simplified honey scrub recipe:

  • 1 glass of coconut oil;
  • 1.5 cups of white sugar;
  • 1/4 cup raw honey;
  • A few drops of essential oil for fragrance.

Sugar exfoliating body scrub at home

Surely you have heard that sugar is not good for the skin when you eat it. However, there is another fact: sugar is great for external use. A homemade sugar body scrub can even be used on your face as it is gentle on your skin and leaves it silky smooth.

Good sugar is also a humectant and contains glycolic acid, which promotes cell renewal and keeps skin looking fresh. But not all sugar is equally suitable for external care. Brown sugar is softer, it has more useful elements, and therefore it is considered more preferable.

Easy Homemade Sugar Body Scrub Recipe

What do you need:

  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1/3 cup sweet almond oil (or other)
  • 20 drops vanilla essential oil or 1 teaspoon vanilla extract.

Mix the ingredients thoroughly, gradually adding the almond oil.

Recipe 2: Homemade Lemon Sugar Body Scrub


  • 3 cups of sugar;
  • 3/4 cup olive oil;
  • Juice from one lemon;
  • Zest of two lemons;
  • 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract.

Mix the sugar with the butter and vanilla extract, then add the finely grated zest of two lemons and the juice of one of them. Mixed and done!

Other sugar scrub recipes:

  1. Homemade Chocolate Body Scrub: 1 cup coconut oil, ½ cup brown sugar, ¼ cup cocoa powder;
  2. Lavender Sugar Scrub: 2 cups sugar, 1 cup grape seed oil, 1 tsp. vanilla extract, 2 tbsp. l. dried lavender flowers, 12 drops of lavender essential oil;
  3. Invigorating Grapefruit Body Scrub: ½ cup coconut oil, ½ cup white sugar, zest of 1 grapefruit, 1 tbsp. l. grapefruit juice 10 drops peppermint essential oil 25 drops grapefruit oil ¼ tbsp. l. beetroot juice (optional - added for color)

Homemade Salt Body Scrub: A Simple Recipe

Homemade salt body scrub increases blood circulation, relaxes muscles, relieves tension, helps open skin pores and remove toxins. It is not for nothing that salt has long been used in baths! As mentioned at the beginning of this article, it is better to use sea salt, as it is more saturated with useful substances. But in any case, the salt should be ground to the consistency of ordinary table salt, because large grains can injure sensitive skin.

Easy Salt Body Scrub Recipe with Aromatic Oils

What do you need:

  • 1 cup finely ground salt;
  • 1/3 cup almond or other oil;
  • 8 drops grapefruit essential oil, 8 bergamot, 4 peppermint.

Mix all ingredients.

Warning: Homemade salt body scrub should not be used immediately after shaving your legs - it will sting! It is better to use it before the procedure: the oils left on the skin will make the shave smoother.


  • 3 cups of salt;
  • 3 art. l. soda;
  • 4 tbsp. l. oils (the author used apricot kernel oil, but you can use any other you like);
  • 1 st. l. fine green tea;
  • 8 drops of lime essential oil;
  • 8 drops of orange essential oil;
  • Zest of a lime, lemon, orange, or a combination.

Mix salt and baking soda, add oil and stir. Then alternately add green tea, essential oils and citrus zest.

How to make an oatmeal body scrub at home

There is one more unused exfoliant ingredient on our list! At the end of this article, the Forest Fairy blog will tell you how you can make a gentle oatmeal body scrub at home.

Recipe 1: Easy Oatmeal Body Scrub

What do you need:

  • 1 glass of coconut oil;
  • ½ cup brown sugar;
  • ½ cup finely chopped oatmeal;
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil.

Using a blender, grind the oatmeal to a powdery consistency. In a medium bowl, combine coconut oil, brown sugar, olive oil, ground cereal and mix well.

Recipe 2: Oatmeal Lavender Body Scrub


  • 1 cup finely chopped oatmeal;
  • 8 drops of lavender essential oil, 8 drops of tangerine, 8 drops of rosewood, 4 drops of chamomile;
  • 1 st. l. dried lavender petals.

Add essential oils drop by drop to avoid piling up in one place. To apply this scrub, mix 1 tbsp each time. the resulting mixture with a small amount of water, forming a paste, which must then be gently rubbed into the skin.

How to use and store homemade body scrubs

Under fairly simple conditions, which we will give below, a body scrub prepared by you at home can be stored for several months. Only 2 conditions:

  1. Store in a dark and cool place (you can in the refrigerator);
  2. Avoid getting water into the scrub container. As you may have noticed, all the recipes in this article do not include the use of any preservatives, which means that water in the jar can lead to the growth of unwanted bacteria. Always use a dry spoon to scoop the scrub into your hand.

How to use a home scrub? Use it no more than 2-3 times a week. Apply 1 tablespoon of the product to pre-moistened skin and rub in gently. At the end of the procedure, rinse thoroughly and enjoy silky smooth skin!

Have you tried any homemade scrub recipes yet? Tell us and our readers in the comments about your favorite combination of ingredients!

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