Synopsis of the lesson on literary reading "V. Lunin" Do not offend anyone. "S. Mikhalkov" Important advice "" (Grade 1)


Spring always starts with the first streams, bright sun and good mood. And spring is always associated with a community work day to improve the school grounds and the surrounding area. Subbotnik is an integral part of school life for our school.

Yesterday 0

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Lesson topic: S.V. Mikhalkov. Fable "Enviable Persistence


To acquaint students with the work of S.V. Mikhalkov as a fabulist;

-O to generalize students' knowledge about the fable as a genre of literature; acquaintance with the works of the writer;

Develop creative abilities, expressive reading skills, staging;

Education of communication skills and joint activities; understanding of the universal morals of fables.

Equipment: portraits of I.A. Krylov and S.V. Mikhalkov, illustrations for the fables "Enviable Perseverance", "The Fox and the Bee", "The Lion and the Fly", texts of fables for staging.

During the classes:

    Organizing time.

    Psychological mood: body therapy - we greet each other in some unusual way, but be sure to take each other by the hand or hug.

Purpose: relieving muscle and emotional tension, setting the mood for the lesson.

    Initial reflection: conversation "What do you expect from this lesson?"

    Opening speech of the teacher: Today, guys, I want to invite you on an excursion into the world of the works of Sergei Mikhalkov. When we meet a new writer or poet, what do we always want to know? (what kind of person is this (biography), what did he write about)

    How do we learn about the writer's life? (by reading an article in a textbook, writing a summary)

Under what condition can we acquire knowledge? (if we are attentive, active)

Look carefully at the board - there are portraits of I.A. Krylov and S.V. Mikhalkov. What do you think is the connection between these writers? (both fabulists). But before we get acquainted with Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, let's remember what we know about the fable.

II. Repetition of what has been learned about the fable genre.


What is the peculiarity of the fable genre?

Answer: A fable is a short moralizing story in verse or prose, which contains a different, hidden allegorical meaning.

Who are the most common characters in fables?

The heroes of the fable are animals, plants, objects, people.

What qualities do these animals represent?

Wolf - cruelty, greed, rudeness. Fox - cunning, hypocrisy. Donkey - stupidity, ignorance.

There is a moralizing conclusion in the fable at the beginning or at the end, the main idea of ​​the fable is the moral.

Quiz (for the correct answer - tokens)

1. A person who writes fables. (fabulist)

2. Type of literary work .(fable)

3. An allegorical image of an object, a phenomenon in order to most clearly show its essential features. (Allegory)

4. Cheerful and good-natured mockery (humor)

5. Famous Russian fabulist of the XIX century .(Krylov)

6. Transferring human features to inanimate objects and phenomena (personification)

Where does the fable originate from?

Answer: the founder of fable art is considered to be ancient Greek fabulist Aesop. Six centuries before our era, his prose collection of fables was created. This collection went around the world.

III. Acquaintance with the work of S. Mikhalkov.

Make a summary of the article about Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.

I suggested that you find some additional information about S. Mikhalkov for the lesson. Now we will find among you an expert on the work of Sergei Mikhalkov. For the correct answer, you will again receive tokens.-points.

(II Biography and work of S.V. Mikhalkov.

Mikhalkov became interested in writing poetry while still at school. The father, wanting to help his son decide in life, sent the boy's poems to the poet Bezymensky, who noted the abilities of the young author.

In 1930, his first poem was published in a Rostov magazine. After graduating from school, Mikhalkov went to Moscow, deciding to become a writer. In 1935, Sergei Vladimirovich entered the Literary Institute. Around the same time, he wrote the first version of Uncle Styopa. The meeting with Marshak turned out to be decisive for the further work of Mikhalkov. He decides to write for children. At the age of 23, Sergei Vladimirovich published his first book - "Poems". Mikhalkov was admitted to the Writers' Union. Many of his works were included in children's textbooks and anthologies. These are “What do you have?”, “Thomas”, “Song of Friends” and others. During the Great Patriotic War, Mikhalkov was a war correspondent. In 1943, he took part in the creation of the Anthem of our country. The new Hymn was also written with his participation. After the war, Mikhalkov began to write fables in which he ridicules various human vices - greed, stupidity, arrogance. The author took the plots for them directly from life.)

IV. Reading and analysis of works. ("Enviable Perseverance")

Expressive reading of the fable "Enviable Perseverance" by the teacher. Questions session.

Reception "Thin and thick questions"

What?(jug)- Who?(frogs) - Where?(in sour cream) When?(afternoon) Why?(were curious and mischievous)

What?(sour cream) Who?(first frog) Where?(in jug) When?(afternoon) Why?(decided not to get out)

What?(oil)--- Who?(second frog) - Where?(in jug) When(at night) Why?(to survive)

Conclusion on morality: We must fight for life at any cost! Never give in to difficulties! You can always find a way out! Record!


Dramatization of fables in groups.

Summarizing. Reflection.

What did you learn in the lesson? What moral lessons have been learned from Mikhalkov's fables?

Are you satisfied with your work in class? Did your expectations from the lesson come true?

Homework: There are two fables left in the textbook. What will we do with them?

At your choice, you can prepare an expressive reading, you can learn one fable by heart.

Grading. Calculation of additional points (bonuses)

Lesson 35. I. Tokmakova "Buy a dog."
S. Mikhalkov "Important advice"

The goals of the teacher's activity: create conditions for the development of speech skills; improve the skill of expressive reading and the skill of reading whole words; cultivate respect for nature, love for animals.

Lesson type: combined.

Planned results of education:

Subject:the ability to meaningfully read aloud, conveying the desired intonation; find fragments of the text necessary to answer the questions posed.

Personal:the ability to evaluate their emotional reactions to the actions of people in relation to animals; ideas about good and evil, general moral categories.

Metasubject(criteria for the formation/evaluation of the components of universal learning activities - UUD):

Cognitive: the ability to predict the content of a work by its title, keywords; establish a causal relationship between the actions of heroes, understand symbols, signs.

Regulatory: the ability to accept and maintain a learning task, perform learning activities in oral and written form, compare your answer with the answers of classmates, independently evaluate your knowledge.

Communicative: the ability to adequately use speech means in the process of discussing the actions of the characters, describing their appearance, expressing one's attitude and evaluating the partner's statements, working in pairs.

Forms and methods of teaching: frontal, individual; explanatory and illustrative.

Educational Resources: puzzles; images of dogs; encyclopedia about animals; table with syllables; word cards.


I. Actualization of knowledge.

Arrange the word cards in order.

Retell the story using key words.

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.

By the first letters of the names of the depicted objects, read the name of the animal about which we will read the works today.

Answer:dog .

Today we will read a book about dogs. Do you have a four-legged friend at home?

What breed?

What is your dog's name?

How do you take care of your dog?

What are the benefits of dogs?

III . Studying new material.

1. Speech minuteA.

Read the tongue twister slowly, then quickly and clearly:

Elephants are smart

Elephants are quiet

Elephants are calm and strong.

2. Reading practiceI.

Read the hidden words.

Consider two hedgehogs that met under a magical tree. Which hedgehog carries two-syllable words?

Which carries three-syllable words?

Compose these words.

How many words out of 2 and how many out of 3 syllables will hedgehogs carry on their backs?

ro-ga ka-re-ta

ro-for mo-lo-ko





3. Reading a poem by I. Tokmakova"Buy a dog."

Read the title of the poem.

Consider illustrations. What do you think this poem is about?

enters - will move in

but-in-villages - newcomer

sgr-zet - gnaws

will eat - will eat

Explain the meaning of the word "newcomer".

Novosel is a new resident.

Pre-prepared students expressively read a poem by I. Tokmakova.

4. Product analysisI.

On whose behalf is the poem written?

What is the dream of the child?

Whom does the child ask to buy a dog?

How does a toddler convince his parents to buy him a dog?

What animals does he compare the puppy to?

With what intonation should these lines be read?

Read the poem expressively, paying attention to punctuation marks. As you read, convey the boy's desire to have a puppy.

5. Reading text about dogsus. 64 textbooks (part 2).

Read the text aloud expressively.

What have you learned about dogs?

What breed of dog do you like?

What else do you know about dogs?

What books about dogs have you read?

Who was the ancestor of dogs?

What breeds of dogs depicted in the pictures are familiar to you?

What do you know about them?

What other dog breeds do you know?

Compare the text about dogs that you just read and V. Oseeva's story "The dog barked furiously." Which text was written by a scientist, and which one was written by a writer?

Physical education minute

Gave a dog

No, not just a gift,

Given on a birthday

Very nice puppy!

He's still tiny...

He goes funny, funny,

Entangled in paws.

My puppy will grow up -

He is true, alive, -

Only clubfoot.

IV. Continue learning new material.

1. Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov"Important Advice"

Read the title of the piece.

Consider the illustration. What do you think this poem is about?

Read the words written on the board, first by syllables, then by whole words:

bring up - bring up

by means – through

re-pi-tan-ny - educated

rise-pi-ta-te-whether – educators

Explain the meaning of words and expressions:

Through - with help.

devoted - faithful, loving.

Hemp caregivers - insensitive (bad) owners.

The teacher reads a poem.

2. Product analysisI.

What is this poem about?

What important advice does the author give?

How not to raise a puppy?

When will a puppy not be loyal to its owner?

Read the last two lines of the poem.

Explain their meaning.

Read the poem expressively, paying attention to punctuation marks.

V. Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

What works have we met?

Why do you think many parents hesitate to buy a dog for their child?

How can a dog be on the street?

What questions would you ask a toddler who dreams of a dog?

Can a child be responsible for his four-legged friend?

What character traits should a dog owner have?

What is the "important advice" of S. Mikhalkov?

What dog breeds do you know?

Extracurricular activities: expressive reading by heart of a poem you like; prepare a drawing about the dog.


Reference material for the teacher.

It has long been believed that the most courteous of dogs -scottish shepherds, callAnd.

Collies got their name from black-headed sheep - collies, which have been grazing in Scotland since ancient times. Outwardly, collies are somewhat similar to a fox. Their muzzle is long, narrow, dry, but, of course, there is no more fox and cunning in the eyes, complete good nature and gullibility. In 1952, they proved their tenderness and gentleness in dealing with ward collies once again, when they were brought to the reindeer-breeding state farms of Primorye to spotted deer. Previously, deer were kept in pens, but they need space, the breath of the steppes and foothills. What kind of dogs were not tried for the role of shepherds! None came up. And the collies did it. The reindeer quickly got used to the furry shepherds and obeyed them in everything.

The German Shepherd was brought from Germany to Russia. Much water has flown under the bridge since that time. Breeders-dog breeders have worked hard. And as a result, a new breed of dog has developed -East European ShepherdA.

It seems that there is no such work that would be unknown to her. She has mastered many specialties. He goes on patrol with border guards, guards factories and warehouses, long and patiently looks for traces of criminals in the labyrinth of city streets. And he helps the shepherds, serves as a shepherd: he collects scattered animals, he vigilantly watches so that cows or sheep do not inadvertently wander into rye or oats and do not poison the crops. In a word, this dog is a master of all paws. It is understandable: the East European Shepherd Dog is a brave, sensitive, hardy and distrustful of strangers dog.

Moscow watchdog- one of the youngest breeds. But the ancestors of this dog have an ancient and interesting history.

stburnR. Far in the Alps, at an altitude of two and a half kilometers, lies the famous St. Bernard Pass. In ancient times, this pass was the only thread connecting Italy with the countries of Northern Europe. Many people passed here.

But not everyone was happy crossing the Alps. Snow avalanches and landslides, snowfalls and blizzards lay in wait for travelers. And then there was trouble.

A long time ago a monastery was built on the pass. The monks of this monastery bred a special breed of dogs - smart and strong, which became skilled mountain rescuers. The terrible pass gave them its name.

And in other mountains, in the Caucasus, tireless people have long been helping peoplecaucasian shepherd dogAnd. No, they did not pull people out from under the snow falls, they did not look for travelers lost in the mountains - their service was different. Caucasian Shepherds have long been considered excellent shepherds.

It is difficult for a shepherd to manage sheep, even if two shepherds are always at hand. But it is even more difficult to fight the main enemies of sheep flocks - wolves. Cunning and cunning gray robber. But when Caucasian shepherds lie guard around the grazing sheep, the shepherd is calm.

Technological map of the lesson

in literary reading

Lesson topic:

I. Tokmakova "Buy a dog."

S. Mikhalkov "Important advice"

The goals of the teacher's activity: create conditions for the development of speech skills; improve the skill of expressive reading and the skill of reading whole words; cultivate respect for nature, love for animals.

Lesson type: combined.

Planned results of education:

Subject:the ability to meaningfully read aloud, conveying the desired intonation; find fragments of the text necessary to answer the questions posed.

Personal:the ability to evaluate their emotional reactions to the actions of people in relation to animals; ideas about good and evil, general moral categories.

Metasubject(criteria for the formation / evaluation of the components of universal educational activities - UUD):

Cognitive:the ability to predict the content of a work by its title, keywords; establish a causal relationship between the actions of heroes, understand symbols, signs.

Regulatory:the ability to accept and maintain a learning task, perform learning activities in oral and written form, compare your answer with the answers of classmates, independently evaluate your knowledge.

Communicative:the ability to adequately use speech means in the process of discussing the actions of the characters, describing their appearance, expressing one's attitude and evaluating the partner's statements, working in pairs.

Forms and methods of teaching: frontal, individual; explanatory and illustrative.

Educational Resources: puzzles; images of dogs; encyclopedia about animals; table with syllables; word cards.

Lesson script

I. Actualization of knowledge.

- Name the author of the story "The dog barked furiously."

- Arrange the word cards in order.

- Retell the story using key words.

II. Setting the goal of the lesson.

- By the first letters of the names of the depicted objects, read the name of the animal about which we will read the works today.


- Today we will read a book about dogs. Do you have a four-legged friend at home?

- What breed?

- What is your dog's name?

- How do you take care of your dog?

- What are the benefits of dogs?

III . Learning new material.

1. Speech minuteA.

- Read the tongue twister slowly, then quickly and clearly:

Elephants are smart

Elephants are quiet

Elephants are calm and strong.

2. Reading practiceI.

- Read the hidden words.

- Consider two hedgehogs that met under a magical tree. Which hedgehog carries two-syllable words?

- Which carries three-syllable words?

- Compose these words.

- How many words out of 2 and how many out of 3 syllables will hedgehogs carry on their backs?

ro-ga ka-re-ta

ro-for mo-lo-ko





3. Reading a poem by I. Tokmakova "Buy a dog."

- Read the title of the poem.

- Consider illustrations. What do you think this poem is about?


enters- will move in

but-in-villages- newcomer

sgr-zet- gnaws

will eat- will eat

- Explain the meaning of the word "newcomer".

Novosel - a new resident.

Pre-prepared students expressively read a poem by I. Tokmakova.

4. Product analysis I.

- On whose behalf is the poem written?

- What is the dream of the child?

- Whom does the child ask to buy a dog?

- How does a toddler convince his parents to buy him a dog?

- What animals does he compare the puppy to?

- With what intonation should these lines be read?

- Read the poem expressively, paying attention to punctuation marks. As you read, convey the boy's desire to have a puppy.

5. Reading text about dogsus. 64 textbooks (part 2).

- Read the text aloud expressively.

- What have you learned about dogs?

- What breed of dog do you like?

- What else do you know about dogs?

- What books about dogs have you read?

- Who was the ancestor of dogs?

- What breeds of dogs depicted in the pictures are familiar to you?

- What do you know about them?

- What other dog breeds do you know?

- Compare the text about dogs that you just read and V. Oseeva's story "The dog barked furiously." Which text was written by a scientist, and which one was written by a writer?

Physical education minute

Gave a dog

No, not just a gift,

Given on a birthday

Very nice puppy!

He's still tiny...

He goes funny, funny,

Entangled in paws.

My puppy will grow up -

He is true, alive, -

Only clubfoot.

IV. Continue learning new material.

1. Reading a poem by S. Mikhalkov"Important Advice"

- Read the title of the piece.

- Consider the illustration. What do you think this poem is about?

- Read the words written on the board, first by syllables, then by whole words:

bring up- bring up

by means- through

re-pi-tan-ny- educated

rise-pi-ta-te-whether- caregivers

- Explain the meaning of words and expressions:

Through - with help.

devoted - faithful, loving.

Hemp caregivers - insensitive (bad) owners.

The teacher reads a poem.

2. Product analysisI.

- What is this poem about?

- What important advice does the author give?

- How not to raise a puppy?

- When will a puppy not be loyal to its owner?

- What does the author call bad hosts?

- Read the last two lines of the poem.

- Explain their meaning.

- Read the poem expressively, paying attention to punctuation marks.

V . Summary of the lesson. Reflection.

- What works have we met?

- Why do you think many parents hesitate to buy a dog for their child?

- How can a dog be on the street?

- What questions would you ask a toddler who dreams of a dog?

- Can a child be responsible for his four-legged friend?

- What character traits should a dog owner have?

- What is the "important advice" of S. Mikhalkov?

- What dog breeds do you know?


Reference material for the teacher.

It has long been believed that the most courteous of dogs -scottish shepherds, callAnd.

Collies got their name from black-headed sheep - collies, which have been grazed in Scotland since ancient times. Outwardly, collies are somewhat similar to a fox. Their muzzle is long, narrow, dry, but, of course, there is no more fox and cunning in the eyes, complete good nature and gullibility. In 1952, they proved their tenderness and gentleness in dealing with ward collies once again, when they were brought to the reindeer-breeding state farms of Primorye to spotted deer. Previously, deer were kept in pens, but they need space, the breath of the steppes and foothills. What kind of dogs were not tried for the role of shepherds! None came up. And the collies did it. The reindeer quickly got used to the furry shepherds and obeyed them in everything.

The German Shepherd was brought from Germany to Russia. Much water has flown under the bridge since that time. Breeders-dog breeders have worked hard. And as a result, a new breed of dog has developed -East European ShepherdA.

It seems that there is no such work that would be unknown to her. She has mastered many specialties. He goes on patrol with border guards, guards factories and warehouses, long and patiently looks for traces of criminals in the labyrinth of city streets. And he helps the shepherds, serves as a shepherd: he collects scattered animals, he vigilantly watches so that cows or sheep do not inadvertently wander into rye or oats and do not poison the crops. In a word, this dog is a master of all paws. It is understandable: the East European Shepherd Dog is a brave, sensitive, hardy and distrustful of strangers dog.

Moscow watchdog- one of the youngest breeds. But the ancestors of this dog have an ancient and interesting history.

stburnR. Far in the Alps, at an altitude of two and a half kilometers, lies the famous St. Bernard Pass. In ancient times, this pass was the only thread connecting Italy with the countries of Northern Europe. Many people passed here.

But not everyone was happy crossing the Alps. Snow avalanches and landslides, snowfalls and blizzards lay in wait for travelers. And then there was trouble.

A long time ago a monastery was built on the pass. The monks of this monastery bred a special breed of dogs - smart and strong, which became skilled mountain rescuers. The terrible pass gave them its name.

And in other mountains, in the Caucasus, tireless people have long been helping peoplecaucasian shepherd dogAnd. No, they did not pull people out from under the snow falls, they did not look for travelers lost in the mountains - their service was different. Caucasian Shepherds have long been considered excellent shepherds.

It is difficult for a shepherd to manage sheep, even if two shepherds are always at hand. But it is even more difficult to fight the main enemies of sheep flocks - wolves. Cunning and cunning gray robber. But when Caucasian shepherds lie guard around the grazing sheep, the shepherd is calm


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