Who invented the first exercise machines


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In today's society, in order to maintain excellent fitness, people use exercise equipment, which today can be selected on the site https://www.k-gorod.ru/catalog/sport/trenazheryi. At the same time, in ancient times, of course, there were no such devices, but people have had a need to remain physically attractive at all times. Of course, many centuries ago they still trained, only with the help of various kinds of improvised means. To increase muscle mass, for example, a calf was used, which men raised above their heads. But in the 16th century, it was no longer necessary to lift animals, as Friedrich Ludwig Jahn invented the first ever exercise machine.

But the real revolution in the history of simulators came about thanks to a man named Gustav Wilheim Sander, and it happened in the 19th century. In his youth, Gustav was always ridiculed, as he was frail and unsociable, and therefore the guy thought of only one thing - how to create a device with which he could become more muscular. He was 29 years old when he opened his own gym, and it had several dozen machines that Gustav himself came up with. In the gym, there were both simulators for increasing muscles, and those that were needed for cardio training. Zander Hall became famous quickly, as the effect was immediately felt by the people who practiced in it. Three years later he opened two new halls, one in London and one in New York, both of which were in high demand. People who came there to train not only thanked Gustav, but also seriously believed that the man was a coach, although in reality this was far from the truth.

The popularity of all these halls seemed to have no boundaries, and all the people who trained had a positive trend: they not only became more resilient and strong, but also strengthened their health in this way. Even doctors of medical sciences agreed that Zander played a huge role in improving the health of many people. Even pregnant women who wanted to do fitness came to Gustav's halls every now and then, and this made it easier for them to endure the pregnancy period. In 1911, Sander already owned two hundred gyms with exercise machines located in different countries of the world. He also made a significant contribution to the emergence of simulators for people with disabilities.

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