Who made the film Scythian. Food-Asker - seven mysterious warriors-rocks near Mount Crocodile


Welcome to our site! As you already understood, every day we add a lot of interesting articles about movies and series for you. This time we will talk about the film "Skif". Surely you have heard a lot about this picture. In this article we will answer all your questions about this film. Well, shall we begin?

Actors and roles of the film "Skif"

  • Alexey Faddeev - played the main role in the film. We know this actor from such roles as: “Sofia”, “Blow”, “The Empress Theatre”, “Money”, “Warrior” and others.
  • Yuri Tsurilo - we know the actor from such films as: "The Bloody Lady" (this series will soon be shown on the Russia 1 TV channel), "The Last Hero", "Teach Me to Live" and others.
  • Alexander Patsevich - we know this actor from such films as: "Team", "Olga", "Youth", "These are our children" and others.
  • Vasilisa Izmailova - the actress played in such films as: "Pure Football" and others.
  • Alexey Ovsyannikov - we know the actor from such films as: "Silver Forest", "Actress", "Wings", "Hotel Russia" and others.
  • Alexander Kuznetsov - we know the actor from such films as: "Leo and the Hurricane", "Lermontov", "Red Bracelets" and others.
  • Oleg Rudenko-Travin - we know the actor from such films as: "Witnesses", "Vera", "The Fifth Guard", "Karpov. Season three" and others.
  • Fedor Roshchin - we know the actor from such films as: “Psychologists”, “Missing. Second wind”, “Last cop”, “I'm not afraid anymore” and others.
  • Vladimir Lukyanchikov - we know the actor from such films as: "The Happy Gray Mouse", "The Last Hero", "Wings of Pegasus" and others.

Where was the film "Skif" filmed?

After watching this film, many viewers had the question "Where did the filming take place"? So, we have the answer to this question.

30 kilometers from Kerch, not far from the village of Zolotoe on the Karalar coast, scenery for the filming of the historical fantasy "Skif" was built this summer.

As you already understood the film was filmed in the Crimea. We have been convinced more than once while watching films and TV shows shot in the Crimea that this is just a wonderfully beautiful place. And now let's answer the most important question that brought you to our site.

Shot from the film "Skif"

At the moment, whether or not the second part will appear depends only on the viewer. If the film is successful, then the second part will be. The release date could very well be early 2020.

Interesting Facts:

  • The film was directed by Rustam Mosafir.
  • The premiere date in Russia is scheduled for January 18, 2018.
  • There is little historical genre in this picture, but more fantasy.
  • The main role in the film was played by a little-known actor Sergei Selyanov.

Dear visitors, we would be glad if you visited our latest article about the film. I think everyone has heard about this bear, since part 2 will already take place on January 18. If you follow the link, you can read a lot of interesting things about this film. Also, do not forget to vote for the article and leave your opinion about the film in the comment to the article.

It would seem, what else can be little known in Crimea?
But, in fact, there are enough such places, and today's story is about one of them.
How many of you have heard about the House of the Scythian? Units, sure. And those who heard it were unlikely to find the exact information where exactly it is located and how to get to it.
When I posted this picture on Instagram, some commentators, foaming at the mouth, rushed to prove to me that the picture was taken in Sevastopol Chersonese. It's always funny when people prove things like that, although they are a million percent wrong and you understand this very well.
The picture, of course, was not taken in Chersonese, but in the same House of the Scythian, 350 kilometers from Sevastopol ...
So, what, where, how to get there?

2. You will definitely not find this place in tourist guides and guides.
The reason is simple: it appeared quite recently, only in 2016.
Until that moment, there was one of a thousand bays with one of a thousand wild beaches.
In 2016, the film "Scythian" was filmed on the Karalar coast in eastern Crimea, for which several very entourage buildings were built. Not temporary decorations, but capital buildings made of stone and thick wooden logs - a Slavic dwelling and a tavern.
They were built in one of the most picturesque bays of the General's beaches, on a steep rocky coast right above the sea waves.

2. "Skif" has not yet been released, but the shooting ended last year and the buildings at the moment just remained in a secluded wild bay. See, walk around them and spend time? Please!
By the way, this place was not chosen by chance as a filming location - the plot unfolds in the 11th century in the Russian principality of Tmutorokan, whose lands extended to the territory of the modern Taman Peninsula and Eastern Crimea. Prince Oleg Svyatoslavich (historical period 1083-1094) rules this lot, who, it seems, will be shown in the cinema as one of the important characters in the background.

4. On the territory of the Scythian farmstead, a barn, sheds for sheep, a stall for horses and an observation tower built of huge logs have been preserved.
But the most important house... burned down during Easter (in the photo on the left side you can see its stone walls).
Why burned out? Some gop company decided to hang out cool in an unusual place for Easter and burned down the house.
Now a security guard lives on the territory, who, however, does not prevent anyone from visiting this place. He does not take money, but he makes sure that there is no vandalism.

5. Carved gate at the entrance to the courtyard.

6. Here you can take a lot of spectacular shots, the place has

7. Bay, over which the House of the Scythian was built.

8. By the way, it is easy to recognize it, and therefore the place with the house - this is a bay with a well-known cock rock in these places.
For simplicity, the GPS coordinates are 45°28"06.2"N 36°09"53.6"E
How to get there? Only on dirt roads by car, bicycle or on foot from the village of Zolotoe, Leninsky district (this is eastern Crimea)

9. Not far from the house you can find another building from the movie - an old tavern.

10. It is so spectacular and entourage that it will definitely attract a lot of attention of travelers and tourists.
I would like to hope that the fate of the house will not befall it and some negligent gopnik will not burn it, because there is no longer any protection here ...

11. In general, who loves such places, plan them in your route around the Crimea.
So far, natural factors and man have not bothered to ensure that this house and tavern disappear forever ...

Production company "STV" Sergei Selyanov shoots historical fantasy in Crimea "Scythian" about the change of civilizations in ancient Rus'. The Scythians went into oblivion, their dying descendants turned into ruthless killers who, during one of the raids on the Slavs, kidnapped the wife and child of the protagonist Lutobor ( Alexey Faddeev). In order to save his family, he goes on a dangerous journey to the lair of enemies, and as a guide he takes with him the captive Scythian Kunitsa ( Aleksandr Kuznetsov).

The film was directed by Rustam Mosafir, thundered in the film industry with the concept of a dilogy about Evpatiya Kolovrat and removed "Runaways" With Elizabeth Boyarskaya And Petr Fedorov. Acted as costume designer Nadezhda Vasilyeva- the author of costumes in almost all films Alexey Balabanov. In addition to Faddeev and Kuznetsov, the roles are also involved Yuri Tsurilo, Vitaly Kravchenko, Alexander Patskevich and others.

Shooting "Skif"

“We still have little-known actors in the lead roles- said producer Sergei Selyanov , - also because we don't want to sell this film as historical. Stars in this story do not ask. We wouldn't want Skif to bear the seal of a historical film. Namely, such an association most often occurs among the audience when they see well-known actors in luxurious costumes of a particular era. We wanted new faces. This film is a daring attempt to make not a historical costume movie, but a fantasy one, with elements of mysticism. This is a fantasy based on our distant past, when new civilizational forms began to replace paganism, and serious clashes arose between them..

In the center of the picture there are three worlds: Slavs, Berendeys and Scythians, and for each, appropriate scenery was created: near Kerch, not far from Evpatoria and in the Yalta region. “Slavs live with us on the seashore, - says Selyanov, - Berendey in the dense forest, and the Scythians in the middle of the wasteland. Each of the worlds differs not only geographically, but also in its surroundings: costumes, language, buildings..

Shooting in the Crimea will last until the end of autumn. The release date for Skif has not yet been determined.

Alexey Faddeev on the set of "Skif"

The other day, the feature film "Scythian" was released, which was filmed in the vicinity of Kerch. Of course we couldn't miss the premiere. The journalist decided to find his native shores on the big screen. Usually we write articles and reviews expressing the general impression of our editorial staff. But the attitude to art and its vision is different for everyone. Therefore, it was decided to write a review of the film in the first person.

Should I watch "Skif" in the cinema?

My opinion is definitely "Yes"! Let me tell you why I was looking forward to this movie. Firstly, it was filmed in places where I visit very often. In the film, it is easy to recognize ours. With pleasure I looked at every shell pebble and well-trodden paths. It is always interesting for me to look at my favorite places with the eyes of different directors. Secondly, I love such action-packed films, diluted with science fiction, a bit of special effects, intertwined with history and mythology. Read: I can say for sure that I did not regret the time spent. In addition to what was promised in the trailer, I traced the deep meaning of the entire film. I will tell about it further.

The plot and idea of ​​the film

So, according to the directors' idea, the film "Scythian" should convey the story of the disappearance of one civilization. It's no secret that the people of the Scythians were exterminated. After the release of the picture on the big screens, the Google search engine increasingly hears requests about the Scythians, Berendeys and pagan gods. Usually I also look for what pages of history the plot is based on, I delve into the truth. Wikipedia says that the Scythians finally lost their independence and ethnic identity, dissolving among the tribes during the Great Migration. The Greek name "Scythians" ceased to have an ethnic character and was applied to various peoples of the Northern Black Sea region, including medieval Rus'. This fact can be clearly seen in the final scenes of the film.

Moral of the film "Scythian"

Now let's discuss the storyline and moral. It is worth noting that the film will appeal to the male audience more. But if girls like to tickle their nerves with bloody fights, they will be impressed. The picture is saturated with male sweat, sword power, fortitude and scenes not for the faint of heart. . The main characters are the warrior Lutobor, who firmly believes in the "crucified god" and faithfully serves his prince. Fate prepares a cruel test for him, in which he meets the Scythian Marten - the wolf of the god Ares. At first it seems that the title of the film was dedicated to the second hero. But the last scene will open all the cards (the scene will open, but I won't). In the film, there is a dispute about the gods - whose god is stronger, whose faith is more truthful. Endless conversations, various idols, sacrifices and other rituals - all this is interesting. But the essence of the whole film was hidden in one phrase of the Scythian Kunitsa: "It's not about the gods - it's about the people." It was these words that became the main ones for me at the base. They have morality. This meaning can be seen from the very first scene to the last. Faith is not only gods and rituals. The most important thing is faith in people.

General impression

To be honest, I was moved. We have always been accustomed to criticizing Russian cinema. I am sure that this time there will be those who do not like the picture. And although the budget of the film is modest, . I really liked the single-frame fight scenes, incredible stunts without special effects, the music was chosen with artistic precision. There is a place for friendship, love, betrayal and compassion. I recommend watching Skif. The main thing to remember is that history is taught at school, and in the movies we go for popcorn and a spectacle.

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