Leonid Agutin and his new love. Leonid Agutin about the betrayal of Angelica Varum: “My wife and I are fine


Rumors spread around the network about the divorce of the well-known star couple Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum. The couple broke up due to Leonid's very close relationship with one of the participants in the Voice show, Elina Chaga. Many argue that they have more than just communication, and Elina is Agutin's mistress. On her Instagram page, Elina commented on the whole situation. She claims that this is all a provocation of the yellow press, and the rest are only led to her.

Young mistress of Leonid Agutin

Rumors appeared on the Internet about the divorce of the star couple Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum. The stars themselves do not comment on this situation, but their fans are confident in the couple's divorce. All any doubts disappeared after a touching verse about parting with a loved one, which was written and published by Angelika Varum on her Instagram page. The reason for a possible divorce is the new darling of Leonid Agutin.

The mistress of the singer was a participant in the show "Voice" - Elina Chaga. They met her at blind auditions, in which Elina got into Agutin's team. From the usual professional relationship, their communication has grown into a closer relationship. They are often seen together in various places, from the outside they really look like a couple in love. As it turned out later, Leonid helps her not only in promoting on the show, but also rents an apartment in the center of Moscow.

On July 16, Leonid Agutin turned 50 years old. He celebrated his birthday with friends and family. Of course, Agutin's wife, Angelika Varum, was present at the celebration. What turned out to be quite surprising is that Elina Chaga was also present there. After Angelica had already left home, Leonid began to flirt with Elina in front of everyone. Nobody expected such actions from the singer. Eyewitnesses claim that they not only flirted openly, they also kissed.

Fans are interested in what is really happening in the family of Agutin and Varum, but they do not comment on this. Elina was also asked questions, which she ignores and also tries not to comment on what is happening.

Star couple Leonid Agutin and Angelika Varum

A well-known couple of stars met in the distant early 90s. At that time, Leonid was not yet so popular, and he was still married. Angelica had already released 2 hits at that time. Then Leonid talked with Angelica's father and said between words: “Imagine if Angelica and I suddenly get married?” Angelica's father did not take these words seriously, he took it as a harmless joke.

4 years later, Agutin and Varum began to work together and recorded a joint hit. The long time that they spent together at concerts, filming - led them to convergence. So, in 1998, an affair broke out between them. A year and a half later, the couple had a daughter, Lisa. A year later, after the birth of their daughter, Leonid and Angelica got married.

In 2018, the star couple celebrated the 20th anniversary of their life together. They celebrated their anniversary on January 23rd in one of the most luxurious restaurants in Miami. Relatives, acquaintances and friends were invited to the celebration. Their daughter Liza also came to congratulate her beloved parents, she came with her boyfriend. According to the couple, this is only a small part of the celebration. They planned to fully celebrate upon arrival in Moscow, gathering all the stars with whom they were friends and communicated during these years.

Remembers the ex-wife of Mikhail Grushevsky, clip maker Irina Mironova

- recalls the ex-wife of Mikhail Grushevsky, clip maker Irina Mironova

Mountains of porn cassettes found in parodist's apartment

She is a famous music video director. Her creative life is a continuous series of enchanting successes. However, in his personal life - even stand, even fall. One of the most painful memories is a three-year affair with Leonid AGUTIN. They lived in a civil marriage, during which the singer now and then brought home random girls ... Then she met, as it seemed to her, the man of her dreams - Mikhail Grushevsky. However, the parodist turned out to be a scoundrel doubly. 10 years after the wedding, he left her with a child for a 22-year-old fashion model, and in addition, he also stole money!

Irina Mironova- a famous director who has shot more than 600 clips for Pugacheva, Orbakaite, Kirkorov, Zemfira and other stars of our stage. In July of this year, she divorced her husband, parodist Mikhail Grushevsky.

At first glance, she is an absolutely happy, successful woman. A huge country mansion worth millions of dollars, a great career, grandiose business plans, a charming 10-year-old daughter who dreams of becoming a pianist. But in the eyes of Irina - bottomless sadness.

- Have you still not come to your senses after a divorce?

Unfortunately, I don't call it a divorce. I regard the act of Mr. G. as a low betrayal with cowardly theft. After all, divorce is different. You can get a divorce like a human being: divide property, agree on the further upbringing of your daughter and try to remain at least not enemies in the end. But in his case, everything happened absolutely bestially, which I did not expect at all!

I gladly married a "freak". And naively believed that it would be a family forever. We were adults: I'm 28, he's 38! And now he screwed up this family so much that I can only communicate with him through a lawyer.

Running away from home, he grabbed about a million rubles from our common safe! These were our common savings - the payment for several months from renting out our 120-meter Moscow apartment, which, by the way, we bought together, but it was recorded on him. And he keeps getting money from tenants without sharing it with me. Well, and, apparently, I also lost my investments - free money that I invested in the business of his friends - all the papers were also issued to my husband. It’s good that at least the house that we built together was smart enough for me (thanks to my friends, they advised me) to write it down for two! Otherwise, I would be evicted from this house with a child now! In addition, he completely discredited himself in the eyes of other people, leaving behind a bunch of debts, unpaid bills - in one second the maintenance of our huge house, with all the employees, repairs, a child and then an expensive lawyer - everything hung on me! There is such a gap in my budget that now does not allow me to bring my daughter from my mother to Moscow, and she will have to spend another year in Pushchino.

But Mr. G. bought himself an expensive, obviously beyond his means, car and even hired a driver who opens the door for him so that everyone can see: a star has arrived! In general, it seems that he went into a complete breakaway in order to take all these funny and quick pleasures from life until the end of the world came in December 2012.

Rude slacker

Maybe you still offended him, oppressed him? There was a reason: after all, over these 10 years, he gradually became a nobody from a popular artist. He is nowhere to be seen or heard...

Yes, he tells everyone that I, such a “bitch”, sawed him, poor thing, all ten years of his married life. And when he asked for a divorce, this "bitch" also kicked him out of the house! And his friends, after all, really feel sorry for him and rejoice for him: finally, the man has freedom, he has found a normal girl for himself. Why did I bother him? He had complete freedom in his family! Live as you wish! He could come home at one - three in the morning, and I didn’t even ask where he was - he could rudely cut off all questions: “It’s none of your business, don’t get into my life.” And two years after the wedding, he somehow came out of the bedroom and said that he was tired of having sex with me. We haven't had sex in eight years! Probably, yes, he had girlfriends on the side - a medical fact that a man cannot go without a woman for too long. And I've come to terms with that. I even tried to ask him somehow: “Mish, well, tell me about your girls ...” And he was very shy, by the way, and he always came home to spend the night. I thought that sex is not the main thing in the family, the main thing is our cheerful friendship, our daughter, our family closeness ... And I didn’t even blame him for not developing at all in creativity. At first, however, she tried to somehow shake him up: “Let's make a comedy for you, make a movie, find people, write a script especially for you!” - "No need!" Invited him to the clip Natasha Koroleva, so comedic, suitable, so he didn’t even want to change into a suit: “I’m not interested!” He acted like he was doing me a favor. Even Serezha Drobotenko he remarked: “Mish, why don’t you listen to the director?”

I was wrong, naively believing that I married a creative person who, like me, would strive to take more and more new standards. No, he is a simple layman who just needs to eat delicious food in a new restaurant and have fun with friends in conversations. I'm not an idiot to impose on a person what he does not need. Why do I need his tantrums and cries: “If I don’t suit you, then let’s get a divorce”? Here's what worked for me...

- So why did you leave?

The man is just crazy. A midlife crisis in the absence of a creative life, plus a new, young girl. For me, his departure was unexpected, but quite logical. Over the past two years, we have become completely divided. And we parted not as people of different characters - I perfectly understood that I live with a terry egoist, prone to unreasonable narcissism and everyday tantrums. It was just interesting for me, as a director, to see: yeah, there are such people. No, we parted as individuals - like planes that fly at different heights. Misha has his own life, I have mine. I have my own ambitions, but he simply does not have them! Misha spent all his free time with friends - this is a company of men about his age, who, by the way, also abandoned their wives and children. And so they gather regularly in the sauna or watch football, discuss the latest gossip, have fun with young busty girls who change like gloves. They all have a stable income, and they do not need anything more from life. And Misha is happy with them! And somehow so imperceptibly during these two years he became utterly simplified and fell into bullying, finally turning into a boorish loafer! It even got to the point that he, not embarrassed by my daughter and me, sitting in front of the TV, could scratch his eggs! And how noisily and loudly he left!

The best blowjob in Moscow

- Did you cheat on him? Rumor has it that you are gay. Zemfira was your mistress?

That's why there are rumors that, not feeling my husband's interest in me, I didn't give a damn about my appearance, completely in vain I mummified myself: a bald head, shirts, pants, boots. By the way, when I filmed the video Ludmila Gurchenko And Borya Moiseev, made friends with Lyudmila Markovna, and she blamed me for everything: “Mironova, why are you pretending to be Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya ?! You need red lipstick!” All eight years I did not cheat on my husband, although I could. But then I would betray my principles and ideals. I also did not have love relationships with women, and I did not have Zemfira. But now I'm ready to try everything! I promise that I will radically change my image, become feminine and learn how to do the best blowjob in the city!

- Do you have a new man?

I don’t have any serious relationships, but I got very good sex! Yes, there was a lot of sex and tenderness. Of course, there can be no question of any marriage, but I will have as many lovers as my health is enough. To my surprise, I discovered that I, it turns out, is a very enviable, rich bride. Here's a strange thing: when I felt like a free woman, men suddenly began to pay increased attention to me.

- But does Grushevsky love his daughter?

Of course, she is his blood and is very similar. There are feelings, but they will never become stronger than his love for himself. For example, if my daughter comes here on weekends, then for three days I don’t exist for others. And Misha can still go to football with friends. If at this moment his insane love for his daughter prevents him from satisfying his love for himself, then he will still choose to satisfy his needs.

He abandoned her! After he moved out, he somehow came back to pick up his things. And here we are sitting with my daughter, and he walks around the house, getting ready, rustling with rags, fussing. And I sit and think: it’s impossible, you need to say something good to a person in parting. And I say: “Do not rush, think about everything! We love you with our daughter, you are our own, we don’t want you to leave, we don’t want to live without you, we want to be with you! We always had fun. We’ll think of something, you’ll figure it out for now ... ”And the daughter looks at him with eyes full of tears:“ Daddy, don’t leave! And he: “I don’t want to live with you! I won’t leave you, but I won’t live with you!” And then in four months he saw her only a couple of times! This is betrayal! Now my lawyer calls him and asks: “Why don’t you help the family, don’t pay for the house?” And he replies: “Why should I pay if I don’t see my daughter. I demand that they give it to me twice a week from two to three.” And I laugh: “Why demand to give her away, like some kind of monkey, to play around, if he can calmly come to the house and chat with her. Yes, let him take her to him at least for six months! But this is out of the question - it's hard to raise a child, and he escaped from such difficulties.

Chocolate and porn

- Didn't you, such a smart, advanced woman, immediately see what a nonentity this Mr. G. is?

Of course, I saw all these unpleasant features. We met on the ship, on the set of Full House. He brazenly molested - I immediately felt that he was not my man. Then we met by chance a year later. We had dinner at the restaurant. And I realized - a stranger, an outsider. Then a year later, again by accident, - and then he suddenly began to pour out his soul to me about how he couldn’t work with a girl. He lost weight and turned from a plump into an interesting man. And I was so fascinated - apparently, I wanted something serious, and I myself invited him to marry, and he was very happy.

I came to his bachelor's apartment, and the first impression - I winced. It was the apartment of a super-egoist who gets quick pleasure from life. Imagine, in his kitchen all the shelves were filled with chocolate, and the shelves in the living room under the TV were full of porn cassettes. Only porn! There were no other films! And he wasn't even shy about it! I remember my shock and horror, but I stepped over it anyway - out of curiosity, I guess. And I also didn’t see that before me he had a young woman with a child, whom he settled in an apartment next to his - not in his, because then they would somehow embarrass him, but nearby! And so he kept them for a year, and the girl already called him dad. He and this woman were going to get married. But she bored him, and he complained to me that he didn’t know what to do - this woman scolds him, yells at him.

And so we met a couple of times, and for some reason he decided that I was his girlfriend, and he simply kicked that woman out, exchanging her for me, younger and, most importantly, self-supporting! This is very important for him: Mr. G. does not like to pay for anything! He believes that for him, the "stars", everything should be for free! He acted with her in the same way as he is trying to do with me now - he gathered everyone and announced: “Thank you all, everyone is free!” I just overestimated my abilities. I put on the scales such weights that outweighed his lightweight morality and allowed him to remain in balance even with himself and in perfect order in the eyes of others. Well, see for yourself: the man is well dressed, healthy, he has everything! And I supported him in everything! That is, all this was in him, but, like an abscess, it did not break through ... And now it has burst! Our world with my daughter got bored with him, like with a toy, he played and abandoned it - and overnight destroyed everything that had been built for ten years! I don't see him as a person anymore. The worst thing, I'm afraid, is that my daughter might one day reject him, although I will in no case turn her against dad.

But in the first two years, at least there was a love passion? As they say, an experienced satirist will bring a woman to six sarcasms per night ...

Mr. G. does not like to bother himself with anything. It was so-so sex. And he doesn't Brad Pitt Indeed! Compared to what is happening in my life now, Misha was not having sex. I feel sorry for those women who will now have sex with him. He is so lazy, the main thing for him is to enjoy himself, but for a woman you have to try, move somehow! And he never had this desire both psychologically and physically.

- He did not satisfy you in bed?

No! But I didn't get upset about it. I just wanted to live in a family, with my family: with my daughter and my husband. And all my sexual desires, although not of my own free will, I pushed to hell.

- Okay, you can’t compare him with Brad Pitt, but at least with Leonid Agutin, with whom you had an affair?

Agutin was a wonderful lover!

- And now what?

Of course, for me this is an incentive to rethink a lot and make a great great movie. I now have a new life, and I just threw away that chip with fragments of life with Mr. G. ...


I left my lover, Leni Agutin, a girl who was nothing. I left simply because I was afraid that I risked being nobody with him ... I broke up with the person I loved. For many years to come, I ruined my personal life ...

When we met, he was not yet the Leonid Agutin that everyone knows now. He just won some kind of competition like Jurmala. He sang a song about "Barefoot Boy" ...

As happens with most men, Leni found a short distance between friendship and sex. So it all happened pretty fast...

It happened when we went in a cheerful company with some Spaniards to ride a yacht ...

To my dismay, everything turned out somehow simply. Leni has a different approach to sexual-erotic issues. Everything is fast, easy, a lot and without any problems.

We spent three years together. I rented an apartment nearby. I spent the night at his place, then at my place. Sometimes I came to visit him early in the morning and found some girl there who tried to treat me to tea, was embarrassed, busied herself in the kitchen.

I was so aware of everything that was happening to him that I could ... discuss various girls - their tits, their way of getting an orgasm, some funny flaws.

From the book by Irina MIRONOVA "Life according to the rules of shooting"

Journalists began an active discussion of the discord in the long-term marriage of domestic performers Leonid Agutin and Angelica Varum. The reason they call the relationship of a man with a young participant in the show "Voice" Elina Chaga.

The girl commented that she was connecting her with Agutin and urged not to believe the rumors spread by the press about a romance between them.

Relations between Leonid Agutin and Elina Chaga

The acquaintance between Agutin and Chaga happened during the participation of a young performer in the popularly beloved project "Voice". Seeing the potential of the girl, he became her curator and accompanied Elina until the quarterfinals. Naturally, there were "well-wishers" who began to assert that the legendary singer and the project participant are connected by something more than just a business relationship. While working, they spent a lot of time together. Agutin provided great assistance in the development of the creative career of Elina Chaga

When an article appeared in the press claiming that the marriage of Agutin and Varum was bursting at the seams, journalists contacted representatives of the star couple in order to get first-hand comments on the situation. The concert director of the performers immediately denied the ridiculous rumors. This is not the first time she has faced such statements, which are blatant lies.

Soon, Agutin himself reacted to the rumor about an affair with Chaga. He is happily married, and Elina's personal life is all right. And he asked those who read such statements from the yellow press not to respond to provocations. The people are gullible, and as soon as a rumor is started, an active discussion immediately begins, and even accusations of innocent people.

Elina Chaga's comments on rumors about an affair with Leonid Agutin

Inherited from Internet users and Elina Chaga. On her page there were a lot of accusatory comments. The girl, unable to withstand the flow of messages that destroys the family, turned to netizens with a question:

“Well, why are you being fooled by the yellow press? They earn money on this, and you support all this with your activity. ”

She closed the opportunity to comment on photos in her profile in order to stop the further development of the conflict.

The marriage of Agutin and Varum is one of the strongest and happiest in the domestic show business. This year they celebrated the 20th anniversary of their relationship, while maintaining tenderness and strong love. They were born back in 1997, and their wedding took place on January 18, 2000 in Venice. They share a daughter, Lisa, who followed in their footsteps and created her own band. The girl now lives in Miami.

In addition, Agutin has a daughter, Polina, from her marriage to ballerina Marina Vorobyeva. She lives in France, but she has a warm relationship with her father. At every opportunity that arises, they try to see each other.

Childhood and family of Elina Chaga

Elina was born in the Krasnodar Territory. Her parents are lawyers, people with a serious profession, but her daughter has been drawn to music since childhood. At the age of three, she sang for the first time on stage, at eight she wrote her first song, and at thirteen a song that she later performed more than once.

Seeing the musical inclinations of the child, the parents enrolled Elina in the children's group "Firefly", which was located in the regional house of culture. For several years, the girl went there with pleasure to do choreography and sing. In "Firefly" she was the main soloist.

Chaga managed to win first place in Italy at an international competition called "Citta di Ostuni". This was followed by the contests "Song of the Year", "Look at me", in which a talented performer became a participant.

When the girl was fifteen, her teacher Roza Makaryan learned about the beginning of the selection for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. She convinced her student and her parents that Elina should try. So the young performer became a member of the qualifying round, where she sang a song of her own composition. In the same period of time, she went to the casting of the Minute of Glory project, which did not pass, as her singing was considered too professional.

As a fifteen-year-old teenager, she once dreamed of singing with Alla Pugacheva. After graduating from school, Elina did not hesitate about choosing a profession, becoming a student at the Rostov College of Arts. There she studied pop-jazz vocals. Deciding to move to the capital, the girl transferred to the third year of a similar college in Moscow (GMCADI) and successfully graduated from it.

The beginning of the career of the singer Elina Chaga

In Moscow, the girl did not waste time, trying to get into various musical projects, shows and competitions. One of these projects was "Factor-A". Several times the aspiring singer tried to break through there, but, unfortunately, to no avail. She did not make it to the finals of the competition.

It is known that the song of her own composition, which she performed in front of the judges, liked the singer Lolita Milyavskaya so much that she offered Elina to buy it. The song was called "Dream". During the performance, Alla Borisovna, who heads the jury, interrupted Chaga's performance, not allowing the eighteen-year-old girl to finish singing. It’s not clear what Pugacheva didn’t like, however, she also asked Elina to bring her a song after listening, praising the contestant. All jury members voted for Chaga, but later it turned out that she was refused. The reasons for such a categorical and unexpected refusal were not announced by anyone. The girl was sent home.

In February 2013, the purposeful singer again tried to break into Factor-A by going to the casting. This time she again reached the final round and again did not go further, having been refused. "Factor-A" was broadcast on the second channel. The host was Philip Kirkorov. The inhabitants of the Krasnodar Territory saw a charming, beautiful and musical girl on their screens for only a few seconds. After this failed attempt, one of the singer's fans suggested that she organize a small tour to the Urals. She continues to work, receiving many offers of performances. It is known that Chaga plays the piano beautifully, writes good songs, performs in concerts, and also sings in restaurants.

Elina Chaga on the project "Voice 2"

These seemingly failures only made the girl stronger. She is not going to deviate from her goals and is confidently moving towards her dream of becoming a singer. Elina became a member of the show "Voice 2", held as part of Channel One. As Chaga said, she was supposed to audition for the first "Voice", but when she was waiting for her turn to sing, they stopped filming. A year later, all those who did not have time to go to the last "Voice" were invited again.

When she appeared at the audition, it immediately became clear that the jury was facing a beautiful and spectacular girl. Producers like her are happy to invite girls to pop groups, which are created just to please the eye of the viewer. Such a use of talent for Elina is not an acceptable option. She wants to prove that with a spectacular appearance she has talent, she wants to achieve results on stage.

She chose the composition "Mercy", performed by the British singer Duffy. Chaga was excellent on stage and successfully managed to demonstrate her vocal skills. It seemed that it was not Chaga who sang, but Duffy herself. It is possible that the jury would like to hear the author's performance, but the fact that the contestant hit the tone and notes exactly and showed excellent vocals indicated that she was seriously preparing for the audition.

Both Leonid Agutin and Pelageya liked Chaga and passed to the next round. Elina chose Agutin, because she believes that he is close to her in spirit, although the girl also really likes Pelageya and her work.

The next stage of the project was a knockout competition. On it, the singer performed the song "History Repeating". Excellent performance ensured the passage of Chaga to the next round.

Elina failed to reach the semi-finals. Of the three people, the audience and the mentor had to choose one. The singer performed the song "About him" by Irina Dubtsova. This is not to say that the girl was not upset because she dropped out of the fight. However, it was reassuring that all her performances were very worthy, she demonstrated her vocal skills and talent to the whole country. Now many people know her. Irina Dubtsova, whose song was performed by Chaga, praised the young performer after the show.

Elina Chaga's personal life

Chaga is currently single. She has a boyfriend. The girl is grateful to her fans who supported her on the Voice. She received many letters from her countrymen, as well as from fans from all over Russia. There were even letters from Australia. Elina was very surprised that the show was watched all over the planet.

The singer is glad that, being a member of the Voice project, she ended up in Agutin's team, since all the guys there became incredibly friends. Even outside the project, they continue to communicate, meet, go to each other's birthday parties. The competition is over, but Chaga is not going to go home. I plan to record my song, shoot a video and record a solo album.

Elina Chaga is a talented singer, each song of which invariably becomes a hit. The whole biography of the girl is a story about ups and downs, willpower and faith in one's own strengths. Perhaps, it was the determination and loyalty to the dream that allowed Elina to achieve fame and love of the audience, because the path to the heights of popularity was far from always straight and smooth.

Childhood and youth

The future singer was born on May 20, 1993. Elina's homeland is the village of Kushchevskaya, in the Kuban. Musical talent manifested itself in Elina Akhyadova - this is the real name of the star - from early childhood. Already at the age of three, the girl was a soloist in a children's ensemble called "Firefly". And at four she went to the preparatory group of the local music school, striking the teachers with both talent and such a young age.

When Elina was 9 years old, the girl got into trouble: after swimming in the pond in the summer, she felt bad. Severe fever, fever, fainting - all pointed to an infection. But the doctors of the local hospital were powerless, the treatment did not help. To transport Elina to Rostov-on-Don, the doctors ordered a helicopter, but it did not arrive at the appointed time. Then the girl's parents themselves took the child to the regional center. Fortunately, everything ended well, and Elina recovered.


When Elina was 11 years old, the girl went to the first serious music competition - "Song of the Year", the event was held in Anapa. Alas, the first place did not go to Elina, the singer took second place. However, the talented girl was noticed by both the audience and the jury, and, one of the organizers of the competition, even promised Elina that she would observe her creative development.

The first talent competition was followed by the second: at the age of 15, Elina Chaga, at the insistence of her teacher Rosa Makaryan, went to conquer the Junior Eurovision stage. For the qualifying round, the girl prepared a composition of her own composition. Unfortunately, Elina did not manage to shine here either - the aspiring singer did not go beyond the semi-finals, leaving the qualifying round literally one step away from victory.

Failures did not break Elina's self-confidence and dream of a stage. The girl continued to study music and vocals, graduated from the "music school" with excellent grades and went to enter the College of Arts in Rostov-on-Don.

Elina Chaga was late for the start of the entrance examinations, but the college management recognized the girl as a regular participant in local music competitions, and Elina was allowed to take the exams. So the future star became a student of the pop-jazz department of the Rostov College of Arts.

Two years later, Elina moved to the capital, believing that in Moscow she would get more opportunities to fulfill her dream. The girl transferred to the third year of the Moscow College of Arts and soon successfully received a diploma.

In parallel with her studies, Elina constantly sent out applications for all kinds of castings for music competitions and projects. For example, the girl tried to get to Factor-A several times, but she never went beyond the qualifying stage. The song "Dream" performed by Elina deserved praise from those who were members of the jury, but Alla Borisovna interrupted the singer's performance. And after the program, it turned out that Elina left the project.

In 2012, Elina Chaga again decided to try her luck and sent an application to participate in the TV show "Voice". The girl felt confident in her abilities, but literally before the traditional "blind auditions" (the qualifying stage of the project), the show's management announced that the selection was over, there were already enough participants. However, a year later, those who did not wait in line were invited to the project again. And this time for Elina, everything turned out much more successfully.

For "blind auditions" Elina Chaga chose the incendiary composition "Mercy" by singer Duffy. The bright and emotional performance of the girl captivated the judges. and turned chairs to Elina, and expressed admiration for Chaga's vocal talent. The girl chose Leonid Agutin as her mentors, and, as time has shown, this choice turned out to be the right one.

Elina Chaga did not become the winner of the project - the girl did not go to the semi-finals of the show. The last song performed by the singer on the stage of "Voices" was the popular song of the former "manufacturer" "About him".

However, the failure in the project itself unexpectedly turned into a crazy success in Elina's stage career: the girl was offered a contract with the production company of Leonid Agutin. So a new era began in the life of Chaga - the era of clips, concerts, music albums and photos on the spread of fashion publications.

The songs of Elina Chaga instantly became popular, and the army of fans of the bright brunette began to grow day by day. The fans especially liked the compositions “Tea with sea buckthorn”, “Flew down”, “No way out”, “The sky is you”.

Personal life

There are many rumors about Elina Chaga's personal life on the Internet. Most often, the girl is credited with a romantic relationship with her producer Leonid Agutin. Allegedly, Elina's resemblance to Leonid's wife was the cause of the musician's flared feelings for the young singer.

However, Elina repeatedly emphasized in an interview that any assumptions of journalists on this topic are only baseless fantasies, and she is connected with Leonid only by her love for music and a signed contract.

The girl also hints that she is not alone, but she keeps the name of the happy chosen one a secret. Who knows, perhaps soon Elina's fans will be pleased with the news of the wedding of their favorite performer.

Elina Chaga now

Now Elina Chaga continues to record new compositions and, according to rumors, is preparing for the release of the album. Also in an interview, the girl admitted that she had repeatedly received invitations to join various musical groups, but was not yet ready to make such a decision.

Fans are left to follow the news about Elina's work in

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