Not traditional drawing. Unusual ways of drawing


There are different drawing techniques - some of them are traditional, others are unconventional and even innovative. In general, the drawing technique is characterized not so much by the materials used, but by the method of applying paints. The length and direction of the strokes, their brightness, and the ways of mixing colors matter. All this is individual for each artist, and forms his style. But still there are basic varieties of techniques in drawing, which are distinguished by the colors used. So the most famous and popular drawing techniques include: drawing with a pencil, gouache, watercolor, oil and pastel.

The simplest technique is the pencil drawing technique. Everyone starts with pencil drawings. Small children pick up a pencil and begin to create their masterpieces. The technique of drawing with a pencil does not require any special skill. In addition, pencil drawings are a preparatory stage for other techniques. However, the pencil technique has its own secrets of how to achieve the accuracy of the drawing, its high quality. For example, one of these secrets is the technique of shading.

Gouache paints are good for beginners. They are good at learning to draw. They are diluted with water, are opaque and can overlap one color with another. When drawing with gouache, you can take any colors and paint them in any order. Paints can be mixed on the palette and get different shades.

gouache paints

The watercolor technique is more complex, it often remains incomprehensible and mysterious. The seeming lightness here is deceptive. Watercolor from the Latin aqua water. It is the artist's ability to control this water element mixed with paint that determines his mastery and mastery of this technique. Watercolor is fluid and transparent, receptive to the movement of the brush. This is a favorite technique of many artists.

Oil paints are mainly painted in two ways: with and without underpainting. The first method requires quite complex preparation. There are no strict rules for applying oil strokes or paint layers. Try different options. Sometimes the shade of a vertical brushstroke doesn't fit into the work, but if you put it horizontally, it will look good. In general, a non-professional artist can also paint an oil painting.

In order to work with soft pastel crayons, a rough, fleecy surface is needed. You can draw and write with pastel, that is, you can depict figures with lines and contours, and then paint over them, or you can create multi-color paintings with small strokes that mix, rub and shade. Pastel looks very beautiful on a dark background, so tinted paper is often used in this technique.

Recently, another very popular and common drawing technique has appeared - drawing with a stylus on the tablet screen. This technique is suitable for both beginners and professionals. There are even programs that help to master the technique of drawing on the screen for both children and adults. For example, the "How to Draw" program offers to master drawings of varying degrees of complexity and different styles.

Drawing on the tablet screen

But in whatever technique you decide to show your creative abilities, remember that training will help you realize your wildest ideas.

What to do at home with a baby when it's cold outside? Of course, creativity! And we made just a huge selection for you, in which we talked about all sorts of unusual ways of drawing. Let's get started!

Top 40 Unusual Drawing Ways!

If you have a pencil at home with an eraser on the other end, then this idea is for you! A little time for preparation, and you can create vivid pictures. You will appreciate the simplicity and accessibility of this type of creativity, and the baby will have a fun and useful time.
We draw with an eraser!

We have an entertaining idea for you and your little ones, which combines creativity and the study of the laws of physics! This activity will keep the whole family entertained!

Thanks to this idea, the crumbs will be able to better explore the colors and their combinations. And the method will surprise them for sure!
We make magical colored milk!

We have a great idea for you on how to entertain your baby while developing his creative abilities. It will not take you much time and money, but the idea will definitely cheer up the crumbs!
Spray painting!

If it suddenly started raining outside, this is not a reason to be sad! We offer you and your kids entertainment in inclement weather. Just don't forget to wear raincoats!

What are machines for? Of course, arrange races, roll your favorite toys and give your parents a back massage in the morning) Have you tried using them as a drawing tool? We want to offer you and your fidgets a simple but very unusual idea.

All kids love to do something unusual and interesting, discovering a lot of new fun. Therefore, we try to find only the most curious and informative ideas for you and your crumbs! And this time we offer you to make bright ice paints! In the process of drawing, the baby will easily learn colors and their combinations.

Have you ever painted in 3D? We have found for you and your kids an unusual idea for creativity, which combines painting, paper sculpture and the study of nature! It is very simple to implement it, but how much joy and new discoveries this lesson will bring you!

After drawing with crayons, small “stubs” remain, which are no longer so convenient to use. We want to give you an idea of ​​how you can use them. Keep drawing with them, just a little differently! Make them paint!

We will need: crayons, tight bags for food, a hammer.
Put the crayons of the same shades in a bag, close tightly. Tap the bag with a hammer to turn the crayons into powder. Be careful not to hit too hard or the bag may break. Pour the resulting powder into a bowl and add water. Paint is ready! It's that simple! Such paint will softly lay down on paper or any other surface. Draw with pleasure!

This time we again want to invite your kids to draw, only now with ice crayons in butter! It turns out very beautiful and cool, besides, in the process, the baby observes that the oil does not mix with water, and this can be used as an artistic technique.

In summer, nature appears before us in all its glory! Berries, fruits and vegetables ripen, there is a riot of greenery on the street, flowers bloom and give us their aroma. We offer you and your children to try one interesting summer fun - to make a natural watercolor! And if it's cold outside, you can buy flowers in the store. This paint will be completely natural and safe, plus so much fun to make! Try it yourself!

We want to tell you about one artist, whose name is Jackson Pollock, and about his drawing technique, which your children will certainly enjoy. The most remarkable thing about this technique is that you need to “splatter” the paint for your own pleasure! Jason Pollock's technique is that the canvas is placed on the floor, and the paint is sprayed from the brushes, without touching the brush to the canvas. In 2006, a painting called "Number 5, 1948" was sold at Sotheby's for $140 million!

We are sure that you have never painted with frozen paint! Today is the day to discover new horizons and try this fun type of drawing.

Is it still raining or has it already stopped and you didn't manage to see the rainbow?! No problem! Today we will make our rainbow from colored rice (we will also tell you how to color it), and at the same time we will repeat all the colors and learn a funny rhyme about the rainbow. With our rainbow, we can admire it at any moment, regardless of the weather and season!

Have you ever thought about how one becomes an artist? That's right, with practice and training. In general, drawing teachers have a lot of interesting and entertaining exercises, performing which you can’t say that you are being trained. That's how we treat them - as creative entertainment! Today we will share with you one of them - drawing circles.

Usually, balloons become obligatory guests at every holiday. But time passes, and the balls begin to deflate. You think they can no longer bring joy, but you are mistaken! Today we will show you how to create a wonderful portrait using a balloon. We guarantee fun! :)

We want to talk about another funny kind of art - painting with a film with pimples. So it's time to get the box from under the TV, mixer or juicer that has not yet been thrown out, the film from there will be very useful to us today in the creative process;)

Today we invite you to bring our hooligan idea to life. Let's connect water balloon tossing and art! What can we do? Of course, great fun for a warm summer day! Intrigued? ;)
Let's paint with watercolor pencils!

We decided to invite you and your children to master an unusual type of drawing, which will surely amuse the whole family with its slightly hooligan mood! Today we invite you to draw using old pieces of yarn or thick threads, which are sure to be found in every home!

We decided to show you a recipe on how to make body paint at home. The best part about this recipe is that the paint is absolutely safe for your baby's skin! If your children have grown up, then be sure to let them make paint themselves, imagine their pleasure when they get real body paint from different materials!

Everyone knows about drawing on asphalt with crayons! Today we will tell you about another interesting idea of ​​​​asphalt art - painting with paints, and also give a recipe on how to make these paints from improvised materials! With this idea, you will always have in stock the answer to your child's question "What are we going to do today ?!"

Everyone knows about drawing with fingers, palms or a brush. Have you tried painting with a living flower?

Want to learn another unusual type of drawing? Then this idea is for you, because today we will draw on the stones. The idea is very simple, but, nevertheless, it can successfully occupy your child for a very long time. Such an unusual drawing develops the imagination and contributes to the formation of the creative self of your fidget.

Coloring is always a fun pastime for kids. After reading this article, you will learn how easy it is to make your own unique drawing templates and color them! Abstract coloring encourages kids to use their imagination and can keep them busy all day long. Also, drawing actively develops fine motor skills, which favorably affects the development of speech and mental abilities.

Let's be artists today, shall we? But we will create our creative masterpieces in a very unusual way - to put multi-colored stamps made from ordinary pepper. This simple way will allow even the smallest creators to create their first artwork, and for older artists to show their imagination and understand that there are practically no limits for creativity.

We invite you to show your child what miracles are in the world of science. Has your child ever seen colors grow before their eyes? If not, then try this unusual experiment. The child will be delighted when he sees that the picture has become three-dimensional!

For sure, every child loves to embody his flight of fantasy in drawings. But the usual paints and pencils have already had time to get bored? Try giving your little artist a new way to paint with salt and glue. You will be surprised how much delight and emotion this unusual way of drawing will cause. After all, it is so interesting to observe how the colors themselves "disperse" according to the drawing, and the picture turns out to be bright and voluminous.

For many, autumn is a time of inspiration, someone begins to write poems or entire poems, someone conveys what they see in stories, and for someone the creative process results in autumn paintings. It is on drawing that we want to stop and tell you about another unusual type - drawing on autumn leaves.

How wonderful it is when you can walk in the autumn park and enjoy the rustle of autumn leaves. But the weather is not always conducive to such a walk. Today we invite you, together with your fidgets, to create a unique autumn mood in your home - we will make leaves with unusual, creative colors.

To make your walks more vivid and colorful, we suggest you pour paint into spray bottles and paint a molded snowman or draw a whole picture in the snow.

Drawing, as you know, develops the creativity and imagination of the child, so we decided to offer you another unusual way of drawing, namely painting with soap bubbles. You will get an unusual picture in which you can search and represent animals, plants or even various cartoon characters.

The experiment is very interesting and magical. You will see how white flowers become colored. In addition, a wonderful holiday on March 8 is just around the corner and such a spring bouquet will be a great gift for mothers and grandmothers!

Non-traditional fine art techniques used in kindergarten help kids, who are not yet able to fully master pencils and brushes, not only perceive the world around them, but also convey it through drawing. Everything that the children saw on a walk is very simply depicted on paper with the help of improvised means. It develops the imagination well.

The leaves that have fallen from the trees in autumn will help to depict a yard covered with foliage. You just need to lower them in a saucer with paint and attach to paper. A handprint can be compared with the traces of animals left in the snow.

Drawing classes develop children's imagination well and provide an opportunity for creativity and inspiration, as well as a sense of beauty. At the same time, the personality of the child receives a harmonious development.

The use of non-traditional drawing techniques makes it possible for children to develop artistic, rather than patterned thinking. Even, rather, artistic and figurative, which is directly related to creativity and observation, as well as spiritual qualities.

And it doesn’t matter how well the child knows the technique of drawing, because the main thing here will be to teach the kids to put their thoughts and feelings on paper, and to convey their mood with the help of various colors.

Artistic thinking develops well when children depict a fairy tale on sheets of paper with paints and improvised means. This form of training can be not only individual, but also group. To do this, each kid should be invited to depict their understanding of the plot in a certain area of ​​​​the general drawing paper. After everything is ready, the children are happy to make additions to the drawing, thus inventing a continuation of the fairy tale.

In such an interesting and complex process as drawing is for children, it is best to use various techniques. All of them instill a love for the fine arts. Unconventional drawing techniques in kindergarten deserve great attention, which give children room for imagination.

They are introduced from a very early age, but at first, while the child is learning to think figuratively and act correctly with his hands, an adult should be directly involved in this process. They are attractive for kids with the ability to achieve the desired result very quickly.

This form of development is good because it is very interesting for any child. Children are always attracted to drawing with their fingers and the whole palm, as well as the transformation of an ordinary blot into amusing figures.

Non-traditional materials and techniques that are used in visual activity contribute to the development of the child not only figurative thinking, but also self-control, perseverance, attention, visual perception and spatial orientation, tactile and aesthetic perception, as well as fine motor skills of hands.

By doing this work, children also learn to fantasize and put their feelings on paper through various colors.

Consider some non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten:

"Drawing with fingers"("finger painting", fingerography, "fingers-palette")

You can come up with a rule: each finger has a certain color, it is especially good to draw when there is no brush at hand. For this, gouache paints are convenient, which are poured into flat plates, lids from gouache jars.

  • 1. By dipping your fingertips in paint, you can draw: "New Year's confetti", "crashed beads", "lights on the Christmas tree", "funny peas", "footprints", "patterns on dresses", "fluffy snow", "sunny bunnies" , “dandelions”, “the willow has fluffed up”, “sweet berries”, “bunches of mountain ash”, “flowers for mom”, “whistle haze”.
  • 2. If you dip the side of your finger in the paint and attach it to paper, you get “traces” of larger animals, “summer and autumn leaves”, “vegetable salad”, “holiday leaves”.

If, therefore, to draw lines of different lengths, again picking up paint, then you can draw more complex objects: trees, birds, animals, landscape pictures and even decorative patterns, combining with drawing with a fingertip.

  • 3. clench your hand into a fist and put it on the paint (diluted in an old plate), move it from side to side so that the paint is well smeared on your hand, then lift it and attach it to the paper - there are large prints of “flower buds”, “baby animals ”, “birds”, etc.
  • 4. If you attach the side of the fist to a sheet of paper, and then make prints, then “caterpillars”, “dragons”, “monster body”, fabulous trees and so on appear on the sheet.

Tips: Before you start, make a few prints of different parts of the hand on a separate sheet to get an idea of ​​what shapes you can get, change hands so that the fingerprints and the fist curve in different directions.

Monotype. You will need gouache or watercolor, white or black paper, photographic paper (clarified), cellophane, glass, plastic film.

Types of work:

  • 1. A sheet of paper is folded in half. Spots (warm or cold) are applied to one of the halves; the second half is pressed against the first, carefully smoothed out in different directions and unfolded. Guess what happened? Mirror image (butterfly, flowers, muzzles of animals, etc.). You can give the finished shape of a butterfly and also fill one side with spots (there was an enchanted white butterfly - invite children to disenchant - color it more in a monotype way);
  • 2. a sheet of paper can be folded not only vertically, but also horizontally - you get symmetrical images or twins (twin brothers, “two chickens”, “funny bears”, “city on the river” - draw a city on a horizontally folded paper, opened - the city reflected on the river), “masks” for the new year and other folk holidays.
  • 3. Moisten a paper napkin with diluted paint and press various shapes of objects - blanks against it, then print them on a clean sheet of paper or on a smooth surface.
  • 4. stains or gouache drawing are applied on glass, mirror, plastic board, paper, plastic film, a sheet of paper is superimposed on top and printed. Start with a small piece of paper, then - the size of an album sheet, etc. The themes of the works are very diverse: "life in the north", "aquarium", "a vase with fruits and vegetables", "forest".

Diatypy. You need a cardboard folder, a layer of paint (gouache) is applied to its smooth surface with a rag swab. Then a white sheet of paper is superimposed on top, drawn on it with a pointed stick or pencil (but do not put pressure on the paper with your hands!). It turns out an imprint - a mirror repetition of the pattern.

Children like landscape pictures "Night in the Forest", "Night City", "Fireworks" and others. It all depends on the color of the chosen gouache, i.e. the color palette is already thought out.

Packing. You need to make tampons from gauze or a piece of foam rubber.

  • 1. A clean stamp pad or just a square piece of flat foam rubber can serve as a palette. This exciting activity for children gives the skills of gently and lightly touching paper with a swab with paint of any color to draw something fluffy, light, airy, transparent, warm, hot, cold (clouds, sun, sunbeams, dandelions - portraits of the sun, snowdrifts , sea waves, etc.)
  • 2. If you take large swabs, you can draw a lot of curious fluffy chickens, ducklings, funny bunnies, snowmen, bright fireflies (finishing the necessary small details).
  • 3. At an older age, you can combine this technique with the "Stencil" technique. First, a stencil is cut out, then, pressing it with your fingers to a sheet of paper, circle around the contour with frequent light touches of the swab. Carefully lift the stencil - what a clear and clear mark remained on the paper! You can repeat it again with a different color and in a different place as many times as you like!

Stamps, print. They allow you to repeatedly depict the same object, composing different compositions from its prints, decorating them with invitation cards, postcards, napkins, “shawls”, “flowers on the lawn”, “autumn beds”, landscape pictures, etc.

It is easy to make stamps and seals from vegetables (potatoes, carrots), an eraser, draw a conceived pattern on a cut or end and cut off everything unnecessary. On the other side of the vegetable or eraser, make an incision and insert a match without sulfur - you get a comfortable handle for the finished seal.

Now you need to press it against the ink pad, and then against the sheet of paper, you should get an even and clear print. You can make any composition, both decorative and plot.

Older children make more complex compositions, adding the necessary details to the prints and expanding the objects for prints: the soles of children's boots with a corrugated pattern (you can depict a huge sunflower, a giant tree, etc.), large prints are especially good for decorating a hall, summer nurseries sites.

Signets can be replaced with dry leaves from different trees and shrubs (leaves for herbarium). Prepare gouache, brushes or a piece of foam rubber, a sheet of paper. Come up with what we want to draw (summer, winter, autumn or spring), i.e. choose color. Turn the dry sheet with the left (convex) side up, paint over well, then carefully turn the painted side onto paper, mindful of the composition, and press lightly with your finger, remove - we get an imprint, an imprint similar to the silhouette of a tree or shrub (if it is not a large rounded sheet ). The trunk is a little bit to draw, and the branches are the imprinted veins of the leaf.

Using this technique, you can teach children to navigate on a sheet of paper, think over two or three planned compositions, laying out dry leaves on a sheet of paper, and then painting over and printing them.

Drawing on raw (wet) paper. A sheet of paper is wetted with clean water (a swab, foam rubber or a wide brush), and then apply an image with a brush or fingers.

On wet paper, you can paint with watercolors, starting from the younger age group. Tell the children about the artist - animal painter E.I. Charushin, who used such a means of expression, depicting fluffy little animals, chicks, funny and curious, like little children. Consider the books he wrote and illustrated.

And there is a lot for such a technique: “Magic living clouds”, which turn from lines and spots into various animals, “Once upon a time there were fish in an aquarium”, “Hares and rabbits”, “A good little friend (puppy, kitten, chicken and etc.)”.

To keep the paper from drying out longer, it is placed on a damp cloth. Sometimes the images come out as if they were in a fog, washed out by the rain. If you need to draw details, you must wait until the drawing dries or pick up very thick paint on the brush.

Sometimes a different way of blurring the image is used. Take a bowl of water, draw lines on a sheet of paper, for example, the contours of autumn trees, in the upper part - a blue line (sky). Then put this sheet face down on the surface of the water, wait a bit and lift it up sharply. Water spreads over the paper, blurring the paint, the color falls on the color, resulting in a bright and unusual picture. When it dries, you can additionally finish the necessary details, for example, branches, trunk, i.e. any necessary details. You can also emphasize the outline with a thin brush with black paint.

Another option - paint stretching - can be suggested to children when they are just starting to draw their picture, landscape or plot and they need to fill the entire sheet, the entire space. Or when a child knows that he will have a two-dimensional composition, and the sky will occupy a certain place. To do this, take the desired color of paint and draw a line in the upper part of the sheet, then stretch it and blur it horizontally with water.

Drawing on crumpled (previously crumpled) paper. This technique is interesting in that in places where the paper is folded (where its structure is broken), the paint, when painted over, becomes more intense, darker - this is called the “mosaic effect” .

You can draw on crumpled paper at any age, because. it's very simple. And older children themselves carefully crumple a sheet of paper, straighten it and draw on it. Then you can insert children's drawings into a frame and arrange an exhibition.

Drawing with two colors at the same time. This technique is characterized by various joyful themes: spring willow, like a sparrow, looking out of a bud.

Two paints are taken on the brush at the same time, gray (gouache) on the entire pile, and white on the tip. When applying paints to a sheet of paper, the effect of a "volumetric" image is obtained. Flowers are also unusually beautiful and bright, especially fabulous, miracle trees or unusual Ural-Siberian painting, when two paints are taken on a flat brush, and the brush, as it were, dances in the fingers of the master, leaving berries, flowers and leaves on a tree, birch bark, metal.

Drawing "fluffies". To do this, the contour of the wet drawing is smeared with a dry, hard brush and flowers, flowering spring trees, painting elements, chicks, dandelions, and so on are obtained.

The same expressive images can be obtained with a dry hard brush (bristle), if it is held vertically in relation to the sheet and applied with jerky strokes on dry paper to a sketch made with a simple pencil, or immediately depict animals, their fluffy hair, flowering lilac bushes, apple or cherry trees and more.

Children are especially good at drawing portraits of their favorite toys, for which they draw a contour, and then apply sharp strokes, going to the contour of the image. The more often the strokes, the better the texture (fluffiness) is transmitted.

After such classes, you can arrange an exhibition of portraits of your favorite toys or fairy-tale images. Or maybe arrange a personal exhibition of a young artist - an animal painter.

Dotted pattern. The drawing is applied with the tip of a brush, fingers of different sizes and paints of different colors. It turns out a mosaic pattern or again “fluffy”.

Stroke drawing. To quickly portray animals, birds, to come up with and realize unusual fairy-tale pictures, you can visit the amazing country "GRAPH". It is not on the geographical map, but it is everywhere where inquisitive children live.

To do this, you just need to pick up a magic wand, which can be any pencil, felt-tip pen, wax or simple crayon, sanguine, pastel, artistic pencil - sauce.

Touch a sheet of paper and the doors of this country "GRAPH" will open. Everyone here loves to draw, draw, write. This country has its own language: a stroke, a line, spots, a contour, a silhouette, a decorative line, a decorative spot, a geometric pattern.

The basic laws of beauty are the laws of composition, which include rhythm, balance, symmetry, contrast, novelty, plot and compositional center.

A stroke is a line, a line that can be short and long, sloping and even, slightly noticeable and bright, wavy and moving in a circle, intersecting and overlapping one another.

With the help of a stroke, you can tell about the nature of the object, about the properties of the material, convey its softness, airiness, tenderness, but also heaviness, gloom, sharpness, sharpness, aggressiveness and reveal the image of the hero, his attitude to the environment.

A series of exercises "PICTURE »:

stroke, slightly touching the paper;

gradually increasing pressure;

short and long stroke;

changing pauses - clearance between strokes;

a gradually shortening stroke and changing pauses - gaps;

stroke - zigzag with gradual lengthening and shortening;

changing slope of the stroke;

slope to one side

wavy stroke - zigzag;

stroke in several rows;

a stroke moving in a circle;

stroke coming from the center of the circle.

The educator must depict all these exercises himself, show the children what can be done thanks to the stroke. Classes in graphics are simple, they are easier than painting and sculpture. Simply, drawing - graphics is very interesting, it develops spatial imagination, extraordinary thinking, which teaches you to think, fantasize, make independent decisions, educates the child to look for more difficult topics : "I" (to myself), "Rain", "Trees", "Forest".

If you draw with a soft pencil (sauce) - you can rub it with your finger (shade), which will give softness to the image.

Aquatype. Necessary: ​​plexiglass (glass with smooth rounded corners), sheet of paper, soap, watercolor, ink, brushes.

Paints are applied to the glass (watercolors with soap or ink), a sheet of paper is applied to the dried surface and pressed tightly. You can move the sheet a little on the glass - the print will be more interesting.

In these prints we look for images, landscape images and finish drawing with pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens.

Cliche. Large print; on a wooden block or cardboard cylinder, a pattern of thick paper or rope is glued on one side, on the cylinder over the entire surface. Paint is rolled and stamped - flowers, leaves, rugs, napkins, wallpaper for doll rooms, fabric for plane dolls, gift wrapping paper, etc.

The bar or cylinder has handles to make it convenient to hold, stamp or make a poster (cylinder).

Aqua ink. Necessary: ​​paper, gouache, ink, water is poured into a large flat vessel (basin).

Dilute gouache and draw an image. When the gouache dries, cover the entire sheet with one ink (black). After the ink dries, lower the drawing into a basin (bath) with water, i.e. "manifest". In water, gouache is washed off, and ink - only partially. The paper should be thick, the image is large, the effect of a photograph is obtained.

Children are invited to be photographers. In the previous design lessons - to make a paper "camera", walking on the site, you can take a picture of what you like, and then "show" in the laboratory using the "aqua ink" technique.

Another option for working on a greasy layer: a greasy layer is preliminarily applied to a sheet of paper - with a candle (you can apply it with your palm), soap (tampon), etc. And paints are already applied on top.

The drawing turns out to be “fluffy”, as if bristling (furry).

Mimicry in drawings. In psycho-gymnastics classes, you can train the ability to recognize an emotional state by facial expressions - expressive movement of facial muscles, by pantomime - expressive movement of the whole body, by vocal facial expressions - expressive properties of speech.

Let's reveal facial expressions in the drawings. You can train the ability to recognize an emotional state along a line with the help of cut templates - a kind of pictograms. This is a set of cards on which various emotions are depicted using simple signs, 5 pictograms:

1. Joyful face

2. A distressed face

5. Surprise

First, the children consider, name the mood, then the cards are cut along the line dividing the upper and lower parts of the face. They mix and find again on assignment, or those that they liked. You can finish drawing the body, show facial expressions on yourself in front of a mirror, etc. The process of drawing itself can influence children, they become calmer and more accessible.

Music. After listening to a melody, a piece of music, the children must raise one card (pictogram). At first silently, and then as if they describe the feelings caused by contrasting pieces of music, correlating them with mood maps. You can use polar definitions: cheerful - sad; cheerful - tired; sick - healthy; bold - cowardly, etc. Then offer to draw the image seen in the cards, heard in the music.

Children often collect joyful and cheerful faces, less - sad or with other moods.

These games exercise the ability to interact. Usually, children draw the missing details on the card without prompting: eyes, hair, ears, sometimes a headdress, bows, glasses, or make a background. Such tasks help in the future to draw a portrait of a friend, mother or yourself.

Pantomime in drawings. Children are especially fond of classes during which various poses are depicted on paper with the help of conditional figures. Children call them "skeletons" , and better - "little men" .

Having received a card with the image of a figurine in one or another pose, the children finish drawing it - they memorize which pose corresponds to which emotional state. Children quickly begin to draw the poses of people and quite expressively, already without relying on conditional figures.

New skills acquired as a result of playing with patterns, figurines and blots, children then use in their free and thematic drawings.

Games are invisible. You need paper and simple (graphite) pencils.

Older children are invited to close their eyes and, to the music (waltz), draw involuntary lines on a sheet of paper with a pencil (squiggles, scribbles - they are called so by children), to the rhythm of a piece of music (1 min.). Open your eyes, look at the lines and find a hidden image among them (birds, humans, trees, vehicles). With colored pencils or felt-tip pens, highlight them, circle them to make it clear, adding a little bit of elements for the image you see.

The nature of the music can be very different. At first, you can give calm music, and then faster, more cheerful, and in accordance with this, the rhythm of the applied pencil lines will be different, therefore, the images will be seen differently.

Children's fantasy will tell, their imagination is very bright. At the first such games, the help of a teacher is needed, because. children are sometimes lost, they do not always see the hidden invisible ones.

Drawing with a candle or wax crayons. This way of drawing also surprises children, makes them happy, teaches them to concentrate, to be precise and accurate in drawing. This method has long been used by folk craftsmen when painting Easter eggs.

The bottom line is that the paint rolls off the surface on which the wax crayon or candle is held. A flute thread or a large swab with paint is taken and drawn over the sheet - a pattern appears on a colored background: “Frosty tree”, “Forest at night”, “Patterns of Santa Claus on window glass”, “Fur coat for the Snow Maiden”, “Snowflakes”, “Lacy napkins, collars, panels”, “Northern Queen” .

Another variant: draw doodles with a candle or simply randomly arrange the lines, and then draw an image of an animal, a bird with a conceived color; first, the contour, and then paint over it all - it turns out “fluffiness” (do not paint over the wax), or the shell of a turtle, or the stripes of a tiger, the cells of a giraffe. Very fun zoo! Fast, easy and fun!

Drawing on fabric. The fabric is glued to the frame (silk, plain is better). The drawing is applied with ink, watercolor, felt-tip pens, pens, a sharpened stick, bird feather, etc. Then the drawing is ironed.

This is a very elegant, subtle, painstaking technique that requires perseverance, patience, and accuracy from children. Such works for a gift card, as a souvenir (print on the wall).

Plasticine drawing. Grate a thick sheet of paper with the color of plasticine, which was conceived as a background (thickness 1 mm). Then with a tampon from above, putting pieces of plasticine, creating a convex “bas-relief” image.

You can offer scratching, removing plasticine (as in the scratching technique). Frame it, and get a print for decorating a room, as a gift. Such interesting prints - panels are made collectively.

In all the proposed options for conducting classes in non-traditional drawing techniques, the help of a teacher is needed.

Working with copy paper. Carbon paper is superimposed on top of a white sheet of paper; the drawing is applied over the copy with a finger, fingernail, stick. Then the carbon paper is removed and remains - a graphic drawing.

Copy paper to offer children - color.

Grating. The technique of scratching, it was used in Russia and was called "drawing on a wax pad."

Cover thick paper with wax, paraffin or a candle (rub the sheet with wax strokes tightly to each other). With a wide brush or sponge, apply a layer of mascara several times. For the density of painting, you can prepare the following mixture: add a little shampoo (or soap) to gouache or mascara and mix everything thoroughly in a socket.

When it dries, the drawing is applied by scratching with a knitting needle, a sharp stick and the appearance of white. It turns out very similar to the engraving!

The white color of the paper can be painted over with colored spots or tamponated with one color, depending on what you are planning to depict, then after scratching, the drawing becomes colored, children call such paper "magic" , because it is not known what color can show through the black wax layer. They are surprised, delighted and very interested in working. As a result, very expressive fabulous images: “magic flower”, “firebird”, “jolly Khokhloma”, “underwater kingdom”.

Linotype or "Colored threads". You need a thread (or several threads) 25-30 cm long, paint it in different colors, lay it out as you like on one side of a sheet of paper folded in half. Bring the ends of the thread (threads) out. Fold the halves of the sheet, press with your left hand on top, smooth. Then, without removing the left palm from the sheet, with the right hand carefully pull out one thread after another or only one. Expand the sheet, and there is a magical drawing: “swan birds”, “huge flowers”, “Vologda lace”, “frosty patterns” (if the threads are dyed white and laid out on a colored background).

And there is no end to the fantasy, the play of the imagination. And again a beautiful exhibition! You can only draw a little, where it is necessary.

Application from dry leaves: butterfly, mushroom, duckling, tree, flowers - the simplest images. Or, by attaching a dry leaf from a tree to paper, circle the outline with paint, remove it, and paint over the white spot as you want - it seems.

Blotography. Games with blots help develop the eye, coordination of movements, fantasy and imagination. These games usually help relieve tension in emotionally disinhibited children.

  • 1. Put a large and bright blot (ink, watercolor paint) so that the blot drop is “alive”, if you shake a piece of paper, it starts to move, and if you blow on it (preferably from a straw or a tube of juice), then it will run up, leaving behind a trail. Blow again, turning the sheet in the direction where some image is already visible. You can still drop a blot of a different color and blow again - let these colors meet, cross each other, merge and get a new color. Look at what they look like, if you need to slightly paint on semantic elements.
  • 2. You can get a fantastic image without blowing out the air, but by shaking the paper, and the droplets-blots run across the sheet. And if you first apply wax lines on a sheet of paper with a candle, and then drop paint or ink, then the blot quickly “runs” over the paper, leaving many interesting traces.
  • 3. Take a large long sheet of paper (the reverse side of wallpaper or pasted old drawings), lay it on the floor or path. Children take a candle (pieces) and draw squiggles, chaotic lines, then they take ink (black, red) or color and spray it over the entire surface of the paper track (under the guidance of the teacher), and then, lying on the floor facing each other along the track, begin blow on blots. This is a fun game, improvisation - blots run, roll, collide, run away, find each other. When they played, painted with air, get up, relax and see what happened? - lace path, fairy-tale picture, individual images (devil, hare ears, birds, fish, trees, bushes, etc.). If you want, you can finish it or leave it in this form and decorate the wall in the corridor, passage, in the dressing room, hall.
  • 4. Among the auxiliary teaching aids, the most effective and organizing is music. Blotography can be combined with music. Give the children small pieces of paper, sprinkle drops of paint or ink. Taking a piece of paper in their hands, the children move to the music and the rhythm of their body is transmitted to the “live” droplet, which also draws while dancing. See what happened and, if necessary, finish drawing. The nature of the music may be different.

spray. Or paint splatter. This technique is simple and familiar to many. Its essence is spraying drops with a toothbrush or brush for cleaning clothes, stacks (a wooden or plastic stick in the form of a scalpel, knife). Paint is collected on the brush, the brush is in the left hand, and the stack is drawn over the surface of the brush with quick movements towards you. Splashes will fly onto the paper, if a stencil is located on it, then they will not splash - forming white silhouettes.

Over time, the drops will be smaller, they will lie down more evenly and where they need to be. It is convenient to work with such a technique in the summer on the veranda or in a group in the evening with a small subgroup of children or individually. The theme for this technique can be surprises, gift congratulations (invitation cards, postcards, posters, announcements): “Napkins for mom”, “Snowfall”, “Golden autumn spun”, “Spring pictures”.

Variable display is one of the most important stimuli for the accumulation of fine art experience in preschoolers. These are advice, help, conversations, praise, teaching and play, story and show. Creatively using the proposed recommendations, you can arouse in children a steady interest in drawing, help them master fine art skills.

Thus, non-traditional drawing techniques, and there are still a lot of them, will help children feel free, give them the opportunity to be surprised and enjoy the world, get acquainted with the technique of many artists and try to create beauty themselves.

Every child is an artist at heart. Almost all preschool children love to draw. Someone likes pencils, someone likes crayons, someone likes paints. Fine art does not stand still, today there are many interesting and non-traditional drawing techniques for children.

Unusual ways of drawing help to create real masterpieces and are suitable even for children who have not yet succeeded in such activities. We will learn all about drawing techniques for kids, such as two-handed painting, stenciling, scratching and monotyping, stone painting and sand painting on light tables.

What is useful drawing for a child

First of all, any drawing, as well as, perfectly develops fine motor skills.

And this contributes to:

  • training the muscles of the fingers and hands;
  • preparation of the hand for writing;
  • development of the speech apparatus;
  • development of thinking.

Drawing is a creative activity. With the help of the image of objects familiar or invented by the baby, the following develops:

  • creativity;
  • logics;
  • memory;
  • fantasy.

Did you know? Children whose parents pay enough attention to fine arts very rarely need the help of a speech therapist, they quickly master simple geometric shapes and memorize colors.

In addition to pencils, felt-tip pens and paints that a child is used to, there are a lot of unusual drawing techniques that can help even an unlucky artist create real works of art.

Stencil drawing

There is nothing complicated in this technique, but the drawings always turn out beautiful. For drawing, schemes and stencils are used, selected especially for children.

You will need

  • paper;
  • stencils;
  • air markers.

How to prepare

  1. Choose a "safe" place in the apartment - fine paint, thanks to the curiosity of the child, will fly in all directions.
  2. If necessary, cover it with oilcloth.

How to draw

  1. Lay a piece of paper on your work surface.
  2. Place the stencil on top.
  3. Take a felt-tip pen of the color you want and blow the paint onto the paper.

If your baby is completely tiny, you can try to draw without a stencil - let the child just learn how to blow paint. You can even decorate objects with such stencils.
Usually, stencils are already included with air felt-tip pens. We offer you a few more simple stencils:

Pattern drawing with two hands

This type of drawing is aimed at developing the intelligence of the child. When the baby repeats the movements with both handles, both hemispheres of the brain are involved. This well stimulates the development of thinking and coordination. Drawing with two hands at the same time is performed according to patterns selected for children according to age and skills.

What you need

  • two identical pencils or felt-tip pens;
  • symmetrical dot patterns.

Such drawing does not require special preparation. Just explain to the kid and show by personal example how you will draw:

  1. Position the template in front of you.
  2. Take two pencils or markers in hand.
  3. Place the pencil necks in the center of the image.
  4. Draw lines symmetrically by connecting dots.
  5. Then, for a little rest, invite the crumbs to decorate the resulting contour.
  6. Start such classes by drawing simple lines, you can use a notebook sheet in a cage:
  7. Then you can move on to simple drawings:
  8. Over time, you can invite the child to draw two identical pictures in parallel:


Very interesting drawing technique. This is a way to create a design by scratching on a prepared sheet of paper.

You will need

  • thick sheet of paper;
  • light colored paints (optional);
  • dark gouache;
  • wax or paraffin;
  • a piece of soap;
  • wide brush;
  • skewer;
  • newspaper.

Let's prepare the canvas

  1. Take paper. You can leave it white, or you can paint it in different colors with a wide brush - this way the drawing will be more interesting.
  2. When the paint is dry, rub a sheet of paper with wax or paraffin.
  3. Dip a wide brush into dark paint, lather a piece of soap with a brush and paint over the entire sheet.
  4. Wait for your canvas to dry properly.

How to draw

  1. Spread newspaper on the table - so it will be easy to clean the workplace.
  2. Take a skewer, with light pressure, scratch the outline of the pattern.
  3. Where you need a brighter outline - scratch more dark paint with paraffin.

For drawing, you can trace the contours of the object, or you can draw just like that. With this technique, you can draw anything:


This type of drawing allows you to create a mirror image.

You will need

  • a sheet of paper folded in half;
  • paints and brushes;
  • some water.

Prepare your workspace in the same way as you would for regular painting.

How to draw

  1. Unfold the folded piece of paper.
  2. On one of the halves, quickly draw half of the symmetrical pattern. The easiest way to start is with a butterfly.
  3. While the paint is not dry, lightly moisten the other half of the sheet with clean water using a brush.
  4. Close the sheet carefully. It is better to cover the painted part with the unpainted part - so the paint will not flow.
  5. Iron the folded sheet well with your palms and unfold.
  6. Now you can finish the details and contours on both halves of the picture.

Here's what the kids get:

Drawing on stones

Painting on stones is a great way for kids to create real souvenirs from ordinary pebbles with your help. It is also convenient - if the drawing does not work out, the stone can always be washed, dried and started again.

What you need

  • stones (ordinary river pebbles will do);
  • a simple pencil with a soft neck;
  • gouache and brushes;
  • furniture polish or hairspray.


  1. Pre-wash the stones, dry.
  2. Prepare a place for drawing.
  3. Separately prepare a place where you will open crafts with varnish. It is better to do this without a baby.

How to draw

  1. Draw the outline of the pattern on the stone. You can pre-prime the surface of the stone with white paint.
  2. Carefully color the outline. Draw the paint on the brush thickly, so the picture will not flow.
  3. Add decorative elements.
  4. When the drawing dries well, you can open it with varnish. If you want to fix the pattern with hairspray, it is better to process the craft in 3-4 layers.

In this technique, you can make a lot of souvenirs:

Sand painting on light tables

This is perhaps the most amazing direction in the visual arts. This technique is used to create real cartoons, show shows, draw real masterpieces, playing with light, shadows and midtones. Previously, this seemed to be something inaccessible, but nowadays you can even go to courses for children, where they teach painting with sand on light tables. There is nothing difficult in this, such drawing can be organized at home.

What you need

  • light table (you can instruct your dad to make it, or you can buy it);
  • fine sand;
  • hands and fantasy;
  • skewer.

How to prepare

  1. River sand works well. But first you need to pick it up.
  2. When the sand is obtained, pour it into a bucket and fill it with water.
  3. Drain the water. Repeat the manipulation as many times as needed to make the water clear. So you remove debris and dust from the sand, only the fine sand we need will remain.
  4. Leave the sand to dry in a wide container.

How to draw

  1. Pour sand around the edges of the table.
  2. You can collect sand in a handful or a pinch and pour all kinds of lines, creating a pattern:
  3. To create a background, you can evenly spread the sand with your palm over the surface of the table. On such a background, you can create any drawings, removing excess sand with your fingers.
  4. With the help of the play of light and shadow, children manage to create all kinds of patterns and drawings, using their imagination and their pens.

Experiment with the thickness of the sand layer, draw with your palm, fingers, draw precise lines with a fingernail or skewer.

With the help of this technique, you can create real masterpieces.

  • If you don't know one of these techniques, don't despair. To date, there are many circles and art studios in which real professionals will teach a child to create unusual works.
  • Experiment more with different drawing techniques - this is a good warm-up for the hands and head. The more techniques the baby masters, the easier it will be for him to find his calling.
  • Support any undertakings crumbs. After all, it’s not so important for him in what technique to draw, if only his mother was happy.

Drawing techniques for preschool children - video

This video demonstrates the technique of monotype, creating a landscape over the river.

This video shows a simplified version of the preparation of the canvas for scratching, demonstrates the very technique of drawing.

This video shows the basic techniques of sand painting on a light table for children.

Many mothers want their child to develop harmoniously. Today, there are a lot of unusual drawing techniques that develop not only creativity, but also imagination, logic, and coordination. Some of them even adopted kindergartens.

Do not be afraid to offer your baby new techniques in his favorite pastime, and support your baby in his creative search!

What unusual drawing techniques does your child know? Where did he first try to draw like this: at home, in the kindergarten or on a mug? If you know some other interesting drawing techniques, tell us about them in the comments!

The art of depicting without being based on tradition.

My job is to use non-traditional techniques in drawing. Drawing in unconventional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children. The developing environment plays an important role in the development of the child. Therefore, when organizing a subject-developing environment, she took into account that the content was of a developmental nature, and was aimed at developing the creativity of each child in accordance with his unconventional drawing

Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

  • Helps relieve children's fears;
  • Develops self-confidence;
  • Develops spatial thinking;
  • Teaches children to freely express their intention;
  • Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
  • Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
  • Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; sense of texture and volume;
  • Develops fine motor skills of hands;
  • Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.
  • While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.

Having become acquainted with the methodological literature of various authors, such as A.V. Nikitina "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten", I.A. Lykova - "Methodological guide for specialists of preschool educational institutions", T.N. Doronova - "Nature, art and visual activity of children" R.G. Kazakova "Visual activity in kindergarten" I found a lot of interesting ideas and set myself the following tasks:

  • Develop children's technical drawing skills.
  • Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.
  • To teach how to create your own unique image, in drawings on non-traditional drawing using various drawing techniques.
  • To introduce preschoolers closer to non-traditional drawing.

There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, and their uniqueness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. For example, which child will not be interested in drawing with his fingers, drawing with his own palm, putting blots on paper and getting a funny drawing. The child likes to quickly achieve results in his work.


Finger painting.
hand drawing.

A rectangular sheet of paper is taken, 3 pencils. Adults and a child are distributed: who will draw the first, who will be the second, who will be the third. The first one starts drawing, and then closes his drawing, bending the leaflet on top and leaving a little bit, some part, to continue (the neck, for example). The second, not seeing anything but the neck, naturally continues the torso, leaving only part of the legs visible. The third one finishes. Then the whole sheet is opened - and almost always it turns out funny: from the mismatch of proportions, color schemes.

Drawing yourself or drawing from nature of your favorite toys.

Paper rolling.
"I draw my mother" ...
Wrinkled paper print.
Wax crayons + watercolor.
Candle + watercolor.
Dotted pattern.
Leaf prints.

Foam drawings.
For some reason, we all tend to think that if we paint with paints, then we must also use a brush. Far from always, say Trizovites. Foam rubber can come to the rescue. We advise you to make a variety of various small geometric figures out of it, and then attach them with a thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The tool is ready. Now you can dip it in paint and use the stamp method to draw red triangles, yellow circles, green squares (all foam rubber, unlike cotton wool, is well washed). At first, children will randomly draw geometric shapes. And then offer to make the simplest ornaments out of them - first from one type of figure, then from two, three.

Mysterious drawings
Drawing with crayons.
Preschoolers love variety. These opportunities provide us with ordinary crayons, sanguine, coal. Smooth asphalt, porcelain, ceramic tiles, stones - this is the base on which chalk and coal fit well. So, asphalt disposes to a capacious image of plots. They (if there is no rain) can be developed the next day. And then make up stories according to the plots. And on ceramic tiles (which are sometimes stored in the remains somewhere in the pantry), we recommend depicting patterns, small objects with crayons or charcoal. Large stones (such as voluns) are asked to decorate them under the image of an animal's head or under a stump. It depends on what or whom the stone resembles in shape.

Magic Drawing Method.

This method is implemented like this. An image is drawn on white paper with the corner of a wax candle (a Christmas tree, a house, or maybe a whole plot). Then with a brush, and preferably with cotton wool or foam rubber, the paint is applied on top of the entire image. Due to the fact that the paint does not fall on the bold image with a candle, the drawing seems to appear suddenly before the eyes of the children, manifesting itself. You can get the same effect by first drawing with stationery glue or a piece of laundry soap. In this case, the selection of the background to the subject plays an important role. For example, it is better to paint over a snowman painted with a candle with blue paint, and a boat with green paint. No need to worry if

Painting little pebbles.
nitkography method.
Monotype method.
Drawing on wet paper.
Fabric images.
Volume application.
Draw with postcards.
Learning to make a background.
Visual activity using non-traditional materials and techniques contributes to the development of the child:

  • Fine motor skills of hands and tactile perception;
  • Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception;
  • Attention and perseverance;
  • Visual skills and abilities, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness;
  • In addition, in the process of this activity, the preschooler develops the skills of control and self-control.

The creative process is a real miracle. Watch as children discover their unique abilities and enjoy the joy of creation. Here they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving the goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their life. It is better for children to instill:
In many ways, the result of the child's work depends on his interest, so it is important to activate the attention of the preschooler in the lesson, to encourage him to work with the help of additional incentives. Such incentives can be:

  • play, which is the main activity of children;
  • a surprise moment - the favorite hero of a fairy tale or cartoon comes to visit and invites the child to go on a trip;
  • a request for help, because children will never refuse to help the weak, it is important for them to feel significant;
  • musical accompaniment. Etc.
  • finger painting;
  • imprint with potato prints;
  • palm drawing.
  • poke with a hard semi-dry brush.
  • foam printing;
  • stopper printing;
  • wax crayons + watercolor;
  • candle + watercolor;
  • leaf prints;
  • palm drawings;
  • drawing with cotton swabs;
  • magic ropes.
  • sand painting;
  • drawing with soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • blotting with a tube;
  • landscape monotype;
  • screen printing;
  • subject monotype;
  • blotting ordinary;
  • plasticineography.

Imitation game.
"Magic Flowers".

Vocabulary work:
GCD progress:

If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want;
Sun, mountains, pines, beach,
What is this? (pencil).

(Repeat exercise 2 times)

- What do you hear?

(I show the drawing technique)

Fizminutka “Flowers”

Listeners are divided into groups. They were asked to make notes using non-traditional drawing methods.

Discussion on the results of joint activities.

As V.A. Sukhomlinsky: “The origins of the abilities and talents of children at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads-streams, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."



« Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten and their role in the development of preschool children

The art of depicting without being based on tradition.

Children from a very early age try to reflect their impressions of the world around them in their fine art.
My job is to use non-traditional techniques in drawing. Drawing in unconventional ways is a fun, mesmerizing activity that surprises and delights children. The developing environment plays an important role in the development of the child. Therefore, when organizing a subject-developing environment, she took into account that the content was of a developmental nature, and was aimed at developing the creativity of each child in accordance with hisunconventional drawing
individual opportunities, accessible and appropriate for the age characteristics of children. How many unnecessary interesting things are at home (toothbrush, combs, foam rubber, corks, foam plastic, spool of thread, candles, etc.). We went out for a walk, take a closer look, and how many interesting things are here: sticks, cones, leaves, pebbles, plant seeds, dandelion fluff, thistles, poplars. All these items enriched the corner of productive activity. Unusual materials and original techniques attract children because the word “No” is not present here, you can draw whatever you want and how you want, and you can even come up with your own unusual technique. Children feel unforgettable, positive emotions, and emotions can be used to judge the mood of the child, about what pleases him, what upsets him.
Conducting classes using non-traditional techniques

  • Helps relieve children's fears;
  • Develops self-confidence;
  • Develops spatial thinking;
  • Teaches children to freely express their intention;
  • Encourages children to creative searches and solutions;
  • Teaches children to work with a variety of materials;
  • Develops a sense of composition, rhythm, color, color perception; sense of texture and volume;
  • Develops fine motor skills of hands;
  • Develops creativity, imagination and flight of fancy.
  • While working, children get aesthetic pleasure.

After analyzing the drawings of preschoolers, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to facilitate drawing skills, because not even every adult will be able to depict any object. This can greatly increase the interest of preschoolers in drawing. There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, and their uniqueness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result.
Participation in the city methodological association "Young Artist" prompted me to think: "Why not try in practice the techniques of non-traditional drawing in the drawing class?"
She made a long-term work plan for each age group, wrote notes for classes for children of different preschool ages. And she chose the topic for self-education "Unconventional drawing technique in kindergarten."
The success of teaching non-traditional techniques largely depends on what methods and techniques the teacher uses to convey certain content to children, to form their knowledge, skills and abilities.
Having become acquainted with the methodological literature of various authors, such as A.V. Nikitina "Non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten", I.A. Lykova - "Methodological guide for specialists of preschool educational institutions", T.N. Doronova - "Nature, art and visual activity of children" R.G. Kazakova "Visual activity in kindergarten" I found a lot of interesting ideas and set myself the following tasks:

  • Develop children's technical drawing skills.
  • Introduce children to various non-traditional drawing techniques.
  • To teach how to create your own unique image, in drawings on non-traditional drawing using various drawing techniques.
  • To introduce preschoolers closer to non-traditional drawing.

The results of the diagnostics showed that the high level of mastering the program in the section "Child in the world of fine art literature" increased by 25%.
Experience has shown that mastering non-traditional image techniques gives preschoolers true joy if it is built taking into account the specifics of the activity and age of children. They are happy to draw different patterns without experiencing difficulties. Children boldly take up art materials, kids are not afraid of their diversity and the prospect of independent choice. They enjoy the process of doing it. Children are ready to repeat this or that action many times. And the better the movement is, the more pleasure they repeat it, as if demonstrating their success, and rejoice, drawing the attention of an adult to their achievements.
While working, I ran into a problem, the children are afraid to draw, because, as it seems to them, they do not know how, and they will not succeed.
This is especially noticeable in the middle group, where the skills of visual activity in children are still poorly developed, the shaping movements are not sufficiently formed. Children lack self-confidence, imagination, independence. An incentive to encourage children to activity, to make them believe that they can very easily become little artists and create miracles on paper. And I managed to find what I needed. I took advantage of the experience of my colleagues in the field of teaching children to draw. And later reworked it, made its own adjustments.
I plan to hold a “Weekend Day”, to interest parents in the technique of non-traditional drawing.
There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, and their uniqueness lies in the fact that they allow children to quickly achieve the desired result. For example, which child will not be interested in drawing with his fingers, drawing with his own palm, putting blots on paper and getting a funny drawing. The child likes to quickly achieve results in his work.


It consists in teaching children how to make blots (black and multi-colored). Then a 3-year-old child can look at them and see images, objects or individual details. "What does your or my inkblot look like?", "Whom or what does it remind you of?" - these questions are very useful, because develop thinking and imagination. After that, without forcing the child, but showing, we recommend moving on to the next step - tracing or drawing the blot. The result can be a whole story.
Drawing together on a long strip of paper.
By the way, it is useful to change the paper format (that is, to give not only a standard). In this case, a long strip will help you draw together without interfering with each other. You can draw isolated objects or plots, i.e. work nearby. And even in this case, the child is warmer from the elbow of mom or dad. And then it is desirable to move on to collective drawing. Adults and the child agree on who will draw what to make one plot.
Poke with a stiff semi-dry brush.
Means of expressiveness: texture of color, color. Materials: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, or a carved silhouette of a fluffy or prickly animal. Method of obtaining an image: the child lowers the brush into the gouache and strikes it on the paper, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall into the water. Thus, the entire sheet, contour or template is filled. It turns out an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.
Finger painting.
Expressive means: spot, dot, short line, color. Materials: bowls with gouache, thick paper of any color, small sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger into gouache and puts dots, spots on paper. Each finger is filled with a different color of paint. After work, the fingers are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.
hand drawing.
Expressive means: spot, color, fantastic silhouette. Materials: wide saucers with gouache, brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins. Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his hand (the whole brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of 5) and makes an imprint on paper. They draw with both right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, the hands are wiped with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.
Drawing with a secret in three pairs of hands.
A rectangular sheet of paper is taken, 3 pencils. Adults and a child are distributed: who will draw the first, who will be the second, who will be the third. The first one starts drawing, and then closes his drawing, bending the leaflet on top and leaving a little bit, some part, to continue (the neck, for example). The second, not seeing anything but the neck, naturally continues the torso, leaving only part of the legs visible. The third one finishes. Then the whole sheet is opened - and almost always it turns out funny: from the mismatch of proportions, color schemes.

Drawing yourself or drawing from nature of your favorite toys.

Drawing from nature develops observation, the ability to no longer create, but to depict according to the rules, i.e. draw so that it looks like the original in proportions, shapes, and colors. Suggest that you draw yourself first, looking in the mirror. And be sure to look in the mirror many times. Better yet, show how you adults will draw yourself, by all means looking in the mirror many times. Then let the child choose an object for himself. It can be a favorite doll, bear or car. It is important to learn to observe for a long time, comparing parts of the subject. And further. If a child moves away from nature, introduces something of his own, as a result of which a completely different object or toy appears, do not be upset. Praise your kid: "You drew a new car today! Perhaps you want one?" But at the end of such a drawing, it is important to ask: "How does the drawn car differ from this one?"
Paper rolling.
Expressive means: texture, volume. Materials: napkins or colored double-sided paper, PVA glue poured in a saucer, thick paper or colored cardboard for the base. Method of obtaining an image: the child crumples the paper in his hands until it becomes soft. Then he rolls a ball out of it. Its sizes can be different: from small (berry) to large (cloud, lump for a snowman). After that, the paper ball is lowered into the glue and glued to the base.
"I draw my mother" ...
It would be good to continue drawing from life or drawing from memory (family members, relatives and friends can become objects for such an image). As supporting material, there may be photographs or conversations about the characteristic features of the appearance of absent relatives ... Photographs are taken and examined. A conversation is held: "What kind of grandmother Valya? What kind of hair does she have? Hairstyle? Favorite dress? Smile?" And the creative process begins. After a while, you can offer to draw girlfriends from memory. When there are enough drawings depicting relatives and friends, we advise you to organize a mini-exhibition "My relatives and friends", where the first portraits of a preschooler are appreciated.
Wrinkled paper print.
Expressive means: spot, texture, color. Materials: a saucer or a plastic box, which contains a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber soaked in gouache, thick paper of any color and size, crumpled paper. Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the crumpled paper to the ink pad and makes an impression on the paper. To get a different color, both the saucer and the crumpled paper change.
Wax crayons + watercolor.
Expressive means: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: wax crayons, thick white paper, watercolor, brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child draws with wax crayons on white paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The chalk drawing remains unpainted.
Candle + watercolor.
Expressive means: color, line, spot, texture. Materials: candle, thick paper, watercolor, brushes. Way of obtaining an image: the child draws with a candle on paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The candle pattern remains white.
Dotted pattern.
Children love anything non-traditional. Drawing with dots refers to unusual, in this case, techniques. For implementation, you can take a felt-tip pen, a pencil, put it perpendicular to a white sheet of paper and start drawing. But here, bitmaps are best obtained with paints. Here's how it's done. A match, cleaned of sulfur, is tightly wrapped with a small piece of cotton wool and dipped in thick paint. And then the principle of drawing points is the same. The main thing is to immediately interest the child.
Expressive means: dot, texture. Materials: paper, gouache, hard brush, a piece of thick cardboard or plastic (5x5 cm). Method of obtaining an image: the child picks up paint on a brush and hits the brush on cardboard, which he holds above the paper. Then he paints the sheet with watercolor in one or more colors. The paint splatters on the paper.
Leaf prints.
Expressive means: texture, color. Materials: paper, gouache, leaves of different trees (preferably fallen), brushes. Method of obtaining an image: the child covers a piece of wood with paints of different colors, then applies it with the colored side to the paper to obtain a print. Each time a new leaf is taken. The petioles of the leaves can be painted with a brush.
Conducting a cycle of classes using a variety of techniques to identify the abilities of children over the past time, it is clear that children have the ability to work with paints using non-traditional techniques. In children with poorly developed artistic and creative abilities, the indicators are slightly higher than at the beginning of the school year, but due to the use of non-traditional materials, the level of enthusiasm for the topic and technique and the ability to color perception have improved.
Foam drawings.
For some reason, we all tend to think that if we paint with paints, then we must also use a brush. Far from always, say Trizovites. Foam rubber can come to the rescue. We advise you to make a variety of various small geometric figures out of it, and then attach them with a thin wire to a stick or pencil (not sharpened). The tool is ready. Now you can dip it in paint and use the stamp method to draw red triangles, yellow circles, green squares (all foam rubber, unlike cotton wool, is well washed). At first, children will randomly draw geometric shapes. And then offer to make the simplest ornaments out of them - first from one type of figure, then from two, three.

Mysterious drawings
Mysterious drawings can be obtained as follows. A cardboard about 20x20 cm in size is taken. And it folds in half. Then a semi-woolen or woolen thread about 30 cm long is selected, its end is dipped in thick paint for 8-10 cm and clamped inside the cardboard. You should then move this thread inside the cardboard, and then take it out and open the cardboard. It turns out a chaotic image, which is examined, outlined and completed by adults with children. It is extremely useful to give names to the resulting images. This complex mental and speech work, combined with visual work, will contribute to the intellectual development of preschool children.
Drawing with crayons.
Preschoolers love variety. These opportunities provide us with ordinary crayons, sanguine, coal. Smooth asphalt, porcelain, ceramic tiles, stones - this is the base on which chalk and coal fit well. So, asphalt disposes to a capacious image of plots. They (if there is no rain) can be developed the next day. And then make up stories according to the plots. And on ceramic tiles (which are sometimes stored in the remains somewhere in the pantry), we recommend depicting patterns, small objects with crayons or charcoal. Large stones (such as voluns) are asked to decorate them under the image of an animal's head or under a stump. It depends on what or whom the stone resembles in shape.

Magic Drawing Method.

This method is implemented like this. An image is drawn on white paper with the corner of a wax candle (a Christmas tree, a house, or maybe a whole plot). Then with a brush, and preferably with cotton wool or foam rubber, the paint is applied on top of the entire image. Due to the fact that the paint does not fall on the bold image with a candle, the drawing seems to appear suddenly before the eyes of the children, manifesting itself. You can get the same effect by first drawing with stationery glue or a piece of laundry soap. In this case, the selection of the background to the subject plays an important role. For example, it is better to paint over a snowman painted with a candle with blue paint, and a boat with green paint. No need to worry if

Painting little pebbles.
Of course, most often the child depicts on a plane, on paper, less often on asphalt, tiles of large stones. A flat image of a house, trees, cars, animals on paper is not as attractive as creating volumetric own creations. In this regard, sea pebbles are ideally used. They are smooth, small and have a different shape. The very shape of the pebble will sometimes tell the child what image to create in this case (and sometimes adults will help the kids). It is better to paint one pebble under a frog, another under a bug, and a wonderful fungus will come out of the third. Bright thick paint is applied to the pebble - and the image is ready. And it’s better to finish it like this: after the pebble dries, cover it with a colorless varnish. In this case, a voluminous beetle or a frog made by children's hands shines, brightly shimmers. This toy will participate in independent children's games more than once and bring considerable benefits to its owner.
nitkography method.
There is this method mainly for girls. But this does not mean that it is not suitable for children of the opposite sex. And it consists in the following. First, a screen 25x25 cm in size is made of cardboard. Either velvet paper or plain flannel is glued onto the cardboard. It would be nice to prepare a nice bag with a set of woolen or semi-woolen threads of various colors for the screen. This method is based on the following feature: threads with a certain percentage of wool are attracted to flannel or velvet paper. You just need to attach them with light movements of the index finger. From such threads you can prepare interesting stories. Develops imagination, sense of taste. Especially girls learn to skillfully select colors. Some thread colors are suitable for light flannel, and completely different colors for dark flannel. Thus begins the gradual path to the women's craft, needlework, which is very necessary for them.
Monotype method.
Two words about this, unfortunately rarely used method. And in vain. Because he is fraught with a lot of tempting for preschoolers. In short, this is an image on cellophane, which is then transferred to paper. On smooth cellophane, I paint with paint using a brush, or a match with cotton wool, or with my finger. The paint should be thick and bright. And immediately, until the paint has dried, turn the cellophane over with the image down on white thick paper and, as it were, wet the drawing, and then lift it up. It turns out two drawings. Sometimes the image remains on cellophane, sometimes on paper.
Drawing on wet paper.
Until recently, it was believed that you can only draw on dry paper, because the paint is sufficiently diluted with water. But there are a number of objects, plots, images that are better to draw on wet paper. We need ambiguity, vagueness, for example, if the child wants to depict the following topics: "City in the fog", "I had dreams", "It's raining", "Night city", "Flowers behind the curtain", etc. You need to teach a preschooler to make the paper a little wet. If the paper is too wet, the drawing may not work. Therefore, it is recommended to soak a ball of cotton wool in clean water, wring it out and draw it either over the entire sheet of paper, or (if required) only over a separate part. And the paper is ready to produce vague images.
Fabric images.
We collect the remnants of fabrics of various patterns and different qualities in a bag. Useful, as they say, and chintz, and brocade. It is very important to show with concrete examples how the drawing on the fabric, as well as its dressing, can help to depict something very brightly and at the same time easily in the plot. Let's give some examples. So, on one of the fabrics flowers are depicted. They are cut out along the contour, glued (only with a paste or other good glue), and then they paint on a table or a vase. It turns out a capacious colorful image. There are fabrics that can serve well as a house or the body of an animal, or a beautiful umbrella, or a hat for a doll, or a handbag.
Volume application.
Obviously, children love to do appliqué: cut something and stick it on, getting a lot of pleasure from the process itself. And you need to create all the conditions for them. Along with a planar application, teach them how to make a three-dimensional one: a three-dimensional one is better perceived by a preschooler and more realistically reflects the world around them. In order to obtain such an image, it is necessary to wrinkle applicative colored paper in children's hands, then slightly straighten it and cut out the required shape. After that, just stick it on and, if necessary, finish the individual details with a pencil or felt-tip pen. Make, for example, a turtle beloved by children. Remember the brown paper, flatten it slightly, cut out an oval shape and stick it on, then paint on the head and legs.
Draw with postcards.
In fact, almost every house has a lot of old postcards. Go through old postcards with the children, teach them to cut out the necessary images and stick them to the place, into the plot. A bright factory image of objects and phenomena will give even the simplest unpretentious drawing a completely artistic design. How can a three-, four- and even five-year-old child draw a dog and a beetle? No. But to the dog and the bug, he will add the sun, the rain, and he will be very happy. Or if, together with the children, cut out from a postcard and stick on a fairy-tale house with a grandmother in the window, then a preschooler, guided by his imagination, knowledge of fairy tales and visual skills, will undoubtedly draw something for him.
Learning to make a background.
Usually children draw on white paper. So you can see it more clearly. So faster. But some scenes require a background. And, I must say, all children's work looks better against a background made in advance. Many children make the background with a brush, moreover, an ordinary, small one. Although there is a simple and reliable way: make the background with cotton wool or a piece of foam rubber soaked in water and paint.
The concept itself explains the meaning of this method: several of the above are collected in it. In general, ideally, the following seems important to us: it is good when a preschooler is not only familiar with various image techniques, but also does not forget about them, but uses them appropriately, fulfilling a given goal. For example, one of the children of 5-6 years old decided to draw summer, and for this he uses a bitmap (flowers), and the child draws the sun with his finger, he cuts fruits and vegetables from postcards, depicts the sky and clouds with fabrics, etc. There is no limit to improvement and creativity in visual activity. English teacher-researcher Anna Rogovin recommends using everything that is at hand for drawing exercises: draw with a cloth, paper napkin (folded many times); draw with dirty water, old tea leaves, coffee grounds, pomace from berries. It is also useful to paint cans and bottles, reels and boxes, etc.
Visual activity using non-traditional materials and techniques contributes to the development of the child:

  • Fine motor skills of hands and tactile perception;
  • Spatial orientation on a sheet of paper, eye and visual perception;
  • Attention and perseverance;
  • Visual skills and abilities, observation, aesthetic perception, emotional responsiveness;
  • In addition, in the process of this activity, the preschooler develops the skills of control and self-control.

The creative process is a real miracle. Watch as children discover their unique abilities and enjoy the joy of creation. Here they begin to feel the benefits of creativity and believe that mistakes are just steps towards achieving the goal, and not an obstacle, both in creativity and in all aspects of their life. It is better for children to instill:"In creativity there is no right way, there is no wrong way, there is only your own way"
In many ways, the result of the child's work depends on his interest, so it is important to activate the attention of the preschooler in the lesson, to encourage him to work with the help of additional incentives. Such incentives can be:

  • play, which is the main activity of children;
  • a surprise moment - the favorite hero of a fairy tale or cartoon comes to visit and invites the child to go on a trip;
  • a request for help, because children will never refuse to help the weak, it is important for them to feel significant;
  • musical accompaniment. Etc.

In addition, it is desirable to vividly, emotionally explain to the children the methods of action and show image techniques.
With children of preschool age it is recommended to use:

  • finger painting;
  • imprint with potato prints;
  • palm drawing.

Children of middle preschool age can be introduced to more complex techniques:

  • poke with a hard semi-dry brush.
  • foam printing;
  • stopper printing;
  • wax crayons + watercolor;
  • candle + watercolor;
  • leaf prints;
  • palm drawings;
  • drawing with cotton swabs;
  • magic ropes.

And at older preschool age, children can master even more difficult methods and techniques:

  • sand painting;
  • drawing with soap bubbles;
  • drawing with crumpled paper;
  • blotting with a tube;
  • landscape monotype;
  • screen printing;
  • subject monotype;
  • blotting ordinary;
  • plasticineography.

Each of these techniques is a little game. Their use allows children to feel more relaxed, bolder, more direct, develops imagination, gives complete freedom for self-expression.
Imitation game.
Abstract of a lesson on visual activity in non-traditional drawing techniques for the senior group on the topic:"Magic Flowers".
The lesson is carried out in one stage.
Tasks: with the help of non-traditional drawing techniques, develop in children a persistent interest in visual activity. To form the ability to independently choose the color scheme of paints corresponding to the joyful summer mood. Develop color perception, improve fine motor skills of fingers and hands. Cause a positive response to the results of their creativity.
Equipment: woolen thread, landscape sheet, watercolors or gouache, brushes, one pencil for each child, water containers for each table, wet cloth napkins for hands.
Vocabulary work:colorful summer, red, green, yellow, orange, blue, magical flowers, rustling (pencil), ball.
GCD progress: through a short conversation about summer, create a joyful, positive attitude in children for the upcoming drawing lesson.
- Guys, what color is summer? (Children list the bright colors inherent in a warm sunny summer)
- What kind of flowers do you know? (Chamomile, petunia, roses, etc.)
Let us remember the warm summer today, although you are already looking forward to winter, and draw the most beautiful flowers that we saw on our site.
- Do you want to draw them? Then take your seats at the tables and guess the riddle, please:
If you sharpen it
Draw whatever you want;
Sun, mountains, pines, beach,
What is this? (pencil).
- That's right, guys! What else can you draw? (Felt-tip pens, chalk, brushes and paints)
- And what helps us to draw with all these and other objects? (With the help of leading questions, if the children do not answer immediately, get the right answer - hand and fingers).
- Tell me, in order to be ready for a long, interesting day, to feel cheerful and cheerful, what do we do in the morning? What are we doing? (charging).
- Right! So in order for us to start drawing, we need to prepare our fingers for work. Let's play with them.
Finger game "Five and Five".

(Repeat exercise 2 times)
- Well done! Now take a pencil in both hands between your palms, pinch it and roll it. Bring to the right ear (to the left ear).
- What do you hear?
What sound does a pencil make? (He rustles)
- That's right, he rustles. Rub another pencil between your palms and listen.
Now put down your pencil and touch your palms. What have they become? Apply them to the cheeks, to the forehead. What do you feel? (palms get warm)
- Right! Now your hands and fingers are ready to paint. Today I offer you an unusual way of drawing. You've never drawn like this before. Want to try and learn? It's called "nitkography".
(I show the drawing technique)
- I take a thread, and now roll the thread onto a sheet so that a ball is obtained. Now you need to dip the thread into the selected paint, holding on to the end of the thread, gently helping with a brush to roll the thread onto the sheet, as you did with a dry thread. I direct the end of the dry thread down holding it in my right hand, and with the palm of my left hand, lightly press the ball, slowly pull the thread out from under the palm of my hand. Magic happened!
Do you want to try it yourself? First, wake up your colors, but not all, but only those that are suitable for summer.
- Try it and see if you get magic? I'm sure it will work! (Children do the work)
In the course of the children's tasks, I admire the bright colors they have chosen and the successful manifestation of their magical skills, but while they dry up, turn into flowers themselves and play a little.
Fizminutka “Flowers”

(Repeat exercise 2-3 times)
- Guys, while we were resting, our flowers painted in an unusual way dried up, and we can finish them, draw leaves for them (Children finish the work, and while the work is drying up, we wipe our hands and tables with wet wipes, put things in order at the workplace )
- Well, your flowers are completely ready and you can give them to your mothers!
Listeners are divided into groups. They were asked to make notes using non-traditional drawing methods.

Discussion on the results of joint activities.

An artist and a poet lives in each of us, and we don’t even know about it, or rather we forgot. Remember the parable of "buried talents". But really, many people “bury” their talent in the ground, unable to reveal themselves. This is how “undiscovered talents” walk the streets and live an ordinary life. It's just that no one paid attention to the makings and abilities in childhood. You need to remember a simple rule - there are no mediocre children, there are undiscovered children. And we, adults, should help to reveal these talents!
As V.A. Sukhomlinsky:“The origins of the abilities and talents of children at your fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, go the thinnest threads-streams, which are fed by the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child's hand, the smarter the child."

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