Case and declension of nouns. Second declension of nouns: endings, examples 2 declension in Russian


1. Case of nouns

Nouns change by case. case- the form of a noun, expressing its syntactic relationship with other words in the sentence. Case is an inflectional category, realized with the help of endings. In russian language six cases:

  • nominative(the nominative case is always used without a preposition, in a sentence it is the subject or predicate);
  • indirect cases: genitive, dative, accusative, instrumental, prepositional (the prepositional case is always used with prepositions, other indirect cases can be used with or without prepositions).

2. Declension of nouns

declination- this is a change of nouns in cases. Exist three declensions nouns. The distribution by declension depends on the gender of nouns and their ending in the nominative singular.

3. Special endings of nouns in -y, -y, -y

Nouns of the 1st declension on -and I(army, lecture) and 2nd declension on -th And -s(genius, sanatorium, meeting) in the prepositional case have an ending -And(about a genius, in a sanatorium, at a meeting, in the army). Nouns in -and I in the dative case also end in -And(cf .: give to Marya, but give to Mary).

4. Variable nouns

ten nouns per -me (burden, time, udder, banner, name, flame, tribe, seed, stirrup, crown ) and the noun path are inflected. In the genitive, dative and prepositional cases of the singular, they have the ending of the 3rd declension -i. In other cases, they have endings of the 2nd declension.

When declensing nouns into -me a formative suffix is ​​added to the root -en (-yeon): names - names, banners - banners. Words seed And stirrup in the genitive plural have a suffix -yang(but not - en): seeds, stirrups. Words burden, udder, flame, crown do not have a plural.

5. Indeclinable nouns

Indeclinable nouns have the same form for all cases, i.e. do not bow: bought a piano (v.p.), play piano (p.p.). The indestructibles include:

  • many nouns of foreign origin with final vowels: radio, metro, scoreboard, taxi, stew, kangaroo, menu, Dumas, Oslo, Baku;
  • foreign surnames ending in a consonant and denoting females: Roman Voynich (r.p.); if such a surname denotes a male person, it is inclined according to the 2nd declension: Remarque's novel;
  • Russian and Ukrainian surnames in -o and -ih (s): Franko, Chernykh, Dolgikh, Zhivago’, such surnames are not inclined regardless of the gender of the person bearing this surname;
  • many compound words: Moscow State University, GAI, hydroelectric power station.

Nouns in -anine, -yanin in many hours lose suffix -in: city ​​dweller - townspeople .

Nouns are especially declined: mother, daughter, way, child.

Declension of nouns in the singular. Table

6. Declension of plural nouns

1. Most nouns in nominative plural have endings:

1st fold. and. R. abbreviations s, army And, m. men s, young man And
2nd fold. m. Baby And, father s cf. floor I, glass A
3rd fold. and. R. step And, daughter And

2. Some nouns masculine nominative plural are used with the endings -А, -Я. For example: beach A, century A, city A, postmark I, anchor I.

3. Nouns differ in meaning:

Lesson summary in grade 3 according to the program of L.V. Zankov

(textbook by A.V. Polyakova).

Subject: Noun 2 declension masculine with zero ending.



To teach children to determine the hard and personal declension of masculine nouns.

Introduction to new vocabulary.

Expanding the vocabulary and horizons of children.

2. Developing:

Developing the ability and desire to learn on the basis of knowing one's own limits of knowledge and ignorance.

Development of goal-setting skills.

Development of logical thinking based on the development of logical operations:

a) synthesis: when formulating a memo.

b) analysis: when determining the composition of a word.

The development of children's speech when working with a dictionary word and when answering questions.

3. Educational:

Cultivate accuracy in handwriting.

Learning to listen to each other.

Ι. Organizing time.

Attention! Check it out buddy

Are you ready to start the lesson?

Everything is in place, everything is in order:

Book, pen and notebook?

Ι Ι. Calligraphy

Om em omo

Read. What do you notice in common? What will be the next connection?

- eme


ΙΙΙ. Vocabulary - spelling work.

On the board: to A rtina

l O pata

With O scrap

A Tue O mobile

h A cat

b O lotto

Read. Write off. Insert the missing letter. What are these words?

Check if everyone did it.

ΙV. Statement of the educational task.

What groups can these words be divided into?

- By inclination.

Actualization of knowledge about 2 types of declensions, about their signs.

What declensions do the words meet?

1 declension 2 declension

Painting Car

shovel sunset

straw swamp

By what signs did you know that this is 1 declension?

- feminine nouns, singular with the ending - and I.

By what signs did you determine that this is the 2nd declension?

- masculine nouns with zero ending and neuter nouns with ending -oh,-e .

What question do you want to ask me?

So, the topic of the lesson: Nouns 2 declensions of the masculine gender with a zero ending.

We decline the words.

i.p. sunset car

rp sunset car

D.p. sunset car

V.p. sunset car

etc. sunset by car

P.p. about the sunset about the car

What do these words have in common?

- 2 lines, m.s., zero ending

And how do they differ?

- endings in R.p., D.p., T.p.

What did you notice?

- The endings are different.

What question do you want to ask me?

- Why are the endings different, what does it depend on?(this is a task question)

We will answer this question today.

What influences writing endings?

- The nature of the base.

Select the base. What did you notice? Compare. What is the difference?

- In the word sunset - the base ends with a solid one.

In the word car - the basis ends with soft.

Does the nature of the stem influence the choice of ending? (solution of a learning problem)

If the stem of a masculine noun is 2 declensions units. h. ending in soft, then it is written at the end of the letter e, u, i and belong to the soft type of declension.

If the stem of a masculine noun is 2 declensions units. hours ending in solid, then the letters o are written at the end, a, y and belong to the solid type of declension.

On soft e, yu, i.

On a hard oh, a, u.

What letters are written at the end of a masculine noun of the 2nd declension, if the stem ends in a hard/soft stem?

How many types of declension does type 2 declension have?

Why, if the stem ends in a hard consonant, are the letters a, o, y written?

What determines the choice of letters?

From the nature of the basis, from the case, the type of declension.

V. Drawing up a memo.

What steps need to be taken to write the ending correctly?

    I define gender.

    I determine the number.

    I determine the bias.

    I determine the fall.

    I highlight the base.

    I highlight the ending.

VI. Reminder processing.

And now we're going to practice.

Ex. 367 - reprod. ex.

I affirm that all these words are solid. basis.

November - soft basis.

VΙΙ. Summary of the lesson.

What new did you learn in the lesson?

What did you meet?

What types of 2 declensions did we meet?

VΙΙΙ. Homework.

Open your diaries and write down ex. 366.

How to:accountants, oraccountants, turners orturner, contracts orcontracts.

In the nominative plural there is difficulty in choosing endings -A (-I ) or -s (-And ) .

Most masculine nouns have the ending in the nominative plural -s (-And ): factorys , conAnd . However, a number of nouns in this case end in stressed -A (-I ) :addressA , kraI . Nowadays, the growth of forms on -A (-I ) continues intensively. However, the use of some of them in literary speech is non-normative. If there is an option -A(-I) –-s(-And) the former retain a colloquial or even vernacular character.

When choosing one of the options, you need to take into account a number of factors. The main ones are the following.

    Word structure and place of stress: ending -and I) have, as a rule, monosyllabic words and words with singular stress on the first syllable :le c - forestA , evening - eveningA ; towards the end -s(s) polysyllabic (and some trisyllabic) words with stress on the middle syllable gravitate: librarye kar-bibliote curry Forms on -s(-And) also prefer words with an accent on the final syllable: great danesO r - Great DanesO ry (no contract!), boxinge p-boxe ry.

    Origin of the word: words of French origin (with stressed suffixes -er/-er) and words of Latin origin (in -tor), denoting inanimate objects, have in one case -A (-I): director, professor, and in others -s(s):authors, instructors. Forms on -A(-I) are formed from words of wide distribution that have lost their book character, and forms on -s(-And) remain in the words, preserving the book shade: doctorA but the lecturers .

    Stylistic differentiation: in the presence of doublet forms, it is necessary to delimit the normative for the modern general literary language, characteristic of bookish, mainly written speech, forms in -s(-And), from colloquial, colloquial or professional, sometimes with a touch of obsolescence, forms to -A(-I):accountantA , choiceA , agreementA , driverA , coffinA .

Options with an ending -and I) are widespread in speech, but it should be remembered that they are often facts of common speech and are unacceptable from the point of view of linguistic norms, for example: accountant, thermos, sentence. Some words ending -and I allowed only in colloquial or professional speech (for example, compressor, contract, report), and in a more formal situation of communication, you should use the option with -s/-s (compressors, contracts, reports).

With the accented ending -а (-я) are used:

fans, directors, doctors, professors,

boats, clover, feed, boxes, bodies,

seine, holidays, passports, haystacks,

watchman, outbuilding, barn, ramrod,

stacks, stamps, anchors, hawks.

With an unbeatable ending-s (-And ) are used:

elections, treaties, sentences, handwriting,

engineers, drivers, accountants, editors,

healers, lecturers, proofreaders, grooms,

tractors, ports, mines, fronts,valves.

Equal options have the words:

locksmiths and locksmiths, bakers and bakers, workshops and workshops,

inspectors and inspectors, paramedics and paramedics.

They differ in the meaning of the form:

corps(military units) - buildings(torso);

image(icons) - images(literary and artistic);

reasons(reins) - occasions(urges);

belts(piece of clothing) - belts(hours);

teachers(teachers) - teachers(ideological);

sable(fur) - sable(animals), etc.

Noun endings in the genitive plural

In the modern literary language, nouns have the largest number of endings in genitive plural .

1. Masculine nouns of the 2nd declension

How to:tomato box orbox of tomatoes, three Bulgarians orthree Bulgarians, without shoulder straps orwithout shoulder straps, ten hectares orten hectares

For most masculine nouns of the 2nd declension, the standard endings in this form are -ov/-ev , if the stem ends in a hard non-sibilant consonant or th (orangeoranges, beehivehives), And -to her , if the stem ends in a soft or sibilant consonant (rublerubles, ballballs).

Some nouns in the genitive plural form have zero ending. These nouns belong to the following semantic groups.

1 . Names of some peoples, nationalities, tribes, inhabitants of the area. Null-terminated forms are normative in the following cases: English(many?) British, ArmeniansArmenians, BashkirsBashkirs, BulgariansBulgarians, GeorgiansGeorgians, LezginsLezghins, MoldovansMoldovans, OssetiansOssetians, RomaniansRomanians, TatarsTatars, TurksTurks, KhazarsKhazars, gypsiesGypsy. Sometimes both endings are correct: KareliansKarelian And Karelians, BuryatsBuryat And Buryats, TurkmensTurkmen And Turkmens. In other cases, only the ending should be used. -ov or -to her : HungariansHungarians, KalmyksKalmyks, UzbeksUzbeks, TajiksTajiks, YakutsYakuts, ChuvashsChuvash, ChukchiChukchi etc. Names of inhabitants formed from geographical names and in the nominative plural ending in -but not , in the genitive case should be used with zero ending: people of Kievpeople of Kiev, KhabarovskKhabarovsk residents etc.

    Names of some paired objects(mainly shoes and clothing items). Remember: boots(without what?) boots, bootsboots, bootsboots, moccasinsmoccasins, shoulder strapsshoulder strap, bootsboots, stockingsstocking, epaulettesepaulet. Sometimes both endings are used: botsbots and admissible bot; sneakerssneakers and admissible sneaker; high fur bootsunt And unts. In some cases, only the ending is correct. -ov : knee socksgolfs, clipsclips.

    Name of persons by affiliation to military formations. In modern speech, many of the words of this group have moved into the passive vocabulary: midshipman, grenadier, hussar, dragoon, cuirassier, cadet, lancer; this also includes forms soldier, submarine, partisan, janissary.

4. Names of units of measurement. Options with a zero ending are valid if these words are used in combination with numerals, for example: two hundred volts, ten amps, five microns etc. In other combinations, it is more competent to use the ending -ov/-ev : consists of amps, counting watts, calculating volts etc. For words kilograms And grams in the genitive plural, the preferred ending is -ov (accounting for kilograms, grams). Forms with a zero ending are acceptable in combination with numerals in colloquial and professional speech (two hundred kilograms, five hundred grams). Word hectares it is recommended to use only with the end -ov (hectares).

Them. P.

-and I

vase, nanny

□ | -o, -e

crane, field



-and I

Genus. P.


vases, nannies

-and I

cranes, fields


-and I



Date P.


vase, babysitter

-u / -u

crane, field





Vin. P.


vase, babysitter

□ | -o / -e

crane, field




Tv. P.


vase, nanny

-om / -em

crane, field





Suggestion P.


about a vase, about a nanny


about the crane, about the field



about abundance


1.1. Words on and I should be distinguished from words ya (Maria, Natalya, Sophia). Words on ya are inclined according to the rules of the first declension and have an ending -e in the dative and prepositional cases of the singular. Compare:

Date P. - Pigweed e , But: Marie And;

Suggestion P. - about Mary e , But: oh Marie And

This also applies to pairs like doctrine» - « learning”, “doubt” - “doubt”. The first option is inclined like words on - ie, the second - as words of the second declension.

However, in artistic speech it is possible to write words in -e in the prepositional case with the ending -And. For example : to forget And.

1.2. Nouns in uy, —and I With monosyllabic basis(i.e. consisting of more than one syllable) in the prepositional singular in an unstressed position end in e.

For example:

cue - about cue, Viy - about Vie, snake - about snake, Leah - about Leah

under stress ends with " And ».

crush - about crush

1.3. Nouns into unstressed bI And ye have an ending in the genitive plural - uy or ev : pevun ya- pevun uy, inclement ye- inclement uy; mouth ye- mouth ev, kel ya- kel Andth,

And for drums - ya And yo - ending to her . For example: rouge yo- rouge to her ,stat ya- stat to her, sem ya- sem to her (But: cop yo- cop uy ).

1.4 Contrary to the basic rule, the following words with a non-monosyllabic base V unstressed position have an ending And , but not -e :

  1. Masculine and neuter words in - uy And - ie(lithium, position) in the prepositional singular: about lithi And , about the situation And .
  2. Feminine words for and I (Switzerland) in the prepositional and dative singular: to Switzerland And oh Swiss And .

1.5. In masculine and neuter nouns with a suffix search- e , for feminine nouns - ending A . For example:
A) oak - oak ische, fence - fence ische, miracle - miracle ische;
b) jet- str looking for, heat - heat looking for.

In the nominative plural of such words of the feminine and masculine gender, the ending is written And , while the average A .

1.6. For nouns with suffixes -ushk-, -yushk-, -yshk-, -ishk- -chic- in the nominative singular is put:
a) ending A - in masculine words that name animated objects, and in feminine words, for example: little son A, boys A, sudarushk A, raspberry A, old woman A, kryushk A;
b) ending O - for masculine words that name inanimate objects, and for words of the middle gender: case O, little boat O, column O, chest O, golden O.

1.7. In animate masculine and common nouns after the suffix l in the nominative singular, the ending is put A , For example: chudi la, devils la ; in the middle gender - ending O , For example: covered O , took O.

1.8. Names of localities in -ov, -ev, -in, -yn, -ovo, -evo, -ino, -yno have the instrumental singular ending -ohm : Pavshin, Rumyantsev, Maryin, Erin. These words must be distinguished from surnames, which in this case will have the ending th: Pavshin, Rumyantsev, Maryin etc.

Note. Now for toponyms on - ovo, -evo, -ino, -eno two options are normative: inflected and indeclinable, but inflected refers to strict literary speech and it is desirable to use it in official speeches, etc.

But: these toponyms do not bow in the presence of a generic word, for example: from district Brateevo, from villages Egorovo. But without it, declination is already possible. : from Brateev, from Egorov.

Plural Declension Table

Short version:

Detailed version with examples for the plural:

case 1 declination 2 declension 3 declension on the on -iya
Them. P.

-s | -And

vases, nannies

-s, -i, -a, -i

cranes, apples, stacks, fields





Genus. P.

vaz, babysitter

-ov, -ey, □

cranes, fields, suns




Date P.

-am | -pits

vases, nannies

-am, -yam

cranes, fields

-am, -yam

words, days



Vin. P.

-s/□ | and/□

vases / moms | babysitter / hands

-s, -i, -a, -i

cranes, apples, stacks, fields





Tv. P.

-ami | -ami

vases, nannies

-ami, -ami

cranes, fields


words, days





Suggestion P.

-ah | -I

about vases, about nannies

-ah, -ah

about cranes, about fields

-ah, yah

about speeches, about days


about abundance


about robes

2.1 . For homonyms, the ending in the nominative plural sometimes depends on the meaning of the word: frame s (body, torso) - frame A (buildings), order s (communities, organizations) - order A (awards), fur And (air supply device) - fur A (hide material)

2.2. For feminine nouns ending in -A , in the genitive case of the plural, a soft sign is not put after hissing: mother-in-law (mother-in-law), nag (nag), thicket (thicket), dacha (cottage).

2.3. In the genitive plural of nouns in nya with a preceding consonant, a soft sign at the end is not written, for example:, cherrynya- cheresh en, smoker nya- smoked en, anvil nya- forged en.
Exceptions: young ladies b, boyaryshen b, villages b, kitchens b.

2.4 . Some words have the suffix " eu» before the end. For example, the words " miracle» - « miracles», « sky» - « heaven».

Inflected nouns

Dissenting nouns include the words " path», « child» and 10 words per -me: « crown», « tribe», « banner», « seed», « udder», « time», « burden», « stirrup», « Name», « flame". These words have endings characteristic of different declensions. In the genitive, dative and prepositional cases in the singular they end in -And .


paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children


paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children


path, flame, seed, stirrup, child

paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children


path, flame, seed, stirrup, child

paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children


way, flame, seed, stirrup, child

paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children


(o) path, flame, seed, stirrup, child

paths, flames, seeds, stirrups, children

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