Why is there no Irada Zeynalova on NTV. TV presenter Irada Zeynalova spoke about leaving Channel One and changes in her personal life (photo, video)


Irada Zeynalova, her biography on Wikipedia, her personal life, nationality, family, husband and children are of interest to many viewers, since she is an interesting multifaceted personality who has proven herself as a TV presenter, journalist and correspondent.

Irada Zeynalova - biography

Irada was born in Moscow on February 20, 1972 in the family of a prominent ministerial official Avtandil Isabalievitch Zeynalov, an Azerbaijani by nationality.

She has a younger sister, Svetlana, who is also a famous person today. Therefore, it is not surprising that the sisters Svetlana Zeynalova and Irada Zeynalova - their biography, nationality, parents and personal life are of great interest. Despite the fact that the girls grew up in the same family and are very similar in appearance, they are completely different in character. Svetlana also works as a presenter on Channel One. But unlike her strong-willed sister, she is a softer and more compliant person. Irada, on the other hand, has a strong character, endurance and determination, which gave her the opportunity to achieve great success in her career.

Irada Zeynalova - why she left Channel One

Currently, many admirers of the program "Sunday Time" are interested in where and why TV presenter Irada Zeynalova left Channel One, and where she works now.

As you know, she has been leading this project since 2012, the peak of ratings of which came in 2014, which is no coincidence, because it was at that time that Zeynalova showed herself as the main herald of Russia's triumph both at the Olympics in Sochi and in the Crimea.

However, after some time, the rating of the program began to decrease, and its further rapid decline was facilitated by the scandal that caused the story about the allegedly crucified boy in the Donbass. It was Zeynalova who showed him in her program.

Why Irada Zeynalova does not host Sunday Time is definitely difficult to answer. Maybe the channel's management considered that the presenter had exhausted the credibility of the viewers, and her extravagant manner of conducting the program had already become boring. Therefore, they decided to update both the host and the style of the program, replacing Zeynalova with Valery Fadeev, who is considered a calm intellectual, capable of calming the hearts of viewers with his pacifying manner.

Although many also name another reason for leaving the program of the popular presenter - changes in her personal life. There were rumors that Irada Zeynalova was marrying her colleague war correspondent Alexander Evstigneev. And, despite the fact that Alexander and Irada refused to comment on this information, their close circle knew that Alexander had already made her an offer, which she did not refuse.

Many, of course, are surprised by such changes in the life of the presenter, because she was married, and no one doubted that Irada Zeynalova, her husband and children are a strong and friendly family. Moreover, the husband of the presenter Alexei Samoletov was a match for her - he is a TV journalist, special correspondent for the Vesti and Vesti-Moscow programs, and besides this, he is the host of his author's program World on the Edge.

It is difficult to say why the presenter decided to change her personal life so abruptly, but the fact is obvious - on December 16, 2016, correspondent Alexander Evstigneev and Irada Zeynalova officially registered their relationship, becoming husband and wife.

And for those who are interested in where Irada Zeynalova works now, you can answer that in November 2016 she switched from Channel One to NTV and now hosts an information and analytical program called “Results of the week with Irada Zeynalova” here.

Russian TV presenter Irada Zeynalova, who will host the author's program "Results of the Week" on the NTV channel (the first broadcast will take place on December 4 - approx.), spoke about leaving Channel One, her personal life and other things, 1news.az reports.

“It’s like in a family: all relationships end. So we have run out of Channel One - we have exhausted each other. I wanted something new, and they. And we gave each other the right to make decisions. I was the first to inform my family and Konstantin Lvovich Ernst about my decision. And I had long conversations both in the family and with the management. It was very valuable for me, because I consider myself an honest person. I never play games, I don't build intrigues. She came and honestly said: “Sorry, I'm leaving. Support me if you want." I'm not the kind of reporter who comes in and puts in a letter of resignation in the hope of being kept. Konstantin Lvovich, he knows me well and understands people very well. I would say that he has a completely bestial instinct for people. It was a long and difficult conversation. And he supported me,” said Zeynalova.

Speaking about offensive comments on the Internet, the TV presenter said that she does not like injustice: “When people write that they are not satisfied with my appearance, the timbre of my voice, this is already taste. Guys, television is good because you can turn it off.

Irada Zeynalova of the studio of the program "Results of the Week" on NTV

“It is unpleasant for me when, for example, a woman who is completely unfamiliar to me writes: “I met Irada Zeynalova at the airport, she, as always, flew first class. A smartass and a reptile, she didn’t recognize me, she didn’t even say hello. ” And I understand that I did not fly anywhere that day. I never fly first class, because I, like all my viewers, fly with economy transfers and don’t see anything wrong with that. And I open the photo of this woman - I have never seen her at all. And she develops a huge discussion about the fact that we grew up together with her. And so nothing bothers me. If they have a day after they write about me, God bless them,” she said.

Zeynalova also remembered the “wildly funny situation” that happened to her on the anniversary of Irina Khakamada. “Birthday was on the fifth or fourth floor. There is only one elevator, small. I'm running, I should have left earlier. And there stands some terribly, as it seems to him, a liberal-minded man with his wife. In such a strong giver. He looks at me and says: "Irada Zeynalova." I say yes". And I just got on the air from the Arab Springs. Looks like this: “I want to strangle you. I'll rip out your Adam's apple with my fingers." His equally tipsy wife says: "Vasya, well, it's okay for you." I say: “Choke, do not deny yourself anything. Take it and choke it." He replies, "I've changed my mind." I say: “This is how you pissed off your life and your country. You are only talking. Then don't open your mouth if you don't feel like doing anything." He is like this to his wife: “Am I brave?” And she: “I’m proud of you,” said the TV presenter.

TV presenter with her future husband

And here is what Irada Zeynalova told about her marriage: “I hope that I am not the first person in Russia to get married. I'm surprised by the media attention. I am of legal age. My future husband is an adult (Channel One military commander Alexander Evstigneev). I hope that no one will know anything about the development of events, because we are very tired of this. I am very afraid of the evil eye. Very. Pah-pah-pah, we're fine. And I hope all is well and will be. And most importantly, if there is no such dense attention of the press, it will be even better.”

Russian TV presenter Irada Zeynalova, who will host the author's program "Results of the Week" on the NTV channel (the first broadcast will take place on December 4 - approx.), spoke about leaving Channel One, her personal life and other things, 1news.az reports.

"It's like in a family: all relationships end. So we ended with Channel One - we exhausted each other. I wanted something new, and they. And we gave each other the right to make a decision. I was the first to announce my decision family and Konstantin Lvovich Ernst. And I had long conversations both in the family and with the management. It was very valuable to me, because I consider myself an honest person. I never play games, I don’t build intrigues. I came and honestly said: " Sorry, I'm leaving. If you want, support me. "I'm not one of those reporters who come and leave a letter of resignation in the hope that they will be kept. Konstantin Lvovich, he knows me well and understands people very well. I would say that he has absolutely animal instinct for people. It was a long and difficult conversation. And he supported me, "Zeynalova said.

Speaking about offensive comments on the Internet, the TV presenter said that she does not like injustice: "When people write that they are not satisfied with my appearance, the timbre of my voice, this is already taste. Guys, television is good because you can turn it off."

Irada Zeynalova of the studio of the program "Results of the week" on NTV

“It’s unpleasant for me when, for example, a woman who is completely unfamiliar to me writes:“ I met Irada Zeynalova at the airport, she, as always, flew first class. The arrogant and reptile, didn’t recognize me, didn’t even say hello. "But I understand that I didn’t fly anywhere that day. I never fly first class, because, like all my viewers, I fly with economy transfers and I see nothing shameful in this. And I open a photograph of this woman - I have never seen her at all. And she develops a huge discussion on the topic of the fact that we grew up together with her. And nothing hurts me. If they have a day after how they write about me, God bless them," she said.

Zeynalova also remembered the "wildly funny situation" that happened to her on the anniversary of Irina Khakamada. “The birthday was on the fifth or fourth floor. There is only one elevator, small. I run in, I had to leave earlier. And there is some kind of scary, as it seems to him, liberal-minded man with his wife. and says: “Irada Zeynalova.” I say: “Yes.” But I just got on the air from the Arab Springs. Looks like this: “I want to strangle you. I'll tear out your Adam's apple with my fingers." His equally tipsy wife says: "Vasya, well, it's okay for you." I say: "Choke, don't deny yourself anything. Take it and strangle it." He replies: "I changed my mind." I say: "That's how you fucked up your life and your country. You are only talking. Then don't open your mouth if you don't feel like doing anything." He was like this to his wife: "Am I brave?" And she: "I'm proud of you," the TV presenter said.

TV presenter with her future husband

And here is what Irada Zeynalova told about her marriage: “I hope that I am not the first person in Russia to marry. I am surprised at such attention from the media. I am an adult. My future husband is an adult (Channel One military commander Alexander Evstigneev). I I hope that no one will know anything about the development of events, because we are very tired of this. I am very afraid of the evil eye. Very much. Pah-pah-pah, everything is fine with us. And I hope that everything will be fine. And most importantly , if there is no such dense attention of the press, it will be even better".

Irada Avtandilovna Zeynalova. She was born on February 20, 1972 in Moscow. Russian journalist, correspondent, TV presenter.

By nationality - Azerbaijani.

Father - Avtandil Isabalievich - a ministerial official.

She has a younger sister who is also a famous journalist. Speaking of her younger sister, she admits: "I don't remember her as a child".

She studied at Moscow School No. 61.

In 1995 she graduated from MATI them. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. Specialty - engineer-technologist of powder materials and protective coatings obtained by high-speed solidification of melts. After graduation, she completed an internship in America.

On TV since 1997. Initially working as an editor in the Vesti program (RTR), as well as a translator from English, she periodically appeared on the screen herself. So, while still a little-known TV journalist, on November 20, 1998, on the night air of Vesti, it was Irada Zeynalova who first informed the country about the murder of Galina Starovoitova.

She took part in the construction of the newsroom for Vesti as an interpreter for the Dutch brigade.

From 2000 to 2003 - a correspondent for the Vesti program.

Since 2003 - on the "First Channel", a correspondent in the news programs "News", "Time" and "Other News".

She reported on the day of the explosions in the Moscow metro in February 2004 and March 2010, on the days of the terrorist attack in Beslan in September 2004, on the days of the accident in the Moscow power grid on May 25, 2005, and also from the final match of the 2006 FIFA World Cup in Germany.

Irada Zeynalova's blunder: "fuck the microphone"

Irada Zeynalova's blunder: "boy, get the hell out of here"

She worked at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy and at the 2012 Summer Olympics in London as part of the Channel One team.

Laureate of the TEFI-2006 television award in the category “Persons” in the nomination “Best Reporter” (for the series of programs “Golden Moments of the Olympics”), awarded the medal of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (2006).

Since 2007 she has been the head of the bureau of Channel One OJSC in the UK, London.

Since 2011 - Head of the bureau of Channel One OJSC in Israel, Tel Aviv.

In August 2016, it became known that instead of Irada Zeynalova, the CEO of the Expert media holding would become the new host of the weekly analytical program Vremya. The reason for the change in presenter was stated as insufficiently high ratings for the program.

In November 2016, it became known that Irada Zeynalova would be the host of NTV. Since December 2016, she began to host the Sunday information and analytical program “Results of the week with Irada Zeynalova” on NTV. In addition to broadcasting in the studio, Irada Zeynalova also prepares reports for this program and interviews people related to the main events of the week.

In 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 she took part in Conversations with Dmitry Medvedev as a journalist for Channel One.

On July 21, 2017, together with Yegor Kolyvanov and Sergey Malozyomov, she hosted the program “Non-Childish Conversation with Vladimir Putin”.

In August 2014, she was included in the sanctions list by Ukraine for her position on the war in eastern Ukraine and the annexation of Crimea to Russia.

Member of the Russian Television Academy.

Irada Zeynalova with her sister Svetlana

"She is a work-dependent person. She needs to do something and see the result, to be in the process of producing something very important and correct. When Irada does not have a very important current job, but has time to be alone with herself, the worst thing begins in her life. She starts to go crazy, unnecessary thoughts come to her mind, "says her sister Svetlana about Irada.

The growth of Irada Zeynalova: 175 centimeters.

Personal life of Irada Zeynalova:

For ten years she was married to TV journalist Alexei Samoletov, a special correspondent for the Vesti and Vesti-Moscow programs.

The couple had two sons - Timur and Oleg.

At the end of 2015, the divorce of Irada and Alexei was announced.

Channel One has picked up a replacement for the host of the weekly analytical program Vremya, which airs on Sundays (previously, Sunday Time). Instead of Irada Zeynalova, Valery Fadeev, CEO of the Expert media holding, will become the host in the new season, two employees of the TV channel told RBC and confirmed by Fadeev's acquaintance. Fadeev himself declined to comment on RBC.

Now Fadeev is undergoing tests in the studio of the Vremya program, another employee of the First added.

Oksana Rostovtseva, editor-in-chief of Resurrection Time, told RBC that the program has not been released since mid-July. “The season will start on September 4, we are all on vacation now, we don’t know anything,” she said. The press service of Channel One did not respond to RBC's request.

Zeynalova, most likely, will remain on the channel, her colleague said, she may be offered to host some kind of talk show. The last issue of Sunday Time with Zeynalova was released on July 10, 2016. Starting from July 17, the weekly information and analytical program of the First Channel is released under the name "Time", and its hosts are changing.

Irada Zeynalova has been hosting Sunday Time since 2012, her predecessor in this post was Pyotr Tolstoy, who is now running for the State Duma from United Russia. Every year, Zeynalova took part in the program “Conversation with Dmitry Medvedev”.

In 2014, a scandal erupted around one of the stories shown in the Sunday program. The journalist interviewed a refugee from Slovyansk, who told how Ukrainian troops, having entered the city, allegedly staged a public execution of a three-year-old boy. Ukrainian and Russian media outlets found factual inconsistencies in the story, and also drew attention to the fact that a similar story had previously been published on the blog of pro-Kremlin political analyst Alexander Dugin. Zeynalova later commented on the controversy surrounding the story, saying that journalists had no proof of the truthfulness of the story, but "this is a real story of a real woman." In 2014, the TV presenter was included in the sanctions list of Ukraine.

One of the reasons for replacing the presenter is in fierce competition with Dmitry Kiselev's Vesti Nedeli, says Zeynalova's colleague. Sunday's "Vremya" was one of the most popular information and analytical programs in the country on a par with "Vesti Nedeli" (aired on Sunday on the channel "Russia 1"), according to TNS Russia. The rating of the last issue of Sunday's Vremya was 4.7%, while Vesti Nedeli was slightly behind - 4.4%. Prior to this, Kiselyov's program managed to hold the leading position for three weeks in a row, but with a minimal advantage of 0.1-0.3 percentage points.

An acquaintance of Fadeev names two reasons why the choice fell on him: according to him, on the eve of the presidential elections, they want to select a new person on television who will inspire more confidence in the conservative electorate. The second reason is the Kremlin's desire to compensate for Fadeev's resentment for losing the United Russia primaries. Fadeev was promised a passing place in the Moscow lists of United Russia, but at the last moment, due to the unwillingness of the city authorities, he had to advance to the primaries in Komi, which he did not know, his acquaintance claims. He lost the primaries and ended up not being included in the list of candidates.

Fadeev has been the editor-in-chief of the Expert magazine since 1998, and in 2006 he also became the CEO of the media holding of the same name. He was a member of the Public Chamber and is still a member of the Supreme Council of United Russia. Together with deputy Vladimir Pligin, he leads the United Russia Liberal Platform. He was Putin's confidant in the presidential elections, entered the central headquarters of the All-Russian Popular Front (ONF).

He already has experience as a TV presenter: since 2014, he has been broadcasting The Structure of the Moment on Channel One.

The host of the evening program on the main TV channel should be a person of an emotional and cordial warehouse, while Fadeev claims to be intellectual, says Yevgeny Minchenko, head of the Minchenko Consulting holding. “If we are talking about generating trust among the population, then it should be a different type of person. This is not the role of Fadeev, ”says the political scientist.

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