An example of a weekly progress report. How to write an analytical report: step by step instructions


Hello dear readers!

Today I am starting a series of articles on reporting documentation for the management of the Management Company / owner of the property.

Why is reporting documentation so important and why should it be given special attention?

I am sure that each of you can easily imagine yourself in the place of a customer of any service. And as a person paying money for the service, you will be interested in the regular receipt of up-to-date information on the progress of the provision of this very service. In other words, if you understand every day what you are paying money for, you will have much fewer questions.

It is to demonstrate the effectiveness of the company's activities that reports are intended. There are several reporting options: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly. There is also a version of the report on the results of the year, however, somewhat less frequently. Of course, not all of the above options are always and not everywhere applied. Nevertheless, I consider it my duty to consistently analyze all the most commonly used options.

I will start the story with a daily report on the work done for the immediate supervisor or representative of the owner. Daily report - a brief selection of up-to-date information about the work done over the past day. For maximum efficiency, the report must be generated daily and sent to the addressee before 12.00. As I have already noted, the report indicates the events that occurred during the day preceding the reporting one.

The information to be included in the report is prepared collectively by all key personnel. The technical sections are filled in by the Chief Engineer, maintenance of the territory and common areas are filled in by the cleaning manager or general administrator, information about the work of the security service is provided by the security manager, etc.

A standard report form is attached to this article. Of course, the attached form is not an axiom and it is in your interest to modify it to suit the needs of a particular object.

So let's get started.

Block 1. "Emergency events"

Information about emergency situations that have occurred at the facility is entered. Failure of turnstiles, elevators, lifting gates, pollution of the territory, unauthorized storage of garbage, failure of elevators and turnstiles, malfunctions of the security system and video surveillance system. Visits of supervisory authorities, traffic accidents on the territory, damage to the property of the owner, injuries to employees of tenants and guests of the complex. Also in this section, accidents / malfunctions of engineering systems that affected the operation of the facility are indicated. Try to write really important things - extra information will work against you. Proven in practice.

Block 2. "The state of engineering systems of the building"

The section indicates the general status, such as "Systems are operating normally." You can indicate current problems, provided that they are not of an emergency nature and do not critically affect the characteristics of the object.

Block 3. "Interaction with the Customer"

Describes the issues on which the Management Company interacts with the representative of the owner: meetings, discussions, correspondence, etc.

Block 4. "Interaction with Tenants"

The block contains information about the meetings held with the Tenants and the issues that were raised at the meetings.


  • Vash Otparivatel LLC regarding the replacement of internal doors in rented premises;
  • LLC "Best Soft" - diagnostics of electrical networks in leased areas;
  • Opytny Troll LLC - rent arrears for August 2017;
  • CJSC "Marmaladny" - regarding the maintenance of equipment on leased premises under a direct contract;
  • IP Grilnik A.S. – regarding the provision of coffee lady services from September 1, 2017;
  • group briefing of representatives of all tenants regarding fire safety rules on the territory of the complex.

Block 5. "Security"

Data are provided on the current number of posts / strength of the security, the number of licensed employees (if any are allowed to work at all), information on the compliance / non-compliance of the actual number of personnel with the terms of the contract (if the security is on a subcontract) must be indicated. Be careful, emergencies involving security personnel are not reflected in this section.

Block 6. "Cleaning, the state of the adjacent territory"

The section describes the core work performed during the reporting day.


  • wiping light panels in common areas;
  • washing the entrance gates in the underground parking;
  • wet cleaning of small air intakes;
  • removal of grass and moss from paving stones in the territory;
  • lawn mowing on site.

Block 7. "Main events and work"

The block indicates only those activities that are carried out at the facility on an ongoing basis or are significant.


LLC "Primery Construction" - repair work in the premises of the company "MMM" on the fourth floor of the building

LLC "Zavtra" - work on updating the markings of parking spaces on the territory of the complex;

OOO "Territory Satisfaction" - work to replace the screw pair of the chiller on the roof of the building.

Block 8. "Critical issues"

Critical issues are situations/problems that are not emergency, do not develop rapidly and do not threaten the operation of the facility at the present time. However, the presence of these problems may have a fundamentally negative impact on the operation of the facility, cause or is predictable to cause the deterioration of any qualities/characteristics of the building, and may also pose a potential danger to people in the short/long term. And, most importantly, the negative consequences of the problems cannot be leveled by the forces and means existing at the facility.


- peeling of the tiled coating in separate places on the street stairs;

- violation of the efficiency of the area for irrigating green spaces on the territory;

— critical wear of the chiller screw pair;

- violation of fastenings of individual elements of facade structures;

— a collapsing section of the asphalt pavement of the territory;

— identified risks of fines from supervisory authorities;

- delamination of the lining of retaining walls;

- much, much more.

Block 9. "Planned events"

The block reflects the events planned for the next day. These can be meetings, meetings, visits, any current work, promotions, presentations, congratulations, etc. Try to indicate only the most important events that will be realized with a high degree of probability. The principle “Brevity is the sister of talent” is quite appropriate here. It is reasonable to indicate no more than three main events.

Colleagues, that's all for today. I am sure that the presented material will be useful to you. Perhaps the most important thing is to think through what you plan to include in the report. Try to filter information of dubious value and reflect only important, necessary events. At first, the report may cause some difficulties, but after 1-2 weeks you and your subordinates will "fill" your hand and the document will be prepared very quickly, literally in 10-15 minutes.

In the next article I will tell you about the weekly report for the owner. I'm sure it will be interesting.

Yours sincerely

Orfeo Albini

Daily report sheet

The labor process consists of setting tasks by the manager and their implementation by the employee of the company. From time to time, each employee makes a report on the work done. The frequency depends on the internal rules of the enterprise, as well as the form. The importance of this document to management should not be underestimated.

In this article, we will look at how to properly format a report on the work done, a sample of filling out a document and some tips for compiling it.

Why you need to be able to properly report on work

The workflow can be represented as a complex mechanism in which each employee of the company is a gear. In this example, the head of the organization acts as an engineer who is obliged to ensure that all mechanisms work smoothly and as quickly as possible.

In real life, it is quite difficult for bosses to assess how well employees are doing their job if they do not see the results of their work. Therefore, in almost all enterprises, management obliges each employee to regularly draw up a report on the work done. Often this document is created with a frequency of 1 week. Thus, the authorities can see what the employees were doing, as well as how useful they were to the enterprise.

Wrong example

The document is in free form. Perhaps that is why there are a large number of reports that do not say anything to management or make you think that the worker is not coping with the functions assigned to him. At the same time, a particular employee can be a real hard worker and overfulfill his plan. The reason for this is an incorrectly drawn up report on the work done. Below is an example of such a document.

Type of document: report on the work done for the period from February 15, 2016 to February 19, 2016.

The following has been done:

  • timing of the working time of the production shop was carried out;
  • the results of timekeeping were included in the work program;
  • new norms of time are calculated;
  • responses to requests from labor inspectorates, as well as several clients;
  • took part in a conference on improving the efficiency of labor at the enterprise.

Compilation date: 02/19/16

Signature: Yu. R. Petrov.”

If an employee writes a report on the work done in this way, then the management will consider that he is underloaded.

What are the mistakes?

The above example clearly shows the standard errors in the preparation of such documents.

The main ones are:

The above requirements should be used both when compiling weekly forms, and when a report is generated on the work done for the year.

Suitable option

It is likely that the first time to make a quality report will not work. To make it easier for you to do this, here is an example of how it was necessary to write a report to the manager on the work done, indicated in the first example:

“To whom: the head of the planning department Ivanov P.M.

From whom: 1st category economist of the planning department Petrov Yu.R.

Report on the results of labor for (15.02.16-19.02.16)

For the reporting week, the following tasks were set for me:

All tasks were completed, namely:

  • 5 timings were carried out and the same number of new norms for the work of the production workshop was drawn up;
  • participated in the conference, a memo with proposals is attached.

Work was also carried out with the incoming documentation, namely:

  • Compiled 2 responses to IOT requests.
  • Responses to letters from Mr. Yurieva A. A., Zhakova S. I., Mileeva K. B.

A business trip is planned for the period from February 22, 2016 to February 26, 2016 in order to check the work of the structural subdivision of the Pechersk branch.

Compilation date: 02/19/16

Signature: Petrov Yu.R.”

Agree that this version of the report reads better, and the management can see how well one of the employees works.

How to write reports for longer periods?

Of course, a period of one week is not difficult to beautifully paint on paper. It is more difficult to make a report on the work done for half a year or even a year. However, this is easier to do than it might seem at first glance. For example, if you have weekly reports for the required period, then you can safely use them.

Maximum volume - 1 A4 sheet

At the same time, it is worth trying to enlarge the information somewhat so that the result fits on 1-2 pages. In the event that weekly results are not held in the organization, but you are obliged to generate a report on the work done for the year, you should not panic and fight in hysterics.

All the information is around you: look at the history of messages in the document logs or in e-mail, open the folder with your reports, study travel sheets. All this will help to remember the feats that you accomplished during the working year.

Summing up

Above we have given some examples of how to write a progress report. The main thing is to state the operations performed, indicating quantitative characteristics (so many times or such and such a number of pieces, etc.). Thus, you will inform the management about how much work you managed to accomplish.

We must not forget to indicate at the beginning of the report a list of specific tasks that you were brought to complete. An important part is the completion of the report. Be sure to write what you want to implement at work in the near future. By this you will show that you look wider than just the area of ​​​​your immediate duties and functions that must be performed according to the job description.

You can also look at the example above.

In order to make it easier to compile such reports, you can write down the work done daily in a notebook or electronic document. You will spend only 3-5 minutes a day on this trifle. It's not that much. However, due to such records, you can easily create a report on your work for any period in the future without any problems.

The main purpose of the report on the work done is a written record of the outcome of specific actions. Sample, template, example can be downloaded for free.

A progress report is an abstract concept. This document, which accompanies any act of the subject of legal relations, has a free form of execution. The main purpose of the act in question is the written fixation of specific actions. The page contains an example, a template, and sample progress report. Using a special direct link, you can download the desired text for free. The simplest format will allow you to change some paper abstracts in a word text editor, and apply the form in your own practice.

A report on the work done will be necessary for various professions and specialties: kindergarten teacher, chairman of the HOA, nurse and other professions. Since the pact under discussion has the goal of summing up some results, its writing requires special attention from the author. When compiling a report on the work done, it is necessary to exclude grammatical and punctuation errors in the text as much as possible. The content must be checked several times and only then made public and publicized.

Mandatory items of the progress report

  • Director's approval, top right;
  • Name of the final regulation;
  • The period for which information is provided, full name of the accountable person;
  • Then performance indicators are entered in the form of a table or points;
  • At the end, the results are summed up, the person's signature and transcript are put.
The final regulation on the work done has unique properties and values. The information received by the reader in the process of studying the materials should be assimilated and understood. The process will not receive due attention and development if the results of the work done are not compiled with high quality and by an incompetent specialist. Do not include unnecessary facts in the content. However, the presentation of the whole picture of the procedures performed is also important. It is necessary to maintain brevity and at the same time the sufficiency of the presentation of the material for the convenience of the reader.

Each of us many times in his life is faced with the writing and execution of various documentation. This documentation also includes a report that may be required both from a student at school and from an employee at the place of his professional activity. Therefore, it is important for everyone to know how to write a report correctly and format it. Writing reports is a rather broad topic, it includes many nuances, because reports are different in form and content. We will limit ourselves to the most popular cases, tell you how to write a study and work report, and also highlight the basic requirements for any kind of reports.

General rules for writing reports

How to write a report correctly? Any report must meet the following criteria:

  1. brevity. The report must clearly and concisely state all the necessary information, using simple business language.
  2. The report must begin with a properly formatted title page (required for large reports).
  3. If you still need to write a large report, then you must also draw up a table of contents and indicate on one additional sheet the main thoughts and ideas of the report.
  4. Clear structure. The report should be logically structured. At its beginning, it is necessary to bring up to date, indicating all the necessary data, in the middle - the main ideas of the report, at the end - conclusions.
  5. The sentences in the report should be short and well-formed, there should not be huge paragraphs. The use of headings and subheadings is encouraged. The report must be readable.
  6. To disclose the topic, if necessary, draw up annexes to the report: diagrams, figures, diagrams, tables.
  7. The report is best presented in a special folder.

Work report

Often, managers and directors require special reports on the work done from employees. How to write a report in this case? Be guided by the form of writing and formatting reports that is accepted in your company, and all the above tips will suit you. In addition, for the working report, the following recommendations can be distinguished:

The report does not have to be drawn up on a form if it is accompanied by a letter or an explanatory note.

If a report on work for a certain period is transferred to the boss, then a cover letter is not required in this case.

The travel report must be submitted together with the entire package of necessary documents.

The report should be written on standard sheets (A4) and drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003.

For a large report, it is necessary to draw up a title page; for a small report, the title of the report can be indicated at the top of the first sheet. First you need to indicate the word "Report", then - its subject and the period for which reporting is given.

The working report begins with an introduction, which describes the problem, objectives and goals of the work carried out. If the report is a standard document with a fixed frequency (for example, quarterly or monthly), then an introductory part is not needed.

How to format a report in its main part? Here you need to list and disclose all the types of work that you have completed, while you must specify the deadlines for completing each specific task. If there is, then you should indicate the difficulties in the course of the work or the reasons why the work was not performed properly, explain why this happened.

At the end of the report there is a conclusion in which it is necessary to indicate the conclusions and evaluate the effectiveness of the work done in accordance with the tasks set.

A work report is not just a piece of paper, it is an important document that can seriously affect your career, so take it seriously in writing and formatting.

Study report

Another type of report is student reports, the most popular among them is a practice report, so let's talk about how to write it correctly.

An internship report is an important document confirming the successful completion of an internship by a student. The final grade for the practice, which will go into the diploma, will depend on this report, so you need to take seriously its writing and design.

How to write a practice report, where to start? In the practice report, it is imperative that the title page be correctly formatted. Surely your educational institution has templates for designing title pages, you can use the most suitable one and design your title page using its example. The title page should contain your last name, first name and patronymic, the enterprise where you had an internship, and the period of internship (from what date to what date).

The practice report begins with a description of the company where you worked. Indicate the basic necessary data - what is the name of the enterprise, what does it do, what are its main characteristics (how long has it existed, how big is the company, etc.).

If the practice was completely introductory and you did not take an active part in the work, then it will be enough to indicate basic information about the enterprise. The situation is different with industrial practice - most of the report should contain information about your practical activity and its results.

Next, you should specify goals and objectives (this will benefit you). The goal is what you want to achieve from the practice, describe the goal specifically and accurately, you can specify different goals. For example, to gain new knowledge related to the profession, to consolidate and learn how to apply theoretical knowledge in practice, etc. Objectives are ways to achieve goals. For example, a systematic visit to the enterprise where the student is doing an internship, and a careful study of his work; conversations on professional topics with employees of the enterprise; performance of various types of work on the instructions of the chief, etc.

The next important and main point that should be described in detail is all the activities that you were engaged in in practice. Many teachers advise their students to write down all their activities on the report, even if it was a very short call to a client or a very light work assignment. One of the most convenient forms of writing this part of the report is as follows: first - the full date (mark all days of practice in order), then - what the student did on each day of practice, and after - micro-conclusion (what did the student learn, what experience did the student gain). You can not draw a conclusion from each entry, but draw it up at the end by entering all the necessary information there. Your main goal in this part of the work is to fully and competently tell about what you did in practice, what kind of work you had. You can also note the difficulties that you encountered and indicate the possible reasons for their occurrence or focus on what you liked the most in practice, explain why.

The final part of the report on student practice is a conclusion, a conclusion. It is by the conclusions in the report that the teachers will judge how well you mastered the profession, what you could learn, how much you were able to apply your knowledge in practice. Pay special attention to the formatting of conclusions. Clearly and in order (you can list) state everything new that you have learned and mastered in practice. In any case, write honestly, you don’t need to invent something that doesn’t exist, an experienced teacher will notice artificiality. Let it be a simple and honest story, but detailed and detailed.

As for the design of the report, it must comply with the norms and standards. What exactly, you can ask at your faculty, they will surely tell you. Well, in general, the font should be simple (Times New Roman), size - 12 points, line spacing - 1.5. A clear division into parts, chapters, paragraphs and lists, if necessary, is welcome. The report should be readable and informative.

Now you know how to write a report on work or study practice. We have outlined all the basic requirements for such reports, we hope that our advice will help you.

It is very important to make a report on the work done in order to briefly, but succinctly state the results of your activities. Are there special reporting rules that you need to know when starting to write such documentation?

Progress Report - Writing Requirements

Why do you need to write a progress report at all? Reporting helps:

  1. exercise control over the performance of their duties by employees;
  2. identify problem areas in the work of a particular employee and the department as a whole;
  3. find out whether enough efforts have been made to solve the problem;
  4. maintain labor discipline in the team;
  5. justify the cost of paying employees.

What are the main requirements for a report? You need to talk about the results of your work in a businesslike way, briefly, but at the same time indicating the entire amount of work done.

An intelligent report will not only give an idea of ​​how well you have worked, but will also present you in a favorable light - an employee who can express his thoughts in an accessible way, highlighting the main thing and not being distracted by unnecessary details.

Report on the work done - what are the types

From the point of view of periodicity, the report can be weekly, monthly, quarterly, annual.

Sometimes an employee reports on a specific event (for example, how the presentation of a new book was organized, which took several days to prepare and conduct, or a three-day sales training).

The heading of the report should include data on the timing, for example, "Report on the HR seminar on October 7-9, 2015."

A business trip report is required for all employees, regardless of its duration.

A report on the work done can be written in text form and in statistical form. A text report is a coherent narrative, supplemented by various graphs, diagrams and tables.

And if you prefer a statistical form, then focus on illustrative materials, to which write explanations in the form of text.

Report structure

There is no single standard for writing a report on the work done, as well as an employee's autobiography. Each organization may have its own requirements for the structure of such documents.

For example, this presentation looks logical: the first section is “Introduction”, in it briefly describe the tasks assigned to you, the methods that were used to solve them, and the result obtained.

In the "Main part" describe in more detail the sequence of your work:

  1. preparation for project implementation;
  2. stages of its implementation (indicate all resources used: marketing research, analytical work, experiments, business trips, involvement of other employees);
  3. problems and difficulties, if any;
  4. troubleshooting suggestions;
  5. achieved result.

A report in the form of a table will look more visual, structured and concise.

If you often have to compile ongoing reports on the work done, it will be convenient to prepare a template in which you regularly need to enter the necessary data.

And in order not to forget anything important for the past working day, take a few minutes out of your schedule by writing down everything you did. Otherwise, you are bound to miss something.

When you prepare an annual report, analyze the dynamics of the results achieved, comparing with the previous year and giving a forecast for the next year.

As an addition to the main part of the report, attach materials that confirm the stated facts - copies of thank-you letters and entries in the guest book, press publications about the events held, checks and invoices.

It is better to separate the financial part into a separate section, which should be filled out as required by the accounting department of your organization.

The progress report concludes the Conclusion section. In it, you formulate the conclusions and suggestions that have arisen from the work done, if you consider them useful for improving the performance of your organization.

A report on the work done is printed using A4 sheets. Pages should be numbered, issue a title page.

When your document is long enough, make a separate table of contents - this will make your report easier to navigate.

There may also be a report like this:

FULL NAME.________
Job title_________

Main achievements for the past period:

  • in professional activity;
  • in terms of personal development.

What failed and why.
The need for additional training.
Suggestions for improving the organization of your work.
Desired areas of responsibility and career development.
Date of__________

The ability to write a sensible report on the work done will help you provide concrete evidence that you are working conscientiously, coping with your duties. And, besides, this is a weighty argument for the authorities, if you decide to raise the issue of

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