Examples of the careless attitude of man to nature. Theme "Nature and man": arguments


People with different views on life perceive nature in completely different ways. For some, nature is a workshop, an object of practice. This point of view is shared by the nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov. Another hero, Arkady Kirsanov, sees first of all the beauty of nature. He loves to walk in the forest. The surrounding world helps the hero to come to inner balance. In relation to nature, one can determine his worldview. The ability to see the beauty and richness of the surrounding world is the inner quality of a real person.

L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Andrei Bolkonsky is wounded. He lies on the battlefield and sees the beautiful sky of Austerlitz. The beauty of the sky makes the hero think about the correctness of his own life path. He understands that "everything is empty, everything is a lie", that he lived wrong. Prince Andrei realizes that the goals he pursued are, in fact, insignificant. The hero ceased to consider Napoleon his idol. The beauty of nature made us reconsider our views on the world, realize the true values, opposing them to the embittered faces of warring people and the sounds of explosions.

A.S. Pushkin "Winter Morning"

The great Russian writer admires the beauty of a winter morning. The lines of the poem open before the reader a magnificent landscape, contrasted with the landscape of yesterday. The room is illuminated with an "amber gleam", the stove crackles with a "cheerful crackle", the snow lies in "magnificent carpets" - everything points to the beauty of this morning. There is no doubt that nature, about which so much is said in the poem, is a source of inspiration for A.S. Pushkin. Last night, when the "blizzard was angry", "darkness was rushing" makes the lyrical heroine sad. Nature is reflected in the feelings and mood of a person.

ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and Hares"

Being a hunter, grandfather Mazai does not shoot at hares when they are defenseless. In the spring flood, this person, on the contrary, helps animals. He hunts when the hares are not in danger. The act of grandfather Mazai is an example of a respectful attitude towards living beings.

Jack London "Martin Eden"

Martin Eden aspires to be a writer. His work is based on life experience. Martin Eden describes what he saw on his voyages. Nature occupies a special place in his works. The hero is trying to transfer to paper the magnificence of the natural world he saw. At first it comes out badly, but in the future it starts to work out. Nature is a source of inspiration for Martin Eden.

  • Human activity destroys nature
  • The state of nature depends on man
  • Preservation of the environment is a priority for society
  • The future of mankind depends on the state of nature
  • Love for nature makes a person cleaner
  • People with high moral qualities protect nature
  • Love for nature changes a person for the better, contributes to his moral development.
  • People have forgotten that nature is their home
  • Everyone tends to have their own view on the role of nature in human life.


I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". In the work there are two completely opposite views on the place of nature in people's lives. Nihilist Yevgeny Bazarov perceives the world around him as material for practice, saying that "nature is not a temple, but a workshop." In everything, he tries to find benefit, and not to see the beauty around. The hero considers living beings only material for his research. For Arkady Kirsanov, who at first supported the views of Yevgeny Bazarov, nature is a source of harmony. He feels himself an integral part of the world around him, sees and feels beauty.

ON THE. Nekrasov "Grandfather Mazai and Hares". The story of the rescue of hares by grandfather Mazai is known to every person since childhood. From the poem of the great poet it is clear that our hero is a hunter, which means that for him, hares should be, first of all, prey. But grandfather Mazai cannot offend animals when they are absolutely helpless, between life and death. Love for nature turns out to be higher for a person than the ability to get easy prey. He shouts after the rescued hares so that they do not come across to him during the hunting period, but at the moment they are released.

A.I. Kuprin "Olesya" The attitude towards the nature of the main character of the work can be called truly correct. Olesya's life is inextricably linked with the world around her. She feels that she is connected with the forest and that the forest is something alive. The girl loves all living things. Olesya is ready to protect everything that is connected with nature: grasses, bushes, huge trees. Unity with the outside world allows her to survive at a distance from people, in the wilderness of the forest.

V.P. Astafiev "Tsar-fish". The fate of Gosha Gertsev is a vivid example of the fact that nature can not only endure human attacks, but also actively defend itself with the help of its moral and punishing power. The hero, who has shown a consumerist, cynical attitude towards the environment, is punished. Moreover, punishment threatens not only him, but all of humanity, if it does not realize how cruel its activities are. Lack of spirituality, greed, thoughtless use of the achievements of scientific and technological progress - all this threatens the death of society.

B.L. Vasilyev "Do not shoot at white swans." The work shows a different attitude of people to nature: we see both its defenders and enemies, whose activities are only of a consumer nature. The main character, Yegor Polushkin, takes care of all living things. Often he becomes the object of ridicule, because others do not support his views on the world. Egor Polushkin, laying a pipe, decides to go around the anthill, which causes laughter and condemnation from people. When the hero is in need of money, he learns that the population can be rewarded for the soaked bast. However, even in a difficult situation, the hero cannot decide to destroy the living, while his cousin destroys an entire grove for the sake of profit. The son of Yegor Polushkin is distinguished by the same moral qualities: Kolka gives his expensive gift (spinning, which everyone dreamed of) to Vovka to save the puppy, whom the boy wanted to torture. The protagonist himself is killed by evil and envious people for the desire to protect nature.

Chingiz Aitmanov "The Scaffold". The work shows how a person destroys the world around him with his own hands. People mock saigas, wolf cubs die because of a man-made fire. Not knowing where to direct her maternal love, the she-wolf becomes attached to the human child. People, not realizing this, shoot at her, but one of them kills his own son as a result. The death of a child can be blamed not on a she-wolf, but on people who barbarously broke into her territory, exterminated her children, and therefore took up arms against nature. The work "The Scaffold" shows what such an attitude towards the living is fraught with.

D. Granin "Bison". The protagonist is horrified to realize that almost all people, including scientists, are confident in the boundlessness of nature and the negligible impact of man on it. The bison does not understand how a person can approve scientific and construction projects that cause irreparable damage to all living things. He believes that science in this case does not work for the good, but to the detriment of humanity. The hero is hurt by the fact that almost no one has come to understand the true role of nature in human life, its uniqueness and vulnerability.

E. Hemingway "The Old Man and the Sea". For the old fisherman, the sea is the breadwinner. In the whole appearance of the hero, a connection with nature is visible. The old man treats everything with respect and gratitude: he asks for forgiveness from the caught fish. The work shows the role of the generosity of nature in our lives, and the hero demonstrates a truly correct attitude towards the world around him - grateful.

Man and nature: consonance or dissonance.

The problem of consumer attitude to nature

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We must understand that our destiny is directly connected with the destiny of nature.

contrasts two heroes: Akim, who loves nature, and Goga Gertsev, for whom nature is a source of profit, therefore Goga, without hesitation, destroys her wealth. And nature answers: Goga tragically dies. Astafiev directly tells us that retribution for a consumerist, soulless attitude to nature is inevitable.

the history of the relationship between the old fisherman and his breadwinner - the sea is presented. Hemingway emphasizes the unity of the protagonist and nature. His eyes were blue as the sea, and his hands were callused, hard and cracked, like the earth itself. Although he earns his living by fishing, he does so with gratitude and respect. Having caught a fish, he asks her forgiveness. It is this noble attitude towards the world around us that is the most natural and correct, because we are an integral part of it. We are alive thanks to the bounty of nature. But not only for generosity, we must thank nature, but, first of all, for the fact that it awakens all the best in human souls: love, faith, hope, care, kindness, compassion and much more.
is a story about a change in the usual way of life of people in connection with the construction of huge industrial complexes. But first of all, this is a story about complete disrespect for the earth and separation from its origins. People use natural resources, build factories, dams and power plants and do not even thank for it. But any intervention in the natural world requires a responsible approach and reciprocal care. Otherwise it will turn out that

Why don't people understand that by making the earth worse, they doom themselves to death? Death is not so much physical as spiritual. According to Rasputin, people, losing touch with nature, ceasing to admire its beauty and harmony, ceasing to receive emotional support from her and ceasing to thank her for gifts, become impoverished in soul and stale. This is exactly what happened to the main character of the story - Pashuta. New life,

a world in which one has to survive, not live - all this led her to the fact that she also forgets about such

And the soul, devoid of beauty and purity, ceases to feel. This was well understood by Pashuta's mother, Aksinya Yegorovna, who did not want to leave her village for anything, although her strength no longer allowed her to live there alone.

two approaches in relation to nature are shown: respectful and consumer. They are embodied in the images of the main character - Yegor Polushkin and his cousin Fyodor Ipatovich Buryanov. Buryanov, despite the fact that he himself works as a huntsman in the reserve, does not hesitate to illegally cut down the forest there, take tourists fishing and hunting, and rip off the linden grove. For him, the main thing is his own benefit. Yegor Polushkin is not like that, although he was nicknamed the Poor Bearer (because he cannot “snatch”, hack, work without a heart, which means he often sits without work and money), he is a very conscientious person, nature is something very dear to him , something that cannot be offended. Therefore, he digs a trench so as not to touch the anthill that got on the road, and later, becoming a forester instead of Buryanov, he takes care of the reserved forest and lake, as if he were his own children (verses instead of prohibition inscriptions, signposts in the form of animal figures, swans, bought in Moscow so that the lake was again called Lebyazhy, and not Black). And Yegor dies in the same place, on the lake, protecting it from poachers.

Ecology is a rather young branch of human national knowledge about the world. But it can be argued that this discipline is now becoming increasingly important for modern man. You come to this conclusion after reading the text by V.A. Soloukhin.

This topic is relevant for everyone as we all face it every day. Our lives are directly related to the environment. It affects health, mood, thinking. And without solving this problem, humanity will lead itself to destruction.

And such a consumer attitude can lead to the fact that after some time on Earth there will be “the only green sprout”.

I agree with the author, we really need to take care of the planet. Thoughtless human activity has destroyed the habitat for centuries. And writers cannot stay away from solving this pressing problem. For many years, in their works, they have been trying to draw the attention of society to the ecological situation.

For example, in the story of M.M. Prishvin "Forest Master" because of the cynical attitude to nature, the tree almost died. The writer reflects on the fact that one misfortune entails another. Fire from one tree can spread to the entire forest. This is not the end, continue below.

Useful material on the topic

  • Topic: The problem of respect for nature

This is the unreasonable, careless attitude towards nature. The author shows these truths to children who recently wanted to commit an irreversible act, set fire to a living being - a tree.

This problem is also affected by V.G. Rasputin in the work "Farewell to Matera". We learn that as a result of the construction of a powerful hydroelectric power station, the village of Matera must go under water. Man enters into combat with nature. In order not to rot in the sea, trees and houses are burned. But people with powerful "royal foliage" cannot do anything. By wreaking havoc on nature, people are destroying themselves.

We continue to prepare together for the essay on the exam in the Russian language. Message archive>>>>> .
The literary argument is not a simple element in the composition of a work. Recall, re-read some of the works indicated below.The book by E.V. will help us. Amelina "Writing an essay for the exam (part C) / Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2015 /

" The problem of confrontation between man and nature, the destruction of the surrounding natural world by man, environmental problems

F.I. Tyutchev
"There is melodiousness in the waves of the sea...",

Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. This is an element indifferent to human needs, destinies, deeds. It is uncontrollable, unknowable, in the storms of those who have fallen asleep - "chaos stirs." This is the essence of the eternal conflict between man and nature. Man, according to F.I. Tyutchev, is just a "thinking reed".

I.S. Turgenev
story "Trip to Polissya" ,
prose poem "Nature" .
Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. Man is a child of nature, like any other creature. But nature knows neither good nor evil, reason is not a law for it. She does not know art, freedom, does not tolerate anything immortal. It easily gives life and easily takes it away from living beings. She has nothing to do with the fate of mankind. This is the essence of the conflict.

ON THE. Zabolotsky
"I'm not looking for harmony in nature..." ,
"Yesterday, thinking about death..." ,
Man is mortal, but nature is eternal. In the natural world there is no harmony, no intelligence. Man is just a thought of nature, "her unsteady mind." Human consciousness is unable to connect "death and being". Human life is transient, but a person can leave himself in this world, appearing there again as a "breath of flowers", branches of a large oak.

V.P. Astafiev
storytelling in stories "King fish" .
The main theme is the interaction between man and nature. The writer tells how they exterminate white and red fish on the Yenisei, destroy the beast and bird. The dramatic story that once happened on the river with the poacher Zinovy ​​Utrobin becomes the climax. Checking the traps, he fell out of the boat and got tangled in his own nets. In this extreme situation, on the verge of life and death, he recalls his earthly sins, recalls how he once offended his fellow villager Glashka, sincerely repents of his deed, begs for mercy, mentally addressing both Glashka and the king fish, and to the whole wide world. And all this gives him "some kind of liberation not yet comprehended by the mind." Ignatich manages to escape. Nature itself taught him a lesson here. Thus, V. Astafiev returns our consciousness to Goethe's thesis: "Nature is always right."

Ch.T. Aitmatov
novel "scaffold" .
In the novel, the writer talks about the destruction of wildlife by man. Three times the wolf family loses their cubs. And Akbar's she-wolf begins to take revenge on the man, takes his cub. The solution to this situation is several deaths: the she-wolf herself, a small child, the son of Boston, and also Bazarbay, who abducted the cubs, die. Akbar's she-wolf embodies mother nature in the work, which rebels against the man who destroys her.
B.L. Vasiliev
story "Don't Shoot the White Swans" .
The hero of this story, forester Yegor Polushkin, and his son Kolka are opposed to poachers, people who soullessly destroy nature.

The problem of interaction between man and nature. How to achieve harmonious coexistence? How does nature affect the human soul? and etc. - in the next issue.

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