The problem of a happy childhood - arguments from the literature of the exam. Arguments for writing the exam


Task: Write an essay based on the text you read.

(1) Harsh, demanding years coincided for us, "military boys", with the age-related laws of human upbringing. (2) The teenagers took on everything themselves. (3) They learned from adults and from each other, self-esteem urged on: Petya can, but why me? (4) I remember what we could do. (5) We are five of the same age and classmates from the same street. (6) We knew how to mow, hem felt boots, insert the bottom into a bucket, clean the chimney in the stove, knew how to set up a saw, beat off a scythe, fix the roof, make a ladder, a rake, weave a basket of brushwood, knead clay for plaster, load a hay cart, grind grain, clean the well ... (7) And I won’t say that we grew up as wild animals. (8) Went to school. (9) And they read a lot, amazingly a lot. (10) The books, of course, were random. (11) But if we talk about the efficiency of their work, it was huge. (12) Read with greed! (13) There was always a queue for a good book. (14) And it was started: read - tell me! (15) So we exchanged books and what we learned from books. (16) And it happened more: they read aloud, in turn. (17) If at that time someone had told us: in ten or fifteen years it would be possible to sit at home at a box with a screen and see what is happening thousands of kilometers away, we would never have believed it. (18) What else sprouted from childhood? (19) I think, observation, the desire to try everything, to learn everything. (20) In those days, it was impossible to expect that someone would bring the necessary, necessary thing to the house and someone would fulfill the worldly business. (21) It may seem strange to someone, but I don’t complain at all about fate, remembering these four years. (22) Now scrolling back the tape of life, weighing where, when and what I learned, I say without hesitation: the main school of life falls on these years. (23) I deeply believe: lessons of courage, work and difficulties are now also necessary for teenagers. (24) They must be consciously cultivated (in the family, in the camp, at school), just as we make up for the lack of natural physical labor with physical education. (25) At the right time, in the right doses, with a justified degree of risk, it is imperative to teach a person what life will certainly demand from him. (According to V. Peskov)


In the text proposed for analysis, V.M. Peskov touches upon the problem of education in the difficult years of the war. The issues of educating the younger generation at any time were and should be in the first place in society. The future of society depends on how the next generation grows up. At all times, education was not an easy task and was accompanied by many problems.

Reflecting on his generation, whose growing up took place during the war years, Peskov not only talks about what practical skills they possessed, these little “muzhiks” who were able to sew felt boots, clean a well or beat off a scythe, but also draws attention to their desire to read . How eagerly they read books, retold them to each other, grew up, matured, learning new things, growing up. The author believes that life's difficulties made teenagers more independent, aroused the desire to learn something new and useful. V.M. Peskov is sure that "lessons, courage, work and difficulties are also necessary for teenagers now."

Recall the famous Ilyusha from the novel by I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov", who is used to the fact that everything is done for him; he is unable to take care of himself. His childhood desire to learn something, to comprehend, to do something himself gradually faded, was suppressed by the position of his parents, who forbade him to run to the ravine, to dress himself. As a result, helplessness, fear of any action, divorced in Oblomov. This work is an excellent illustration of this problem.

The complete opposite of Ilya Oblomov is the heroes of Mikhail Prishvin's story "The Pantry of the Sun" - Nastya and Mitrasha. Orphaned children knew how to do everything themselves, lived an adult life, worked hard, like everyone else in the village. At the same time, the children still had time to learn.

Life can develop in different ways, so you need to be steadfast in life situations and rely, first of all, on yourself. “At the right time in the right doses, with a justified degree of risk, it is imperative to teach a person what life will certainly demand from him.”

The composition of the exam in the text:"Happy, happy, irretrievable time of childhood! How not to love, not to cherish the memories of her? These memories refresh, elevate my soul ..."(according to L.N. Tolstoy).

Attention! The same text was early USE In Russian 2017.

Full text

Perhaps the most vivid impressions we have taken from childhood. What role does this period play in a person's life? It is this question that the author of the text proposed to me for analysis asks.

To answer this question, L. N. Tolstoy describes the childhood years of Nikolenka Irtenyev. The writer very colorfully and convincingly depicts the happy memories of the main character about childhood. It would seem that there is nothing unusual in them, but the way the author writes touchingly about this cannot leave us indifferent. According to Tolstoy, the most important role in the life of a child is played by his parents. For Nikolenka, the dearest person is her mother, because she gives her son "all her tenderness and love." The writer draws attention to the fact that children's dreams "are filled with pure love and hopes for bright happiness." By this he shows that the life of a child is carefree and innocent.

Throughout the course of the story, the author wants to convey the following idea to us: childhood plays a crucial role in a person’s life, since it is in childhood that character is formed, the process of personality formation takes place, and concepts of good and evil are laid.
I share the opinion of the author. Indeed, childhood is an important stage, because it is childhood impressions, memories that often underlie the actions of an adult.

In support of my thought, I want to recall the work of I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov. The protagonist Ilya Ilyich Oblomov brought back vivid, tender memories of his mother from childhood. Also, the basis of the friendship between Oblomov and Stolz, so different and dissimilar, was laid in childhood. Despite the main flaw in his character, manifested in laziness, everything - all the best: kindness, responsiveness - was laid down in childhood.

My childhood also played a very important role in my life. My parents paid special attention to cultivating a sense of beauty: they took me to museums and theaters. Grandfather often told various stories and facts related to art, taught me to draw. And now, standing on the threshold of adulthood, I know that my future profession will be connected with my love for painting and sculpture, which my family brought up in me as a child.

Thanks to L.N. Tolstoy came to me the realization of what a huge influence our childhood impressions have on our qualities, goals, dreams. And I hope that the problem that our great writer raised in his work will be reflected in the fate of other people. Indeed, in the future, when many of us will raise our child, the thought of how every word can affect the inner world of a son or daughter will not allow irreparable mistakes to be made.

(380 words)

Theme: "Childhood"

Alyosha Peshkov, who was left without parents early, lives in the family of his grandfather Kashirin, along with numerous relatives - the families of his grandfather's two sons. Grandfather and grandmother and all other relatives had a huge impact on his fate, each in his own way laid the foundations of his character and worldview in him.

Life in the grandfather's house was difficult, there was not always contentment in it, there were times when Alyosha had to wear someone's shabby clothes and there was no money to buy books for school.

But if only material problems were in the house. Cruelty, rudeness, disrespect to each other reigned in the family. Grandfather often beat grandmother, uncles always quarreled over inheritance, even among cousins ​​enmity reigned. How could a child grow up in such an atmosphere?

And how many deaths the boy had to endure! Before his eyes, his parents died, Tsyganok, whom he loved so much, brothers. It is difficult for an adult to survive all this, not like a child. Yes, and childhood itself ended very early: after the death of his mother, his grandfather sent Alyosha "to the people", that is, to work for people.

And yet the boy did not become embittered, did not hold a grudge. He grew up to be an open, kind and sensitive person. Even in this house, where there was so much hostility, he found something that pleased him: communication with people dear to him. And it was his grandmother, and Tsyganok, and Good Deed. They brightened up bleak days.

How warm was the attitude of his grandmother, Akulina Ivanovna, this surprisingly kind and morally pure woman towards him. Largely thanks to her, Alyosha became sensitive and attentive, loving the beautiful, folk art, she taught him to see the beauty of life. Grandmother was for Alyosha "the closest to my heart, the most understandable and dear person."

Good Deed attracted Alyosha with his education, erudition, his dissimilarity to the others. He aroused in the boy the desire to learn, to explore the world. But even "lead abominations" tempered the character of the hero, making him stronger.

The orphan-foundling Gypsy, kind, cheerful, cheerful, also liked Alyosha very much. How many fun minutes they spent together! How tragic is the fate of Gypsy - he died, overstrained himself when he carried the cross.

Alyosha also reaches out to the blind foreman Grigory Ivanovich, who lost his sight while working for his grandfather.

How important it is that in childhood, when the character is formed, the child meets good, real people. After all, it is at this age that the foundations of the future adult personality are laid, the values ​​that a person will follow all his life.

There were such people in Alyosha's childhood. The atmosphere of love and respect also reigned between Alyosha's parents, it is a pity that both of them died so early.

“As a child, I imagine myself as a beehive, where various simple, gray people carried, like bees, the honey of their knowledge and thoughts about life, generously enriching my soul, who could. Often this honey was dirty and bitter, but all knowledge is still honey.

What is the best memory of childhood?

The Little Prince Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The allegorical story of this author introduces us to the story of a boy who visited many planets in the most remote corners of our vast universe. Communicating with many of their inhabitants, he found to his surprise that he had witnessed the existence of a huge distance that separates children of his age from adults. The little traveler notes that all the interests of adults are reduced to rational and uninteresting things. For example, one of his interlocutors with a purple face, except for numbers, was not interested in anything and proudly called himself a very serious gentleman. He was alien to such feelings as love, affection and friendship, and in the expression of the Little Prince, he looked more like a mushroom than a normal person.

The value of childhood memories.

"Childhood" Leo Tolstoy

The first book of this trilogy introduces us to the young character Nikolenka and his turbulent memories of the irrevocably gone years of the golden period of his childhood. He recalls his mother, grandmother, the surrounding nature, which seemed to him at that time great and grandiose. The classic shows this world so penetratingly and purely that there is no doubt about the uniqueness of this happy stage of life for an already matured boy. He is really happy and bright in his memories. The following books of this work tell about the more mature age of Nikolenka. His life is filled with many events, the death of his mother, moving to a new place of residence and the absence of the warmth and participation that he was used to as a child. And yet, bright memories of his first conscious period of life warm his soul and help him overcome the difficulties of adolescence and maturity. The atmosphere of childhood fills him with joy and love. It serves as the lifeline that will support him for the rest of his life and prevent him from sinking into a pool of indifference and anger.

The role of childhood memories in the life of an adult

"Oblomov" Ivan Aleksandrovich Goncharov

Similar nostalgic feelings for the childhood gone into oblivion are also experienced by the amazing character of the play I.A. Goncharov "Oblomov". Being in the midst of the hustle and bustle of St. Petersburg, the protagonist cannot distract himself from sweet childhood experiences. The memories of the time when he could remain himself without regard to the established rules and conventions fill his soul with warmth and peace. According to Oblomov, the pacified children's heart only during this period is filled with the expectation of an endless chain of miracles, adventures and joys.

Attitude of children and parents. What a terrible indifference to their loved ones.

"Telegram" Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

Quite often, grown-up children, plunging into the bustle of daily worries, for no reason, stop communicating with their parents. K. G. Paustovsky in his story "Telegram" describes the attitude of an adult daughter to her lonely, aged mother. Ekaterina Petrovna spent her life in a village forgotten by God, while Nastya, her daughter, was engaged in the improvement of her life in the northern capital. Communication for the past three years between mother and daughter was limited to rare letters, which Nastya sometimes did not bother to read, and two hundred rubles in financial assistance, which she sent to her mother once a month. Ekaterina Petrovna was immensely grateful to her daughter for her care, but postal orders interested her more in the couple of lines with which Nastya accompanied the money being sent. She eagerly re-read these fragmentary laconic messages several times, in which her daughter complained about the lack of time even to write a full letter, and kept them as the most valuable thing she had in the house. The mother did not take offense at her daughter's indifference, but she missed her very much and yearned for her. She carefully listened to every door creak and steps under the windows of her house, in the hope that the gate would now open and her only beloved daughter would enter the yard. Feeling the approach of death, Ekaterina Ivanovna sent a letter to her daughter with a request to come to say goodbye, but Nastya never got together to visit her mother, and in general did not take the contents of the letter seriously. Awareness came only with the arrival of a telegram announcing that her mother was dying. And only at that moment the daughter's heart was filled with unbearable pain and resentment towards herself. She suddenly clearly understood that no one in her life had loved her so much as this old woman dying alone, that there was no person in this world closer and dearer to her than her mother. Unfortunately, everything happened very quickly. Ekaterina Ivanovna departed to another world, never having had time to say goodbye to her daughter, and Nastya returned after the funeral with a feeling of irreparable loss and irreparable guilt. Apparently with this feeling, she lived all the remaining years, since there was no one to ask for forgiveness.

Loneliness problem. Is it possible to find happiness in loneliness?

In the face of the character of Maxim Maksimych, the poet presented us with an example of a person who remained lonely and useless in his declining years. Long years of service in conditions that did not allow our hero to start a family, and the frequent change of his place of residence, which contributed to his lack of strong friendships and a circle of close acquaintances, played a bad joke on the old warrior. By old age, he was left completely alone. The old man lived in solitude and communicated only with those who came to the city on business, seconded officials and officers. Like any normal person, he was drawn to people, needed ordinary human communication and could not find anyone to offer his unspent strength, care and love to. Young people, as a rule, do not feel so keenly the absence of close relatives and devoted people. They are busy with the problems of organizing their lives, building a career and many other urgent matters. As for Maksim Maksimych, age dictated to him completely different needs and desires - he needed a constant circle of friends, a close circle, the chores of raising grandchildren and active participation in the affairs of his adult children. Unfortunately, due to the circumstances, he was deprived of all this, and the meeting with Pechorin changed everything for a short time. The old soldier treated him like his own son. He directed all his rich life experience and a purely human desire to help to the young officer, but he did not reciprocate and took his care coldly and indifferently. This attitude of Pechorin deeply offended the old man, he became withdrawn and, realizing his uselessness, completely lost interest in life. The conclusion from this story suggests the following: for happiness, a person does not need so much - relatives who would need his care and friends with whom you can talk about the most intimate and painful. Loneliness can harden and make unhappy any most cheerful person - it is unnatural.

What is the most common cause of loneliness?

"A Hero of Our Time" Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov

Using the example of Grigory Aleksandrovich Pechorin, Lermontov also outlined a completely different problem of the phenomenon of loneliness. The protagonist of this work has a pleasant appearance, is very intelligent, enjoys success with the opposite sex, but is completely devoid of the ability for deep feelings and sincere affection. The reason for his isolation and alienation lies in certain character traits. Pechorin manages to spoil relations with people who show a genuine desire for friendship with him, he repels with his coldness and indifference even those whose feelings for him are pure and sincere. All the main characters of the novel went through the millstones of his indifference: Werner, Maxim Maksimych, Vera, Grushnitsky and others. It is clear that such an attitude towards others could not end in anything good. Grigory Alexandrovich died, returning from Persia, without having experienced true love, without becoming a husband and father, and leaving no one behind him who would really regret his premature death. We can sum it all up in one single sentence. The main reason for loneliness is hopeless selfishness and painful pride.

The reason for the conflict between children and parents.

"Fathers and Sons" Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

The famous novel by I. S. Turgenev vividly illustrates the problem of relations between the new and old generations. The main character of the work, a certain Bazarov, is a representative of the progressive youth of that time. He "with foam at the mouth" categorically refutes the beliefs of the local noble society, represented by the Kirsanov brothers. His undisguised contempt for his father's traditions and the foundations developed over the centuries is worthy of every kind of amazement. The notorious, one might say, reactionary nihilism of the protagonist, completely crosses out all the norms of morality that the older generation has adhered to for centuries. He is inclined to deny even such unshakable concepts as marriage, love and family. The author himself pronounced the final verdict on this arrogant and ambitious character. He doomed him to death, so ridiculous and contrary to all his "brilliant" constructions, that before his death Bazarov was forced to refute his own convictions, confessing his sincere feelings for his beloved, Mrs. Odintsova.

The problem of generational conflict has always existed, and not only in our country. Not a single philosopher or thinker has given a clear recipe for how to avoid this, but it is worth remembering one thing - you cannot create a new one without a firm reliance on the past. If our ancestors fiercely "trampled" all those values ​​that were left to them by previous generations, humanity would simply cease to exist.

In the speech of Dostoevsky's hero Alyosha Karamazov there were words that I had not paid attention to before, but now I thought about them:
“Know, then, that there is nothing higher, and stronger, and healthier, and more useful in future for life, like some good memory, especially taken from childhood, from the parental home.


Very often, turning to the past affects the state of a person in the present. In this text, D.A. Granin raises the problem of the role of childhood memories in human life.

Analyzing this topic, the author draws our attention to the statement of one of the heroes of the novel, F.M. Dostoevsky that "some good memory" from the parental home can be the best, strongest, healthy, useful reminiscence of a person. The writer draws our attention to the fact that with such a statement Alyosha Karamazov does not demand, does not preach - he only tries to call on all people to remember those moments "when they felt good." Such memories should be morally formulated and understandable - in this case, they can bring a lot of good and benefit to a person.

YES. Granin believes that childhood memories play an important role in a person’s attitude and life in general - they bring happiness and self-satisfaction, in difficult, sad moments they help to analyze their existence and fill it with meaning - thereby “binding the soul”.

I fully agree with the author’s opinion and also believe that the memories of a person from the parental home, the newly arrived feeling that you were once good, are able to bring new colors into a person’s life, fill it with meaning and faith in their own happiness.

The problem of the role of childhood memories is raised in the novel “A Hero of Our Time” by M.Yu. Lermontov. The author approached this topic in a non-standard way and, using the example of Pechorin, showed that sometimes an analysis of one's own life, one's actions from childhood can help explain to a person his state in the present. In his own monologue, the hero refers to the period of his life when he himself was ready to "love the whole world" - to do good, love, make friends and be happy. Thanks to this, he realized that he could experience the same feelings as everyone else, he could not be alone, he could do good deeds, and this certainly kept a little warmth in his heart. But the fact is that in the same period he decided for himself that it would be easier and better for him to close himself off from the whole world, to respond to his injustice with anger, to his malevolence and hypocrisy with cynicism and cruelty and perceive people and everything around him as game.

An analysis of childhood memories helped the hero of M. Gorky's story "Childhood" realize at difficult moments in his life that his existence is not as terrible as it seems, and each of us is able to make our life better. Alyosha learned selfless love, compassion, fearlessness from his grandmother, and later, recalling the moments of the manifestation of these feelings, the hero understood that he was capable of much - besides, he could easily and with great happiness give love. Memories of childhood, of my grandmother, of the “lead abominations” of life and those who brightened them up helped M. Gorky write a wonderful story about his childhood, and this is probably the best thing that can be done under the influence of memories.

Thus, we can conclude that no matter what a person is, no matter what he experiences, no matter what he thinks - memories from childhood can change his worldview, and if not done better, then at least remind him that once there was goodness in his life.

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