We unravel the meaning of numbers in human life. The meaning of numbers in our life


An ancient science that tells about the connection of a person's life with the date of his birth and all the numbers that arise and repeat on the path of life. The founder of numerology, Pythagoras, developed a unique calculation method that people use to this day.

Meaning of numbers

Each number, according to numerology, has its own unique meaning. Brief decoding of numbers:

  • 0 - the beginning of everything, a symbol of non-existence and intangible things that are beyond the bounds of conventional understanding
  • 1 - the personification of masculinity and courage, a symbol of the masculine principle. In personality characteristics, it indicates incredible stamina and willpower, the desire to achieve goals and succeed.
  • 2 - a symbol of the feminine. Indicates qualities such as femininity and softness, the ability to improve and harmonize the space around him. A person whose numerological map is dominated by units is endowed with incredible flexibility and strives for partnerships.
  • 3 - the personification of creativity. This is a symbol of an extraordinary, bright person who dreams of the recognition of others and glory.
  • 4 - indicates such qualities as diligence, the ability to organize and manage processes, people. It is characteristic of patient and consistent people who strive for stability and stand steadily on their feet.
  • 5 - the ability to adapt to a sharp change in circumstances, environment. People with fives in the card are inquisitive and curious, they are interested in everything. They love to look for new things and share knowledge with others.
  • 6 - the number of harmony and love, a happy, calm lifestyle. The desire for family and romance, the creation of a warm, spiritual hearth
  • 7 - the number of people with high intelligence. It is they who make discoveries in science, become philosophers, scientists, researchers. This is a person capable of introspection and one who knows how to penetrate into the very essence of things and phenomena.
  • 8 - a symbol of the material world and everything connected with it. The number of wisdom and self-confidence, love and acceptance of the world around in all its splendor. Ability to seek and find compromises in any situation
  • 9 - the number of people incredibly sociable, social. They do not represent life alone, they strive to surround themselves with friends and fans. They rejoice at new events and impressions. Communicative and able to find a common language with anyone

To understand which of the numbers corresponds to your personality, you need to make a numerological calculation and determine which numbers prevail in it.

Method of calculation

To create your own numerological chart, it is enough to know the date of your birth. The calculation method is quite simple and is based on the sequential addition of numbers.

It's very simple: for example, your date of birth is October 16, 1991. Add up: 1+6+1+9+9+1. We get: 27. Repeat the addition: 2 + 7 = 9. Nine will be the main number of your card.

There are a few exceptions. If your number turned out to be 11, 14, 16 or 19, they do not need to be reduced to one digit, but consider special values:

  • - a very powerful number, which is endowed with great magical meaning. A person whose life is affected by this combination is endowed with incredibly strong energy from birth. If this quality is developed, he may well become a psychic, a telepath, or discover other supernatural abilities in himself.
  • 22 is a symbol of a very rational person. Logic and reason always come first. Strictly follows the law, moral principles and obeys social norms. Weak side - a tendency to obey, fawning over the powers that be

13, 14, 16 and 19 are those that indicate negative manifestations of character:

  • 13 - extreme degree of selfishness. A person lives and acts only for the sake of his own desires and needs, he does not give a damn about others and does not take into account their interests. Egocentrism is the basis of life and the formation of principles
  • 14 - a person devoid of a sense of responsibility. Not from evil, but he constantly harms the people around him. Because of him, someone constantly suffers - suffers financial losses or moral harm. Tendency to dominate, lack of craving for spiritual development and indifference to others
  • 16 - a person who is his own law and authority. Complete contempt for social, moral, legislative norms. Refuses to be held responsible for misdeeds and committed actions that harm people and the world. Not able to control himself and limit in something. A life that is continuously connected with working off heavy
  • 19 - a tendency to self-abasement, low self-esteem, a complete lack of self-love and self-acceptance. Self-esteem is completely absent. It’s scary if such a person gets power - he can cause tremendous harm by abusing his powers.

Watch a video about the meaning of numbers in terms of numerology:

Key concepts of numerology

In addition to the main number, by date of birth, you can calculate several more main numbers that characterize the personality and the main karmic moments:

  1. . Indicates the karmic destiny of the soul that exists in the current incarnation of a person in the physical world
  2. Birthday number - indicates the ways in which the destination can be successfully fulfilled. The shortest way to realize the mission of the soul
  3. - shows the sources of filling with energy that are most correct for a particular person
  4. The number of appearance - reflects how the environment perceives you

Knowing how numbers affect your life, you can correct the negative aspects and shift the focus to the development of the strengths of the personality.

Bolgov Alexander

Without numbers, it would be very difficult and uninteresting for us to live. Numbers are stored in proverbs, sayings, riddles and allow you to better reveal their meaning.Although numbers have been around for a very long time, their relevance in the modern world is becoming increasingly important. All modern technologies are associated with numbers and are called digital, all information and even music is stored in a digital format. Date numerology allows you to reveal hidden opportunities, indicate the best path for personal development. This science has interested me, I want to learn more about it.





on the topic of:

"The role of numbers in our life"

Completed by: Alexander Bolgov

Pupil 2 L class

MAOU "Lyceum №121"

Cities of Kazan

Teacher: Fathullina G.A.


"Everything in the world is a Number!"

"Numbers rule the world"


At the very first math lesson, the teacher asked us: “Guys, why do you think we need numbers?” We began to answer: “Count. Compare, solve problems. And then Gulfiya Albertovna said that everything that we will do in the lesson with numbers will be very useful to us in life. I was interested in what role do numbers play in our life? For an answer, I turned to my teacher. She suggested that I do research and learn about the role of numbers in our lives.

From this follows the following Problems :

  • where do numbers meet in everyday life;
  • how we study numbers in the classroom and where they came from;
  • is it possible to do without numbers.

Thus, it is necessary to solve the following tasks :

  • collect and study material about numbers;
  • learn from literary sources where numbers can occur;
  • find out by observation where numbers occur in our lives and their influence on us;
  • interview students in our class and draw conclusions.

Target my job is to find out what role numbers play in our lives.

Hypothesis : I suppose that as a result of this work, I will learn how numbers are used in our lives.

Research methods: research, collection of information, analysis, observation, survey.

I need to collect information and process it. To do this, I can ask adults, look in encyclopedias, the Internet, observe the world around me. My parents and teacher will help me in my work.


  1. Origin of numbers

I started my research. Mom offered to open the Internet and find information about the origin of numbers in the encyclopedia. We found a lot of information. I didn’t understand everything, so my mother explained everything to me.

I realized that the numbers happened 5 thousand years ago in Egypt. For ancient people, life itself was a teacher. Ancient people used their fingers and toes to count.

Then pebbles, sticks, bones, ropes went for counting. They made notches on sticks, trees, stones, tied knots on strings. Pebbles were used to count the animals, put them in a bag. How many animals, so many pebbles.

Our figures came to us from India through the Arab countries. That is why we call them Arabic numerals. Arabic numerals in Russia were from 1 to 9 and had the number 0. And in ancient Rus', a digital system was used that did not have 0. Slavic letters served as signs in Rus'.

Thus, each letter had a dual role: a sign for word formation, and another for indicating a specific number. To highlight the letters in this last role, in the designation of numbers, a special icon (title) was placed above them. Such Slavic Cyrillic numbering was created by monk brothers, Slavic enlighteners, Cyril and Methodius.

  1. Numbers in riddles, proverbs and sayings, songs and poems

Proverbs and sayings, riddles folk wisdom. Even before school, I often came across numbers in riddles, proverbs and sayings. Each nation has its own set of proverbs, sayings and riddles. It was proverbs and sayings that became the true expression of folk wisdom. Thanks to proverbs, you can easily decide what to do in a difficult situation.

The basis of proverbs or sayings is an example of a life situation and sometimes a hint, sometimes a direct indication of the correct decision. Proverbs and sayings have been compiled for many centuries and embody the entire history of the development of the people. For example:

One in the field is not a warrior.

Two friends - frost and blizzard.

Don't know a friend in three days, find out in three years.

Without four corners, the hut is not cut.

The fifth wheel in the cart.

You, sixth, stay at the gate.

Seven times measure cut once.

The goat disappeared: it was eight - it became nine.

Ten people pull uphill, one pushes downhill.

Mystery - one of the most ancient genres of oral poetry. To date, a large number of the most diverse mysteries have been collected. Almost all children love to guess and guess riddles. Riddles are not just for fun. Riddles contain a lot of valuable information about the surrounding world. A riddle is a brief description of an object or phenomenon. The riddle is of particular importance for the development of thinking. Forces to observe, compare and compare phenomena. Therefore, the riddle is a kind of simulator for the mind. It teaches reflection and reasoning. Teaches to think logically, analyze and draw conclusions, highlight the most significant features and phenomena.

Two brothers in the water, looking -

Century will not converge. (Shores)

He has colored eyes

Not eyes, but three lights.

He took turns by them

Looking up at me. (Traffic light)

Under the roof are four legs,

And on the roof there is soup and spoons. (Table)

Five boys, five closets.

The boys dispersed to their closets. (Hand, gloves)

Games with numbers in their names:

"On one leg";

"Third wheel";

"Together one rope";

"Seven do not wait for one";

“I know five names, birds, animals…”.

I even learned a physical minute with numbers:

To wake up completely
Gotta pull up.
One - get up, pull yourself up.
Two - bend, unbend.
Three - in the hands of three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider
Five - wave your hands.
Six and seven - stand up with a smile.
Eight - you can start the day.

Slumber has overcome you,

Feeling reluctant to move?

Come on, do it with me

The exercise is:

Pull up, pull down

Finally wake up.

Stretch your arms wider.

One two three four.

Bend over - three, four -

And jump in place.

On the toe, then on the heel.

We are all exercising!

Poems about numbers:

Here is one, or one,

Very thin, like a needle.

And here is the number two.

Love what it's like:

Arches the deuce of the neck,

Tail dragging behind her.

And here it is, look

The number 3 comes up.

Three of the icons -

Consists of three hooks.

Three comes after four

Sharp elbow of a bulge.

Look, four is a chair

which I flipped.

Number 5 on paper.

Stretched out the hand to the right

The leg was sharply bent.

We are happy to accept it.

And there are other poems from numbers:

happy poem sad poem

2- 15- 42 511 - 16

42- 15 5 – 20 - 337

37- 08 5 712 - 19

20- 20- 20! 2000000 - 47

7- 14- 100- 0

2- 00- 13

37- 08- 5

20- 20- 20!

Chastushka: Counting:

117- 117 2 – 12 - 46

19- 9- 5 48 – 3 - 06

117- 117 33 – 1 - 103

48 -35! 8 – 30 – 32

And even songs: “33 cows” music by M. Dunaevsky, “Twice two four” words by M. Plyatskovsky, music by V. Shainsky, “Two cheerful geese lived with a grandmother”, Ukrainian folk song, “Together it’s fun to walk across the open spaces” words Matusovsky M. Shainsky V., "Four little black grimy imps" words Gin V., music Nikolaev I..

From literature and the Internet, I learned that numbers are used in the names of fairy tales, films, cartoons. For example: M. Mikhailov “Two Frosts”, S. Mikhalkov “Three Little Pigs”, V. Kataev “Seven-Flower Flower”, G. Oster “38 Parrots”, Brothers Grimm “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs”, S. Marshak “Twelve Months ”, “Ali Baba and 40 thieves”, Y. Olesha “Three fat men”, V. Kaverin “Two captains”.

  1. Learning numbers at school

In first grade math, we study numbers and numbers. We learned how many objects can be denoted by the numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

It was difficult to learn how to write numbers correctly and beautifully. They were clumsy and crooked, constantly crawling out of the cell.

We sculpted and painted them. We learned 7 notes in music lessons. In physical education lessons, we learned to count one at a time, for the first - the second, rebuild in a column of two, three, perform exercises counting.

Now everyone in our class can count to 10, 20 or 100. There are 28 first graders in our class: 18 girls and 10 boys. Each of the guys has 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 arms, 2 legs, 1 nose, forehead, stomach, head, 5 fingers on the hands and feet. 56 eyes look at the board and 56 ears listen.

I calculated: to get to the classroom, you must first climb the 7 steps to the porch of the school and open 3 doors. Our class is on the 1st floor, its number is 1-27.

What is a number and a figure? I turned to the explanatory dictionary, it turns out that the word number is multi-valued. In the first meaning, it denotes the basic concept of mathematics - the value with which the calculation is made. A digit is a character that represents a number. There are Arabic and Roman numerals.

4.Where do I meet numbers

Every person's life is surrounded by numbers: I was born on October 5, 2005, at 10:35 pm, weighing 3 kg. 580 gr., height - 50 cm. When I was 7 months old, I said "ma-ma", at 1 year old I started walking. At 1 year and 10 months I went to kindergarten, and at 4 I learned to read. I live at 30 B Academician Gubkin Street, apartment 112. At the age of 7 I went to school and discovered that numbers are everywhere:

  • on the doors of apartments;
  • at the entrances of houses;
  • on buildings;
  • on car numbers;
  • on documents;
  • in the store, on the market, on price tags;
  • in trams, buses, numbers on tickets;
  • theater seat number;
  • on the pages of books, magazines, calendars;
  • on things;
  • on money;
  • on the clock;
  • on road signs;
  • on toys, for example, cubes;
  • in the names of holidays (March 8, May 9, February 23, May 1);
  • every birthday also has a number (1 year, 2 years, 7 years old for me, 33 years old for my mom, 34 years old for dad);
  • on the packaging of any toy, food, things, equipment;
  • turning on the TV, I'm looking for channel 500 "Carousel", and my favorite program is "Homework Rescue Service", it comes out every day at 20 hours 55 minutes.
  1. Poll classmates

I was interested to know how my classmates feel about numbers. According to the results of the survey: 5, 8, 10, 11, 25, 57, 100, 99 and even 1 billion are their favorite numbers. Rarely seen with the numbers 4 people, while the other 22 are common. To the question: “Why do people need an account?” the guys answered like this: to solve problems and examples; to know what class you are in, how old you are; so that everything can be counted, including money, and to find out a lot of them or a little. This means that my classmates also often meet with numbers and understand that we cannot do without counting.

  1. How numbers affect our lives

Numerology is an ancient and interesting science that allows you to determine not only the psychological portrait of a person, but also learn a lot about health, talents, and the future. Even Pythagoras noticed: "The whole world is based on numbers." This science can tell about the future, help to recognize yourself. I believe that every number in a person's date of birth has its own meaning. We can find out how the date of birth affects the character of a person.

Adding 5 + 1 + 0 + 2 + 0 + 0 + 5 we get 13, we continue to add until we get a single-digit number, we get 1 + 3 = 4. My number is 4.

If the "fourth" child seems too slow to you, do not worry - this is the most methodical person in the numerological cycle. If he is convinced of anything, then forever! The first days of life are especially important when he should like you. "Fours" are very organized, and if you want to avoid conflict, refrain from shifting their belongings from one place to another and do not interfere with their privacy. How good it is to have a docile child who is also able to entertain himself and his brother or sister! Such independence, as well as a generous, trusting soul, cause a special affection. It seems to you that the baby does not really need you and does not require the attention that other children receive. In fact, the opposite is true. He, like no one else, needs love and attention, but, being completely unpretentious, he never shows it. At the same time, your child wants parents to always cheer him up and, constantly being somewhere nearby, can reach out a loving hand when he falls. Usually the "fours" choose a long path to fame and prosperity, but if they reach the end, they do it with brilliance.

In order to find out forecast for 2013 just for you, you need to calculate your destiny number. For example: Date of birth 05.10., the calculation is made as follows: 5+1+0+2+0+1+3=3, where 3 is your magic number.Feel that there is no way to keep up with the fast pace of life. But if you show perseverance, patience and ingenuity, then you can slowly but surely fulfill all the duties. For number 3, this is a year of changes, but only those that were planned in advance.

Thus, numerology makes it clear what the next year will be like, and helps not to make serious mistakes.


I was interested in doing research. We came to the conclusion that without numbers it would be very difficult and uninteresting for us to live. Numbers are stored in proverbs, sayings, riddles and allow you to better reveal their meaning.Although numbers have been around for a very long time, their relevance in the modern world is becoming increasingly important. All modern technologies are associated with numbers and are called digital, all information and even music is stored in a digital format. Date numerology allows you to reveal hidden opportunities, indicate the best path for personal development. This science has interested me, I want to learn more about it.

My closest people helped me to conduct the research – my parents, whom I love very much. My mother, helping me, learned to print and save what she typed in Microsoft Word, download information from the Internet and process it. Now we will learn how to make a presentation together.

Pythagoras was right: “Numbers rule the world!”


  1. Sysoev V.D. Proverbs and sayings. - Moscow, AST: Astrel, 2009 - 191s.
  2. Collection of proverbs and sayings of the Russian people. - Moscow: KRON-PRESS, 1996. - 240p.
  3. Old Russian proverbs and sayings - Moscow: Children's Literature, 1983. - 32p.
  4. Bykova V.V. Reader on Literature for Primary School., Philological Society "Slovo", AST, Moscow, 1996.
  5. Volina V.V. Holiday number, Moscow, "Knowledge", 1993
  6. Ozhegov S. I. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S. I. Ozhegov, N. Yu. Shvedova. - M.: Azbukovnik, 2000. - 940 p.
  7. Genere A., Steel W.F. Encyclopedia for the inquisitive Why and why, Azbuka-Atticus Publishing Group LLC, Tver, 2011. - 256 p.

Internet resources:



33 COWS ( words by N. Olev, music by M. Dunaevsky)

In the center of a big city,
Where the blade of grass does not grow,
There lived a poet, a magician of the word,
Inspirational rhyme.
He rhymed whatever
Just got exhausted
And to the village for the amendment,
Where cows nibbling grass
Was sent to rest.

Thirty-three cows
Thirty-three cows
Thirty-three cows
Fresh line.
Thirty-three cows
A new verse was born
Like a glass of fresh milk.
Thirty-three cows
A new verse was born
Like a glass of fresh milk.

At five in the morning he got up exactly,
That was not easy,
He read poetry to the cows
They gave milk.
Day by day the summer passed
Our poet has grown very much,
After all, the dairy diet
Good for poets
If they are only six years old.

TOGETHER FUN TO WALK (words by M. Matusovsky, music by V. Shainsky)


It's fun to walk across the open spaces together,

Through the expanses, through the expanses!

And of course it's better to sing along,

Better in choir, better in choir!

Sing with us quail - quail,

One needle, two needles - there will be a Christmas tree!

In the skies of dawn, the strip will swell,

Once a birch, two birches - there will be a grove!

Once a plank, two planks - there will be a ladder!

One word, two words - there will be a song!

We must choose a happy path.

One raindrop, two raindrops - there will be a rainbow!

Once a plank, two planks - there will be a ladder!

One word, two words - there will be a song!

TWICE TWO - FOUR (withlova Plyatskovsky M., music Shainsky V.)

Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
It's known to everyone in the whole world,
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
This is known to everyone in the whole world!
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not three, not five - you need to know this!
Two by two is four,
Two by two is four,
And not six, not seven - this is clear to everyone!

Three times three forever - nine,
Nothing to do here!
And it's easy to count
What is five five!
Five five - twenty five!
Five five - twenty five!
Quite right!

Who, friends, do not ask
Six eight - forty eight!
Six six - please consider
Always thirty-six!

Six six - thirty six!
Quite right!


Zero without a wand.
Zero attention.
Absolute zero, round zero.
Reduce to zero, reduce to zero.
Nothing comes from nothing.
Nothing new under the sun.
Nothing is given as a gift.

There is safety in numbers.

One spring at home is better than a hundred springs in a foreign land.
One bee will bring some honey.
Cut down one tree, plant ten.
Don't clap with one hand.
There is only one truth in the world.
Once doesn't count.
Alone in the sea is not a fisherman.
One hand does not knit a knot.
One plows, and seven wave their hands.
One head on the shoulders.
One leg here, the other there.
One wise head is worth a hundred heads.
One bee is better than a swarm of flies.
Better to see once than hear a hundred times.
In one place, even the stone is overgrown with moss.
One today is better than two tomorrow.
You can't tie a knot with one hand.
From one word to forever a quarrel.
The hedgehog has one strength - thorns.
One to go - and the road is long.
Once he lied, he became a liar forever.
Hands will overcome one, knowledge - a thousand.
A coward dies a hundred times, a hero only once

Woe for two is half grief, joy for two is two joys.
Two of a Kind.
I got ready for two hours, washed for two hours, dried myself for an hour, dressed for a day.
As two drops of water.
Who soon helped, he helped twice.
Lazy man works twice.
Between two fires.
For two words.
On two fronts.
Can't connect two words.
Not two, not one and a half.
One head it's good, but two better.
Two inches from the pot.
Double-edged sword.
Sit between two chairs.
Miser pays twice.
Kill two birds with one stone.
To gobble up both cheeks.
Lame on both legs.
Grandma said in two.
Second wind.
Two-faced Janus.
Two deaths cannot happen, but one cannot be avoided.
If you chase two hares, you won't catch one.
For one beaten they give two unbeaten.
Choose the lesser of two evils.

An old friend is better than two new ones.
Mind is good, but two is better.

Bouncer price - three kopecks.
Do not recognize a friend in three days - recognize in three years.
It takes three years to learn to be industrious; to learn to be lazy, it takes only three days.
Get lost in the three pines.
From the third mouth, from the third hands.
Three inches from the pot.
With three boxes.
Third day. Day before yesterday.
The promised three years are waiting.
Cry in three streams.

Without four corners, the hut is not cut.
A horse with four legs, and even then stumbles.
On all four sides.
Live within four walls.

Expensive - five, and directly ten.

Like the back of my hand.

Five oxen plow one plow.

The fifth wheel in the cart.

He has six tricks and five deceptions.

Three hairs in 6 rows are laid.
I had 6, there were seven left (jokingly they say to the one who made a mistake when counting, a gypsy saying).
Giving, taking, sharing a secret, asking, treating, accepting a treat - these are 6 signs of friendship (ancient Indian).
When 6 women go to mourn, each one cries about her own (Kyrgyz).
He has 6 tricks and five deceptions (Tuvian).
The number "six" turned over - the number "nine" turned around.
The number six is ​​a door lock: a hook on top, a circle on the bottom.

Measure 7 times, cut once!
Seven nannies have a child without an eye.
Seven feet under the keel.
One sheep has seven shepherds.
Seven do not wait for one.
7 spans in the forehead.
Seven sweats gone.
For a mad dog, seven miles is not a circle.
Three women are a market, and seven are a fair.
Seven Fridays in a week.
Seven deaths - do not happen, but one cannot be avoided.
Seven on benches.
Seven miles to heaven and all the forest.
We ate seven times, but did not sit at the table.
For seven miles of jelly slurp.
Seven gates and all in the garden.
For seven seals.
Seven wise men are cheaper than one experienced person.
Onion - from seven ailments.
One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon.
Seventh water on jelly.
Seven troubles - one answer.
Seven spans in the forehead.
Measure 7 times - cut 1 time.
Seven without four and three flew away.
The nose grew for seven - and one got it.
For a beloved friend, seven miles is not a suburb.
Not a big town, but seven governors.
Seven villages, one ox, and that goal, and ten officers.
Bow to Makar, and Makar to seven sides.
And you, the seventh, stay at the gate.
Seven axes lie together, and two spinning wheels apart.
For seven miles of jelly slurp.

The figure eight has two rings, without beginning or end.
Number eight, number eight
On the nose we always wear
Number eight plus hooks -
Get points...
Spring and autumn - on the day of weather eight
Seven, eight - let's discard laziness.

Nine mice were pulled together - the lid was pulled off the tub.
Having lost once, you will win nine times.
Nine people is the same as ten.
A bull costs ninety rubles, a haughty man is not worth nine kopecks.
A brave man has ten virtues: one is courage, nine is dexterity.

Ten people who know are not worth one who does the work.
- A smart man will hear once, but guess ten times.
- Dear - five, and directly ten.
- One year ate ten years.
One smart man drives ten crazy people.
What you can't do alone, ten can do
- The year then ended on the tenth moon with the fulfillment.
This was the number in the highest honor among the ancients.
In the sign of the fingers of ten, the usual account of the order,
Or that female childbirth is the tenth month,
Or, that in the reckoning, having reached, increasing, to the tenth figure,
Again, we must start counting from one.
- The tenth water is more sour.
- Whoever eavesdrops, under that land settles for ten suns (Japanese).
- On the marriage of your son, consult with ten, on divorce - with a hundred (Avar


How old is a chicken in an egg
How many wings does a kitten have
How many numbers are in the alphabet
How many mountains the tiger will swallow
How many tons does a mouse weigh?
How many crows in a flock of fish
How many hares did the moth eat
Only the number knows...(zero)

How many suns behind the clouds
How many refills are in a fountain pen
How many noses does an elephant have
How many watches are on your hand?
How many legs does a fly agaric have
And attempts at the sapper,
Knows and is proud of himself

How many ears on top
How many legs does a half frog have
How many mustaches does a catfish have
At the planet of the poles,
How many halves in total
In a pair of brand new shoes,
And the front paws of a lion
Only the number knows...(two)

How many months in winter
In summer, in autumn, in spring,
How many eyes does a traffic light have
Bases on the baseball field
The edges of a sports sword
And the stripes on our flag
Whatever anyone tells us
The number knows the truth...(three)

How many legs does a mongoose have
Petals in a cabbage flower
Fingers on a chicken leg
And on the back paw of a cat,
Tanya's hand with Petya
And all sides in the world
Yes, and the oceans in the world,
Knows the number...(four)

How many fingers are on the hand
And a penny in a patch,
At the starfish rays,
The beaks of five rooks,
Blades near maple leaves
And the corners of the bastion
Tell about it all
The numbers will help us...(five)

How many letters does the dragon have
And zeros for a million
Various chess pieces
Wings of three white hens,
May beetle legs
And the sides of the chest.
If we can't count ourselves
The number will tell us...(six)

How many colors are in the rainbow
Days in the week for whales.
Gnomes at Snow White,
Twin brothers at the pawn
Notes that even children know
And all the wonders in the world
deal with it all
The numbers will help us...(seven)

How many winds on the sea
And the hooves of two donkeys,
Octopus tentacles,
And the fangs of a pair of Great Danes?
How many legs does a spider have
If we ask about it
The number will answer us...(eight)

How many pirates in a dozen
If three have gone somewhere,
Months of the year without summer
Nonet performers,
Lives of a stray cat
And in a dozen flies without midges?
Don't look for the answer anywhere, because
Numbers have the answer...(nine)

How many stars are in the sky at night
How many bread crumbs are in bread
How many drops are in the rain
How many fish live in the water
How many legs does a polypod have?
Very very very…(a lot of)

The mysterious magic of numbers assigns to each number its own vibration, made up of a combination of certain properties. By deciphering the meaning of the numbers in the date of birth or name, you can find out the archetypal quality that embodies natural talents, character and fateful signs on the path of a person.

Since the time of Pythagoras, specific characteristics have been attributed to each elementary digit. Consider in detail the meaning of numbers in numerology.

What do the numbers from 1 to 9 mean in numerology?

As we mentioned earlier, each number in numerology has a strictly defined, "magic" meaning. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

The value of the number 0
It personifies absolute non-existence, non-manifestation of matter.
The meaning of the number 1
Power, might, courage, bravery, vitality.

The meaning of the numbers of a person's name

If the numbers of the date of birth determine the potential capabilities of a person, then the numbers of the name allow us to comprehend the hidden abilities given to him from birth.

The numerology of the name operates with three significant numbers:

  • The number of Destiny (name, expression, expression) - reveals the essence, the mission of man on Earth. The meaning of the numbers shows what talents nature endowed him with for the realization of his cherished goal.
  • Appearance Number- the designation of the image that the environment sees in a person.
  • The number of Personality, Soul (Heart, Heart Desire, Passion) - shows the source that encourages action.

Numbers and figures in the square of Pythagoras

The Pythagorean square is a separate structure in the numerology of numbers. Pythagoras took the meaning of numbers from the Egyptian priests as a basis and combined them with the mathematical aspect of quadratic harmony. To date, two methods are used to calculate the square of Pythagoras:

  • A technique described by numerologist David Phillips.
  • Psychomatrix - digital analysis by A. Alexandrov.

With the help of the square of Pythagoras and the Psychomatrix, one can calculate the characteristic features of a person: psychotype, degree of communication, professional inclinations, health potential. This technique is somewhat different from the classical one, you can find its detailed description on the pages of our website.

The study of numerology begins with determining the life path number, which is considered one of the most important, as it reveals the purpose of our life. Many people do not always clearly understand their purpose in life, knowing this number may make them reconsider their views.

There are eleven possible life path numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 22. 11 and 22 are called the main numbers, they contain more power than the other numbers.

To determine the life path number, you need to add the numbers in the date of birth and reduce the resulting result to a single digit, also by addition. If, when adding, the sum is 11 or 22, then we leave this result.

Life Path Number: Calculate

As an example, let's calculate the life path number for a young person born on July 12, 1973. We get the sum from the digits in his date of birth:

  • 7 (month)
  • 12 (day)
  • + 1973 (year)
  • 1+9+9+2-21 and 2+1=3

The life path number of this young man is 3.

  • 2 (month)
  • 29 (day)
  • + 1944 (year)
  • and 1+9+7+5=22.

The second example showed the need for just such a calculation, since we do not just add the numbers in a row, but make up the sum so as not to lose the main numbers. If we add the numbers in a row in the date of birth of a woman, we get the following:

  • 2 (month)+2+9 (day)+1+9+4+4 (year)=31
  • and 3+1=4.

As you can see from the example above, when adding in one line, we lost the main number.

Many are interested in what the life path number means? This is the sum of the day of the month of your birth, the date of birth and the year of birth. Having calculated it, you can find out how the date of your birth is connected with your destiny, and what message your birth carries in itself. The number of fate will help to reveal talents and indicate life goals. You will be able to find out what is destined for you by fate, and what obstacles you will have to overcome in the future.

Each life path number has its own special meaning.

Life path number 1

People with a life path number of 1 have to learn to be independent in order to achieve something in life. They usually begin their lives dependent on others and achieve a certain degree of independence as they mature. Ultimately, they become pioneers, innovators and leaders.

Some of them are selfish, like to be ahead of everyone, they are ambitious, determined, stubborn and progressive. These people have an inquisitive mind and leadership qualities, and are also careerists and can reach the highest position in their field. In addition, they have large personal needs that they need to satisfy. People with a life path number of 1 themselves are well aware of their qualities, although this may not be noticeable to others. Whatever their needs, it is safe to say that they will satisfy them.

However, there are also negative aspects in the life path.

  1. Some people find it very difficult to achieve independence and feel overwhelmed. In turn, others can take advantage of this, which is extremely unpleasant for people with a life path number of 1, although they are powerless to prevent this.
  2. Another important negative point is that people with a life path number of 1 are determined in life at the expense of others. They inadequately evaluate their own "I" and always think only about themselves.

Celebrities with destiny number 1

Among the famous names with a life path number of 1, one can note such as:

  • Charlie Chaplin;
  • Mikhail Gorbachev;
  • Salvador Dali;
  • Arthur Clark;
  • Ringo Star;
  • Danny DeVito;
  • Sting;
  • Florence Nightingale;
  • Richard Rogers;
  • George Washington.

Let's take the first president of the United States, George Washington, as an example. J. Washington was born February 22, 1732 in a plantation family in Virginia. He received an unsystematic formal education. He first had the opportunity to test himself during the French and Indian War (1754-1763), when he made two expeditions to the territory of Ohio. In 1775 he became commander of the troops of the state of Virginia, and in 1758 he left this post, as he was elected to the House of Parliament. In 1774, George Washington is elected to the first Continental Congress. A year later he was elected to the second Congress and in the same year (1775) he was appointed commander of the colonial forces.

Over the next five years, Washington gains a reputation as a popular and successful leader. He becomes chairman of the Constitutional Assembly, and two years later is elected by an overwhelming majority as the first president of the republic. In 1792 he was re-elected to this post. The life of Washington is a prime example of a man who knew what he wanted and achieved it with a strong determination.

Another representative example of a person with a life path number of 1 is Henry Ford, who was born July 30, 1863. If once he set a goal for himself, he strove for it with incredible perseverance. Like many other people, it took him many years to feel confident in his own abilities, to become independent and not depend on anyone. He was forty years old when he founded the Ford Motor Company in 1903. The famous Model T was put into production in 1908. By 1913, mass production enabled him to sell cars for $500. In 1927, at the age of 44, he introduced the Model A, and five years later, the V-8 engine.

Life path number 2

With people who have a life path number of 2, it is very easy to communicate. They are generous, charming and are good hosts, ready to help at any moment, it is easy to make friends with them. Such people prefer to constantly be in contact with someone, rather than stay on their own. They are sensitive, peaceful and intuitive by nature, easily express their feelings and are good friends. Often they are in the shadows. They are satisfied with the role of "gray cardinals". In this position, they do not always receive the full recognition they really deserve, but it is enough for them to know that they have done a good job.

But it happens that people with a life path number 2 are desperately trying to become leaders, even when they realize that they will not be able to achieve outstanding results in this role. But such a situation does not bring them happiness and harmony.

Famous people with destiny number 2

Among the famous people who have a life path number of 2, we can name:

  • Ronald Reagan;
  • Madonna;
  • Art Garfunkel;
  • Jacqueline Onassis;
  • Jem Lee Curtis;
  • Jules Verne;
  • Bobby Fischer;
  • Andrew Lloyd Weber.

Singer Karen Kapenter, born March 2, 1950, is also a Life Path 2. Karen was by all accounts a charming person, but she constantly needed her family's encouragement to get on stage and perform. In 1965 Karen, her brother Richard and their friend Wes Jacobs formed an instrumental trio. They soon decided to enter the Hollywood Bowl's band competition. Their trio won, and they were signed to record an album with RCA. Karen was only sixteen then.

The trio disbanded after recording two unreleased albums. A few years later, the songs of Karen and Richard, recorded on a demo tape, were heard by Herb Alpert. He liked them extremely, and he offered his brother and sister a contract with A&M. Their first hit was the Beatles' "Ticket to Ride". Then the song "Close to you" was recorded, which sold a million copies in 1970. Brother and sister recorded many hits, but Karen's career peak was an invitation to perform at the White House in 1974.

In 1975, Karen became ill with anorexia and the Capenters had to cancel their European tour because Karen was too weak to perform. In 1980, she married, but the marriage quickly fell apart. After several years of silence, she began to appear in public again. But in February 1983, after Karen visited her parents, she again fell ill. The doctors said that her long struggle with anorexia had weakened her heart. Obviously, she could not cope with the stress and tension inherent in the career of the singer. This is a typical problem for people with a life path number of 2.

Prince Philip(born 10 June 1921), husband of Queen Elizabeth II of Great Britain, is another good example of a life path number of 2. He does not strive to be the first, he knows that he will never be a leader, no matter what he does, and he plays a secondary role. Here he can be a peacemaker, a diplomat and someone who smooths out conflict situations.

Life path number 3

People with a life path number of 3 need self-expression in any way, ideally if it is creativity. It could be singing, acting or writing. Such people are usually interesting conversationalists and are happy to talk about the joys of life. Communication is their forte. They have a lively mind, rich imagination, always full of ideas. However, they often lack the initiative to implement their ideas. People with this life path number are friendly, sociable and responsive. They like to spend time in the company, they cannot be alone for a long time. They are carefree and often not serious.

The other side of this coin is that some people with a life path of 3 are overly frivolous and flighty. They are scattered on different activities, often do not bring anything to the end. Their superficiality disheartens those around them, especially when they begin to abuse alcohol, drugs and / or start to lead a wild life.

Celebrities with destiny number 3

Many representatives of show business have a life path number of 3:

  • John Belushi;
  • Bill Cosby;
  • Billy Crystal;
  • Alfred Hitchcock;
  • Johnny Mercer;
  • Olivia Newton-John.

Judy Garland(date of birth June 10, 1922) is also a good example of a person with a life path number of 3. She first appeared on stage at the age of three, and the first appearance on the screen occurred in 1936. World recognition came three years later when she played the role of Dorothy in the movie The Wizard of Oz.

But the status of a star turned out to be unbearable, it became more and more difficult for her to cope with this, so for the last fifteen years her life was filled with drugs, nervous breakdowns and even suicide attempts. However, she pulled herself together many times and again starred in films that were a resounding success in New York and London.

Life path number 4

People with a Life Path of 4 are practical and dependable, conscientious and well organized, and like to follow the rules. They are able to create order out of chaos, are very hardworking and love to see the results of their work. They are ready to work patiently for many years if they are sure that their efforts are not in vain. They pay a lot of attention to details and love sophisticated complex tasks. They tend to be unshakable and stubborn, sometimes it is difficult for them to change a decision already made. They are clear about what they like and don't like and are not afraid to speak their mind.

The flip side is that often people with a Life Path of 4 are unwilling to limit themselves, as a result of which they can even suppress others. Another disadvantage of such people is their inability to fully assess the situation, which ultimately turns into unused opportunities and, in some circumstances, disappointment.

Celebrities with destiny number 4

Famous people with a life path number of 4 include:

  • Joseph Patrick Kennedy;
  • Jean Cocteau;
  • Guglielmo Marconi;
  • Fanny Brice;
  • Robert Heinlein;
  • Duchess of Windsor.

Sir Thomas Beecham, born April 29, 1879, famous conductor, life path number - 4. Luck smiled on him by chance when the Halle Orchestra arrived in his hometown in England without a conductor. For the twenty-year-old Beecham, who almost without rehearsals began to conduct the orchestra, then the finest hour came. His cherished desire was to become a concert pianist, but after a wrist injury in 1904, he abandoned this idea and finally concentrated on conducting. His first public performance was in London in 1905, and a year later he founded his own orchestra. In 1910, Beecham conducted the orchestra during his first operatic season at Covent Garden, introducing listeners to works never before performed in Britain.

During World War I, Beecham toured Britain with a small opera company, for which he was knighted in 1916. In 1920, the main opera season, held in London, practically ruined it. After this tragedy, he did not appear in public. In 1932 Beecham founded the London Philharmonic Orchestra. During World War II, he made a major tour of the United States and Australia. After returning to London in 1944, he founded the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra. Beecham conducted, wrote and toured until his death in 1961.

Life path number 5

People with a life path number of 5 are fickle and able to do several things at the same time. They become restless and impatient when they feel limited in something. They love to travel, have fun, be distracted from everyday affairs. Very resourceful and happy to solve problems. At the beginning of their life path, they can do something non-professional, but once they find their way, they quickly achieve great success. Always curious, full of energy and young at heart.

The negative side of the life path number 5 is that such people are not able to focus on anything and often rush from one extreme to another. Many experiment or abuse alcohol, drugs, and are promiscuous.

Celebrities with a Life Path Number of 5

Among the famous people with a life path number of 5 are:

  • Sir Isaac Newton;
  • Mark Twain;
  • Helen Keller;
  • Sir Arthur Conan Doyle.

Abraham Lincoln(date of birth: February 12, 1809) is another example of a person with a life path number of 5. He began his life path modestly, he practiced law in Illinois in the 30s and 40s of the XIX century. He became a member of Congress in 1847, and he was also one of the prominent organizers of the Republican Party. In 1856, he ran for senator from Illinois, but was unsuccessful. However, the debates he held made him a famous person in the country, and in 1860 he was elected president.

During the entire period of his presidency, a war was waged with the Southern states. Lincoln freed the slaves in these rebellious states in 1863. In 1964 he was re-elected president, and in 1965 he was assassinated. Open-mindedness, the desire for knowledge, enthusiasm and energy are examples of the positive traits of the life path with the number 5.

Life path number 6

People with a life path number of 6 are caring and responsible. They like to take on the problems of others and offer their shoulder so that others can lean on it. They especially love to help those they care about, become members of the family of those who turn to them for help in difficult times. Such people know how to please with good results, solving the problems of others. Sympathetic, loving and kind, they are happy surrounded by their friends and loved ones. Often these are creative individuals.

It is very rare to find people using the number 6 negatively. However, people who take on the responsibilities and concerns of others often end up overburdened with other people's problems.

Celebrities with a Life Path Number of 6

Among famous people with a life path number of 6:

  • Richard Nixon;
  • Dwight Eisenhower;
  • Jawaharlal Nehru;
  • Sylvester Stallone;
  • Stevie Wonder;
  • Hoagy Carmichael;
  • John Lennon;
  • Thomas Edison.

They also include Albert Einstein, born March 14, 1879. In 1905, Einstein published four research papers, each of which contained new discoveries in the field of physics. World fame came to him in 1919, when he created the theory of relativity. Two years later, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work in theoretical physics, especially for discovering the laws of the photoelectric effect. In 1933 he began working at the Institute for Basic Research in Princeton (New Jersey, USA).

Elizabeth Kubler-Ross(born July 8, 1926) is a prime example of a humanist whose goal in life was to help others. She was born in Switzerland. Studied medicine. In 1958 she emigrated to the United States and immediately became known for her innovative approach to working with people with chronic diseases. The book "On Death and Dying" (1969) brought her worldwide recognition. Elizabeth worked actively with children with chronic diseases for a long time, and after some time she began to work with HIV-infected children.

People with a life path number of 7 take time to accumulate knowledge and wisdom. They have their own unique approach to everything they do. This determines their originality, at the same time it is difficult for them to adapt to circumstances, in addition, sometimes it is difficult for them to feel part of a team.

Such people prefer a few close friends to a large circle of acquaintances. At first, it may be difficult for them to establish contact with a person, as they “protect themselves” by creating various barriers, but once they have made friends with someone, they will completely trust him. Sevenths are reserved, sometimes even too suspicious, closed, but spiritual people, the philosophy of their life is improved as they gain life experience.

Negative manifestation: people with a life path number of 7 may find it impossible for themselves to approach others and withdraw into themselves. They become very closed off.

Celebrities with a Life Path Number of 7

Famous people with this life number include:

  • Queen Elizabeth II;
  • Louis Pasteur;
  • John F. Kennedy;
  • Jim Henson;
  • Oliver North;
  • Bob Geldof;
  • Mel Gibson;
  • Johnny Cash;
  • Lech Walesa;
  • Andy Warhole.

Sir Winston Churchill, born November 30, 1874, also had a life path number of 7. After school, he graduated from the Royal Military College and served as a junior officer in the post of war correspondent in Cuba, India and South Africa. He became involved in politics in 1900, being a member of the Conservative Party. Four years later he became a member of the Liberal Party. His rise was swift, Churchill did a lot to strengthen the British fleet before the First World War. He served as a military officer from 1915 to 1916 before returning to Parliament, at the end of the war as Minister of War Supplies.

After the war, W. Churchill was Minister of War, Minister of the Colonies and Chancellor of the Exchequer. The best years of his reign were the period from 1940 to 1945. as prime minister. He was not re-elected in 1945, but became Prime Minister again in 1951, resigning in 1955.

Throughout his political career, Churchill did not stop writing, using the research talent characteristic of people with a life path number of 7.

Its owners like to engage in large-scale affairs, as well as to benefit from their success. They set goals and achieve them. They are ambitious, determined and consistently achieve results. These people live in the real world and don't waste time on illusions. They know how to make money and can be generous if they succeed in this. Good psychologists with leadership inclinations, they usually occupy responsible positions. They tend to be firm and stubborn in their views, although they do not notice these character traits in themselves.

Those who use this life path negatively earn large sums of money, but at the expense of health, happiness, and relationships. They can be impatient, vindictive and tireless.

Celebrities with a Life Path Number of 8

Among famous people with a life path number of 8:

  • Ginger Rogers;
  • Pablo Picasso;
  • George Harrison;
  • Barbra Streisand;
  • Lyndon Baines Johnson;
  • Gene Kelly;
  • Elizabeth Taylor;
  • Jim Baker.

George Bernard Shaw(date of birth July 26, 1856) completes this list. His family went bankrupt, he received an incomplete education, wrote five unpublished novels, and in 1895, realizing that he would not work as a playwright, he accepted an offer to become a theater critic. Initially very shy, he managed to become a good public speaker. In 1898 he failed, but a year later he made his first success at the age of 43.

Andrew Carnegie, born November 25, 1835, is a prime example of a person with a life path of 8 who became a multimillionaire. He was born in Scotland and emigrated to the United States in 1848. At the age of 15, he began working in a cotton mill, his first low-paying job before joining the construction of the Pennsylvania Railroad in 1853. In 1865, he retired, having reached the position of manager, and founded his own business. His company became the largest iron and steel company in the United States, and in 1901 he sold it for nearly $500 million.

Then he became an active philanthropist, which is typical for people with this life path number. For example, he invested in the creation of 2500 libraries in the UK, USA and Canada. He also supported American and Scottish universities by founding several charitable foundations. The largest of these is the Carnegie Corporation of New York, to which Carnegie bequeathed $125 million for charitable purposes.

People with a life path number of 9 are prone to self-sacrifice. Being sensitive, caring, having a pronounced need to serve others, they take pleasure in providing this or that help to others. These people give more than they receive. These qualities can easily be used by others. By nature, such people are romantics. They are very disappointed when their deep true love is not reciprocated. Their humanism seems abstract. They are creative people. Often they become writers, although their creativity can manifest itself in other areas.

The negative manifestation of the number 9: the temptations of the material world can turn people with this life path number into soulless, selfish money-grubbers, which is contrary to their nature and therefore does not bring them satisfaction in life.

Celebrities with a Life Path Number of 9

Among famous people with the number 9:

  • Shirley MacLaine;
  • Dustin Hoffman;
  • Harrison Ford;
  • Patrick Swayze;
  • Benazir Bhutto;
  • Jimmy Carter;
  • Jack Nicklaus;
  • Nelson Rockefeller;
  • Carl Gustav Jung;
  • Carlos Castaneda.

Albert Schweitzer, born January 14, 1875, could have been successful in many areas, but devoted his life to providing humanitarian assistance in a small village in Africa. He is known as a theologian, philosopher, musician, doctor, author of many scientific works.

In 1899, Schweitzer received his doctorate in philosophy. A year later, he was awarded a degree in theology. His book on theology, published in 1906, brought him worldwide recognition in this field. At the same time, he developed his musical abilities. His career began with a series of organ concertos in Strasbourg in 1893. The first publication on the subject of music was the work “I.S. Bach: Musician-Poet", which was published in 1905.

In the same year, he announced his intention to become a goodwill doctor. Schweitzer refused to work at the university and began to study medicine. He completed his studies in 1913. Immediately, together with his wife, they sailed to equatorial Africa, where they spent most of their lives working in a hospital that they themselves built for the indigenous people. Schweitzer was interned during World War I but returned to Africa in 1924 to rebuild his hospital. The hospital expanded, and in 1963 he could treat 350 patients. During his life he published many books, read countless lectures, gave many concerts, performing works by Bach.

Mahatma Gandhi(date of birth October 2, 1869) is another significant example of a person with a positive manifestation of the number 9 in life. In India, he was revered as "the great soul of the country", in the rest of the world he is remembered as a supporter of a policy of non-violence.

Gandhi was educated in India and England. In 1893 he visited South Africa where he encountered racial discrimination. For appeals to the South African government in defense of equality, he was imprisoned. Returning to India in 1919, M. Gandhi began to engage in politics. He led the Indian National Congress against violence. Party members were repressed during World War II, but his efforts were not in vain, as India became an independent state in 1947. M. Gandhi was killed on January 30, 1948.

Numbers 11 and 22 are considered the main ones in numerology. People with such numbers are perfect in spirit, who have already learned a lot in a past life, and now they have to go through more serious tests. (In the East, many believe in reincarnation.) The soul of people with the main number of the life path often migrates, and now it has the opportunity to leave its mark on this world. Unfortunately, many people fail to use at least part of their potential.

The degree of nervous tension associated with the main numbers also affects the ability to achieve goals. People with these numbers very rarely achieve success at the beginning of their life. In their youth, they are similar to people with a life path number of 2 or 4, but gradually gain self-confidence, gradually showing the features characteristic of the main numbers. As a rule, they achieve the greatest success at the end of life.

Life path number 11

Characterizes idealists and dreamers. They give rise to unique ideas, but more in dreams than in reality. However, with sufficient motivation, they are good at what they do and can achieve a lot. Since their ideas are not always of practical use, they need to evaluate their strengths before implementing them. They have good intuition, and are also very caring.

People who use life path number 11 negatively are hopeless dreamers who achieve little in life and live in a world where it is difficult to separate reality from fantasy.

Over the past two hundred years, few have had the 11th number of the life path. This is due to the fact that most birth dates are reduced to the number 2, not 11. However, the situation will change in the near future. (For example, the son of a friend of mine was born on March 30, 1985.). No wonder there will be more such people in the 21st century as we enter the Age of Aquarius.

Celebrities with a Life Path Number of 11

Famous people with this life path number include:

  • Hans Christian Andersen;
  • Beatrice Potter.

Harry Houdini, born March 24, 1874, also had a life path of 11. He was definitely a man of ideas and managed to accomplish a lot. Even today, more than 70 years after his death, when talking about illusionists, we name Harry Houdini first.

Harry was the son of a rabbi who emigrated from Hungary to the United States of America. His real name is Eric Weiss. He took the stage name Houdini after his idol, the famous French magician Robert Houdin. He started his career as an acrobat and then became a circus performer after realizing that he could attract a large number of spectators with his incredible dexterity. Harry demonstrated the ability to free himself from chains.

In addition, he spoke out against charlatan mediums. Harry loved his mother very much, and when she died, he tried to contact her through mediums. To his dismay, many of them were found to be using simple tricks. Exposing the charlatans, he continued to believe in seances, so he agreed with his wife to conduct seances after the death of one of them. For ten years after Houdini's death, his widow Bessie held a séance every year on the day of his death. Unfortunately, the experiment did not bring any results.

Life path number 22

People with a life path number of 22 are able to achieve a lot. Usually they make grandiose plans. They have enough opportunities that only need to be directed in the right direction. People with the number 22 often dream, but unlike people with the number 11, they fulfill their dreams. They are practical, often not respecting conventions. Charismatic. Able to amuse and inspire others with words and actions.

The negative side of this path is selfishness. People with this life path use their exceptional abilities only to achieve their own goals and do not pay attention to the needs of others. Sometimes they admit that they are selfish, but it is difficult for them to change for the better.

Celebrities with destiny number 22

Famous people include:

  • Elton John;
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger;
  • Marie Curie;
  • Marcel Marceau.

Comedian Danny Bruce, born October 13, 1925, is a good example of a person with a life path number of 22. Possessing a powerful and promising potential, however, he could not cope with the vicissitudes of fate and ruined himself with drugs. Bruce was self-educated as he dropped out of school and joined the Navy in 1942. However, he was demobilized at the conclusion of psychiatrists due to homosexual inclinations.

With the encouragement of his mother, he began performing in nightclubs and was declared a "discovery" in 1948. His popularity grew, but in 1964 Bruce was arrested allegedly for insulting morality (but in fact - for the bright, satirical and caustic nature of the sketch). After this incident, the police began to constantly pursue him. Every day Bruce became more and more gloomy. In 1965, his debts were $40,000. According to the official version, he died of a drug overdose on August 3, 1966.

Margaret Thatcher(date of birth October 13, 1925) is also a vivid example of a person with a life path number of 22. Her childhood and youth were not colored by anything significant, but in politics, she reached the highest heights of a political career, becoming the Prime Minister of England and retaining this post for herself During a long time.

Numerology. The magic of numbers. The number of fate, the secrets of numbers in life

Municipal state educational institution

"Krasnoseltsevskaya secondary school"

Bykovsky municipal district of the Volgograd region



"The Meaning of Numbers

Sustova Elizaveta, 6th grade

Yusupova Dinara, 6th grade

Project Manager:

Ryzhova Natalya Mikhailovna, teacher of mathematics

Research objectives:

    Acquaintance with the basics of the science of numerology;

    Pay attention to the influence of numbers on the fate of a person.

    Comparative analysis of human qualities, manifested in life, with characteristics according to the laws of numerology.

Object of study:personality traits

Subject of study:the relationship of human qualities with the laws of numerology

Hypothesis:the characteristics given by numerology to a person coincide with the qualities of a person.

Methods:search, practical, analysis.

Work plan:

    Study the literature provided by the teacher.

    Find information on a topic on the Internet.

    draw conclusions on the topic.

    Present the results of the study in the form of a presentation.

Description of work:

Numbers mean a lot in our life. Knowing the date of birth, you can say a lot about the character of a person, about his inclinations and aspirations. You can guess what's in store for him in the future...


We are very interested in this topic. We always wanted to learn something new about numbers. After all, the world of numbers is very mysterious and interesting.

This topic is relevant because numbers are very important in our world. If there were no numbers in the world, then we would not know how old we are, in what century or year we live.

We wanted to learn as much as possible about the origin of numbers, about their meaning in our lives.

The magical properties of numbers have excited people for thousands of years. The “Holy Trinity”, an odd number of flowers in a bouquet, “The Devil's Dozen”, in many countries there are no planes and houses with the number 13, etc. have come down to us. Numerology is able to tell a lot about the personality and what is given from birth.

Numbers don't rule the world

but they show

how the world is run.

Johann Goethe

    From the history of numbers

What is a number? A number is a set of certain digits, when viewed from a mathematical point of view. In addition, these sets of certain numbers constantly appear in our lives, starting from the date of birth and continuing with a daily continuous stream: date, time, money, phone number, identification code, meter readings, etc. By definition, NUMBER is the number of objects in abstraction from them. Numbers characterize the quantitative side of any phenomena, events, processes, that is, everything that can become the subject of our research.

Learn a little about the history of numbers.

The ancient people, apart from a stone ax and a skin instead of clothes, had nothing, so they had nothing to count. Gradually they began to domesticate cattle, till the fields and harvest; trade appeared, and here one cannot do without an account. First, they counted on the fingers, when the fingers on one hand ended, they switched to the other, and if there were not enough on both hands, they switched to the legs. But how to remember who owes whom, how many foals have been born and how many horses are now in the herd, how many sacks of corn have been collected? That's when people came up with numbers...

The ancient Mayan people drew scary heads instead of numbers, like aliens, and it was very difficult to distinguish one figure head from another.

The Indians and the peoples of Asia, when counting, tied knots on laces of different lengths and colors. Some rich people accumulated several meters of this rope “account book”, go and remember in a year what four knots on a red cord mean! Therefore, the one who tied the knots was called a memorizer.

The ancient Egyptians on very long and expensive papyri wrote very complex, cumbersome signs instead of numbers. For example, here is what the number 5656 looked like.

It was very inconvenient to store fragile and heavy clay tablets, ropes with knots, rolls of papyrus. And this continued until the ancient Indians invented their own sign for each number. Here's what they looked like. A little later, the Arabs simplified these icons, and they began to look like this.

But in Russia, numbers appeared only under Peter I, before that, each number had its own letter of the alphabet.

    The art of numerology.

Many people are sure that all the blows of fate are destined from above, that is, the fate of a person has already been determined and, no matter what he does, it is impossible to change it. So thought the French writer Balzac. He also said that for each person the number of all the troubles allotted to him, and their nature, is predetermined and calculated.

Is it possible to find out exactly how many troubles and misfortunes, and how many happy days are destined for everyone in his life? In search of an answer, scientific minds even before our era paid attention to numbers and began to attribute magical meaning to them.

"All things can be represented in the form of numbers," said the ancient Greek scientist and philosopher Pythagoras. Thus, he made it clear that the world is ruled by numbers and a secret is hidden behind every number.

Have you ever thought at least once about the meaning of numbers in a person's life, about the meaning of numbers in our lives with you? .. what is hidden in ordinary plain numbers? And why are any encodings carried out using numbers?

In fact, it is not in vain that there is a whole science of numerology, which studies the influence of numbers on our lives. Let's try to understand the basics of number theory. This science was born in ancient times. In which numbers fascinated humanity. The inhabitants of Ancient Egypt, Judea and Phoenicia endowed numbers with special magic. Numerology of numbers is the ancient science of the hidden meaning of numbers. Its ancestor was the mathematician and astrologer Pythagoras (580-500 BC), he put forward the belief that numbers dominate everything in a person's life. Despite the fact that it is Pythagoras who is considered the father of numerology of numbers, this science has long been developed by other peoples.

The art of numerology allows us to reveal the secrets of numbers, to learn their magical meaning, and, perhaps, to find answers to questions that previously defied any explanation. The main meaning of numerology is that between the phenomena of the Universe and a person, the connection occurs through numerical values ​​and is deciphered by mathematical operations. Therefore, with the help of certain calculations, you can find out what is destined for a person by fate. Any person has not one “numerical value”, but several. Each of them is responsible for a certain area - relationships, character, purpose. In order to find out these numerical codes, it is enough to know:

    exact date of birth

    surname, name, patronymic

    meanings of numbers and letters

With the help of numerology, you can find explanations for many conflicts and disagreements, find an approach to a person who is dear to you.

House and apartment number, phone and car number, passport number and date of birth... So many numbers in our lives! Numerology - the mysticism of numbers - claims that these numbers are not given by fate by chance. Everyone has “their” number given at birth.

"Number - essence"

Many numerical codes of a person change during life, for example, the address of residence or surname, but the date of birth remains the same for everyone. The day, month and year of birth are the main numbers in a person's life. The entity number is calculated using this data. For example: 01.11.2003

Then I sum all the numbers: 0+1+1+1+2+0+0+3 . I write down the result 8 .

Add up until one digit remains.

My number is 8 .

This number means the number of the entity.

Essence number 1 endows its owner with such qualities as activity, striving for leadership, and patience.

A person with the number of Essence 2 is characterized by softness, tact, non-conflict. His life flows measuredly, cyclically, all situations repeat themselves sooner or later, at certain intervals.

People with Essence number 3 have very great potential. They will never miss their own, live for today, take only those cases that will bring great benefits, without wasting their energy on trifles.

Essence number 4 promises its owners a stable, disciplined life, the main mission of which, they consider to be the development of a sense of justice and the accumulation of experience. These people are very honest and reliable.

A person with Essence number 5 easily adapts to any circumstances and conditions, spontaneously lights up with new ideas or activities. They approach any business with cheerfulness, resourcefulness and imagination. Distinctive features of such people are creativity, originality, enthusiasm and mobility.

People born with Essence number 6 are very ambitious, they strive to make themselves, to prove to others their significance.

Essence number 7 endows a person with creativity, an easy attitude to life and strong intuition, which gives them the opportunity not to think about many things, but simply to follow the call of the heart. Among them are many speakers, artists, designers.

Essence number 8. The life of these people is filled with anxiety and spontaneity. They have a strong character and violent willpower, for them there is no word "impossible".

The main mission in the lives of people with Essence number 9 is salvation and help to other people. A person with the number 9 is endowed with a good intellect, but he needs a profession related to spiritual values, economics or finance are contraindicated for these people.

Thus, it becomes clear that we are accompanied in life not just by numbers, but by signs of fate that can be used.

The value of numbers in a person's life is difficult to overestimate, because even the name, patronymic and surname are encoded using certain numbers, deciphering which you can understand the fate of a person.


Not only numbers, but also letters or sound symbols act in conjunction with numbers and necessarily affect a person. The name and its bearer influence each other. Numbers will help clarify this connection.

You need to add up all the numbers in your first and last name and thus come to a number of one digit, which can be considered your lucky talisman.

The letter and the number that corresponds to this letter (slide)

A - 1, B - 2, C - 6, G - 3, D - 4, E - 5, F - 2, H - 7, I, Y - 1, K - 2, L - 2, M - 4, H - 5, O - 7, P - 8, R - 2, C - 3, T - 4, U - 6, F - 8, X - 5, C - 3, H - 7, W - 2, W - 9, S - 1, b - 1, E - 6, Yu - 7, I - 2

To find out what number can be considered your talisman, you must first write your full name, patronymic and surname. For example, Yusupova Dinara Anvarovna. I look at the table, write out all the numbers that correspond to each letter in the first name, patronymic and last name, and add them up.

7+3+6+8+7+6+1 + 4+1+5+1+2+1 + 1+5+6+1+2+7+6+5+1 = 86 = 8 + 6 = 14 = 1+4 = 5

So my talisman is a number 5 .

If your talisman is number 1, be prepared for the fact that it will reward you with such character traits as the desire for leadership, the desire to be the best, the thirst for honor and respect. One will give your behavior generosity, pride, desire for creation, initiative, a sense of responsibility, justice. The number 1 can be correlated with the sun. Therefore, a medallion in the shape of the sun will be a good talisman, but on its reverse side it is necessary to write or scratch out a unit. For a talisman, a coin worth 1 kopeck is also useful, only it should be made of yellow metal.

Two is a symbol of openness, emotionality, spiritual giftedness. Therefore, we can expect that this particular number will give you more friendliness, fidelity and sensitivity. Two is the symbol of the moon. Therefore, you can use silver trinkets for the talisman, for example, a silver ring. Do not forget to engrave 2 on the outer or inner side of the ring, otherwise the talisman will not work.

Three is a mysterious number. This talisman makes people optimistic, they are not afraid to make decisions and take risks, because they are sure that they will always win. The number 3 sets up its owners for a positive attitude towards themselves and others. Three attracts happiness and harmony like a magnet, so very rarely people whose talisman number 3 are unhappy. For a talisman, you can use an equilateral triangle. It can be a pendant or other decoration. In order for the talisman to act as a talisman against the envy of strangers, you can depict the number 3 on the talisman.

The four-talisman makes people wayward and stubborn. They strive to live not according to generally accepted rules, but according to their own standards. For a talisman, you can use everything that consists of four components: a cube, a parallelepiped, a square, a cross, and even a flower with four petals. In the center of the talisman, you must write the number 4.

The number 5 is a symbol of success and completeness, so the talisman in the form of the number 5 gives people a lively and mind that allows them to find a way out of any situation. Five makes it possible to find a rational grain in every business, to take the initiative. Those whose talisman is the number 5 always strive to try their hand at rare professions. For a talisman, it is good to use a five-pointed asterisk. It can be worn around the neck as a pendant, pinned to a dress as a brooch, or simply put in a pocket.

6 - usually this number is the talisman of those who are loved by everyone without exception. The six not only gives them charm, but also allows you to bypass all the pitfalls in life. The talisman in the form of the number 6 allows you to achieve everything very easily, with almost no effort.

The symbol for the number 6 can be a six-pointed asterisk or an equilateral hexagon. Be sure to write on the talisman 6. You can draw a hexagon on paper and carry it in your wallet or pocket, then you will feel how luck smiles at you

7 is an unstable and somewhat magical number. If, as a result of the test, you found out that this particular number is your talisman, it is safe to say that you have some unusual abilities, for example, excellent intuition. For a talisman, you can depict a treble clef or an equilateral heptagon. You can write 7 on paper and always have this sheet with you.

The number eight symbolizes infinity. If you understand that this is your lucky number, you are destined to live a long, comfortable life. For a talisman, you may well use two rings linked together. Firstly, such a talisman resembles the number 8, and secondly, it symbolizes the rings of Saturn. After all, the figure eight is a symbol of the planet Saturn.

Nine-talisman is able to give the character of a person initiative, enterprise, energy, self-confidence. However, the nine can reward too self-willed people with ruthlessness, arrogance, a contemptuous attitude towards everyone they consider below themselves.

If your talisman is the number 9, you can use a flower with nine petals for it, or just a circle with 9 written in the middle.

So, now we know a little more about the meaning of numbers and their impact on our lives.

    Research results.

For our research work, we used the data of 15 of our classmates and, on the basis of a summary table of research data (Appendix 1), compiled a diagram “The number of coincidences of a person’s qualities with his characteristics according to numerological laws” (Appendix 2).

Analyzing and comparing the obtained data, I found out that by the number of name matches 67% , by number of birthday matches 80%

We learned that the favorite number in the class is 7

And we also asked if our classmates think that the date of their birth affects fate? (Appendix 3).

Thus, we can conclude that with the help of numerology with a probability of more than 70% it is possible to characterize a person, but one should not blindly believe everything magical.

    Conclusion. Conclusions.

While working on this topic, we learned a lot of new things from the history of the emergence of numbers of different peoples and times.

In the course of the research work, we got acquainted with the basics of the science of numerology, studied some of its sections, and we came to the conclusion that the characteristics of a person given by numerology basically coincide with reality. Numerology indicates not only positive, but also negative qualities of a person. Knowing about them, you can fight them. A person can always find ways to change something in his destiny. To do this, you need to learn to evaluate yourself and your actions realistically, to know your capabilities and inclinations that are given to you from birth. In the future, when choosing a profession, you can take into account those recommendations that correspond to us in numerology.

Having carried out a comparative analysis of the qualities of a person, manifested in life, with the characteristics according to the laws of numerology, they confirmed the hypothesis put forward about the coincidence of the characteristics given by numerology to a person with the qualities of the person himself.

Yes, numbers play a huge role in human life. A lot can be explained with numbers. We realized that it is impossible to do without knowledge of mathematics. Therefore, mathematics is called the queen of sciences.

The set goals and objectives have been fully achieved.

Thank you for your attention!


    Pictures and animations: http://ru.androlib.com/appscreenmax/injtp.u.cs.png, http://miranimashek.com/photo/23-0-14654

    Fundamentals of numerology: new-numerology.ru›osnovi.htm

    Portrait of Lomonosov:






Annex 1

Full Name


Date of Birth

Entity number

Akhmedov Adyl Makhamadovich

Amirov Ferdy Shirinovich

Bogatyrev Egor Alexandrovich

Ilmensky Alexander Vladimirovich

Mendeshev Ruslan Anatolievich

Sarsikeev Ruslan Alekseevich

Sustova Elizaveta Amanzhanovna

Dursunov Emrul Makhamadovich

Akhmedov Akram Akhmadovich

Arshimov Erbulat Armanovich

Davletkaliev Roman Anatolievich

Kairova Aina Amyrzhanovna

Muzaffarova Leyla Mahsudovna

Shakhsadinova Gulmira Sunnatovna

Yusupova Dinara Anvarovna

A frequently occurring number - a talisman are the numbers: 5 and 1.

Essence numbers: 4, 6, 8.

Analyzing the data, we came to the conclusion that in fact, in our class, mostly initiative, fair, active classmates with a strong character, ready to prove their need to the class, achieve their goal.

Annex 2

Annex 3

Do you think that the date of your birth affects your destiny?

Didn't notice

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