Rinat name meaning character and destiny. Different languages



Renat is a name of late Latin origin. According to the main version, it comes from the word "renatus", which translates as "newly born" or "reborn". There are no other versions of its origin and interpretation. And by the way, it is a name synonymous with the male name Rinat, which is also in demand ...

The male name Renat today is not very popular even on the territory of the former Soviet Union, although in the nineties it was incredibly popular, especially among the common people. It has excellent compatibility with a variety of female names, both foreign and purely Russian ...

Popularity: The name Renat is not included in the hundred of the most popular male names and, according to statistics, it accounts for no more than 1 boy out of 1000 newborns.

Conversational options: Not available

Modern English counterparts: Not available

The meaning and interpretation of the name

According to the main version, the meaning of the name Renat promises the person named by him such traits as leadership, straightforwardness, openness, prudence, seriousness, discipline, diligence, compliance, prudence, hard work and dedication. True, there is a “but” - all these qualities manifest themselves in men in different ways, in different quantities, and even gradually, as they grow older and depending on the most elementary astrological symbols, among which, for example, even the time of year of birth.

In general, Renat is usually a man who lives with his head held high, who knows his own worth, who never acts against his own will and does not violate elementary moral principles. He always tries to treat people fairly and will never allow himself to cash in on anyone's weakness or gullibility.

Advantages and positive features: purposeful, hardworking, savvy and assertive, always achieves all goals only with the help of his own strength, never asks for help. And Renat never acts in such a way that he could then be ashamed of his act.

Renat treats badly people who have too high self-esteem, he hates liars, braggarts, as well as too secretive people, tries to avoid communication with those whom he has even a little doubt for one reason or another.

The name Renat is pronounced and spelled differently in different countries. For example, Rene, Renatus, Renato, etc.

The nature of the name Renat

In general, it is quite difficult to say what the character of a person will be, focusing only on the meaning and energy of a particular name. But in the case of the name Rent, everything is much simpler. This name has a unique energy in its essence and it promises all men without exception the same thing: punctuality, honesty, impulsiveness, calmness, tranquility, responsibility, steadfastness, arrogance, purposefulness.

Of course, much in character depends primarily on the atmosphere in which a person grew up, and on the upbringing that parents give, but the main features will still remain. You are unlikely to see an irresponsible slob named Renat - this simply cannot be. Renat is always a person you can rely on, a personality that is unique in its essence, a man with a capital letter, fair, honest, correct, and psychologically stable.

Well, in addition to everything else, it’s worth mentioning that Renat’s character will certainly be such that he will never allow him to offend a woman, and even more so the one with whom he had or has a relationship. This is a man, a gentleman and a knight, and he will never allow himself to succumb to emotions and harm a lady.

Early childhood

The child with the meaning of the name Renat is promised curiosity, calmness, poise, impressionability, versatile development, perseverance, patience and indecision.

Usually such a boy relies on his parents in everything, on their advice, teachings and tips. He will certainly be serious and calm, will not show disobedience or pampering, will always obey his parents and will not commit rash bad deeds, even if no one will look after him at that moment.

But Renat requires attention to his own person. He loves to do something with his mother, read, draw and listen to fairy tales, and in general, he likes everything that adult ordinary people do. He especially wants to adopt paternal traits, in particular, if there is a so-called “patriarchy” in the family.

But there may be problems with peers, in particular in communication - all children indulge, have fun, have fun and do a lot of harm, while the Renat child does not understand this, rejects this way of life. However, things will change in the future...


Already in adolescence, the influence of the patron planet, Mars, begins to affect. Already at this stage, he is characterized by impulsiveness, impracticality, vulnerability and sentimentality, sociability, but along with it, isolation.

He still prefers to avoid close contact with peers, and the reason is primarily the fear of deceit and betrayal. But in his studies he has good success - any subject is given to him easily, but at the same time it is important that he is interested in him. Teachers, on the other hand, may consider him indecisive and lack of initiative, which will naturally affect his reputation, but be that as it may, they will have nothing to complain about - after all, he never plays pranks and always does everything as he is told.

Of course, commitment, punctuality and responsibility are good traits, but all these traits can have an extremely negative impact on communication with peers, because many may begin to consider him a sycophant. Nevertheless, if parents pay due attention to the education of sociability in him, then it will not be difficult for him to find a common language with his peers.

grown man

But in an adult man, Renata, everything that he lacked will already appear. These are leadership inclinations, and the gift of adaptation to any environment, and the ability to present oneself beautifully, and much more.

And at the same time, he is responsible and diligent to everyone, which makes him a real good leader. People are drawn to him, do not want to spend a lot of time with him, but respect him. He is considered to be something like an unspoken leader, whose opinion is worth listening to, but who will never be in sight.

In general, in this case, the sign of the zodiac and the year of birth according to the Chinese horoscope have a strong meaning. It is from them that for the most part depends on what the character of the mature Renat will be.

However, on the other hand, what cannot be taken away is dedication, responsibility and punctuality. It is these features that show the true nature of Renat. He may try to seem like an even and overly calm man who is not interested in anything and who does not care, but in fact this is not the case, and you can still rely on him in any business and issue.

The interaction of Renat's character with the seasons

Spring - a boy who was born under the auspices of the meaning of Spring, and who received the name Renat at birth, is the owner of an exemplary character. He has such traits as purposefulness, diligence, determination, cheerfulness and optimism. It is believed that this is a successful and lucky person, who has great chances of success in any chosen business.

Summer - the summer season gives rise to a serious, reasonable, thoughtful and prudent guy by the origin of the soul and nature. For him, there are no frivolous matters, everything in his life has weight, and any business is of paramount importance. Usually, such a person cannot sit idle, is always busy with something and always conquers new heights, both on the career ladder and in his personal life. A person who lives in victory...

Autumn - three autumn months can have a strong impact on nature and give rise not to a careerist, but rather to a too frivolous, frivolous, but positive and correct man. Usually he becomes a merry fellow and an optimist, a lover of adventure and travel, a talkative and cheerful representative of the male half of humanity. And such a man has perfect compatibility with many types of women.

Winter - the winter period of the year, by its own influence, gives rise to an emotional, sensitive, impressionable and vulnerable guy. Friendliness and taciturnity, sociability and eloquence, diplomacy and tact - these are the main features of the winter guy Renat. This is not a careerist, but a respectable person, with an excellent character and a good combination of incompatible qualities in him.

The fate of the name Renat

It is difficult to say in fact what exactly the fate of a man who received the name Renat at birth will be in terms of relations with the opposite sex, personal life and love in general. But one thing is for sure - Renat is always a man in whom a woman will never have to doubt, and always a gentleman who is ready to do everything possible to make his woman truly happy. And it's already worth a lot, isn't it?

It is also worth mentioning that no matter how much Renat respects his woman for her intellectual development, mental abilities and career achievements, the appearance of the lady will always play a very important role for him. He will never be near a woman who does not satisfy him with her appearance. For Renat, a woman is not only a soul mate, but also a jewel, an ornament that he should have the right to show off to the rest. Such are they, men named Renat ...

And in addition to all of the above, we can also say that the fate of Renat involves a happy marriage only next to a woman who is decisive, courageous, serious and strong morally and in spirit. He will not tolerate a weak and indecisive lady next to him. Next to such a man there should be one that, even in the most difficult and difficult moment, can pull herself together and support him.

Love and marriage

Renat is a very emotional and amorous man who has perfectly mastered the art of flirting and seducing women. He has such a strong influence and impression on women that he always has a lot of fans. Such love games in his life continue only until the moment when he meets his true love. True, most often this happens after the age of thirty.

Renat attaches great importance not only to housekeeping, but also to the attractiveness of his chosen one. In beauty, it should match him and favorably emphasize his charismatic appearance. Your wife will have to groom and cherish her beauty throughout her family life, carefully caring for her appearance. Next to a spectacular and charming wife, Renat will not seek love adventures on the side. However, if the wife turns from a beautiful woman into a gray mouse, his loyalty will be shaken.

Family for Renat is of great importance, he tries to do everything to ensure that all members of a large and friendly family are happy and satisfied with life. His marriage, albeit late, but strong and happy. In his family, he feels like a leader, but never suppresses the interests of his wife. Renat carefully monitors his own appearance and quite often likes to look in the mirror.

Renat as Father

Unpredictable and windy in his youth, Renat becomes such an exemplary and caring husband that sometimes it is hard to believe in it. It is even more difficult to predict how he will react to the appearance of children in the family. The widespread use of the name in Eastern culture, his good-natured character and ability to care give the right to assume that Renat will become a father with a capital letter.

Renat becomes a happy father of many children, but the first son in his family should be the heir. For him, this will be a good sign, proof that he is doing everything right in life. With great interest and pleasure, he will take an active part in the lives of children, will take care of their upbringing and education along with his wife. He will try to spend every free minute with the children.

Renat cares not only about the carefree and cheerful childhood of his children, but also about their future life, first of all, about quality education. Together with his wife, he teaches children to independently and honestly receive an education. Even in the first grades of school, he will make sure that his wife helps and explains incomprehensible points, but in no case does his homework with them.

Compatibility with female names

The best compatibility with the name Renat, judging by the data, is with such female names as Alexandra, Vladislava, Christina, Victoria, Natalya, Renata and Lolita. Paired with a girl named one of these options, there will be mutual understanding, love, passion, and everything necessary for family happiness.

Lyudmila, Alevtina, Lina, Mirra, Stanislava, Nadezhda and Olga are also quite good compatibility here, but the couple itself may not last long, because the characters are promised in the case of Renat and the female names presented are too different.

And with Diana, Nonna, Dominica, Karina and Carolina, there is complete incompatibility at all - this is how the stars and the meanings of the names are disposed. Here the place will have constant disagreements, quarrels, scandals, and unbridled jealousy, leading to parting and a complete break in any relationship.

It will be interesting to every man who was named so by his parents in childhood. It means "born again" and is of Latin origin. It will be quite difficult for most men with this name in life, as they are endowed with some kind of indecision. However, at the same time they have other, better abilities. For example, all Rinats are very talented and quick-witted. They are drawn to leadership, but not with inspiring speeches, as many do, but directly with deeds. Rinat will earn respect gradually, and will make every effort not to lose it. And he usually succeeds.

It's no secret that different times of the year of birth affect people in different ways. The same is true here. The meaning of the name Rinat will be different, depending on when the boy was born. Winter and autumn give the baby courage from birth, make him stubborn. Of course, this will not be able to positively affect relations with peers, since Rinat will constantly argue, even over trifles. But this will help to surround yourself only with reliable people with whom you can go through all life's difficulties together. In a relationship, it is better to choose a soft and subservient woman who will remain in the shadow of her man.

The meaning of the name Rinat for a boy who was born in the summer is somewhat different, although there are similar notes. These men are kinder and gentler. They will never argue with a woman, because they consider her primarily a female. That is why Rinat makes the choice of a life partner at a more mature age. But even then, his chosen one should be on the alert, because, most likely, the ardor has not gone out. Fairness and generosity are fundamental

Speaking about what the name Rinat means, you should pay attention to the boy's childhood. As a rule, he grows up as a rather weak child, as a result of which he is more likely to meet doctors in hospitals, rather than peers on the streets. This allows the Rinat to mature before them. They become more prudent and accurate, get used to discipline, because most pills and injections are done by the hour. Such childhood forms a stable character, in which adult traits appear early. There are frequent cases when Rinat, while still very young, speaks on various philosophical topics, thinks in an adult way, what pleases his parents.

He talks about one more thing. It lies in passion. As a rule, a hobby appears in his early childhood. Then, throughout life, it remains low. It is not uncommon for Rinat's hobbies to develop into a profession. It is important for parents not to miss the interests of the boy, because at an early age he does not dare to tell them that he is attracted not by music, but, for example, by photography. It is impossible not to note the pedantry and organization of a man with that name. Often, it is these abilities that allow Rinat to amass excellent wealth.

In a word, Rinat is a name that gives its owner a rather difficult fate. But all the tasks that a man will face, he will solve with less loss for himself and his loved ones. Moreover, all his decisions can be extraordinary. That is why his life will become not only rich, but also interesting.

The name Renat means "reborn", "born again", "resurrected".

Name origin

Renat is a male name with two versions of origin. According to the first version, the origin of the name is associated with the Latin word Renatus, which translates as "born again." According to the second version, this name is an abbreviation and stands for "Revolution-Science-Labor" or "Revolution-Science-Technology". The name Renat is popular in Russia among Tatars, Bashkirs, Lezgins, Karachays.

Name characteristic


The name Renat is ideal for boys born under the following zodiac signs: Gemini, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Leo, Capricorn.

Little Renat is an indecisive and shy child. He eschews strangers, he will never be the first to make contact. Moreover, his timidity and fearfulness are manifested only in relation to people, he is not afraid of animals, for example, he can approach an unfamiliar big dog on the street and stroke it. Renat is a lethargic and indifferent child, he often gets sick in childhood. At school, he studies diligently and gets excellent grades, this is due to his qualities such as hard work and perseverance. He really likes to take pictures and play chess, but quite rarely these hobbies become his profession.


Renat is an open, generous and purposeful person. He strives to be a leader in society, and thanks to his abilities and character, he often succeeds. He has an analytical mindset, so he achieves success in the field of information technology, logistics, management, and finance.

It is difficult for Renat to find a common language with strangers, but despite this, he has a lot of friends. He is stubborn and often argues over trifles, proving his case. You should not rely on Renat in any responsible matter, as he may not keep his promise, after which he will greatly repent. Renat is pedantic, pays a lot of attention to unnecessary trifles, which sometimes irritates those around him.

Personal life

Marries late. He makes a caring and attentive husband and father. In family life, he is usually happy. Often Renat's first child is a boy. Men with this name have a big drawback - love for beautiful women, so their wives should always be on their guard.

Name compatibility

Renat will have a successful marriage with women whose names are Elina, Marina, Inga, Nina, Valeria, Zinaida, Angelica.

The best compatibility of the name Renat with the patronymic Takhirovich, Rushanovich, Shamilevich, Rafaelevich, Ramilevich, Nailevich, Rustamovich, Rinatovich, Rashidovich, Ravilevich, Maratovich, Ildarovich, Ibragimovich, Timurovich, Ruslanovich.

name day

Renat's birthday:

  • 1st of January;
  • February 21;
  • 20 April;
  • September 7, 29;
  • November 12th.

Famous people

Famous men named Renat:

  • Ibragimov (singer);
  • Gilfanov (poet);
  • Dasaev, Bilyaletdinov (football players);
  • Mardanshin (motorcycle racer);
  • Tazetdinov, Faizulin (actors);
  • Sharafullin (cyclist);
  • Shakirov (artist);
  • Safin (biathlete).

Forms of the name Rinat

Short form of the name Rinat (Renat). Rena, Rina, Nata, Renatek, Renek, Renda, Renatek. Synonyms for the name Rinat (). Renat, Renatus, Rene, Renato, Rinato.

Name Rinat in different languages

Consider the spelling and pronunciation of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 里納特 (Lǐ nà tè). Japanese: リナット (Rinatto). Armenian: Ռինատ (Rrinat). Yiddish: רינאַט (Rynʼat). Ukrainian: Rinat. Korean: 리나트 (lina teu). English: Rinat (Rinat).

origin of the name Rinat

The name Rinat is considered one of the variants of the pronunciation and spelling of the name Renat. The name Renat has several versions of origin. According to the most common - the name has, is derived from "renatus" and means "newly born", "reborn". Also, the name Renat is the church form of the name Rinatu. In Europe, this name is often used as Renato, Renatus, Rene. The male name Renat corresponds to the female name Renata.

According to the second version, the name Renat is an abbreviation for "REVOLUTION-NArod-Labor" or "REVOLUTION-SCIENCE-TECHNOLOGY". It is quite possible that in the USSR they decided to give a new meaning to the old name, which was already used among the people.

The name Rinat is widespread among the Bashkirs and Volga Tatars. The name Renat is often used in Russia, most often in the North Caucasus among the Lezgins and Karachays.

Rinat's character

Rinat grows up as a rather indecisive child. He is phlegmatic and often sick. The boy's shyness is expressed in the fact that he often avoids strangers, unfamiliar people. Doesn't make contact first. At the same time, Rinat is quite brave. May approach a large dog in the street. The child is assiduous and hardworking, it is good to study. In life, strive to become a leader and, thanks to his character and abilities, he often achieves this.

From an early age, the boy is fond of chess and photography. Not infrequently this hobby develops into a profession. Rinat has an analytical mindset. This allows him to achieve good success in the field of finance, management, logistics and information technology.

Having matured, Rinat becomes a purposeful, generous and open person. This attracts people to him, so he has a lot of friends. He is pedantic and often pays a lot of attention to even unnecessary little things. The neatness of the owners of this name and their habit of often looking in the mirror often annoys their wives.

Astrological features of the name

Corresponding zodiac sign - .
patron planet- Venus.
Talisman-stone, mineral, metal- agate.
Talisman-color- brown.
Mascot Plant- lily.
Animal Mascot- wasp.
most successful day- Tuesday.
predisposition to traits such as- intuition, pedantry, ambition, optionality, truthfulness.

Numerology Of The Name Renat

Owners of the name number 6 are distinguished by calmness and sanity. "Sixes" value stability, customs and traditions. For them, honesty and a good name are more valuable than momentary benefits. They never resort to radical methods of solving problems, preferring the liberal path. "Sixes" do not differ in leadership qualities, but they are capable and diligent workers. There are arrogant and self-satisfied "sixes", but for most of them the main guideline in life is the family and a small circle of loyal and devoted friends.


Planet: Mars.
Element: Fire, warm-dry.
Zodiac: , .
Color: Fiery red, bloody, glandular.
Day: Tuesday.
Metal: Iron.
Mineral: Magnetite, jasper, amethyst, Lappish blood.
Plants: Garlic, onion, tobacco, radish, mustard, nettle, asparagus, heather, bean, hot pepper.
Beasts: Wolf, rooster, raven, vulture, horse, dog.

The name Renat as a phrase

R Rtsy (Rivers, Speak, Sayings)
Ye Esi (Is, Be, Exist)
N Our (Our, Yours)
A Az (I, Me, Myself, Myself)
T Firmly

Interpretation of the meaning of the letters of the name Renat

P - the ability not to be deceived by appearances, but to delve into the being; self-confidence, the desire to act, courage. Being carried away, a person is capable of stupid risks and sometimes too dogmatic in his judgments.
E - the need for self-expression, the exchange of ideas, the tendency to act as an intermediary, insight due to the ability to enter the world of secret forces. Talkativeness is possible.
H - a sign of protest, inner strength not to accept everything in a row, indiscriminately, a sharp critical mind, an interest in health. A diligent worker, but does not tolerate "monkey labor."
A - a symbol of the beginning and the desire to start and accomplish something, the thirst for physical and spiritual comfort.
T is an intuitive, sensitive, creative person, a seeker of truth, who does not always measure desires and possibilities. The symbol of the cross is a reminder to the owner that life is not endless and that one should not put off until tomorrow what can be done today - to act using every minute effectively.

Characteristics of the name Rinat according to the seasons

"Winter" and "autumn" - it is hard to converge with people and, if they do not find a common language with them, it is just as hard to part. They are bold and stubborn, they can argue over trifles. It is not always worth relying on their promises - they can let you down, but at the same time they themselves are so sincerely lamented that people who know them well forgive them for this shortcoming.

Friends love them for their honesty, fairness and generosity.

They are very neat, their neatness has a shade of some kind of insanity, and this often annoys wives. The same applies to Rinat's habit of looking in the mirror.

"Autumn" - most often live with their parents.

"Summer" - softer and kinder. They are sexy, they cannot always resist a beautiful woman, so their wives must constantly be on their guard. However, they marry late, and by that time their ardor may fade. In marriage, they often have sons.

Characteristics of the name Rinat according to B. Khigir

Translated from Latin - "born again". Synonym for Rinat. Little Renat is somewhat phlegmatic and indecisive, he has weak lungs (especially those born in the spring), he quickly catches a cold. The boy is shy, but not cowardly: he eschews strangers and at the same time can approach a big dog without a shadow of timidity. He usually has no problems with studies.

He is inquisitive, starts playing chess early, takes an interest in photography, and for many it becomes a profession. Renat is ambitious enough, strives for leadership and often achieves it, but not with the help of intrigue and resourcefulness, but only thanks to work and abilities. Friends love them for their honesty, fairness and generosity. They are very neat, their neatness has a shade of some kind of insanity, and this often annoys wives. The same applies to Rinat's habit of looking in the mirror. Winter and autumn Renatas are hard to get along with people and, if they don’t find a common language with them, it’s just as hard to part. They are bold and stubborn, they can argue over trifles.

It is not always worth relying on their promises - they can let you down, but at the same time they themselves are so sincerely lamented that people who know them well forgive them for this shortcoming. Autumn - most often live with their parents. Summer - softer and kinder. They are sexy, they cannot always resist a beautiful woman, so their wives must constantly be on their guard. However, they marry late, and by that time their ardor may fade. In marriage, they often have sons.

Positive traits of the name

About Rinat, we can say that he is a man of a wide soul. He is sociable, good-natured, hospitable, ready to provide free assistance to those who need it. But at the same time, he does not allow brazen use of his kindness, and in time he can stop the actions of the “freeloader”. Rinat is noble, his own reputation and the honor of his loved ones are of great importance to him, so he tries to live adhering to universally recognized moral principles. Also, the owner of the name Rinat is quite empathic, he can be imbued with the problems of other people and seeks to help solve them.

Negative traits of the name

In some life situations, Rinat tends to be slow when it is necessary to act, on the contrary, quickly. Often Rinat is gnawed by doubts about the correctness of his actions, because of which he can become depressed and fall out of reality. Rinat can also be pathologically jealous, in relation to women he behaves like an owner.

Choosing a profession by name

Due to the peculiarities of his nature, it is painfully difficult for Rinat to decide on his future activities. He can try many professions before he finds one that will allow him to feel in his place. If the work does not bring Rinat pleasure, one cannot expect positive results from him: he cannot “squeeze” them out of himself by doing an unloved thing.

The impact of the name on business

Rinat is very economical: he treats every penny he earns with unprecedented prudence. He will never go into financial transactions in which there is a possibility of failure. It is difficult for Rinat to do business alone, he usually attracts competent people from his personal environment, forming a kind of “family clan”.

The impact of the name on health

There are many adherents of the "cult of the body" among the bearers of the name Rinat. Rinat devotes a lot of time to his physical health, he can disappear for hours in gyms and stadiums. Thanks to hardened immunity, seasonal infections and viruses “fly away” from it with a ricochet. However, Rinat should avoid unnecessary stress on the cardiovascular system, since by the age of fifty he has a high probability of heart attacks and strokes.


Rinat feels great satisfaction from the recognition of the results of his activities, so one of the keys to his heart is the praise and approval of his actions. Rinat's problem is the frequent inability to distinguish sincere praise from flattery, so he often deceives himself. In his youth, he is very trusting, and only by adulthood does he begin to be more categorical about those who want to fall into his favor. Rinat is inherent in some foppishness, he loves beautiful and expensive things and no less loves to show them.

Famous people named Rinat (Renat)

Renat Ibragimov ((born 1947) Soviet and Russian singer. People's Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the Tatar ASSR, laureate of the State Prize of Tatarstan; producer)
Renat Gilfanov (Russian poet)
Rinat Akhmetov (well-known Donetsk entrepreneur, industrialist, billionaire, the richest man in Ukraine)
Rinat Dasaev ((born 1957) Soviet football player, goalkeeper, one of the best goalkeepers in the world in the 1980s, international master of sports (1980), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1988))
Rinat Bilyaletdinov ((born 1957) Soviet football player, (midfielder) and Russian coach, master of sports (1983), Honored T
Rener of Russia (2010))
Rinat Mardanshin ((1963 - 2005) Soviet and Russian motorcycle racer, participant in speedway competitions)
Rinat Tazetdinov ((born 1938) Tatar actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1982))
Rinat Sharafullin (Soviet cyclist, repeated champion of the USSR in cycling)
Rinat Faizulin ((1967 - 2009) Soviet and Russian actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2006))
Rinat Shamsutov (midfielder, Honored Master of Sports of Russia in bandy)
Rinat Kharisov (CEO of the largest Russian oilfield service company TNG-Group; has honorary titles: Honored Geologist, Honorary Worker of the Fuel and Energy Complex, Honorary Subsoil Scout, as well as a state award - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor)
Rinat Shakirov (soloist-instrumentalist, Honored Artist of Russia (2006))
Rinat Safin ((born 1940) Soviet biathlete, Olympic champion (1972), four-time world champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1969))
Rinat Valiulin (host of the Ekho Moskvy radio station)
Renato Olmi ((1914 - 1985) Italian footballer, midfielder, world champion in 1938)
Renato Raffaele Martino ((born 1932) Italian curial cardinal, Vatican diplomat)
Renato Guttuso ((1911/1912 - 1987) Italian painter, graphic artist, honorary member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1962))
Renato Birolli ((1905 - 1959) Italian artist)
Renato Portaluppi, Renato (Renato) Gaucho (former Brazilian footballer, played as a midfielder and striker, now a coach)
Renato Florencio (Brazilian footballer, Sevilla midfielder and former Brazil international; dual citizenship of Brazil and Italy)
Renato Ricci ((1896 - 1956) Italian statesman and politician, lieutenant)
Renato da Cunha Valle (former Brazilian football goalkeeper)
Renato Salvatori (Italian actor)
Rene Clement ((1913 - 1996) film director, whose films determined the face of post-war French cinema before the onset of the New Wave)
Rene Clair ((1898 - 1981) one of the most significant French film directors of the 1920s and 1930s, creator of the musical film genre, writer, actor. Distinctive features of his paintings are lyricism and a deep understanding of human psychology, combined with humor on the verge of buffoonery and a satirical view of society. He defended the independence of French cinema from Hollywood, fought against the "Blum-Byrnes agreement".)
Rene Guénon ((1886 - 1951) French philosopher, who remains an influential figure in the field of metaphysics. The author of works whose topics range from metaphysics and studies of tradition to symbolism and initiation. In his writings, he proposes either "to represent directly some aspects of the metaphysical doctrines of the East", or "to adapt these doctrines for Western readers in the most reasonable and advantageous manner, always strictly adhering to their spirit. " Such doctrines are defined by Guénon as a "universal symbol." His works, written and first published in French, have been translated into more than twenty languages. He also wrote in Arabic for El Maarifâ ("Knowledge").)
Jose Rene Higuita Zapata (Colombian footballer, goalkeeper, player of the national team (1987 - 1999); free-kick and penalty shooter in clubs and the national team, inventor of the "scorpion kick", scored more than forty goals in his career)
Rene Louis, Marquis de Girardin ((1735 - 1808) French military man and publicist. In his estate Chateau de Ermenonville (in the Oise department), Jean Jacques Rousseau found shelter in the last days of his life. His works De la composition des paysages (1777) are translated almost all European languages.
Jean Rene Lacoste ((1904 - 1996) famous French tennis player, 10-time Grand Slam winner (7 times in singles and 3 times in doubles), businessman, founder of the Lacoste clothing brand. He was the first racket of the world in 1926 and 1927 Elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame Sports nicknames - "Crocodile", "Alligator" (hence the logo of the Lacoste brand came from). The youngest of the 4 famous French "tennis musketeers" - Lacoste, Jean Borotra (1898-1994), Jacques Brugnon ( 1895-1978), Henri Cochet (1901-1987).In a pair, Lacoste most often performed with Jean Borotra, and Cochet with Brugnon.It was paired with Borotra that Lacoste won 3 Grand Slam tournaments in doubles, as well as bronze at the 1924 Olympics years in Paris.
Rene Navarre ((1877 - 1968) French actor, producer, film director, performer of the role of Fantomas in the films of Louis Feuillade)
Rene Henriksen (former Danish footballer, played as the last defender; participated in the Danish national team in two World Cups and two European Championships)

Pros and cons of the name Rinat

What are the pros and cons can be noted in the name Rinat? It is positively characterized by rarity, strong energy and euphony. It also combines quite harmoniously with Russian surnames and patronymics, has several nice abbreviations and reductions, such as Rinatik, Renasha, Renya. And if we take into account that the character of most Rinat is very favorable for life, then we can say that this name has almost no minuses.


Rinat is in good health. He is hardy, physically active, usually unprofessionally fond of some kind of sport. However, it is worth considering that many Rinat have weak upper respiratory tract, so they can often catch a cold.

Love and family relationships

In family relationships, Rinat seeks to take a leadership position, but leads the family gently and unobtrusively. As a wife, he chooses, as a rule, a beautiful and bright woman, often wants to have many children. In the household, Rinat is neat and responsible. And in relation to his wife and children, he is very caring and affectionate.

Professional area

In the professional field, Rinat is suitable for either the sphere of economics, finance, trade, analytics and management, or creative activity.

Orthodox name days and days of the angel Rinat

In the Orthodox calendar there is no name Rinat, but there is its Europeanized counterpart - Renat. Renat's name day is celebrated on September 7 and 29.

Rinat name compatibility

Rinat name incompatibility

Value (description):

The meaning of the name Rinat (Renat) is a detailed description of the origin and features of the name, name day dates, famous people.
Short form of the name Rinat (Renat). Rena, Rina, Nata, Renatek, Renek, Renda, Renatek.
Synonyms for the name Rinat (Renat). Renat, Renatus, Rene, Renato, Rinato.
Origin of the name Rinat (Renat). The name Rinat (Renat) is Russian, Tatar, German, Orthodox, Muslim, Catholic.

The name Rinat is considered one of the variants of the pronunciation and spelling of the name Renat. The name Renat has several versions of origin. According to the most common - the name is of Latin origin, derived from "renatus" and means "reborn", "reborn". Also, the name Rinat is the church form of the name Rinatu. In Europe, this name is often used as Renato, Renatus, Rene. The male name Renat corresponds to the female name Renata.

According to the second version, the name Renat is an abbreviation for "REVOLUTION-NArod-Labor" or "REVOLUTION-SCIENCE-TECHNOLOGY". It is quite possible that in the USSR they decided to give a new meaning to the old name, which was already used among the people.

The name Rinat is widespread among the Bashkirs and Volga Tatars. The name Renat is often used in Russia, most often in the North Caucasus among the Lezgins and Karachays. The name Renat is used in both Catholic and Orthodox saints. For Catholics - November 12, the rest of the dates indicated are Orthodox.

Rinat grows up as a rather indecisive child. He is phlegmatic, the boy's shyness is expressed in the fact that he often eschews unfamiliar strangers. Doesn't make contact first. At the same time, Rinat is quite brave. Can approach a large dog on the street without being frightened at all. The child is diligent and hardworking, he studies well. In life, he strives to become a leader and, thanks to his character and abilities, often achieves this.

From an early age, the boy is fond of chess and photography. Often this hobby develops into a profession. Rinat has an analytical mindset. This allows him to achieve good success in the field of finance, management, logistics and information technology.

Having matured, Rinat becomes a purposeful, generous and open person. This attracts people to him, so he has a lot of friends. He is pedantic and often pays a lot of attention to even unnecessary little things. The neatness of the owners of this name and their habit of often looking in the mirror often annoys their wives.

Rinat usually marries late. He is happy in family life. He is a loving and caring husband and father. The first child in Rinat's marriage is usually a son. These men are very fond of beautiful women and can not always resist them. Therefore, Rinat's wives must always be on their guard. Their ardor begins to fade only with age.

As for communication skills, it is worth noting that Rinat, born in autumn or winter, does not just find a common language with other people and is hard to get along with them. Men with this name, due to their stubbornness, often enter into disputes over trifles. Renats do not always keep their promises. They are not always to be relied upon. Friends forgive them for this shortcoming. Rinats sincerely repent if they do not keep their word to other people. Rinat, who are born in autumn, most often live in the parental home. Those who celebrate their birthday in the summer have a gentle and kind nature.

Famous people named Rinat (Renat)

  • Renat Ibragimov ((born 1947) Soviet and Russian singer. People's Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of the Tatar ASSR, laureate of the State Prize of Tatarstan; producer)
  • Renat Gilfanov (Russian poet)
  • Rinat Akhmetov (well-known Donetsk entrepreneur, industrialist, billionaire, the richest man in Ukraine)
  • Rinat Dasaev ((born 1957) Soviet football player, goalkeeper, one of the best goalkeepers in the world in the 1980s, international master of sports (1980), Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1988))
  • Rinat Bilyaletdinov ((born 1957) Soviet football player, (midfielder) and Russian coach, master of sports (1983), Honored Coach of Russia (2010))
  • Rinat Mardanshin ((1963 - 2005) Soviet and Russian motorcycle racer, participant in speedway competitions)
  • Rinat Tazetdinov ((born 1938) Tatar actor, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1982))
  • Rinat Sharafullin (Soviet cyclist, repeated champion of the USSR in cycling)
  • Rinat Faizulin ((1967 - 2009) Soviet and Russian actor, Honored Artist of Russia (2006))
  • Rinat Shamsutov (midfielder, Honored Master of Sports of Russia in bandy)
  • Rinat Kharisov (CEO of TNG-Group, the largest Russian oilfield services company; has the honorary titles of Honored Geologist, Honorary Subsoil Explorer, as well as the state award - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor)
  • Rinat Shakirov (soloist-instrumentalist, Honored Artist of Russia (2006))
  • Rinat Safin ((born 1940) Soviet biathlete, Olympic champion (1972), four-time world champion, Honored Master of Sports of the USSR (1969))
  • Rinat Valiulin (host of the Ekho Moskvy radio station)
  • Renato Olmi ((1914 - 1985) Italian footballer, midfielder, world champion in 1938)
  • Renato Raffaele Martino ((born 1932) Italian curial cardinal, Vatican diplomat)
  • Renato Guttuso ((1911/1912 - 1987) Italian painter, graphic artist, honorary member of the USSR Academy of Arts (1962))
  • Renato Birolli ((1905 - 1959) Italian artist)
  • Renato Portaluppi, Renato (Renato) Gaucho (Brazilian footballer, played as a midfielder and striker, now a coach)
  • Renato Florencio (Brazilian footballer, Sevilla midfielder and former Brazil international; dual citizenship of Brazil and Italy)
  • Renato Ricci ((1896 - 1956) Italian statesman and politician, lieutenant)
  • Renato da Cunha Valle (former Brazilian football goalkeeper)
  • Renato Salvatori (Italian actor)
  • Rene Clement ((1913 - 1996) film director, whose films determined the face of post-war French cinema before the onset of the New Wave)
  • Rene Clair ((1898 - 1981) one of the most significant French film directors of the 1920s and 1930s, creator of the musical film genre, writer, actor. Distinctive features of his paintings are lyricism and a deep understanding of human psychology, combined with humor on the verge of buffoonery and a satirical view of society. He defended the independence of French cinema from Hollywood, fought against the "Blum-Byrnes agreement".)
  • Rene Guénon ((1886 - 1951) French philosopher, who remains an influential figure in the field of metaphysics. The author of works whose topics range from metaphysics and studies of tradition to symbolism and initiation. In his writings, he proposes either "to represent directly some aspects of the metaphysical doctrines of the East", or "to adapt these doctrines for Western readers in the most reasonable and advantageous manner, always strictly adhering to their spirit. " Such doctrines are defined by Guénon as a "universal symbol." His works, written and first published in French, have been translated into more than twenty languages. He also wrote in Arabic for the Knowledge magazine.)
  • Jose Rene Higuita Zapata (Colombian footballer, goalkeeper, player of the national team (1987 - 1999); free-kick and penalty shooter in clubs and the national team, inventor of the "scorpion kick", scored more than forty goals in his career)
  • Rene Louis, Marquis de Girardin ((1735 - 1808) French military man and publicist. Jean Jacques Rousseau spent the last days of his life on his estate Chateau de Ermenonville. His work “De la composition des paysages” (1777) has been translated into almost all European languages .)
  • Jean Rene Lacoste ((1904 - 1996) famous French tennis player, 10-time Grand Slam winner (7 times in singles and 3 times in doubles), businessman, founder of the Lacoste clothing brand. He was the first racket of the world in 1926 and 1927 Elected to the International Tennis Hall of Fame Sports nicknames - "Crocodile", "Alligator" (hence the logo of the Lacoste brand came from). The youngest of the 4 famous French "tennis musketeers" - Lacoste, Jean Borotra (1898-1994), Jacques Brugnon ( 1895-1978), Henri Cochet (1901-1987).In a pair, Lacoste most often performed with Jean Borotra, and Cochet with Brugnon.It was paired with Borotra that Lacoste won 3 Grand Slam tournaments in doubles, as well as bronze at the 1924 Olympics years in Paris.
  • Rene Navarre ((1877 - 1968) French actor, producer, film director, performer of the role of Fantomas in the films of Louis Feuillade)
  • Rene Henriksen (former Danish footballer, played as the last defender; participated in the Danish national team in two World Cups and two European Championships)

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