Scenes on the theme of Shurik's adventure. Leonid Gaidai - Operation "y" and other adventures of Shurik - all the most interesting about the director and his films


Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school No. 104

Voroshilovsky district of the city of Rostov-on-Don

Scenario of the play "New Year's Captive"

or the new adventures of Shurik"

prepared by Smirnova Natalya Aleksandrovna,

teacher of Russian language and literature





Music No. 1: "March of the Trinity".


Music No. 2: "Market".


In some kingdom

In a magical state

Lived, did not grieve,

Friends with bunnies

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka,

Finally, just beautiful!

Music No. 2: "Market".

The storyteller leaves.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

FATHER FROST. Snow Maiden, do you know whose year is approaching?

SNOW MAIDEN. Of course I know, grandpa! Year of the HARE!

FATHER FROST. That's right, granddaughter! .. Year of the HARE! This animal is interesting.

SNOW MAIDEN. And our bunnies, grandfather, are not just interesting, but never seen before.

FATHER FROST. Why unseen?

SNOW MAIDEN. Because they, grandfather, can walk on their hind legs, a lot more than usual. But most importantly, they understand human speech and know how to talk. Ah... Here they are.

Music number 3: "Snowflake".

FATHER FROST. What cute animals!

SNOW MAIDEN. So, bunnies, let's answer: what are you a symbol of in the coming year?

BUNNY. In the coming year, we are a symbol of love!

BUNNY. Worldly wisdom!

BUNNY. Speed ​​and Agility!

FATHER FROST. Granddaughter, and your bunnies, besides talking, can do anything else?

SNOW MAIDEN. Of course, grandfather. They prepared a magical forest for the New Year.

FATHER FROST. What good fellows!


So, bunnies, let's answer:

Spruce silvered?

Are the trees covered in frost?

BUNNS. Silvered…

BUNNS. Dressed…


Are bears hidden in dens?

Have the nests been insulated for the birds?

BUNNS. Sheltered…

BUNNS. Insulated…

FATHER FROST. What friendly bunnies!

SNOW MAIDEN. Grandpa, they became even friendlier when they learned one terrible story about one proud bird.

FATHER FROST. What kind of story?

SNOW MAIDEN ( bunny). Tell me, oblique, about the proud bird!

BUNNY. When the whole flock flew south for the winter, ONE small but proud bird said: “Personally, I will fly right into the sun!”. And she began to rise higher and higher, but very soon she burned her wings and fell to the very bottom of the deepest gorge!

FATHER FROST. Yes! Very instructive story, bunnies. None of you, no matter how high you “fly”, should not break away from the team!

One bunny is crying bitterly.

SNOW MAIDEN. What's happened? What, dear?

BUNNY ( whimpering). Bird...sorry...

FATHER FROST. Don't cry dear! A small but proud bird cannot be returned.

SNOW MAIDEN. Unfortunately, no return.

FATHER FROST. To prevent such sad stories from happening in our team, we must take care of each other, especially the Snow Maiden.

Music No. 4: "Summer is gone."

Santa Claus is leaving. Then there are bunnies.

Snow Maiden.

Saakhov and Lelik are heading towards the girl.

Saakhov looks at the Snow Maiden from head to toe.

SAAHOV. Lelik, tell me: who is this?! A?!

LYOLIK. Snow Maiden.

SAAHOV. Just beautiful, you know!

LYOLIK. She is also a boss, a student, a Komsomol member, an athlete!

SAAHOV. Student, Komsomol member, sportswoman...

LYOLIK. I see you like her.

SAAHOV. Listen, I really liked it! Just a beauty!!!

LYOLIK. Chief, she's a great candidate for your wife. Yes, and Santa Claus will come in handy! There will always be gifts under the tree! Not family life, but a continuous holiday.

SAAHOV. Lyolik, it seems that on New Year's Eve the Snow Maiden is always kidnapped by some evil forces!

LYOLIK. This is exactly what happens on New Year's Eve, Comrade Saakhov!

SAAHOV. Come on, dear comrade Lelik, let's change this bad tradition.


SAAHOV. The Snow Maiden will marry me, and New Year's Eve abductions will stop, since I will protect her. Nobody dares to steal Comrade Saakhov's wife!

LYOLIK. This is not easy: she is the granddaughter of Santa Claus.

SAAHOV. I will make any sacrifice and agree to all your conditions!

LYOLIK. Any means any. I'm 25 rams for the trouble!

SAAHOV. Of course, I highly appreciate your work, but there is a limit to everything ... Yes?! .. 18!

LYOLIK. Have a conscience! You take as your wife the Snow Maiden - a student, a Komsomol member, an athlete, a beauty! And for all this I ask 25 rams! It's even funny to haggle!

SAAHOV. Apo… you talk apolitically! You talk apolitical! I swear! Honestly! You don't understand the political situation. You see life only from the window of my personal car! I swear! Honestly! 25 sheep at a time when our region did not fully pay off the state for wool and meat!

LYOLIK. And you do not confuse your personal wool with the state!

Saakhov looks sternly at Lelik.

SAAHOV. And I was put here, comrade Lyolik, in order to observe the state interests. In general, yes. Twenty sheep...


SAAHOV. Twenty, twenty ... Rosenlev refrigerator.


SAAHOV. Finnish, good... Certificate of Merit.

LYOLIK. And a free pass...

SAAHOV. To Siberia!

LYOLIK. OK then.


They hit on the hands.

LYOLIK. So yes. The groom agrees. Me too. ( Doubting.) What about the bride?

SAAHOV. Yes, we still educate our youth badly, very badly. Surprisingly frivolous attitude to marriage.

LYOLIK. And who even asks the bride? Head bag and that's it!

SAAHOV. Yes! That's right!.. A very correct decision. But I personally won't have anything to do with it.

LYOLIK. Not really! Don't worry. It will be done by complete strangers.

SAAHOV. And… not from our area.

LYOLIK. Well! Certainly!

Music No. 5: "In a restaurant."

Saakhov and Lelik leave in a good mood.


Loud - quieter.


How little, how much time has passed,

I do not know, but I know:

Departed Coward, Dunce, Experienced

Complete Lelik's task in secret.

They want to deceive the Snow Maiden,

Catch her with a cunning bait!

The girl has no idea

Smiling politely at passers-by...

Music No. 6: "On the dance floor."


The storyteller leaves.

Lelik and the trinity. Then - the Snow Maiden.

COWARD. Hello, Snow Maiden.

SNOW MAIDEN ( smiling). Hello. ( Silence.) I'm listening to you.

BALBES. Bambarbia! ( Smiling.) Kirgud.

SNOW MAIDEN ( Not understanding). What did he say?

LYOLIK. He says: "We did not come here by chance, we came secretly to negotiate with you."

EXPERIENCED. Listen, Snow Maiden! You are now called to act in films, in Hollywood!

SNOW MAIDEN. It's too early for me to think about it.

LYOLIK. As my boss says, it's not too early for anyone to think about it, and it's never too late, by the way!

COWARD. Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings movie!

LYOLIK ( audience, laughing). Yeah, to Saakhov down the aisle!

BALBES. Johnny Depp will be the main partner, and Spielberg ... himself ... how is he?

SNOW MAIDEN. Director?

BALBES. Director!


LYOLIK ( happily). This is great! Amazing!

COWARD. However, film screenings need to be filmed. First - a profile ... ( Removes.)

BALBES. Then - full face ... ( Removes.)

LYOLIK. Well... Ready... Time!

Music No. 7: "Running in the opposite direction."

Lyolik and the trinity kidnap the Snow Maiden.


Music No. 8: "Meeting".

Loud - quieter.


Snow Maiden was stolen

They put me in a car and disappeared

lured by deceit,

They were sentenced to a wedding with Saakhov.

Santa Claus turned gray

Ineum perked up.

Grieving, grieving

Trouble eats the heart:

New Year without the Snow Maiden will not come!!!

Santa Claus is waiting for help.

Bunnies gave a fly:

Shurik was called!

Everyone who saw him will confirm

God did not offend the young man with his mind.

The kidnappers did not know such details,

And then, maybe, they didn’t steal the Snow Maiden either.

Music No. 9: "Exams".


The storyteller leaves.

Shurik and bunnies.

SHURICK. So what do we have?

BUNNY. There is a kidnapping!

BUNNY. Insidious crime!

SHURICK. Who was stolen?

BUNNY. Snow Maiden!

SHURICK. Who stole? Who is the groom?

BUNNY. We sometimes learn this at a wedding.

SHURICK. There will be no wedding... I did not steal the Snow Maiden, but I will return her!

BUNNY. How to save the Snow Maiden, Shurik?

SHURICK. Courage, courage and once again courage in the fight against kidnappers, scoundrels, insignificant, immoral types.

BUNNY. I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid.

SHURICK ( thinking). So here's what I'll tell you: only brave hares can rescue a girl.

BUNNS. How can we become braver?

SHURICK. The one who mows the tryn-grass three times a year at the most terrible hour will become brave!

BUNNS. Where does this herb grow?


In the dark blue forest

Where aspens tremble

Where from oaks-sorcerers

Leaves fly.

BUNNY. What a fear!

BUNNY. How scary!

BUNNY. Very scary!

BUNNY. I'm not a coward, but I'm afraid!

SHURICK. If you want to help the Snow Maiden, you MUST stand in the dark blue forest at the most terrible hour!

Shurik leaves.

BUNNY. Bunnies! Help the Snow Maiden! Let's all go together to this terrible forest to mow tryn-grass!

Music number 10: "Song about hares."

Bunny dance.


Music No. 11: "Loneliness".


Where is Lady New Year?

Lady Ice Tale?

Lives in captivity

Here is the clue!

Hollywood did not become fate:

They ask her to be a WIFE.

That's why she's so bad!

That's why she hurts so much!

But the Snow Maiden does not cry,

Nobody believes anymore.

And what?!.

It hurts anyway:

For her, loneliness is boredom!

For her, loneliness is flour!

Music No. 12: "Solitude" (Chorus)

The storyteller leaves.

Snow Maiden. Then - Lelik, Saakhov, Trinity.

LYOLIK. Snow Maiden, you can not eat, you can not drink, you can be silent. It won't help you anyway! The best groom in the area offers his hand and heart ... You have no conscience! You spit on our offer. Silly! You have no other choice. ( Looks at the girl.) You mean to say that you will be looked for? Right! They will turn to me, and I will say: “She left the institute, got married and left.” So here's what I'll tell you: either you marry Comrade Saakhov, or you won't leave here at all! Answer something! See ( pointing to WITH aahova): the person is waiting.

SNOW MAIDEN. I will not talk to anyone except the prosecutor and I will go on a hunger strike!

The Snow Maiden leaves.

LYOLIK ( Saakhov). Still young, capricious!

SAAHOV. In general, yes. There are only two ways out of this house: either I take her to the registry office, or she takes me to the prosecutor.

LYOLIK. No need.

SAAHOV. I don't want to... Nothing! In a day she will be hungry, in a week she will be even more sad, and in a month she will become smart. Nothing! Will wait.

LYOLIK. Will wait.

SAAHOV. Will wait.

Saahov leaves.

LYOLIK ( referring to the trinity). Remember: you must finally justify the high trust placed in you. And you answer for the Snow Maiden with your head!

TRINITY ( chorus). We will try, dear comrade Lelik.

Music No. 13: "Promenade".

Lelik leaves.

The trinity goes for the Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden is brought in, but she again leaves them.

EXPERIENCED. This Snow Maiden is very capricious.

COWARD. There is no sweetness with her!

BALBES. Still young, capricious!

EXPERIENCED. But we are responsible for it with our heads! We must protect, feed, water.

COWARD. But she doesn't want to eat anything.

BALBES. We will not report this to the authorities. We will make a correct report for Comrade Saakhov. ( Coward.) Sit down. Write from a new line: "Lunch". Emphasize: "I refused the soup."

COWARD. "Refused."

BALBES. In brackets: "Soup kharcho".

COWARD. "Kharcho".

COWARD. "Into the abyss."

BALBES. Now the wine: "I broke two bottles."

COWARD. Three! We have three under the table.

BALBES. Write three.

COWARD. Three.

BALBES. So. Now fruits: "Oranges".

COWARD. "Oranges".

EXPERIENCED. Stop messing with paper! Let's better think about how to cheer up the Snow Maiden, otherwise she will completely wither from melancholy and loneliness. We will be guilty.

BALBES. Let's sing our favorite song for her.

EXPERIENCED. And what? Maybe a favorite too.

BALBES. We just can't do it alone!

COWARD. We can do it if the Eastern girls help us!

Music No. 14: "If I were a Sultan."

The girls invite the Snow Maiden.

Oriental dance of the trinity and girls.

The Snow Maiden leaves imperceptibly at the end of the dance.


Music No. 15: "Exit Ambassador".

Bunnies, Shurik appear in white gauze bandages.

Experienced, Dunce and Coward look at them with surprise.

EXPERIENCED. Who are you to?

SHURICK. Sanitary epidemiological station. There is an epidemic in the area. General survey of the population. "Swine flu". Mandatory ruling.

BALBES. Damn it!.. Take off your shirt.

SHURICK. Just a shirt is not necessary. Come in for an examination.

COWARD. And is it not painful?

SHURICK. Come to my assistants.

Trinity fit. The examination is carried out by bunnies-doctors.

SHURICK. Is there no one else in the house?


COWARD. Nobody!

SHURICK. Then my assistants will give you a preventive talk about "swine flu". Have a seat.

The trio sit down.

BUNNY. "Swine flu" is the conventional name for a disease in humans and animals caused by strains of the influenza virus. The strains associated with outbreaks of "swine flu" have been found among influenza viruses serotype C and subtypes serotype A.

BUNNY. The swine flu virus is transmitted both through direct contact with infected organisms and through airborne droplets.

BUNNY. The main symptoms are the same as the usual flu symptoms.

BUNNY. Vaccinations are given to prevent swine flu.

SHURICK. "Swine flu" especially rapidly develops in the body ...

BALBES. In short, Sklikhosovsky!

COWARD. You are not interested - do not interfere! Please move on.

SHURICK. ... develops especially rapidly in an organism weakened by nicotine, alcohol and ...

COWARD. ... excesses are bad.

BUNNY. Thus, in order to avoid the "swine flu" disease, it is necessary to do preventive vaccinations in a timely manner and lead a healthy lifestyle!

SHURICK. Is there really no one else in the house besides you?


COWARD. Nobody!

SHURICK. If “swine flu” is not detected in time, then, as they say, "mome" nto mo "re"!

COWARD. Instantly...

BALBES. …in the sea!


BALBES. Clear.

COWARD. A! It's clear.

SHURICK. From December 1 to December 31, 2010, our clinic is running a promotion: three vaccinations for the price of one!

EXPERIENCED. Tempting offer! We agree to go for vaccinations right now! And then "mome" nto mo "re"!

COWARD. Instantly...

BALBES. …in the sea!

Music No. 16: "Final Overture".

Shurik skips the whole trinity in turn and goes after her.

Bunny dance.


Music No. 17: "Partners".

Saakhov and Lyolik.

LYOLIK. Chief, everything is gone, everything is gone: the Snow Maiden has run away, my people have disappeared!!! Everything is lost!!!

SAAHOV ( cap closes the mouth of Lelik, he bites his finger). If a person is an idiot, then this is for a long time!

LYOLIK. Chief, I'll fix it!

SAAHOV. If you do not fix it, you will live on one salary! And I'm kind of tired. I'll probably take a bath, have a cup of coffee. But you still think about how to fix the situation. Otherwise, we will have a bath, and coffee, and “kakava” with tea!

LYOLIK. I never expected this to happen. I should probably...

SAAHOV. No need!

LYOLIK. Now I have a suggestion: what if...

SAAHOV. Not worth it!

LYOLIK. Clear! Then maybe you need...

SAAHOV. No need!

LYOLIK. It's clear. Allow at least...

SAAHOV. I do not allow ... Because of you, I have to tear my claws. Let's change the point. Relocate! Like this!

Knock on the door.

SAAHOV. Who is here?

Music No. 18: "The January blizzard is ringing ...".

Shurik, Snegurochka and Santa Claus come in.

SAAHOV ( frightened). H-hello. So did not expect your arrival! Such a surprise for me!

LYOLIK. Before the New Year, Comrade Saakhov, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden always come, make riddles, give gifts ...

SHURICK. We have already solved your riddles. And the judgment over you will be our gift!

SAAHOV. Why are you going to judge us?

FATHER FROST. You ordered my granddaughter to be kidnapped, hid her, made her suffer!

SNOW MAIDEN. Wanted to marry me.

SAAHOV. You have no right to judge us! You will be responsible for it!

SHURICK. We will not be responsible for your filthy skins.

SAAHOV. I'm ready to admit my mistakes!

LYOLIK. I also acted recklessly! I repent: I temporarily acted as the head of the kidnappers of the Snow Maiden by order of Comrade Saakhov!

SAAHOV. Well, forgive us!!!

FATHER FROST. Snow Maiden! Will we forgive them?

SNOW MAIDEN. The one who prevented us from preparing for the New Year, let him help us!

SHURICK. Eh... no... there is no need to rush to conclusions... It is important to return full-fledged people to society...

FATHER FROST. Complete means complete! Snegurochka, where do we correct kidnappers, parasites, hooligans?

SNOW MAIDEN. On the island of Bad Luck in the ocean.

FATHER FROST. Comrade Shurik, deliver these criminals to Bad Luck Island! Yes! And take the infamous trinity there, vaccinated against swine behavior!

SNOW MAIDEN. Comrade Shurik, they have to work for 15 days at a sand pit, at street cleaning, at a cement plant. For Comrade Saakhov - a separate order for the construction of a residential building under your leadership.

SHURICK. I am sure, Comrade Saakhov, that we will pass these fifteen days in an atmosphere of friendship and mutual understanding. Follow me, please!

Music No. 19: "The Island of Bad Luck."

Shurik takes Saakhov and Lyolik and takes them away.

Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden leave.


Music No. 2: "Market".


This is the story that happened

In some kingdom

In a magical state

Where they lived, were, did not grieve,

Friends with bunnies

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka,

Student, Komsomol member, athlete,

Finally, just beautiful!

Music No. 20: "Overture".

Exit artists: Storyteller, Saakhov and Lyolik, Shurik, Coward, Dunce, Experienced, oriental girls, bunnies, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden.


Music No. 21: "New Year" ( StekloVata).

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and bunnies.


When the snow flies over the gate

And the frost cracks all around

He comes to every city

He comes to every home.


With colorful balls

And cheerful tinsel

Long-awaited gifts

With noisy childish play!


Who's coming, who's coming?

Winter holiday New Year!

swift and careless,

Endless New Year!


Along with skis, skates,

Round dance here and there

And sparklers

Under fireworks!

(We do fireworks.)


A tree comes to every house

And ruddy Santa Claus!

And, looking into the crack,

We are waiting for an answer to the question!


Who's coming, who's coming?

Winter holiday New Year!

swift and careless,

Endless New Year!


Our holiday turned out to be a success,

Both children and adults liked it.

May you have a lot of good!

And it's time for us to leave you.

Our holiday ends

Room 305 is closed.


In these moments of our farewell

To all our dear and dear friends

We are speaking:


Until we meet again

We wish you happiness!

Music No. 22: "New Year" ( StekloVata).

Final release of the artists.

Used materials

    Film comedies by L. Gaidai: "Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik", "Prisoner of the Caucasus", "Diamond Hand", "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes Profession".


but in general, of course, this is also a remake, if you read the history of the creation of this song

Wait, locomotive, don't knock, wheels. Song history

*Involuntary provocation by Fima Zhiganets

THE HISTORY OF BLATNY SONGS reflects the history of the Russian people - difficult, bright, often tragic. Many masterpieces of the criminal "classics" originate in a folk song, and then absorb the events and realities of a different, new, seething life in a different way. The topic itself is adventurous and exciting. But sometimes detective touches and nuances are added to it, giving a scandalous shade, it would seem, to a purely historical or philological study.

So it happened with the famous thieves' song, which some call "Wait, locomotive, do not knock, wheels", others - "The locomotive flies through the valleys and hills." It is still a kind of "apple of discord" among lovers of prisoner folklore. The song about the steam locomotive gained immense popularity after it was performed in the comedy "Operation Y" by Leonid Gaidai by Yuri Nikulin and Georgy Vitsyn.

And in 1999, the Rostov publishing house "Phoenix" released my book "Thieves' songs with comments by Fima Zhiganets", which drew attention to the fact that the song "Wait, locomotive, don't knock, wheels" is a remake of the pre-revolutionary - "Here the train started off to the far side ". It is spoken on behalf of a soldier who was given a three-day leave to say goodbye to his mother:

Here the train started moving to the far side -
Conductor, apply the brakes:
I am to my mother with a farewell bow
I hasten to show my eyes.

He flies to no one knows where;

And I was given a deadline of three days.

Forgive me mom
I'm sorry dear! -
That's all I'll tell my mom.

I'll lay down my wild head...

A version of this song is known, in particular, performed by Zhanna Bichevskaya. Next to it, I placed an extended criminal version of Parovoz:

The locomotive flies through the valleys and hills,
He flies to no one knows where.
The boy called himself a crook and a thief,
And his life is an eternal game.

Wait, locomotive, don't knock, wheels,
Conductor, hit the brakes!
I'm to mama ro / day with the last greetings
I hasten to show my eyes.

Do not wait for me, mother, a good son -
Your son is not the same as he was yesterday:
I've been sucked into a dangerous quagmire,
And my life is an eternal game.

And if they put me behind bars,
In prison, I will break through the bars.
And let the moon shine with its corrupt light -
But I still run away!

And if the prison guard notices -
Then I, the boy, disappeared:
An alarm and a shot - and upside down
Fell off the boat and fell.

I will lie and die...
And you will not come to me, dear mother,
Caress me, kiss me.

This is where you wrap everything up ..., as the once wonderful Russian satirist Arkady Averchenko said.

**Nephew plays trains

IT APPEARS BY THAT TIME, or rather, since 1996, the authorship of Parovoz had already been attributed to a former employee of Lenfilm, Nikolai Ivanovsky! And they even brought the "canonical version":

Wait, locomotive, don't knock, wheels,
Conductor, hit the brakes.
I'm to my mother with the last bow
I want to be seen.

Do not wait, mother, son, never.
He was sucked into the prison quagmire,
He said goodbye forever.

My years will pass like melt water
My years will pass, maybe in vain.
Joy does not await me, I swear to you by freedom,
And they are waiting for me at the new camp.
(1946, Karelia, Petrozavodsk)

In principle, there would be nothing criminal in Ivanovsky's authorship. The man is perfect for this role. Born in 1928. At the age of fourteen, he ended up in a children's colony for theft. The song, according to him, was written in the zone when he was 18 years old. He was released at the age of 25 (in the year of Stalin's death, perhaps under the famous "Beria" amnesty). He retired from a criminal life, a year after the zone he got to Lenfilm, where he worked for 35 years as the head of the lighting department. He knew Nikulin, and Vitsin, and Dahl, and many other actors. He wrote poetry and prose, published in periodicals. Member of the Union of Writers and the Union of Cinematographers. All in all, a good biography.

Ivanovsky's nephew Alexander Duris hints that his uncle's friends knew about the uncle's authorship. Although this statement is more than debatable. So, Yuri Nikulin recalled in an interview:

“Besides anecdotes, I collected songs. I even took an album to the army, which went with me through the war. The song “Wait, locomotive” was also in that album. Of course, I don't know the author. I wrote it down after the war, when I was demobilized. This is how the song appeared in the movie. During the filming of "Operation Y" Gaidai said: "We need a song, some kind of thieves." I sang a couple, but they seemed rude to him, but he needed a pitifully lyrical one. And I remembered “Wait, locomotive…”, and she came up…”.

Does not recall Ivanovsky's performance of "Steam Engine" and his other colleague in the film studio:

“- I myself have not heard the songs performed by him,” says the current head of Lenfilm for lighting, Maxim Aleksandrovich. “Although he often read poetry.”

But still, let's assume that the author of the thieves "Steam Engine" is Ivanovsky. Well, a man wrote a "criminal version" of a folk song - honor and praise to him. Moreover, Ivanovsky himself did not say a word anywhere that he created the song from scratch, and did not remake it from the already known, folklore one. However, his nephew still insists to this day that "Wait, the locomotive" is the fruit of the uncle's original work! And the indication of folklore sources infuriates him. He is constantly at war with the "slanderers".

The question is why? Well, they would recognize my uncle as the author of a talented alteration - this is also glory. But in a strange way, the rights to the authorship of Parovoz were presented just when Ivanovsky himself had a stroke, the left side of his body was paralyzed, his speech was disturbed. As the Tribuna newspaper wrote on January 8, 2002 (“Conductor, hit the brakes!”):

“He had a stroke about five years ago. You need special preparations. Meanwhile, the sister and nephew, with whom he now lives, are sure: Nikolai can be put on his feet, if there were money. But they are not. Now, if it were possible to defend copyrights, to achieve some deductions, who knows, maybe it would be enough for treatment ... "

However, if "Steam Engine" is just a reworking of a folk song, copyright problems may arise. We need clean text. I do not claim that this was the motive for Duris. Perhaps he really feels that he is "fighting for justice." In this case, his motives are not so important for establishing the truth. For reference, we note that since 1996 Ivanovsky himself, in fact, could not say anything. However, Tatyana Maksimova, the author of the article cited above, clarifies:

“I speak badly,” as if apologizing, Nikolai Nikolaevich hardly “scrabbles” two words for my departure. And suddenly he easily and deftly adds a well-known Russian expression of three words, one of which is unprintable.

But the rest of the uncle could not say anything intelligible. The whole “interview” was “voiced” by the nephew ...

*** Peasants are not a decree for us!

AND ALL THE SAME - DOES THE BLAD SONG about a steam locomotive and a conductor have folklore roots? Undoubtedly. There are many indications of this, which Alexander Duris is stubbornly trying to refute. As for the “recruitment” text of Zhanna Bichevskaya, Duris casually pours a tub of slops on the singer, “convicting” her of deliberately “stylizing” the thieves’ “Steam Engine”, written by Ivanovsky, under the popular popular print. The purpose of such a strange stylization, however, is completely incomprehensible.

However, there is other evidence as well. So, for example, Viktor Astafiev published the novel Snow Melt in 1958, where he writes:

“Women with buckets, baskets and shovels followed the tractor. They kept turning at the boundary, overturning buckets. The pile of potatoes grew noticeably. A song reached Ptakhin. He was surprised. For a long time people did not work with songs, especially in autumn. Spring is a different matter. The song was old, local, about a girl who leaves for distant lands, unable to endure mental anguish.

Here comes the train
To the far side
Conductor, hit the brakes!
I am dear to my mother
With the last bow
I want to show my face...

Tasia also sang along with everyone. She did not know the words, but she quickly got used to the melody and pulled it up ... ".

However, Duris “refutes” this indication, arguing that Astafiev, in his youth, did not know village life, and therefore, too ... he remade the thieves' song into a folk one! Russian chanson researcher Mikhail Dyukov, speaking in support of Duris, explains:

“It is mentioned in the novel that this song is local and old. For some reason, it seems to me that the author has somewhat tampered with his soul, because he could not write that it is modern and camp, it was not those times.

Thinking, of course, is not forbidden anything. But for the conclusions there must be at least the slightest reason. Meanwhile, many other facts point to the folklore "primordial source" of the song about the locomotive.

In Michael and Lydia Jacobson's book "GULAG Song Folklore as a Historical Source (1917 - 1939)", another curious version of the song about a steam locomotive is published:

Stop locomotives, do not knock the wheels,
Conductor, apply the brakes.
To my dear mother at the last minute
I want to be seen.

Do not wait, my mother, for a beautiful son.
Don't wait, he'll never come back
He was sucked into the prison bars,
He parted with the will forever.

Khevra is daring, brave, thieves,
The one whose life is tryn - grass,
All my Kiryuhi, the whole family is big,
Goes on tour to the camps.

What else can we do, hot boys?
Our families were sent to Siberia.
We got away, worked at the dacha,
And for this they are driven to Anadyr.

I will never forget my dear mother,
I know it will wither, grieve for me.
After all, her sons, the whole big family,
Raskulakka drives on the ground.

The notes indicate that the text was taken from the collection of Alexander Vardi, an émigré who collected folklore from the Stalinist camps for many years (he himself served time in Magadan from 1939 to 1941). It is now kept at Stanford University. The margin of the manuscript is marked "Magadan, 1939".

But this did not convince the nephew. He undertook a “lexical analysis” of the text, agreeing that the term “dacha” did not exist in Soviet everyday life as “bourgeois”, until the very mid-50s, “Our families were deported to Siberia” - “phraseologism of a Marxist-Leninist nature ”, which was also unknown until the 50s, and so on.

Of course, all this is complete and unconditional nonsense, it is not clear from what ceiling taken. It is enough to watch the film “Hearts of Four” or read “Timur and His Team” by Gaidar, where the action takes place precisely in summer cottages, and also to flip through the volumes of memoirs of Russian people who were sent to Siberia without asking permission from Marx and Lenin. Mikhail Dyukov added that the lines about the “dekulakka” are complete nonsense: what kind of thieves with peasant origins can there be? The rest of the argument is of the same order. Of course, if Mikhail had read at least Varlam Shalamov, he would have learned to his surprise that it was in the 1930s that thousands of young, healthy peasant boys joined the ranks of professional criminals and they played a significant role among the prisoners (although they were not "lawful thieves" were).

But the main question is: why should an emigrant "rewrite" the "Ivanovo" "Parovoz"? There is only one answer: only because Ivanovsky's nephew does not like it. It is curious that he questions and ridicules any testimonies of camp inmates, forgetting that, after all, his uncle's "testimony" is nothing more than words.

****Song of the flying locomotive

HOWEVER, THIS IS NOT ALL. The Hoover Institution keeps the work of Vladimir Yurasov "Song in Soviet Prisons and Camps". It was written in 1950, when the "author" of "Steam Engine" Nikolai Ivanovsky was still running out of time. The paper presents a version of the song with the first line "A locomotive flies through the valleys and villages" - the very one that is absent in the "canonical" text of Ivanovsky, but is present in many others, primarily in the "recruit" folk song performed by Bichevskaya. A little about Yurasov: he was born in 1914. In 1938 he was arrested, in 1941 he escaped from the camp, lived on forged documents, fought, lieutenant colonel (1945), after the war authorized by the Ministry of Building Materials Industry in East Germany, fled to West Germany, since 1951 in the USA, editor of the magazine America, commentator for Radio Liberty. That is, after 1941, Yurasov had never been to the Soviet Union and could not hear the song, allegedly created in 1946 and walking around the camps. Surely he cited a text that he heard directly in the Gulag.

Question: how could a couplet with a “flying” steam locomotive appear in West Germany in 1950, which is present in many performances of the song (including the performance of Vladimir Vysotsky in the first half of the 60s)?

The answer to this is trying to give Duris' comrade-in-arms in the battle, Mikhail Dyukov:

“In Mikhail Demin's novel 'Thieves', such a fact is mentioned that Demin himself heard the song 'Wait, steam locomotive' and supplemented (we leave the probability of this fact on the author's conscience) with his verse with the words:
"Fly, locomotive through the valleys and hills,
He flies to no one knows where ... ".
Well, now we know where and where the alien verse was "sewn on". Considering the fact that Demin himself went to prison only in the middle of the war (year 1942-43), and the alteration took place some time later (he does not specifically mention), then we can assume that this song was heard in the camp and remade there and that was the year 1946-47.

Everything here is wrong, from beginning to end. About the "Locomotive" Demin wrote in the autobiographical novel "Thieves", published in France in 1972, the following:

“The repertoire of the Maidan people is no less diverse; here trains, stations, expanses of the motherland are sung ... "A steam locomotive flies through the green expanses. It flies to no one knows where ... I called myself, little boy, I am a swindler and a thief and I said goodbye to my will forever" ”.

It is clear that Dyukov did not read this passage and therefore quoted the song inaccurately. And at the same time, he rigged something in passing. After all, Demin does not claim that he “finished” any verse. He simply cites an excerpt from a prisoner's song, widely known in thieves' circles. By the way, along with the “Steam Engine”, Demin quotes many other criminal songs, including the songs of the Solovetsky camps, which at that time were completely unknown to the general public: their full texts came out much later.

So the reference to Demin's novel does not at all explain how the former prisoner, who left the camp in 1941, wrote a work abroad in 1950, where he quotes a song about a steam locomotive with lines that Ivanovsky does not have, but which are in most subsequent variations !

However, the story of "flying steam locomotives" does not end there either. In the first half of the 90s, in the program of Eduard Uspensky and Eleonora Filina “Ships came into our harbor ...” another version of the “Steam Engine” sounded. Its text was published in 1995 in the collection of songs "Ships came into our harbor":

The locomotive flies through the valleys and mountains
He flies to no one knows where.
I called myself, girl, I'm the donkey of the factory,

I work in a factory, I make parts,
I'm used to the lathe.

I will run away from this plant.

Boss, boss, don't stomp your feet
And master, don't jump like a goat!
Give me three days off
I eat my fill at home.

I drove for a long time, dirty and hungry,
Arrived - ate to the full.
Oh, mother dear, tortured in the factory,
I won't go to court again!

The conductor doesn't apply the brakes...
Now I, girl, I'm going to the North,
To the Far North forever!

Judging by the realities of this song, it was created in the period from 1940 to 1956. In 1940, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issued a number of decrees: on the transition to an 8-hour working day, on the transition to a 7-day working week, and on the prohibition of unauthorized departure of workers and employees from the enterprise. For violation of these decrees, criminal liability was established from 2 to 4 years in prison. The consolidation was complete and concerned everyone - from students of factory schools to directors of enterprises. Some historians believe that millions of people were convicted under these decrees. Only in 1956, the criminal liability for unauthorized leaving from work (by the way, for being late for the workplace) was abolished.

So, the version about the factory girl is historically completely reliable. And if, at the same time, we assume that the folk recruit song “Here the train set off to a distant side” did not exist, it turns out that the song about the plant was remade from the “stylization” of Zhanna Bichevskaya BACK IN THE 40s - 50s! That is, long before Bichevskaya's "stylization" was born. Otherwise, there is no way to explain the obvious coincidences. Here's your first clue:

Now I don't know what minute
I will run away from this plant.

Compare with the "recruit" option:

Now I don't know what minute
I'll lay down my wild head.

Give me three days off.

Where is the mention of the vacation and precisely in three days - in the text of Nikolai Ivanovsky? There is not and cannot be! He does not stick to the criminal world. What kind of vacation does Urkagan have? And to the hard workers - in the very suit! Therefore, this reference has migrated from the popular version "and the term has been presented to me for three days."

However, it is also undoubted that by the time the "proletarian" processing was created, the thieves' processing of the "Parovoz" already existed, as indicated by the lines:

I called myself, girl, the donkey of the factory
And with the will said goodbye forever.

In the blatant version:

I called myself, little boy, a crook and a thief,
And with the will said goodbye forever.

However, Duris has his own line of defense: the “Havana” text refers to 1995, therefore, it was simply “stylized” after “Wait, the engine” became popular thanks to the movie “Operation Y”. That is, this "stylization" relies on Ivanovsky, and on Bichevskaya, and on all known versions of the thieves' hit. But here's the question: why did someone suddenly need to "stylize" in the 90s "Parovoz" under the 40s ?! This is just paranoia: according to Duris, there is something like a global Masonic conspiracy aimed solely at depriving Nikolai Ivanovsky of the right to authorship of the thieves' masterpiece through numerous stylizations and fraud! For some reason, they don’t just “steal” a song from his uncle, but also forge it either as a recruit, then as a kulak, then as a factory, then as a peasant ... Moreover, these insidious intrigues began back in the 50s of the last century (after all,
the evidence that Vladimir Yurasov's work on Soviet prisoner songs appeared precisely in 1950, even Ivanovsky's nephew did not dare to dispute). Well, this is a topic not for folklore historians, but for psychiatrists.

*****George Westinghouse provides evidence

But things are really bad for the fiery nephew when he tries to "analyze" the text of the folklore source of the famous thieves' song. To begin with, he gets into trouble by claiming the following:

“- From the words of the uncle, I know that one distortion crept into his song,” says Sasha. - Instead of "I'm with the last greetings to my mother" should be "with the last bow." "Bow" was more in line with the thieves' sentimentality of those years, when a criminal could easily kill someone, and an hour later in the barracks to the songs "shed tears" ... ".

The sentimentality of the thieves here, frankly, has nothing to do with it. In the original thieves' song, the words about the "last bow" to mother sound ridiculous. What "mommy"?! There is not and cannot be such a purely folk appeal in any of the original thieves' songs. Only - mother, mother, in the extreme - mother. No "mother" or "mother". You can check at your leisure with the famous songs “Mommy, Mom, Forgive me dear”, “The ice melts in the bay in spring”, etc. “Mama” is a pre-revolutionary vocabulary, but not “sub-Soviet” in any way.

Now let's move on to worship. What kind of ritual is this? Among the people - yes, but not among
thieves! The bow to the father-mother is characteristic of Russian pre-revolutionary life. After collectivization and industrialization, the breaking of the old patriarchal orders by the new government over the knee - where did the bows come from, what kind of "mothers" ?!

Mom was in Ostrovsky's Thunderstorm, there were scenes of farewell with earthly bows and triple kisses, with everyone in seniority. Or let us recall Dostoevsky's "The Brothers Karamazov":

Absolutely possible! - Krasotkin immediately agreed and, taking the cannon from Ilyusha's hands, he himself handed it over to his mother with the most polite bow.

The same tradition of bowing to the mother is also in the Russian song “Steppe and steppe all around”:

You are horses
Bring to the father
Give my regards
Native mother.

And here is Stanyukovich's "The Adventures of a Sailor":

And pass my deepest regards to papa and mama and how grateful I am for the kindness.
There are thousands of such examples in Russian literature and folklore. In thieves' folklore - not a single one!

Other claims of Alexander Duris to the folk song about the recruit sound absurd in the same way. Continuing to accuse Bichevskaya of "altering" her uncle's locomotive, he writes:
“Social (technical) signs were set by the very original of the song “Wait, locomotive”: “locomotive”, “do not knock, wheels”, “conductor, press the brakes”. As well as a derivative version: "a steam locomotive is flying." Technical and clerical terms were added to the rewritten, adapted version: "the term was presented to me for three days", "what minute".
Since we are dealing with Russian folklore, which existed in its linguistic (both temporal and social) patterns, we ask, where did the folk linguistic element suddenly show clericalism in its work - "the term is presented"? (Even K.I. Chukovsky in his book "Alive as Life" spoke about the penetration of clericalism into the Russian language in the Soviet era). Well, "introduced to the St. George's Cross" - this is understandable: an award, a Knight of St. George, etc. Vacation: given, in extreme cases - granted ...
... If Z. Bichevskaya had invited a competent specialist, instead of "what minute" he would have been able to build "into someone else's", "into the far", "on the enemy's side" "I will lay down my violent head." What would more disguise the song as a Russian folk song. Moreover, I would build it in - rhythmically, without crippling the words and their combinations ("and the term was presented to me for three days").

With all the attempts at irony, Duris looks completely helpless. I'm not talking about the wild phrase "folklore". “And the term was presented to me for three days”, “in what minute”, “I will lay down my violent head” - all this is just a living folk language! In order to understand and feel it, it would not hurt to start by reading the wonderful works of Russian folklorists. For example, Evgeny Ivanov's "Apt Moscow Word". Tales and legends of Boris Shergin. Yes, even just Russian fairy tales by Afanasyev! Or open Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl. There are vivid examples: “Which puppy do you take?”, “I don’t take an apple, they’re bad”, “Which God soaks, that one will dry up”, “Which one”, “Which one is” ... Argue on this topic with a person who at the same time, he declares with full confidence that in the 30s there were no dachas in the Soviet Union - not serious.

It is tiresome to enumerate all the stupidities of Duris. But quite by accident, he suggested another argument in favor of the existence of a folklore primary source of a thug song about a locomotive and a conductor. Duris writes:

“It is unlikely that the wagons taking the soldiers to the front of the 1st World War had conductors and brakes. Most likely, the driver from the locomotive controlled the movement of the train (and braking).

Absolutely amazing replica! Firstly, it is not clear why a soldier should go on a visit to his mother in a car, and not in an ordinary carriage? But the main thing is not this. Involuntarily, the nephew gave a "beacon" that tied the action precisely to pre-revolutionary times.

It is quite obvious that the hero of the song has no idea about how the train works! At least about the principle of the brakes. Indeed, the conductor under no circumstances could PRESS the brakes! From the very beginning (1868), it was not possible to press the pneumatic railway brake invented by George Westinghouse, acting with compressed air. Emergency braking was initially carried out with the help of a special handle, which was pulled down, and later they began to pull on a lever called the “stop crane”.

An illiterate soldier from the common people of the early twentieth century could easily not know this. For a simple boy from the "outback" such wisdom was a novelty. For him, the train was something like a spaceship for the current layman. But for an experienced "swindler" of the late 40s, such ignorance was unimaginable! Urkagans constantly "toured" around the cities, "worked" in trains, by the middle of the twentieth century in Russia the swindler was perfectly familiar with railway transport. It was he who “bombed” in the “centers of civilization”, and not plowed the earth in the village ... Moreover, he knew what a “stop tap” was, and the guy from Leningrad, Nikolai Ivanovsky.

So the heartbreaking exclamation of the Gulag swindler - "Conductor, press the brakes!" perceived as a wild anachronism.

However, knowledgeable people may object to me: in trains BEFORE the 30s of the twentieth century, there was such a position as a "brake conductor". There is even the famous song "Here the train rushes along the slope" - a remake of the no less famous miner's "Konogon":

Here is the train rushing down the slope
Dense Siberian taiga.
And the young driver
The brake conductor shouts:

"Oh, hush, hush, for God's sake,
We can go downhill!
Here is the Trans-Baikal road,
You can't pick up your bones...

The brigade consisted of five people: a conductor - now he would probably be called a foreman, a driver, a brake conductor (who, by the way, was sitting in a booth on the brake pad of the last car), an assistant driver and a fireman. Before the revolution, the conductor was an official of the 12th-13th grade - a respected and extremely highly paid specialist. But already in Soviet times, such conductors became a thing of the past.

There was even a lively discussion about this on the search site. Here is what they write there about the role of the brake conductor:

"In those days, when not all cars were equipped with brakes, the last car was special. Out of the blue, the locomotive slowed down - everything is clear with that. But on steep descents, the locomotive could not be slowed down - the whole mass of cars would simply fall off the rails. Therefore, the last car was special - with brakes. Most likely, these brakes were mechanical, since there was a steering wheel in the conductor's booth. "

Another participant in the discussion elaborates:

"They braked with mechanical brakes, now preserved as a parking brake (in the vestibule of a passenger car you can see red folding handles, and some freight cars have "brake boxes" where the brake handles are visible - now these are cargo protection booths, etc.), and for braking, the driver gave a signal with a whistle - at the signal, the conductors actuated the brake, ROTATING THE HANDLES, there was a signal to release the brakes.
The Westinghouse brake was invented in 1868, but was introduced in Russia later. Since 1931, the vigorous introduction of the Matrosov brake, similar in design, began, so that the creation of the song can be attributed to the 20s.

We have already specified that the song was created even earlier. And, in any case, before Kolya Ivanovsky was born. By the way: even in those days, the conductors did not press the brakes, but rotated the handles.

******Here someone came down from the hill

But there is one more circumstance. The fact is that in pre-revolutionary urban folklore there was one more (at least one) mention of a conductor who performs duties that are not characteristic of him. We are talking about the song "Here is someone down the hill." Yes, yes, about the very one that was later remade into the famous song about the sweetheart in the "protective gymnast".
Here are a few of her verses:

Here's someone coming down the hill
Probably my dear is coming.
He is wearing a dove shirt,
She drives me crazy.

It has a gold chain on it.
Flower in the buttonhole on the chest...
Why, why did I meet
Its on the path of life?

I will buy a tape of three arshins -
You, wind, wave the ribbon!
My dear sits in the car -
Conductor, close the doors.

Then the heroine decides - "I'll go to the pharmacy, buy poison", and even despite the fact that "the pharmacy does not give poison", the girl commits suicide, having managed to deliver a pathetic speech addressed to her beloved.
But that's not what matters to us. Curious is the role that the conductor plays in the song. It's rather strange that he manipulates the doors in the car. What conductor can be in the car?! Of course, it can be assumed that the heroine calls the horse-drawn carriage (or even the tram) a "machine", but there the conductor also did not open and close the doors, all the more so there were no wings either in the horse-drawn carriage or in the tram. Closing doors are a later invention.
Thus, we see that the strange conductors fit perfectly into the pre-revolutionary urban song folklore, while they completely break out of the Soviet one.

******* There is no song, but they sing it!

“If this song is old, then why is it not in the repertoire of singers of the early 20th century, either among Soviet or emigrants?! During World War I, patriotic songs were popular, but even among them "Here the train started" or something similar in meaning and text could not be found. Why?
Maybe it just wasn't written yet?
I was not too lazy and flipped through "Russian Folk Songs" (quite an extensive work, about 300 texts), there is a section "Soldiers and Recruit Songs", but I could not find anything similar to Zh. Bichevskaya's version.

Of course, I appreciate the titanic work of Mikhail, but for reference I have to report that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Russian folk songs. And the texts of far from all of them are printed even in special collections. A collection of 300 songs can be considered in this sea a comic book for handicapped teenagers. Five or six years ago, I could not find the "Cossack" text of the song "River Flows". Now there are about a dozen of these texts on the Internet.

The fact that the song was not included in a small collection does not mean at all that it does not exist. Even if you don't find it in a hundred collections, it can sound great at the same time in the people. Because folklore is still oral folk art.

Dyukov also refers to the fact that the song about the locomotive is not mentioned either by Varlam Shalamov, or by Dmitry Likhachev, or by Andrey Sinyavsky, who wrote about thieves' song folklore. Well, first of all, it's not entirely true. Sinyavsky just quotes two whole verses of the full version of the song:

And if the prison guard notices,
Then I, the boy was gone!
Alarm and shot, and upside down
Fell off the ledge and fell.

I will lie on a prison bed
I will lie and die...
And you will not come to me, dear mother,
Hug and kiss me.

True, Sinyavsky ended up in places of deprivation of liberty already in 1965, so the reference to him is not entirely correct. But note that the quotes really belong to the OLD BLAT SONG. If only because a number of performers (including Arcady Severny) instead of "from the cornice" sing "from the longboat" (or - from the longboat). "Barkaz" - on the old pre-war hair dryer means "prison wall" (see, for example, the same Likhachev). In the post-war and modern criminal jargon, this word is not, it has long been firmly forgotten.
For the sake of justice, we note that both of these verses are absent in the version attributed to Ivanovsky. But they are present in almost all performance options. We turn to Sinyavsky only because Dyukov himself referred to him. Alas, all the listed authors - Likhachev, and Shalamov, and Terts-Sinyavsky - quote only a small part of the classic thieves' songs in their works. Therefore, the argument that there is no mention of any of them among these researchers of criminal folklore must be recognized (in legal language) as insignificant.

However, recently on the Nostalgia website, someone under the nickname Olegvi also expressed a number of doubts about the existence of a “recruit” source for the song about a steam locomotive:

“Only Bichevskaya claims this…
In the text, the logical inconsistencies, in comparison with which "he went to Odessa, but went to Kherson" simply pales.

So, the train "flies to no one knows where." Wait, how do you know where? The hero goes by train to his mother, he was released for three days. So the train is going to know where.

The hero "is in a hurry to show himself" and immediately asks the brake conductor to stop the train. FOR WHAT??? Everything is clear with Ivanovsky - the hero is being transported, he dreams of a meeting with his mother, passing by his native places. Here it is not clear.

Do not wait, mother, son, dissolute son,
Do not wait, mother, son never.

Nikulin's is slightly softened, but also - "don't wait for me, mom." And this is understandable - the conductor will not fulfill the request anyway. And here:

Forgive me mom
I'm sorry dear! -
That's all I'll tell my mom.

Why forgive something? If the hero of the song is taken as a soldier, what is his fault?

Alas, most of the arguments, to put it mildly, far-fetched. For example, about the fact that the train "flies to no one knows where." Like, it’s clear that to mom! Just no. It is no coincidence that the recruiting song begins with the words - "Here the train started moving TO THE FAR SIDE." That is, the train does not go to mama, but to unknown lands. And that is why the hero asks the conductor to "press the brakes", since he "will visit his mother for a short time." That is, the soldier asks to be dropped off at an intermediate station, and he has every right to do so: after all, “the term has been presented to me for three days.” What is incomprehensible here?

Well, we have long figured out about the “brake conductor”. But the last remark - “Why forgive something? If the hero of the song is taken as a soldier, what is his fault? - Deserves attention. And indeed: from the version of Zhanna Bichevskaya it is really unclear why the soldier asks for forgiveness from his mother. And now it's time to pull the piano out of the bushes.

The fact is that, although Dyukov did not find traces of the “recruitment” pre-revolutionary song about the conductor and brakes, it still exists and is still not only in the repertoire of Zhanna Bichevskaya. One of the "Cossack" variants was recorded on the CD "Cossack Songs" (Polyphony Studio, Novosibirsk, 2006) by the folklore ensemble "KrAsota". And here we clearly understand the meaning of filial repentance:

Here the train started off in a distant direction.
"Conductor, hit the brakes!"
I'm to my mother with the last bow
I want to be seen.

The locomotive flies through the valleys and mountains,
He flies to no one knows where.
I'll visit my mother for a short time,
And I was given three days.

“You, mother, do not live, neither with your son, nor with your granddaughter,
Do not live with a young daughter-in-law!
I have a share left - my family became
Only a checker and a black horse.

"Forgive me, mother, forgive me, dear!" -
That's all I'll tell my mom.
Now I don't know what wild land
I'll lay down my wild head.

"Cover me, mother, with a prayer of love,
And I will pray for you."
Forgive me, mother, save me, God,
Or maybe I'll go back to my mother.

So, the son asks for forgiveness for the fact that he did not have time to start a family and because of this “You, mother, do not live with your son or granddaughter, Do not live with your young daughter-in-law!”.

Of course, the nephew of Nikolai Ivanovsky can call this version a “remake” of the song performed by Zhanna Bichevskaya. However, the song was also preserved in the repertoire of the ensemble "Kazachiy stroy" from Mariinsk, Kemerovo region. The recruit Cossack song, which served as the basis for the thieves' Parovoz, is also mentioned by the author of an article about the folklore Cossack festival "Will you be Ataman?", Published in the newspaper Vechernyaya Tyumen (No. 39, October this year).

So if the researcher fails to find something, this is not yet an argument in the dispute. Perhaps it's just the conscientiousness of the researcher himself.

******** Mom dear!, or Maria Spiridonova enters the battle

However, if we dig further, then the “recruit” song also has an inspiring primary source that inspired its unknown creators. This is the famous romance of Yakov Prigozhey to the verses of the Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich Romanov (widely known in poetic circles under the initials KR) "The poor fellow died in a military hospital ...". A poem by K.R. It was simply called “Died” and was written in 1895, and gained wide popularity in all sectors of Russian society precisely thanks to the romance, first recorded in Moscow at the Pate company in 1908. It was performed by the incomparable Nadezhda Vasilievna Plevitskaya, the favorite singer of the last Russian emperor. Here are the words of the romance (the prince's poem is more voluminous):

The poor man died in a military hospital,
Long darling lay.
This soldier's life gradually
A serious illness has finished.

He was torn away from his family early,
Mother wept bitterly
All the depth of mother's sorrow
It's hard to describe with a pen!

With inexpressible longing in his eyes
Wife embraced husband
Full bowl of great grief
She drank early.

And stretched out to him with crying little hands
Boy, little baby...
Native huts disappeared from sight,
He left his homeland.

True, the reader may notice: this romance does not have much in common with Parovoz! Is that the mention of the mother and the fact that the unfortunate once left his native land. So it is. But! The romance about the poor man in the prison hospital was so popular that many alterations immediately followed. Folklore versions are known that were performed during the Russo-Japanese war of 1904-1905, during the first war, and even during the Great Patriotic War. For example, Nikolai Klyuev's revision is known, which dates back to 1914:

He died, poor fellow, in a military hospital,
In death, beautiful and holy,
Isn't it a valuable cover for him
Weaved an autumn sunset? -

So: one of the anonymous folklore variations was dedicated to the Socialist-Revolutionary terrorist Maria Alexandrovna Spiridonova - the one who on January 16, 1906 in Tambov discharged a revolver at the provincial adviser Gavril Nikolaevich Luzhenovsky, who led the suppression of peasant uprisings in the Tambov region. Luzhenovsky, who received five bullets, died three and a half weeks later. The visiting session of the Moscow District Military Court in Tambov sentenced Spiridonova to death by hanging. On death row, she waited 16 days for the approval of the sentence, but in the end, her execution was replaced with indefinite hard labor.

While under investigation, Maria Spiridonova was subjected to beatings, torture and abuse - in particular, by the Cossack officer Avramov and assistant bailiff Zhdanov. The case of torture was dealt with by a special commission of inquiry, the details of the beating of the Social Revolutionary, as well as her meeting with the mother of the Russian reading public, were told in the journal Rus by journalist V. E. Vladimirov. In particular, he wrote:

“When the iron door of the cell was unlocked and the iron bolt was turned on rusty hinges with a cold clang of metal, a terrible picture presented itself to the eyes of the mother: on the floor, in the corner of the room, her daughter Marusya was lying! Her glorious Marusya-baby, her favorite! The head without movement rests on a pillow, overlaid with compresses. There is also a compress on the eye.
With full consciousness, a clear understanding of things, the patient began to calm her mother; urged her not to despair, not to be killed at the thought that she would be hanged for what she had done.
- Mommy! she said. - I will die with joy! Don't worry, don't kill yourself for me; you have four more children, take care of them! It’s hard only that I didn’t have time to commit suicide and these tormentors, torturers got it alive!

Maria Spiridonova in the eyes of the intelligentsia and the people became a real heroine. Maximilian Voloshin dedicates poems to her:

On a clean body there is a trace of a whip,
And blood on the marble brow...
And the wings of a free white seagull
Barely drag on the ground ...

And soon, a nameless song appears to a motive similar to “The poor man died in a military hospital”:

It's dark in the women's prison hospital,
A gloomy day looks through the window.
It's sad, all in black, with my dear daughter,
An old woman sits crying.

This unfortunate daughter is her Mary
With a broken chest, lying at death,
The place of the living on the body is not visible,
The skull is broken, and the eye does not look.

She held out her weak hand
To shake her own hand.
Mother covered her hand with kisses
And she started crying even louder.

The full "Spiridonov" version has not come down to us, we can only restore it approximately according to later criminal revisions - in particular, according to the famous song "Quiet and Gloomy in the Prison Hospital", "Boring and Gloomy in the Prison Hospital", etc. For example, in the version of 1932, recorded by N. Kholina, a student of the VRLU, in the MUR cell, we find an appeal to the mother with a request for forgiveness, as well as indications of beating the heroine (as some researchers point out, instead of the words “beaten with a revolver”, originally it was “beaten whip"):

"Poor mother, I'm sorry, dear,
Your thief daughter!
I die so proud and bold
Hiding your secret.

They beat the cops, they beat them with a revolver,
Beat and chief at that time me,
I answered so proudly and boldly:
"This is my spiritual secret!"

Dear mother, I'm sorry, dear,
I'll die soon now...

Most likely, the song about Maria Spiridonova was the primary source of both the Urkagan and the “recruitment” episodes. And then the appeal to the mother and the "prison bed" migrated from both songs to the prisoner's "Steam Engine". Moreover, farewell to the mother is a traditional technique of Russian song folklore (“Black Raven”, “Steppe and steppe all around”, and so on).

True, the romance “Here the train started to move” was created, and after it “Wait, the engine” to a different melody than the song about Maria Spiridonova and its prisoner processing. Some researchers are inclined to believe that the motive of the "Steam Engine" resembles the same waltz "Autumn Dream", which is sung in the song "From the birches inaudible, weightless, A yellow leaf flies" by Matvey Blanter and Mikhail Isakovsky.

In fact, the waltz is not as old as the song claims: its author, the English composer Archibald Joyce, was born in 1873 and died in 1963. "Autumn Dream" ("Songe d "Automne", or "Autumn Dream") Joyce created presumably in 1908. The composer quickly gained the title of "English King of Waltzes", his works "Dreams of Love", "Remembrance", "Dreams" , "A Thousand Kisses" and others gained worldwide fame.According to legend, it was "Autumn Dream" that sounded on April 15, 1912 on board the infamous Titanic, when the ship was slowly sinking into the depths of the ocean.

"Autumn Dream" was also very popular in Russia. More than once, poetic texts were created to this melody. Prince F. Kasatkin-Rostovsky was the first to compose words to Joyce's music and dedicated them to Baroness Olga Nikolaevna Tauba. Yuri Morfessi performed the song for other words. In the 1930s and 1940s, poets Viktor Bokov, Vadim Malkov and Vasily Lebedev-Kumach attempted to come up with song lyrics for the waltz melody "Autumn Dream" and introduce them into performing practice. The latter composed a poetic version of "Autumn Dream" after the insistent requests of Lidia Andreevna Ruslanova.

So the version with Joyce's waltz would have a right to exist. If not for one "but": the music of the English composer can hardly resemble the melody "Wait, locomotive"! This parallel seems to me artificial and unfounded. Many musicologists agree with this.

********* "And "Yuri Miloslavsky" is also your composition?"
REMEMBER THIS PLACE from Gogol's "Inspector General", where the mayor's wife asks Khlestakov if he is the author of the then famous historical novel (actually written by Mikhail Zagoskin)? About the same story happened with Ivanovsky. Moreover, there are strong suspicions that Nikolai Nikolayevich himself is not the culprit of the delusion (or confusion). Most likely, his nephew Sasha plays the role of Khlestakov.

But Nikolai Nikolayevich could just be mistaken. Mikhail Dyukov, suggesting that the old prisoner be considered the author of Parovoz, writes:

"He himself says that he wrote it to someone else's melody, but here are his words."

It is quite possible that this is how Nikolai Ivanovsky expressed himself. Or perhaps his words were simply "interpreted" that way. In the same way, for example, Ivanovsky was made the author of the song ... "Black Rose, the emblem of sadness"! Yes Yes.

We already mentioned at the beginning of our notes that in December 2001, Tatyana Maksimova met with the paralyzed Nikolai Ivanovsky and wrote a short material “Wait, locomotive, don’t knock, wheels!”. Among other things, there is this paragraph:

“At the film studio, Ivanovsky wrote a screenplay based on his story “They won’t steal the sun further.” There, one character sings a song: “A black rose, the emblem of sadness, At the last meeting I brought you, Both of us sighed, both were silent, We wanted to cry, but there were no tears.” The script was read by Sergei Solovyov, and the quote ended up in the title of his film...”.

And a month later, in January 2002, in the St. Petersburg newspaper Tribuna, Irina Kedrova's article appeared under the heading "Conductor, hit the brakes!". The correspondent already quite clearly states:

"Black rose, the emblem of sadness,
At the last meeting I brought you
I wanted to cry, but there were no tears...
It turns out that these lines included in the title of the Solovyov film belong to the pen of the indefatigable Nikolai Nikolaevich.

And already in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Winged Words and Expressions, the author-compiler Vadim Serov fixed this version as the only true one:

"The black rose is the emblem of sadness

The author of these lines is the writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Ivanovsky (b. 1928, for more details about him, see Wait, locomotive, don't knock, wheels!). In the screenplay, which he wrote based on his own story “They will not send the sun further,” one of the characters sings a song:

Black rose, the emblem of sorrow
At the last meeting I brought you
We both sighed, both were silent,
We wanted to cry, but there were no tears.”

True, below the compiler still makes a reservation:

“This song is a version of the romance “It's a shame, annoying ...” (1920s), written to the verses of the poet Alexander Borisovich Kusikov (1896-1977), a friend of S. A. Yesenin.

Great wording! What is this "version"? Let's compare Kusikov's text, created in 1916, and Ivanovsky's text. From the author of the original song:

Two black roses - emblems of sadness
On the day of the meeting, I brought the last one to you.
And, full of forebodings, we were both silent,
And I wanted to cry, and there were no tears.

You can read Ivanovsky's text a little higher. Well, did you find many differences? And, of course, it is ridiculous to assume that Sergei Solovyov was inspired precisely by the line in Ivanovsky's alteration. In any case, the director in the title of the film “Black Rose is the Emblem of Sorrow, Red Rose is the Emblem of Love” does not quote Ivanovsky’s variation, but the lines of the “children’s” song:

The black rose is the emblem of sadness,
The red rose is the emblem of love.
About the black rose, the devils shouted to us,
The nightingales sing about the red rose.

This song is also a kind of alteration of Alexander Kusikov's romance. In the alteration of Ivanovsky, there are no words about a red rose at all.

If the story about Sergei Solovyov was not invented by the journalist herself (there are big doubts about this), it means that Tamara Maksimova conveyed the story of either her uncle or her nephew. In any case, the fact that the quatrain is present in the script is obvious. That is, Ivanovsky, with a light heart, considered himself the author of The Black Rose, although his quatrain is just a simple alteration. The old prisoner had the same attitude towards Parovoz. And what? He changed a lot in the folk song, shortened it - why is he not the author?

Yes, there were other options. There were other verses as well. But Nikolai Ivanovsky could consider himself the author of the song, even making such minor changes to it, as in "Black Rose" ...

As for the allegations about the “authorship” of certain prison songs, I would not be in a hurry to trust them. Researchers of thieves' folklore know how easily former camp inmates ascribe to themselves the creation of this or that prisoner's masterpiece. Maybe out of forgetfulness, maybe out of the simplicity of the soul ...

By the way, Parovoz has already found one more author - a former convict, musician Heinrich Sechkin. Well, with this, everything is clear. From his memoirs “Behind the Barbed Wire”, Sechkin managed to “remember” how, in the post-war Gulag, “the camp song sounded in his ears:

I went to the punishment cell with bare feet,
Like Christ, and calm and quiet ... "

That is, the very “Kurochek” that Yuz Aleshkovsky composed ... in 1963!

AND ALL THE AUTHORS OF THE "LOW" SCANDAL should be thanked from the bottom of my heart. After all, if it weren't for them, it might not have been possible to raise such layers of folklore material, to learn about the turbulent biography of the "comic couplets" performed by Dunce and Coward in a funny motion picture. But this biography is worth a lot. It intertwined song folklore and Russian life, the fate of the soldiers of tsarist Russia, the collectivization and hard labor of Soviet people, the camp everyday life of prisoners, and even the history of the Westinghouse steam brake. No, whatever you say, it was worth discussing for the sake of it!

"Operation" Y "..." or "Conductor, press the brakes"

How was the legendary comedy filmed and why did the shooting stop?

"Operation" Y "and other adventures of Shurik" is the first comedy by Leonid Gaidai with Alexander Demyanenko in the image of the eccentric Shurik.

Serious approach to frivolous stories

The 2nd creative association of the film studio "Mosfilm" accepted the script application for the future film "Not Serious Stories" in March 1964, and in August 1965 the all-Union premiere took place.

In the film, three short stories are united by one hero - the eccentric Shurik, who gets into trouble, but emerges victorious. And at first there were two short stories. Their central character was related, but he was different: the student's name was not Shurik, but Vladik. In one of the short stories, he was re-educating a grumbler and a lazy person who did not like work, but was courteous to the ladies. And in another part, Vladik Arkov, as a tutor, prepared modern Mitrofanushka for entrance exams to the university, who did not want to study or get married, but simply dreamed of getting rid of parental care.

In the film, everything, as we remember, looks different. In the "Partner" part, a bespectacled student working part-time at a construction site finds on his head a would-be assistant - a big man who received "15 days" - "don't care" Verzila. In the short story "Delusion" Shurik amusingly meets a girl with whom he blindly prepared for the exam. And in the last fragment (“Operation “Y”), the hero accidentally finds himself at the scene of a crime, forestalling a contractual robbery involving Experienced, Coward and Dunce. These three, as well as the film's cinematographer Konstantin Brovin, were also involved in Leonid Gaidai's previous short films: Dog Mongrel and an Unusual Cross Country, Business People and Moonshiners. But the one who would personify Shurik had yet to be found.

"For our chance acquaintance!"

Negotiations were conducted with Andrey Mironov, but it did not come to screen tests. And imagine what our favorite hero would be if played by Oleg Vidov or Alexander Zbruev, Vitaly Solomin or Evgeny Zharikov. In addition to them, Valery Nosik and Alexander Lenkov, Gennady Korolkov and Vladimir Korenev, Alexei Eibozhenko and Ivan Bortnik, Sergei Nikonenko and Vsevolod Abdulov auditioned for the role of Vladik (Shurik).

For some reason, none of the applicants did not suit the director. And when one of his colleagues mentioned that there was a suitable actor in Leningrad, he personally went to get acquainted with this recommended artist. So in July 1964, the life of Alexander Demyanenko changed once and for all, thanks to a fateful meeting with Leonid Gaidai. The image of Shurik “glued” to the actor will not allow him to play the roles he dreamed of later, but his creative biography will contain works by which the artist will be remembered for a long time. Because Gaidai's comedies are timeless, they are loved by viewers of all generations. And the actor himself determined that the comedy was doomed to success as soon as he read the script: we didn’t make such films before “Operation Y”.

Demyanenko had already been approved for the lead role, and less than a week was left before the start of filming, when suddenly the artistic council decided to make sure that the choice was correct. A second test was arranged for Valery Nosik. Comparing both actors, the role was given to Demyanenko, and Nosik was offered an episode with a student gambler taking an exam in the short story "Obsession".

But not only for the performer of the role of Shurik, Gaidai went to the city on the Neva. From there, another Leningrad actor, Alexei Smirnov, was also invited to the picture. Many candidates portrayed the tall man at screen tests, among them was Mikhail Pugovkin. After Pugovkin was criticized by Ivan Pyriev (they say he didn’t come out with his face), the artist was given the role of a foreman, and in the image of Verzila they decided to shoot the big man Smirnov.

They recommended the director and debutant composer Alexander Zatsepin, who had recently moved to Moscow and earned his living by playing the accordion in restaurants. "Wait, locomotive!" wrote a 38-year-old musician with Siberian roots, for whom acquaintance with Gaidai was a pass to great art.

Only cats will be born quickly

In the era of plans and labor commitments, filmmakers were covered in the same way as machine operators at the factory. Records of shooting days have been preserved in the archives of the studio, which can be used to judge the pace of work and the workload of the actors. Ironically, the performance of the film crew in the episodes with the lazy man Verzila was no greater than that of the hero Alexei Smirnov.

Filming starts on July 27th. The first scene is the formation of "alcoholics, parasites, hooligans" in the police yard (near the 9th Mosfilm laboratory). Extras are participating, Vladimir Basov (policeman) and Alexei Smirnov (Verzila).

The next shoot is in 10 days. August 7 again in the frame - Smirnov, but now - with Pugovkin. The foreman shows the construction site to a friend who has joined for 15 days. “Have you had accidents at a construction site? .. Will be!”, Verzila said this text at a real construction site in Sviblovo.

Three days later - construction again. On August 10, Verzila was supposed to chase Shurik. Instead of Demyanenko, an understudy ran. For the whole day - three shots: Big man leans out from behind a pile, close-up of Smirnov, Big man runs to the tractor. Due to a faulty engine, filming stopped at 4:30 p.m. A day later, at the same time, they will finish shooting because of the rain. On August 12, they will only have time to shoot the episode with Big Guy throwing a bag from the lift.

And the day before, they mastered the episode with washing Verzila in the shower, when Shurik stole his clothes. Demyanenko is not on the site again - things are stolen by an understudy (in the frame - his hand). In a loincloth, Verzila jumped out of the shower only on August 28, but he failed to chase Shurik - the camera broke. After lunch they brought another one, but they still didn’t have time to fulfill the plan of the shooting day - it got dark.

Dinner serving Verzile was brought on August 13. An unlucky number did not bode well. And as soon as Smirnov finished his barbecue, the film crew also lay down to rest with him in the midday heat. Due to a scratch on the film, the camera needed to be repaired or replaced. Three hours later, two mechanics arrived, along with the head of the operator's shop, Fayman. By joint efforts, the defect was eliminated, but the rain again prevented filming. The plan for the footage that day was again not fulfilled.

Then they filmed three episodes from the short story "Obsession". For Lida and her girlfriend Ira, Shurik ran around the city for three days. On August 26, the girls walked along Komsomolskoye Highway and Frunzenskaya Embankment, and Shurik stood at the kiosk. At the tram stop near VDNKh, all three stood on August 25, boarded the tram on August 27, and rode and got off the tram a few more days later. Capturing the scene in the tram was not immediately possible due to the difficulties of shooting in motion. The plan for the footage was again “filled up”.

Not everything went smoothly during the winter shooting. The third short story - with Vitsin, Morgunov and Nikulin - was filmed in Leningrad, where the film crew, as guessed, arrived on December 13th. The bad luck started with the weather. The snow brought to the shooting location by ten dump trucks melted, it rained for three days, and the actors had to wait for the props to prepare the scenery not only for the base, but also for the “snow-covered” street. In the frame, under the feet of the heroes, it was not snow in the cold that creaked, but polystyrene. They also brought a lot of cotton wool, and the props and clothes of the actors were generously sprinkled with mothballs.

By the way, according to the plot, the “summer” shooting of the exam episodes by the heroes Valery Nosik (student gambler) and Viktor Pavlov (Oak with a bandaged ear) was filmed on January 11, but not in Leningrad, but in the capital, in the audience of the Moscow Economic Institute.

Terrarium of like-minded people

And the next day, the footage was analyzed by the artistic council. After watching the first two short stories, the director's and camera work received good reviews, and colleagues liked the acting of Demyanenko, Smirnov and Pugovkin. But the biggest boss - the artistic director of the 2nd creative association and the "hard" director Ivan Pyryev again found fault with Pugovkin, recommending that he reduce the time he spent in the frame. "Unnecessarily detailed" seemed to him and the image of a policeman. Pyryev did not approve of the choice of Basov for this role - not the same type, they say. I picked up the idea of ​​the artistic director of the association and the editor-in-chief. “Basov is not good,” Boris Kremnev joined in the criticism, “it’s better to reshoot the episode with the police.” At the same time, the captious Pyryev suddenly praised the second short story, which he supposedly underestimated. The artistic director acknowledged the former skepticism about "Delusion" as erroneous, and later generally called this part "the greatest success of comedy", "fresh intonation", "a new facet of directing talent" and "a step forward in Gaidai's work." He closed the meeting of the artistic council with a proposal to replace the title of the film "Fun Stories". No one dared to argue with the boss's version: the comedy was called Operation Y and Shurik's Other Adventures.

A month later, the third short story was discussed. On February 25, Vitsin got from Pyryev: his performance seemed fake to the artistic director. Having reproached the artist for repeating the image from "The Dog Mongrel", Pyriev advised looking for "new colors" and set Nikulin as an example, who is "always different." But with special pressure, the "Mosfilm" boss attacked Morgunov, whom he called "not funny, but unpleasant." At the final verdict on the film on April 23, Pyryev stated bluntly: “We need to stop filming Morgunov and Pugovkin! Tired. Not interesting".

After advice to cut lengths in the first and third parts of the film, Gaidai excluded some episodes and submitted a re-recorded version to the court of the Mosfilm directorate. The general viewing was scheduled, as is done, for May 13th. The script editorial board ordered to shorten the chase shots in the first short story (long), remove the episodes with the Papuan Big Man (deliberately) and cut out the exam scenes (they fall out of the general style).

Fortunately for the viewer, the director ignored the recommendations, for which he paid with the status of the picture: a comedy that outlived its time was assigned only the second category. The commission's decision was not even affected by the film's victory at the Krakow Film Festival (the award was given to the second short story "Delusion").

The first category in the same 1965 included films that not only no one remembers now, but few people even watched then: “Who do we love more” (for 7 months - 2.4 million), “A bridge is being built” ( for six months - 2.6 million), "House in the Dunes" (for the year - 3.4 million).

The comedy of Leonid Gaidai "Operation" Y "..." in the year of release on the screen (since mid-August, for 4.5 months) was watched by 69.6 million viewers. It was the top spot in the list of premieres in 1965 and an absolute record for films of the "frivolous" genre.

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Vyacheslav Kaprelyants, 2015

Sit down, daughter. - Nothing, nothing, thank you, sit down. - Citizen, give way, stand up! - If I get up, you will lie down with me. Citizen, these places are specifically for children and the disabled. - And she that, children or invalids? She is preparing to become a mother. - And I'm getting ready to become a father! - Why are you talking nonsense! - That's just a disabled person. - Oh, disabled. - What do you say now? - Law is law! - Please, sit down. Oh, you're sighted! Now you will be blind. - Do you confirm it? - We confirm! We confirm. So ... So the victim ... - Do you work at a construction site? - I work. - What do you mean "I'm working"? - I study at the Polytechnic. Student! For 15 days! Well, citizens are alcoholics, hooligans, parasites, who wants to work today? Outfits for today: sand pit - 2 people. - Sandy quarry - 2 people. - Announce the entire list, please. - Sand quarry - 2 people. Street cleaning - 3 people. The meatpacking plant... ...didn't send orders for today. There is an order for the construction of a residential building, a cement plant ... But not for a distillery? Ask. Carefully. First of all, I want to introduce you to our wonderful team, which you are temporarily joining. - How much does a friend pour in? - To the fullest, 15! - Yeah! One and a half decades. - Don't be late for lunch! I am sure that these fifteen days will pass with you in an atmosphere of friendship and complete mutual understanding. - Yeah. Cork. Gift from Africa. Yes! Please here. With the power of imagination, imagine what kind of housing estate will be created here. In it alone, 740 gas stoves will be installed, that is, 740 times more than there were in the entire city before 1913. I ask you to! Romance. And if we take the entire volume of work performed by our SMU for 1 quarter and put these floors one on top of the other, we will get a building that will be 2 times higher than the world-famous Eiffel Tower, or three times higher than the famous Notre Dame de Paris. What does Notre Dame Cathedral mean? - What, what mother? Parisian. Mother of God. Ask. Our SMU has built such an amount of living space that is equal to one such city as Chita, 10 such as Khvalynsk or 32 Kryzhopoly. It takes your breath away to think that... ...than in America. Thus, you will be able to make your own contribution to the labor accomplishments of our construction and installation department. - What kind of management? - Assembly management. - I'm ready! Shurik! - Yes, Pal Stepanych? - Well, Sanya, here's your partner. Finally, Pal Stepanych, thank you! - Well, now let's work. - Let's work. Well, I see you're doing well. Get up, Shurik. I wish you success in your work and great happiness in your personal life. Thank you for attention. Listen, have you had any accidents at the construction site? No, there haven't been any yet. - They will...let's go... ...God have mercy! ...Lord have mercy! - What's there? - Shh! Listen, where are you? I'm looking for you all over the building. The work is worth it. The work is worth it, but the time is running out. Do not forget, you have an account in rubles, and I have - in days. - Well, Shurik, how is your partner? - Re-educated. - Great. Why whisper? - Asleep. - Sleeping?! While our spaceships plow the expanses of the universe... ...and it's not for nothing that all the continents applaud the workers of our big ballet... ...the wisdom of the people teaches - patience and work will grind everything - once! Finished the job - walk boldly - two! Work is not a wolf - not into the forest ... No, this is not necessary ... To hell! - A compote? - Compote! - Hands... - Huh? - Washed? - Ah... Yes, yes, yes. So... To the sand pit! - Well, let's get started ... - Bon appetit. I'm sorry, what? I say: who does not work - he eats. Learn student! Understand, student, now you need to be gentler with people, and look wider at questions ... So you think they gave me 15 days? They gave us 15 days. And for what? So that you conduct explanatory work among me ... And I grew above myself. Okay, give me a bay, like spaceships plow ... Bolshoi Theater ... And I'll sleep. That's right... And drive the flies away. - What are you?! -

The painting "" consists of three short stories, the main character of which was a student of the Polytechnic Institute Shurik(Alexander Demyanenko).


On the bus on the way to the institute Shurik tried to reason with a healthy kingpin (Aleksey Smrnov), who refused to give up his seat to a pregnant girl and was rude to passengers. As a result, a scuffle ensued, and the hooligan was taken to the police station, where he received 15 days of arrest. The next morning, the bus boor, among other violators of the order, was sent to corrective labor.

Big man was sent to a construction site, where he became his partner Shurik, who, in his spare time from studies, worked as a laborer there.

Meeting again with Shurik, a fifteen-day worker, who, as it turned out later, is called Fedya, began to look for a way to take revenge on his offender. But this idea was not at all as simple as it seemed to him at first.


The hot time for exams has come at the Polytechnic University, and Shurik, like most students, was preoccupied with the search for notes. But no matter which of his classmates he turned to, no one could help him - someone needed the lecture notes himself, someone, having successfully passed the exam, had already given his notebooks to others. However Shurik lucky: on the tram he saw the necessary abstract in the hands of two girls (Natalya Selezneva, Lyudmila Kovalets) and began to read, looking over their shoulders.

One of the girlfriends remained in the tram, and Shurik and the second student got off at the bus stop and proceeded home to the girl. At the same time, both were so immersed in reading that they did not notice anything around and did not even see each other. After several hours of studying the abstract, the couple returned to the institute.

After passing the exam Shurik met a friend of his classmate Lidoy who fell in love at first sight. Escorting the girl to the entrance, Shurik was the victim of a dog attack that tore his trousers. Lida invited her guide to her place so that he could put his clothes in order. Once in the apartment Shurik experienced a strange feeling: it seemed to him that he had already been here ...

Operation Y"

Selling lollipops and gaudy rugs at the market Experienced(Evgeny Morgunov), dunce(Yuri Nikulin) and Coward(Geogry Vitsin) invited the head of the trading base Petukhov(Vladimir Vladislavsky) to offer them one profitable "deal".

The base was soon to undergo an audit, and Petukhov really did not want the inspectors to find a shortage of goods stolen by him. He decided to hire three klutzy adventurers to stage a warehouse robbery. When discussing the details of the upcoming "event" Dunce suggested for conspiracy to call him " Operation Y"".

On the night of the “robbery”, everything went wrong, as it was planned, because instead of the old watchman, the warehouse was guarded by her replacement Shurik.

The history of the film Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik

After finishing work on the screen adaptation of stories O.Henry(O. Henry) - comedy " Business people" Leonid Gaidai wanted to make a film on a modern theme. From the scenarios offered to him to choose from, he chose one - called " frivolous stories", written Yakov Kostyukovsky And Maurice Slobodsky. The main character of the script, consisting of two short stories, was a student named Vlad Arkov- good-natured "nerd" with glasses.

After the approval of the script at the artistic council and the launch of the picture into production Gaidai together with Kostyukovsky And Slobodsky took over the script. In the final version, only one story from the original version remained - about the re-education of a fifteen-day boor, and the main character received a new name - Shurik.

Painting Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik became the leader of Soviet distribution in 1965: 69.6 million people watched it. According to modern data, the film ranks 7th in terms of attendance among domestic films.

Filming took place in several cities - in Moscow (in the pavilions of the film studio under construction " Mosfilm", on the streets of the capital and new buildings in the Sviblov area), in Leningrad and Odessa.

In 1965, the short story " obsession" from the movie Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik at the festival of short films in Krakow (Poland) the prize "Wawel Silver Dragon" was awarded.

Interesting facts about the film Operation "Y" and other adventures of Shurik

For the role Shurik applied for about a hundred candidates, among whom were Oleg Vidov, Vsevolod Abdulov, Vitaly Solomin , Evgeny Petrosyan , Sergei Nikonenko , Evgeny Zharikov , Gennady Korolkov, Ivan Bortnik, Valery Nosik , Alexander Zbruev And Andrey Mironov. When Gaidai already approved for the role spout, a photo caught his eye Alexandra Demyanenko. The director immediately decided what to play Shurik it will be him. Valery Nosik nevertheless starred in the film in the episodic role of a student gambler.
- Plot of the novel obsession" Gaidai"borrowed" from a Polish humor magazine " hairpins" ("Szpilki"), which, by the way, served as a source of inspiration for the authors of the famous " Zucchini "13 chairs" ".
- Mikhail Pugovkin first auditioned for the role of a tall man in a novel " Partner", but in the end he played the foreman of the SMU Pavel Stepanovich.
- Letter code on the car number Experienced- "BBT" - formed from the initials of nicknames " Experienced", "Dunce" And " Coward". The number that three friends hung on the car, going to the "case" - "A 1-01" - was diplomatic.

The film crew of the film Operation "Y" and Shurik's other adventures

Director of the film Operation "Y" and Shurik's other adventures: Leonid Gaidai
The authors of the film script Operation "Y" and Shurik's other adventures: Leonid Gaidai, Yakov Kostyukovsky, Maurice Slobodskoy
Cast: Alexander Demyanenko, Natalia Selezneva, Alexei Smirnov, Yuri Nikulin, Evgeny Morgunov, Georgy Vitsin, Mikhail Pugovkin, Vladimir Basov, Rina Zelenaya, Viktor Uralsky and others
Operators: Konstantin Brovin, A. Egorov
Composer: Alexander Zatsepin

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