The whole movement system is alive. Gives strength - a healthy lifestyle


SYSTEM "BELOYAR" was born at the confluence of the ancient tribal knowledge of the Slavs and the teachings of the best minds of Russian psychiatry - Vygodsky, Bekhterev, Sechenov, Luria. All theoretical calculations in the teachings of these outstanding people are based on the simplest principle that our ancestors knew and described in their legends and epics: "Every movement ends with a thought, and every thought ends with a movement." Bekhterev in his works proved that the internal conflict of a person, in its main stage, arises precisely in this chain: movement -> thought * thought -> movement. The development of the conflict in the final stage leads to severe mental disorders, drug addiction, alcoholism, prostitution, sadism, etc. The "BELOYAR" system, aimed at resolving an internal conflict through a natural holistic movement, includes three stages.

  • First of all, with the help of simple exercises, the most effective therapy for diseases of the spine and the musculoskeletal system is carried out.
  • At this stage, various types of exercises are combined into a single system of natural movement. Smooth and precise transitions are practiced. The practitioner learns to form a goal, and then achieve this goal regardless of the pressure of the environment.
  • In Slavic legends there is no mention of martial art as such. Western historians have decided that there are no martial arts in Russia. The ability to arbitrarily respond to aggression from any people turns into a dance. Any national dance is a fighting form of plastic movement. If we add an accurate understanding of the work of the muscles and the bone apparatus to the plasticity, then we get the most perfect combat form of movement. Russia had such a form (“He will stop a galloping horse ...”).

    Russian dance dances are the most perfect form of natural movement. On this basis, there is a study of Russian national dance and the use of dance elements in martial arts with a full rationale for each movement.

  • School of Russian combat ""
    Main aspects in activity:

  • spiritual - historical-philosophical, cultural, national sections;
  • psychophysical, as the development of internal abilities, the discovery of the intrapersonal potential of a person.
  • therapeutic - prevention and improvement of the body, the musculoskeletal system;
  • plastic - the culture of movement, dynamics, coordination, spatial and temporal perception;
  • physical - general physical fitness (GPP), endurance, agility, etc.;
  • combat - aspects of Russian martial art, which in turn is divided into fisticuffs and hand-to-hand combat.
  • Fist fight- the competitive culture of Rus', a male tradition. In fisticuffs, there is a mastering of the practice of fighting at an average distance, striking techniques of arms and legs, methods of protection from punches and kicks, and methods of movement.

    hand-to-hand combat- this is a practical combat struggle (behavioral model) consisting of many cumulative things, such as: various technical developments, striking technique, throwing technique, mastering the ways of moving at different distances and tracking it, acrobatics, psychophysics, biomechanics, psychological aspects of human interaction with man, knowledge of the laws of composition, as the organization of space and time, mastering ways to bring a person out of balance, both physical and mental, tactics and strategy, and much more.

    Using the training system of Russian hand-to-hand combat, the possibility of action and safety in combat in an extreme environment increases, since its main points are:
    lack of specific techniques against specific actions (there are fundamental basic actions based on natural laws);
    lack of work force on force (the ability to feel the force and manage it);
    work according to the situation (the situation is constantly changing in time and space).

    Other Slavic styles: SPRUT, Black lynx, Kharakterniki, THUNDER, ROD, Battle dance.

    “Some people with thin legs are stronger than people with fat ones - Why? Because the strength lies in the tendons, in those invisible hard tissues that are second in density only to the bones. Without tendons, a person would turn into a jelly. But tendons need to be trained. In my experience, one can be convinced that a large man does not have to be strong, but a man of modest build is necessarily weak.

    I don't believe in big muscles unless they have real big tendon strength next to them.

    Alexander Zass, or Iron Samson, created an ingenious system for developing strength.

    “Large biceps are not a measure of strength just as a big belly is not a sign of good digestion.”

    Ivanov's method. Or, scientifically, "The Method of Forced Muscle Nutrition"

    The book - A man with an ax - the hero of Russian streets and the protector of the family. A simple man who is able to teach an enemy a lesson in courage - worthy masculine behavior in a deadly situation.

    Let's talk about where to get the desire and strength for your own improvement.

    Here are the symptoms of a person leading HEALTHY LIFESTYLE:

    "1. You can not get sick with inflammation, colds. The flu goes almost unnoticed. Almost all psychosomatics is turned off and disappears (disorders of organs, joints, pain - after all, all organs are cleansed and rejuvenated). Immunity rises from an artificial minimum to a natural norm: you can lie in the snow for three hours or dance in the same swimming trunks at minus 18 ° C, and nothing happens. And all this - without specials. hardening!

    2. Sensitivity to harmful substances is the highest, the reaction to them is strong, it can even be painful, but at the same time the body powerfully and quickly infuriates them, rejects them, neutralizes them, and there are practically no consequences of poisoning.

    3. Here too: very strong food endurance: if you have to eat unusual or indigestible, all this is easily digested and neutralized without consequences. Filters all process in one fell swoop. "Digestion of an ostrich".

    4. The digestibility of food is an order of magnitude higher. That is - the coefficient of assimilation. A “fat” raw foodist (who has passed the crisis of eight months) eats three apples, a couple of cucumbers. Saturates wild forest greens, vegetable leaves, grape shoots - everything is suitable for food. From here:

    5. A unique feeling of independence from circumstances. Let's not speak lofty words about unity with nature, but no matter what happens, no matter where you are - even in the forest - you will always be full without any money, you will survive.

    6. Sense of taste: not with the tongue and eyes, but with the whole body. The body approves or disapproves of food and signals desire, indifference or rejection. Feeling of satiety: it is objective, from the body, so there is no opportunity to overeat. In general, raw foods are very difficult to overeat.

    7. Feeling of hunger: after the “crisis” it practically does not bother. That neurosis that we call appetite does not exist. There is an understanding: yeah, you can eat. I got distracted, forgot, a day or two - and nothing. Remembered - ate, well. From here:

    8. "Camel effect": the ability to not eat at all for a day, two and three, without loss of comfort and stamina. You eat once a day - through the roof. The same with drinking, even with great physical exertion.

    9. As a summary: normal physical endurance. The run is pleasant. You can run for several hours, and after that you do not feel tired. You do not get tired at all, there is no desire to sit down, lie down. The efficiency of life is much higher. And again, all this - without special training.

    10. Mental endurance under any load is just as great. The mind is clear and crystal clear. The memory works perfectly. The clarity of thinking is such that exams are passed almost without preparation and study ceases to be a problem.

    11. The need for sleep is reduced to 6 hours. Sleep deprivation is easily tolerated. For example, at the age of 60, drive a car without a break for three days, without weakening self-control and attention. Awakening is light, cheerful and joyful. (Oh, damn it! Yes, for this alone ...)

    12. Tone - a strong interest in life. The mood is even, joyful. Troubles only intensify. The confrontation is high: it is practically impossible to quarrel - nothing irritates, everything is perceived consciously.

    Psychotechniques and martial arts, for those who wish to speed up their meditation. When life is stagnant and it is difficult to practice meditation, shake yourself up, throw off the shackles of the usual descriptions of the world and immerse yourself in a completely new LIVING state. Try it! Surely you have heard that astral trips, clairvoyance, bioenergetics, extrasensory feeling are best obtained by martial arts masters, or at least by those people who regularly do exercises, pay attention to their physical body, which is inextricably linked with energy and all kinds of states. psyche.

    Exercise number 4.
    So, turn on (required in stereo!) very quiet rhythmic music without words. I recommend the Japanese Taiko drum album.
    Next, stand up straight, undress, enter the Stan, say the code phrase. To the rhythm of the drums, start dancing with muscle sensations. Slowly at first, on the rhythm of "sixteen", then accelerate to the rhythm of "eight", then on the "four". Feel the rhythm of the fight not only with your hearing, but also with your sensations, move smoothly, fixing the extreme position of the body in the rhythm of the fight.
    I assure you, you will enjoy moving to the rhythm of the Stan, and you yourself will spontaneously begin to accelerate the rhythm and increase the intensity of movements, while experiencing the strongest delight from the complete submission of the body to your mental Self.
    This is Bran!

    At first, you can stay in the state of Scolding for no more than ten minutes; with longer sessions, it disappears. Therefore, for an arbitrarily long stay in this state, it is necessary to learn the technique of “separate concentration” - first, focus on the movements of the hands, after five minutes switch to sensations in the legs, then back at the same interval. You need to do 20 - 30 minutes, no more, once a day, in the evening. After finishing the exercise, take a refreshing shower. Repeat the exercise for two or three days, until the curse is "put on a reflex."

    Exercise number 5.
    This exercise for the first time must be carried out with a safety net, since when it is performed, there is a possibility of spontaneous “failure” into the deep state of Navi. Of course, there is nothing wrong with that, after 20-30 minutes Nav switched to normal healthy sleep and you will wake up in 7-8 hours. You just suddenly fell, you can scare your loved ones half to death.

    And if your insurance partner sees that you are falling, then he needs to support you and immediately splash a bucket of cold water in your face.
    I also apologize for the tongue-tied tongue when laying out, but for the sensations that arise during the development of Battle and Reveal in the modern language, there are no corresponding terms and definitions (try to explain to the blind what red is!).

    So, turn on the rhythm, set the player's timer to 30 minutes. Stand up straight. Take note of the placement of items in your room. Undress, turn off the lights or put on opaque glasses, do not pay attention to those "fireflies" and light spots that appear in front of your eyes. Try not to look at anything AT ALL. Enter the Stan, say the code phrase. Start moving at Brani's slow pace without speeding up. Then go through the following steps:

    Imagine placing drums in space and feel the sound bouncing off your skin.
    - Imagine, and with the skin of your hands feel those weightless turbulences and perturbations of the air that arise in the space created by the drum rhythm around you as a result of movement.
    - Expand the perception of your "I" by one or two meters into the space surrounding you, it will be easy if you FEEL how your hands move in the transparent golden luminous rhythmic void surrounding you. And you will see emptiness with non-eyes!
    - Then, in a minute, by an effort of will, expand your aura to the size of a room, you will feel the reflection of the rhythm from the objects that surround you.
    - Learn to mentally feel objects in the room
    - After spreading your "I" to the size of the house, then feel the landscape around you.
    - After one or two minutes, “throw out” your aura as far as possible into the Universe and Infinity. Feel with NON-EYES that you are standing and moving in a transparent golden endless void, inside of which are planets and stars.
    - “Throw out” the sensations of your endless hands, and then the body shell into this Universe, learn to move through the newly arisen sensations of movement in this void, and do not be afraid if you suddenly see the stars around with non-eyes!
    This is Yav.

    According to Barbara Brennan, Reality is the seventh! the level of unity of the casual body, or immediately the third level of samadhi.

    Practice until the timer turns off the music, after that - immediately in a refreshing shower! And once, once in Yavi, you will be able to carry out the Transition in the future without any code words.

    The next day, repeat the exercise, but already dressed, in the light, without glasses and music, while you need to “defocus” your eyes and look, as it were, through objects, without seeing them, into the void surrounding you.

    Learn to mentally touch objects with your eyes open, while constantly keeping your gaze defocused. Next, pick up any object, focus on the sensations that have arisen. Put the object in place, close your eyes and mentally imagine and feel that this object is in your hands. Do the same with open, defocused eyes. After no special exercises are needed, then - either to the stadium or on the mat.

    On the tatami, first work out the techniques in the state of Scolding and put them on the “reflex of sensations”, this will take two to three full workouts. Then just learn to “turn on” the swearing and reality in sparring, don’t think about anything and “take under the hood” your sparring partner. Feel all his movements and imagine your reaction to his attack - your body will do everything by itself, on reflexes, quickly and immediately.

    It should be noted from my own experience that in Brani the mastering of martial arts techniques occurs quickly, the techniques are “put on a reflex” from the second or third time! At the same time, only real simple tricks that are kept by the ancestral memory of a person “go” well. Admit it, it's hard to imagine Ilya Muromets kicking in the head!

    Therefore, I recommend combat sambo, rusboy, bolivak, BARS, hopak, dance, etc. By the way, Plyas is the oldest combat system practiced by Cossacks - scouts since the Horde times of Batka-Batu. Words in plastunsky, plastun (dance-tun in Sanskrit), dance - look for an analogy. And Cossack dances are simply a demonstration of the methods of the Dance.

    When mastering running, you need to focus on feeling light and flying. To do this, imagine that you are being “pulled” forward along the treadmill and completely surrender to this feeling. And I guarantee you will get amazing results!

    Place a landscape in front of you. Enter Reality and mentally get inside the picture. “Feel” objects not in the foreground, then in the background, feel that the background is, as it were, BEHIND the foreground - a flat picture will suddenly become voluminous, “feel” this volume well. This is a useful skill for any energy work.

    I bring to your attention the psychotechnics of self-development of Alive.
    A little theory first.
    There are three states of the human body - wakefulness, sleep and trance. There are two types of wakefulness - active (work) and passive (rest). Sleep is also divided into two phases - fast and slow. But in a trance state, only the passive phase is currently known - hypnosis and OS.
    So, by analogy, Alive is the active phase of a trance.
    Example. It is known that you cannot jump above your head. But if a situation arises when an angry dog ​​is behind, and a two-meter fence is ahead, then the person’s “hidden abilities” turn on and he can easily overcome a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. And Zhiva allows you to release these hidden abilities not only in critical situations, but simply at will. At the same time, the reaction is accelerated two to three times, the strength and sensitivity of all receptors increase several times, the brain “accelerates” to almost 100%, while activating the nerve centers responsible for extrasensory perception.

    So, Zhiva is a combat trance state, which was practiced and practiced by the Yaik (Don) Cossacks - scouts.

    Structurally, I live can be divided into several parts:
    - Stan (base state, akin to ISS),
    - Swearing and Rage (the state of "second wind" and "fighting frenzy", respectively),
    - Reality, Nav and Mara (supersensory perception, combat empathy and iatrogeny)
    - Lepa (state of healing and self-healing).
    And in view of the extreme danger of the combat sections of Alive, I present here the psychotechniques of Stan, Brani, Yavi and Lepi.
    I must say that I tested all the proposed psychotechnics on my own skin, as well as on my students.

    First, it is imperative to learn concentration and master the state of “lack of internal dialogue” (ATD), which is very important when mastering Yavi and Lepi. There are many different psychotechniques for this, but I recommend the following technique of concentration. It consists in sitting and fixing attention and gaze on a real (drawn on a piece of paper) point 3-5 meters from the eyes and look at it for 5-15 minutes without moving, without blinking and without thinking about anything 3-5 times a day. Verbally, you will soon find yourself, as it were, in a dark golden corridor, and you will begin to see only the trembling contours of the objects around you.
    You should practice until you become clearly and distinctly aware of only the proposed object of concentration, mental speech completely disappears and there is no desire to think about anything. And since the process of thinking cannot be stopped, you need to learn to think not in words, but in images and sensations, which is extremely necessary to master empathy (telepathy through thought images). Criterion - min.10 minutes ATS.

    Universal isometric technique of transition to Stan.
    The stun is the basic state of Zhiva, from which the transition to all other states is possible,
    I must say that the psychotechnique of the Transition is primitive, like an ax, and yet it is 100% effective, as I was convinced by my own experience and that of my students.

    So, exercise number 1.
    Stand in the doorway with your hands down, palms inward. Then rest the backs of your hands on the doorposts and for at least a minute try your best to push your arms out to the sides. Press until you feel pain in the muscles of your hands. Then lower your arms, take a step forward and relax completely. You will feel how the hands themselves "float" to the sides. Remember well those sensations of slight muscle tension when you come up with your hands, which at the same time you have. With five-minute breaks, repeat the exercise two more times.
    Then stand facing the wall and press the backs of your lowered hands forward in the same way. After that, take two steps back and relax - your hands will "float" in front of you. Remember the sensations that have arisen. With five-minute breaks, repeat the exercise two more times.
    Repeat this series three to five times a day (NO MORE!!!) for two to three days.

    Exercise number 2.
    Stand up straight, enter the ATS, relax, slightly tense the muscles of the body. Remember the sensations that you have when your hands come up and make sure that your hands come up in front of you as if on their own, without exercising. No. 1. (If it doesn’t work out, continue the first exercise, the time to master it is from a day to two weeks). Put your hands down.
    After the same way, (with the help of sensations in the muscles) make sure that your hands also spread apart on their own. After that, without lowering your arms, imagine a muscular sensation of attraction between your arms, and ensure that your outstretched arms come together forward at chest level. Then they broke up again, and so several times. Then try to control the movement of your fingers in the same way. Then learn how to make simple movements with your hands. Exercise three to five times a day for max. 10 min. (NO MORE!) Mastering this exercise will take one to three days.

    Exercise number 3.
    Sit on a chair, enter the ATS, relax, slightly tense the muscles of the body. With the help of sensations, try to achieve an ascent first with the right, then with the left, and after that with both legs (if it doesn’t work out, use the stop method from exercise, No. 1). Then learn how to sit and make body turns and rotate your head. This will also take one to three days.

    After mastering exercise No. 3, learn to perform various movements with all parts of the body while standing, using muscle sensations. Repeat the exercise three to four times a day, the duration of classes should not exceed 15 minutes. Practice until SOMETHING “rolls over” you: a feeling of muscle lightness, puppy delight, waking sleep, absolute indifference and complete thoughtlessness - this is STAN.
    In the future, in order to make the transition, you just need to remember the sensations of the Something that has arisen. The transition occurs with a click, at once. By the way, there should not be any feeling of heaviness and passive trance, Alive is an active phase. An extraordinary lightness and an amazing state of absence of a body simply arises. And now your task is to remember this state, and put it "on reflex".
    And welcome to Live!

    And yet, if your hands do not rise to the end, then hold a pair of dumbbells in your arms apart for several minutes, if there are no dumbbells, fill a couple of bags with a heavy one, your arms will rise not only to the sides, but fly over your head! If it still doesn’t work out, then help yourself with a light muscular effort, the main thing is to learn how to move with NON-MUSCLES.
    At the same time, it is necessary to imagine that the hands from the inside, instead of muscles, are, as it were, “inflated” with a transparent golden and weightless substance. Then imagine that such a substance is outside the hands, and in the direction of movement a certain vacuum arises in it, which “attracts” the hands to itself. Use these sensations when moving your fingers, head, etc. Try to move in the Stan in everyday conditions.
    I apologize in advance for the lack of specifics in the presentation - for these sensations in the modern language there are no corresponding concepts and definitions.
    By the way, be sure to keep a diary, and immediately after class, write down the process of sensations - you will forget, after all.
    The funny thing is that each of you has already visited Ziva once - small children move in the same way when they learn to walk. And since you do not learn anything new, but just remember the well-forgotten old, then in my lifetime this psychotechnics has NEVER! didn't give up. It's all about the time of development, it is inversely proportional to age (the older, the harder it is to remember). And if for a teenager the development of this psychotechnics will take from two hours to two days, then for an adult it takes one to two weeks. And do not force yourself, when mastering the Transition, the main thing is not the intensity and duration of training, but time.
    Therefore, thoroughly master the proposed psychotechnics, otherwise you will not be able to transition to War and Reality.

    Gentlemen, I bring to your attention the psychotechnics of self-development of Zhiva. First, a little theory. There are three states of the psyche - wakefulness, sleep and trance. There are two types of wakefulness - active (work) and passive (rest). Sleep is also divided into two phases - fast and slow. But in a trance state, only the passive phase is currently known - hypnosis and OS. So, by analogy with Zhiva, this is the active phase of trance.
    Example. It is known that you cannot jump above your head. But if a situation arises when an angry dog ​​is behind, and a two-meter fence is ahead, then the person’s “hidden abilities” turn on and he can easily overcome a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. And Zhiva allows you to release these hidden abilities not only in critical situations, but simply at will. At the same time, the reaction is accelerated two to three times, the strength and sensitivity of all receptors increase several times, the brain "accelerates" to almost 100%, while activating the nerve centers responsible for extrasensory perception.
    So, Zhiva is a combat trance state, which was practiced and practiced by the Yaik (Don) Cossacks - scouts. Structurally, I live can be divided into several parts: madness ", respectively), - Yav, Nav and Mara (supersensory perception, combat empathy and iatrogeny) - Lepa (healing and self-healing state). .I should note that I tested all the proposed psychotechnics in my own skin, as well as on my students.
    First, it is imperative to learn concentration and master the state of “absence/stopping of internal dialogue” (ATD), which is very important when mastering Yavi and Lepi. To do this, there are many different psychotechniques, but I recommend the following technique of concentration-("trataka"). It consists in sitting and fixing attention and gaze on a real (drawn on a piece of paper) black dot 3-5 meters from the eyes and look at it for 5-15 minutes without moving, without blinking and without thinking about anything. 3-5 times a day. Verbally, you will soon find yourself, as it were, in a dark golden corridor, and you will no longer see only the trembling contours of the objects surrounding you. You should practice until you become clearly and distinctly aware of only the proposed object of concentration, the mental speech and there is no desire to think about anything. And since the process of thinking cannot be stopped, you need to learn to think not in words, but in images and sensations, which is extremely necessary for mastering empathy (telepathy through thought images). Criterion - min. 10 minutes ATS.
    The universal isometric technique of the transition to the Stan. The Stan is the basic state of Alive, from which the transition to all other states is possible. students.
    So, exercise number 1. Stand in the doorway, lowering your hands down with your palms inward. Then place the backs of your hands on the doorposts and for at least a minute, try your best to spread your arms out to the sides. Press until you feel pain in the muscles of your arms. Then lower your arms, take a step forward and relax completely. You will feel how the hands themselves “float” to the sides. Remember well the sensations of slight muscle tension when the hands come up that you have. With five-minute breaks, repeat the exercise two or three more times. Then stand facing the wall and press the backs of your lowered hands forward in the same way. After that, take two steps back and relax - your hands will "float" in front of you. Remember the sensations that have arisen. Repeat the exercise two more times with five-minute breaks.
    Repeat this series three to five times a day (NO MORE!!!) for two to three days.
    Exercise number 2. Stand up straight, enter the ATS, relax, slightly strain the muscles of the body. No. 1. (If it doesn’t work out, continue the first exercise, the time to master it is from a day to two weeks). Lower your hands. After that, in the same way (with the help of sensations in the muscles), make sure that your hands also spread apart on their own. And without lowering your arms, imagine the muscular sensation of attraction between your hands, and make sure that your outstretched arms come together forward at chest level. Then they broke up again, and so several times. Then try to control the movement of your fingers in the same way. Then learn how to make simple movements with your hands.
    Exercise three to five times a day for max. 10 min. (NO MORE!) Mastering this exercise will take one to three days.
    Exercise number 3. Sit on a chair, enter the police department, relax, slightly strain your body muscles. With the help of sensations, try to achieve an ascent first with the right, then with the left, and after that with both legs (if it doesn’t work out, use the stop method from exercise No. 1). After that, learn to sit and make turns of the torso and rotate your head. This will also take one to three days. After mastering ex. No. 3 learn to stand up to make various movements with all parts of the body, using muscle sensations.
    Repeat the exercise three to four times a day, the duration of classes should not exceed 15 minutes.
    Practice until SOMETHING “rolls over” you: a feeling of muscle lightness, “puppy-like” delight, waking sleep, absolute indifference and complete thoughtlessness - this is STAN. In the future, in order to make the transition, you just need to remember the sensations of the Something that has arisen. The transition happens with a click, at once. And welcome to I Live!
    P.S. So, if your hands do not rise to the end, then hold a pair of dumbbells in your arms apart for a few minutes, if there are no dumbbells, fill a couple of heavy bags, your hands will rise not only to the sides, but fly over your head! If it still doesn’t work out, then help yourself with a light muscular effort, the main thing is to learn how to move with NON-MUSCLE. At the same time, it is necessary to imagine that the hands from the inside, instead of muscles, are, as it were, “inflated” with a transparent golden and weightless substance. Then imagine that such a substance is outside the hands, and in the direction of movement a certain vacuum arises in it, which “attracts” the hands to itself. Use these sensations by moving your fingers, head, etc. Try to move in the Stan in everyday conditions.
    I apologize in advance for the lack of specifics in the presentation - for these sensations in the modern language there are no corresponding concepts and definitions.
    By the way, be sure to keep a diary, and immediately after class, write down the process of sensations - you will forget, after all.
    The funny thing is that each of you has been to Zhiva more than once - small children move in a similar way when they learn to walk. And since you do not learn anything new, but only remember the well-forgotten old, then in our century this psychotechnics has NEVER EVER! didn’t give refusals. It’s all about the time of development, it is inversely proportional to age (the older, the harder it is to remember). And if it takes a teenager to master this psychotechnics from two hours to two days, then an adult needs one to two weeks for this. And do not force yourself, when mastering the Transition, the main thing is not the intensity and duration of training, but time. the transition to War and Yav will not work.
    P.P.S (from Sulfur) If this information is of interest, then To be continued...
    In general, the beginning is very similar to the method of H. M. Aliev - "Key" - "Star of Self-Regulation" - but IMHO works better here. Kandyby again .. Uznadze’s installation method ... Bakhtiyarov’s concentration / deconcentration method (by the way, these materials seem to be not on our website either, if it’s interesting, I’ll try to post it) And the description of the application of the Alive state for different purposes - remember Oktava Norbekov - very similar, but here the share of emotions is IMHO less - which should affect the possibility of control - which, again, is a plus.
    And if you remember the acceleration and deceleration of Schlachter's psyche - which option is more suitable for whom?
    Thus, it is possible to launch a mechanism for enumerating a bunch of keys - which of them is best for you to enter ... they look like the same door.
    Another thing is WHO LEADS FURTHER OTHERS ...
    Title: Zhiva-II. Swearing and Reality (Continuation of Alive. Transition Techniques) Author: someone Shishok Source: Article compiled from various forums Year: 2007
    Gentlemen! So, let's continue. The state of battle in Zhiva is a direct continuation of the Stan. This state is akin to a "second wind" in sports and is achieved by the simplest motor exercises, and by setting a sense of combat rhythm. And, I must say right away that War and Reveal are inextricably linked, since War means the ability to feel the actions of the enemy and predict the blows inflicted by him by the slightest changes in his behavior, therefore, in this exercise, the development of War and Reveal goes in parallel. brain, a person gains the ability to “feel the logic” and “calculate feelings”, while a strong self-confidence arises, the mentality completely changes and a reassessment of values ​​occurs. And one more thing. In the process of training, you will experience various mental sensations that you absolutely need to master and realize, and after which severe drowsiness sets in. The fact is that the "sleeping" areas of the cerebral cortex begin to activate, in the "overactive" mode the brain consumes energy ten times more than usual, which causes fatigue. But over time it passes. In general, you will see for yourself.
    First, about safety precautions. The first one or two weeks should be practiced only in your apartment. The fact is that in Yavi you create your Village at the place of study, say, according to Castaneda - this is the place of your Strength. On the street, in crowded places. at first, you should be in Yavi, only having mastered it well in the Stanitsa and no more than three to five minutes. And do not try to “take under the cap” strangers in such places until you strengthen your new self!
    During the transition to Yav, the technique of trance dance has been used since ancient times (Stan, Cossack village, dance DANCE - synonyms) To perform this psychotechnics, three prerequisites are necessary:
    Firstly, clothes should not interfere with you, therefore, for classes, wear a warm ensemble.
    Secondly, the exercise is carried out with open eyes in the complete absence of lighting, you can put on painted over motorcycle goggles. The main thing here is that your eyes should be open but no light gets into them!
    And thirdly, the transition from the Camp to the Abuse is carried out with the help of a special code "swear" word or phrase. This word can be anything, but be sure to be related to the combat situation, come up with it yourself (“swear words” are not the obscene language that modern speech is so full of, but code words with which the Cossacks on the battlefield introduced themselves into a combat trance state). to enter the War, you will only need to pronounce this code phrase by yourself!
    Exercise number 4. So, turn on (required in stereo!) very quiet rhythmic music without words (I recommend the Japanese album of Taiko drums). Next, stand up straight, undress, enter the Stan, say the code phrase. .At first slowly, to the rhythm of "sixteen", then accelerate to the rhythm of "eight", then to "four". Feel the rhythm of the battle not only with your hearing, but also with your sensations, move smoothly, fixing the extreme position of the body in the rhythm of the battle. I assure you, you like to move in the rhythm of the Stan, and you yourself will spontaneously begin to accelerate the rhythm and increase the intensity of movements, while experiencing the strongest delight from the complete submission of the body to your mental Self. In practice, it disappears. Therefore, in order to stay in this state for an arbitrarily long time, it is necessary to learn the technique of "separate concentration" - first focus on the movements of the hands, after five minutes switch to sensations in the legs, then back with the same interval.
    You need to do 20 - 30 minutes, no more, once a day, in the evening. After finishing the exercise, ALWAYS take a cold shower.
    Repeat the exercise for two or three days, until the curse is "put on a reflex."
    Exercise No. 5. This exercise for the first time must be carried out with a safety net, since when it is performed, there is a possibility of a spontaneous “failure” into the deep state of Navi. Of course, there is nothing wrong with this, Nav in 20-30 minutes passed into a normal healthy sleep and you will wake up in 7-8 hours. You just suddenly fell, you can scare your loved ones half to death. And if your insurance partner sees that you are falling, then he needs to support you and immediately splash a bucket of cold water in your face.
    I also apologize for the tongue-tied tongue when laying out, but for the sensations that arise during the development of Battle and Reveal in the modern language, there are no corresponding terms and definitions (try to explain to the blind what red is!).
    So, turn on the rhythm, set the player timer for 30 minutes. Stand up straight. Take note of the arrangement of objects in your room. Undress, turn off the lights or put on opaque glasses, do not pay attention to those "fireflies" and light spots that will appear in front of your eyes.
    Try not to look at anything AT ALL. Enter the Stan, say the code phrase. Start moving at Brani's slow pace without speeding up. Then go through the following steps:
    - Imagine the three-dimensional placement of drums in space and feel how the sound is reflected from your skin. - Imagine, and with your skin feel those weightless whirlwinds and air disturbances that arise in the space created by the drum rhythm around you as a result of movement.
    - Expand the perception of your "I" by one or two meters into the space surrounding you, it will be easy if you FEEL how your hands move in the transparent golden luminous rhythmic void surrounding you. And you will see the void with NOT-EYES!
    - Then, in a minute, with an effort of will, expand your aura to the size of a room, you will feel the reflection of the rhythm from those objects that surround you.
    - Learn to mentally feel the objects in the room - Then expand your "I" to the size of the house, then feel the landscape around you. - After one or two minutes, "throw" your aura as far as possible into the Universe and Infinity. Feel with NON-EYES that you are standing and moving in a transparent-golden endless void, inside of which are planets and stars. - “Throw out” the sensations of your infinite hands, and then the body shell into this Universe, learn to move through the newly arisen sensations of movement in this void, and do not be afraid if you suddenly see the stars around with non-eyes! This is Reality.
    According to Barbara Brennan, Reality is the seventh! the level of unity of the casual body, or immediately the third level of samadhi! And mind you, no meditation for many years! By the way, the village appears after the first lesson, and cockroaches will completely disappear in your apartment, and in the whole house! Practice until the timer turns off the music, after that - immediately take a cold shower! And once you find yourself in Yavi, you will be able to carry out the Transition in the future without any code words.
    The next day, repeat the exercise, but already dressed, in the light, without glasses and music, while you need to “defocus” your eyes and look, as it were, through objects, without seeing them, into the void surrounding you. Learn to mentally touch objects with your eyes open, while constantly keep your gaze defocused. Next, pick up any object, focus on the sensations that have arisen. Put the object in place, close your eyes and mentally imagine and feel that this object is in your hands. Do the same with open, defocused eyes. If it doesn't work, repeat exercise. No. 5 a few more times, on my age, psychotechnics has never failed. After no special exercises, you don’t need to, then either on the stadium or on the tatami. will take two to three full workouts. Then just learn to “turn on” the Swearing and Reality in sparring, don’t think about anything and “take under the hood” your sparring partner. Feel all his movements and imagine your reaction to his attack - your body will do everything by itself, on reflexes, quickly and immediately.
    I must notice from my own experience that in Brani the mastering of martial arts techniques occurs from a half-kick, the techniques are “put on a reflex” for the second or third time! At the same time, only real simple techniques that are kept by a person’s ancestral memory “go” well. Admit it, it’s hard to imagine Ilya Muromets performing a kick to the head! Therefore, I recommend combat sambo, rusboy, bolivak, BARS, hopak, dance, etc. By the way, the dance is the oldest combat system practiced by the Cossacks-plastuns since the Horde times of Batu. Words in plastunsky, plastun (dance-tun in Sanskrit), dance - look for an analogy. And Cossack dances are simply a demonstration of the methods of the Dance.
    When mastering running, you need to focus on the feeling of lightness and flight. To do this, imagine that you are being “pulled” forward by the treadmill and completely surrender to this feeling. And I guarantee you will get amazing results!
    As for bodybuilding, in the process of training, you simply need to learn how to evoke the feeling of muscle fullness that occurs after the “iron.” And that’s all, in the future you don’t need any dumbbells, only your brains. "exhaust not worse" rocking chairs.
    Just go outside, enter Reality, feel the landscape surrounding you and the unearthly beauty of the clouds, while you will have an indescribable feeling of delight and unity with the World, otherwise called Grace.
    And about Brani - that's all, then - themselves, with their legs. I teach no one, but only translate through the Threshold. And the technique of transition to Lepa and the development of hypersensitivity and healing - in the third series.
    By the way, I don’t give the psychotechnics of the transition to Rage to anyone, even privately, so don’t knock and don’t ask - this is only transmitted through the family line. I can only say that the transition to Rage is achieved by artificially creating a deadly critical situation in which, in order to survive, you have to step beyond the Scold, die internally and completely turn off the “conscious”. At the same time, a person becomes a rabid beast, a killing machine (like the Scandinavians - berserkers) and begins to strike both the right and the guilty. I used rage only once in my own experience back in the nineties, in an extremely critical situation with a group of half-drunk amateurs. So, I came to my senses only when all the luberas ran out, and for several minutes I could not understand who I was and where I was. And well, at least he didn't kill anyone. That's it. And Nav is a continuation of Yavi, only at the same time you need to go into "beyond space", find the Ruin and go through it (this is like the Black City in LSD addiction). And when crossing the Ruin, a person experiences such deadly panic horror that it is almost impossible to overcome it without the help of the Teacher, so don’t even try.
    And a little about Lepa's technique. Place a landscape picture in front of you. Enter Reality and mentally get inside the picture. “Feel” objects not in the foreground, then in the background, feel that the background is, as it were, BEYOND the foreground - a flat picture will suddenly become voluminous, “feel” this volume well. Then learn how to make any photos voluminous in the same way, you will need this when mastering Lepa. And you can do love spells and lapels, how to send two files.
    P.S. Logging out of Zhiva is very easy. Since all these states are the mode of "overactivity" of the cerebral cortex, they are completely under the control of the human consciousness and there is no passive trance, the exit occurs by a slight effort of will, no special techniques are required. And I must say that I am constantly in the Stan, even now, and I leave it only when I go to bed. And yet, athletes experience sensations similar to the Stan after heavy loads. And just for this, many of them give all the best in training. Now imagine that I just need to snap my finger in order to "be stunned" in this way! Yes, alcohol and drugs just rest here. And I consider my task accomplished, if at least one person, after reading, will be engaged in Alive, and will not destroy the liver with alcohol or make holes in the brain with drugs (in drug addicts, the brain is like Dutch cheese, you can stick your finger in. I'm a doctor, I saw ...)
    Regarding Navi and Mary. Nav is the “beyond-astral”, the ancestral memory of a person, hidden in the subcortex. Navi is the ability to feel “undead” and work with elementals. So, when you see the stars with your non-eyes when you study in Yav, you need to step behind them, and something that looks like a black bottomless abyss will open in front of you. And it is necessary, having overcome your fear, just step into Nav. And remember, you have ONLY ONE ATTEMPT, you will never have anything like this again! And Mara is combat empathy, iatrogeny and Morok (you know the expression "don't fool me"). I must say that Mara was used by Cossack scouts back in the Crimean War, when they stole enemy sentries right from under the noses of their comrades, and as a trophy they took their boots and trousers of red cloth. Mara is transmitted only through the family line. So please forgive me. Sincerely. Bump.
    Title: Zhiva-III. Oza and MalaEnding: "Alive. Transition Techniques" and "Alive-II. Swearing and Reality"The article was compiled from several forumsAuthors: Shishok, Anonymous, Nakan
    So let's continue. With a long stay in Zhiva, a person becomes no longer just a person. He is able to enter not only the described sections of Alive, but also the so-called Oz (Unconquered). This is an unknown part of Alive, at which a person’s strength, speed and reaction exceed those in Alive ten times. If Alive is an acceleration of the brain to about 30 percent, then Oz is already up to 100. period of time when he began to practice Zhivu. And if a person wants to know how he learned to enter Zhiva, it becomes more difficult for him to enter not only Oz, but Zhiva itself. I will not describe all the superiority of Oza over other states of Alive. If you are constantly in Zhiv, you should soon understand. What, you sampoymesh. Although it is much more difficult to enter Oz than other states. Do not try to look for self-answers. They will eventually come to you in your hands. At what they will really come with time. You should not try to enter Oz yourself. She will call herself. However, you could enter it every day if you thought differently. Regarding the state of OZA, I must say the following. akin to trauma or coma), and the pituitary gland begins to release into the blood a special drug of "own production" - endorphin, hence the state of lightness and euphoria. the release of endorphin is insignificant. But when using meditative techniques of transition to ASC, there is no such control, and in this case the probability of an avalanche release of endorphin is extremely high. And since this is a moonshine drug, the person immediately "sits on the needle" and becomes a complete endorphin addict. And it is almost impossible to cure him in this case. To my deep regret, in my medical practice, such cases, especially in adolescence, are quite common. And therefore, I strongly recommend that you be extremely careful with all meditative techniques for moving into ASC, and do not practice them for more than 15-20 minutes a day!
    Thus, Oza is a hidden technique, it is known at the level of feeling and cannot be expressed in words.
    There is also another hidden state of Mala. If with Oza it is more or less clear why it is hidden, then I cannot understand why Mala is not available to others. It differs little from the state of a real person. However, as I understand it, it is impossible to listen to a person who is in Male (the thoughts of a person are closed.) The person is behind very good protection. I also realized that being in Male, one can enter other states without leaving it. It is extremely difficult to enter. Harder than Oz. Although the entry technique is extremely simple. To enter Mala, you must first enter Zhiva. Standing on a chair, imagine a golden haze. Before that, place a chair in front of a switched on TV or other distracting object (TV is better. And the sound is louder). Standing in a chair and imagining a golden haze, it is necessary to make the smoke acquire a black tint. If you succeed, you will understand how to represent the black haze. At the same time, the eyes should be open. The maximum time for attempts is 10 minutes. No more than 1 time per day. Otherwise, you run the risk of forever (!) Losing the opportunity to get into Mala ....
    Nakan (on the Schlachter theme): quote In another case, this is an infantry fighting vehicle. In all seriousness, the result can be wild aggression, and combined with a huge amount of force. And awkward movement on the turn leads to snosudoma. Figuratively speaking, of course. As an illustration, I can tell you. Being in a state of "war machine" I did not notice how I punched a hole into the street in a brick wall. I just accidentally shuffled my foot on the wall, and that's it, I didn't do anything else there. True, he shuffled his heel. I knocked out the two bricks that were there and the owner of the apartment cursed me for a long time because I made him an extra window. therefore, this state is absolutely real, therefore it is better to do it in the indicated order (to get the 1st option.) QUESTION - What is this battle order? - The question is logical. The answer is the same. I will not say. Why did I break the brick then? because at that time he was not able to cope with this volume. And accordingly, the system goes into overdrive. Yes, I was a big tank all day, and I could roll anything. But the next day I was nothing at all, like a rag, squeezed out. ....
    And he didn't say so. abydnaya huh?
    on the theme of fog in Male and Oze Sherstennikov. "Reserve of health."
    ... There is a hierarchy of internal levels 1 - cellular molecular 2 - atomic nuclear 3 - blue fog level (and there was a golden and black fog to enter Ozu and Maru) 4 - ancestral level You can penetrate any of these levels with mental touch. moving forward, as if diving under an invisible barrier. This simple action allows you to move into the psi-range of the next subtlest internal level. Levels in more detail: 1-sensation of what is happening in the cells. Gradually penetrating into the depths of the inner world, we will inevitably fall into the space of "blue fog". In our perception, it looks like a soft blue haze around. But any attempt to pass through it is futile. The blue mist draws attention into itself and then gently pushes it back out. In fact, it is a protective barrier that blocks the path to the holy of holies of inner spaces - the primordial level. Ancient texts in an aphoristic form say that the human microcosm is directly connected with the macrocosm that surrounds us from all sides. And in essence, a person is a focused manifestation of cosmic processes at a specific point. ...
    A man... having passed the fog, suddenly finds himself in space, full of stars, light and whirlpools of power. ...... another great level. while mentally in space, let's step to the right. The feeling is as if we are passing through an elastic barrier. This is an energy film that separates the spiritual roots of the world from its material incarnation, passes us through itself. And when we enter a new world for us, we will feel that we finally got home ....
    I keep finding similarities: Burislav Servest.
    To the first ex. according to Stan
    "As for specific techniques, the main thing here is the position of the arms and legs. Our limbs are natural "energy gates" through which energy can be emitted by our body at our will or against our will. Moreover, if our legs are basically "busy" , then the hands in most cases just dangle in space, revealing our energy shell for anyone who wishes.Therefore, it is better to start from the position of the hands.
    1) Usually our hands simply aimlessly radiate energy outward, but there is a position, POSTURE, in which they become a "receiver" of the energy of the outside world. This knowledge is embedded in the very structure of our body. The only thing that is required is to let it out. And it is not difficult, or rather, it is easy to verify the existence of this knowledge.
    2) Stand up straight, lower your arms along your body and relax them. Just listen to the sensations that arise. After a while, your hands will begin to rise up, as if to float, evenly or in small pushes. You do not participate in this process in any way, the movements occur on their own, based on the depths of your body. The feeling is as if the space between the arms and the torso has become dense and expanding, and it is the expansion of this density that pushes your arms up. The main thing is not to interfere with what is happening, but simply to observe it.
    3) Each time the height of your arms will increase. That is, there are many factors at work here, ranging from the choice of location to the phases of the moon. But in the general case, eventually your hands will take a position corresponding to the upper rays of the pentagram. And under favorable conditions, they can maintain this position for a long time without any signs of fatigue. This is the stage that must be reached.
    4) Then you just need to get energy. It comes from below, flows into the center of the palms and spreads throughout the body. After a while, the energy will fill you "to the top" and the process will stop. The hands will go down on their own. And you will feel much stronger than before.
    This is the simplest way. It is more correct to use the whole body, or rather the arms and legs. But for this it is necessary that bare feet are in direct contact with the surface of the earth. The main problem here is that while you are leaning on your legs, they cannot move on their own. Therefore, after your hands are in the correct position, transfer the weight of the body to the right leg (lean a little to the side) and let the other leg freely rise up. After the lift stops, take a vertical position with both legs inserted. Be careful, it is easy to stretch the ligaments of the perineum here. "
    use according to Sherstennikov - tune in to the diseased organ, remember it, fix it in memory, and dive through the levels, looking at what happens to the feeling of the disease - is it at this level ....

    Man does not live by bread alone, all life on Earth needs energy and information for a full-fledged life, except for food and water. We take it from pure air, the light of the Sun and other energies of Nature. Everyone intuitively knows that when the intake of Vital Energy from the outside world decreases, chronic fatigue begins to accumulate - problems with health and well-being arise. Moreover, if a living being ceases to receive the necessary spectrum of energies, then his life ceases.

    Man is a very complex energy, biological system, the existence of which is inseparable from cosmic forces and energies. He is a micromodel of the Universe, therefore all his organs are connected with the outside world and are the embodiment of certain elements. The human body works according to the laws of Nature, the laws that our ancestors of the Orii-Slavs called the laws of the Rule. Arriving in the middle, material world of Reveal, we perceive it through the five senses.

    Eyes (vision), element - Fire, is responsible for metabolism, body temperature, digestion and thinking processes, visual function.

    Nose (smell), element - Earth, it owns the solid structure of the body: bones, cartilage, muscles, tendons, skin, nails, hair.

    Mouth (taste), element - Water, is responsible for the vital activity of the tissues of the organs of all parts of the body.

    Skin (touch), element - Air, completely controls the nervous system, manifests itself in muscle movements, heart pulsation, expansion and contraction of the lungs, the movement of the walls of the stomach and intestinal tract.

    Ears (hearing), element - Ether, is responsible for the spatial areas of the respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, mouth, nose, chest, capillaries, blood vessels, tissues and cells.

    Thus, the elements of Nature are directly connected with the energies of the Universe going to Mother Earth.

    To perform a certain action, each organ, as well as the personality as a whole, to realize its creative beginning in society, needs specific types of Energy. The well-coordinated work of the "Human" system depends on the quality and timeliness of receiving the entire spectrum of the necessary Energies.

    The universal flow of Life Energy is known in many traditions, among many peoples and they call it differently: Prana, Ki, Chi, Qi, Pneuma, Holy Spirit, Yesed, Baraka, Manna, Alive. Despite the different names, the meaning is the same - it is the energy that gives, controls life on Earth, it is the Universal, Cosmic, Spiritual, Divine energy coming from the depths of the Universe. This life-giving energy is needed by all things: water, stone, plant, animal, man. Moreover, each living being - the energy of a special, specific vibration.

    Our Ancestors called her ALIVE. The Orii-Slavs used it for natural energy self-healing and influence on the world around them. Spiritual healing Living has come down to our days and has been preserved as part of a larger, ancient Slavic system of spiritual development and healing "RODOSVET". The teaching of Rodosvet is based on the secret Slavic Vedic knowledge, which was preserved in the Volkhov (healer) clans of Podolia of Ukraine. Until the 90s of the last century, this knowledge was closed and was transmitted as sacred by family, from father to son. Only with the advent of a new era, it became possible to partially disclose them.
    We are nourished by the power of the family!

    It is quite difficult for an ordinary person to live in the modern world: food is contaminated with pesticides and carcinogens, there are emissions from technical production in the air, increasing morbidity and mortality. There is nowhere to look for support, as cruelty and meanness rule in society. From all this there is a feeling of hopelessness and despair. But we do not even think that all this is the result of spiritual darkness and ignorance, which have ruled in our souls for a thousand years. In the Book of Veles on tablet 25 we read: “Our Svarog said this: “How my creations created you from my fingers (part of my hands - ed.). And let it be said that you are the sons of the Creator, and behave like the sons of the Creator. And you will be like my children, and Dazhbog will be your Father. You must obey him, and as he tells you, you must do: as he says, so do. That is, all righteous people, the Orians-Slavs, were bequeathed to be the Children of the Sun, people who carry the spiritual light and justice of the Living God, the image of the supreme and primordial Sun of all Suns - Alatyr, which underlies everything that exists. Conscious of this great holiness, we must know that each of us is a small likeness of the Most High God, whom our ancestors called Rod. Therefore, it has in itself powerful magical powers with which it can create the world around it. The Book of Veles says that if we adhere to the laws of the universe (the laws of Rule), then every bright person will have the ability to "do all sorts of miracles as magicians, since everyone will go like a magician."

    Modern science, in the end, has also matured to the fact that through quantum physics, the theory of systems and torsion fields, to clarify a little what our ancestors always knew about: the entire Universe is a single and multi-manifest Organism - the body of God, which our ancestors called Rod Almighty.

    This huge supersystem lives and acts harmoniously, united by the Spirit of Life, the universal power (energy) of the Kind of the Most High. The source of this energy, the primordial Light, the energy that includes all kinds of spectra, the Magi-ancestors called the Light of the Kind of the Most High. The basis of this limitless spectrum of energies, the Force, which manifests itself as the power of life, nutrition, fulfillment and harmonization, the ancestors called Zhiva.

    Alive is the life-giving essence of the Goddess Lada - the Great Mother of all things. Thus, "Alive" is one of her names. Therefore, it can be interacted with as with a living entity or as with an energy flow. Other traditions call this flow of life the Holy Spirit, Ki, Chi, Prana, Pneuma, etc. Alive - this is the Power of Light, Life (life maintenance), Revival and Nutrition, which flows to us from the Rule, the center of the universe (the world of the Gods).

    At the same time, she acts as a spiritual force that directs people to a righteous (correct, perfect and coordinated) life. The flow of this universal force is especially powerful during the holidays, when people, being internally cleansed, begin to perceive it more fully, it is felt as an emotional lift, joy and happiness. In the word Zhiva, "Zhi" symbolizes the all-conquering creative power of life, and "Va" (wo) shows its fluidity and inclusiveness.

    We can find references to this universal (universal), single and multi-manifest power in many Slavic tales - these are those symbolic two springs with living and dead water that gush from under the Alatyr stone in Iria. This is confirmed by the Book of Veles: “We glorify Svarog, the Grandfather of God, who is the beginning of that kind of God and every kind of eternal spring, which flows from its source and never freezes in winter. And we drink that Living Water and live until we come, like everyone else, to Him” (table 11-A). It is this power that Mother Glory gives to “get drunk”, sending Perunitsa to the soldiers who died for their kind in a cruel slaughter: “And that Perunitsa flies to us and gives a horn full of Living Water for eternal life” (VK, tablet 7-D ). Alive was used by our ancestors on a daily basis to fill with spiritual and physical strength: “And we will wash our bodies, and we will wash our souls in the pure Waters of the Living, and let us go to work, making prayers every day” (VK, plank 26).

    In order for scientists to better understand the essence of this energy of all energies, the Light of the Supreme Kind can be identified with the primary radiation of the great explosion at the beginning of the creation of the Universe. This force (energy) saturates and nourishes all living things, keeps it in motion, unity and order (harmony). Thanks to its existence (it acts as a kind of living material), the Higher Forces and people have the opportunity to create a visible, material world from it. Passing through all levels of the universe, the body and soul of Gods, people and other creatures, it changes and radiates through them. The Primordial Light (I live) in its pure form generates (radiates) the Center of all Universes (stone Alatyr), the heart of the Almighty.

    Further, it manifests itself through the Higher Divine Forces - manifested as the Universes, Megagalaxies, Galaxies, Constellations, Earth, Month, Sun. They already radiate in a certain way "processed" force (energy). We are in spiritual unity with them, and that is why we, Dazhbod's children and grandchildren, are bequeathed to listen to our father Dazhbog - the Life-Giving Sun, a symbol of Light and Justice. The doctrine of the essence of the Light of the Family of the Most High (Zhiva), of its various spectra and ways of interacting with them, is called "RODOSVET" and is stored today mainly in the Volkhov and healer families of Praslavia (PodillyaUkraine).

    In order to expand the concept of "Alive" more widely, it should be noted:

    1) Alive is an infinitely large single stream of force (energy), which permeates the entire Universe (the body of the Almighty), all matter is its materialized manifestation;

    2) The Alive Flow exists forever and has no temporal direction (from the past to the future or vice versa), It exists everywhere. Speaking of it as a stream, the Magi-Ancestors argued that it correlates with the movement of interstellar (intergalactic) spaces in which it exists, at the same time, being an integral basis of these spaces and the most limitless space-time;

    3) Alive - this is the Spirit and Consciousness of the Universe, which manifests itself both separately and through its manifestations. He has the ability to nourish (be food), transforming, developing and merging all life in the Universe, he organizes, gets along, connects, resurrects, fills with prosperity, etc.;

    4) Penetrating and filling space, Alive can change, passing through star clusters, which act as a kind of distributors and manifestations of Divine Grace (each at its own level of the Universe). Therefore Zhiva has a different power of influence and distribution;

    5) Life is pouring onto everything that exists, at the same time, the Higher Divine Essences (Gods) of the corresponding level help its passage and distribution in Heaven and on Earth (between metagalaxies, galaxies, star systems, planets, spirits of births and specific people). All people, one way or another, interact with the Living, but each nation has its own characteristics of its perception (levels), which correspond to its Higher Destiny from God. Accordingly, the name of the energy and the strength of its influence are different - Chi, Ki, Reiki, Prana;

    6) At the level of a person, Alive radiates and enters through the spells of the body (crowns, chakras), forming the basis of a person's spiritual strength. This power is manifested-embodied (materialized) in the world around us through spiritual exercises, thoughts, desires, deeds, glory and prayers;

    7) It should be well remembered: in the Universe there is an exchange of force (energy), because "nothing is taken from anywhere and does not disappear anywhere." Therefore, in response to the life force received from the Universe - I Live, we must send the Universe (God), the Higher Forces and people who help our development, our love, gratitude and respect. We must remember that we are a manifestation of the Almighty, therefore, it is from our hands, if necessary, that our kind (people) and humanity as such should receive help. Our gratitude and respect for the Universe should be manifested in life according to the laws of the Rule.

    This eternal knowledge in one form or another, the Almighty has transmitted and transmits to us through his manifestations - God-inspired and God-chosen people - spiritual conductors of the Power of the Almighty. Thus, each worldview (faith), one way or another, leads to the knowledge of a certain level of a single and multi-manifest God.

    Being a manifestation of the Almighty, people inherited such a structure of the body and consciousness that give us the opportunity to create in Java (reality) any objects necessary to fulfill our life Purpose, the work for the implementation of which both an individual and a whole people live.

    The ancestors believed that the Almighty, manifesting himself as a male essence - Svarog and a female - Lada, creates a single and multi-manifest Universe. Each nation, in accordance with its level of spiritual development, "processing" I live, also creates a certain order in itself and on its territory, thus fulfilling its Destiny on Earth. As a result, each nation has its own spiritual practices, which are based on the same principles of interaction with this Universal Power of God. Due to the fact that each nation is at different levels of spiritual development and has different inclinations, the Power of the Almighty is perceived by them differently, some better, others worse. These practices are called differently - Qigong, Reiki, Pranayama, Zhiva, etc. and have varying degrees of influence.

    It goes without saying that native teaching and practice are best suited for a person; for the ancestors of the Slavs, such a teaching is Rodosvet in all its multiplicity over the centuries.

    In order for the creation of the world by people to take place in concert and not harm anyone, we must act according to God's laws, the Laws of Rule. In time immemorial, the Children of the Sun - Orii-Slavs, living in complete unity with the Higher Forces (Native Gods), fulfilling the will of the Almighty, were the first to develop their spiritual essence. Therefore, it was on us that the Divine Destiny was laid to bring the Veda to other peoples, the knowledge of the Law and teach them to live in peace and harmony, using the Light of the Family (Rodosvet) and directly I live only for the common good. Remember! In order to create from force (energy) Alive material forms, people must act according to the same rules by which the Almighty himself creates the world, that is, according to the laws of the highest spiritual reality - Rule. Of all the materially existing creatures on planet Earth, man has the highest level of consciousness. It is thanks to consciousness that the soul can control the body and the part of Reveal (reality) that surrounds it.

    The greatest influence on Java is carried out by spiritually developed people, whose Spirit is able to reach "heavens", that is, altered states, when consciousness rises to the spiritual heights of Rule (reaches the higher, "subtle" world).

    Such people, taking care of the fate of their people, state or humanity as a whole, act as Spiritual Guides of the Power of the Almighty. They bring people their Native Tradition and Spirituality, in which the purpose and direction of development of a particular genus (people) and humanity as a whole are explained. The Slavic-Orian Vedic Tradition, having in itself knowledge of the inner, spiritual essence of being, was and is a structuring factor that created the unity of our entire family. This knowledge was supported by the Magi - people whose Divine Purpose manifested itself in the desire to learn and spread the Truth, and teach people to live in Love and Justice. The wisest of the Orthodox sorcerers became guardian sorcerers, the great masters of Zhiva, who perfectly mastered the doctrine of the application of the Light of the Family - Rodosvet.

    Each nation has its own Inner Spiritual Knowledge, which determines its interaction with the Higher World and manifests itself through the external essence - a certain Purpose, Actions and Deeds. Thanks to these people who cherished and increased the Tradition, today we have a huge heritage, the secrets of which are still waiting to be discovered. The Magi taught: when a nation is structured with the help of its native spiritual tradition, it is invincible. Having a sufficient number of people united with God, that is, people who are able to influence and change the outside world with their spiritual skills, she lives happily for centuries in prosperity and develops spiritually, feeling unity with the Universe.

    Unfortunately, the rulers did not listen to their advice, and today the entire Slavic family has to rediscover the power of the Ancestors in order to learn to live in Health and Happiness again. Using Zhiva, our Orii-Trypillian ancestors called for rain, grew abundant crops, maintained their health and strength. Today this skill is not used so widely, but times are changing and its importance and need is growing every day.

    The time has come when the Universe speaks to all who want to hear it. Every person at least once in his life had a feeling of great joy, fullness of life, grace, when everything was easily possible. Sometimes this is accompanied by spiritual insights and a sense of unity with the Universe - this is the manifestation of a “developed” consciousness and evidence of connection with the Highest. This spiritual experience of being filled with Life remains with us forever, creating the meaning of our existence.

    Mastering the ability to better perceive the energy of life - Alive, and greater concentration (concentration) of consciousness, we learn to manage our aspiration - the inner Vedognem - the Spirit, the creative power of the Almighty, which is in every person. Consciously increased "flaming" of this internal heat (Skt. - tapas) through the accumulation and redistribution of the power of Zhiva, leads to the materialization of the desired and really works wonders.

    A person who really increases the amount of his "information" gets the right to change the world (Yav). As the Doctor of Technical and Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences G.P. Grabovoi notes, “when in a certain volume, in the process of human development, the concentration of an array of information reaches a certain value, this volume begins to obey a person, his consciousness. In such a situation, the structure of the World changes, it is no longer the World that will determine the structure of a person, but the person himself will set the tone ”(Grabovoi G.P. Resurrection of people and eternal life - from now on your reality. - G .: Publisher A.V. Kalashnikov, 2002 - S.173).

    We constantly live among various kinds of miracles, the bulk of which we ourselves unconsciously create. This is absolutely natural, because the Force of Life, the force of creation saturates and passes through everything that exists, and everyone, at their own level, subconsciously learns to use and embody it. But only a person who does this consciously, who has undergone appropriate training and Initiation, can speak with the spirit (essence) of the Wind, Earth, Sun and other Forces, accepting them as part of himself and recognizing himself as part of a higher being - God. Unfortunately, today many people voluntarily, through stupidity or misunderstanding, have “closed” their inner energy vision and the ability to communicate with the world themselves, therefore they do not hear and do not feel what the Universe is telling them. This does not allow them to use their capabilities and purposefully create their lives.

    Starting to consciously work with the flow of Alive, people heal, heal from a number of diseases, get rid of all sorts of fears and worries that have hindered them for years, receive a positive spiritual charge and firm confidence in the future. Many have the ability to "clairvoyance" - receiving information from inanimate objects, they learn to harmonize their inner space and establish interaction with the Divine Forces. All this is manifested in the improvement of their lives, they become calmer, more confident, healthier, richer. The inner feeling of the flow of life “Alive” and the observance of the laws of the Rule unite a person with the Universe, the Divine Power becomes the essence of his being and gives him the right to act as the Creator of the surrounding world and his destiny. Living by the Law and creating the world around him, a person fulfills his Destiny, helps the Almighty to create his body - the Universe.

    Alive - Slavic psychotechnics

    The article was compiled by an unknown researcher from several texts, including from the Tao of Love website.
    There are three states of the psyche - wakefulness, sleep and trance.
    There are two types of wakefulness - active (work) and passive (rest). Sleep is also divided into two phases - fast and slow. But in a trance state, only the passive phase is currently known - hypnosis and OS.
    So, by analogy, Alive is the active phase of a trance.

    Example. It is known that you cannot jump above your head. But if a situation arises when an angry dog ​​is behind, and a two-meter fence is ahead, then the person’s “hidden abilities” turn on and he can easily overcome a seemingly insurmountable obstacle. And Zhiva allows you to release these hidden abilities not only in critical situations, but simply at will. At the same time, the reaction is accelerated two to three times, the strength and sensitivity of all receptors increase several times, the brain “accelerates” to almost 100%, while activating the nerve centers responsible for extrasensory perception.

    So, Zhiva is a combat trance state, which was practiced and practiced by the Yaik (Don) Cossacks - scouts.
    Structurally, I live can be divided into several parts:
    - Stan (base state, akin to ISS),
    - Swearing and Rage (the state of "second wind" and "combat frenzy", respectively),
    - Reality, Nav and Mara (supersensory perception, combat empathy and iatrogeny)
    - Lepa (state of healing and self-healing).
    And, in view of the extreme danger of the combat sections of Zhiva, I will present here only the psychotechnics of Stan, Brani, Yavi and Lepi.
    I must say that I tested all the proposed psychotechnics on my own skin, as well as on my students.

    First, it is necessary to learn concentration and master
    state of "absence/stopping of internal dialogue" (IAD), which is very
    important when mastering Yavi and Lepi. For this, there are many
    various psychotechniques, but I recommend the following technique
    concentration-("trataka"). It is to sit
    fix attention and look at the real (drawn on the sheet)
    paper) black dot 3 - 5 meters from the eyes and look at it 5 -
    15 minutes without moving, without blinking and without thinking about anything 3-5 times a day.
    Verbally, you will soon find yourself, as it were, in a dark golden corridor, and
    you will see only the trembling contours of the objects around you.
    You should practice until you become clear and distinct
    be aware only of the proposed object of concentration, completely disappear
    mental speech and not
    no desire to think about anything. And since the thought process
    it is impossible to stop, then you need to learn to think not in words,
    but images and sensations, which is essential for mastering empathy
    (telepathy through mental images). Criterion - min. 10 minutes ATS.

    Universal isometric technique of transition to Stan.
    The stun is the basic state of Zhiva, from which the transition to all
    other states.
    I must say that the psychotechnics of the Transition is primitive, like an axe, and
    no less it is 100% effective, as I have seen from my own experience and
    their students.

    So, exercise number 1.
    Stand in the doorway with your hands down, palms inward. Then
    rest the backs of your hands on the doorposts and within
    for at least a minute, try with all your might to spread your arms to the sides.
    Press until you feel pain in the muscles of your hands. Then
    put your hands down, take a step forward and relax completely. You
    you will feel how the hands themselves “float” to the sides.
    Remember well those sensations of slight muscle tension when
    the ascent of the hands that you had at the same time. With five minutes
    repeat the exercise intermittently
    two or three more times.
    Then stand facing the wall and press with the backs in the same way
    lowered hands forward. Then take two steps back and
    relax - your hands will "float"
    in front of you. Remember the sensations that have arisen. With 10 minute breaks
    repeat the exercise two more times.

    Repeat this series three to five times a day (NO MORE!!!) for
    two to three days.

    Exercise number 2.
    Stand up straight, enter the ATS, relax, slightly tense the muscles of the body.
    Think back to the sensations you get when you raise your hands and
    get your hands to float in front of you as if on their own, without
    conducting ex. No. 1. (If
    if it doesn’t work out - continue the first exercise, the time of mastering - from the day
    up to two weeks). Put your hands down.
    After that, in the same way (with the help of sensations in the muscles), achieve that
    so that your hands also spread out to the sides on their own. And without dropping
    hands, imagine
    feel the muscular sensation of attraction between the hands, and make sure that
    Your outstretched arms come together forward at chest level. Then
    broke up again
    and so several times. Then try the same way to manage
    movement of the fingers. Then learn how to make simple hands

    Exercise three to five times a day for max. 10 min. (NO MORE!) Mastering
    This exercise will take one to three days.

    Exercise number 3.
    Sit on a chair, enter the ATS, relax, slightly tense your muscles
    body. With the help of sensations, try to achieve an ascent at the beginning
    right, then left, and after both legs (if it doesn’t work out,
    use the stop method from ex. No. 1). Then learn to sit and perform
    torso rotation and head rotation. This will also take one to three days.
    After mastering ex. #3 learn to stand up to make various movements
    all parts of the body, using muscle sensations.

    Repeat the exercise three to four times a day, the duration of the classes
    should not exceed 15 minutes.

    Practice until SOMETHING “snaps” on you: a feeling
    muscle lightness, "puppy" delight, waking sleep, absolute
    indifference and complete thoughtlessness - this is STAN.
    In the future, to make the transition, you just need to
    recall the sensations of the arising Something. The transition happens with a click,
    at the same time.
    And welcome to Live!

    P.S. So, if your hands do not rise to the end, then hold
    a few minutes in spread hands a pair of dumbbells, if there are no dumbbells
    – fill with a heavy pair
    packages, hands will rise not only to the sides, but fly overhead!
    If it still doesn’t work out, then help yourself with a slight muscular effort,
    the main thing is to learn how to move with NON-MUSCLE.
    At the same time, it is necessary to imagine that the hands from the inside, instead of muscles, are
    would be "inflated" with a transparent golden and weightless substance. Then
    imagine that such
    the substance is outside the hands, and in the direction of movement in it
    there is a kind of vacuum that "attracts" the hands to itself. Use
    these feelings of
    movement of the fingers, head, etc. Try to move in the Stan in
    living conditions.

    I apologize in advance for the lack of specifics in the presentation - for
    these sensations in modern language do not exist corresponding
    concepts and definitions.

    By the way, be sure to keep a diary, and immediately after class
    write down the process of the emergence of sensations - forget it.

    The funny thing is that each of you has been to Zhiva more than once -
    this is how small children move when they learn to walk. AND
    because you don't study
    nothing new, but just remember the well-forgotten old, then on
    In my lifetime, this psychotechnics has NEVER EVER! didn't give up.
    It's all about mastering time, it's inversely proportional
    age (the older, the harder it is to remember). And if a teenager
    mastering this psychotechnics will take from two hours to two days, then
    an adult needs one to two weeks.
    And do not force yourself, when mastering the Transition, the main thing is not intensity and
    the duration of the workout, and the time.
    Therefore, thoroughly master the proposed psychotechnics, otherwise you will not
    get a transition to War and Yav.

    P.P.S (by Sulphur)
    If this information is of interest, then
    To be continued…

    In general, the beginning is very reminiscent of the method of Kh. M. Aliyev - "Key" - "Star
    Self-regulation" - but IMHO works better here.
    It also intersects with Angelina Koroleva's "Light Soaring Flight";
    State of the UK V.M. Candies again..
    Uznadze installation technique ...
    Bakhtiyarov's concentration \ deconcentration technique (by the way, these
    materials, it seems, are also not on our website, if you are interested,
    I'll try to post)
    And the description of the application of the Alive state for different purposes - remember
    Octave Norbekov - very similar, but here the share of emotions is IMHO less - what
    should affect the possibility of control, which again is a plus.

    And if you remember the acceleration and deceleration of Schlachter's psyche - who
    is the option better?

    Thus, it is possible to launch the link enumeration mechanism
    keys - which one is best for you to enter ... it seems
    to the same door.

    Title: Zhiva-II. Scolding and Reality (Continuation of Alive. Transition Techniques)

    So let's continue.
    The state of Defamation in Zhiva is a direct continuation of the Stan. This
    the state is akin to a "second wind" in sports and is achieved by the simplest
    movement exercises,
    and staging a sense of combat rhythm. And, I must say right away that
    Warfare and Reality are inextricably linked, since Warfare implies the ability
    feel the actions of the enemy and predict the blows he inflicts on
    the slightest change in his behavior, so in this exercise
    the development of Brani and Yavi goes in parallel.
    And most importantly, in this state, deep synchronization of work occurs.
    hemispheres of the brain, a person gets the ability to "feel
    logic" and "calculate
    feelings”, and there is a strong self-confidence, completely
    the mentality changes and there is a reassessment of values.
    And further. In the process of classes, you will have various mental
    sensations that you absolutely need to master and realize, and after
    who experience severe drowsiness. The thing is, they start
    "sleeping" areas of the cerebral cortex are activated, in
    "overactive" mode, the brain consumes ten times more energy
    normal, which causes fatigue. But over time it passes.
    In general, you will see for yourself.

    First, about safety.
    The first one or two weeks should be done only in your apartment.
    The fact is that in Yavi you create your own Village at the place of employment,
    say, according to Castaneda, this is the place of your Power.
    On the street, in crowded places. at first you should be in Yavi,
    only after mastering it well in Stanitsa and no more than three to five minutes.
    And do not try to “take under the hood” strangers in such places,
    until you strengthen your new self!

    During the transition to Reality, the technique of trance dance has been used since ancient times.
    (Stan, Cossack village, dance DANCE - synonyms)
    To perform this psychotechnics, three prerequisites are necessary:

    Firstly, clothes should not interfere with you, so put on
    beach group.

    Secondly, the exercise is carried out with open eyes at full
    in the absence of lighting, you can wear painted motorcycle goggles.
    The main thing here is that the eyes should be open, but no one should get into them.

    And thirdly, the transition from Stan to War is carried out with the help of
    a special code "swear" word or phrase. This word may be
    any, but necessarily related to the combat situation, come up with it
    themselves ("swear words" - this is not the kind of obscene language that is so full of
    modern speech, and code words, with the help of
    which the Cossacks on the battlefield introduced themselves into a combat trance state).
    In the future, to enter Bran, you will only need to
    say this passphrase yourself!

    Exercise number 4.
    So, turn on (required in stereo!) a very quiet rhythmic
    music without words (I recommend the Japanese album of Taiko drums).
    Next, stand up straight, undress, enter the Stan, say the code phrase.
    To the rhythm of the drums, start dancing with muscle sensations.
    Slowly at first to the rhythm of "sixteen", then speed up to the rhythm
    "eight", then to "four".
    Feel the rhythm of the battle not only with hearing, but also with sensations, movements
    perform smoothly, fixing the extreme position of the body in the rhythm of the fight.
    I assure you, you will enjoy moving to the rhythm of the Stan, and you yourself,
    spontaneously begin to accelerate the rhythm and increase the intensity of movements,
    while experiencing the strongest delight from the complete submission of the body
    to my mental self.
    This is Bran!
    At first, you can be in the state of Battle for no more than ten
    minutes, with longer sessions it disappears.
    Therefore, for an arbitrarily long stay in this state
    need to learn the technique of "separate
    concentration "- first focus on the movements of the hands, after five
    minutes to switch to sensations in the legs, then back with the same

    You need to do 20 - 30 minutes, no more, once a day,
    In the evening. After finishing the exercise, ALWAYS take a cold shower.

    Repeat the exercise for two or three days, until the curse is "put on a reflex."

    Exercise number 5.
    This exercise for the first time must be carried out with a safety net,
    since when it is performed, there is a possibility of spontaneous
    "failure" into the deep state of Navi. Of course, this is nothing
    there is no fear, Nav after 20-30 minutes was transferred to a normal healthy
    sleep and you will wake up in 7 - 8 hours. You just suddenly fell, you can
    scare your loved ones half to death.
    And if your insurance partner sees that you are falling, then he needs to
    support you and immediately throw a ladle of cold water in your face.

    I also apologize for the tongue-tied tongue when laying out, but for those that arise
    when mastering Battle and Reveal, there are no sensations in the modern language
    terms and definitions (try to explain to a blind man what red is!).

    So, turn on the rhythm, set the player's timer to 30 minutes.
    Stand up straight. Remember the location of objects in your
    room. Get naked
    turn off the lights or put on opaque goggles, do not
    attention to those "fireflies" and light spots that you will have
    before your eyes.

    Try not to look at anything AT ALL. Enter Stan, say
    passphrase. Start moving to Brani's slow pace, don't
    accelerating. Then go through the following steps:

    - Imagine the volumetric placement of drums in space and
    feel the sound bouncing off your skin.
    “Imagine, and feel those weightless swirls and
    air disturbances arising in the space created by the drum
    rhythm around you as a result of movement.

    – Expand the perception of your “I” by one or two meters into the environment around you
    space, it will be easy if you FEEL how your hands
    move in the transparent golden luminous rhythmic
    And you will see emptiness with non-eyes!

    - Then after a minute, by an effort of will, expand your aura to the size
    rooms, you will feel the reflection of the rhythm from those objects that you

    - Learn to mentally feel objects in the room
    - After that, expand your "I" to the size of the house, then feel
    the landscape around you.
    - After one or two minutes, "throw" your aura as far as possible into
    Universe and Infinity. Feel with your NON-EYES that you are standing and
    moving in transparent
    golden endless void, inside which are planets and stars.
    - "Throw away" the sensations of your endless hands, and then the bodily
    shells into this Universe, learn to move through the newly
    feelings of movement
    in this void, and do not be afraid if you suddenly see the stars around with non-eyes!
    This is Yav.

    According to Barbara Brennan, Reality is the seventh! the level of unity of casual
    body, or immediately the third level of samadhi! And notice, no
    years of meditation!
    By the way, the village appears after the very first lesson, and in your
    apartment, and cockroaches will completely disappear in the whole house!
    Practice until the timer stops the music, after that -
    immediately in a cold shower! And once you are in Yavi, you will be able to
    further carry out the Transition without any code words.

    The next day, repeat the exercise, but already dressed, in the light, without
    glasses and music, while you need to “defocus” your eyes and
    to look, as it were, through objects, without seeing them, into the void surrounding you.
    Learn to mentally touch objects with your eyes open, while
    keep your eyes focused all the time.
    Next, pick up any object, focus on the emerging prt
    this feeling. Put the object back, close your eyes and mentally
    imagine and feel that this object is in your hands. Do
    the same with
    open unfocused eyes.
    If it doesn't work, repeat ex. No. 5 a few more times, in my lifetime
    this psychotechnics has never given failures.
    After no special exercises are needed, then - either on
    stadium, or on the tatami.
    On the tatami, first work out the techniques in the state of Scolding and put them on
    on the “sensation reflex”, it will take two to three full workouts. Then
    just learn to turn on
    Swearing and Reality in sparring, don’t think about anything and “take it under the hood”
    your sparring partner. Feel all his movements and
    imagine your reaction to his attack - your body will do everything
    itself, on reflexes, quickly and immediately.

    I must note from my own experience that in Brani the development of combat techniques
    martial arts takes place with a half-kick, the techniques are “put on a reflex” with
    second or third time!
    At the same time, only real simple tricks “go” well, which keeps
    human ancestral memory. Admit it, it's hard to imagine Ilya
    Muromets conducting
    kick to the head!
    Therefore, I recommend combat sambo, rusboy, bolivak, BARS, hopak, dance, etc.
    By the way, Plyas is the oldest combat system practiced by the Cossacks -
    scouts from the Horde times of Batu. Words in plastunsky, plastun
    (dance-tun in
    Sanskrit), to dance - look for an analogy. And Cossack dances are
    simply a demonstration of the techniques of the Dance.

    When mastering running, you need to focus on feeling light and
    flight. To do this, imagine that you are, as it were, “pulled” forward along
    treadmill and
    surrender to this feeling completely. And I guarantee you will get
    amazing results!

    As for bodybuilding, in the process of training you need
    simply learn to cause a feeling of muscle fullness,
    which occurs after the "iron".
    And that's all, in the future you do not need any dumbbells, only your brains.
    Although I must say that such "workouts on the couch" are not exhausting.
    worse than "rocking chair".

    Just go outside, enter Yav, feel the environment around you.
    landscape and the unearthly beauty of the clouds, while you will have
    indescribable feeling of delight
    and unity with the World, otherwise called Grace.

    By the way, I do not give the psychotechnics of the transition to Rage to anyone, even privately,
    so do not knock and do not ask - this is only transmitted by generic
    lines. I will only say that the transition to Rage is achieved by
    artificially creating a deadly critical situation in which
    in order to survive, one has to step beyond Cursing, to die inwardly and
    turn off the "conscious" completely. This makes the person go crazy.
    the beast
    killing machine (like the Scandinavians - berserkers) and begins
    strike both the right and the wrong.
    Rage I applied on my own experience only once back in the nineties
    years, in an extremely critical situation with a group of half-drunk amateurs. So
    here, I came to my senses only when all the luberas were over, and
    for several minutes I could not understand who I was and where I was. And good
    though he didn't kill anyone. Like this.
    And Nav is a continuation of Yavi, only at the same time you need to go to
    "for-space", find the Ruin and go through it (it's like
    Black City in LSD addiction). And when crossing the Ruin, a person
    experiences such deadly panic horror that to overcome it without
    Teacher's help is next to impossible, so don't even try.

    And a little about Lepa's technique.
    Place a landscape in front of you. Enter Reality and mentally
    get inside the picture. "Feel" objects not in the foreground, then
    - in the background, feel that the background is, as it were, FOR
    foreground - a flat picture will suddenly become voluminous, well
    "feel" this volume. Then learn to do the same volumetric
    any photos, you will need it when
    development of Lepa. And you can do love spells and lapels, like two
    send the file.

    Logging out is very easy. Since all these states are
    "overactivity" of the cerebral cortex, they are completely under control
    human consciousness and no
    no passive trance, then the exit occurs with an easy strong-willed
    effort, no special techniques are required. And I must note that in
    Become I am constantly
    Even now, I only get out of it when I go to bed.
    And yet, sensations similar to Stan are experienced by athletes after strong
    loads. And just for this, many of them are laid out on
    workouts. Now imagine that me to like
    in a way to “be stunned”, just click your finger! yes alcohol and
    drugs just rest here. And I consider my task done
    if at least one person, after reading, will be engaged Alive, and will not become
    destroy the liver with alcohol or make holes in the brains with drugs (for drug addicts
    the brain is like Dutch cheese, you can stick your finger in. I'm a doctor, I've seen...)

    Regarding Navi and Mary.
    Nav is “behind the astral”, the ancestral memory of a person, hidden in the subcortex.
    Nav is the ability to feel "undead" and work with elementals. So
    now, when you see the stars with non-eyes during your lesson in Yavi, then you need
    step behind them, and before
    You will open something similar to a black bottomless abyss. And it is necessary
    overcoming your fear, just step into Nav. And remember, you have ALL
    ONE ATTEMPT, never again!
    And Mara is combat empathy, iatrogeny and Morok (Do you know the expression
    "don't mess with my head"). I must say that Mara was used by the Cossacks
    - Scouts back in the Crimean War, when they stole enemy sentries
    right from under their noses
    comrades, and as a trophy they took their boots and trousers of red cloth. AND
    Mara is transmitted only through the family line. So please forgive me.

    Title: Zhiva-III. Oza and Mala
    Ending: Alive. Transition Techniques” and “Zhiva-II. Scolding and Yav»
    Article compiled from several forums
    Authors: Shishok, Anonymous, Nakan

    So let's continue. With a long stay in Zhiva, a person becomes
    no longer just a person. He is able to enter not only into the described
    sections Alive, but also in the so-called Oz (Unconquered). This
    unknown part Alive, in which a person's strength, speed and reaction
    exceed those in Zhiva ten times.
    If Zhiva is about overclocking the brain to about 30 percent, then Oz is already up to 100.
    At the same time, after the first entry into Oza,
    a person completely forgets the period of time when he started
    practice Live. And if a person wants to know how he learned
    entering Zhiva, it becomes more difficult for him to enter not only Oz, but also
    in I live. I won't describe
    all the superiority of Oz over other states of Alive. If you are
    you are constantly in Zhiva, you should soon understand. What, you yourself
    understand. Although it is much more difficult to enter Oz than other states. Not
    try to find yourself
    answers. They will eventually come to you in your hands. What does
    will really come with time.
    It is not worth trying to enter Oz yourself. She will "call" herself. However, the entrance
    you could produce every day into it if you thought differently.
    Regarding the state of OZA, I must say the following.
    Since Alive is an altered state of consciousness (ASS), then in this
    state, the human brain reacts to it as a critical
    situation of the body (akin to trauma or coma), and the pituitary gland begins
    throw into the blood a special drug of "own production" -
    endorphin, hence the state of lightness and euphoria.
    And since the development of ISS in this case is carried out with the help of
    trance dance, then a person with his first signal system
    fully controls the transition process, and the release of endorphins
    But when using meditative techniques of transition to ASC, such
    there is no control, and in this case the probability is extremely high
    avalanche release of endorphins. And since this is a moonshine drug, then
    a person immediately "sits on a needle" and becomes a complete endorphin
    drug addict. And to cure it in this case is almost impossible.
    To my deep regret, in my medical practice, such
    cases, especially in adolescence, are quite common.
    And so I strongly advise you to be extremely careful with
    all meditative techniques of transition to ASC, and not to engage in them anymore
    15-20 minutes a day!

    Thus, Oza is a hidden technique, it is known at the level of feelings.
    and it cannot be put into words.

    There is also another hidden state of Mala. If with Oza more or less
    it is clear why it is hidden, then I cannot understand why Mala is not
    available to others. It differs little from the real
    person. However, as I understand it, it is impossible for a person who is in Male
    listen (the person’s thoughts are closed.) The person is behind a very
    good protection. I also realized that being in Male, you can, without leaving,
    from it to enter other states. It is extremely difficult to enter. More difficult
    than in Oz. Although the entry technique is extremely simple. To enter Mala,
    you must first enter Zhiva. Standing on a chair, imagine the golden
    haze. Before this, put a chair in front of the TV turned on or
    another distracting object (better TV. And louder sound). standing
    on a chair and imagining a golden haze, it is necessary to make the haze
    acquire a black tint. If you succeed, you will understand how
    imagine black haze. The eyes must be open.
    The maximum attempt time is 10 minutes. No more than 1 time per day. Otherwise
    you run the risk of forever (!) Losing the opportunity to get into Mala ....

    Nakan (on the theme of Schlachter): quote
    In another case, this is an infantry fighting vehicle, in all seriousness
    - the result can be wild aggression, and in combination with a huge
    the same amount of power. And awkward cornering leads to drift
    Houses. Figuratively speaking, of course.
    As an illustration, I can tell. Being in a state of combat
    car, I did not notice how I punched a hole into the street in a brick wall. I
    I just accidentally shuffled my foot on the wall, and that’s it, I don’t have anything else there
    did. True, he shuffled his heel. I knocked out the two bricks that were there and
    the owner of the apartment scolded me for a long time, because I gave him an extra window
    did. therefore this state is absolutely real, therefore it is better to do
    exactly in that order (to get the 1st option.)
    QUESTION - What is this order of battle?
    - The question is logical. The answer is the same. I will not say. Why am I then bricks
    crushed? because he was not able to cope with this volume at that time.
    As a result, the system is falling apart. Yes, I've been big all day
    tank, and could roll anything. But the next day I
    was no, like a rag was, squeezed out. ….

    And he didn't say so. abydnaya huh?

    on the theme of fog in Male and Oz
    Sherstennikov. "Reserve of health."

    … There is a hierarchy of internal levels
    1-cellular molecular
    2-atomic nuclear
    3 - the level of the blue fog (and for the entrance to Ozu and Mara it was gold, and
    black mist)
    4 - pralevel
    Mental touch can penetrate any of these levels.
    The reception of the transition is simple, mentally sharply squat with forward movement,
    as if diving under an invisible barrier. It's a simple action
    allows you to move into the psi-range of the next subtlest internal
    Levels in detail:
    1-sensation of what is happening in the cells.
    2 - also accessible to mantal touch.
    3 -Another mental dive, will bring our attention to the level of blue
    fog. Gradually penetrating into the depths of the inner world, we inevitably
    we fall into the space of "blue fog" In our perception, this
    looks like a soft blue haze around.
    But any attempt to pass through it is futile. The blue mist is leaking
    attention in itself, and then gently pushes it back. Essentially this
    a protective barrier blocking the way to the holy of holies of the inner
    spaces - pralevel.
    Ancient texts in aphoristic form say that the microcosm of man
    directly connected with the macrocosm that surrounds us from all sides. And by
    in essence, man is a focused manifestation of cosmic
    processes at a particular point. …

    A man ... after passing through the fog, suddenly finds himself in space full of
    stars, light and whirlpools of power. …
    … another great level. while mentally in space, let's step to the right.
    The feeling is as if we are passing through an elastic barrier. This
    energy film that separates the spiritual roots of the world from its
    material embodiment, passes us through itself. And when we enter
    a new world for us, then we will feel that we finally got home ....

    I keep finding similarities: Burislav Servest.

    To the first ex. according to Stan

    “As for specific technical methods, the main thing here is
    position of arms and legs. Our limbs are natural
    "energy gates" through which energy can radiate
    our body by our will or against our will. However, if our
    the legs are mostly “busy”, then the hands in most cases are just
    dangle in space, opening our energy shell for
    anyone who wants to. Therefore, it is better to start from the position of the hands.

    1) Usually our hands just aimlessly radiate energy outward, but there is
    position, POSTURE in which they become a "receiver" of energy
    outside world. This knowledge is embedded in the very structure of our body.
    The only thing that is required is to let it out. And it's easy
    rather, it is easy to verify the existence of this knowledge.

    2) Stand up straight, lower your arms along the body and relax them.
    Just listen to the sensations that arise. Over time
    your hands will begin to rise up, as if to float, evenly or
    little pushes. You do not participate in this process in any way, movements
    occur on their own, coming from the depths of your body. Feeling at
    it is as if the space between the arms and the torso has become
    dense and expanding, and it is the expansion of this density that pushes
    your hands up. The main thing is not to interfere with what is happening, but simply to observe
    behind him.

    3) Each time the height of your arms will increase. That
    There are many factors at play here, ranging from choice
    locations and ending with the phases of the moon. But in general, at the end
    ends, your hands will take a position corresponding to the upper rays
    pentagrams. And under favorable conditions, they can keep it
    position for a long time without any signs of fatigue. This is the one
    stage to be reached.

    4) Then you just need to get energy. She comes from below, flows into
    the center of the palms and spreads throughout the body. Over time
    energy will fill you "to the top" and the process will stop. Hands will go down
    by themselves. And you will feel much stronger than before.

    This is the simplest way. It is more correct to use the whole body, or rather
    arms and legs. But for this it is necessary that bare feet
    in direct contact with the earth's surface. the main problem
    here is that as long as you lean on your feet, they cannot move
    by themselves. So after your hands take the right
    position, transfer the weight of the body to the right leg (lean a little
    to the side) and allow the other leg to lift freely up. After
    after the lift stops, take a vertical position, standing up
    on both legs. Be careful, it's easy to stretch the ligaments here
    perineum. »

    use according to Sherstennikov - tuned in to the diseased organ,
    remember it, fix it in memory,
    and dive through the levels, watching what happens to the feeling of illness - there is
    whether it is at this level….

    Based on materials from open sources on the Internet.

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