Old Prince Bolkonsky. Nikolai Bolkonsky


When reading the novel, readers meet on the pages of its heroes, who set life examples of morality and evoke sympathy. They have already passed a difficult life path, serving the motherland, raising children. This is how Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is described. The image of a retired general exiled to the village of Bald Mountains does not itself belong to the central characters of the work. He is the father of two of his main characters: Masha and Andrei Bolkonsky. But, nevertheless, his image is remembered for its bright originality.

He, like most of Tolstoy's characters, has a real prototype, Prince N.S. Volkonsky. When you read about an old prince in a novel, you notice that the author himself treats his hero with warmth and respects him.

Character characteristic

Before us appears a man of a heavy disposition, but intelligent, capable of deep feelings. The prince, even living in the village, does not know how to be bored - he knows how to save his time, he cannot mess around. He studies with his daughter Masha, works in the garden, writes memoirs. This is a man who loves order.

("Old Prince N.A. Bolkonsky", artist A.V. Nikolaev, 1960)

The prince is strict and stern, above all he values ​​​​family honor. These features are especially pronounced in his behavior, as well as in relationships with children. “If they kill you, it will hurt me, an old man ... And if I find out that you did not behave like the son of Nikolai Bolkonsky, I will be ... ashamed!” - he says to his eldest son when he goes to the front. Nikolai does not give parting words to his son at parting, does not hug him, only stares silently, and then angrily shouts for him to leave. By his behavior, the old prince covers up a deep feeling of love for him. After the departure of his son, he closed himself in the office and cried for a long time, as evidenced by blowing his nose and sighs, heard even outside the door.

The image of the hero in the work

(Anatoly Ktorov as Prince Nikolai Bolkonsky, feature film "War and Peace", USSR 1967)

Nikolay is distinguished by short stature, small dry hands, intelligent, constantly shining eyes, and slightly frowning hanging eyebrows. He prefers to walk in "caftan and powder". By nature, the hero is demanding and harsh, but fair and principled, proud and restrained, interested in the events that take place around the world.

Bolkonsky patriot, possessing a sense of duty, decent, noble. And he brings up his children the same way. The prince's family stands out sharply from a number of other families of the aristocratic world. The Bolkonskys are industrious and active. They are close to the people, they know how to delve into the problems of ordinary people, they understand them.

The prince is firmly convinced that the basis of life is "...only two virtues - activity and mind." In his daughter Marya, he brings up the same convictions, and therefore teaches her all the sciences that he himself knows.

Nikolai Bolkonsky is represented by L.N. Tolstoy as a collective image of the patriots of their Fatherland, people of high morality. But he is not a representative of the outgoing generation. Andrei grew up the same as his father. People like the Bolkonskys will always be among the leading representatives of the people.

Old Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is an outstanding representative of that mixture of the old Russian nobility with “Voltairianism”, which went from the 18th century into the 19th. He is one of those strong people for whom the lack of faith in God finally destroyed all obstacles to tyranny. But in his opinion, "there are only two sources of human vices: idleness and superstition", on the other hand, "there are only two virtues: activity and intelligence." But the circle of activity was closed for him and, complaining that the opportunity of social work was taken away from him, he could convince himself that he was forcibly forced to indulge in a hated vice - idleness.

With whims, he rewarded himself for his, as it seemed to him, completely involuntary idleness. full scope for whims - that was the activity for the old prince, this was his favorite virtue, while another virtue - the mind - turned into an embittered, sometimes unjust censure of everything that happened only outside the borders of his completely independent Bald Mountains. In the name of whim, says Tolstoy, the architect of the old prince was allowed to the table, for example. The prince's mind, embittered and at the same time led by a whim, led him to the conviction that all the current leaders were boys ... and that Bonaparte was an insignificant Frenchman who was successful only because there were no more Potemkins and Suvorovs ... Conquests and new orders in Europe "insignificant Frenchies” seem to the old prince to be something like a personal insult. “They offered other possessions instead of the Duchy of Oldenburg,” said Prince Nikolai Andreevich. “It’s as if I resettled the men from the Bald Mountains to Bogucharovo ... "When Prince Bolkonsky agrees to his son's entry into the army, that is, to his participation in the "puppet comedy", he agrees to this only conditionally and sees here exclusively personal service relations. “... Write how he [Kutuzov] will receive you. If it's good, serve. Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky's son, out of mercy, will not serve anyone. The same peers of the prince, who, not disdaining their connections, reached "high degrees", were not nice to him. When, at the beginning of the winter of 1811, Prince Nikolai Andreevich and his daughter moved to Moscow, there was a noticeable “weakening of enthusiasm for the reign of Emperor Alexander” in society, and thanks to this, he became the center of Moscow opposition to the government. Now, at the end of his days, a wide field of activity was opened before the old prince, or at least an opportunity appeared for what he could take for activity - a wide field for the exercise of his embittered critical mind. But it was already too late to distract him from his habitual inclination to unlimited power within his family - that is, over his daughter, who obeyed him wordlessly. He certainly needs Princess Mary, since he can take out his anger on her, he can nag her, dispose of her at his own discretion. The old prince drove away the idea of ​​the possibility of Princess Marya marrying, knowing in advance that he would answer fairly, and justice contradicted more than a feeling, but the whole possibility of his life. Noting this feature, Tolstoy also pointed out that justice existed in the consciousness of the old prince, but the transition of this consciousness into action was hindered by intractable authority and habit to the conditions of life once established. “He could not understand that someone wanted to change life, to bring something new into it, when life was already ending for him.” That is why, with malice and hostility, he accepted his son's intention to remarry. “... I ask you to postpone the matter for a year ... ”, he resolutely declared to his son, obviously counting on the fact that within a year, perhaps, all this would be upset by itself, but at the same time he did not limit himself to one such assumption, but for reliability, he badly received his son's bride. In case, contrary to the will of his father, Prince Andrei nevertheless married, the old man had a “joke thought” and himself to surprise people with a completely unforeseen change in his life - his own marriage with m-Ile Vourieppe, daughter's companion. This joking thought pleased him more and more, and little by little even began to take on a serious connotation. “.. When the barman ... out of habit ... served coffee, starting with the princess, the prince became furious, threw a crutch at Philip and immediately made an order to give him to the soldiers ... Princess Marya asked for forgiveness ... both for herself and for Philip " . For himself in what was, as it were, an obstacle for m-lIe Bourienne, for Philip - in that he could not guess the thoughts and desires of the prince. The discord between him and his daughter, created by the prince himself, persisted stubbornly. But at the same time, as you can see, the need for justice has not died out. The old prince wanted to hear from his son that he was not the cause of this discord. Prince Andrei, on the contrary, began to justify his sister: “This Frenchwoman is to blame,” and this was tantamount to blaming her father. “And he awarded! .. awarded! - said the old man in a low voice, and, as it seemed to Prince Andrei, with embarrassment, but then he suddenly jumped up and shouted: “Out, out! So that your spirit does not bypass! The embarrassment in this case flowed from the consciousness, the cry from the will that could not stand any judgment and rebuff. Consciousness, however, eventually prevailed, and the old man ceased to allow Mlle Vougieppe to come near him, and after an apology letter from his son, he completely alienated the Frenchwoman from himself. But the imperious will still had an effect, and the unfortunate Princess Mary became the subject of hairpins and sawing even more than before. During this domestic war, the war of 1812 overtook the old prince. For a long time he did not want to recognize its real meaning. Only the news of the capture of Smolensk broke the stubborn mind of the old man. He decided to stay in his estate Bald Mountains and defend himself at the head of his militia. But the terrible moral blow, so stubbornly not recognized by him, also causes a physical blow. Already in a semi-conscious state, the old man keeps asking about his son: “Where is he? » In the army, in Smolensk, they answer him. "Yes," he said clearly quietly. — Russia perished! Ruined! And he sobbed again. What appears to the prince as the death of Russia only gives him a new and strongest reason to reproach his personal enemies. A physical shock to the body - a blow - also shakes the old man's imperious will: her constantly necessary victim - Princess Marya, only here, in the very last minutes of the prince's life, ceases to be the subject of his sawing. The old man even gratefully takes advantage of her care and before his death, as it were, asks for her forgiveness.

Most of the novel “War and Peace” by L. N. Tolstoy is devoted to the Russian nobility of the early 19th century. The reader is presented with a number of families that, in fact, are close to each other - in the sense of measured life, calmness, subordination to the general rules that existed in the upper strata of society of that time. All their members go to balls, visit the drawing room of Anna Pavlovna Sherer, dance, have fun, and have small talk.
However, there is one family, whose originality of customs and traditions, homely atmosphere immediately catches the eye. This is how the Bolkonsky family is represented. She lives her own closed life, which makes her different from others. Why did it happen? In fact, the Bolkonsky clan is a hereditary military, and military affairs implies submission, rigor, accuracy and rigidity. Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky is such a “purebred” military man. He defines the spirit of the family. Life experience hardened not only his body, but also his soul, put strict military rules into him. The whole schedule of his day is scheduled by the minute and carried out with amazing accuracy: “... the main condition for activity is order, but the order in his life has been brought to the last degree of accuracy. His exits to the table were made under the same constant conditions, and not only in one hour, but also in a minute. And God forbid anyone to break this routine, which is the main law of life of Nikolai Andreevich. For example, during the arrival of Prince Andrei and his wife, the son does not immediately go to his father, but waits until his rest time is over, because he is already used to it.
The old prince is constantly engaged in physical and mental labor: “He himself was constantly busy writing his memoirs, then calculations from higher mathematics, then turning snuff boxes on a machine tool, then working in the garden and observing buildings that did not stop ...” The reader practically does not see Nikolai Andreevich idle. Even when his son leaves for military service, he continues to work, although he is worried that Prince Andrei may die: “When Prince Andrei entered the office, the old prince, in old man's glasses and in his white coat, in which he received no one, except son, sat at the table and wrote.
The elder Bolkonsky is not a tyrant, he is simply demanding not only of himself, but also of everyone around him. It can also be said that he led an ascetic lifestyle and by his example forced his loved ones to do the same. In people who in one way or another communicated with him, the prince aroused fear and reverence. Although he was retired and no longer had any significance in state affairs, each head of the province where the Bolkonsky estate was located considered it his duty to come to him and express his respect.
Probably, it would be wrong to consider that the old prince is insensitive and hard-hearted, no, he is simply not used to showing his feelings, weaknesses even to his relatives. Firstly, he himself was brought up this way from childhood, and secondly, military service taught him another lesson: he saw how weak-willed people with high morals lost to those who were firm and purposeful.
In the family of Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, there are two children - Marya and Andrey. Their mother died early. All the main upbringing of children fell on the father. Since the father has always been the ideal for children, many of his traits passed from him to the children. They grew up in an environment that was not conducive to laughter, fun, or jokes. The father talked to them as if they were adults, kept them in a tight rein, didn’t care much and didn’t cherish them.
Princess Mary adopted more masculine character traits than she should, because Nikolai Andreevich did not stand on ceremony with her and raised her on a par with her son. In her, the same rigidity, although expressed in a weaker form, along with deep moral principles, Marya Nikolaevna is not like other secular women. It contains real human values ​​that do not depend on time and environment, fashion and popular theories. Marya Nikolaevna did not appear at the balls and in the drawing room of A.P. Scherer, because her father considered all this nonsense and stupidity, a useless waste of time.
Instead of balls and celebrations, Princess Mary was engaged in mathematical sciences with her father: “... so that you look like our stupid ladies, I don’t want ...”.
She is not beautiful, but not bad either - she is a girl who is hardly noticed by men, and because of this she is married to the eccentric Anatoly Kuragin. She has one and only friend - Julie, and that only by correspondence. Princess Mary, as it were, lives in her own little world, lonely and hardly understood by anyone.
Why is this heroine so obsessed with faith, why does she accept beggars, wanderers? Perhaps she simply does not find in her life such a person who is able to understand her, to advise something sensible ... It seems to me that it is from loneliness that she turns to God. Wanderers, in her view, are approaching the image of Christ. Sometimes it seems that these strangers are closer to Princess Mary than her father and brother.
Andrei Nikolaevich Bolkonsky is the son of the old prince, almost identical to him in character. The same set of qualities of a military man: firmness, courage, determination; the same coldness and aloofness in his actions and thoughts. Most of all, in my opinion, the wife of Prince Andrei, the little princess Lisa, suffers from all these traits. How did she deserve such an attitude from her husband? Only because she is a normal woman who goes to balls and loves entertainment, laughter and joy?
Another trait that Andrei Nikolaevich inherited from his father is isolation, closeness from people, fenced off from what is happening in the outside world. With his father, he is laconic, however, as with other people of his circle. It would seem that Natasha is the angel who will save Prince Andrei, bestowing love, but we do not see this hero open his soul to his beloved. Andrei Bolkonsky does not tell anyone about his past or future at all, he lives in the present. Lives an inner life.
Thus, the old noble family of the Bolkonskys preserves its traditions and passes them on to a new generation.

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The Bolkonsky family in the novel "War and Peace" is one of the key topics in the study of this work. Its members are central to the narrative and play a defining role in the development of the storyline. Therefore, the characteristics of these actors seem to be especially important for understanding the concept of the epic.

Some general remarks

The Bolkonsky family in the novel "War and Peace" is typical of its time, that is, for the beginning of the 19th century. The author depicted people in whose images he tried to convey the mindset of a significant part of the nobility. When describing these characters, one must first of all remember that these heroes are representatives of the aristocratic class at the turn of the century, a time that was a turning point in the history of Russia. This is clearly shown in the description of the life and way of life of this ancient family. Their thoughts, ideas, views, worldview and even domestic habits serve as a vivid demonstration of how a significant part of the nobility lived at the time in question.

The image of Nikolai Andreevich in the context of the era

The Bolkonsky family in the novel "War and Peace" is interesting because in it the writer showed how and how a thinking society lived in the early 19th century. The father of the family is a hereditary military man, and his whole life is subject to a strict routine. In this image, a typical image of an old nobleman from the time of Catherine II is immediately guessed. He is a man of the past, of the 18th century, rather than of the new. It is immediately felt how far he is from the political and social life of his time, it seems that he lives in the old ways and habits, which are more in place for the era of the previous reign.

On the social activities of Prince Andrei

The Bolkonsky family in the novel "War and Peace" is distinguished by solidity and unity. All its members are very similar to each other, despite the difference in age. However, Prince Andrei is more passionate about modern politics and public life, he even takes part in the drafting of state reforms. He very well guesses the type of young reformer that was characteristic of the beginning of the reign of Emperor Alexander Pavlovich.

Princess Marya and society ladies

The Bolkonsky family, whose characteristics are the subject of this review, was distinguished by the fact that its members lived an intense mental and moral life. The daughter of the old prince, Marya, was completely different from the typical secular ladies and young women who were then in high society. Her father took care of her education and taught her a variety of sciences that were not included in the program for raising young ladies. The latter were trained in home crafts, fiction, fine arts, while the princess, under the guidance of her parent, studied mathematics.

Place in society

The Bolkonsky family, whose characteristics are so important for understanding the meaning of the novel, occupied a prominent position in high society. Prince Andrei led a rather active social life, at least until he became disillusioned with the career of a reformer. He served as an adjutant to Kutuzov, took an active part in military operations against the French. He could often be seen at social events, receptions, balls. Nevertheless, from his very first appearance in the salon of a famous society lady, the reader immediately understands that in this society he is not his own person. He keeps a little aloof, not very talkative, although, apparently, he is an interesting conversationalist. The only person with whom he himself expresses a desire to enter into a conversation is his friend Pierre Bezukhov.

A comparison of the Bolkonsky and Rostov families further emphasizes the peculiarity of the former. The old prince and his young daughter led a very secluded life and hardly left their estate. Nevertheless, Marya kept in touch with the high society, exchanging letters with her friend Julie.

Characteristics of Andrey's appearance

The description of the Bolkonsky family is also very important for understanding the nature of these people. Prince Andrei is described by the writer as a handsome young man of about thirty. He is very attractive, keeps excellently, in general - a real aristocrat. However, at the very beginning of his appearance, the author emphasizes that there was something cold, aloof and even callous in his features, although it is quite obvious that the prince is not an evil person. However, heavy and gloomy thoughts left their mark on his features: he became gloomy, thoughtful and unfriendly with those around him, and even with his own wife he is extremely arrogant.

About the princess and the old prince

The description of the Bolkonsky family should be continued with a small portrait of Princess Marya and her stern father. The young girl had a spiritual appearance, as she lived an intense inner and mental life. She was thin, slender, but not distinguished by beauty in the generally accepted sense of the word. A secular person, perhaps, would hardly call her a beauty. In addition, the serious upbringing of the old prince left its mark on her: she was thoughtful beyond her age, somewhat withdrawn and concentrated. In a word, she did not at all resemble a secular lady. She was imprinted by the lifestyle that the Bolkonsky family led. Briefly, it can be characterized as follows: isolation, strictness, restraint in communication.

Her father was a thin man of short stature; he carried himself like a soldier. His face was stern and stern. He had the appearance of a hardy man, who, moreover, was not only in excellent physical shape, but was also constantly engaged in mental work. Such an appearance indicated that Nikolai Andreevich was an outstanding person in all respects, which was reflected in communication with him. At the same time, he could be bilious, sarcastic, and even somewhat unceremonious. This is evidenced by the scene of his first meeting with Natasha Rostova, when she, as the bride of his son, visited their estate. The old man was obviously dissatisfied with the choice of his son, and therefore he gave the young girl a very inhospitable reception, releasing a couple of witticisms in her presence, which deeply hurt her.

Prince and his daughter

Relations in the Bolkonsky family, in appearance, could not be called cordial. This was especially evident in the communication of the old prince with his young daughter. He behaved with her in much the same way as with his son, that is, without any ceremonies and discounts on the fact that she was still a girl and needed a softer and more gentle treatment. But Nikolai Andreevich, apparently, did not make much difference between her and his son and communicated with both in approximately the same way, that is, sternly and even harshly. He was very demanding of his daughter, controlled her life and even read the letters she received from her friend. In the classroom with her, he was stern and picky. However, based on the foregoing, it cannot be said that the prince did not love his daughter. He was very attached to her and appreciated all the best in her, but because of the severity of his character, he could not communicate differently, and the princess understood this. She was afraid of her father, but she respected him and obeyed in everything. She accepted his demands and tried not to contradict anything.

Old Bolkonsky and Prince Andrei

The life of the Bolkonsky family was distinguished by solitude and isolation, which could not but affect the communication of the main character with his father. Their conversations from outside could be called formal and even somewhat official. Their relationship did not seem sincere, rather, the conversations were like an exchange of views between two very smart and understanding people. Andrey behaved with his father very respectfully, but somewhat coldly, aloofly and sternly in his own way. The father, in turn, also did not indulge his son with parental tenderness and caresses, limiting himself to remarks of an exclusively business nature. He spoke to him only to the point, deliberately avoiding anything that might affect personal relationships. All the more valuable is the ending of the scene of Prince Andrei's departure to the war, when deep love and tenderness for his son breaks through the father's icy equanimity, which, however, he immediately tried to hide.

Two families in a novel

It is all the more interesting to compare the Bolkonsky and Rostov families. The first led a solitary secluded life, were strict, harsh, laconic. They avoided secular entertainment and limited themselves to each other's company. The latter, on the contrary, were sociable, hospitable, cheerful and cheerful. The more significant is the fact that Nikolai Rostov eventually married Princess Marya, and not Sonya, with whom he was connected by childhood love. They must have failed to see better each other's good qualities.

The princes Bolkonsky are representatives of an influential family of the Russian Empire. Noble origin indicates nobility at the royal court. There was a rumor about their wealth in Moscow.

The Bolkonsky family in the novel "War and Peace" is presented by the author as the basis of the monarchical power of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.

Old Prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky

His Excellency was known by Empress Catherine II, he served at her court as General-in-Chief. The prince had an ascetic appearance, a dry body and small stature, but his former military bearing was recognizable in his gait and clear steps. Due to his advanced age, the neighbors knew the nobleman as a difficult person to communicate with, they called him rich and stingy. Many considered the prince strange, his behavior sometimes alarmed those around him.

The retired general was cool in dealing with his subordinates and his own children. At the time of the dawn of strength, he was called the Prussian king, he was known as the favorite of Prince Potemkin. During the reign of Pavel, Nikolai Andreevich fell into disfavor with the tsar, was exiled to the outback, where he remained until the events of 1812. It was necessary to overcome 150 versts to Moscow or, if necessary, 60 versts to Smolensk.

The lack of urban living conditions hardened the old man, and his unsociableness evoked in his interlocutors a feeling of fear, mixed with deep respect. From Vienna, as a friend, Bolkonsky wrote letters to Kutuzov, the same sent him an answer if possible. The general was considered an original courtier, endowed with intelligence and insight.

Prince Andrei Bolkonsky

Wealth did not spoil the character of the young nobleman. Andrei's upbringing allows him to appear with dignity in the noble houses of St. Petersburg. Military education became the basis for the formation of the personality of the young prince. The hero is constantly in search of the meaning of life, trying to avoid the hardships of secular life.

Andrei is married to the niece of Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov. The bonds of marriage bring little joy to a man, he wants to reach new heights, realize himself in military and political affairs without the high patronage of his wife's uncle. Having gone to war with the French in 1805, Andrei manages to prove himself heroically at the cost of a serious wound.

Returning home to the Bald Mountains is tragic. The hero does not have time to see his wife alive, she dies on the same day, giving birth to her son Kolenka. The young father decides to leave the military career forever. His worldview changes with the advent of his son. Bolkonsky is fond of state reforms carried out by Minister Speransky.

Adult Bolkonsky falls in love with young Natasha Rostova and achieves reciprocity. The engagement has to be broken off in order to forget the failed love. Andrey departs for Turkey, where the war finds him.

The death of Andrei Bolkonsky

In 1812, Bolkonsky was appointed commander of the Jaeger regiment, which arrived at the battle of Borodino. The prince was nervous because his soldiers were not allowed to attack. But the shells of the enemy reached the ranks of the lined up soldiers, tearing their lives out of order. The regimental commander did not allow himself to fall to the ground to the sound of flying cannonballs.

Bolkonsky took out a fragment of a shell that exploded nearby. The wound was severe, but the officer was taken to Moscow by a retreating convoy. Natasha and Andrei are destined to meet before eternal separation. The eyes of a beloved man were closed forever a month after the Battle of Borodino.
Andrei Bolkonsky is the writer's favorite character, personifying the patriotic image of the defenders of the fatherland.

Princess Marya Nikolaevna

The old prince Bolkonsky brought up the rich heiress in excessive severity, sometimes going beyond common sense. The father attached great importance to the education of his daughter, personally teaching the lessons of algebra and geometry.

Contemporaries considered the girl's face to be ugly, although today her appearance would be considered unkempt, without style and taste. The princess inherited from her father a thin body, devoid of attractive female curves of the waist and hips. Maria Nikolaevna's eyes always looked sad, she looked at herself in the mirror hopelessly.

Only an intelligent person could catch in her eyes the true light of kindness and philanthropy. Behind the lack of grace of the court lady lay shyness and natural feminine charm, meekness. Religion occupies a special place in the princess's worldview, a wise woman is able to recognize and appreciate good human qualities.

The lack of female authority forms a condescending attitude to the details of everyday life. There is a male mess on Marya's desk, which is unacceptable for her father, in whom every little thing knew its place. There is a complex relationship between father and daughter.

Involuntarily, the old prince often offends his native pupil, tyrannizes her moral strength, and leads to despair. Marya Nikolaevna sacrifices her personal interests, until the end of her father's life his old age adorns him. A woman will meet her happiness in 1812 in the person of Nikolai Rostov.

Princess Liza Bolkonskaya

Leo Tolstoy treats the wife of Andrei Bolkonsky with trepidation, often calling her through the lips of his characters the little princess. She has small lips and white teeth. Very cute!

Mentioning several times that the heroine is the niece of Field Marshal Kutuzov, the writer writes off only the virtues of a young woman. Perhaps due to the state of Lisa's pregnancy, the author created an image without flaws. People around consider Princess Bolkonskaya cute. She came to Scherrer's soirée with her handicrafts in order to make good use of the time.

The husband speaks favorably of Lisa, mentioning that with such women one does not have to doubt one's honor. Having tragically lost Lisa, the man changed his worldview, for many years he was in a state of search for the meaning of life.

Leo Tolstoy presented the Bolkonsky family to the reader as an example of decency, honor and state consciousness.

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