Play a cruel joke on you. Does the mentor live with the dancer? The glass walls of Miguel's house played a cruel joke on him


The habit of Russian President Vladimir Putin to be late for official events turned against the head of the Kremlin, writes the Swiss newspaper Le Temps.

Last weekend, Putin was the last of world leaders to attend a ceremony in Paris marking the 100th anniversary of the end of World War I. According to the newspaper, he did this "to emphasize his status."

Arriving at the event, which was held at the Arc de Triomphe, the Russian president shook hands with US leader Donald Trump. At the same time, Trump, who climbed onto the stage along with other heads of state, was forced to bend down to shake his hand.

In photographs taken by Western journalists, Putin looks like a dwarf compared to other presidents. The images provoked anger from Putin's supporters and ironic remarks from his opponents, notes author Emmanuel Grynszpan.

"The state agency TASS, which first used this photo in the message, was forced to hastily correct and remove it from its website," the publication quotes.

“There is an unspoken golden rule for the Russian media loyal to the authorities: the president should never look short compared to the people around him. Not an easy prescription, since Vladimir Putin is 1.7 meters tall, that is, he is 20 centimeters shorter than Donald Trump.

The heads of Turkey, China and Belarus, with whom Putin meets very often, are clearly taller than he is. Official photographers must necessarily get out of the situation by shooting it at such an angle that the head of the Russian president is at the same level as the heads of other people present, in any situation," the article says.

Social media users erupted in a veritable wave of memes and scathing comments, discussing the difference in height between the US and Russian leaders. Commentators also ridicule the oversight of the official news agency, predicting that "heads will roll" now.

From childhood, we are taught not to return evil for evil. We are told to respond with good for evil.

We are taught that kindness is the best way to resolve conflict, because kindness must always win.

However, according to psychologist Clifford Lazarus, this style of behavior only informs your offender that it is by continuing to show aggression towards you that he can achieve what he wants.

There is a logical explanation for this - the so-called Law of effect .

It boils down to the fact that people tend to repeat the type of behavior that allows them to satisfy their needs, and, conversely, avoid actions that do not lead to the desired.

That is, if you treat a person who is constantly being rude with exceptionally good behavior, you will show him that his unacceptable behavior generates ... your love for him.

In other words, constantly showing kindness in response tocoarsenessor aggression, you kind of encourage the person to continue to behave boorishly.

Of course, this does not mean that you should lose your temper every time you meet someone who behaves inappropriately.

However, very it is important to remember that sometimes you are too kind.

If something does not suit you, it is very important to tell about it in time.

It often turns out that a person who is always kind to everyone is simply trying to avoid conflict with all his might. But this should not be done.

It's not about acting like a pig in response to rudeness. But if the need arises, you need to fight back. You need to be able to stand up for yourself, even if a conflict arises that you so badly want to avoid.

Remember: "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."

However, this biblical command does not mean that you should always turn the other cheek. If you constantly do this, then very soon your whole face will be in abrasions!

How to encourage good self-respect and prevent people from being rude or aggressive towards you

1. Don't encourage people to behave towards you that make you feel uncomfortable.

2. Actor Alan Alda gives one very good advice: "Be honest with others, but keep relationships with people exactly as long as they themselves are honest with you."

3. Learn to fight back and, within reasonable limits, insist on your own.

4. Do not encourage rudeness towards you.

5. If someone is being rude and unacceptable to you, say so. No need to smile back and pretend that everything is in order.

Think positive, do the right thing, feel good! May everything be fine with you!

25-10-2019, 06:05 \\

The dancer admitted that he was being watched around the clock.

The mentor of the show "Dancing" on TNT carefully hides his personal life. However, many have repeatedly noticed homosexual tendencies in the artist. Even at the "Star Factory" the artist built love with Ruslan Masyukov. The guys were filmed around the clock by cameras. The men were seen hugging tenderly and cooing. Nothing has changed, Miguel continues to build relationships on the project, users write.

The style of clothing, the manner of moving, talking - everything betrays Miguel's orientation. In an interview with Ekaterina Varnava, the artist made a loud statement - he is frightened that he is being followed everywhere. Even at home, he cannot relax because of the glass walls. He designed the house so that he can watch TV in the bedroom from the bathroom, the neighbors can also watch what is happening in Miguel's life. Apparently, the bold decision with glass walls played a cruel joke on the dancer - his passion for boys can be declassified.

Information appeared on the network that earlier the man was seen in the company of the former participant of the "Dances" Alexander Pertsev. The guy does not give the impression of a straight man, which caused a lot of opinions on this matter. Few people on the project would have liked the hobby of men, so they had to carefully hide their emotions. It is possible that after a joint vacation, the mentor lives with the participant and is very afraid that observant neighbors or journalists will take pictures of them together, and even worse, publish them on a social network.


Miguel shared that his popularity is not at all happy and, if possible, he would gladly give up fame. Justifying this by the fact that he refuses himself in many ways, does not do what he wants, he has to choose words when talking with people. Apparently, the greatest discomfort for the artist is that he is forced to hide his orientation in Russia. Several times he was undermined to move to another country, apparently for the same reason.

Play a [bad] joke

with whom. Razg. make fun of, make fun of, smb. BMS 1998, 641; F 2, 199; ZS 1996, 372.

Big dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what "Play a [evil] joke" is in other dictionaries:

    joke- play a cruel joke action play a joke play action ...

    evil Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    play- a role to play an action wedding to play an action, a ritual to play a big role an action to play an important role an action to play an outstanding role an action to play a major role an action to play a cruel joke an action to play a significant role ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Verb, St., Use. often Morphology: I will play, you will play, he/she/it will play, we will play, you will play, they will play, play, play, played, played, played, played, played, played, played 1. see nsv. play … Dictionary of Dmitriev

    play a joke- with whom. Razg. Express. (Evil) to laugh at someone, exposing someone to ridicule, putting someone in an awkward, ridiculous position. “Now I will tell you that, being in this place, I did not fail, as usual, to play with all those who were there ... ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

    joke- play a cruel joke action joke run out action, subject, end of joke joke action joke play action ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    wicked- play a cruel joke action ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    action- have an action action action ended action, subject, end action direct action action begins action, subject, start action is based on touch action produce action action occurs ... ... Verbal compatibility of non-objective names

    Armenian (Georgian) joke. Jarg. Anally-genital contact with a woman. Mokienko, Nikitina 2003, 401. Joke in action. Sib. It's easy to say. SPS, 205; SBO D2, 283. It's a joke to tell. Razg. An expression of respectful, genuine surprise at ... ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    negative event- ▲ event negative shake up (what happened?). passage (and suddenly this #). | incident. incident an unpleasant event; actions of the participants in the conflict situation. excess. colloquial: mess. mess. misfortune. trouble. get into trouble.... Ideographic Dictionary of the Russian Language


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