The participants in the Battle of Psychics returned to one of the heroines after a few years. Exposing the new participants in the "Battle of Psychics"


A popular program about psychics who helped people not only reveal secrets, but also change the fate of loved ones and relatives for the better, called "Psychics are investigating" was a resounding success. Several seasons have passed, during which the rating of this program has only increased. Which could not lead to a flurry of negativity. But the virtuoso setting of the plot here, or is it really the work of people with extrasensory abilities, everyone decides for himself.


In 2009, Evgeny Lukyanenko, the silver medalist of the Olympic Games (Beijing), gets into a serious accident. He is driving, and there are two other girls in the car. One of which dies on the spot, and the second (Anna Klimenko) receives a serious spinal injury, which chains her to a wheelchair.

Trying to change fate

Years go by, the girl tries to restore justice, but in response she receives only accusations of slander. He turns to the psychics of this program for help. She doesn't know how to live on. Zuliya Radjabova most accurately describes what happened to Anna and gives some instructions on how to behave in the future, if the girl still wants to be a happy mother, despite a serious injury. Anna didn't believe me at first. But after a couple of years, she did everything as the psychic punished, and she herself was at a loss from the result.


Everything was simple. You just had to sincerely forgive the culprit of the accident. After that, Anna's life was to change. The girl moves to another city, starts her own business and ... forgives Evgeny Lukyanenko. And very soon she becomes the owner of a stable income, and meets a guy who becomes her husband. And, about the long-awaited miracle, she becomes pregnant and a healthy daughter is born.

So do not believe after this "Battle of psychics."

The “Battle of Psychics” program on TNT, like many other things on our television, is an invention of the British. The format of Britain's Psychic Challenge (literally - "British Spiritual Challenge") was bought by many countries, including ours. If in England the program started in the fall of 2006, then ours, filmed according to local patterns, first appeared on television in February 2007.

The most rated season of the Battle of Psychics is considered the 3rd. The project gathered the maximum possible number of viewers from the TV screens. By the way, the winner of that season was one of the brightest participants - Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa. Despite the criticism of the show, despite all sorts of "shocking revelations of the participants" and "unknown details of the behind-the-scenes struggle", the show's popularity, if it falls, is insignificant. As it became known to StarHit, the penultimate episode of the 18th season of the Battle was watched by 13.2% of all Russians who had their TV turned on at that moment (data from Mediascope, information about the final will be known a little later). Not a bad indicator, I must say.

The following information is known to many. But it would be strange not to mention these people. From the 1st to the 7th seasons, the program was hosted by the popular actor Mikhail Porechenkov, from the 8th season to this day, the no less popular artist Marat Basharov has been the host. The co-hosts and sometimes direct participants in the tests are the so-called skeptics: the illusionists the Safronov brothers and the famous forensic psychiatrist Mikhail Vinogradov. A little later, since 2010, psychologist Alexander Makarov also joined them. A huge number of stars of various sizes participated in the "Battle of Psychics". Someone acted as a guinea pig, someone helped the main presenter, among them: Lera Kudryavtseva, Ksenia Borodina, Vera Sotnikova, Ksenia Novikova.

The number of heroes in each season varies. How does the number of releases change because of this. In total, through the crucible of competitions and tests - for 18 seasons! - 178 people passed, 61 of them were in the final. The most massive were the 13th, 17th and 18th seasons, which were released, respectively, in 2013, 2016 and 2017. In the first two cases, 13 people became participants in the project, in the last season - also 13, however, a couple of Jean and Dana Alibekov acted as one participant. In other seasons, the number of psychics ranged from 8 to 12.

It is noteworthy that the “Battle of Psychics” was most often won by guys and men. To date, they have won ten times. Girls and women a little less often - eight. By the way, all the finals were mixed, that is, representatives of both sexes participated in them. With the exception of the 16th season. Then, in 2015, only women reached the final: Nicole Kuznetsova, Marilyn Kerro and Victoria Rydos, who eventually won.

The leader of the season is determined by audience voting. Sometimes the winner gets almost all the votes, sometimes they are evenly distributed among several participants, and then everything is actually decided by a couple of additional percentages. In the 8th season, for example, Vladimir Muranov received only 45% of the audience votes, but this was enough to overtake Dilaram Saparova with 43% and Galina Bagirova with 12%. The maximum number of percent "grabbed" Valery Gibert - at the end of the 11th season. The guy managed to get 91.4% of the vote. His rivals - Victoria Subota (5.8%), Vlad Kadoni (2%), Anika Sokolskaya (0.8%) - were left far behind.

It is regrettable, but out of 178 participants in the program, five people did not live to see the end of 2017. Season 3 finalist Aleksey Fad died of a heart attack. Alexei's colleague in the same issues of 2007, Nadezhda Titova, also died, the cause of her death is unknown. Participant of the 4th season Alexander Agapit died in a car accident. The finalist of the 7th season, Ilona Novoselova, fell out of the sixth floor window. The hero of the 9th season of the Battle, Yuri Isparyants, died of a brain hemorrhage.

"The Battle of Psychics" has always been released and still continues to be released on the TNT channel, however, the day and time of the release change periodically. In 2007, the show aired on Sundays. From the fall of 2008 to the end of 2010, "Battle" was "aired" on Saturdays. From the fall of 2011 to December 2012, the project moved to Friday, but from September 2013 the show switched back to Saturday.

In the 10 years that the “Battle of Psychics” has been released, 17 seasons have already been filmed. Each of them had their own stars. Having become famous, the former participants in the battle earn a lot of money. One hour of their work costs an average of 15-40 thousand rubles.

The flow of magicians and witches does not dry out from season to season. Whatever the participant, then the second Vanga and Nostradamus. And the audience is still gnawed by the question: “The Battle of Psychics” - is it true or a lie?

The former host of the show, Mikhail Porechenkov, added fuel to the fire.

“I worked with them for a long time. Kaldy-bastards, as they said in childhood. All lies! - Mikhail arranged the exposure of the "Battle of Psychics" on the air of "Our Radio".

Of course, I want to believe in a miracle, but how not to accept the words of the person who hosted the show from the 1st to the 7th season as the truth. Porechenkov told what the “Battle of psychics” really is.

“In the beginning it was very interesting to work. We really believed, - Mikhail confessed to Komsomolskaya Pravda. - And then we understood the technology of work. There are people who suggest, who conclude agreements with them in advance. And when I realized that it brings money to someone, I left there. There were moments when the participants understood something. Although none of the psychics passed the test with which I came to them.

How magicians work outside of the show

The fact that psychics pay for tips, people talked on the forums back in 2009:

“One of the participants in one of the battles is the sister of my friend. Everything is true, not a performance, not a show. But there are those who pay, and they are pulled, they give the right answers to the questions posed.”

“I know a psychic from the very first battle. The tasks are real, but the winners are really drawn and paid for.”

Someone tested the strength of the former participants in the battle on themselves.

“I went to an appointment with Zuliya Radjabov (the winner of the 2nd season. - Approx. ed.), Alina writes. - I almost burst into tears from annoyance, because everything is past! About me and about my family. I gave 95 thousand.

However, not everyone criticizes psychics.

“I was with Natalia Vorotnikova (the winner of the 1st season. - Approx. ed.), – writes a user under the nickname Wang. He doesn't talk about the past, mostly about the future. At first I thought it was nonsense, but four years later, almost everything came true. And she herself spoke, did not ask anything.

Needless to say, the participants of the show disliked Porechenkov for exposing the “Battle of Psychics”. But there were also those who supported the leader.

“I partially agree with Mikhail,” the finalist of the 6th season, Ziradin Rzayev, admitted to KP. “I saw the members talking to the phantom, showing karate moves… These people are just playing – it’s a 99.9% show.”

Singer Danko: “All shows are editing”

“Battle of Psychics” - true or false? Singer Danko has an unequivocal opinion on this matter. He once had an affair with Julia Wang, the winner of the 15th season, and even participated in the program himself.

Wang did not show her psychic abilities in any way. An ordinary glamorous party girl, of which there are thousands, - the singer told the Express newspaper. - I participated in the filming of the "Battle of Psychics" and saw with my own eyes how it is done. Clairvoyants are given a task. Each one is filmed within an hour. And during this hour he pronounces all possible answers. From the footage, the editors choose the appropriate responses and tailor the entire story to them. Editors know in advance who will win.

Ekaterina Gordon: “Two or three talents for the whole project”

The exposure of the "Battle of psychics" was also arranged by TV presenter Katya Gordon.

“Some of the new wizards produced by the show as clairvoyant geniuses I know personally,” she wrote in her . - Julia Wang was engaged in erotic exorcism in nightclubs and the exorcism of demons with perhydrol (she personally dyed my hair) ... My colleagues working on the project do not even hide in a private conversation that miracles do not happen there, this is a production and a show. Of course, during the era of the creation of the project there were talented and sensitive people, but there were two or three of them. The rest is pictures and artists of burnt theaters.

Alena Vodonaeva: “Psychics have powerful energy”

But Alena Vodonaeva, who happened to be “Mr. X” at the battle, has a completely different opinion about the show. The TV presenter assures: nothing is rigged, everything is real.

“When I returned from the filming of the program, I started bleeding on the same day ... I think that those thirteen people who took part in the test then affected me with their energy,” Vodonaeva admitted to StarHit.

The abilities of psychics were also shocked by another guest of the program - actress Nastasya Samburskaya. Some participants told such details of her life that the girl carefully concealed: about her brother, about a difficult childhood and a difficult relationship with her mother.

Marat Basharov: "Draw your own conclusions"

The mastery of psychics is also defended by the host of the show, Marat Basharov.

“If you think that those tears of people who are in the frame, tears of joy or grief, are all staged, everything is played, then very good actors are participating in the program. In fact, at the age of 42, I learned to distinguish sincere joy, regret or grief of people from fake. If someone thinks that this is not true, let them think, ”Basharov replied to Porechenkov’s accusations in an interview with NSN.

Marat admitted: he was already tired of answering questions: “The battle of psychics - is it true or a lie?” The host urges not to listen to anyone and draw conclusions for yourself.

Familiar with the backstage life of the show and actress Vera Sotnikova.

“Miracles sometimes happen on our program, after which I can’t recover for a long time,” Vera told the host of the Perfect Repair program. - When a psychic designates a situation and tells some truth that no one has ever known, it's impossible not to believe it, because you can't play it that way. I will say this: to each will be given according to his faith.

Sergey Safronov: “I felt like they were climbing into my head”

The illusionist, over the years of participating in the show, is still skeptical of psychics. Safronov is sure that most magicians are just good psychologists.

“But, I confess, in 2010 I felt like they were getting into my head,” Safronov told StarHit. - It was Lilia Khegay on a test with hockey player Alexander Kharlamov. Psychics had to find the place of his father's death and tell who he was. Lily kept talking about some kind of stick, I asked her to draw. I passed out for a few seconds, and on the paper she drew the letter "G". There is a monument at the site of the accident - just a stick and a puck.

In general, Safronov admits, the audience does not care whether the truth is shown or not.

“People watch a mystical detective story based on real events,” says the eternal skeptic, but immediately assures that all the stories of the program, all its heroes are real people.

"There is no script!" the illusionist says.

November 06, 2017

Young scientists explain to viewers why it is impossible to believe the investigations in such TV projects

Marat Basharov has been leading the "Battle of Psychics" from 2009 to the present day.

more on the topic

How the strongest participants in the show "Battle of Psychics" liveLast weekend, the new season of the program “Psychics. The battle of the strongest. While famous magicians, sorcerers and witches are investigating mystical mysteries on the screens, the site recalls what happens in the ordinary life of clairvoyants. And they are worried about quite earthly issues - pregnancy, parting with their husbands, litigation, illness and money.

A group of young scientists is actively working to explain to viewers why you can not believe everything that is shown on TV in various "mystical" shows. Recall that this year at the presentation of the All-Russian Prize "For Loyalty to Science", established by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the program "Battle of Psychics" was awarded an anti-prize for the popularization of pseudoscience. Scientists have even established an award named after Harry Houdini (an American illusionist who exposed charlatans). Video blogger Mikhail Lidin, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Commission on combating pseudoscience and falsification of scientific research, candidate of biological sciences Alexander Panchin and colleagues before the start of the new season of television projects about magicians, sorcerers and psychics reminded that they would immediately hand over 1 million rubles to those who pass the tests and confirm your "gift".

For two years, scientists have been trying to find psychics who, under the conditions of a controlled experiment, decide to test their abilities. Only 12 people dared (including participants in the "battle" and "Black and White"), but none of them passed the tests. For example, the finalist of the 7th season of the “Battle of Psychics” Bakhyt Zhumatova in one of the episodes of the program could find a hiding place in the house, and in an independent experiment of scientists she did not cope with a similar task of finding money, failing several attempts.

Bakhyt Zhumatova became the finalist of the TV show. But for self-promotion, any means are good.

Mikhail Lidin, a member of the expert council of the Harry Houdini Award, conducts investigations on his YouTube channel (meets with program participants, filming witnesses, experts), in which he proves that everything that happens in a show about psychics cannot be taken at face value. And even those to pay money to the magicians: the reception costs from 50 to 70 thousand rubles for the "stars" of the "Battle of Psychics", and from 20 thousand rubles for everyone else.

Mikhail Porechenkov spoke about his previous work as the host of the Battle of Psychics: “There were such participants! We really believed. But these are the first seasons. And then we understood the technology of work. There are people who prompt psychics, conclude contracts with them in advance. And when everyone realized that it brings money to someone, from that moment I left there. ”

2. Mikhail Lidin singled out the three most prominent participants in the new season of the Battle of Psychics. This is Marina Zueva (since she was approved on the show, she began a paid reception), 17-year-old Nikita Turchin (previously starred in the extras of serials, graduated from a theater studio and did not hide that he dreamed of cinema and television, and found the same way to get into "box"), doctor Konstantin Getzati (the spirits of his ancestors help him in trials), brother and sister Jean and Dana Alibekov.

More recently, Nikita Turchin ran around castings and television extras. And today he is already the star of a show about psychics. Photo: social networks.

“Marina Zueva is a witch from Portugal. The local media is silent about it. But she was noted in the talk show “Let them talk” for 2014, where she came to resort to the help of television, and not clairvoyance, to find her father, whom she had been looking for for 45 years. She now claims to have been a witch since she was young. Another transformation. Nikita Turchin calls himself a key psychic, claiming that with the help of keys he opens any secrets. Jean and Dana Alibekova are brother and sister. This same Jean has long been flashed in farcical shows, and the abilities of his sister Dana were discovered while working as a gynecologist, when she managed to persuade a woman to refuse an abortion and leave a child ... Konstantin Getzati, a clear contender for victory this season, “guessed” the person in trunk three times in a row. A descendant of the Alanian magicians, as he was introduced, said that in the 2nd or 3rd year of the institute, when a person was opened, he heard his voice, and so he began to contact the spirits ... The rest of the characters are less colorful, but clowning is needed, apparently for contrast, so that the future finalists look more serious and less ridiculous…” Lidin says on his Internet channel.

3. Mikhail Lidin and like-minded people are fighting to ensure that in such television shows there are notes that everything that happens on the screen is fiction, and not real investigations and events. “I have a video of a guy who pretended to be an alcoholic in the tenth episode of the 13th season. Psychics of six people figured him out "drinking for four years." The man even had to cry on the air, telling about a difficult fate. Thus, he earned 25 thousand rubles before vacationing in Bulgaria,” says Lidin.

4. “Season 16 contestant Rossa Voronova said in an interview for my YouTube channel that information about the heroes and trials on the project is leaked to psychics who are chosen by the editors. And the undesirable are tested themselves. From communication with different heroes, I concluded that information is provided in doses to certain psychics, so that it does not happen that one comes and guesses everything. And for the heroes whose situation is being investigated, the knowledge of magicians becomes a shock, ”says Lidin.

Mikhail was convinced more than once that before recording the stories of specific people, they are visited by the program staff - they find out the facts from their biography, the details of the story. And then the psychics themselves arrive.

5. Recently, Mikhail Lidin recorded an interview with the hero of the program "Psychics are investigating" and his lawyer. We also spoke with the victim's lawyer. He told why his client had claims against the creators of the television project. Alexander Chumakov said that after a resident of the city of Cherepovets lost his wife, he became one of the suspects. But after many checks, including a polygraph, Roman Ksenofontov's involvement in the disappearance of his wife Christina was not established. The woman's mother wrote to the program "Psychics are investigating" to help find her daughter. Roman willingly agreed to participate in the recording of the project, as he still hoped that they would be helped. After all, the search did not bring results. The lawyer said that first, employees of the program arrived in Cherepovets, who found out from Roman a lot of facts and details from his life.

“The ether resembled a farce: the psychic said: “It seems to me that the killer arrived in a blue car,” and the voice-over immediately clarified: “That is the color of Roman’s car.” The same story with a scar and everything else ... The program sounded slander against Roman. The psychic “saw” that Roman hit a man on the head with an ax, after a while this man died. They don’t tell the viewer directly who the killer is, but it’s easy to guess. Roman worked as a plumber, but the man was asked to quit after the broadcast, his friends turned away from him, his daughter from his first marriage at school began to be ridiculed and threatened by classmates, as a result of which the girl developed anorexia due to nervousness, Roman only stayed at new jobs until the second exit show on the air ... Therefore, we filed a claim for non-pecuniary damage in the amount of 5 million rubles from the TNT channel, as well as with a demand to remove this episode of the program from the air and issue a refutation, ”says lawyer Alexander Chumakov.

The release was first shown in the 4th season of the TV project “Psychics are investigating” (episode 10), then it was repeated at the beginning of 2017, after which Roman turned to a lawyer. The release before the start of the trial was blocked.

Former participant in the "Battle of Psychics" Yuri Oleynin was convicted of deceiving people. Photo: archive.

6. One of the former participants in the "Battle of Psychics" is serving a sentence for deceiving people. People turn to psychics in difficult moments of life, so they rarely write statements about the fraudulent actions of magicians, who are credited with savings. But some have already paid. So the participant of the 9th season of the "Battle of Psychics" Yuri Olenin was sentenced to three years in prison. Yuri Olenin with a group of people created and carried out activities at the Center for Parapsychology and Correction of Fate. In this institution, large sums of money were lured from people for the help of magicians and sorcerers. Having untwisted in the “Battle of Psychics”, Yuri Olenin accepted the offer to broadcast on radio stations, people called him on the air for advice. After that, Olenin's assistants called radio listeners and offered to solve their problems already at the reception, for money. More than 20 people suffered, who attributed 16 million rubles to the psychic.

The beginning of the career of Yuri Olenin.

Eva Grebennikova participated in the eighth edition of the 14th season of the Battle of Psychics. The girl came to the shooting of the show, and the mediums were faced with the task of guessing what trouble happened to her and two other invited people.

Almost all her life, Eva suffered from bulimia - an eating disorder. At 9 years old, her weight was more than 100 kilograms. To reset it, the girl was on various diets, was fond of vegetarianism and a raw food diet. Thus, she managed to lose weight up to 47 kilograms. But the torment did not end there - Eve fell ill with anorexia. About six months later, the body was so exhausted that she began to eat everything without stopping and "earned" bulimia. In nine months, she again gained 40 kilograms.

Eva Grebennikova. Photo: AIF / Irina Chukhno

“Whatever I did to cope with overeating: I went to psychiatrists, endocrinologists, I was in hospitals. Now the disease is practically not manifested. If earlier I was gaining weight at a rate of five kilograms per month, then for the past two years I have had a stable weight. But I can’t call it the merit of psychics, ”says Eva Grebennikova.

Participants of the 14th season of the 8th edition of the Battle of Psychics. Photo: TNT channel frame

unexpected facts

The girl was invited to the “Battle of Psychics” by the workers of the show through a social network. On the appointed day, she arrived at the studio.

“There we were seated on chairs, and then they began to take turns launching psychics. They came up, looked and said something. One said that I had changed my appearance very drastically. Well, everything like that, ”says Eva.

No magical rituals were performed on Eve, but only psychological advice was given. One of them: after buying clothes, immediately cut off the size tags.

“In general, we talked about personal life, about my boyfriend. She said that our relationship would last from eight months to three years maximum. But she was wrong, we have been dating for three years and ten months, and we are not going to run away, - the girl explained. - True, we had very strong quarrels, but now everything is calm. So if psychics or fortunetellers predict separation or even death, this does not always happen.

“I lost weight because I moved from my parents to my boyfriend and began to cook dinners on my own. But I don’t like my own cooking, I can’t eat it, so I lost weight, ”says Eva.

From the disease one way - a psychiatrist

After the show was released, people on the streets approached Eve, asked about filming in the program, took autographs. And girls suffering from bulimia and anorexia wrote on the social network asking for advice.

“I really want everyone who has faced similar problems to know that there is only one way to recover - it is a psychiatrist,” Eva shares. - Going to psychics in a similar situation is not a good idea. If you break your leg, you will go not to a clairvoyant, but to a doctor. It's the same here. In general, you need to learn to love yourself for who you are and not torturing yourself with diets.

Mystical Sareptha

Old Sarepta is an open-air museum. Here, within the boundaries of Volgograd, among hundreds of concrete boxes of the same type, an amazing corner of the 18th century has been preserved: a Lutheran church, a pharmacist's house, a pastor's house and a trading shop. There are more than 20 historical buildings imbued with the spirit of that era.

Museum-reserve "Old Sarepta". Photo: Old Sarepta Museum-Reserve

According to the workers, they all feel the presence of invisible forces here, many can not stand it and leave.

“Eerie. If you saw a ghost like this, up close, what would your reaction be? asks one museum employee. We wanted to figure out if this is good or bad? How can we work with this in the future? And so they turned to the “Battle of Psychics” program. ”

As a result, two clairvoyants flew to Volgograd.

"Beer and Bread"

Filming began when it was already dark.

Kirkha is located opposite the mass grave. Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

“The shooting took a very long time,” recalls head of the information department of the museum Tatyana Rvacheva. - Throughout the day, the film crew was on the territory, and the process itself began at 10 pm and ended only at five in the morning. Several buildings and cellars of Sarepta were explored.” One of the clairvoyants "heard the cry of mothers and children who hid here from the terrible raids of nomads, and even told us about what was here before the first German settlement appeared."

Another clairvoyant even “summoned the spirit of a man who allegedly lives here and thereby frightens workers and visitors.”

Ritual in the dungeon of Sarepta. Photo: TNT channel frame

The clairvoyant also told the workers that the spirit "requires beer and bread." He allegedly considers this place his home and thus protects it.

"Spirits" brought visitors

The move worked, and now the legend of the Sarepta ghosts has become almost a hallmark of this place, and many people seek to get on nightly mystical excursions. At the very least, the psychics definitely helped the museum.

The mystical dungeons of Sarepta attract tourists. Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

Today, the museum even has the Mystical Stories of Sarepta program, during which guests get acquainted with legends and traditions, descend into the mysterious dungeons of the 18th century.

Alcoholism is not treated by psychics

Together with Eva Grebennikova in the eighth edition of the 14th season of the "Battle of Psychics" was filmed Evgeny Smelov. He turned to the show in the hope that mediums would help him get rid of alcohol addiction.

“I wrote on the show myself, because I was aware of my problem and was looking for different ways out of it. I could not cope with alcoholism alone, so I decided to turn to psychics. Then I thought that everything was fair there, ”explained Eugene.

Evgeny Smelov. Photo: TNT channel frame

According to the man, he began to drink, like many of his peers, at the age of 17, but in moderate doses. Alcoholism appeared only in the last one and a half - two years before the start of filming. Particularly long and heavy binges were during the divorce. However, the show said something completely different. The voice-over said: "Unrestrained drunkenness has been going on for 10 years."

“As soon as I heard this lie on the air, I immediately called the program in order to sort it out. I asked them: “Do you have any idea what would happen to me if I really didn’t get out of binge for 10 years?”. To my dissatisfaction, they replied that it was necessary for the show. Then I already freaked out and said, let them write and do whatever they want, ”he said.

After a while, Eugene got a call from the show. The man talked to the program worker for more than an hour. “The questions they asked me over the phone were quite harmless. Therefore, during the filming, I didn’t even think about them, but I was simply surprised at the things that psychics told, ”recalls Eugene. “Then he began to talk about how they knew everything. And I understood - thanks to the questioning. The mediums "saw" only what I had previously called them. Plus, they also found a lot of information on my VKontakte page. For example, there I wrote about the death of my friend, about which the sorcerers later told. I haven't heard anything from them."

Psychic Nadira Azamatova is being tested. Photo: TNT channel frame

Going to psychics is a sin

As Eugene said, five of the eight psychics who participated in the program promised to help him, but in the end no one helped.

“None of the psychics helped me. They're just brainwashing people. I would say that these people are just good psychologists with excellent pre-air training. You yourself understand that as many mediums as participate in the show cannot be in the country.”

Another man noticed that all psychics conduct personal receptions and ask for about 50-60 thousand rubles for a session.

“This show is needed so that fools like me who are looking for salvation pay big money to psychics. This infuriates me. Well, if you have the ability, then help just like that. And then there are people who take loans because of them. And all right, if “clairvoyants” could actually solve problems, otherwise ... To say something - yes, to help - no. And how many more people will get into their networks and give their last money is unknown, ”Smelov noted.

A year after filming, Eugene began to visit the Serpukhov Vysotsky Monastery frequently. There he lived for several months, then went home, and then returned again.

Eugene said: “After participating in the Battle of Psychics, I both drank and continued to drink. These so-called clairvoyants did not help me. There was only one thing left - to turn to God. With the thought that psychics were useless, and going to them is generally a sin, I went to the monastery. I haven't been drinking or smoking for 13 months now.

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