An old man of 30 VKontakte entered the room. Literary old women and old men (4 photos)


1. The age of Juliet's mother, the researchers calculate in one phrase:

“As for me, when I was your age, I was your mother a long time ago.”

Shakespeare also mentions the age of Juliet:

"Well, on Peter's day by night And she will blow fourteen years old."

It turns out that Senora Capulet may be 28 years old, or even less. But why should this surprise us if we are witnessing the love story of a 14-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy? Does anyone sincerely worry that they did not become a parent at 14?

2. The age of Marya Gavrilovna from the Snowstorm by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The only mention in the story about the age of the heroine:

“At the end of 1811, in an era memorable to us, the good Gavrila Gavrilovich R ** lived in his estate Nenaradovo. He was famous throughout the district for his hospitality and cordiality; the neighbors kept coming to him to eat, drink, play five kopecks in Boston with his wife, and some in order to look at their daughter, Marya Gavrilovna, a slender, pale and seventeen-year-old girl. She was considered a rich bride, and many predicted her for themselves or for their sons.

So many years she was at the time of the wedding, and the explanation with Burmin happened more than three years later. Therefore, she could not go to the 20th year.

3. Balzac age.

This expression became popular after the release of Honoré de Balzac's The Thirty-Year-Old Woman in 1834. And it is indisputable that the “Balzac age” can really be considered the age of 30 years. Another thing is not clear, why does this expression have such a derogatory, at best derogatory-joking character? After all, Balzac does not describe at all an old woman who no longer knows where to put herself, but a woman in the prime of her beauty and strength.

4. Age of Ivan Susanin.

Thanks to the unknown network researchers who finally put an end to the age-old debate about Susanin's age. It’s only a pity that modern historians are not yet in the know and continue to call the time of Ivan Osipovich’s birth “the last third of the 16th century”, which, you see, gives a wide variation in age, given that Susanin died in the fall of 1612 or in the winter of 1613.

5. The age of the old pawnbroker.

This is a shameful lie! Yet at school they read Dostoevsky's novel!

“She was a tiny, dry old woman, about sixty years old, with sharp and angry eyes, with a small pointed nose and simple hair.”

Shame on you folks, shame on you.

6. Age of Anna Karenina.

Tolstoy does not mention the exact age of the heroine. Where does such an exact figure come from - 28 years? Nowhere. Just guesses.

"I'll start over: you married a man who is twenty years older than you."

I did not find any mention of the age of Alexei Aleksandrovich Karenin in the novel. But for some reason, the most common version on the network says that Karenin was 44 years old, and not 48 or 46 at all. And this already contradicts Anna's announced 28 years.

7. Age of Richelieu.

Yes, yes, not Richelieu, but Richelieu. The siege of La Rochelle lasted whole year from September 1627 to October 1628. At the time the siege began, Cardinal Richelieu was indeed 42 years old, but did anyone consider him an old man? Why should we be surprised at his age? I do not understand.

8. 30-year-old Karazmin and 16-year-old Pushkin.

Just a celebration of ignorance. Only it is not clear what: historical or mathematical. I guess both.

Now let's calculate: Pushkin turned 16 years old in 1815, respectively, Karamzin was then about 49 years old, and not thirty at all. Hey Pushkin! Three years before his birth, he saw Karamzin, and even left a note about it, pretending to be 16 years old.

9. And again about Karamzin.

Apparently, this refers to Yuri Nikolayevich Tynyanov, a writer and literary critic. He has a study of the unfinished novel "Pushkin", where you can actually find this quote. Only treat she not to physical age Karamzin, but to his mood and activities at that time.

“The main person was, of course, not the count. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those present. He was thirty-four, the age of fading.

The time to please has passed, But to be captivated without captivating, And to glow without inflaming, There is a bad trade.

There were no wrinkles yet, but a coldness appeared on his face, elongated, white. Despite his playfulness, despite his affection for ticklers, as he called the young, it was clear that he had learned a lot. The world was crumbling; everywhere in Russia - deformities, sometimes bitterer than French villainy. Fully dream of the happiness of mankind! His heart was broken beautiful woman whose friend he was. After traveling to Europe, he became colder towards friends. The "Letters of a Russian Traveler" became a law for educated speeches and hearts. The women wept over them. He was now publishing an almanac called female name"Aglaya", which women read to and which began to generate income. Everything is nothing but trinkets. But the barbaric censorship also constrained trifles. Emperor Paul did not live up to the expectations placed on him by all the friends of good. He was self-willed, angry, and surrounded himself not with philosophers, but with Gatchina corporals, who did not in the least understand elegance.

It's about a disappointed person, not an old one.

Do you think Pushkin did not realize what he was writing here?))) I think that he might not have thought about the exact age of the heroine's mother. And how can we know exactly her age? Maybe this woman got married at 28, like Evpraksia Wulf, with whom Pushkin was friends? Maybe a 50-year-old widower married her, for whom a young woman would no longer go. Or another option. In life, infant mortality was high. Maybe, having married at 23, this woman first gave birth to three sons in 6 years - and all died in infancy ... And at 30 she gave birth to a daughter, and she survived. (I want to say that Pushkin could write simply remembering the girls he knew and their mothers (and not determining the exact age) - but in life ... You never know how it happened in life?)))
When we now use the expression "Balzac age", we constantly forget that we are talking about a woman in her thirties, not in her fifties This is how I always understood "Balzac's age", like Balzac's.))) And the word "nymphet" is also misunderstood, naming, for example, 15-year-olds and older.
klavir The other day I specifically checked that Smerdyakov is the brother of Karamazov, at the beginning of the book there is not a word When did I argue with this?
But there, by the way, you can guess.))) I guessed it myself, I remember.))) "At the fence, in
nettles and burdock, our company saw the sleeping Lizaveta. spree
the gentlemen stopped over her with laughter and began to joke with all possible
uncensored. It suddenly occurred to one barchenka completely
an eccentric question on an impossible topic: "is it possible, they say, although who
whatever it was, to consider such a beast for a woman, at least now, etc. ". All
with proud disgust decided that it was impossible. But Fedor happened in this bunch
Pavlovich, and he immediately jumped out and decided that he could be considered a woman, even
very much, and that there is even something of a special kind of piquant, etc., etc. ... with excessive gaiety, and finally everyone went away with their
expensive. Subsequently, Fyodor Pavlovich swore an oath that then he, together
left with everyone; maybe that's exactly what happened, no one knows for sure and
never knew, but after five or six months everyone in town was talking to
sincere and extreme indignation that Lizaveta walks pregnant,
they asked and searched: whose sin, who is the offender? Here, suddenly
a strange rumor spread throughout the city that the offender is this very Fedor
Pavlovich .... rumor
She pointed directly at Fyodor Pavlovich and continued to point. ... Baptized and named Paul, and by patronymic
everyone themselves, without a decree, began to call him Fedorovich. Fyodor Pavlovich is not
contradicted nothing and even found it all amusing, although with all his might
continued to renounce everything."

In Unmasking the Sensation. Age of literary heroes.

The following text has spread over the Internet (Vkontakte, classmates and forums), I met it many times, and today they remembered it in a conversation.

The old pawnbroker from Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" was 42 years old.

Juliet's mother at the time of the events described in the play was 28 years old.

Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin's Snowstorm was no longer young. She was 20 years old.

Balzac age - 30 years.

Ivan Susanin at the time of the feat was 32 years old (he had a 16-year-old daughter for marriageable age).

Anna Karenina was 28 years old at the time of her death, Vronsky was 23 years old. The old man - the husband of Anna Karenina - is 48 years old.

To the old Cardinal Richelieu at the time described in " Three Musketeers"The siege of the fortress of La Rochelle was 42 years old.

From the notes of 16-year-old Pushkin: "An old man of about 30 entered the room." It was Karamzin.

At Tynyanov's, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those present. He was 34 years old - the age of fading.

So here it is!!!
This is all far-fetched and not true at all!

Let's sort it out in order.
- The old pawnbroker from Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" was 42 years old.
Original source:
"The old woman stood in front of him silently and looked at him inquiringly. She was a tiny, dry old woman, sixty years old, with sharp and evil eyes, with a small, pointed nose and simple hair. Her blond, slightly graying hair was greasyly oiled. On her thin and long neck, resembling a chicken leg, some kind of flannel rag was draped, and on her shoulders, despite the heat, all the tattered and yellowed fur katsaveyka dangled. The old woman kept coughing and groaning.

- Juliet's mother at the time of the events described in the play was 28 years old.
In fact, even less, but then early marriages were accepted.
Original source:
Mom says to Juliet:
Well, think about it. At the Verona nobility
In honor of early marriage. Me too, by the way.
I gave birth to you quite early -
I was younger than you are now.

And a little earlier it says that Juliet is not yet 14 years old:
She is a child. She's new to the world
And not yet fourteen years old.

- Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin's Snowstorm was no longer young. She was 20 years old.
Who gave such a definition: "not young"? In the whole story, neither the word "young" nor "not young" is found.
The original source only says the following about age:
"At the end of 1811, in an era memorable to us, the good Gavrila Gavrilovich R ** lived on his estate Nenaradovo. He was famous throughout the district for his hospitality and cordiality; neighbors constantly went to eat, drink, play five kopecks in Boston with his wife , and some in order to look at their daughter, Marya Gavrilovna, slender, pale and seventeen years old girl."

- Balzac age - 30 years.
Here is what the all-knowing Wikipedia tells us:
Balzacian age - an expression that became common after the appearance of the novel "The Thirty-Year-Old Woman" French writer Honore de Balzac. The heroine of this novel, Vicomtesse d'Aiglemont, was distinguished by her independence, independence of judgment and freedom in expressing her feelings. In the first years after the publication of the novel, this expression was used ironically in relation to women who looked like or aspired to be like the heroine of a Balzac novel. Later this meaning of the term was forgotten.
Balzac age - a woman aged 30 to 40 years (jokingly-iron., allegorically). Modern understanding a term derived from a novel by Honore de Balzac.

- Ivan Susanin at the time of the feat was 32 years old (he had a 16-year-old daughter for marriageable age).
Again from Wikipedia:
Almost nothing is known about the life of Ivan Susanin. ... Since his wife is not mentioned in any documents or legends, and his daughter Antonida was married and had children, it can be assumed that he was a widower in adulthood.

- Anna Karenina at the time of death was 28 years old, Vronsky - 23 years old. The old man - the husband of Anna Karenina - is 48 years old.
I didn’t find it, a long novel, and I was going to re-read it.
Actually, there is no mention of Anna's age, it is only said that she was 20 years younger than her husband.
Nobody knows, huh???

- The old man Cardinal Richelieu at the time of the siege of the fortress of La Rochelle described in the Three Musketeers was 42 years old.
The word "old man" never occurs in the novel, and the definition "old man" is not used in relation to Richelieu either.
Original source: "A man of medium height, proud, arrogant, with a broad forehead and a piercing gaze, stood by the fireplace. His thin face was further lengthened by a pointed beard, over which a mustache twisted. This man was hardly more than thirty-six - thirty-seven years old, but in his hair and beard were already flickering with gray, although he did not have a sword, he still looked like a military man, and the light dust on his boots indicated that he had ridden that day.
This man was Armand-Jean du Plessis, Cardinal de Richelieu, not as we usually portray him, that is, not a bent old man, suffering from a serious illness, relaxed, with a dead voice, immersed in a deep chair, as if in a premature grave, living only by the strength of his mind and supporting the struggle with Europe with one tension of thought, but such as he really was in those years: a clever and amiable gentleman, even then weak in body, but supported by indomitable fortitude ... "
And yes, he really was 42. But they don’t call him an old man.

- From the notes of 16-year-old Pushkin: "An old man of about 30 entered the room." It was Karamzin.
Didn't find the text. But Karamzin was born in 1766, and Pushkin - in 1799. That is, when Karamzin was 30 years old, Pushkin was not yet and, as they say now, in the project. At the time when Pushkin was 16, Karamzin was (we believe) about 49.
Perhaps, at the age of 16, Pushkin recalls how Karamzin came to them. Karamzin was 34 at the time of the visit, according to Tynyanov, and Pushkin was 1 year old. He hardly remembered.

- At Tynyanov's, Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those present. He was 34 years old - the age of fading.
Well, yes, the quote is correct. But... incomplete.

Juliet's mother at the time of the events described in the play was 28 years old.

Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin's Snowstorm was no longer young: "She was in her 20s."

"Balzac age" - 30 years.

Ivan Susanin at the time of the feat was 32 years old (he had
marriageable 16-year-old daughter).

The old pawnbroker from Dostoevsky's novel Crime and Punishment was 42 years old.

Anna Karenina at the time of her death was 28 years old, Vronsky was 23 years old, the old husband of Anna Karenina was 48 years old (at the beginning of the events described in the novel, everyone is 2 years less).

The old man, Cardinal Richelieu, was 42 years old at the time of the siege of the fortress of La Rochelle described in The Three Musketeers.

From the notes of 16-year-old Pushkin: “An old man of about 30 entered the room” (it was Karamzin).

Tynyanov: "Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those present. He was thirty-four years old - the age of fading."

As far as I understand, this nonsense has been circulating the net for a long time and is perceived as a collection of indisputable facts.

Let's figure it out.

1. The age of Juliet's mother, the researchers calculate in one phrase:

"As for me - at your age for a long time already
I was your mother"

Shakespeare also mentions the age of Juliet:

"Well, on Peter's day by night
And blowjob to her fourteen years old.

It turns out that Senora Capulet may be 28 years old, or even less. But why should this surprise us if we are witnessing the love story of a 14-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy? Does anyone sincerely worry that they did not become a parent at 14?

2. The age of Marya Gavrilovna from "The Snowstorm" by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin.

The only mention in the story about the age of the heroine:

"At the end of 1811, in an era memorable to us, the good Gavrila Gavrilovich R ** lived on his estate Nenaradovo. He was famous throughout the district for his hospitality and cordiality; neighbors constantly went to eat, drink, play five kopecks in Boston with his wife , and some in order to look at their daughter, Marya Gavrilovna, slender, pale and seventeen year old girl. She was considered a rich bride, and many predicted her for themselves or for their sons.

So many years she was at the time of the wedding, and the explanation with Burmin happened more than three years later. Therefore, she could not go to the 20th year.

3. Balzac age.

This expression became popular after the release in 1834 of "The Thirty Years Old Woman" by Honore de Balzac. And it is indisputable that the "Balzac age" can really be considered the age of 30 years. Another thing is not clear, why does this expression have such a derogatory, at best derogatory-joking character? After all, Balzac does not describe at all an old woman who no longer knows where to put herself, but a woman in the prime of her beauty and strength.

4. Age of Ivan Susanin.

Thanks to the unknown network researchers who finally put an end to the age-old debate about Susanin's age. It’s only a pity that modern historians are not yet in the know and continue to call the time of Ivan Osipovich’s birth “the last third of the 16th century,” which, you see, gives a wide variation in age, given that Susanin died in the fall of 1612 or in the winter of 1613.

5. The age of the old pawnbroker.

This is a shameful lie! Yet at school they read Dostoevsky's novel!

"She was a tiny, dry old woman, about sixty years old, with sharp and angry eyes, with a small, pointed nose and simple hair."

Shame on you folks, shame on you.

6. Age of Anna Karenina.

Tolstoy does not mention the exact age of the heroine. Where does such an exact figure come from - 28 years? Nowhere. Just guesses.

"I'll start over: you married a man who is twenty years older than you."

I did not find any mention of the age of Alexei Aleksandrovich Karenin in the novel. But for some reason, the most common version on the network says that Karenin was 44 years old, and not 48 or 46 at all. And this already contradicts Anna's announced 28 years.

7. Age of Richelieu.

Yes, yes, not Richelieu, but Richelieu. The siege of La Rochelle lasted a whole year from September 1627 to October 1628. At the time the siege began, Cardinal Richelieu was indeed 42 years old, but did anyone consider him an old man? Why should we be surprised at his age? I do not understand.

8. 30-year-old Karazmin and 16-year-old Pushkin.

Just a celebration of ignorance. Only it is not clear what: historical or mathematical. I guess both.

Now let's calculate: Pushkin turned 16 years old in 1815, respectively, Karamzin was then about 49 years old, and not thirty at all. Hey Pushkin! Three years before his birth, he saw Karamzin, and even left a note about it, pretending to be 16 years old.

9. And again about Karamzin.

Apparently, this refers to Yuri Nikolayevich Tynyanov, a writer and literary critic. He has a study of the unfinished novel "Pushkin", where you can actually find this quote. Only she does not relate to the physical age of Karamzin, but to his mood and activity at that time.

“The main person was, of course, not the count. Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those gathered. He was thirty-four years old - the age of fading.

The time to like has passed
And to be captivated, not captivating,
And burn without burning
There is a bad trade.

There were no wrinkles yet, but a coldness appeared on his face, elongated, white. Despite his playfulness, despite his affection for ticklers, as he called the young, it was clear that he had learned a lot. The world was crumbling; everywhere in Russia - deformities, sometimes bitterer than French villainy. Fully dream of the happiness of mankind! His heart was broken by the beautiful woman whose friend he was. After traveling to Europe, he became colder towards friends. "Letters from a Russian Traveler" became a law for educated speeches and hearts. The women wept over them.
He was now publishing an almanac, called the female name "Aglaya", which was read by women and which began to generate income. Everything is nothing but trinkets. But the barbaric censorship also constrained trifles. Emperor Paul did not live up to the expectations placed on him by all the friends of good. He was self-willed, irascible, and surrounded himself not with philosophers, but with Gatchina corporals, who did not in the least understand elegance.

It's about a disappointed person, not an old one.

So, do you still believe in network facts? Then they come to you! :))

Reading the classics at school, we rarely think about how old this or that character was. Recently, a friend of our company from Los Angeles sent a funny letter, here is its content:

  • “Marya Gavrilovna from Pushkin's Snowstorm was no longer young: “She was in her 20s”;
  • Juliet's mother at the time of the events described in the play was 28 years old;
  • "Balzac age" - 30 years;
  • Ivan Susanin at the time of the feat was 32 years old (he had a 16-year-old daughter for marriageable age);
  • The old woman - pawnbroker from Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" was 42 years old;
  • Anna Karenina at the time of her death was 28 years old, Vronsky was 23 years old, the old husband of Anna Karenina was 48 years old (at the beginning of the events described in the novel, everyone is 2 years less);
  • The old man, Cardinal Richelieu, was 42 years old at the time of the siege of the fortress of La Rochelle described in The Three Musketeers;
  • From the notes of 16-year-old Pushkin: “An old man of about 30 entered the room” (it was Karamzin);
  • Tynyanov: "Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin was older than all those present. He was thirty-four years old - the age of fading";
  • Pushkin wrote the poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila" at the age of 19;
  • The great mathematical discovery of the brilliant Evariste Galois was made at the age of 19 - "Galois groups" (at the age of 20 he was killed in a duel for political reasons). Galois was the youngest of the greats and the greatest of the young."

Of course, this letter made us smile, but it also made us think. Does anyone now agree that 34 years is the age of extinction, and the “old pawnbroker” and “old man Richelieu” at 42 sound somehow insulting.

Yes, “life is just beginning at 40,” as we were told in the film “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears.”

In fact, we want to stay young as long as possible, even " Balzac age"We added a few years and we think it's 40 years. But in fact, the expression, which has become a classic, occurred after the release of the novel “The Thirty-Year-Old Woman” by the French writer Honore de Balzac.

What happened over time? Were our ancestors in a hurry to live, or are we stuck in our development, hoping that tomorrow will someday come and then we will “live for real”? Is the time not right? Or are we not? There is something to think about, right?

In the meantime, we present our answer to the classics. Indeed, at the age of 40, everything is just beginning!

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