The most beautiful female names in the world. Women's names


Many names that we consider native actually appeared in Russian culture from the ancient Christian world and for the most part do not have Slavic roots. The origin of female Russian names is inextricably linked with the history and beliefs, rituals and life of the ancient Slavs. These names include: Dobroslav - sane; Fun - mischievous, cheerful; Mstislava - exacting; Snezhana - modest, gentle.

The most popular modern names for girls

According to the statistics of the Office of the Civil Registry Office of the city of Moscow, the most popular names for girls in 2016 were Sofia, Maria, Anna, Victoria, Anastasia, Polina, Alice, Elizabeth, Alexandra, Daria. So if you're looking for beautiful yet rare girl names, skip this list of 10 female names.

Names with meaning

It is worth paying attention to the meaning of the female name. We used to believe that whatever you call a ship, that's how it will sail. For example, if you want your girl to be a winner in life, you can call her Victoria. But remember that this name is very popular now!

Here are some examples of the meanings of female names.

Anfisa translated from ancient Greek means "blooming". In childhood, calm, having matured, she becomes decisive and stubborn. He will never commit rash acts, knows how to find a common language with people.

Valeria in Latin means "strong, strong." She is sensual and unpredictable, with a well-developed imagination and an excellent figurative memory. Having matured, Valeria will become a caring, economic and hospitable wife. He carefully approaches the choice of a professional field in which he will become a real specialist.

Dominica means "lady" in Latin. Girls with this name have intuition, a masculine manner to lead and rule. Dominika is self-confident and able to complete the most overwhelming and difficult task. The most inclined to a leadership position, even if it is associated with risk. Achieves success in painting, architecture, design and clothing modeling.

Rare names for girls

Statistics show that many parents tend to choose a name for their child, which is not particularly popular now. If you hold the same views, then keep in mind that quite recently little Aurora, Lyubava, Leya, Ustinya, Emily, Bozena, Nicoletta, Alexandria, Indira, Spring, Malvina, Blanca, Cleopatra have already been born.

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Russian modern female names

Modern Russian name book

The modern Russian name book includes Russian names that are currently used on the territory of Russia.

In addition to the original Russian names in Russian nomenclature Jewish, Greek, Roman (Latin), Scandinavian, Germanic and Persian names are included, which gradually adapted to the territory of Russia and are perceived as Russian.

Most of the Russian names that are currently used on the territory of Russia are not originally Russian by origin. They are borrowed from the Greek language along with the Christian religion and came to Russia from Byzantium.

By the 18th and 19th centuries, Old Russian names were almost completely forgotten, and the Christian names brought in were changed taking into account the peculiarities of Russian pronunciation (Aquilina - Akulina, Yuliania - Ulyana).

Where did the Byzantine (Greek) names that became Russian come from?

The Greeks also collected in their name book the best names of all the peoples with whom they maintained trade and cultural relations.

In addition to names of ancient Greek origin, they used ancient Roman and Hebrew names, and also used ancient Persian, ancient Egyptian, Chaldean, Syrian, Babylonian names.

Currently names of any country includes not only native names of his people, but borrowed names. This is the result of cultural and trade exchange between peoples, mixing of cultures, as well as a consequence of the migration of peoples.

Modern Russian female names

august(p.) - regal, majestic

Agatha(gr.) - kind, good. Folk Russian form - Agafya

Ada(e.) - decoration

Alevtina(gr.) - rubbing with incense, reflecting

Alexandra(gr.) - protector of people

Alyona(gr.) - light

Alina(p.) - white, noble

Alice- protector

Alla(gr.) - another, second, next

Albina(p.) - white

Amalia(German) - hardworking

Brief energy-informational characteristics of some names


The main karmic program named after Anna is attachment and dependence on relationships. Throughout life, this program causes the problem of relationships with loved ones - parents, children, beloved men.

All Annas are very affectionate, and as a rule, Anna becomes attached to men who are clearly unworthy of attention. Usually, Annas lead a promiscuous sex life, their urogenital area is vulnerable to diseases. Many Annas cannot get married. Their acquaintances with men are usually fleeting.

If the girl was named Anna, then there is a high probability that a serious conflict exists or is brewing in the family. Usually this is the dissatisfaction of the husband with his wife. That is, Anna's father is dissatisfied with her mother. Such a soul of a child is attracted to a conflict family.

Since Anna does not have enough energy, she constantly needs energy replenishment in the form of new experiences - traveling, meeting friends, etc.

The vibrations of this name activate negative karmic programs Firstly. And these programs attract negative events into Anna's life.

The name Anna worsens the karmic developments of a person, significantly complicates fate. If a person has lived long enough, then under the influence of this name he becomes a pessimist, he has many disappointments. This name shakes the psyche of a woman.

Anna needs a mentally healthy environment, reliable loyal people, friends. But usually there are few or no such people in her environment. Because when they give good advice on how to act in situations of life choice, she does not listen to them, she does it her own way. For which he then pays. Chooses with emotions, not reason.

The name Anna leaves a tragic, pessimistic imprint on a woman. And therefore does not contribute to her success in life.

Even if you take a double name, for example, Anna-Maria, it still carries tragedy.

Anna is one of the most unfortunate female names.


A woman named Yana is haunted by a deep subconscious fear throughout her life. This is a karmic program. This program encourages her to take active steps in making her way in society, career, business.

Yana has a strong enough will, increased sexual appetite and a smart head. Her energy is masculine.

In childhood she can be a shy child, but in most cases, as soon as there is a little strength in the muscles, from 8-9 years old, her willpower, pressure, punchy character begin to manifest themselves to a greater and greater extent. In order to achieve her goal, she can use cunning, elbowing those who interfere with her. Yana's militancy is quite high.

A woman named Yana is an insidious warrior in a skirt. Where there is a lack of talent, mental abilities, physical strength, Yang will use cunning, deceit, intrigue. In principle, she is even capable of substituting for the sake of profit.

Women named Yana are rarely beautiful. Therefore, in order to attract a partner, they use psychological tricks, official position and even magic. You must clearly understand that if fate brought you to Yana, then she will stop at nothing to achieve her goals.

Of course, there are exceptions, but they are very rare. Only a person with very high positive spiritual developments can resist the energy of the name Yang and remain a decent person in every sense of the word.

Yana, unlike Anna, is picky about her sexual partners. And if someone gets into her bed, it's only because she wanted it.

Yana's lovers are most often men with a pronounced Yin character, or men much younger than her.

The man who is next to Yana should be subordinate to her. Otherwise, she disagrees. Therefore, a strong, self-confident, strong-willed man will not even look at Yana.


Stanislav- this name makes a woman an emotional and selfish person. A woman with this name will not make a career, although she is a smart person.

This name creates great difficulties in personal life. There will be men in life, but all are passing options.

Stanislava will take care of her children, but she will not be able to provide them financially, she will have constant worries about this.

She may become addicted to alcohol, tobacco, or soft drugs to relieve stress.

This name is too emotional for a career, business and serious, responsible work.


Valeria- the energy of the name is closer to the male type. She can be a leader, but it is very difficult for her. She can succeed as a second person in business, be a good assistant, organizer, performer. But in personal life, they are rarely lucky. There is some trace of sadness. Because of this, a person almost completely goes into work, into a career.


Agafia (Agafya)- this is a material person, with a reduced intellect . This name gives many desires, especially of a material nature - money, material well-being. For the sake of this, a woman with this name will pinch her entire environment. Her husband and son will especially get it if they don't run away from her. Or they will drink.

This name strongly blocks the 4th energy center (middle of the chest), kills love. In fact, there is a hardening of the soul.

name image- a rural woman of a strong physique, slovenly dressed, ugly. Grumpy, constantly dissatisfied expression. This person is an energy vampire. It is difficult to live with such a person.

With Russian modern male names look:

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Russian modern female names. Modern Russian name book


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Even before the birth of a child, parents begin to think about how to name the baby. It is believed that the name of a person who has come into the world determines his fate and character. The list of beautiful female names is so huge that sometimes it’s not easy to pick it up. To simplify the task, there are a number of criteria (numerology, holy calendar, traditions, fashion, meaning, combination with a surname) that help determine how to name the baby.

How to choose a beautiful name for a girl

According to the law, parents have the right to name their child whatever they want. Sometimes this goes beyond common sense, when the name not only does not combine with the surname, patronymic, but also sounds terrible. Some mothers and fathers tend to name their children in honor of relatives, but if you believe in omens, be careful, because it is believed that a baby can repeat the fate of an adult. Based on the above, it is necessary to choose beautiful Russian names for girls, guided by several basic criteria.

Church calendar

Often the choice of a beautiful female name is carried out depending on the church calendar. On the one hand, everything is simple here: you just need to look at the calendar on the girl’s birthday and find out which saint, great martyr the date is dedicated to, and he will patronize. According to the Orthodox faith, the child immediately falls under the protection of this saint, acquiring a guardian angel for life.

Nevertheless, some difficulties may arise here due to the fact that the girl is called, and the saint is a man. In this case, you need to look at who is the patroness on the eighth and fortieth days after birth. It is believed that these days it is customary to name the child and perform the sacrament of baptism, so the choice will be correct.


There is a table where each letter of the name corresponds to its own number. If you add them up, you get a number that also affects the character and women's fate:

After calculating the number, you can familiarize yourself with the interpretation using the following detailed table:

Unity children use their charm, which makes it easy to get away from punishment after misconduct. Girls are often hooligans who do not know the feeling of fear.

Twos - sensual, affectionate, constantly need hugs, kisses, tenderness. They make friends once and for all, girls are persistent, resolute.

Curious, intelligent, well-read, striving to know everything about nature.

The main character trait is caution, four children try to avoid troubles, the female half are needlewomen, they get married once and for all.

Fives are too mobile, energetic, athletic, five girls make excellent ballerinas, gymnasts.

Very peaceful natures, strongly attached to their mother, striving to imitate her in everything.

Sevens show independence from a very early age, do not tolerate instructions, act in defiance, but often make the wrong decisions. Girls try to imitate older girlfriends.

Very positive personalities who know how to enjoy life, smile all the time, do not show negative emotions until they are very offended.

Nines are capricious, loving to make scandals, tantrums, drawing energy from those around them.


Often, beautiful girlish names are chosen based on the time of year, believing that this factor also determines the traits of a female character:

  1. Winter girls have a developed sense of responsibility, perseverance in achieving goals, while being cold. They are stubborn, contradictory, it is difficult to find a common language with the household. Therefore, it is better to call the girl a soft, beautiful female name that can soften the hard qualities of character inherent in nature: Svetlana, Uliana, Valentina, Natalya, Lyudmila.
  2. Spring girls are soft, gentle, striving for a family, the birth of children. It is difficult for them to make decisions, to defend their opinion, they think for a long time before making a decision. The crumbs born in the spring are flexible, therefore, in order to give them strength of character, you need to choose something more tough-sounding, for example, Marina, Larisa, Irina, Victoria, Ruslana.
  3. Summer babies are endowed with creative abilities, they are impulsive, emotional, hardworking, active, proud. These children have different character traits, so you can call them whatever you like.
  4. Autumn young ladies are devoid of daydreaming, possess pedantry, wisdom, adherence to principles, poise. Such personalities lack lightness, romance, which will be added by beautiful female names Sophia, Elizabeth, Zlata, Yesenia, Olesya, Vera.

National traditions

In the modern world, there are many international families, each member of which knows and honors their traditions. Choosing beautiful female names for girls, you should not rely only on this factor. The selection should take into account such a criterion as consonance. A balance is needed in the surname-name-patronymic, their sound should caress the ear, and not cut. The same applies to old Russian nicknames, which sound beautiful in full, but dissonant in the abbreviated version.

Fashion for women's names

It is not necessary in such an important matter to be based on fashion trends. Often women, flipping through the pages of magazines, name their daughter in honor of actresses, models, famous figures, etc. Such an irresponsible approach can have a negative impact on the future of the girl, her life path, energy shell, realization in the profession, family. So, for example, before the October Revolution, Christian names were popular - Anna, Katerina, Maria.

In the 20-30s, strange abbreviations appeared that were called newborn Soviet citizens - Dazdraperma (Long live the First of May), Oyushminalda (Otto Yulievich Schmidt on an ice floe). In 30-40 years. returned to the fashion of Galina, Nina, in the 50s. many Marys, Zoyas, Hopes appeared. 60-70s differed in brightness, minimalism, as well as the names of women - Zlata, Rimma, Renata.

In the 80-90s, foreign names appeared - Magda, Eva, Jeanette, as well as Rose and Marianne, as a tribute to the TV series "The Rich Also Cry" or "Wild Rose". Modern parents are returning to old Russian ones - Uliana, Polina, Lyubava, etc. In addition to fashion, there is a list of beautiful female names in alphabetical order with a detailed interpretation, a description of character traits that must be considered before naming a daughter.

Combination with patronymic and surname

Many parents now like to call their daughters old, foreign or rare names, which is not always a harmonious tandem in pronunciation with a surname, patronymic. So that the girl does not suffer later, does not receive funny nicknames, but feels comfortable, be guided not only by your desires, but also by the following criteria:

  1. Bearers of a complex surname, patronymic, call as simply and concisely as possible.
  2. It is better to name the owners of a rough, hard patronymic softly, gently.
  3. Name, surname, patronymic should complement each other, be easy to pronounce, sound, remember.

What names should not be given to a girl

There are different beautiful names for girls, but sometimes the imagination of parents goes beyond all limits, and the newborn is called not so much original as strange. To avoid such moments, it would be appropriate to use the following recommendations:

  1. Be careful with giving the girl a masculine name (Vitaly, Bogdan, Pavel). It is possible that peers will call the child Vitalik, Bogdan, Pavlik. In addition, there is a risk that the girl will acquire masculine traits.
  2. Pay attention to consonance with the surname, patronymic.
  3. Do not give an Orthodox newborn a name that does not correspond to religion. At baptism, the priest will name the baby differently, which may affect her fate, the girl will feel the duality of nature. The same goes for double naming.
  4. Quite often, relatives of the crumbs insist on an overly "folk" naming of the baby (Thekla, Matryona, Pelageya) or, on the contrary, a pretentious foreign one (Juanita, Marianna, Vanessa). Agree, in combination with popular Russian surnames, this will sound ridiculous. When the baby grows up, she is unlikely to thank you.
  5. Think also about the possibility of creating an abbreviated, diminutive form of naming.

The most beautiful girls names by value

Often, disputes about how to name the unborn child cause a lot of contradictions in opinions, lead to scandals, quarrels. A reference book explaining the meaning and origin of the name will help to avoid such problems. In addition, there you will find information about which surname the name is combined with, how it affects the girl's fate, the role of the girl in the family, team, etc.

Old Russian

In the days of Ancient Rus', girls were called by two Russian folk nicknames. The first was received at birth, considering it negative, since it reflected all negative traits, manifestations of character. The second was given upon reaching the age of 18, selecting on the basis of personal qualities. All Old Russian names were divided into 5 groups:

  • animals (Swan, Pike);
  • numerals (Eighth, Pervusha);
  • divine (Lada);
  • based on personal qualities (Veselina, Golub);
  • dibasic (Yaroslav, Radimir).

Some of them are still popular today. So, the ranking of the best, beautiful female names includes:

  1. Borislav - "a fighter for glory."
  2. Zlata - "golden, gold."
  3. Vasilina - "royal".
  4. Lada - "good, dear."
  5. Love means love..
  6. Mila. It is of Slavic origin, meaning "sweet as honey".
  7. Svetlana - "bright"
  8. John. Appeared from the Hebrew Ivann, translated as "gift of God."


Until the advent of Christianity in Rus', ancient Russian names were popular, but from XI-XVII Byzantine, Greek, and Roman names came into use. They penetrated Russian culture so deeply that some of them are still sometimes mistakenly considered Old Slavonic. Particularly frequently used:

  1. Alexandra - "active, courageous, protector of people";
  2. Angelina. Ancient Greek, its interpretation is "angelic messenger, angel."
  3. Vasilisa. The male version is Basil, meaning "royal".
  4. Share (Dolyana) - "lucky."
  5. Elena - "sunny, chosen, bright."
  6. Inessa - "chaste".
  7. Lydia means "resident of Lydia".
  8. Karina. Derived from Korina - "girl".
  9. Kira - "Mistress".
  10. Ksenia is a "hospitable, wandering guest."
  11. Melissa - "bee".
  12. Margarita - translated from ancient Greek as "pearl".
  13. Isolde - "cold gold".
  14. Pauline. Derived from Apollinaris - "belonging to Apollo."
  15. Olivia - "carrying the world."
  16. Lily. It comes from the name of the flower, meaning "white lily".
  17. Praskovya - "Friday, the eve of the holiday."
  18. Tatyana - "organizer".
  19. Aurora - "goddess of the morning dawn."
  20. Julia - a derivative of the male Julius - "wavy, fluffy."
  21. Claudia - "lame".

Fashionable and modern

All modern beautiful female names have not only Greek, but also Slavic, Germanic, Jewish, Roman, Latin roots. Here is an interpretation of some of them:

  • Alice - "who comes from a noble class."
  • Amelia (Amalia). It has German (ancient Germanic) roots, meaning "hard-working, industrious."
  • Bella - "beautiful, beautiful."
  • Mariana - "sad beauty."
  • Nicole - French, "winner of the peoples."
  • Olga - from the Scandinavian Helga, "holy."
  • Taisia ​​- "wise, goddess of fertility."
  • Elvira - "patriot".
  • Sophia - "absolute wisdom."
  • Valeria, translated into Russian, as "to be healthy."
  • Victoria - "winner, victory."
  • Violetta - has Latin roots, translated as "violet".
  • Daria is a "winner".
  • Marina - comes from the Latin "marinus" - "sea"

Beautiful foreign names for girls

It’s not worth naming girls, focusing only on your own taste or intuition, each name has its own characteristics, carries a deep secret meaning, sometimes mysterious, capable of endowing its mistress with special energy, strength, make happy, bring success. In addition to Russians, there are also beautiful foreign female names - English, European, Indian, Arabic, Persian, Italian, Muslim, etc. The culture of each nation has its own rating of traditional, ancient and modern names.


The Czech Republic is a Slavic country, so many names are consonant with Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian. Sometimes Czechs call girls a variety of exotic names, but more often they give old ones, among which are:

  • Christina (or Christina) - formed from the Latin Christianus, meaning "Christian dedicated to Christ."
  • Mary - biblical, means "stubborn."
  • Catherine - comes from the Greek word "katarios", translated as "pure, immaculate."
  • Veronica - "carrying victory."
  • Varvara (Barbara) - "a foreigner, a stranger."
  • Alina - "noble, alien."
  • Milana - "dear, beloved."
  • Milena. It has the root "mil", meaning "sweetheart".


The people of Poland, like many other nationalities, are sensitive to beautiful female names, naming girls melodiously. The Poles believe that this will bring love, happiness in family relationships, wisdom in communicating with relatives and friends, career success, etc. to babies. At birth, the baby is given one name, at baptism - another, believing that the religious name protects the child's soul from adversity, illness, the evil eye. The most popular are:

  • Alicia - a noble family;
  • Anastasia - resurrection;
  • Angelica - angelic;
  • Berta - bright;
  • Bozena - "divine, divine";
  • Victoria is a conqueror;
  • Gabriela - God's man;
  • Dominica - belongs to the Lord, etc.


Some Bulgarian names come from foreign ones, being their abbreviated form, others have purely Slavic roots. Often in Bulgaria, girls are given such beautiful female names:

  • Blessed - happy;
  • Berislav - taking glory;
  • Wanda - the grace of God;
  • Veselina - cheerful;
  • Delphine - sister;
  • Darina - given by God;
  • Elena is beautiful;
  • Zaryana - gold, golden;
  • Rusana - fair-haired;
  • Milotsveta - flower, means "cute flower".

Women's names are rare and beautiful

In Russia, Italy, France, girls are called the most beautiful female names. That's what the statistics say. Many names are very rare, but they sound so amazing that they cannot but please the ear. These include:

  • Augustine;
  • Adeline;
  • Azalea;
  • Beatrice;
  • Vlastilina;
  • Gayane;
  • Gloria;
  • Daniela;
  • Dinara;
  • Yesenia;
  • Zoryan;
  • Inga and others

The most beautiful female names in the world

Each nationality has its own preferences regarding how to name a newborn girl. There are such beautiful names that are popular in some countries of the world:

  1. USA: Britney, Pamela, Marilyn.
  2. France: Angelica, Aurelia, Daniela, Jasmine, Melissa, Sophie, Charlotte.
  3. Italy: Adelina, Alessandra, Albina, Bianca, Violetta, Gina, Giulia, Letizia.
  4. Germany: Agnet, Amalie, Bridget, Gertrude, Yvon, Carla.
  5. England: Amelia, Olivia, Jessica, Scarlett, Isabelle, Daisy.

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Almost 20% of parents do not have time to decide on the name of the unborn child by the time of his birth, but there are those who cannot come to an agreement even a month after the baby is born. Being distracted by many everyday problems, it is sometimes very difficult for a husband and wife to agree, because everyone has their own preferences and their own vision on this issue. And here are relatives, friends, and just acquaintances begin to offer their options. Fashion dictates, television promotes, how to choose?

It is clear that every parent wants their child to have a happy life. Considering that the name of a newborn can determine his future fate, contribute to success in his personal life and career, parents often see his future in the name of the baby - and sometimes they choose a rare rather than a common name for their baby. Why?

  • It is believed that it will help the child develop certain qualities - for example, independence.
  • They strive to distinguish their child from other children in advance.
  • They follow family traditions, where the names of grandparents are passed down from generation to generation.

Based on these premises, it is possible to determine where rare names come from.

  • The most obvious is the "well-forgotten old". In everyday life there are names that were called children many years, and sometimes centuries, ago. In Russia, old Slavonic names are again heard - Bogdan, Miroslava, Tayana.
  • There are very creative and progressive parents who come up with names themselves. This is how the name Svetlana appeared, although it was invented for the character, and not for her own child. And the name Stella was coined for a cycle of sonnets.
  • Sometimes adults try to keep in memory any events that are important to them. This is how completely unusual names are also born, many of which later become unviable, but some of these names continue to exist - for example, Kazbek, Damir or Kim. This desire to record various historical events, places, remember and perpetuate some great personalities. To a greater extent, the Soviet names that have appeared reflect this trend, and they can be called rare (Radiy, Zarya, Vladlen, Astra).
  • You can also consider as rare names those foreign, borrowed names that are not accepted in everyday life in a particular country. At the same time, most of the Christian names are somehow duplicated both in Catholicism and in Orthodoxy (Martha - Martha, Christian - Christina). But some foreign names can still be called rare - Emma, ​​Madeleine, Monica, Laura.

Rare names for girls

Giving a daughter a rare name, parents first of all seek to highlight and emphasize some specific features of the newborn, which, as parents are sure, their daughter will definitely have. Most often these are beautiful, sonorous, melodious names. Different nationalities have their own list of rare female names.

In Russia, it has recently become fashionable to give children Old Slavonic names. For example, it became possible to personally get acquainted with Zabava or Bozena, although such names are still considered rare. And it will be pleasant for believers to meet such beautiful names in girls as Seraphim, Pelageya or Evdokia.

Zemfira, Ilzira, Iluza, Mavlyuda, Mavile, Nomina, Nuria, Perizat, Razil, Sazhida, Safura, Sevara, Fazil, Fariza, Hadia, Shakira, Shahina, Enzhe

Rare names for boys

The name of the baby is chosen based on a certain idea. These can be names according to the sign of the zodiac, mythical, biblical, foreign or new names. Some of the previously rare names are becoming popular at the present time, their former interest is returning to them. Some common names are transformed, acquiring new spellings and sounds, thus a new, beautiful, rare name appears.

In addition to the obvious goal of parents who choose a rare name for their child - to distinguish him from the rest, there is also a hidden one. Parents try in this way to teach from an early age to be independent and independent. After all, starting from the first days of the baby’s life, those around him begin to ask again, clarify, be surprised at the name he heard, and the child cannot help but notice this.

But not all children can withstand this burden, and not everyone, even adults, who have such rare names, are ready to continue to carry it. Such a selection leaves an imprint on the inner world of a person. It can influence his behavior, make him closed, touchy, or, conversely, arrogant and aggressive. Many, upon reaching adulthood, change their name to a more common one. But it also happens that it is his rare name that helps a person, and for now a child, to overcome obstacles, hold his head high and achieve his goals.

But still, maybe future parents should think about and choose one of the more familiar and popular names for their child?

Rare names by month

This list was compiled from the names given in the name day calendar. It includes Orthodox and Catholic names. This is another way that parents who are looking for a rare name for their child can use. A complete calendar of name days (including for popular names) can be found at the link below the table.

Expecting the birth of a girl, future parents sort out female names, are interested in the meaning of this or that name - so that it sounds harmonious and in accordance with family traditions. Our list of female names includes Russian, Muslim and European names. So, popular and rare names for girls - and the meaning of these names.

Girls names starting with A

Aurora is Latin for "morning dawn".

Agatha is the same as Agafya.

Agafya (Agatha) - Greek: "kind, good."

Aglaia - Greek: "shining, magnificent."

Agnia - Latin: "purity, chastity, lamb."

Ada is Hebrew for "smart".

Adelaide - Old Germanic: "noble, noble".

Adele - Old German: "pious, noble."

Adina - Arabic: "holiday, Friday fun."

Aziza - Arabic: "guardian of God."

Aida - Arabic: "benefit, reward."

Alevtina - Greek: "incense, without a bad smell."

Alexandra - Ancient Greek: "protector of people", from the male name Alexander.

Alina - Old German: "noble, persistent."

Alice - German: "significant, weighty, worthy."

Aliya - Arabic: "exalted".

Alla - two origins: ancient Greek - "other", ancient German - "to become, nobility."

Albina - Latin: "white".

Anastasia - Ancient Greek: "resurrecting", from the male name Anastas.

Angelina - Ancient Greek: "messenger, angel."

Angela - Ancient Greek: "angelic".

Angelica is the same as Angela.

Anna - Hebrew: "pretty, pretty."

Antonina - Latin: "opponent"; in ancient Rome, it denoted the belonging of a girl to a certain genus.

Anfisa - Ancient Greek: "blooming".

Arina is the Russian form of the name Irina.

Asya - Greek: "resurrecting", came from the name Anastasia.

Aelita - Ancient Greek: "airy".

Girls names starting with B

Barbara is the same as Barbara.

Beatrice (Beata) - Latin: "happy."

Bella is Latin for "beauty".

Bozhena is another form of the name Bogdan: "given by God, divine."

Girls names starting with B

Valentina - Latin: "healthy", from the male name Valentine.

Valeria - Latin: "strong", from the male name Valery. Originated as a Roman generic name.

Barbara - Ancient Greek: "foreigner".

Vasilisa - Ancient Greek: "queen".

Vassa is Greek for "desert".

Veda - Bulgarian: "mermaid".

Vera - Russian: "faith".

Veronica - Ancient Greek: "victorious, bringing victory."

Victoria - Latin: "victory", from the male name Victor.

Viola is Latin for "violet".

Violetta is Latin for "violet".

Vlad - Slavic: "possessing", from the male name Vlad.

Vlasta - Czech: "homeland".

Girls names starting with G

Galina - Greek: "calm, serene."

Gayane - Turkic: "beauty".

Henrietta - Old German: "noble beauty, beautiful"

Gerda is Scandinavian for "protector".

Glafira - Ancient Greek: "elegant".

Gulnara - Arabic: "beautiful flower".

Girls names starting with D

Dayna (Dina) - Hebrew: "avenged."

Darina - Persian: "possessing gifts."

Daria - Ancient Greek: "strong, victorious."

Jamila - Arabic for "beautiful".

Diana is the Latin name for the goddess of the hunt.

Dorofei - Ancient Greek: "gift of God", from the male name Dorofei.

Girls names starting with E

Eve - Hebrew: "living, life itself", the first female name.

Eugenia - Ancient Greek: "noble", from the male name Eugene.

Evdokia - Greek: "favor".

Catherine - Ancient Greek: "pure, immaculate."

Elena - Ancient Greek: "beautiful, bright, radiant."

Elizabeth - Hebrew: "I swear by God."

Girls names starting with J

Jeanne - Hebrew for "God's mercy".

Girls names starting with Z

Zara is Arabic for "gold".

Zarema - Turkic: "scarlet dawn".

Zemfira - Latin: "rebellious".

Zinaida - Ancient Greek: "belonging to Zeus."

Zoya - Ancient Greek: "life".

Girls names starting with I

Ida - Ancient Greek: "fertile".

Isabella - Spanish for "beauty".

Isolde - Old Germanic: "shine of gold".

Inga - Old Norse: "winter".

Inna - Latin: "turbulent stream".

Irina - Ancient Greek: "peace".

Girls names starting with K

Karina (Karine) - Latin: "looks ahead."

Caroline - Germanic for "queen, royal blood".

Kira (Kiriena) - Ancient Greek: "mistress, mistress."

Claudia - Latin for lame. In the Roman Empire it was a generic name.

Christina (Christina) - Greek: "dedicated to Christ", arose after the establishment of Christianity.

Xenia - Ancient Greek: "foreigner, guest."

Girls names starting with L

Lada - Slavic: "dear, okay."

Larisa - Greek: "seagull".

Layla - Arabic for "night".

Lydia is an ancient Greek name for a resident of Lydia.

Linda - Spanish for "beautiful".

Lolita - Spanish: "sorrow, sadness."

Love - Old Slavonic: "beloved."

Lyudmila - Old Slavonic: "dear to people."

Girls names starting with M

Mavra - Ancient Greek: "dark, opaque."

Madina is Arabic for "city".

Maya - two origins: in ancient Greek mythology - "goddess, mother of Hermes"; in Indian religious mythology - "the progenitor of all life, the Universe."

Malvina - German: "weakness, tenderness."

Margaret - Latin: "pearl".

Marianna - considered as a fusion of the names Maria and Anna with the meaning "sea".

Marina - Latin: "marine".

Mary - Hebrew: "desired, sad."

Martha (Marfa) - Aramaic: "teacher, mistress."

Matrena - Latin: "lady of honor".

Mila - Slavic: "sweetheart".

Myrrh - two sources of origin: Hebrew - "myrtle tree"; in the Soviet era it was perceived as an abbreviation for "world revolution".

Girls names starting with N

Hope - Slavic: "hope".

Nail (Nailya) - Turkic: "gift, gift".

Naina is Hebrew for "innocent".

Natalia (Natalia) - Latin: "native".

Nelli - Ancient Greek: "bright".

Nina - Greek, formed on behalf of the founder of the Syrian state Ninos.

Nonna - Latin: "ninth".

Girls names starting with O

Oksana - originated as a Ukrainian form of the name Xenia.

Olesya - Belarusian: "forest".

Olga - Old Norse: "sacred, holy."

Girls names starting with P

Pelageya - Ancient Greek: "sea".

Polina - Ancient Greek, means belonging to the god Apollo, formed as a short form of the name Apollinaria.

Praskovia is a Greek name for those born on Friday.

Girls names starting with R

Rachel is Hebrew for "sheep".

Rebecca (Rebecca) - Hebrew: "faithful, captivating."

Regina is Latin for "queen, queen".

Renata - Latin: "reborn".

Rada - Slavic: "merry, joy."

Raisa - Greek: "light".

Rimma is Latin for "Roman".

Rita is a short form of the name Margarita.

Rosa is the Latin name for the rose flower.

Ruth (Ruth) - Hebrew: "girlfriend."

Girls names starting with C

Svetlana - Slavic: "light, purity."

Seraphim is Hebrew for "fiery angel".

Snezhana - Bulgarian: "snowy".

Sophia (Sophia) - Ancient Greek: "wisdom".

Stella (Estella) - Latin: "star".

Susanna (Sosanna, Susanna, Susanna) is the Hebrew name for the white lily flower.

Girls names starting with T

Taisiya - Latin: "fertile".

Tamara - Hebrew: "date palm".

Tatiana - Greek: "the organizer who sets the rules."

Girls names starting with U

Ulyana - the second version of the name Julian.

Ustinya (Justina) - Latin: "fair".

Girls names starting with F

Faina - Ancient Greek: "shining".

Fatima - Arabic for "weaned".

Flora is the Latin name for flowers or the name of the Roman goddess of flowers and spring.

Frida - Old German: "faithful."

Girls names starting with X

Helga is a variant of the name Olga.

Christina is the second version of the name Christina.

Girls names starting with E

Evelyn - French for hazelnut.

Eleanor - Hebrew: "God is my light."

Eliza - Old German: "God's mercy."

Ella - Old Germanic: "bright".

Elvira - Old German: "protector of people."

Elsa - Old Germanic for "unquiet".

Emma - Old Germanic for "flattering".

Esther is Hebrew for "star".

Girls names starting with Y

Juliana is another variant of the name Ulyana.

Julia - Latin: "curly, fluffy." In the Roman Empire, a generic name.

Yuna (Una, Yunna) - Latin: "the only one".

Juno is Latin for "forever young". That was the name of the Roman goddess - the wife of Jupiter, the patroness of marriage.

Girls names starting with I

Yana (Yanina) - Hebrew: "Given by God to the mercy of all."

Yaroslav - Slavic: "bright glory".


You are the best such beautiful words where you got.

10.11.2018 14:06:12, poop sniffing

Very beautiful names yes or no answer

10.11.2018 14:05:40, poop sniffing

Some nonsense about the meaning of the name Daria

Good name Kira

12.02.2018 12:06:38, Nastya76

My daughter's name is Alinochka, and my name is Natalia. I read about our names with her and I liked it))) Good value))) My mother's name is Svetlana, and my mother-in-law Aida))

In my opinion, all these "values" have no meaning. Everyone is different, even though they share the same name. Just like those born on the same day - everyone is different.

12/25/2012 02:31:04 AM, so to speak

Maria, Mariam)

Comment on the article "How to name a girl? Female names and their meanings"

Women's names and their meanings. How to name a girl? The name for the daughter is based on the color of her hair. Rare and popular female names. is an information project on family issues: pregnancy and childbirth, parenting, education and career, home economics, recreation, beauty...

Section: Rare and popular names (Unusual name for a girl). Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic If someone can suggest unusual, rare names that are not abbreviated and start with ...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. The most popular names for boys and girls in the first quarter of 2017 have not changed: newborn boys are still most likely to be called Alexandra...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. Therefore, I want a name for our girl, suitable for European hearing, but at the same time, so that if popular names do not bother, then Anna and Maria will fit anywhere.

Close the top ten among the female names Daria and Alexander. The top five rare male names that were given to newborns in the past How to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings. Name for a girl. Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names ...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a name, patronymic Russian-Azerbaijani names for children. Help with choosing a name for a son and daughter. Names for girls starting with the letter K. While waiting for the birth of a girl, future parents sort out female ...

How to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings. name for a black girl. His name is Felix, a handsome boy. Brother, like dad, Ismar. The girl would be called, for example, Olivia - you can call Olya for short, "both ours and yours", and ...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a name, patronymic Help with a name for a girl. There is a son Pasha (blood) and a daughter Sasha (called vDD) I shout: "Pasha Female names and their meanings. List of names for girls - origin and the meaning of the names.

Women's names and their meanings. List of names for girls - the origin and meaning of the name. Print version. 2.8 5 (3279 ratings) Rate Our list of female names includes Russian, Muslim and European names. How to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings.

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. Section: Rare and popular names (female names of the 70s). Generations of female names.

How to name a girl? There are three girls - Yana, Alina and Nelly. Please give some ideas for the fourth sister (we don’t have patronymics, and the surname is so stupid that you shouldn’t bother with it too much. How to name a girl? Female names and their meanings.

Women's names and their meanings. List of names for girls - the origin and meaning of names. Strong and sonorous female name. Section: How to name a child (voiced female names). Strong and sonorous female name. Chiara - Clara in our opinion.

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. How to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings. Calm - this is no longer a child)).

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. Rare and popular female names. Print version. 2.8 5 (3390 ratings) Rate the article. Contents: Names for girls starting with the letter A. sposibo jdu otveta.

A rare name for twin girls. Please help, which of these names, in your opinion, will be better combined with each other and with a patronymic. See other discussions on the topic "names for twin girls are rare and beautiful"

How to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings. Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. What is your favorite female name? KisyaD.

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. Section: Rare and popular names List of names for girls - the origin and meaning of the name. Christina is the second version of the name Christina. Rare beautiful women's.

Georgian female names. We choose a name for the girl to be combined with the Georgian surname. I liked Deya, but in Georgia it is Deya in the dictionary of Russian names (1980 edition) is listed as an old and rare name, also Greek in origin and meaning ...

Choosing a name for a child: the meaning of a name, rare names, a combination of a first name, patronymic, last name. I know several girls named Maya from mixed families. I have a daughter Anita, my husband and I are both Tatars. more names from mixed families - timur A name for a girl.

Section: (names for girls ilaria). name for a girl. There are Orthodox names (in the calendar) Zlata and Ilaria. We have a daughter, Zlata, if the second is born. it will be ilaria. Didn't find what you were looking for? See other discussions: What to name a girl? Women's names and their meanings.

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