The life of Maxim Galkin. How much does Maxim Galkin earn? Biography, personal life, photo, children, age


In our country it is difficult to find a person who does not know who Maxim Galkin is. Biography, year of birth and marital status of the artist is known to many. However, fans of Maxim Galkin's work want to get as much information as possible about their idol. This article is written especially for them.

Maxim Galkin: short biography

The future showman was born on June 18, 1976 in Naro-Fominsk, Moscow Region. The parents of Maxim Galkin, whose biography we are considering today, had nothing to do with the stage and television. His mother was a candidate of physical and mathematical sciences. And the father most devoted his life to the army. At the time of Maxim's birth, he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel.

Since his father was a military man, the Galkin family often had to move from one city to another. So for several years, Maxim with his brother and parents managed to live in Odessa, Ulan-Ude and Germany.

The boy demonstrated his artistic abilities from an early age. At first it was matinees in kindergarten, then performances in school theater. Maxim Galkin, whose biography is interesting to many people, was fond of geography and zoology. In his free time, he visited the art studio. And it was simply impossible to tear him away from reading fairy tales and fantasy. Soon, Maxim himself began to invent stories and write them down in a notebook. Even as a child, he decided that he would grow up and become a writer. Once our hero tried to create a horror novel. And he even came up with a title for the book - "The Power of Darkness." But the work remained unfinished.


Maxim never hid his origin. In an interview with print media, the artist has repeatedly admitted that he is half Jewish. Max's father is Russian. And her mother was a full-blooded Jew. The comedian also has a brother - Dmitry. He served several years in the army. And now he's in business.

Period from 2002 to 2004 became the most difficult in the life of an artist. He lost both parents. In 2012, his father died suddenly. The whole family barely survived this loss. And in 2004, the mother of Maxim Galkin died. Biography of this woman - a prime example how to combine scientific activity, household chores and family care.

School years

The teachers fully assumed that in a few years the artist Maxim Galkin would appear on the Russian stage, whose biography would be of interest to many. And so it happened. Max enjoyed participating in school performances, trying on various images- animals, fairy-tale heroes, kings and commoners.

At the age of 13, Maxim Galkin discovered the talent of a parodist in himself. And this happened after watching the number of Gennady Khazanov on TV. It was called "Wolves and Sheep". Khazanov brilliantly parodied Mikhail Gorbachev. Maxim really liked the idea. He tried to talk different voices. And he did it. Then Galkin began to make parodies of classmates, relatives, famous politicians and artists.

In the 6th grade, Maxim organized puppet show. He himself voiced all the characters in different voices. It turned out very interesting and funny.

student life

A talented person is talented in everything. The correctness of these words is once again confirmed by Maxim Galkin. The biography of our hero indicates that we have a comprehensively developed personality. Classmates and school teachers were sure that Max would certainly go to theater university. But the guy surprised everyone.

In 1993, Galkin successfully completed the examination tasks required for admission to humanitarian Institute to the Faculty of Linguistics. But he didn't give up on what he loved. In parallel with his studies at the university, the hero of our article attended the student theater at Moscow State University. Galkin participated in various performances. Periodically, he performed on stage with his parodies of politicians and pop stars.

In 1998, Maxim graduated from a humanitarian university and received a diploma in the specialty "linguist". The showman decided to continue his studies in graduate school. But in 2009, Maxim had to leave her. And the blame for everything is the disagreements that arose with the supervisor.

On the way to success

How was Maxim Galkin able to break into television? You already know the biography, year of birth of the artist and the composition of his family. Now let's talk about development. creative career Galkin.

It all started with a performance at the Variety Theatre. It happened in 1994. Then Max was invited to participate in the program "Debuts, debuts, debuts", which was filmed in the same building. The satirist writer Mikhail Zadornov highly appreciated his talent as a parodist. He offered the aspiring artist his help and support.

Television career

In 2001, Channel One launched the intellectual TV game "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire". And before that, a casting was held. There were many applicants for the role of leader. Producers personally selected men of a suitable type. As a result, Maxim Galkin was appointed the host of the program. Biography of the imposing young man interested the audience after the first release with his participation.

It was the program "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire" that brought Max immense popularity. They began to recognize him on the street and ask for an autograph. Offers from TV producers, directors and concert organizers fell like a cornucopia. Maxim carefully studied the scenarios and the terms of the contracts. He turned down most of the offers. And not because of the size of the fees. It's just that our hero is convinced that any work should bring pleasure. For 7 years, Galkin remained the permanent host of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. But Max soon realized that he had outgrown the program and wanted to move on.

In 2008, the showman leaves Channel One. And all because he was offered to lead the Star Ice project, which airs on the Russia-1 TV channel. The transfer had good ratings, because it was attended by all the favorite artists and athletes.

In 2009, Galkin became the host of the new project of the Russia-1 TV channel. How did you guess we are talking about Dancing with the Stars. Max's co-host was the charming Daria Spiridonova. At one time, they were even credited with an office romance.

Maxim Galkin (biography): personal life

2001 was a successful year for our hero, not only in terms of building television career. Then he met Alla Pugacheva. At that time, she was still married to Philip Kirkorov. But their marriage was only valid on paper. In fact, the Primadonna and her husband already lived separately.

Maxim conquered the queen Russian stage ease of communication and irrepressible sense of humor. It is also noteworthy that Galkin saw in Alla Borisovna not a star of the first magnitude, but luxurious woman. The comedian beautifully looked after Pugacheva: he invited her to restaurants and cinema, presented her with flowers and expensive jewelry. legendary singer reciprocated him. She realized that she had just now met her other half.

For several years, lovers had to hide their relationship. And this is quite understandable. Firstly, Alla Borisovna was officially married. Secondly, they wanted to avoid a lot of gossip. Everything was decided in 2005. Then the divorce of Pugacheva and Kirkorov was filed. A couple of months later, Alla Borisovna and Maxim Galkin began to live together. The whole country learned about their love story. Someone condemned Pugacheva for having a relationship with a man who is almost 30 years younger than her. But most of the fans and colleagues were sincerely happy for the Primadonna and her chosen one.

Wedding with Pugacheva

On December 24, 2011, an event occurred that fans of Maxim Galkin had been waiting for so long. On this day he married Alla Pugacheva. The celebration took place in one of the capital's registry offices, where the couple arrived in a snow-white limousine. In order to avoid unnecessary hype and an influx of journalists, the date and venue of the wedding were hidden until the last.

The prima donna and the comedian decided to formalize the relationship after 10 years life together. For them, this is not just a stamp in the passport, but a real proof of serious intentions towards each other.

The wedding ceremony took place the next day. Among those invited were only close relatives, friends and colleagues. The celebration was attended by such celebrities as Valentin Yudashkin, Alexander Buinov, Vladimir Vinokur and others. The guest of honor was former spouse Divas - Philip Kirkorov. With him, the singer remained on friendly terms.

Birth of twins Lisa and Harry

Maxim Galkin and Alla Borisovna have always dreamed of having children together. But age did not allow the singer to become pregnant in a natural way. At one time she even thought about taking advantage of the latest technique- ECO. But the doctors talked her out of it.

On September 18, 2013, twins Harry and Lisa were born. children for star couple was born by a surrogate mother. Her name is carefully hidden from the press. It is known that she did IVF. During the procedure, Pugacheva's eggs were used, which were frozen 11 years ago.

The singer and humorist created all the conditions for a surrogate mother to comfortably bear twins. They paid for medical services, gave her money to buy groceries. The birth took place in a private clinic "Mother and Child".

Today, the happy family lives in a large castle located in the village of Gryazi. Lisa and Harry are already 1.5 years old. Alla Borisovna and Maxim do not have a soul in them. They try to devote most of their time to children. There is a nanny in the house. But Max prefers to feed the babies himself and play with them. Any communication with children gives him great pleasure.

What is Maxim Galkin doing now?

The comedian redrawn his work schedule so that he always had enough time to communicate with his son and daughter. He still goes on tour, but does it less frequently.

Since 2012, Maxim has been a permanent member of the jury in the program "One to One" ("Russia-1"). TV show participants famous actors and representatives of domestic show business. On February 8, 2015, a new, already third season of "One to One" started. Galkin still remains in the judiciary.


Now it is known where he studied and how Maxim Galkin made his way to television. The biography of the humorist was examined in detail by us. His talent is obvious and almost limitless. We wish Maxim Galkin success in all endeavors!

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin - famous Russian artist, humorist, parodist, TV presenter. The satirical talent of Maxim Galkin lifted him to the top Russian show business. Galkin's programs have always received high ratings. He is also known for his sensational marriage to famous singer Alla Pugacheva. Parodied more than a hundred politicians, actors, singers, writers and TV presenters. Galkin awarded the order Friendship (2006), Order of Honor of Kuzbass (2013).

early years and education of Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in Naro-Fominsk, Moscow Region, in the family of a military man.

Father - Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin(1935−2002) - Colonel General. For ten years he headed the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Russia (1987-1997). Alexander Galkin was elected to the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation (1998-1999).

Mother - Natalya G. Galkina(nee - Prague, 1941−2004) - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, worked as a senior researcher International Institute theory of earthquake prediction and mathematical geophysics of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Maxim has an older brother - Dmitry Galkin(b. 1964) - a military man by education. Currently engaged in business. Dmitry is a producer, one of the founders of the Centum production center in Moscow.

The Galkin family, like all military families, often changed their place of residence due to the service of the head of the family. When Maxim was three years old, his father was sent to serve in Germany. After they lived in Odessa. There Maxim Galkin managed to finish three classes secondary school. Then my father was transferred to Transbaikalia. Soon the family returned to Moscow, and Maxim finished school already in the capital.

From an early age, Maxim surprised and delighted those around him with his artistic talent. In kindergarten, he brilliantly played the roles assigned to him. And at school he conquered everyone with his ability to transform. In the school theater, he performed all sorts of images - from a dog to King Solomon, Count Nulin and Don Carlos.

Somehow, in the sixth grade, Maxim Galkin arranged his first benefit performance, at which he voiced all the puppets participating in the performance. At the age of thirteen, he showed his parodies to the school audience.

Parents supported their son in all his creative hobbies. Maxim attended a children's art studio, was fond of zoology.

However, after graduating from school, Galkin did not go to enter a theater university, choosing a different education. Maxim Galkin became a student at the Faculty of Linguistics of the Russian State University for the Humanities. At the university, Maxim was in good standing, he mastered several European languages(French, English, Spanish, Czech and German). In 1998, Maxim graduated from the university and entered graduate school, wrote his Ph.D. thesis, but, in the end, left the scientific path, leaving graduate school.

Artistic career of Maxim Galkin

Also in student years Maxim Galkin for the first time performed with a parody number "Fountains of Love for Neighbour" in front of the general public on the stage of the Student Theater of Moscow State University.

In the biography of Maxim Galkin on the site "Know Everything" it is reported that the continuation of his stage career was participation in the Variety Theater program "Debuts, debuts, debuts" with parodies of Putin, Yeltsin and Zhirinovsky. On one of the shows young humorist drew the attention of the artistic director Boris Brunov and invited to cast Variety theater. In 1999, after a successful series of performances, Galkin went on tour for a year and a half with Mikhail Zadornov.

After the return of Galkin, he met with real success. In early 2001, he was awarded the Triumph and Golden Ostap awards. And at the festival Slavic Marketplace in Vitebsk "the first solo concert of Maxim took place.

And Galkin's television career immediately began. First, there was participation in the quiz "Oh, lucky man", after Maxim became the host of this program, which was later called "Who wants to become a millionaire?" (2001-2008).

All this time, the popularity of Maxim Galkin grew. The audience loved him as the host music festival"New songs about the main thing", which he led along with Valeria. Even greater success for Galkin was brought by the Two Stars project, paired with Alla Pugacheva (2008) on Channel One. But soon Maxim left Channel One and began to cooperate with the Rossiya TV channel.

Since 2008, Maxim Galkin has led popular shows- "Star Ice", "Dancing with the Stars". Galkin also becomes the author and host of the New Year's Parade of Stars programs, along with Nikolai Baskov, Alla Pugacheva, Vladimir Zelensky, Philip Kirkorov.

Maxim continues to be popular and in demand on television. From September 2010 to June 2014, Maxim Galkin was the host of the Ten Million program. 2010-2011 Galkin hosted the Stilyagi Show. In 2011, he acted as a co-host of Alla Pugacheva in the Morning Mail program on the Ukrainian Inter channel. Together with Vladimir Zelensky, he briefly participated in the Make the Comedian Laugh program.

In 2014, Maxim Galkin was invited to the jury of the One to One parody show. After that, he was a participant in a similar show of reincarnations "Just Like It". The artist took the form Charles Aznavour, Stas Mikhailov, Anna German, Til Lindemann, Alexander Vertinsky, Boris Grebenshchikov and many others. And all these metamorphoses of Maxim were extraordinarily talented.

From May 2016 to January 2017, Galkin hosted the humorous program Maxim Maxim. Also, since November 2016, Maxim began to lead children's show talents "Best of all".

AT recent times Maxim Galkin together with Julia Menshova hosts the program "Tonight", a show for pensioners "Older than All", the reality show "Stars under hypnosis".

Income of Maxim Galkin

Many are interested in the income of the artist. Obviously, the star that built a huge castle stylized as the Middle Ages does not live in poverty. The state of Maxim Galkin was estimated by the American magazine Forbes, which became interested in the earnings of Russian celebrities. According to him, the artist was in the top five highest paid stars. For example, Maxim Galkin, according to some estimates, spent 10 million euros on the construction of the house, and three or even four times more was spent on the decoration of the castle. For a year, he allegedly earns from 5 to 7 million dollars, according to Maxim Galkin's biography on the 24-media website.

At the end of 2017, Maxim Galkin took 18th place in Forbes ranking"Main Russian celebrities 2017". Forbes estimated Galkin's income at $4.8 million.

In 2017, Galkin became a victim of fraud in Israel, where a local company sold tickets for a New Year's cruise with showmen from Russia, including Alla Pugacheva's wife.

Tickets for a cruise with Maxim Galkin cost from 15 thousand rubles, while the humorist was called the main actor and host of the event. Galkin himself, as it turned out, was not aware of his participation in the cruise.

Scandals with Maxim Galkin

Maxim Galkin often has misunderstandings with colleagues. In the summer of 2017, Maxim Galkin commented on the saga with the departure Andrey Malakhov from Channel One.

“I respect Malakhov, but he got sick of his transition. Well, you have already decided to leave - leave! Decree, not decree. Well, they paid more dough - go yourself! He reminds me of the hero Vitsin in " Caucasian captive“. Remember how he was sausage between Morgunov and Nikulin?” Galkin said in a video on Instagram.

The comedian added that he would have generally bypassed this topic if every second article did not recall his transition from the First to “Russia”. “Yes, Andrei, we are waiting for you at the First Year in three years, believe my experience,” Galkin summed up.

But Galkin himself also gets it, Maxim's accusations of gay, well, jokes about the comedian's personal life. For example, an actor Alexey Panin did not like the video of Maxim Galkin, in which the TV presenter called him the main candidate for the presidential team Ksenia Sobchak. Therefore, Panin recorded a response video, where he answered his colleague in a harsh manner and threatened Galkin with reprisals.

“My dear, what place do you think a homosexual who lives with old woman?”, the actor asked and offered the TV presenter a place in the pension fund, the news reported.

Galkin himself in February 2018 brought to the public discussion the nit-picking of him and his family by the actor Stanislav Sadalsky. Previously, Sadalsky spoke unflatteringly about Galkin's wife Alla Pugacheva, about the work of a comedian and his children. This time he walked around the new show "Stars Under Hypnosis", hosted by Maxim.

“It’s hard to imagine a dumber and sadder show! And I feel sorry for the artists who are trying to light up by any means. True, it turns out mediocre, Maxim G. is the worst. Kostya, well, Konstantin Lvovich, you, in my opinion, are the only one left who walks under the hypnosis of Maxim G. Well, maybe it’s enough of him, there’s a lot!” Sadalsky wrote on social networks .

Galkin did not remain silent and responded to criticism on Instagram. At the same time, Maxim made a selection of curses and accusations from Sadalsky for several years.

“For many years, the Honored Artist of the RSFSR Stanislav Yuryevich Sadalsky has been closely watching my life. I have always respected those acting work that I know about. We never got close. We crossed paths once while filming. I realized from publications ten years ago that he did not like me. But the actor continues. What do you think, what is the reason for such perseverance for many years?” Maxim Galkin asked his subscribers.

Maxim Galkin does not shy away public life. In March 2016, Galkin personally spoke at a rally against the development of Switzerland near Moscow, the video became popular on the Internet. At the rally, Maxim recalled Professor Preobrazhensky and wanted that very “such piece of paper” so that there would be no more problems.

Maxim Galkin spoke out against laws banning propaganda of homosexuality, comparing them to a "witch hunt" organized for the sake of political PR and distracting society from more serious problems. As stated in the biography of Maxim Galkin on Wikipedia, the humorist does not consider it necessary to legalize same-sex marriages and adoptions due to a possible negative reaction from society.

Galkin called "monstrous" and "cynical" the law prohibiting US citizens from adopting Russian orphans.

Maxim Galkin believes that Joseph Stalin"he was a bloody dictator who systematically and on a large scale exterminated his multinational people, and no real merit can atone for his villainy."

Personal life of Maxim Galkin

The first and only wife of Maxim Galkin - Alla Pugacheva, People's Artist USSR.

Children - Elizabeth and Harry, born (2013) by a surrogate mother.

Of course, leading role in family life played by Alla Pugacheva. The media is closely following every movement of the star couple. But the name of the surrogate mother is kept in the strictest confidence. Now the couple live in the castle built by Galkin in the village of Gryazi. The children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva also grow and are brought up there.

Pugacheva and Galkin sent their children to the most ordinary suburban Kindergarten. Godmother of one of the children, famous designer Mila Stavitskaya she said that the kids are developed beyond their years, they are already learning English and make their own crafts.

In 2017, Maxim Galkin posted a video on his Instagram page where his daughter Elizabeth dances to music from the opera Georges Bizet"Carmen". “Our homegrown Carmen,” the father wrote. For 19 hours, the record was watched by more than one million people, more than 5 thousand comments and more than 236 thousand "likes" were left for the post.

News about the life of Galkin and Pugacheva regularly hit the top tabloids.

On November 18, 2017, Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin got married after 6 years of official marriage.

Galkin posted a video of the church ceremony of marriage on his Instagram.

“We have a joyful bright event! We got married, ”the TV presenter wrote.

The video shows that Pugacheva was wearing pink dress with a veil. Maxim Galkin - in a strict suit.

The children of the star couple took an active part in the ceremony: Harry was baptized and sang prayers, and Elizabeth listened carefully to what the priest said and watched what was happening.

The prima donna herself wrote on her page on the network that she would always blame God for the first wedding, allegedly “the demon beguiled”. As reported in the news, Pugacheva received a blessing and permission for a second marriage at the church, although she had already married Philip Kirkorov, so the ceremony was performed. The Patriarchate noted that Orthodox Church crowned up to three times, "depending on the circumstances of his personal life."

Maxim Galkin's health

In the spring of 2016, news appeared that Alla Pugacheva's wife suddenly became ill on the night of March 29. Maxim Galkin was allegedly given a preliminary diagnosis of acute appendicitis and was taken to the VIP department for hospitalization.

But Maxim Galkin denied the news that he was hospitalized. “I really stopped by for an examination, because I had a backache. But nothing serious. Now I'm going home, ”said the parodist.

Natalya Shamberova

Natalya Shamberova wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

both Galkin and Pugachev got it (her fake pictures are a nightmare), as if the world had converged like a wedge! When are they going to "get hyped"?! Saddled the country. It is necessary to think so much about yourself! And pass it on to the kids. It's time to pacify pride, gentlemen Pugachev-Galkins, you are greatly mistaken about your own account ....

Nadezhda Khasanova

Nadezhda Khasanova wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

I can say one thing! People ENVY SILENTLY. I watched the program "Best of All", and realized that bad people kids won't stretch! And he has a great sense of humor. The fact that his wife is older than him is not our business, in general. Better take care of your life! And if you don't like the artist, then no one forces you to watch programs with his participation!

Valentina Sidor

Valentina Sidor wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Surprisingly, there are too many malicious and envious reviews. Gossips - when will you calm down? Married Maxim in love, I forgot to ask you about it! Has beautiful, smart and developed children, despite his employment. The transfer of "The Best" no one could have done with such love and kindness to other people's children. And the videos with Harry and Liza are just great, I want to look at these special children, more and more! God just does not give happiness and joy, and these two, Maxim and Alla, deserved everything with their work, talent, decency.

Ludmila Tarasova

Lyudmila Tarasova wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Very briefly: a good parodist and no more! He flooded the entire air with his mediocre, same-type approach to everyone, regardless of age and status! What, truly gifted and respectful hosts were not found?! Come to your senses 1st channel! Think about your viewers! We have been faithful to Channel 1 for a long time, and you humiliate us so much with this presenter, who, apart from himself and his family, does not recognize anyone on the air! An outright insult!

sveta svetikova wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Thanks to Galkin and his wife, I don’t watch the first channel .. Of course, if it weren’t for the channel’s management, it’s hard to imagine that people would write petitions to somehow change the format, I impose Galkin and Tapkin on us with even more frenzy .. they even secretly filmed it , so that no one would know .. Galkin is now the face of the channel, congratulations, they finally dotted everything .. in all programs he is the host and participant in all shows .. it seems that Ernst owes him something or they have more warm relationship.. here's a gay parade on the first ..!

Thomas Weiss

Thomas Weiss wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

I really don't like it either as a person or as a leader. There's too much of it on TV already. Was it really impossible to find another host for the program, Tonight "or assign Menshov one. This Galkin is only engaged in narcissism and always tries to emphasize that he is Pugacheva's husband, although everyone knows that his only joy now is charming children, whom he truly loves

Vasily Fedorov

Vasily Fedorov wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Maxim Galkin does not represent artistry in the understanding of Russian soulfulness, in our family we cannot watch anything from his repertoire, constantly glassy eyes, playing the role of soullessness. A person earns sums for a living, the whole essence of Mr. Galkin Max. Eyes are the light of the soul, it is impossible to fake the light of the soul. If the Galkins are accepted in the system of culture, culture will end. There is still an American Posner, and hundreds of their kind. Mother Russia darkens in the darkness of soullessness, Reverend Galkin

Elena Lebedeva

Elena Lebedeva wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

It is a pity for Maxim, as a talented comedian-parodist. The host of various programs is not his role. He constantly pulls the blanket over himself, instead of tactful behavior. I could borrow the rules for running the program, especially with children, from Dasha Zlatopolskaya! What intelligence in everything. In a word, marriage with A.B. squeezed all the juice out of him, as well as from Philip. It's a pity.

Dauletkulova Gulzhan

Dauletkulova Gulzhan wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

I personally like him very much, I respect Pugacheva, they are a good couple, you all just need to read more about Maxim's work and believe me, you will love him and respect him, and even understand his marriage to Pugacheva and treat this with respect to their family and children and of course, to the work of both, and even to the work of Arbokaite, what a job it is, even to look so cool (I’m the same age, even my birthday is at the end of May), believe me it’s very hard, but it’s a lot of work.

Alexander Mitchenko

Alexander Mitchenko wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

I do not consider Galkin talented. Moreover, all his jokes, like all his behavior, are vulgar and mediocre. We are told: if you don't like it, don't watch it. And, in my opinion, it's just disrespectful to the audience. So you can justify any nonsense on television. And on the other hand, what then to watch - because now he is everywhere. It looks like someone is deliberately pushing it.

Viktor Vladimirovich

Viktor Vladimirovich wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

I really liked Galkin before, but now when I contacted Pugachikha I can’t watch any program with his participation, I immediately switch it, I don’t watch it. I just don’t understand Galkin, he may have coveted Pugacheva’s wealth, or her popularity, which can also be popular. But before that he was loved by the people, but there can be no talk of love here. A humorist is a humorist.

Department of Culture and Sports

The Department of Culture and Sports wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Yes interesting life thing. Today everyone sings and dances, but in ice age Maxim and Pugacheva didn't see you. Who lives with whom and how they have children is a personal matter. But how you waved about Andrei Malakhov, I think you should be ashamed. God has a covenant "Do not judge and you will not be judged." Hahachi get out with Pugacheva normal people don't discuss.

Ruslana Maykova

Ruslana Maykova wrote a review for Maksim Galkin

Maxim Alexandrovich Galkin. Born on June 18, 1976 in the Naro-Fominsk district of the Moscow region. Russian parodist, humorist, TV presenter, film actor and singer.

Maxim Galkin was born on June 18, 1976 in the Moscow region. It has Jewish roots by mother.

Father - Alexander Alexandrovich Galkin (1935, Bulanovo - 2002, Moscow) - Colonel General of Tank Forces. From 1987 to 1997, he headed the Main Armored Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation of the second convocation (1998-1999).

Mother - Natalya Grigorievna (1941, Odessa - 2004, Israel) - Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, senior researcher, worked at the Institute of Earthquake Prediction Theory of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

“I was born in Moscow, although we traveled a lot. My mother is from Odessa, my father is from the Urals, from a small village, the village of Bulanovo, Oktyabrsky district, Chelyabinsk region, to be precise,” the artist said.

He has an older brother who, following his father, also became a military man, and then a businessman.

"Besides love, my parents did not give me anything. From childhood I saw only love, I never saw discord in the family. The family was the most important thing in life. I saw the relationship of my parents, I saw how my mother devotes herself to her father and how her father devotes himself mother, and like my grandfather - my grandmother.Grandfather, my mother's father, was very wise man. My mum - purebred Jewess. Grandfather went through the war, graduated as a colonel, he was presented to the title of Hero Soviet Union and to the rank of general. He didn’t get either,” Maxim said about the atmosphere that reigned in his family.

When Maxim was 3 years old, the family lived in Germany.

At the age of seven, the family moved to Odessa, where his father, who received the rank of major general, was transferred.

In Odessa, Maxim studied the first three classes of the school and studied at the children's art studio.

Then the family moved to Buryatia and until the fifth grade Maxim studied at school number 5 in the city of Ulan-Ude. Maxim's childhood passed in a military town Pinery Republic of Buryatia, 30 km from the city of Ulan-Ude and 100 km from Lake Baikal, where he often visited.

Then the family returned to Moscow. Later, Galkin's parents separated. Maxim stayed with his mother, who last years spent her life in Israel.

Maxim has shown artistic talent since childhood. He played in school plays, tried himself in a wide variety of roles: he played the roles of the Dog, the Old Alcoholic Man, Ostap Bender, Tsar Solomon, Count Nulin, Don Carlos.

“I have been monkeying since childhood, portraying how my mother is talking on the phone, portraying her friends, teachers at school,” he recalled.

In middle school, he actively began to practice parody. In companies, he portrayed classmates, teachers, directors. In the sixth grade, Galkin had his first creative evening: he arranged puppet show where he spoke for dolls in different voices.

“First I wanted to become an architect, then a zoologist, then a journalist, then an artist. As a result, I chose an education at the intersection of what I liked - linguistics,” Maxim said.

In 1993 he graduated from the Moscow gymnasium in the South-West No. 1543 and in the same year entered the Russian State Humanities University Faculty of Linguistics, graduating in 1998. After that, he entered graduate school, where he worked on a Ph.D. thesis on the topic “The Correlation of the Stylistic Systems of the Original and Translated Texts”, in which it was supposed to consider translations into Russian of Goethe’s tragedy “Faust” and analyze their stylistic differences. In 2009, he retired from graduate school. Speaks French, English and German.

Galkin's artistic debut took place in April 1994: he performed in the performance of the Student Theater of Moscow State University "Fountains of love for one's neighbor." Later he took part in the play "Cabaret 03".

In June 1994, at the Variety Theater, he participated in the program "Debuts, Debuts, Debuts", where he performed "speeches" and among the parodies. Since then, her artistic career has taken off. So, at one of the concerts, Boris Brunov noticed him and invited him to his Variety Theater. At one time, Galkin performed there, then for a year and a half toured with, who called Maxim his "successor".

Maksim Galkin. 1994

In January 2001, he received a grant from the Triumph Prize. In April 2001 he received the Golden Ostap award in St. Petersburg. In July 2001, Galkin's first solo concert took place at the Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk festival. From now on solo performances artists become regular.

Since October 2001, he tried himself in a new role - he began to sing. His first vocal experience was the song "Be or not be", which he performed in a duet with Alla Pugacheva. Subsequently, Galkin performed and starred with her in the program "New Year's Eve on Channel One" and in "Christmas Meetings". Galkin is actively touring Russia. Many show events federal TV channels can not do without his participation.

In 2002, the concert "And I'm 26!" in the State Kremlin Palace went out in new year's eve on Channel One between "Results of the Year" in the program "Time" and the New Year's address of the President of the Russian Federation.

From October 2004 to December 2006 - permanent host of the music festival "New Songs about the Main" ("Channel One").

In 2007, he was a co-host in the second season of the television project of the First Channel "Two Stars" paired with Alla Pugacheva. He was also the author and presenter New Year's programs on Channel One.

In 2008-2012, after leaving Channel One, he hosted the Star Ice show (2008), since 2009 he has been the host of the Dancing with the Stars show on the Russia-1 channel.

From 2009 to 2015 he hosted the show "Dancing with the Stars" on the channel "Russia-1".

In 2010 started new project on the Russia TV channel “Who wants to be Maxim Galkin?”, which lasted eight months. In September 2010, the program was replaced with another show - Ten Million.

In 2010 and 2011 he hosted the Stilyagi Show. In 2011, he hosted the TV show " Good evening with Maxim. In 2011 - co-host of Alla Pugacheva in the program "Morning Mail" on the Ukrainian TV channel "Inter". From May 6 to July 2012 - member of the jury (with Vladimir Zelensky) of the "Make the Comedian Laugh" program (Russian version).

In 2011, he hosted the Good Evening with Maxim program.

He starred in the video with Alla Pugacheva for the song "Be or not be" (2001).

Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva - Be or not be

From September 20, 2015 to January 1, 2016 - a participant in the new season of the show of reincarnations "Just Like". Reincarnated as Charles Aznavour, Stas Mikhailov, Anna German, Till Lindemann, Mithun Chakraborty, Maria Callas, Boris Grebenshchikov, Alexander Vertinsky, Garou, Daniel Lavoie and Patrick Fiori, Nikolai Voronov, Alla Pugacheva and Fedor Chaliapin. According to the results of the competition, he became the winner (together with Evgeny Dyatlov), gaining 273 points. Also won the Audience Choice Award.

The growth of Maxim Galkin: 178 centimeters.

Personal life of Maxim Galkin:

Married to famous Russian singer.

As Alla Borisovna admitted, they began dating Maxim Galkin back in 2001, when she was married to Philip Kirkorov.

“Of course, I was a fan, an unconditional fan of Alla. For me, she, like for many, for most people in this country, was some kind of ... significant figure. And first I met the Pugacheva that everyone knows. I invited her to dance at our friend's birthday party. Before that, Kirkorov introduced me to her at the Slavianski Bazaar, which Filya still regrets from time to time. Already now as a joke, but still ... And two months later we met at this birthday party at the Metropol. And I asked her to dance. And then he took the phone from her and called, "Galkin told the story of his acquaintance with Pugacheva.

Since 2005, when Alla and Philip officially divorced, the parodist and singer began to live together. And Maxim Galkin became the legal spouse of Alla Pugacheva on December 23, 2011.

They have 27 years of age difference.

For the tenth anniversary of the relationship of the star couple, the NTV channel prepared the films “Alla + Maxim. Confession of love” and “Alla and Maxim. Everything goes on!”

In September 2013, the couple became parents of twins. Elizabeth and Harry, the children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva, were born on September 18 by a surrogate mother in the Mother and Child branch of Mark Kurtser's network of medical clinics, located in the village of Lapino near Moscow.

Maxim Galkin, Alla Pugacheva with Harry and Lisa

In November 2017, it became known that .

Now the couple live in a castle in the village of Gryazi near Moscow. The children of Maxim Galkin and Alla Pugacheva also grow and are brought up there.

Filmography of Maxim Galkin:

2001 - "Yeralash" teacher-intern, issue No. 155 - Student
2003 - Bless the woman - Kunina's partner
2003 - For two hares - Alexey Chizhov (Lesha Chizh)
2004 - Clara and Dora. Crazy Grandmas - voice acting
2004 - "Yeralash" - Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, issue No. 179 (I am a monument to myself ...)
2007 - First at home - entertainer
2010 - Markovna. Reboot - cameo
2015 - Kings can do anything - Misha Nikolaev / Michael Cunningham

Discography of Maxim Galkin:

2002 - "Smile, gentlemen!". Concert (DVD)
2002 - "This is love!". Joint with Alla Pugacheva split-single (CD)
2002 - "And I'm 26", as a response to concert program Nikolai Baskov "I'm 25". Concert (DVD)
2003 - "NOT the last hero." Concert (DVD)
2005 - "Who wants to be a millionaire?". Interactive game for DVD players
2006 - “Maxim Galkin. Classics of humor. Best Variety Numbers (CD)
2007 - “Maxim Galkin. The best". Three previously released solo concerts in one box (3DVD)

The best humorous numbers of Maxim Galkin:

Monologue of the Odessa aunt
Singing duets
The weak link with the stars - Vladimir Zhirinovsky, Boris Moiseev, Yan Arlazorov, Renata Litvinova, Maria Kiseleva
Full House Parody - Efim Shifrin, Klara Novikova, Vladimir Vinokur, Mikhail Zadornov, Regina Dubovitskaya
What? Where? When? with politicians
Last hero with politicians
Yeltsin retired
School of Political Excellence
cow udder
political poem(was banned from showing on Russian TV)
Renata Litvinova about friends
Renata Litvinova - a fairy tale about a kolobok
Renata Litvinova - the tale of Little Red Riding Hood
Renata Litvinova - Little Red Riding Hood on a Bicycle
Renata Litvinova - a fairy tale about the Princess Frog
fashion sentence
Trip to Australia
Horror movie

Maxim Galkin - Political poem

Detractors often accuse Maxim Galkin of having achieved success thanks to the patronage of one famous woman, forgetting, however, about his remarkable talent and efficiency.

How many years Maxim Galkin will still have to defend his independence in the eyes of society is unknown, although, in truth, he has long proved it. It is significant that not a single one in Russia can do without it. He sings, plays, parodies, hosts programs and evenings on all channels at the same time, which causes a lot of parodies and anecdotes in his address.

Born on June 18, 1976 in the family of a general and little Maxim, from the age of four he made it clear to his parents and everyone around him that in the future he could claim great stage success. As a schoolboy, he parodied his classmates and teachers so accurately and funnyly that they only breathed a sigh of relief when he switched to politics. His first target was Mikhail Gorbachev. Friends and acquaintances never ceased to be surprised: how old is Maxim Galkin, and how accurately he parodies adult serious uncles!

Graduating from a school with a reputation for the future famous artist, he, however, entered the institute with the intention of studying linguistics. At the time of graduation from the university (in 1998), the humorist was already a fairly well-known artist.

This was facilitated by his acquaintance with Zadornov, who was delighted with his talent as a parodist, especially considering how old Maxim Galkin is. Together they traveled half the country on tour, after which the aspiring artist became a frequent guest of various humorous programs on TV.

But real success on TV came with the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”, Hosted by Maxim Galkin in 2001. At the same time, his fateful meeting with the prima donna of the Russian stage took place, which predetermined his future fate.

If today you ask a parodist how old Maxim Galkin was when he felt like a star, he will surely name a very young age. This artist is famous for his ambitions, and many ill-wishers even attribute to him. But if you think objectively, it was with the patronage of Pugacheva that his career as a real star began. domestic television and stages.

A little over twelve years have passed since they met. During this time, they went through a rather long stage of relationship - from baseless gossip about the novel to marriage and the birth of children. Today, this parodist is not only the husband of Alla Borisovna, but, despite how old Maxim Galkin is, she is a show business star equal to her in size. Of course, the young artist could not have made such a career and so quickly on his own, without the powerful support of Pugacheva. However, we must give him credit - he is really an artist with capital letter and deserves those huge fees that he receives today.

In 2013, Galkin's biography was replenished with, perhaps, the most striking record - he became the father of two children at once, whom Alla Borisovna and him gave birth to. And no matter what they say about the abnormality of his family, apparently, the artist is very happy.

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