Statements about creative activity. Quotes About Creativity


When a routine or work reaches a qualitative progress and turns into creativity, then the horror of death leaves the foreground, leaving room for self-expression and fantasy. – L. Tolstoy

Creative initiative is quite a complex thing, elevating ordinary work to an unprecedented height of improvisation. – N. Ostrovsky

Freedom, publicity and life will always find a place for ingenuity, new ideas and rationalization proposals, as well as creativity. – S. Bulgakov

Creativity over the years is transformed into the equivalent of wealth. – K. Marx

The source of creativity is within us, synthesized from the personality, absorbing external processes and the inner world of the individual. The phenomenon is similar to protein synthesis. - G. Plekhanov

Enthusiasm for creativity needs to be nourished, otherwise it can fade away without creating worthwhile ideas and substances. – K. Paustovsky

Passion within certain limits is called creativity. – M. Prishvin

Talent is the ease of deeds, inaccessible to others. Genius is something beyond talent. Creativity is the fantasy of all kinds of deeds. – A. Amiel

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No one knows what his powers are until he uses them. - I. Goethe

The powers of man, so far as experience and analogy teach us, are unlimited; there is no reason to believe even some imaginary limit on which the human mind will stop. – G. Buckle

You can't learn creative techniques. Every creator has his own tricks. One can only imitate the highest methods, but this does not lead to anything, and it is impossible to penetrate into the work of the creative spirit. – I. Goncharov

Inventing oneself is fine, but knowing and appreciating what others have found is less than creating. - I. Goethe

Who is born with talent and for talent, he finds his best existence in it. - I. Goethe

In fact, the creator usually experiences only grief. – L. Shestov

The creative personality is subject to a different, higher law than the law of simple duty. For someone who is called to perform a great deed, to accomplish a discovery or a feat that moves all of humanity forward, for him the true homeland is no longer his fatherland, but his deed. In the final analysis, he feels himself responsible only to one instance - to the task that he is destined to solve, and he will rather allow himself to despise state and temporary interests than the internal obligation that his special fate, special talent has placed on him. – S. Zweig

In fact, in order to deeply appreciate the creation of what we call genius, one must himself possess the genius necessary for such an accomplishment. - E. Po

We are born with abilities and powers to do almost anything - at any rate, these abilities are such that they can take us further than can be easily imagined; but only the exercise of these forces can give us skill and skill in anything and lead us to perfection. – D. Locke

If a talent does not have sufficient power in itself to become in line with its aspirations and enterprises, it produces only barren flowers when you expect it to bear fruit. – V. Belinsky

Great talent requires great hard work. – P. Tchaikovsky

The highest task of talent is to make people understand the meaning and value of life through their work. – V. Klyuchevsky

Ingenuity is precisely the ability to compare things and recognize their connection. – L. Vauvenargues

The creative process in its very course acquires new qualities, becomes more complex and richer. – K. Paustovsky

Talent is faith in yourself, in your strength ... - M. Gorky

Everyone feels what his forces are, on which he can count. – Lucretius

Only a strong talent can embody an era. – D. Pisarev

Discoveries are made when everyone thinks that this cannot be, and one person does not know this. – A. Einstein

True talents are not angry for criticism: Beauty cannot harm them, Some fake flowers are afraid of rain. – I. Krylov

Any worker, be it a writer, artist, composer, scientist, figure in science and culture, cannot create if he is cut off from social work, from life. Without impressions, enthusiasm, inspiration, without life experience - there is no creativity. - D. Shostakovich

Denial of one's talent is always a guarantee of talent. – W. Shakespeare

I maintain that a bad head, by possessing and exercising auxiliary advantages, can outdo the best, just as a child can draw a line on a ruler better than the greatest master by hand. – G. Leibniz

To create - be it new flesh or spiritual values ​​- means to break free from the captivity of your body, means to rush into the hurricane of life, means to be the One Who Is. To create is to kill death. – R. Rolland

The talent of great souls is to recognize the great in other people. – N. Karamzin

Impossible is a word that only narrow-minded people will use. – Napoleon I

Great talents are the products of morbid passion... - J. D'Alembert

Talent should be encouraged. – V. Lenin

If you don’t know how to hold an ax in your hand, you won’t cut wood, and if you don’t know the language well, you won’t write beautifully and understandably for everyone. – M. Gorky

Whoever creates loves himself in it; therefore he has to hate himself in the deepest way - in this hatred he knows no measure. – F. Nietzsche

A vocation can be recognized and proved only by the sacrifice that a scientist or artist makes to his peace or well-being in order to give himself up to his vocation. – L. Tolstoy

Creation! Only it can save you from torment and make life easier! – F. Nietzsche

Talent is one third instinct, one third memory, and one third will. – K. Dossi

Ability means little without opportunity. – Napoleon

There is something rarer, more extraordinary, than giftedness. It is the ability to recognize the giftedness of others. – G. Lichtenberg

True talents do not go unrewarded: there is an audience, there is offspring. The main thing is not to receive, but to deserve. – N. Karamzin

All of us, unfortunately, are not equally adapted to all cases. – Propertius

Great talents are alien to pettiness. - O. Balzac

To follow your own inclinations is to be your own slave. – M. Montaigne

Talent ... gives everyone double the price. – Ya. Chernyshevsky

Compared to what we should be, we are still in a semi-drowsy state. We use only a small part of our physical and mental resources. In general, we can say that a person lives in this way, far beyond his capabilities. He possesses abilities of various kinds, which he does not usually use. – W. James

When the sea is calm, everyone can be a helmsman. - Publius Sir

Talent needs sympathy, it needs to be understood. – F. Dostoevsky

Who prevents you from inventing waterproof gunpowder? – Kozma Prutkov

Insomnia is the cradle of creativity. – I. Shevelev

Talent is a spark of God, with which a person usually burns himself, illuminating the path of others with this own fire. – V. Klyuchevsky

The first stage of all creativity is self-forgetfulness. – M. Prishvin

Talent, like character, is manifested in the struggle. Some people adapt to circumstances, others defend such necessary human principles as honor, conscientiousness, loyalty. The fixtures are disappearing. The fundamental ones, having overcome all difficulties, remain. – V. Uspensky

Do you still not know if you have talent? Give it time to ripen; and even if it does not turn out to be, does a person really need a poetic talent in order to live and act? – I. Turgenev

Any person of average ability can, by proper work on himself, diligence, attention and perseverance, become anything he wants, except as a good poet. – F. Chesterfield

What is the main sign of true talent? This is constant development, constant self-improvement. - V. Stasov

The ratio of mind and talent is comparable only with the ratio of the whole and the particle. – J. La Bruyère

Traces will disappear generations,

As life progresses, we learn the limits of our abilities. – 3. Freud

There is only one happiness: to create. Only the one who creates is alive. The rest are shadows wandering the earth, alien to life. All the joys of life are creative joys ... - R. Rolland

In truth, the power of talent; wrong direction destroys the strongest talent. – Ya. Chernyshevsky

The great creations of the human spirit are like mountain peaks: their snow-white peaks rise higher and higher before us, the farther we go from them. – S. Bulgakov

Let everyone know his abilities and let him strictly judge himself, his virtues and vices. – Cicero

What is talent? There is talent ... the ability to say or express well where mediocrity will say and express badly. – F. Dostoevsky

Whoever does not use his talents to teach and educate others is either a bad person or a limited person. – G. Lichtenberg

The level of honor of society depends on the level of respect (even reverence, worship) for talent; there is no greater blow to honor than the triumph of mediocrity. – E. Rich

Calling is the backbone of life. – F. Nietzsche

The creators of great ideas always treat their creativity with disdain and are not inclined to think about its future path. – L. Shestov

It has long been noted that talents are everywhere and always, wherever and when there are social conditions favorable for their development. - G. Plekhanov

In creativity, the maximum return does not deplete, but tones. – I. Shevelev

One can notice the similarity of human creativity and trees: both have special properties and are able to bear fruits that are unique to him. – F. La Rochefoucauld

Man is glorified not by gold, not by silver. The man is glorified by his talent and skill. – A. Jami

Ability cannot exist where there is no place for its manifestation. – L. Feuerbach

To create is nothing but to believe. – R. Rolland

It seems to us that people do not know well both their capabilities and their strengths: they exaggerate the former, and underestimate the latter. – F. Bacon

Brevity is the soul of wit. – A. Chekhov

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for him all other pleasures no longer exist. – A. Chekhov

And since these tasks are solved in childhood, the parents are primarily to blame for this. Without their help, the child cannot solve these problems. – V. Zubkov

Talents measure the progress of civilization, and they also represent the milestones of history, serving as telegrams from ancestors and contemporaries to posterity. – Kozma Prutkov

I don't believe in one single power of talent, without hard work. The greatest talent will fizzle out without her, as a spring will die out in the desert, not making its way through the sands ... - F. Chaliapin

Creativity is the beginning that gives man immortality. – R. Rolland

Creativity… is an integral, organic property of human nature… It is a necessary property of the human spirit. It is just as legitimate in a person, perhaps, like two hands, like two legs, like a stomach. It is inseparable from man and constitutes a whole with him. – F. Dostoevsky

The ability to create is a great gift of nature; the act of creativity in the creative soul is a great mystery; a minute of creativity is a moment of great sacred rites. – V. Belinsky

Everything that causes the transition from non-existence to existence is creativity. – Plato

Ability is presupposed, but it must become a skill. - I. Goethe

There are no incompetent people. There are those who are unable to determine their abilities, to develop them.

Creativity is a lofty feat, and feat requires sacrifice. All sorts of petty and selfish feelings prevent you from creating. And creativity is a selfless service to the art of the people. – V. Kachalov

There are no patrons more reliable than our own abilities. – L. Vauvenargues

The talent of another person seems to be less than he is, because he always sets himself too big tasks. – F. Nietzsche

There is hardly any higher pleasure than the pleasure of creating. – N. Gogol

The highest talent will easily be disgraced if an overconfident one wants to measure his strength the first time in such a matter, which requires great preliminary knowledge, maturity of mind in judgment and experience in life. – N. Pirogov

Joy can only be found in creativity - everything else is perishable and insignificant. – A. Koni

Always remain dissatisfied: this is the essence of creativity. – J. Renard

Another is colorless in the first row, but in the second it shines. – Voltaire

But talent is alive, genius is immortal. – M. Glinka

Ordinary people are busy only to pass the time; and who has any talent - to take advantage of the time. – A. Schopenhauer

Only he is gifted with a happy fate,
He is joyful whose heart is just.

Albukasim Firdousi

What is a poet? A person who writes poetry? Of course not. He is called a poet not because he writes in verse; but he writes in verse, that is, he brings words and sounds into harmony, because he is the son of harmony, a poet.

Alexander Alexandrovich Blok

Truly, art lies in nature; whoever knows how to discover it, owns it.

Albrecht Dürer

A fine imagination is just as necessary for the historian as it is for the poet, for without imagination nothing can be seen, nothing can be understood.

Anatole France

A sense of proportion in art is everything.

Anatole France

Whoever has experienced the pleasure of creativity, for him all other pleasures do not exist.

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov

Happiness is spending yourself on the creation of your hands, which will live even after your death.

Every ascent is painful. Rebirth is painful. Not exhausted, I can not hear the music. Suffering, efforts help the music to sound.

Did the effort seem fruitless to you? Blind man, step back a few steps... The magic of skillful hands has created masterpieces, hasn't it? But trust me, luck and failure have made them alike... A beautiful dance is born from the ability to dance.

Only a bee recognizes hidden sweetness in a flower,
Only an artist senses a beautiful mark on everything.

Afanasy Afanasievich Fet

When I create music, I don't think of it in isolation from the idea.

Benjamin Britten

The unmistakable sign that something is not art, or that one does not understand art, is boredom... Art should be a means of education, but its purpose is pleasure.

Bertolt Brecht

All kinds of arts serve the greatest of the arts - the art of living on earth.

Bertolt Brecht

Art requires knowledge.

Bertolt Brecht

When humanity is destroyed, there is no more art. Putting beautiful words together is not an art.

Bertolt Brecht

Started a round dance - dance it to the end.

Bulgarian proverb

Art is always, without ceasing, busy with two things. It relentlessly meditates on death and relentlessly creates life.

Boris Leonidovich Pasternak

Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.

Vasily Aleksandrovich Sukhomlinsky

The third faculty of the soul after mind and will is creativity.

Vasily Andreevich Zhukovsky

Creativity is a lofty feat, and feat requires sacrifice.

Vasily Ivanovich Kachalov

Life is not a burden, but the wings of creativity and joy; and if anyone turns it into a burden, then he himself is to blame.

Vikenty Vikentievich Veresaev

Music is the universal language of the world.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

When I listen to music, I hear absolutely distinct answers to all my questions, and everything calms down and clears up in me. Or rather, I feel that these are not questions at all.

Gustav Mahler

In order to discover the laws that belong to the world of primary images, the artist must awaken to life as a person: almost all of his noble feelings, a considerable share of intellect, intuition, and the desire to create must be developed in him.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

The Laws of Art originate not in the material, but in the ideal world where Beauty lives, matter can only indicate the boundaries within which artistic inspiration spreads.

Delia Steinberg Guzman

The Lord created music as a common language for people.

When love and skill come together, you can expect a masterpiece.

John Ruskin

Without impressions, enthusiasm, inspiration, without life experience, there is no creativity.

Dmitry Dmitrievich Shostakovich

Always being dissatisfied is the essence of creativity.

Jules Renard

To create art, only the chosen one can,
Every person loves art.

Julien Grun

Music is intelligence embodied in beautiful sounds.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev

The layman imagines that for creativity one must wait for inspiration. This is a deep delusion.

Igor Fyodorovich Stravinsky

High art not only reflects life, it, by participating in life, changes it.

Ilya Grigorievich Ehrenburg

In any work of art, great or small, everything to the last detail depends on the idea.

Art is the medium of that which cannot be expressed.

The impulse to creativity can be as easily extinguished as it arose if left without food.

Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky

Not a single, even the initial moment of creativity can do without the work of the imagination.

Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky

Simplicity, truth and naturalness are the three great principles of beauty in all works of art.

Christoph Willibald Gluck

Learn the science of art and the art of science.

Leonardo da Vinci

The art of living has always been composed mainly of the ability to look ahead.

Leonid Maksimovich Leonov

Let your life be equal to you, let nothing contradict one another, and this is impossible without knowledge and without art, allowing you to know the divine and the human.

Lucius Annaeus Seneca (the Younger)

Music is the mediator between the life of the mind and the life of the senses.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Music should strike fire from people's hearts.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Every genuine piece of music has an idea.

Ludwig van Beethoven

Others, who love their art, devote themselves entirely to their work, forgetting to wash and eat. You value your nature less than an engraver - engraving, a dancer - dancing, a lover of money - money, an ambitious - glory. Does it seem to you that general useful activity is less significant and less worthy of effort?

Marcus Aurelius

The art of living is more like the art of fighting than of dancing. It requires readiness and fortitude both in regard to the sudden and the unforeseen.

Marcus Aurelius

The most important tool of an artist, which is formed through constant training, is the belief in one's ability to create miracles when necessary.

Mark Rothko

Art is jealous, it requires a person to give himself entirely to it.

Michelangelo Buonarroti

Music dominates autocratically and makes you forget about everything else.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

In the hands of talent, everything can serve as a tool for beauty.

Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol

I remember with horror how people who considered themselves educated raged against Wagner, calling his music a cacophony. Obviously, every achievement must go through the ordeal of denial and ridicule.

Nicholas Roerich

A true artist must sacrifice herself to her art. Like a nun, she is not in a position to lead the life that most women want.

Anna Pavlovna Pavlova

The spirit is the master, the imagination is the instrument, the body is the obedient material. Each person has his own inner world, created by the power of imagination. Imagination is generated by the pure and strong desire of the heart. If this power is sufficient to illuminate every corner of this inner world, then everything that a person thinks about will take shape in his soul.


Inspiration is such a guest who does not like to visit the lazy.

Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky

Everyone is able to do well only what the muse inspires him to do.

Music inspires the whole world, provides the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination...

The path to the abode of the Muses, alas, is not wide and not straight.

A selection of sayings about creative imagination

Don't expect your child to be like you or the way you want. Help him become not you, but himself.

Janusz Korczak

You need to learn the rules of the game. And then, you need to start playing the best.

Albert Einstein


Are you familiar with the expression “you can’t jump above your head”? It's a delusion. Man can do everything.

Nikola Tesla

Children - born artists, scientists, inventors - see the world in all its freshness and originality; every day they re-invent their lives. They love to experiment, and look at the wonders of the world around them with wonder and delight.

P. Weinzweig

The impulse to creativity can be as easily extinguished as it arose if left without food.

K. G. Paustovsky

Imagination is more important than knowledge.

A. Einstein

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.

P. Picasso

We are entering a new era of education, the purpose of which is discovery rather than teaching.

Marshall McLuhan

In fact, it is almost a miracle that the present methods of teaching have not yet completely stifled the holy curiosity of man.

A. Einstein

Imagination! Without this quality one cannot be either a poet, or a philosopher, or an intelligent person, or a thinking being, or just a person.

D. Diderot

The main thing that distinguishes a person from an animal is imagination.

Albert Camus

For some, the sight of the abyss evokes the thought of the abyss, while for others, the thought of a bridge. A life filled with fear of the abyss loses its meaning; life, subordinated to the task of conquering the abyss, acquires it.

V.E. Meyerhold

Logic can take you from point A to point B, and imagination can take you anywhere.

Albert Einstein

What we know is limited, and what we do not know is infinite.

P. Laplace

Every inventor is a plant of his time and environment. His creativity comes from those needs that are created for him and are based on those opportunities that exist outside of him ... A law has been established in psychology: the desire for creativity is always proportional to the simplicity of the environment.

L.S. Vygotsky

If you want the world to change, become that change yourself.


Imagination makes a sensitive person an artist, and a courageous person a hero.

Anatole France

Imagination is more important than knowledge, because knowledge is limited. Imagination covers everything in the world, stimulates progress and is the source of its evolution.
Albert Einstein

The fairy tale contributes to the development of imagination, and this is necessary for the child to solve his own problems.

L.F. Obukhov

Creativity is the preservation of childishness.

L.S. Vygotsky

Even instantaneous insight can become the first spark from which, sooner or later, the flame of creative search ignites.


Children should live in a world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Only what is created by our imagination remains with us forever.

Clive Barker

A game is a special form of life developed or created by society for development. And in this regard, she is a pedagogical creation.

B.A. Zeltserman, N.V. Rogaleva

A person, unfortunately, very quickly forgets what he thought and how he perceived the world around him in childhood and how interesting and surprising his personal world, created by his own imagination, was.

Oleg Roy

Caring for a plant, the gardener waters it, fertilizes it, loosens the soil around it, but does not pull on the top so that it grows faster.

K. Rogers

Be able to open one thing in front of the child in the surrounding world, but open it in such a way that a piece of life will play in front of him with all the colors of the rainbow.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Genius is one percent talent and ninety-nine percent hard work.

Lack of inspiration can really take a toll on your productivity. It is difficult to be inspired to do the same work every day, sometimes you need to recharge. Something that can give strength and inspiration.

If you're feeling low on inspiration, this list of ten sayings and quotes about inspiration, creativity, and ideas may help.x

Creativity makes mistakes. The art is that it consists in knowing which of them is worth persevering.
Scott Adams (American cartoonist).

Allow yourself to make mistakes by eliminating the fear of failure. This can serve to release your inspiration. Fear of failure prevents you from embodying ideas and expressing opinions, get rid of it.

Don't think. Thinking is the enemy of inspiration. You cannot try to do things. You just have to do something.
Ray Bradbury (fiction writer).

The thread that connects with the previous quote is the ability to fearlessly make mistakes. Don't keep even bad ideas to yourself, develop them and they can grow into something better. Do not cut ideas at the root, give them the opportunity to be realized.

The air is full of ideas. They are constantly knocking on your head. You just have to know what you want, then forget it and mind your own business. The idea will come suddenly. It has always been so.
Henry Ford (American industrialist).

Sometimes ideas have to come to mind as if by accident. Just sitting around and trying to come up with something is not a good way to be productive. Just occupy yourself with something, and the idea will come by itself.

No chaos - no inspiration. It's like a kitchen at lunchtime.
Mason Cooley (American aphorist).

If you want to make an omelette, you will have to crack a couple of eggs. The comparison to cooking is a great way to show how creativity can be chaotic. Sometimes you need to implement old ideas or abandon them in order for new ones to come.

Ideas must take root and be perpetuated. Sometimes you have to let an idea develop organically.

And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, for on it he rested from all his works, which God created and created.

Creationists believe that after six days of creating heaven and earth, God set aside a day for rest. Taking breaks is very important for maintaining creativity. Working too hard can put an end to your inspiration.

Speed ​​is the true key to inspiration. The longer you do something, the less likely you are to do it. Patrick Stump (American musician)

Ideas are fleeting. Fix them and strive to implement. Carry a pen and a notepad or voice recorder with you to jot down ideas.

Being a creative person is about more than just being different. Anyone can be weird, it's easy. It is difficult to be as simple and great at the same time as Bach. Making things simple, incredibly simple - that's creativity.
Charles Mingus (American jazz musician)

The best ideas are very simple and everyone wonders why it didn't come to their mind. Think of things in their simplest form, don't over complicate things.

The person may die. Civilization can rise and fall. But ideas will live.
John Kennedy (35th President of the United States).

Romanticize your ideas. Believe that one good idea can change the world. And there is no reason why this idea cannot be yours.

Creativity is contagious. Spread it.
Albert Einstein (great scientist).

Surround yourself with creative people. Sharing ideas is very helpful if you want to look at a problem from a new angle.

Creativity is a violent fantasy multiplied by personal experience!

Creativity is a kind of cooperation in which talent comes from God and work comes from man.

Creativity is a manifestation of God in man.

If you do not like your own creation, then why not create.

Every person is a creator! But not everyone knows what they've done.

Extraordinary experiences give rise to lofty creations.

Creativity is the moment of creating the future in the present.

A creative person “from where it is necessary” grows both hands and brains ...

Genius is madness curbed by creativity.

Unfortunately, the creativity of some people is often used to fight the creativity of others.

Fantasy is creativity and creativity is rebellion.

“Creativity, like love, helps to win back a springboard for poetry from the prose of life.”

God has no other hands to create than yours.

Even if at least a few people think that you did something well, invented it, implemented it, then it’s worth creating for the sake of it!

All artists are crazy. It's the best they have.

Always remain dissatisfied: this is the essence of creativity.

There is hardly any higher pleasure than the pleasure of creating.

The impulse to creativity can be as easily extinguished as it arose if left without food.

Creativity is a passion that dies in form.

A pitiful parody of creativity cannot be called creativity itself...

Creation is the basis of life.

Creative people - it's always an awl in the ass! And, often, not only in his own!

The most creative people who receive the most for their creativity are children.

Freedom is expressed in creativity.

Maturity is a combination of wisdom, benevolence, endurance and creativity.

A masterpiece is the creator's crazy thoughts...

Rules turn creativity into production and philosophy into propaganda.

This wonderful world is the reality of the divine imagination.

Don't think! It is harmful! Today, in a friendly conversation, I thought of the fact that creativity, schizophrenia and murder are interconnected things.

A template is an absolutely unacceptable evil in any kind of creativity.

"Two things justify the existence of man on earth: love and creativity."

What is higher - the creator, or the creation created by him?

Creative work, despite its complexity, is a wonderful and sublime work.

Interest in life in all its manifestations is the secret of all creative people.

Creativity is like red caviar.

He who creates for posterity is a great optimist if he thinks that posterity will have nothing else to do.

Life is nothing but creativity.

In reality, it is comfortable when you feel like its creator. And with this creativity you live with all your "I" with your ... with your whole being.

Creation is a symbol.

Smart people have long known that only creativity brings happiness to a person.

To create is to kill death.

Those who live in other people's thoughts do not have the right to criticize those who sing to the soundtrack.

How to black out swear words from texts if the list of prohibited words cannot be published. Question.

The pains of creativity cannot be anesthetized.

When you write under the dictation of the muse, the main thing is not to make mistakes.

Express yourself clearly - the word will become red.

People often rob themselves by replacing creativity with plagiarism ...

Smoking is not compatible with creative work - you get dumber from it.

Always being dissatisfied is the essence of creativity.

Where the race begins, creativity ends.

It seems to me that any professional is a poet and a creative person at heart.

Creation! Ascension to the heights! Overcoming yourself.

"Brevity is the soul of wit"; conciseness is the daughter of genius.

How I want to work with a twinkle ... Yes, and set fire to this whole bunch of ... unnecessary papers in the heat of the moment. And let them burn. Together with insanity ... who gave birth to them.))

“I write every day. It doesn't matter if it's music or something else. It doesn't matter if anyone needs it. For me, the main thing is to be a creator.”

Creation! Only it can save you from torment and make life easier!

There are joys in every kind of creativity: the whole point is to be able to take your good where you find it.

The Creator collected crumbs and grains for you to devour overnight.

Where there is creativity, there is no place for madness.

Creativity is a lofty feat, and feat requires sacrifice. All sorts of petty and selfish feelings prevent you from creating. And creativity is a selfless service to the art of the people.

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