Speech at the Teachers' Council “Design and research activities as a factor in the development of the personality of students and the growth of the teacher's professional skills. Teachers' council on the topic "project activity"


Olga Shirobokova
Pedagogical Council "Method of projects in the educational activities of kindergarten"

Pedagogical Council

Subject: «

Target: improve technology development project activities.


Raise pedagogical skills and methodological level of educators.

Development of creative search.

Preparatory work:

1. Selection of literature on the issue under consideration.

2. Meeting of the creative group on the topic « Project method in the activities of the preschool educational institution»

3. Consultation for caregivers From the history of development project activities» .

4. Thematic control on the topic "Using design method working with preschoolers

5. Issue of information booklets for educators.

6. Creation projects.

7. Preparing questions for discussion at teachers' council.

8. Preparation of the hall and exhibition.

Necessary materials:

Magnetic whiteboard, three sliding easels, stickers in different colors, sheets with type definitions projects, stages project, success indicators project activities, differences ,

booklets. Motivators.

Good afternoon dear colleagues. Today we have another pedagogical council. Subject " Method of projects in the educational activities of the kindergarten».

I suggest listening to the agenda pedagogical council.


1. Solution teachers' council from 31.08.15 - Skvortsova N.V.

2. Analytical report on the results of the thematic control "Use design method in work with preschoolers. – Shirobokova O. V.

3. Main question teachers' council« The project method in the educational activities of the kindergarten»

4. Auction projects. Shirobokova O. V.

5. Solution Pedagogical Council-Skvortsova N. IN.

An analytical report is read out based on the results of the thematic control.

II part. Main

The conditions of our time are such that a preschooler cannot be "blank slate" when entering school. Increasingly, the requirements for a first-grader force parents "develop, inform, invest, train, etc.", but often children who have a lot of information and knowledge acquire them haphazardly. Implementation Kindergarten project method testifies to the readiness of the development of Russian "preschoolers" the latest global trends in educational technologies.

This innovation is recognized as one of the main ones in the implementation of the continuity principle. education, which undoubtedly actualizes the task of its study and implementation in educational institutions(how in kindergarten as well as in elementary school).

I suggest you choose the leaves, they are written characteristics of the types projects, please take one definition, read it carefully and fix it on the board under the type to which this characteristic belongs.

(types are written on the board projects, teachers place their definition under the type it matches)

So, let's read the characteristics of the types projects(signs of all types are read in turn). Who has signs of creativity I ask for a project in team No. 1, research team No. 2, normative No. 3.

Now from each team I will ask a representative to come out and choose a task.

(the leader holds the leaflets with the task, the representative of the team chooses)


1. Stages project

2. Success rates project activities

3. Differences project activity from any other

Well, the tasks have been selected, I propose to choose only your own from all the materials and place them on the board.

(There are leaflets with definitions written on them on the table, each team chooses what relates to its task and places it on a magnetic board)

From each team I will ask one representative to remain to check the assignment.

(a representative from the team reads out the result of the assignment, which is checked against the correct answer on the slides)

Here we have repeated the main components project activities and now attention! Auction! Dear friends, today we have a unique opportunity to acquire projects for your future work. Everyone has these chips on the tables, take five each, you can buy yourself project, you can fold and buy the project is more expensive, the original price of each project one chip. As a reminder, we have an auction, so bidding is welcome. And they put up their lot first employees:

(All teachers put up for auction one by one project)

III part. Final.

All lots have been drawn. And now, dear colleagues, take a look at the tables. Each of you has four hearts of different colors on the tables. Now take a pink heart and write what you know / know about project method, on green, write about what you know / do not know, on yellow, do not know / want to know, did not know / found out. Pin the hearts on the board.

(stickers of different colors are glued on the magnetic board, in the future they will help in developing events on the topic project activities)

Related publications:

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"Building a learning process based on innovative technologies" (project activity)


- improve the pedagogical skills of educators;

- raise the methodological level;

- Encourage creativity.

Conduct form:"round table".

Preparatory work:

1. Selection of methodological and educational literature on the creation of projects and preparation of primary material by the creative team.

2. Consultation on the topic "Project method in the activities of the preschool educational institution."

4. Questioning of teachers.

5. Creation of projects.

6. Issue of information booklets for parents.

The course of the teachers' council.

1. Leading.Before we start talking about innovative technologies, let's define the concept of "technology".

What is "technology"?
What are the components of the term "technology"?

Teachers' answers:

- The technology includes various forms and methods that we use in our work.

- Technology is a certain set of methods of work of a teacher.

- Technology is a regularity in the use of certain methods in work, subordinated to a single goal.

- The results of work on the technology can be tracked, diagnostics can be carried out.


Your answers are correct. You need to combine them into a definition.

Technology is a tool of the professional activity of a teacher, respectively, characterized by a qualitative adjective - pedagogical. The essence of pedagogical technology lies in the fact that it has a pronounced phasing (step by step), includes a set of certain professional actions at each stage, allowing the teacher to foresee the intermediate and final results of his own professional and pedagogical activity even in the design process. Pedagogical technology is distinguished by: specificity and clarity of goals and objectives, the presence of stages: primary diagnosis; selection of content, forms, methods and techniques of its implementation; using a set of means in a certain logic with the organization of intermediate diagnostics to achieve the designated goal; final diagnosis of achieving the goal, criteria-based assessment of the results.

2. Opening remarks by the head of the preschool educational institution (approximate theses).

The conditions of our time are such that a preschooler cannot be a “blank slate” when entering school. Increasingly, the requirements for a first grader force parents to “develop, invest, inform, train, etc.” But often children who have a lot of information and knowledge acquire them randomly.

In such conditions, the duty of every adult is to help the child learn to find and extract the necessary information, to assimilate it in the form of new knowledge.

Experience and modern research show that the pedagogical process can develop a child only to the extent that the teacher is able to competently manage it. Success determines the methods and techniques of education of the pupil.

The use of innovative pedagogical technologies opens up new opportunities for educating and educating preschoolers, and one of the most effective today has become project method.

This method is relevant and very effective, it gives the child the opportunity to experiment, synthesize the acquired knowledge, develop creativity and communication skills, thereby allowing him to successfully adapt to the changed situation of schooling.

This innovation is recognized as one of the main ones in the implementation of the principle of continuity of education, which undoubtedly actualizes the task of studying and implementing it in educational institutions (both in kindergarten and in primary grades).

Project activity always unfolds in a problem situation that cannot be solved by direct action.

The main one is problem, which requires the following:

  • Have multiple solutions (principle of necessary diversity)
  • Build activities so that the individual components of the problem are easily replaced, corrected, modernized.
  • It is advisable to take on such projects for which the level of qualification, the experience of the teacher exceeds the required level, or to be ready to “gain” in the process of solving the problem.
  • Build models, projects in such a way that it is easy to adapt, adapt to changing conditions.

Joint project activities help parents master some of the pedagogical techniques that are so necessary in family education, objectively assess the capabilities of their children and cooperate with them as equal partners.

3. Lead.And today we are very glad to welcome you to the Talent Auction. Today, unusual lots are put up for auction - these are the pedagogical products of our teachers, who today will become auctioneers.

There are 5 lots presented at the talent auction, which are declared in your programs.

After submitting each lot, you need to evaluate this Lot with the monetary unit "Chip", but our monetary unit has a different color scheme and its semantic meaning:

Green "Chip" - "I accept",

Yellow "Chip" - "I accept partially",

Red "Chip" - "I do not accept."

We also ask you to write proposals, recommendations to the author of the Lot on the reverse side.

And so, let me begin our Talent Auction, but first I would like to remind you of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev’s poem “We Cannot Predict”:

We can't predict

How our word will respond.

Sow grace in the souls.

Alas, it doesn't work every time.

But we must dream

About the wonderful time, about the century,

When to become a beautiful flower

Capable of a person's personality.

And we have to create.

Despising all the hardships of the world,

To lay light truths

The beginnings in life are young.

To show them the right path,

Help not to dissolve in the crowd...

We can't predict

But we must strive.

Leading:And so, let's start our "Talent Auction":

Your attention is invited to lot number 1:

Presentation of the project "Turned Spoon - Gilded Handle" (the project is presented by the teacher of the 2nd junior group)

Leading:Don't forget to rate lot #1.

Musical pause

Leading:Dear Colleagues, Your attention is invited to lot number 2:

Presentation of the project "Insects" (the project is presented by the teacher of the senior group)

Leading:Also don't forget to rate lot #2.

Musical pause

Leading:Your attention is invited to lot number 3:

Presentation of the project "What are vegetables and what are they?" (the project is presented by the teacher of the first junior group)

Leading:Dear colleagues, do not forget to evaluate the lots.

Musical pause

Leading:Your attention is invited to Lot No. 4:

Presentation of the project "My Russian Birch" (the project is presented by the teacher of the middle group)

Musical pause

Leading:Your attention is invited to Lot No. 5:

Presentation of the project "Illustrators" (the project is presented by the teacher of the preparatory group)

Musical pause

4. Summing up.

Leading:Dear Colleagues! We would very much like you to take part in the evaluation of the lots of our auctioneers. But not only with the help of a monetary unit, but also with the help of statements for each lot.

Teachers' statements.

Leading:And now, let me begin the most pleasant procedure of the Talent Auction.

Having counted the monetary units "Chips" for each Lot, the Bidders of the auction came to the following results (the results are announced).

5. Presentation of letters of thanks.

6. Reflection. Evaluation of your participation in the teachers' council.

- this teachers' council was useful;

- have received satisfaction from this kind of activity;

- felt their real contribution to the common cause;

- were able to look at themselves from the outside, evaluate their activities, correlate it with the activities of colleagues;

- there was a desire to continue to actively participate in teachers' councils;

- the teachers' council helped to think over the questions raised.

7. Discussion and adoption of the draft decision.

1) To improve the use of design skills that contribute to the development of programs, plans, and the selection of means for solving design problems in educational work with children and parents.

2) To intensify the activities of teachers to optimize parent-child relationships: create a library of cognitive and fiction for preschool children; to select practical materials for parents on the problem of "Preparation of independent creative works of parents and children"

3) Include presentations of family projects in the annual plan.

4) Lot, who has collected a large number of chips, draw up methodological recommendations on the topic of self-education in the "Collection of Methodological Recommendations for Preschool Educational Establishments" and present their best practices at the annual Fair of Pedagogical Innovations.

5) Monitor the results of using projects in the upbringing and education of preschool children.

8. Host:Dear Colleagues! Let me end the "Talent Auction" with the phrase:

"Pedagogical creativity and satisfaction with the chosen profession mutually stimulate each other. Without satisfaction with the specialty, it is impossible to display high creative productivity in pedagogical work. Therefore, today, I can say with confidence that creative, purposeful, emotionally rich teachers work in our teaching staff, for whom their work is not only a source of existence, but also a source of joy, the meaning of life.

Thank you all!!! Good luck in your difficult but creative work!

Used Books:

1. I.M. Bushnev "Pedagogical Councils,

2. E.A. Sypchenko "Innovative pedagogical technologies".

3 REGULATORY DOCUMENTS REFLECTING THE NEED TO ORGANIZE PROJECT ACTIVITIES Federal Law 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation" Article 11) They say that in the course of studying all academic subjects, students will gain experience in project activities as a special form of educational work that contributes to the education of independence, initiative, responsibility, increasing motivation and effectiveness of educational activities. Article 2 is devoted to the basics of teaching, research and project activities, which lists what the student will learn and will have the opportunity to learn. The features of evaluation of meta-subject results are given. It is said that the main procedure for the final assessment of the achievement of metasubject results is the defense of the final individual project. The completion of an individual final project is mandatory; failure to complete it is tantamount to receiving an unsatisfactory grade in any academic subject.

5 PROJECT ACTIVITY OF STUDENTS - a joint educational, cognitive, creative or play activity of students that has a common goal, agreed methods, methods of activity aimed at achieving a common result of the activity. An indispensable condition for project activity is the presence of pre-developed ideas about the final product of the activity, the stages of design and implementation of the project, including it and the reflection of the results of the activity.

6 THE PROJECT IS SIX "P": Problem - a socially significant contradiction, the resolution of which is the pragmatic goal of the project; Design is the process of developing a project and fixing it in some externally expressed form; Searching for information - collecting information: accessing existing knowledge and life experience, working with information sources, creating your own information storage system; The product of project activity is the end result of solving the problem; Presentation - public presentation of the results of the project. Portfolio (folder) of the project - a selection of all the working materials of the project.

7 GENERAL EDUCATIONAL SKILLS AND SKILLS FORMED IN PROJECT ACTIVITIES 1. Skills and skills of working in cooperation: -Skills of collective planning -Ability to interact with any partner -Skills of mutual assistance in a group in solving common problems -Skills of business partnership communication -Ability to find and correct mistakes in work other group members

8 GENERAL EDUCATIONAL SKILLS FORMED IN PROJECT ACTIVITIES 2. Managerial skills and abilities: – Ability to design a process (product). – Ability to plan activities, time, resources. – Ability to make decisions and predict their consequences. – Skills for analyzing one’s own activity (its course and intermediate results.)

9 GENERAL EDUCATIONAL SKILLS AND SKILLS FORMED IN PROJECT ACTIVITIES 3. Communication skills: -The ability to initiate educational interaction with adults - to enter into a dialogue, ask questions, etc. -Ability to lead a discussion -Ability to defend one's point of view -Ability to find a compromise -Skills of interviewing, oral questioning, etc.

10 GENERAL EDUCATIONAL SKILLS AND SKILLS FORMED IN PROJECT ACTIVITIES 4. Presentation skills and abilities: -Monologue speech skills -Ability to confidently behave during a speech -Artistic skills -Ability to use various visual aids when speaking -Ability to answer unplanned questions

12 GENERAL EDUCATIONAL SKILLS AND SKILLS FORMED IN PROJECT ACTIVITIES 6. Search (research) skills: – Ability to independently invent a method of action, attracting knowledge from various fields; – The ability to independently find the missing information in the information field; – Ability to request the necessary information from an expert (teacher, consultant, specialist); – Ability to find multiple solutions to a problem; – Ability to put forward hypotheses; - Ability to establish causal relationships.

13 WHAT IS THE PROJECT METHOD? –Pedagogical technology; – A teaching method based on setting a socially significant goal, its detailed development and practical achievement; THE METHOD OF PROJECTS IS ORIENTED ON: -Independent activity of students (individual, pair, group); – A set of various methods and means of training; –Integration of knowledge and skills from various fields; –Concrete-practical result, ready to use.


17 CLASSIFICATION OF PROJECTS By dominant activity: –research; - practice - oriented (applied); – informational (introductory and indicative); -creative; - role-playing (game); - telecommunications. By the nature of contacts between the participants: -inside cool; – between classes; -intraschool; – interschool; – urban; – regional; - interregional.

18 CLASSIFICATION OF PROJECTS By duration: -mini-project - 1 - 2 lessons; -short-term - from 3 to 6 lessons; – medium-term – from 2 weeks to 2 months; – long-term – from one quarter and more; - annual - the entire academic year. By the number of participants: -individual project; - a pair project; - group project. According to the content: – educational project; -social project.

20 EDUCATIONAL PROJECT - an organizational form of work that is focused on a deeper study of a completed educational topic or educational unit, which allows to implement an approach to learning through experience, through action and involving the use of research and search methods. LEARNING PROJECTS MAY: – have specific features for areas of study; – have interdisciplinary common features; – to be guided by the teacher and completely independent; -characterized by the objective novelty of the results; – not be limited to the educational process; – be productive for society in terms of solving its problems.

21 ADVANTAGES OF INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP PROJECTS Advantages of individual projects: – project work plan can be built and tracked with maximum accuracy; - the student develops a sense of responsibility; - the student gains personal experience at all stages of the project; - the formation of the most important general educational skills and abilities (research, presentation, assessment) in a student turns out to be a completely manageable process. Advantages of group projects: - cooperation skills are formed in the project group; - the project can be carried out in the most profound and versatile way; -at each stage of work on the project, as a rule, there is a situational leader. Each student, depending on their strengths, is actively involved in the work at a certain stage; – within the framework of the project group, subgroups can be formed that offer different ways to solve the problem, ideas, hypotheses, points of view; the element of competition between them, as a rule, increases the motivation of the participants and positively affects the quality of the project.

22 METHODOLOGICAL PASSPORT OF THE EDUCATIONAL PROJECT – name of the project; - the customer of the project; -project Manager; -academic subject; - type of project by classification; -the topic of educational and thematic planning of the subject; -goals: educational, developing, educational; – knowledge, skills and general educational skills that the project participants will acquire; -composition and educational and thematic tasks of each group; –project issues (3-4 problematic issues); -necessary equipment; - stages of work on the project; is the intended product of the project.

23 STAGES OF WORK ON THE PROJECT Stage I – motivational Teacher: – declares the general plan, – creates a positive motivational mood. Pupils: - discuss the task; - offer their own ideas; - Establish working groups. Stage II - planning activities for the implementation of the project: - the theme and goals of the project are determined; – tasks are formulated and specified; – the information (sources) is specified; - an action plan is developed; - the means to achieve the goal are determined; – criteria for evaluating the result and the process are established; - Agree on how to work together.

24 STAGES OF WORK ON THE PROJECT Stage III - informational and operational (implementation of the project) Pupils: -collect material; – develop documentation, manufacturing technology of the design product; - conduct research; - work with literature and other sources; – directly carry out the project; - draw up a project; – draw up a project protection plan, distribute the roles of participants for protection. Teacher: - oversees the progress of the project; – coordinates the actions of the group leaders and each project participant; -supports and helps those who need help; -participate in group meetings; - contributes to the process of creativity of students; is itself a source of information.

25 STAGES OF WORK ON A PROJECT Stage IV - reflective-evaluative Pupils: – submit projects for examination; - protect the project; – participate in a collective discussion and meaningful assessment of the results and work process; - evaluate the achievement of goals; – carry out oral or written self-assessment; – correct or supplement the content of the project; - reflect; Teacher: -acts as a participant in collective assessment activities; – translates together with students the rating scale into a five-point grading system.

27 SOCIAL DESIGN STUDENT SOCIAL DESIGN is an activity conceived, thought out and carried out by students that has a social effect, the result of which is the creation of a real (but not necessarily material) “product” that has practical significance for a teenager and is fundamentally new in his personal experience. SOCIAL DESIGN IS: - technology for solving social problems - the process of constructing desired states of the future - a promising technology for using sociological knowledge.

28 DIFFERENCES OF A SOCIAL PROJECT FROM OTHER TYPES OF PROJECTS – project focus on solving acute social problems; – implementation in the process of project activities of the transition from the global level of problem statement (national, world) to the local (at the level of school, microdistrict, city); - proposal and justification of real ways to solve the problem under consideration and an attempt to fully or partially implement them; – team nature of work on the project; – carrying out sociological research in one form or another as part of the work on the project; – implementation of interaction with the public and government agencies aimed at achieving the goals of the project.

29 SUBJECTS OF SOCIAL DESIGN: -individuals, -organizations, labor collectives, -social institutions, -specially created project groups A necessary feature of a designing subject is its social activity. OBJECTS FOR THE TRANSFORMATION OF WHICH THE SOCIAL PROJECT IS AIMED: -social phenomena; -social relations; -social institutions, their activities; -social environment;

30 Collection of information Study of the legislative and legal framework Study of legislative and legal framework sociological polls Sociological polls Analysis of media materials Analysis of the Media Media Media Media, Interviews with specialists of the meeting, Interview with specialists Development of their own option to solve their own option for solving the problem implementation of the action plan Drawing up a portfolio Presentation Reflection of circulation, social correspondence of circulation, social correspondence Own participation of students' preparation for work on the project Preparing students to work on the project Choosing a problem of work on the project stages of work on the project
32 EVALUATION CRITERIA FOR PROJECTS Each criterion can be evaluated with a maximum of 3 points: -Criteria "Setting a goal, planning ways to achieve it"; –Criterion "Depth of disclosure of the project topic"; – Criterion "Variety of sources of information, expediency of their use"; –Criterion "Personal interest of the author, creative approach to work"; –Criterion "Compliance with the requirements for the design of the written part"; –Criterion "Quality of the presentation"; -Criterion "Quality of the project product".
34 LEVEL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE FORMATION OF THROUGH META-SUBJECT SKILLS Levels of formation of the ability to learn: - The ability to set goals for learning activities; – Ability to plan the solution of a learning problem (choose and determine the sequence of actions, the means and stages necessary for this); – Ability to solve a learning problem (modeling, finding a solution, application and concretization); – Ability to control the process and the result of solving a learning problem; – The ability to assess the measure of one's progress in solving a learning problem. Levels of formation of educational cooperation: -Initiative in educational cooperation; –Planning educational cooperation; – Positional interaction; – Communication management. Levels of formation of reading literacy of information texts: - Ability to navigate in the text, search for information; – Analysis of textual information; – Structuring and fixing textual information; – Use (application) of textual information.

37 QUESTIONS - ASSISTANTS FOR PREPARING FOR PROJECT DEFENSE: -What is the name of your project? -Name the main issue (problem) of your project. Why is it important to answer this question? -Tell me, what did you do? – What did you manage to accomplish right away and why? – What caused you the greatest difficulty? -Assess the quality of project implementation and design. What did you like most about working on the project? – Tell us about your role in the project. – Are you satisfied with the result of your work? – What did you learn while participating in this project?

38 WHAT TO EVALUATE IN A GROUP PROJECT: –presence of goal-setting elements; - the ability to plan common work, distribute responsibilities among group members and follow the plan; – use means and methods of action adequate to the chosen goal, including the use of ICT; - the ability to control their actions and the actions of partners in the group; - the ability to negotiate, listen to the partner's opinion; - the ability to present the work performed; - the ability to evaluate their own work, the work of their group and the work of other groups.

Report of Borodina I.V. Organization of research activities during lesson and

after-hours (theory).

slide 1. Subject- "Organization of research activities in the lesson and

extracurricular time (theory).


    To acquaint teachers with the concepts of "research", "research activities of students".

    To analyze the level of readiness of teachers to organize research work in the classroom and outside of school hours.

    To reveal the conditions for the successful implementation of research activities and the role of the teacher in organizing the research activities of students.

slide 2

I would like to start today's teachers' council with the words of Carl Rogers:

Under the organization of research work of schoolchildren is understood, first of all, the use by teachers of certain forms and methods of work that contribute to the development of research skills of students.

In 2011, education switched to a new federal state educational standard for general education. According to the second generation standard, goals and educational objectives are presented at several levels - personal, meta-subject and subject. The second generation standard is based on new principles of its construction, which are based on the fact that such qualities as initiative, the ability to think creatively and find non-standard solutions become the most important conditions for the formation of a modern personality. The National Educational Initiative “Our New School” emphasizes the need to involve schoolchildren in research projects, creative activities, during which students learn to design, invent, and use the acquired knowledge in practice. One of the main directions of the educational process is the development of students' ability to research.

slide 3(on the slide "You can't teach another to do what you yourself can't do.eat do. No didactics will teach you to learn the capepour an indifferent man-machine, a teacher, withtired of working according to a template, according to a stamp, according to a rigidalgorithm programmed in his head. Everydy teacher should be able to apply to his conspecific case, general theoretical, in particular - aboutphilosophical principles, and not to wait for someone else to present him with a ready-made recipe that willfrom their own mental labor, from the necessitythink first and foremost."E.V. Ilyenkov )

The rapidly changing life forces teachers to reconsider the role and importance of exploratory behavior in human life and exploratory teaching methods in the practice of mass education.

With the beginning of the 21st century, it becomes more and more obvious that the skills and abilities of research search are required not only for those whose life is already connected or will be connected with scientific work, they are necessary for every cultured person in order to reveal his creativity, creative abilities and intellectual potential. .

Domestic teachers and psychologists are developing new educational technologies based on the research search for a child in the learning process.

slide 4

The foundations of research learning can be found in the teachings of Renaissance humanist teachers, in the works of the classics of pedagogy J.Zh. Rousseau, J. Comenius, J. Locke, I. Pestalozzi and others. Novikov in the second half of the 18th century. Great figures and teachers of Russia K.D. Ushinsky, N.A. Dobrolyubov, D.I. Pisarev, N.G. Chernyshevsky and others were of great importance in the theoretical substantiation of the problem of research activity. In the post-revolutionary period, the research method was promoted in our country in the modern school of N.K. Krupskaya, S.T. Shatsky, B.E. Raikov. In the 50-70s of the twentieth century in Russia, a number of works of well-known didacticists and methodologists were devoted to the issues of the research method: S.G. Shapovalenko, M.N. Skatkina, I.Ya. Lerner and others. The main concepts of research activity, its goals, objectives, stages of building activity, results are considered in the works of A.V. Leontovich, A.S. Obukhov, A.N. Poddyakova, A.I. Savenkova, N.G. Alekseeva and others. It is mainly about building up the research activities of students outside the lesson.

slide 5

What is research.

Exploration (1) - to extract something "from the trace", i.e. restore a certain order of things by indirect signs, imprints of the general law in specific, random objects. Research (2) is the process of developing new knowledge, one of the types of human cognitive activity.

slide 6What is student research activity?

The research activity of students is the activity of students associated with the solution by students of a creative, research problem with a previously unknown solution and involving the presence of the main stages: problem statement, study of the theory devoted to this issue, selection of research methods and practical mastery of them, collection of their own material, its analysis and generalization, scientific commentary, own conclusions.

Many people believe that a person can become a researcher only when he gains life experience and has a certain amount of knowledge and skills. In fact, research does not need a stock of knowledge, the one who researches must “learn”, “find out”, “understand”, “draw a conclusion” himself. Research activity is an innate need, you only need to develop it, and not suppress it. The environment, parents and educational institutions play a role in this.

Slide 7

It is said that a real explorer is distinguished from all other people by a special kind of hunger - for search, paradoxes and solutions! The parable of a hungry man and fishing has already become commonplace in pedagogy. It is important not only to feed the hungry with fish, the main thing is to teach him how to catch it! If we give him a fish, we will help him only once, but if we teach him how to fish, we will feed him for life.

From the point of view of the learning process, there are fundamentally four different types:

Give fish and do not teach fishing;

Teach the hungry to catch;

As teachers, we must constantly think about which of these types of learning is most effective in a particular educational situation.

Slide 8

What is the significance of research activities for students:

Learn the ability to independently acquire knowledge;

They feel the need for continuous self-education: interest in knowledge develops on their own initiative, without external stimulus;

Develop self-organization skills;

Form an adequate self-esteem;

Acquire the skills of speech culture: writing a text, uttering a monologue, conducting a conversation, discussion, interviewing and other forms of communicative interaction;

They master the skills of creating special materials for presenting research results: computer presentations, slide shows, videos, etc.

I would like to note that in addition to the cognitive, developing value, independent research activity, in my opinion, has another important meaning - it is the socialization of the student's personality, overcoming the discomfort of a gifted child, the formation of success, preparation for independent life, professional self-determination of students.

Slide 9

Types of research activities

Educational research is divided into three groups: mono-subject, inter-subject and over-subject.

1. Monosubject research - this is a study performed on a specific subject, involving the involvement of knowledge to solve a problem in this particular subject. The results of a mono-subject research do not go beyond the scope of a separate academic subject and can be obtained in the process of studying it. This study aims to deepen students' knowledge of a particular subject at school. The purpose of a mono-subject educational research is the solution of local subject problems, which is implemented under the guidance of a teacher - a subject teacher, in only one subject. An example of such a mono-subject study, for example, in geography, can be a geographical fact: "The role of air masses in climate formation." Of course, when a student begins to conduct research work in this case, he does not go beyond the scope of the subject of geography, “digging” only in one direction - the geographical direction, without affecting either mathematics (algebra, geometry), or biology, or chemistry, and so on.

2. Interdisciplinary Research - this is a study aimed at solving a problem that requires the involvement of knowledge from different academic subjects in one or more educational areas.

The results of the interdisciplinary research are beyond the scope of a separate academic subject and cannot be obtained in the process of studying it. This research aims to deepen students' knowledge of one or more subjects, or educational areas.

The purpose of interdisciplinary educational research is the solution of local or global interdisciplinary problems, implemented under the guidance of teachers of one or more educational areas. Interdisciplinary instructional research is sometimes referred to as integrated research. For example, research work: "Ecological characteristics of Chelyabinsk in systems of different directions in history and geography." There is an intersection of four school subjects: history, geography, chemistry, ecology. But judging by the title of the research work, the number of subjects sounds only two - history and geography.

3. Supra-subject research - this is a study involving the joint activity of students and teachers, aimed at studying specific problems that are personally significant for high school students. The results of such a study are beyond the scope of the curriculum and cannot be obtained in the process of studying the latter. The study involves the interaction of the student with teachers in various educational areas. The purpose of the over-subject educational research is the solution of local problems of a general educational nature. This educational research is being implemented under the guidance of teachers working in the same parallel classes. Example: "The Internet in our lives: its role in shaping international economic cooperation."

Slide 10

Forms of organization of educational and research work :

Teaching students the beginnings of scientific research is possible through various organizational forms, but the main form should be a lesson, since it is in the lesson that skills and abilities are laid, formed and improved, which together form a tool of knowledge, a method that allows you to move from reproductive learning to a set of knowledge to reconstructive learning ways to get them. This is facilitated by modern interactive technologies, such as project methods, research methods, developmental learning technologies (problem method, partial search method), as well as information technologies that are widely introduced into the practice of the school.

    The forms of organization of research activities include . c) Educational experiment G

a) Traditional lesson system.

Teachers use pedagogical technologies in the classroom based on the use of the research method of teaching.

A method in which, after analyzing the material, setting problems and tasks, and a brief oral or written briefing, students independently study literature, sources, conduct observations and measurements, and perform other search activities. Initiative, independence, creative search are most fully manifested in research activities. Methods of educational work directly develop into methods of scientific research.

This method makes it possible:

The application of the research method is possible in the course of solving a complex problem, analyzing primary sources, resolving the problem posed by the teacher, and more.

Slide 11 There are three levels of the research method of teaching:

Level 3 - both the formulation of the problem, and the choice of method, and the solution itself are carried out by the student.

Slide 10 (return to previous slide)

b) Non-traditional lesson system .

There are many types of non-traditional lessons that involve students performing educational research or its elements: lesson - research, lesson - laboratory, lesson - creative report, lesson of invention, lesson - "Amazing is nearby", lesson of a fantastic project, lesson - a story about scientists, lesson - defense of research projects, lesson - examination, lesson - "Patent for discovery", lesson of open thoughts, etc.

c) Educational experiment allows you to organize the development of such elements of research activities as planning and conducting an experiment, processing and analyzing its results.

Usually a school experiment is carried out on the basis of a school using school equipment. A study experiment may include all or some of the elements of a real scientific study.

G ) Research homework can combine a variety of types, and allows you to conduct an educational study that is quite extended in time.

slide 12

The main goal of educational research is the development of the student's personality, and not obtaining an objectively new result, as in "big" science. If in science the main goal is the production of new knowledge, then in education the goal of research activity is to acquire by students the functional skill of research as a universal way of mastering reality, developing the ability for an exploratory type of thinking, and activating the student's personal position in the educational process on the basis of subjectively new knowledge. .

slide 13 The structure of educational research as a whole corresponds to the structure of scientific research and includes a triad of mandatory sections: preparatory work - carrying out the actualresearch - presentation of results.

Table 1

Slide 14 Stages of involving students in research activities





Work with scientific and journalistic literature; independent search and analysis of information

Oral report at the lesson

Essay writing

Work with literary primary sources; design in accordance with standards

Presentation of all abstracts in the lessons, and the best ones - at conferences in a school or scientific society

Own research activity

Acquaintance with research methods; organization and conduct of research

Publication or presentation of results at scientific and practical conferences of various levels, up to international

Stage 3 involves a research search, creativity, possibly (but not necessarily) the practical significance of the work. Conducted outside of school hours. The results can be presented at scientific and practical conferences of various levels.

slide 15

Schoolchildren, and sometimes teachers, often do not see the difference between abstract and educational research work.

An abstract is an analytical study of a descriptive nature, including a review of relevant literary and other sources in order to assimilate and evaluate the already available scientific information. The abstract contains the title, table of contents, introduction, main part, conclusions, conclusion and list of references.

The total volume of the abstract is 20-25 pages. It is important that in the process of writing an essay, one's own view of the problem is formed.

Educational research work must contain the mandatory elements of scientific research:

isolating the problem

definition of the topic

goal setting,

task formulation,

putting forward a hypothesis

choice of methods for collecting and processing factual material,

conducting experiments,

analysis of the received material, as a result of which the researcher receives answers to the questions posed in the tasks.

The student must demonstrate not only holistic knowledge of the problems posed, but also demonstrate evaluative skills, qualitatively show his own attitude to the topic under study.

With the structure of research work

Scientific research methods

    written survey,

  • slices of knowledge

    independent work


    laboratory work


    work in the archive


    personality questionnaires,

    projective methods

    methods of studying documentary sources

The role of the teacher in organizing the research activities of students:

Motivate - create conditions for setting personal goals by students; demonstrate the significance of research activities and their results;

Educate - provide meaningful and organizational assistance in the work: advise at the request of the student, if necessary, specify implicit problems, ask leading questions, remind.

Incentivize - make adequate demands, create opportunities for students to achieve success, check and evaluate work in a timely and regular manner, show approval, apply various types of encouragement.

Slide 17

For the successful implementation of research activities, a number of conditions are necessary, the most important of which, in our opinion, are:

1. Purposefulness and systematic. Work on the development of research skills should take place both in class and in extracurricular activities.

2. Motivation. Students should see the meaning of their creative independent activity so that they can realize their talents, abilities and opportunities.

3. Accounting for age characteristics. Research should be feasible, interesting, exciting and useful. All stages of research work should be based on an accessible level for a younger student.

4. Psychological comfort. The teacher should give every child the opportunity to believe in themselves, show their best side, support, if something does not work out, help, cheer.

5. The personality of the teacher. In order for research work to be effective, a highly educated teacher is needed who is creative in his work, striving for a new, progressive one.

6. Creative environment. The teacher contributes to the creation of a creative, working atmosphere.

Work on the formation of intellectual skills and abilities should be carried out in extracurricular activities.

It requires a lot of time, but it implies more opportunities for the implementation of educational and research activities.

1) Some schools include student research practice in their educational programs

2) There is a practice of passing transfer and final exams in the form of defending the final examination work.

3) Educational expeditions - hikes, trips, excursions with clearly defined educational goals, a program of activities, thoughtful forms of control. Educational expeditions provide for active educational activities of schoolchildren, including those of a research nature.

4) Optional classes, involving in-depth study of the subject, provide great opportunities for the implementation of their educational and research activities of high school students.

5) Student Research Society (UNIO) - a form of extracurricular work that combines work on educational research, collective discussion of the intermediate and final results of this work, organization of round tables, discussions, debates, intellectual games, public defenses, conferences, etc. ., as well as meetings with representatives of science and education, excursions to institutions of science and education, cooperation with UNIO of other schools.

6) The participation of students in olympiads, competitions, conferences, including remote, subject weeks, intellectual marathons, involves the implementation of educational research or their elements within the framework of these events.

7) work at the school educational and experimental site, KTD, work in the museum and archive; elective courses, circles, implementation of group and individual projects, research works, creative works.

8) Educational and research activities as an integral part of educational projects are necessary for goal-setting and diagnosing the effectiveness of the project.

So, in the process of preparing for participation in scientific and practical conferences of various levels, which play an important role in the organization of research activities, students show a high level of independence, demonstrating the whole range of acquired knowledge gained in the classroom and through independent work.

The school scientific society unites students who strive to improve their knowledge, develop their intellect, acquire the skills and abilities of educational and research activities under the guidance of teachers.

Schoolchildren get acquainted with the methods and techniques of scientific research, learn to work with scientific literature, select, analyze, systematize information, formulate research problems, and competently draw up scientific work. The activities of the NOU are carried out through the system of additional education. The experience of other schools shows that it is possible to form subject sections in four main areas:

Section of junior schoolchildren;

Physics and Mathematics Section (Physics, Mathematics, Informatics)

Natural science section (biology, geography, chemistry)

Humanitarian section (Russian language, literature, foreign language, local history, history, social studies).

To organize the work of SHNOU, the development of legal documents is required: the Regulations on the NOU, a long-term development plan, requirements for the design of student work, criteria for evaluating research work.

Conducting educational research with younger students is a special area of ​​extracurricular work, closely related to the main educational process and focused on the development of research, creative activity of children, as well as on deepening and consolidating their knowledge, skills and abilities.

Students present the results of their work at the already traditional school scientific and practical conference, where they learn to speak publicly with reports about their work, demonstrate experiments, create presentations, and master the art of discussion. Not only the authors of the works take part in the work of the sections, but also the listeners - interested guys from the class. Guests are invited to the jury - parents of students, representatives of the public, subject teachers. The best prize-winning works can become obligatory participants of the city scientific and practical conference.

I would like to finish my report with the words of V.P. Vakhterov, which today sound relevant “Educated is not the one who knows a lot, but the one who wants to know a lot and knows how to get this knowledge.”

In his own words, he emphasized the exceptional importance of the mental skills of schoolchildren - the ability to analyze, compare, combine, generalize and draw conclusions; the importance of being able to use the techniques of scientific research, even in the most elementary form.

Every child is gifted by nature with a propensity to learn and explore the world around him. Properly delivered training should improve this inclination, contribute to the development of relevant skills and abilities. Therefore, the teaching staff needs to instill in schoolchildren a taste for research, to equip them with methods of research activity. We think that the organization of research activities is a promising way for the development of children, and in order to make learning scientific, high-quality and creative, it is necessary to include research activities in the educational process of the school.

Despite the difficulties, it seems to us that the research activity of students has a future, since in modern conditions a person is required precisely the ability to solve his own problems, find a way out of a difficult situation, show initiative and creativity to achieve a successful career and self-realization.

Research work is a lot of work that requires time, careful preparation, and creative activity. It is necessary to teach students to build their work according to the developed plan:

    Choice of research topic.

    Research work.


Research work at school provides an opportunity for students to try themselves in various areas of educational activity, increases the motivation for studying the subject, and allows them to make independent decisions.

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"organization of research d-ti..."


  • To acquaint with the concepts of "research", "research activities of students".
  • To form an idea of ​​the role of educational research, types and forms of organization of research work in the classroom and outside the classroom.
  • To reveal the role of the teacher in the organization of research activities


"A significant influence on behavior and activity is exerted by the knowledge that is independently acquired by a person and is associated with a discovery made by him."

Carl Rogers

“You can't teach someone else to do what you can't do yourself. No didactics will teach to teach to think an indifferent man-machine, a teacher who is used to working according to a template, according to a stamp, according to an algorithm hard-coded in his head. Each teacher should be able to apply general theoretical, in particular, general philosophical principles to his specific case, and not wait for someone else to present him with a ready-made recipe that saves him from his own mental work, from the need to think, first of all, for himself.

E.V. Ilyenkov

What is research?

Exploration (1) - to extract something "from the trace", i.e. restore a certain order of things by indirect signs, imprints of the general law in specific, random objects.

Research (2) is the process of developing new knowledge, one of the types of human cognitive activity.

Research activities -

activities of students related to the search for an answer to a creative, research problem with a previously unknown solution ...

The Parable of the Hungry Man and catching fish

  • It is important not only to feed the hungry with fish,
  • the main thing is to teach him to catch it!
  • If we give him a fish, we'll only help him once,
  • and if we teach to catch, then we will feed for life

The Parable of the Hungry Man and catching fish

four types of learning process:

  • give fish and not teach fishing;
  • teach the hungry to catch;
  • feed, and then teach fishing;
  • teach fishing and feed at the same time.

  • the process of solving scientific and personal problems by students and the teacher, which has as its goal the construction of subjectively new knowledge.

Formation of research skills

Teach students:

  • think independently;
  • find and solve problems;
  • predict results;
  • establish causal relationships;
  • evaluate the results;
  • develop self-organization skills;
  • be able to create special materials for presenting research results: computer presentations, slide shows, etc.

Research method of teaching

research method is defined as an independent solution by students of a new problem for them using such elements of scientific research as observation and independent analysis of facts, putting forward a hypothesis and testing it, formulating conclusions, laws and patterns

  • monosubject
  • interdisciplinary
  • oversubject.

Forms of organization of educational and research work :

a) Traditional lesson system.

b) Non-traditional lesson system .

c) Educational experiment .

G ) Research homework.

Three levels of research method of teaching :

  • Level 1 - the teacher poses a problem to the student and suggests ways to solve it;
  • 2nd level - the teacher only poses a problem, and the student independently chooses the research method;
  • Level 3 - both the formulation of the problem, and the choice of method, and the solution itself are carried out


Research classification

  • by number of participants(collective, group, individual)
  • at the venue(class and extracurricular)
  • by time(short and long term)
  • on this topic(subject or free)
  • on the issue(mastering the program material; deeper mastering of the material studied in the lesson; questions not included in the curriculum)

  • fantastic- focused on the development of non-existent, fantastic objects and phenomena;
  • empirical- closely related to practice and involving the conduct of their own observations and experiments;
  • Theoretical- focused on work on the study, generalization of facts, materials contained in various theoretical sources. This is what you can ask other people, what is written in books, etc.

  • The topic should be interesting, captivate the researcher.
  • The topic should be feasible, its solution should bring real benefit to the participants in the study.
  • The theme should be original, it needs an element of surprise, unusualness.
  • The topic should be such that the work can be done relatively quickly.

How to formulate a research topic:

What am I interested in? (Subject, field of science, time, territory, sphere of human activity...)

What made me interested in this?

What do I already know about it?

What exactly do I want to know about it?

What do others say about it?

What is the main thing I have learned?

Types of teaching and research activities in the classroom:

lesson - research;

lesson - laboratory;

lesson - creative workshop;

lesson - design;

lesson - examination;

open mind lesson...

Educational and research activities outside the classroom:




Educational projects



Educational research work

Methods and methods of activity of younger students:

in lesson activities

- collective educational dialogue, examination of objects, creation of problem situations, reading-examination, collective modeling, mini-projects;

in extracurricular activities

- games-activities, jointly with the child the definition of his own interests, individual drawing up of schemes, the implementation of models from various materials, excursions, exhibitions of children's works.

  • formulation of the problem;
  • study of theory related to the chosen topic;
  • selection of research methods and practical mastery of them;
  • collection of own material;
  • analysis and generalization of the material;
  • own conclusions.

  • Choice of research topic.
  • Formulation of goals, objectives, choice of methods.
  • Research work.
  • Decor.
  • Protection - presentation of the results of work.

  • motivate
  • teach
  • stimulate

advises, advises, guides, leads to possible conclusions.


asks questions consults



“Educated is not the one who knows a lot, but the one who wants to know a lot and knows how to get this knowledge.”

V.P. watchmen

Stage 1. Choice of research topic. Answer the questions:

  • What interests me the most?
  • What do I want to do first?
  • What do I do most often in my free time?
  • In what subjects do I get the best marks?
  • What did you want to know more about in school?
  • Is there anything I'm particularly proud of?

Clue: Research topics can be:

  • - fantastic;
  • - experimental;
  • - theoretical;
  • - inventive.

  • Determining the purpose of the study means answering the question of why you are doing it. The goal indicates the general direction, while the tasks describe the main steps. Research objectives clarify the purpose.

Stage 3. Research hypothesis

To formulate a hypothesis, use the words:

  • - suppose;
  • - allow;
  • - Maybe;
  • - what if.

Stage 4. Organization of the study

think for yourself

  • What do I know about it?
  • What judgments can I make about this?
  • What conclusions can be drawn from what is already known about the subject of research?

Browse Related Books

  • Write down the important information you learned from the books.

Ask other people

  • Write down interesting information received from other people.

Watch TV content

  • Write down something unusual that you learned from the films.

Use the Internet

  • Write down what you learned with the computer


  • Write down interesting information obtained from observations: amazing facts and paradoxes.

To conduct an experiment

  • Write down the plan and results of the experiment

Stage 5 Preparing to defend your work.

Stages of preparation:

1. Select the main concepts from the text and give them definitions:

a) clarification by way of example; b) description;

c) characteristic; d) comparison; e) difference.

2. Classify the main objects, processes, phenomena and events.

3. Identify and label all the paradoxes you have noticed.

4. Rank the main ideas in order of importance.

5. Offer comparisons and metaphors.

6. Draw conclusions and conclusions.

7. Indicate possible ways to further study the problem.

8. Prepare the text of the report.

9. Prepare means of visual presentation of the report.

Target: effective use of the project method as a form of organization of activities and socialization of the subject of the educational process

Tasks of the pedagogical council: create conditions for: understanding the goals of project activities, opportunities and technological means; increasing the interest of teachers in innovative technologies; understanding by teachers of the need to acquire new knowledge for the correction of pedagogical activity on the basis of introspection and self-regulation.

Work form: frontal, group

Equipment: computer, multimedia equipment, visual and handout material, presentation materials.

The agenda of the pedagogical council:

Stages Regulations
1. What is a project 25 minutes
2. Working with concepts: report, abstract, research work, project
3. The relevance of the chosen topic of the pedagogical council
4. Project “Play Energy” - analysis of school activities 10 minutes
5. Practical lesson “Stages of project activity and their tasks” 10 minutes
6 From work experience. 8 minutes
7. Defense of the experience “Organization of design and research activities in elementary school” 10 minutes
8 Analysis of the activities of SHNO “Luch” 5 minutes
9 Brainstorm. Reflection 2 minutes
10. Draft decision of the teachers' council

The course of the pedagogical council

1) What is a project

Tell me and I will forget.
Show me so I can remember.
Let me do it myself
And it will be mine forever.
Ancient wisdom.

In the PISA International Study of Student Educational Achievement, which was conducted three times in about thirty countries around the world, Russian students have never risen above 27th place, which, unfortunately, indicates a very low level of their competence. This, however, does not mean that they know little or that they are poorly taught. They have enough knowledge, and they are still taught well in most cases. But they do not teach exactly what a modern person needs. The child is inquisitive, that is, he is “curious to know” everything, everything is interesting, he wants to touch everything, try it, study the device and the principle of operation. Is this not a clearly expressed innate research quality? With age, there is a transformation of the research orientation. In early childhood, absolutely everything is interesting! But very little time passes, and selectivity manifests itself - only what in the field of view is of real interest is investigated. Then the child goes to school, and he has to study and explore a lot of tasks - planned by different programs and standards. And very often there is simply neither time nor energy to study what is of the greatest interest. And this despite the student-centered approach to learning! Research qualities, of course, do not fade away completely, but turn into passive luggage. And in the seventh or eighth grade, when the olympiads and conferences begin, teachers try to “develop research skills, qualities,” but in fact they have to not so much develop, but rather reanimate the “fallen into a coma”. The exploratory spirit can wake up and show itself very violently at an older age, or it can remain dormant. Meanwhile, the main requirement of modern society for the school is the formation of a personality that would be able to independently creatively solve scientific, industrial, social problems, think critically, systematically replenish their knowledge through self-education, improve skills, and apply them in practice. Our task is not to fill the heads of students with various knowledge (the volume of which, according to various standards, has reached such a level that the child simply cannot sometimes remember such an amount of useless information for him), but to instill the habit and ability to independently advance in the information field, the ability to set and decide tasks in educational activities and everyday life. The project method is the teacher's best assistant here. This method can be considered as a way of universal knowledge of the world by students and as a tool for the individual development of the personality, its creative potential, the formation of self-determination skills.

What is a project Project” - borrowed from the German language in the Petrine era from the Latin “project” (Etymological Dictionary) Project - plan, assumption, destiny; conceived, proposed business, set out in a letter or in a drawing. To design = to project - to conceive, to guess, to suppose, to think for execution. (V.Dal). A project is a plan, an idea, as a result of which the author should get something new: a product, relationship, program, book, film, model, etc. The project method developed back in the first half of the 20th century is again becoming relevant in the modern information society. However, the introduction of project activities into school practice sometimes encounters certain difficulties. Often a project is called any independent work of a student, say, an essay or report. In general, the confusion with the terms here is quite large, and our mass media actively contribute to this, in which sports events, show programs, and charity events are called projects. It is not surprising that sometimes teachers do not have a clear idea of ​​the project as a teaching method, and students do not have a clear idea of ​​the project as a well-defined type of independent work. To avoid all these problems, it is necessary to clearly define what a project is, what are its features, what is the difference from other types of independent work of the student, what is the degree of teacher participation at various stages of the project, how it depends on the age of the student and on his other individual characteristics. . Among the various types of independent activities of students, reports, abstracts and educational research are closest in terms of genre to projects. Maybe that's why they are often confused not only by children, but also by adults. Before talking about the project as a learning method, let's be clear.

2. Work with the concepts of “report”, “Abstract”, “research”, “project”.

A REPORT is an oral or written communication with the aim of acquainting listeners (readers) with a certain topic, giving general information, and this does not require scientific verification or proof.

SUMMARY is the collection and presentation of comprehensive information on a given topic from various sources, including the presentation of different points of view on this issue, the presentation of statistical data, interesting facts.

RESEARCH WORK - work related to the solution of a creative research problem with a previously unknown result.

PROJECT - work aimed at solving a specific problem, at achieving a pre-planned result in the best way. The project may include elements of reports, abstracts, research and any other types of independent creative work of students.

For the teacher, the most valuable thing in the project method is the process of work itself, since it is a tool, a didactic means of teaching and developing children. Students are more interested in the result of the work. With this construction of project activities, students demonstrate the highest activity and interest in the project, find themselves in various life situations, face difficulties, overcome them both intuitively and through new knowledge that needs to be independently obtained to achieve the goal.

3. Relevance of the chosen topic.

Project activity requires the teacher to create conditions for expanding the cognitive interests of children, the possibilities of their self-education in the process of practical application of knowledge, he becomes the initiator of interesting undertakings, stimulates the independent activity of students, their ingenuity and ingenuity. In a certain sense, the teacher ceases to be a “subject teacher”, but becomes a generalist teacher, acting in various roles: an enthusiast (increases the motivation of students by supporting, encouraging and guiding them towards achieving goals); specialist (possesses knowledge and skills in several areas); consultant (organizes access to information resources, including other specialists); manager (especially in matters of time planning); “a person who asks questions”; coordinator of the entire group process; expert (gives a clear analysis of the results of the completed project). Project activity helps to solve the following educational tasks: - develops the child's interest in learning through independent understanding of the task set by him; promotes the formation of research skills; through creative activity contributes to the development of the personality of the child; contributes to the development of key competencies of students; gives the child the experience of learning in the system of university technologies (which will ensure the success of the student at the university in the future). The introduction of project technologies at school improves the quality of education, as the motivation of students to learn increases, their interest in the subject awakens. In contrast to traditional education, where the main element is the reference notes and the textbook, and the goal is to obtain information, the project method follows the goals of advanced personality development. The method not only involves the activity of students in solving new problems for them, but pursues the development of the student's personality as the main goal. Part of the projects can be taken from the school curriculum and created by the children themselves together with the teacher and parents in the learning process, part can be based on the phenomena of the surrounding reality and social experience. In our case, social projects created together with parents and projects whose ideas were born “on the way” will be considered.

4. Project "Play Energy" - analysis of the activities of the school

The international competition "PLAY ENERGY" is an opportunity to demonstrate your creative and organizational potential. And, of course, your knowledge. The competition is a great opportunity to invent a new way to use electrical energy. The goal of the “PLAY ENERGY” project is to instill in the younger generation a culture of energy consumption, to teach them to take care of the environment and the ecology of their native city. For several years, schoolchildren from Nevinnomyssk have been submitting their creative and research works for participation in the competition along with peers from Italy, the United States of America, Bulgaria, Chile, Costa Rica, Brazil, Guatemala, Romania, Panama and Russia. Of all cities in Russia, Konakovskaya GRES (Tver Region), Nevinnomysskaya GRES (Stavropol Territory), Reftinskaya GRES (Sverdlovsk Region), Sredneuralskaya GRES (Sverdlovsk Region) take part in the competition. Russian schoolchildren got a unique opportunity to join students from other countries of the world. Such an association allowed the guys from our city to learn more about the state of the energy industry in each individual country and on an international scale. As part of Enel's PLAY ENERGY, a competition has been announced to find the original development of nature-preserving solutions for the city of the future - the main award for the winning class will be a trip to Rome to participate in the awards ceremony. In Russia, the competition is held by the largest energy company Enel for the fifth time, including in the city of Nevinnomyssk, where the branch of Enel OGK-5 is located.

This competition has been held in the city of Nevinnomyssk for 5 years. Our school takes part in the competition for 4 years in a row and every year we have prizes, both at the regional level and at the international level. Each year the competition is held under a certain theme. 2009-2010 "Following the traces of energy" was attended by 10 leaders and 75 students of the school from grades 5-11, 2010-2011 "Game energy" 13 leaders and 91 students from grades 5-11, energy” 15 leaders and 99 students, 2012-2013 “Energy from school” 15 leaders and 92 students. Every year there is an increase in those wishing to take part in the competition, and since last year leaders and primary school students have joined us. Last year's winners were 6th grade students. In addition, they were awarded separate prizes from the Minister of Energy, Industry and Communications of the Stavropol Territory for the project “Ecological Refueling” of 6th grade and the leader, the Director of the NGRES projects: “Geothermy and geothermal sources” 8th grade and the leader, “My house ”grade 5 and head, city administration projects: “Solar kitchen” 5b grade head, “Alternative energy sources - in the service of man” 5b grade, “My home is the use of alternative energy sources” 5b grade, City Duma project “Calendar of Energy” 4 a class leader, by the committee on youth policy of the administration and the city projects: “Journey of Dunno” 8 to class, “Variety Energy” 7 to class, editorial office of the newspaper “Nevinnomyssky Rabochiy” projects: “Seventh Heaven Aviation Club” 6 b class, “Smart City” 6th class. This year, the results of the regional competition have been summed up and our school has taken 1st place for the model “White Lake” in grade 7b, and the 3rd place for the model “Economic City of the Future” in grade 9.

5. Stages of project activity and their tasks.

The project activity consists of 5 stages. Each stage poses certain tasks. The first step is to define the theme and purpose. The tasks of this stage: to collect ideas, discuss, come to a common opinion, formulate the goals of the project. The tasks of the teacher as the organizer of the project are to arouse interest in the topic, to lead a discussion of the topic and problems, to help in determining the goal and objectives. The second stage is work planning: from the goal to the distribution of stages and responsibilities. Tasks of the stage: determine the forms of work, plan the work in accordance with the deadline for its completion, determine the method of collecting information, distribute responsibilities. The tasks of the teacher at this stage: to give a general idea of ​​the entire process of project activities, to fix in the minds of students the decisions they have made. The third stage is the implementation of the project. Main tasks: define specific tasks, work in groups (group project) or individually (individual project), coordinate work together, make changes to planning. The tasks of the teacher at this stage: to assist in the search and processing of information, to control the development of conflicts, to control the time frame. The fourth stage is the presentation of the project. Tasks of the stage: decide who and what will present, choose the form of presentation, prepare for questions. Tasks of the teacher: to introduce the techniques and form of presentations, to assist in the presentation. The last fifth stage is the reflection and evaluation of the project. At this stage, the results of the project, the individual contribution, the contribution of the group are evaluated. And here I want to give an example project

6. From work experience.

Work on the projects of the Play Energy competition began in the 2011-2012 academic year. We have created a baby book “The Adventure of the Sun and the Wind”. The organizers of the competition noted this project, but did not give a prize. In the next academic year, the students of our class created a model of the Seventh Heaven aviation club. The project was beautiful, colorfully executed, but not operational. However, we were also noted by the Nevinnomyssky Rabochy newspaper and invited for the second time to the festive awards.

Later we analyzed the results: why we did not manage to take a prize this year and what we need to take into account in the future. One thing was clear - the project must be operational, at least partially. All summer the guys read magazines, CDs, studied interesting news on the Internet. As a result, we came to the conclusion that it is necessary to present the project of the “White Lake” Health Complex. This layout was created within a few months. the guys worked all together, supplementing and reworking each element, discussing more and more new ideas. We needed to determine the final version, as well as describe all the processes of the activity of this complex. As a result, our project was described by me, theoretically finalized and, most importantly, partially operational. The students were sympathetic to my suggestions and adjusted their efforts in the right direction. Each new stage of assembly work was photographed. We tried very hard, but the results still pleasantly surprised us: first place at the regional level and third place at the national stage of the competition. All project participants decided not to stop there and continue to work on a new idea of ​​energy conservation. I want to emphasize that in order to implement the main idea: to arouse the personal interest of students in the topic of the project, it is not at all necessary for the personal participation of the teacher in this or that event, it is enough that children participated in it and interest in the topic was aroused. The project method is a developmental learning method that helps to overcome the dominance of the "knowledge" approach to learning in favor of the "activity" one. Is it good? The new system of education, which is being formed today, goes under the slogan of the “activity approach”. Of course, the increment of personal knowledge is possible only after getting acquainted with the existing knowledge. Therefore, no one canceled the method of supporting notes and the textbook. Traditional education will disappear only when all the students in the school are motivated to study, and loafers and losers will disappear. This is not a near future, a dream. This method is included in training planning as a companion. The traditional content of education is transferred to the student in order to assimilate it, and the design and research activity in order for the student to create his own content of education in the form of his personal products of creativity.

For the teacher, the most valuable thing in the project method is the process of work itself, since it is a tool, a didactic means of teaching and developing children. Students are more interested in the result of the work. Finding a reasonable balance of these interests allows you to choose the right type of project. By selecting a certain type of project, the teacher can manage the student's activity throughout the entire period of work on the project, thus forming the necessary subject knowledge and skills, general educational skills, and necessary competencies.

7. Protection of work experience “Organization of design and research activities in primary grades”

Not all children are brilliant, but absolutely all are talented.
and A. Arshavsky

Children of primary school age are researchers by nature and take part in various research activities with great interest. The success of a study largely depends on its organization. The problem posed and the topic indicated should be relevant for the child, research work should be done by him voluntarily. I believe that introducing children to research and project activities at an early stage of general education allows you to most fully identify and then develop the intellectual and creative abilities of children.

At the same time, attention should be paid to the fact that research activity does not imply the creation by students of any pre-planned object, which significantly distinguishes it from project activity. "Research is one of the types of human cognitive activity." Elements of research activity, should be formed gradually and move on to more complex project activities. My first task, as a teacher, is to organize such pedagogical conditions that would contribute to the development of independence of thinking and a creative approach to business in students. Today I offer you one of the options for conducting research work in elementary grades. Each new stage of research activity corresponds to the class in which the children study.

In the first grade, children learn to ask questions, make assumptions, observe, and make subject models. In the 1st grade, children do small creative work, such as “My favorite number”, “Fantastic animal”, “New Year's gift”. Reading author's fairy tales, having studied the basic laws of a fairy tale and its genre features, students came up with their own fairy tale characters and stories with them. We listened to stories about Zvezdo - Pooh, the dwarf Lidnets .... The guys composed fairy tales - confusion: “Once upon a time there were a grandfather and a woman, and they had a turnip. Grandfather ate, ate - did not eat, the woman ate, ate - did not eat. The turnip rolled on. Rolling, rolling, and towards her a hut on chicken legs ... ". Children love to do it and do it with pleasure.

The second stage - the second grade of elementary school - is focused on: acquiring new ideas about the features of the researcher's activity. Children can already observe according to the plan, draw up the results of the study in the form of tables, diagrams, drawings. Starting from grade II, I conduct special classes in research activities - 1 hour per week. The presence of classes allows the systematic, purposeful formation of research skills in students. The work is carried out in the following areas: 1. Acquaintance with the theoretical concepts of research activities, such as research, information, knowledge, etc. 2. Implementation of collective research according to a specific plan (observing all stages), on various topics. The design and research work “Educational week of my portfolio” was carried out during the week according to a jointly drawn up plan. As a result of such work, the students practically formed the knowledge that the weight of the portfolio affects their health. Traditionally, we conduct research: “My name”, “My surname”, “Family family tree” At this stage, an independent long-term research is being prepared on topics of interest to students. The study is conducted under my supervision, with the help of parents. For example, “Water around us”, “Scythe-maiden beauty”, “My pets”, etc.

The third stage is 3rd grade. At this stage, the complexity of educational and research tasks increases. In the 3rd grade: 1. In theoretical and practical research activities, students continue to get acquainted with the theory of research, structure, research methods 2. Collective research is carried out on a given topic. Third-graders have higher activity, more interesting, extraordinary approaches and proposals in the implementation of research activities. 3. Students carry out independent long-term research using existing knowledge and skills. Students conduct surveys, questionnaires, conduct simple experiments (under the guidance of a teacher).

4. The course of research is discussed in the classes on research activities, I provide advisory assistance. By the end of the year, some students are able to choose a research topic with a sufficient degree of independence, draw up a research plan, determine one or two tasks, find material, and present a report with a demonstration.

In IV class In the fourth grade, project work reaches a new level, it becomes more analytical. As a result, students are able to independently carry out research work on a chosen topic, using various ways to search for information, research methods, and draw up a finished project on their own.

The main stages of the implementation of research work of students are:

  • Motivation;
  • Choice of research directions;
  • Formulation of the problem;
  • Data capture and pre-processing;
  • Discussion of research results, promotion and testing of hypotheses;
  • Registration of results of work;
  • Competent presentation of research work.

It is very important to interest the student in the performance of this work, to choose a topic that will really captivate him and will be directly related to his interests. When choosing a topic of work, it is important to be aware of its practical significance and ask the question: why this study? In what area and for what purpose can this study be used? Together with me, the student draws up a work plan on the chosen topic. The next stage is an introductory one. The student should read as many articles, brochures, books as possible on the chosen topic in order to know which aspect of the topic has been well studied, and which problems have not yet been resolved and can have their say in this direction. At this stage, a hypothesis is put forward, which, after the study, must either be confirmed or refuted. The most difficult and important stage of work is the collection of material. The more material for research, the wider the range of the phenomenon under study, the more scientific and weighty the conclusions will be.

The collected material is carefully analyzed. Classified. Various methods and methods of research are used: observation, comparison of facts, drawing up diagrams, graphs and tables. a survey and questioning of people of different ages and social groups is carried out. In the course of the study, first intermediate conclusions are made, and then final ones. The student, returning to the beginning of his work, analyzes the implementation of the goals and objectives. When the study is completed, the design phase begins. The work should be not only interesting, but also bright, visually framed. To do this, a presentation is made, which includes photographs, archival materials, graphs and diagrams, students' drawings, etc. Students have a wonderful opportunity to present their own work at different levels of research conferences: school, city, regional, federal, international. Consider some of the most interesting, in my opinion, research papers.

Artyom Podgainy's work on his second cousin, cosmonaut Skripochka Oleg Ivanovich, was very interesting. Studying his pedigree in the 2nd grade, Artyom found out that he had a brother on his mother's side, who achieved a lot in life, became an astronaut, but it happened that he never met him. And when, the following year, he learned from the media that his brother had flown into space, a sense of pride, of course, overwhelmed him. The boy wrote a note to the newspaper, but when classmates began to ask him about the famous relative, it turned out that he knew practically nothing about him. This is how the idea was born: to write a work about cosmonaut Skripochka O. I. A lot of work was done. This is an example of what started work in the second grade. Received a continuation and v3. and then in the 4th grade The work done by a 3rd grade student is of great practical importance in terms of patriotic education, career guidance, promotion of the astronaut profession, which, as our research has shown, is far from popular in our time. Very interesting works were made by students Dmitry Krasnov “The Way to a Feat” about a former student of our school who died in Dagestan, saving the lives of his colleagues, Vyacheslav Orlov “The Huge Sky of Colonel Zuev”, about a paratrooper who took part in the Centaur operation. Which replenished the materials of the school museum. We conduct a lot of research with children on the topic of ecology. We conducted research “How to make the microdistrict cleaner?” “Where does the trash go?” about the water we drink. The most successful and significant works were made by Vyacheslav Orlov “Ecological state of water in the Kuban River”, “The first Russian melamine”.

Sometimes children choose topics that seem already known and irrelevant. But I try to draw up a plan of research with the child so that these studies are interesting, individual. So the work of a 2nd grade student “Chips are delicious! Is it useful?”, took 3rd place at the city scientific and practical conference.

Moving on to secondary school, my students continue their research work under my guidance. So last year, Podgainny Artyom carried out research on the topic “Safe way to school”, he conducted research and came to the conclusion that the traffic situation around school No. 20 is unsafe for its students. Letters of appeal were written to the chief of police, the mayor of the city. As a result, additional speed limit signs were installed.

The most successful are the works on historical themes, the projects “My hobby is beading”, “Times are changing, dolls are changing”, “Gifts from papier-mâché”, etc., since elementary school children do not have enough knowledge to conduct more scientific research. I am proud to speak about the results that my students have achieved in the field of educational research. We chose topics that are impossible to “write off”, since there is no such material in the literary sources.

Design and research activities educate and develop the independence of students in the manifestation of themselves. Working on their projects, conducting research, children acquire not only the ability to work with literature, museum materials, archival materials, to generalize, draw conclusions, analyze, compare, interview, speak to an audience. They become self-confident, liberated, this helps them to be leaders, active participants in school social life. Speaking at city and regional conferences, children learn to communicate with peers, make new friends.

Thanks to design and research activities, the likelihood of students' creative development increases; the combination of theory and practice naturally occurs, which makes the theory more interesting and more real; the activity of students develops, which leads them to greater independence; a sense of social responsibility is strengthened, and, among other things, children experience true joy in the classroom. Today, design and research activities not only contribute to the solution of the above tasks, but also play the role of forecasting. The teacher observes the student's inclination to one or another type of activity, to the subject. This is expressed in some continuity to the Olympiad movement that starts in the middle link. I share the point of view of teachers who call the scientific activity of primary school students the first step in a child's self-realization.

8. Analysis of the activities of the School Scientific Society “Luch”

If a teacher wants to develop a child's skills in working with information, the ability to analyze texts, rank and verify information from various sources, then this is best suited information project- its purpose is to collect, design and present information. Of course, in any type of project there is a stage of collecting information, but there it is only a means of work, and in an information project it is the goal. Here, for the student, the dominant side of the activity will be precisely the work with information and, accordingly, it will be mainly informational competence that will develop and improve in him. For the development of analytical abilities, critical thinking, the development of logical ways of perceiving and processing information, they are more suitable research projects. The goal of the student in this case is to prove or disprove the project hypothesis. To do this, he will need to conduct experiments, analyze their results, generalize, compare, identify patterns, draw analogies, as well as draw conclusions, justify his point of view. Thus, the main emphasis will be placed on mental competence. Often there is a need to improve the practical subject skills and abilities of students. For example, the ability to build graphs of functions, it is appropriate to use various speech turns, understand historical patterns, etc. In these cases, apply practice-oriented project. A teacher can order his students to develop handouts on his subject or, for example, a scenario for a mathematical game, a dictionary of phraseological units, a historical atlas, etc.

In the course of working on the creation of such a project product, students will master the subject knowledge, skills and abilities they need, develop their activity competence.

The greatest space is provided by project activities for the development of creative abilities. Creative project allows the student to express himself by creating a work of any genre. Such projects can radically change the perception of others about the author of the project, raise his status in the classroom, reduce anxiety, increase self-esteem, not to mention the direct development of the child's creative abilities. As you know, any creative work needs presentation and feedback from the audience (viewers, listeners, readers), so the main developmental impact will be on communicative competence.

The development of communication skills is also carried out during game or role-playing projects. The goal of the author of such a project is to involve the public (children and adults) in solving the problem of the project. To achieve this, you will have to not just look for information or create a work of art, you will need to organize the activities of other people, involve them in the work, make it interesting for everyone. Needless to say, how important it is for closed, shy teenagers to master these skills, to acquire or improve their communicative competence.

The variety of types of projects enables the teacher to solve a variety of tasks of teaching and educating adolescents in an interesting form for them. This allows students to actively acquire and apply knowledge and skills, expand their educational arsenal, and then transfer the acquired experience to other types of educational and extracurricular activities.

So, the type of project depends on the leading activity of the student and, in turn, largely determines the type of project product. Creative projects most often culminate in the creation of works of art of various genres or in creative practice-oriented projects, as a rule, embodied in tangible project products, sometimes in events or written instructions, recommendations, etc. As a result of research projects, both scientific articles, brochures, etc., as well as models or layouts, educational films and computer presentations, less often events, such as a study tour or Information projects, can be created. Brochures, tables, diagrams, graphs, diagrams that can be published on paper or posted on the Internet.

Game and role-playing projects are almost always associated with holding events, which in this case are a project product, since the public is involved in solving the problem of the project (for example, the debate game “Nuclear Energy: Pros and Cons”).
Whatever the project product in its type and genre, it must fully meet the quality requirements, that is, be aesthetic, convenient to use, and meet the goals of the project (I remind you that the project product is the embodiment of the optimal way found by the author to solve the project problem). When working on a project product, the author must always remember that he creates this product not only for himself, but also for any other person who happens to face the problem that this project is dedicated to solving. For example, the product of a project devoted to the problem of the relationship between adolescents and their parents was the instruction “Let's live together: how to resolve conflicts with parents”

Let's summarize all of the above in the form of a table.

Project type Objective of the project Project product Type of student activity Formed competence
Solving practical problems of the project customer Tutorials, layouts and models, instructions, memos, recommendations Practical activities in a specific educational subject area activity
Proof or refutation of a hypothesis The result of the study, formalized in the established way Activities related to experimentation, logical mental operations Thinking
Information project Collecting information about any object or phenomenon Statistical data, results of public opinion polls, generalization of statements of various authors on any issue Activities related to the collection, verification, ranking of information from various sources; communication with people as sources of information Informational
creative project Attracting public interest to the project problem Literary works, works of fine or decorative arts, video films Creative activities related to receiving feedback from the public Communicative
Game or role-
howling project
Providing the public with the experience of participating in solving the problem of the project Event (game, competition, quiz, excursion, etc.) Activities related to group communication communi

It is impossible not to say today about our school scientific society, which has been functioning with us for 14 years. We used to start with 9 research projects. Recall that at the 14th conference there were 38 of them, and at 13 - 40, and at 12 - 43. A clear decrease, albeit not quite noticeable. The analysis of the conference has already been carried out. Today I would like to pay attention to the decrease in the activity of students, to the decrease in effectiveness. How can this be explained?

9. Reflection. Brainstorm.


  • Reasons for the decrease in the creative activity of students.
  • Methods for increasing the creative activity of students.
  • Methods for increasing the creative activity of teachers.

Rules for a teacher who decides to work using the project method.

1. The teacher himself chooses whether he will work using the project method.

2. The teacher is fully responsible for the children participating in the project, for their success and safety.

3. The teacher trusts the students, considers them equal participants in the common creative work, and constantly emphasizes this trust with his behavior.

4. The teacher provides opportunities for children to work independently.

5. The teacher develops a new position. There is a change in the position of the lecturer and controller to the position of assistant and mentor.

6. The teacher monitors his speech (not “You did it wrong!”, But “Why did you do it like that?”).

7. The teacher intervenes in the independent work of children only when circumstances require it or the students themselves ask for it.

Tips for a teacher working on the method of projects.

1. You must be sure that the topic of the project is interesting in the classroom.

2. Make sure the theme of the project is flexible enough to be viewed from multiple perspectives.

3. Pay attention to whether the solution to the problem involves various activities (making objects, drawings, applications, taping, interviews, a short play, etc.)

4. Don't overwhelm students with your project. Better less is better.

5. Always be there to lend a helping hand.

6. Set limits so that there is no competition between more and less able.

The main conditions for the organization of work on the project.

  1. The professionalism of the teacher, knowledge of the project methodology, awareness of the wide possibilities of students in the process of project activities.
  2. Teaching students the technology of project activities, the ability to clearly carry out planned work.
  3. The desire of students to work on the project.
  4. The initiated joint activities of the teacher and students on the project should be completed, gradually agreeing on intermediate results.
  5. Availability of information about the progress of the project.
  6. A library available to students, a media library.
  7. Working corners of project groups.
  8. Availability of reference materials for self-examination.
  9. Teaching aids and other materials, selected according to their usefulness.

Draft decision of the teachers' council

Listened to: Deputy Director for Water Management Dunaeva I.I.

  1. School administrations analyze the work of school teachers to enhance project activities, take into account the high performance of teachers when filling out the rating lists. Responsible - administration.
  2. The leaders of the SMO should analyze the results of the work of the members of the methodological association in this direction in order to improve the quality and effectiveness of research activities. Responsible - administration
  3. Recognize the experience of teachers as positive and recommend for use in the teaching staff.
  4. School teachers to carry out educational activities using the project method, taking into account the personal experience of students. Responsible Deputy director for water resources management, heads of SMO
  5. The teachers of the school should continue the exchange of experience on the application of the project method in educational activities through the information network of the school. More responsible - the leaders of the ShMO.

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