Evil genius vs man of steel. Legends of the red luthor Who did lex luthor talk to


Well, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" blew up our theaters and our bottoms, which are blazing with flames from the fierce disputes around the film. I have already expressed your opinion about it, but after hearing so many negative reviews about it, I realized that many viewers did not really see everything that was shown to us in it. In this video I will tell you about some of the observations, easter eggs and references in the movie "Batman v Superman" that you probably didn't notice. So let's go.

Let's start by looking at the film's storytelling style. The pictures on the screen seem to be taken from the pages of such great comics as: "Death of Superman"- Roger Stan and Dan Dodgers, "The Dark Knight Returns"— Frank Miller, "Justice League of America: Act 1"- Gardner Fox, Jerry Conwayne, kingdom come- Mark Void and Alex Ross, "Superman: Peace on Earth" And "Death of Superman". Graphic Novel "The Dark Knight Returns" starts with Bruce Wayne's sports racing. In the film, they decided to change the concept, but the picture is exactly like the comics. Bruce is rushing in a high-speed car through explosions at great speed. The idea of ​​Superman and a nuclear bomb is also taken from this comic, because of which Superman dies for a while. From there, the introduction with the necklace of Bruce's mother and the breaking of the window by Batman are also taken.

The fight with Doomsday and the Dead Superman in Lois Lane's arms copy scenes from "Death of Superman".
And the scene in which Lex threw Lois off the lexcorp tower is copied from the Superman comic. "Birthright". Well, the shots of salvation from the fire, the court and some others exactly repeat the pages of the graphic novel by Alex Ross "Superman The world is not on earth".

And if like a movie - this tape can still be crushed by critics, then as a comic book movie - this is definitely a masterpiece. Zack Snyder has repeatedly spoken about his zadrotsve in comics, which we have not ceased to be convinced of in each of his films. And he proved it once again.

Let's pay attention to an interesting detail. Zack Snyder used a well-known directorial technique and made the first and last scenes of the film the same. The film starts and ends with a coffin. It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the film we see the coffin that gave the symbolic birth of the Dark Knight, and at the end of the film the coffin was a symbol of the birth of the Justice League and the revival of Superman. Despite the fact that the last frame of the film told us quite directly about the fate of Superman, many people did not understand such symbolism. Well, it is enough just to draw an analogy with this scene for everything to fall into place. Yes, the rising ground does mean that Superman has come to his senses.

In the scene in which the cops found Batman branding the perpetrator, you can notice that Bats was sitting in the top corner of the room. In many religions, there are beliefs that demons hide in the upper corners of rooms, so candles and incense sticks are sometimes placed at such angles to drive out demons. And the hostages confirm this analogy, arguing that "the devil himself came for them." This gives us a hint of Batman's reputation as a hard-nosed and cold-blooded vigilante who does justice in the night. And as Lex Luthor said in "Day vs. Night" we see in Superman some sort of antithesis to that Devilish image of Batman. And remembering another analogy of Luther's "God versus Man" we can pay attention to the fact that Superman symbolizes Jesus. He wanders in the mountains gaining wisdom, then does good, saving the girl from the fire and becomes an idol for the people in this scene. However, his good intentions turn against him when he is framed. And forced to save all of humanity, he dies, he is wrapped in a cloak and, as if Jesus, he is resurrected in the final scene. The analogy with the mythical character has been drawn since "Man of Steel", and for greater certainty, it is worth mentioning that Superman in the film is 33 years old, which corresponds to the age of Christ.

Well, now a little about Batman. Despite the fact that Batman does not hesitate to use all means against criminals, we did not see scenes with a clear lethal outcome, but we know for sure that he branded his victims. And they were definitely killed in prison with this stigma. We were shown that Superman sees a photo in which the branded criminals are dead. So it turns out that Batman has his own man in prison, and it could be Jason Todd. This is confirmed by the spoiler from Lego, among the figures we see a red hat (Jason).

And since on the leaked photos from the shooting "Batman v Superman" we saw the gravestone of Dick Grayson, whose full name is Richard, it is obvious that it is his loss that Bruce is going through hard, so it is Jason Todd who is now the new Robin.

In this scene, we hear Bruce telling Diana that he has already met a girl like her. In the film, we learn that Diana stole his reader and when talking about "the same as her" Batman apparently meant the thief, referring to Selina Kyle (Catwoman)

And in the Daily Planet's office, Perry White, Clark's director, says, "The Daily Planet isn't the same as it was in 1938." It was in 1938 that the first Superman comic came out.

The Flash's warning reminds the plot Injustice: Gods Among Us. Where Superman, after the death of Lois Lane, goes crazy and becomes a dictator, which Bruce dreamed of. The phrase "Lois Lane: The Key to Everything" is proof of this. The Flash's line "You were right about him" is also appropriate, it adds motivation to Bruce. And the phrase "Am I too early?" may indicate that the Flash missed time and got there earlier than planned, we see that at first he talked to Bruce as if they were familiar, but when he saw the bewilderment on Bruce's face, he realized that he had come even before they met, and therefore with the last phrase he shouted "you must find us", which certainly speaks of the Justice League.

In this vision of the future, we saw the sign of Darkseid, an omega drawn on the ground and we know that this villain will become the main antagonist of the next movie in the universe - the Justice League. We know that Lex Luthor, while on General Zod's ship, studied materials from krypton, and from the cut scene we learn that he communicated with a hologram of some creature, which apparently may be Steppenwolf, Darkseid's right hand. In the same scene we see the so-called Mother Boxes known to us from the new comic book series NEW 52, these boxes in the universe are a kind of portals. Apparently, Lex, being on the ship, summoned Darkseid and in the same scene we see him standing waist-deep in blood. Perhaps this is some kind of symbolic reminder that all the blood of the planet is on his hands. Maybe the realization of this began to drive him crazy, we are clearly given to understand the beginning of his mental disorder. And at the very end of the film, Lex says that "the bell has already rung", that is, Darkseid has already been called, which is also evidenced by his phrase about "monsters in the darkness, among the stars" and an inverted picture in which demons descend from heaven. By the way, they can refer us to the parademons, the minions of Darkseid, whom we saw in a vision.

Also, Lex Luthor is gay. Such is the guess. DC has already reported that one of the main characters in the universe will have a non-traditional orientation. Many bet on the Flash, but despite the sugary appearance of Ezra Miller - this is not him. It's most likely Lex.

There are many factors in support of this: the phrase "boys!", the moment with the candy... hmmm, the casualness towards the secretary (she openly showed her feelings for Lex), and finally the manner of speech with his obsession with Superman.

Almost all of Lex Luthor's phrases contain references, for example, when talking with Lois, he quoted Lolita Nabokov, but there is one much more important. The phrase we heard back in the trailer is "The red capes are coming!". This phrase is historical. It refers to the American Revolutionary War. Namely, by the night of April 19, 1775. Paul Revere, one of the most celebrated heroes of the American Revolution, was galloping all over Massachusetts at night yelling "Redcoats are coming!" (The redcoats are coming!), warning the revolutionaries of the approaching British troops. And like a hero of the revolution, Lex considers himself the defender of the nation and all of humanity.

The cult of "god" - Superman draws an analogy for him with his father, who was a respected and influential person for everyone, but a tyrant for his family. He considers such a cult to be false and dangerous, and this is the main motivation for him.
Also, the cruelty of the father can also be the cause of his psychosis and non-traditional orientation.

Well, you should pay attention to a jar of peach juice. Many did not understand the reaction of the senator in this scene. The thing is that from this jar she understood about Luthor's intentions.
After all, it is from her lips that we hear the comparison of urine with peach tea and a terrorist attack with something good. And when she saw urine in place of the water - by analogy, she came to the conclusion about another comparison - the act of the court, as something good, fair, becomes a monstrous tragedy - a terrorist attack.

You might not pay attention to the small cameos of the metahumans we caught a glimpse of on screen. For example - Aquaman's eyes glow like those of deep-sea fish. And the Flash, when using his power, creates lightning around himself. Well, Cyborg creates a cube, incredibly similar to the mother box from the cut scene with Luthor.

The search for metahumans is likely to lead Bats to the Suicide Squad. Information surfaced that he had his own spy in the detachment. There are guesses - either one of the two robins. By the way, there is a possibility that we see both of them in this scene, or it is Katana. It should be noted that the images of the characters, their costumes, concepts, in general, everything is taken from the New 52 comics universe. And there Katana is a full-fledged member of the Bat-family. Just like robins. And it is she who, with one of the robins, or even with two, will help Bats to put all the members of the squad behind bars.

And finally, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that JJ Abrams and Zack Snyder deliberately added references to each other in their recent premieres. On one of the Millennium Falcon panels, we saw the Batmobile from the Nolan trilogy, and Snyder saved his best Easter egg for the very end. At the end of the film, we see the identification number of the prisoner Lex Luther TK-421, the same call signs were also used by one of the New Hope stormtroopers, from whom the Khan took the uniform.

Well, perhaps having so much new information in service, you will be able to appreciate the work done by Snyder and fall in love with this film, if only for the fact that he managed to contain so much interesting things.

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Let's instead dig into the movie, pay homage to the source material, and at the same time try to understand what the future holds for the DC movie universe. In this material you will find a list of the most incredible references that you most likely did not notice (so, even after the second viewing, I’m not sure that I didn’t imagine the “Who Watches The Watchmen” graffiti). But one thing I know for sure: a lot of the above will surprise you.

When Bruce hacks into a file stolen from Lex Luthor, he finds a photograph that Wonder Woman badly needed. In this photo, dated 1918, she is posing next to... Steve Trevor! Played by Chris Pine, by the way.

In Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, there is a Robin costume that says "Ha ha ha you got a prank, Batman." This hints that the Joker has already killed Jason Todd, or that Jason Todd is the Joker (contrary to canon). At the same time, in the words of Alfred there are hints of Batman's bitterness, which supports the first version.

When Batman spies a shipment of kryptonite from the White Portuguese, he hides the Batmobile in a place called the Nicholson Trading Co. Nice reference to one of the past Jokers, isn't it? Finally, one can recall the question marks drawn here and there and attribute them to the Riddler.

Bruce Wayne visits Lex Luther in an Aston Martin DB Mark III. The car of this particular brand, equipped with many gadgets and settings, was in James Bond's original novel by Ian Fleming "Goldfinger".

S.T.A.R. Research Laboratory Labs today is a key element of the Flash series, serving as the main character's base. But once the laboratory was also the place of work of Silas Stone, Cyborg's father. At the same time, Joe Morton, who plays Silas Stone, played a similar role in the film Terminator 2: Judgment Day - where he became the creator of Skynet.

Surely you remember the scene where the Flash appears from the monitor screen to deliver an ominous message to Bruce Wayne. It's a nod to Crisis on Infinite Earths, where Barry does exactly the same thing (and also disappears before Batman realizes what or who he was right about). Snyder has hinted that this timeline will return in one form or another in the Justice League (The Flash mentions that he traveled too far back in time, so Bruce's decision to assemble the team could change the future).

The reference to Lois Lane being dead and the "scarlet flash" wearing armor in the future is a nod to the video game Injustice: Gods Among Us, which also depicts a world with Batman and Superman at war.

Zack Snyder borrowed a lot of lines from The Dark Knight Returns comic. But one of the coolest moments in the film is the confrontation between Batman and Anatoly Knyazev. There was a similar situation there: breaking through the wall, Batman, as in the image, points his gun at the villain ... But, instead of shooting him in the head, the hero shoots at the gas tank, and the KGBist burns in the fire! However, given that the mercenary was on the verge of burning Martha Kent alive, it is unlikely that shooting him would have been the worst act in the world.

In Bruce's dream of visiting his mother's grave, the gravestone begins to bleed, but before something terrible breaks out, the hero wakes up. At first I thought that there was a Parademon inside the grave, but then I took a closer look and realized - this is the Man-Bat (Kirk Langstrom, who used the serum for this transformation and became a member of the secret society of supervillains)!

Whether this creature is a metaphor for all the horrors going on in the Dark Knight's mind, or it's just a nightmare with one of his old enemies, it's obvious that Snyder's reference to this bad guy is not in vain. Surprisingly, this is the only real reference to the Batman Rogues Gallery, other than the references to the Joker that we saw in the trailers, which apparently didn't make it into the final cut. I wonder if this line will be extended in the Ultimate version of the movie?

Another thing to miss on a first viewing is Snyder's unique take on the deaths of Thomas and Martha Wayne. After all, the scene from the opening credits - when Martha's necklace is torn by the recoil of a shooting pistol - almost one to one left the pages of The Dark Knight Returns comic book. As well as the scene with the ascension of Bruce into the sky by bats - this is already a direct quote from Miller's comic book. Interestingly, the scene with the murder of Bruce's parents can also be perceived as a reference to the death of the Comedian from the Watchmen - many elements are similar.

We've only spent a few moments in the company of Victor Stone and his father, but the mysterious device the latter uses to heal his son is definitely the Mother Box (a quasi-alive computer built on New Genesis)! This is a slight change in the character's origin story: his cybernetic enhancements give Victor the ability to communicate with the Mother Box and create Boom Tubes to teleport fellow Justice Leaguers. However, by restoring his body, the Mother Box sends Cyborg back to Darkseid, which should make him an even more important part of the team.

It might be a stretch, but at the end of the movie, Lex Luthor yells "Ding, ding, ding!". Reminiscent of the sounds that Mother Boxes usually make, and it feels like Lex is hinting at the arrival of Darkseid.

During Superman's funeral, it's easy to hear a heartbeat-like sound, an obvious hint that the Man of Steel is definitely not dead. It would be easy to assume that this sound is just part of Zimmer's powerful soundtrack, but there is an awful lot of it and it looks awfully like a heartbeat. And it looks like another giant reference to The Dark Knight Returns. It was there that Superman heard Batman's still beating heart after he faked his death during their fight. And while Bruce, Diana (Wonder Woman) and Lois still do not know about the upcoming return of the hero, there is no doubt that Snyder included this in the film as a reference to the original source (besides, Zach expressed the desire to film this particular comic more than once) .

While filming Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Zack Snyder and J.J. Batmobile theft). In Batman v Superman, Lex Luthor's prison jumpsuit is numbered "TK-421". That was the name of one of the stormtroopers who served aboard the first Death Star, whose uniform was stolen by Han Solo and Luke Skywalker.

Despite the fact that it was shown in the trailers, it is unlikely that everyone is familiar with Omega. Darkseid uses this symbol to mark those who are vulnerable to his infestation. Could this be a sign that he somehow infected Superman? Most likely, we are talking about the loss of Lois, which led Clark to the dark side. Apart from Lex's comments at the end of the film, there are no other major references to this villain. Although we do see a Parademon that looks like it just stepped out of the pages of Justice League by Geoff Johns and Jim Lee. It's a very cool reference to Apocalypse (the planet) and maybe we'll be introduced to both it and Darkseid when Justice League comes out.

Remember the photographer at the beginning of the movie? In a recent interview, Zack Snyder confirmed that the guy was Jimmy Olsen (young photojournalist, friend of Lois Lane, Clark Kent and Perry White). Posing as a photographer, Jimmy was actually a CIA agent, and was shot in the head (however, he tried to protect Lois before he died). Olsen will get more screen time in the extended edition of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice, according to Snyder.

Zack Snyder talked a lot about wanting to improve Superman in order to create a more interesting character for the audience (when that doesn't work out, it's Superman Returns). But in BvS, he also plays pranks on those who would like to see an old-fashioned version of the hero.

When Kent reminisces about The Daily Planet's old ideals, Perry White (the paper's editor-in-chief, played by Laurence Fishburne) says they're outdated, not 1938 anymore. And it's a reference to the year the Superman comic was first printed. Interestingly, Perry also refers to Clark as "Smallville". And this affectionate nickname in the comics was commonly used by Lois Lane (and besides, it is a reference to the CW series and the rise of Superman).

The following sources were used in preparing the article: comicbookmovie, moviepilot
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Lex Luthor (Lex Luthor) his full name Alexander Joseph "Lex" Luthor is a fictional character, a supervillain that appears in the universe. The character was created by Jerome Siegel and Joe Shuster, Lex Luthor first appeared in a comic called action comics #23 (April 1940). He appears as a nemesis, but also appears as an adversary and a number of other heroes in the DC Universe.

The character is insane American billionaire tycoon, talented scientist, inventor , philanthropist who resides in the city of metropolis, he is the one of the smartest people in the world . Lex is charismatic and well-known public figure who intends to rid the world of alien superhero superman whom Luthor considers an obstacle in achieving his plans and a threat to everything humanity.

Lex is typically depicted with a bald head, and occasionally wears his high-tech suit, which grants him superhuman strength, the ability to fly, and advanced weaponry. Luthor owns a corporation called Lexcorp and has a personal assistant and bodyguard, Mercy Graves.

Luthor was ranked 4th on the list" Top 100 Comic Book Villains"according to IGN and 8th on the list" Top 100 Comic Book Villains"according to Wizard.


Lex Luthor is the son of Lionel and Letitia Luthor, a wealthy couple from Metropolis. Being a teenager, he spent living in Smallville with his Aunt Lena. It was there that he first encountered Clark Kent.

Golden age

Lex (Aleksey) Luther first appeared as power-hungry criminal genius, who first resisted Man of Steel in a comic action comics#23. He was shown like a middle aged man with red hair, up to accident, resulting in Luthor is mistaken for Superman's main enemy, the Ultra-Humanoid. After that, Alexei Lutor will be perceived as a villain, mad scientist, which was used by science against the power of Superman.

At first, Luthor intended to plunge all European countries into war, starting with such small countries as Galonia and Toran, he used his genius intelligence to thwart peace conference, but suffered his first defeat from Superman. Early in his criminal career, Luthor orchestrated terrorist attacks himself in order to find ways to achieve his goals of world domination, but each of his plans was thwarted by Superman.

Later, Luther uses Kal-El giant meteorite from Kryptonite, learning about the weakness Superman to this mineral by Danny River. But still he can't overcome Superman, Luthor in public tells the whole world about superman's weaknesses , which creates new threats for Kal-El from other enemies. Alexei will again and again develop plans to kill Superman, but failed time after time.

Over time, Luther, learns about multiverse and united with his doppelgänger Earth -1 in an attempt to conquer Earth -3 . Teaming up with a villain Earth-3, Ultraman (an evil version of Superman) in order to help them in the conquest of Earth -3, Alexei and Lex Luthor are defeated by Alexander Luthor of Earth -3, who is on earth-3 is a superhero.

Alexei continued to strive for world domination on Earth-2 until he was recruited by Brainiac during the events of . In issue #9, after confronting Lex Luthor, who was chosen by Brainiac as the leader of the team, Alexei stated to everyone present,"I'm better than labrat! You don't need two Luthors!"Brainiac immediately agreed and destroyed Alexei Luthor on the spot, leaving Lex Luthor behind. After graduation crisis, Alexei Luthor was omitted from history and was not mentioned again on Novaya Zemlya.

Silver Age

Lex Luthor grew up in suburban Smallville, Kansas together with their parents and sister, Lena. Though forced to live the life of a farmer's son, he never acquired a farmer's heart. Instead, Luthor aspired to become the greatest scientist in the world .

Being a teenager, Luthor learned of existence in his hometown of Smallville, the hero of Superboy. He followed the adventures of Superboy and soon became the biggest fan of the young Kryptonian. Later, Lex was able to convince parents move to Smallville to allow Lex to be closer to his hero.

One day, when Luther was plowing a field on his tractor, he found Superboy, barely alive, this because he was in close proximity to Kryptonite, Luther using his tractor to drag it to a safe distance. Then Luthor invited Superboy to your workshop. Superboy saw a real temple erected in his honor, walls and benches decorated with various souvenirs from various Superboy adventures. To express mygratitude for salvation, Superboy built a brand new laboratory for the scientist.

Superboy flew past the lab and noticed smoke from the window. Noticing that Luther kept the Kryptonite in the lab, Superboy stayed outside and quickly put out the fire using his super breath, as well as moving the Kryptonite to a safe distance. Superboy successfully put out the fire, but the resulting explosion mixes various chemicals that destroyed all of Luthor's ongoing experiments. The resulting vapors affect Luthor's head, leaving him bald. Enraged by the destruction of all his work and the loss of his hair, Luther blamed it all on Superboy. From that moment on, Lex Luthor became Superboy's nemesis.

Lex soon began to make various plans to destroy Superboy using a wide variety of weapons and devices in their plans. But despite his efforts, Superboy always managed to defeat Lex and send him to juvenile detention. Fearing that their son would never reform, Lex's parents decided to leave Smallville and change their last name to "Torul" in hopes of raising their daughter Elena Torul in a peaceful environment away from the evil Lex. Despite his parents' best efforts, Lex later found his sister and faced off with her and her children, despite his evil nature.

Luther continued to make plans to take over the earth and the universe at large, even during Crisis on Infinite Earths, where he re-teamed with his named ally, Brainiac, who by then had taken on a more robotic appearance. He will witness the death of his Earth-2 counterpart, Alexei, who dared to challenge Brainiac and Lex. Lex and the surviving villains decided to temporarily side with the heroes when , which was almost destroyed by the efforts of (Barry Allen) and Supergirl, but later, the Anti-Monitor killed them.

Lex survived the events crisis, but was destroyed and replaced by a new creature in a new A universe that was made from all previous versions of Luthor, a ruthless and successful businessman who repeatedly wanted marry Lois Lane.

Modern Era

One look at the IQ test results was enough for his parents to understand that he would make them rich. Their desire for their son to succeed in everything destroyed his soul and made him a sociopath. Lex spent years looking for extraterrestrial life and as part of his hunt, he traveled to Smallville, Kansas when he was 18 years old. There, Lex befriends a young man, Clark Kent (Superman). When a fire destroyed his laboratory and various scientific achievements, he refused to take any blame for it. Instead, he blamed the people of Smallville for "allowing the destruction of the Luthors". To this day, he refuses to admit that he has ever been to Smallville.


Lex Luthor is an ordinary human with no superhuman powers. He has the intelligence of a genius and is one of the smartest people on the planet who (usually alone) is able to turn the world into Utopia if not for his obsession with Superman.

It would seem that he has mastered all known types of science, including space flight, biochemistry, robotics, computers, synthetic polymers, communications, mutations, transport, holography, energy production, spectral analysis and a number of others (including time travel). With the exception of an extraterrestrial being named Brainiac, he considers no one else to be his equal in intelligence. Lex is also a genius when it comes to science, technology, business, strategy, physics, and electrical.

Over the years, Luthor has made and used Kryptonite weapons capable of harming Superman and other Kryptonians. Since the Bronze Age, he also uses various large variety of weapons and inventions own production, especially those made from Kryptonite. He also used various combat suits he designed himself, it allows him to stand up to Superman and a number of other superhumans . Thanks to the suit, he can fly, create invisible energy shields that protect the entire suit from most physical attacks. His suit includes a foldable Kryptonite sword, an axe, a cannon staff, and even Kryptonite energy cannons built into the suit's palms. In addition, he often wore a Kryptonite ring on his right hand. Post-Crisis, but due to prolonged exposure to Kryptonite radiation, he lost his arm and irradiated his entire body, leading to the last stage of cancer. As a result of this, he has to transplant his brain into a cloned body in order to survive.

In the media

Animated series

Jackson Beck voiced Lux ​​Luthor in the animated series" The New Adventures of Superman", "Superman and Aquaman Adventure Hour" And " Hour of Batman and Superman".

super friends", voiced by Stan Jones.

Lux Luthor appears in the animated series " Superman"Coming out between 1996 and 2000, the character was voiced by Clancy Brown. Luthor appeared as one of Superman's main adversaries in this animated series. This version of Lex Luthor is portrayed as a powerful, cold-blooded and calculating person. Luther is shown to be a very cautious person, able to hide his illegal activities in such a way that it seems that he is not involved in anything.

Lux Luthor appears in the animated series "", voiced by Clancy Brown. Lex appears as a regular character in this animated series, he appears in episodes such as "Legends". "Clean Slate" and a number of others.

Lux Luthor appears in the animated series " Batman", the character was voiced by Clancy Brown. Lex appears in the fifth season of the animated series, in the episodes titled "The Story of Batman and Superman: Part 1" and "The Story of Batman and Superman: Part 2". Lex Luthor begins his criminal activity in Gotham City and Batman and Superman has to team up to defeat Luthor.Also, in the episode, Lex manages to take control of Superman with the help of Poison Ivy and Kryptonite.

Lux Luthor appears in the animated series "", voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson. In the episode "Super-Batman of Planet X", a character named Rothul (Luther spelled backwards) appears. Later, Lex Luthor himself appears in the episode "Battle of the Super Heroes!" He robs the museum and kidnaps Lois Lane, but is stopped by Superman and arrested by the police. Luthor reappears in Triumvirate of Terror!, joining Cheetah and Superman in battle against Superman, Batman, and the .

Lux Luthor appears in the animated series "", voiced by Mark Rolston. This version is both an antagonist and an anti-hero, and will team up with the heroes if needed to achieve their own goals. He appears in the episode titled "The Goals", he tries to organize peace negotiations between the two warring nations, from which he will try to further profit, but he is almost killed by Cheshire and Sportmaster.

Animation Films

Lex Luthor appears in "", voiced by James Marsters. He appears as one of Superman's enemies. After the supposed death of the Man of Steel, it turns out that Lex created multiple clones Superman, including one who is completely took on the role Superman, who had a more dangerous and serious demeanor.

Lex Luthor appears in "", voiced by Clancy Brown. Luthor will appear in as the main cartoon villain. Lex Luthor has been elected for the presidency of the United States , and attempts stop superman and Batman who tryprevent falling big meteorite from Kryptonite to Earth.

Lex Luthor appears in "", voiced by Chris Noth. An alternate version of Lex is one of the main characters in the cartoon. Lex, the last of the members and leader of his world's Justice League, is left alive since everyone was killed by the Crime Syndicate. He travels to an alternate reality to ask the League for help. This version of Lex is far more heroic than his counterpart, although he still uses Kryptonite against Ultraman, and is just as intelligent. He also uses armor that provides increased durability, flight, energy blasts, force fields, and more. Also, the original Lex Luthor appears in the cartoon, who is currently in prison.

Lex Luthor appears in "", voiced by Anthony LaPaglia. Luthor was sentenced to death for crimes against humanity, but manages to make a serum that mimics Superman's abilities.

Lex Luthor appears in "", voiced by Steven Bloom. This version of Luther is among Deathstroke's crew, together they float on a boat in an attempt to find Aquaman's base. However, and his army attacks the ship, and then the entire crew is killed, including Luthor.

Lex Luthor appears in "", voiced by Fred Tatasciore. Luthor is a member of the Legion of Doom.

Lex Luthor appears in "", voiced by Steven Bloom. Lex makes cameo appearances at the end of the film when Orm is in jail, and Lex says that he has an offer for him .

Lex Luthor appears in "", voiced by Jason Isaacs. In the film, he is paralyzed and by the end of the film, he is caught in a special device reminiscent of the Möbius chair. He plays the key aid role Justice League in drawing defeat to William Magnus, which is the maincartoon villain.


Lex Luthor appears in the television series " superboy", the role of the character was played by James Scott and Sherman Howard. Scott played Luthor in the first season and Sherman's last three seasons. At the end of the first season, there was accident in the lab, after which Lex loses his hair. When Sherman played Luthor, this was explained by what is the result of plastic surgery to prevent Superboy from recognizing him.

Lex Luthor appears in the television series "", the role of the character was played by John Shea. Luther only appears in the first season. and committed suicide in the first season finale. Later, Shi showed up with several cameo appearances as Luther in later seasons.

Lex Luthor appears in the television series "", the role of the character was played by Michael Rosenbaum. In this episode, Alexander "Lex" Luthor and Clark Kent will meet when Lex was 21 and Clark was 16. Lex, driving his car, while a truck carrying bundles of wire passes over the bridge, one of the rolls falls out of the truck and remains lying on the bridge. Pulling onto the bridge, Lex notices the wire late, smashing through the wheels and crashing into the bridge railings, near where Clark is standing, who has just found out he's an alien. The car hits Clark and they fly off the bridge together, Kent uses his power for the first time and rips off the roof of Lex's car to save him, hauling him ashore and giving him CPR. From this point on, Lex and Clarke are somewhat inseparable from each other, despite the disapproval of both their fathers." Released in 1987, the character was played by Gene Hackman.

Lex Luthor appears in the movie "", the character was played by Kevin Spacey.

Lex Luthor appears in the movie "", the character was played by Jesse Eisenberg.

video games

Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe".

Lex Luthor appears in the game" DC Universe Online".

Lex Luthor appears in the game" Injustice: Gods Among Us".

From a financial point of view, the new comic super blockbuster "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" took place. He has already raised over $400 million and is well within his ability to break the $1 billion mark. Critics, however, smashed the film over the bumps, and comic book fans also found a lot of complaints. In particular, many professionals and non-professionals alike have agreed that it is not clear from the picture why Lex Luthor is putting so much effort into destroying Superman. Indeed, this topic is slurred, as Luthor often speaks in metaphors and blunt terms. But if you comprehend Luthor's words in the context of the film, then his motivation will be quite transparent. And since this is a stumbling block for many, we decided to tell how we understand the actions of a supervillain. This article is not recommended for those who have not yet seen the picture, but we still tried to keep spoilers to the necessary minimum.

To understand the logic of Luthor and Batman in Zack Snyder's film, you need to realize that the beginning of the picture resurrects the terrible events of September 11, 2001 in the memory of Americans. Of course, in essence, Superman's battle with the Kryptonians in the sky over Metropolis reproduced in Batman v Superman, which we already saw in Man of Steel, has little in common with the terrorist attacks of radical Islamists. But from the point of view of those who in those days looked helplessly into the sky, the difference was small.

September 11 terrorists in New York not only destroyed skyscrapers and killed thousands of Americans. They have humiliated a state that spends more on its army than all of its opponents and allies put together. Yes, America has never been a safe country. But after the collapse of the USSR and the entire Soviet bloc, other Americans became the only threat to the Americans. And here is such an afront. Symbols of American capitalism were destroyed by people with knives for cutting cardboard. And this tragedy gave rise to a colossal psychological trauma, incomparable with the reaction to terrorist attacks in countries familiar to them. For Israel, Palestinian crimes are a terrible routine. For America, September 11 was the day of the collapse of the universe. And this immediately manifested itself in everything - first of all, in the readiness for any violation of other people's and one's own rights and freedoms, if only to never again feel as powerless.

Shot from the movie "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice"

Let's superimpose this real situation on the tragedy of the fictional Metropolis. How did Americans and all earthlings feel on the day when the alien war turned many skyscrapers into ruins? Obviously, the same existential horror before the collapse of the universe. For the audience watching the catastrophe from the auditorium, the Man of Steel finale was a demonstration of the heroism of Superman - familiar and understandable to comic book fans. But for fictional earthlings, Superman was just as scary as his alien enemies. It doesn't matter which side he's on. American atomic bombs are also on the side of the Americans - but does that make them any less terrifying weapons? And Superman is much more terrible than atomic bombs and presidents with "atomic briefcases", since he can destroy the Earth and stay alive, and for earthlings, the use of super-powerful weapons is suicide.

The higher you fly, the harder it hurts to fall, and the most shocking battle over Metropolis was for those who spent their entire lives never feeling helpless again. Batman v Superman shows how this tragedy affected Batman, and he draws a parallel between the events in Metropolis and the death of Bruce Wayne's parents. It wasn't the little boy's fault what happened to Bruce's family, but the kids believe the world revolves around them, and the pain of losing a family has always been mingled for Wayne with the shame of not being able to protect them. So Batman has spent decades transforming himself into a crime fighter who can't be caught off guard.

And now, after all his exploits, on the day of the battle over Metropolis, Wayne again felt like a helpless boy who had nothing to oppose the villains. Without even knowing it, Superman humiliated Batman in a way he hadn't been humiliated since childhood. And this becomes the Dark Knight's key motivation, although of course he comes up with more heroic reasons for hunting down Superman.

Snyder's film does not show where Lex Luthor was or how he felt on the day of the Battle of Metropolis. But he draws a parallel between a supervillain and a superhero, and Batman's feelings can be used as a clue to Luthor's feelings. We learn from the picture that Lex's father, whom everyone around considered a brilliant businessman and the embodiment of the American Dream (Luthor Sr. fled to the States from the Soviet GDR), was a domestic tyrant and that the feeling of helplessness that covered little Wayne on the day his parents died was for little Lex, a terrible everyday life. And when the guy finally got rid of his father's oppression, he used his corporation to become the behind-the-scenes arbiter of the fate of the world.

Promo frame for the film "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice2"

This is a completely different behavior than in the case of Batman, but if you look at it, this is the same phenomenon - a person with post-traumatic stress syndrome does everything possible and impossible to always be on a horse and so that no one in the world can interfere with him. Therefore, Superman humiliated Lex with his appearance in the same way that he humiliated Batman. Which led to predictable and obsessive opposition. "Carthage must be destroyed!" - as the Romans said, fearing the neighborhood with the African empire.

At the same time, if Batman, in principle, is able to believe that Superman is not his enemy and that it is possible to cooperate with him (albeit keeping kryptonite weapons in reserve in case of betrayal), then this question is closed for Luthor. He does not believe in heroic nobility, having seen his father's true face for years, hidden from all but family members. And the louder people glorify the "divine" Superman, the more Luthor wants to disgrace and destroy him. As a child, Lex couldn't stand up to his father, a god to the world, and a demon to his son. Now he has a chance to metaphorically get even, and no crime for the sake of this seems to him too terrible. From the outside, this may seem ridiculous, but for someone who suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, coupled with mental instability, this is a completely meaningful behavior.

Perhaps the movie can in absentia be recognized as one of the most controversial films of 2016 in terms of its perception by the public and critics ... moreover, perhaps this is so far the most controversial film in the entire genre of "film based on comics". Whether it will be successful in terms of box office remains to be seen, because here everything is not so clear: yes, the picture set several records in the first days of rental, but the further fate of the film will depend on the positive feedback from the audience.

In any case, the last weeks have been marked by a lot of discussion Batman v Superman because the film raised more questions than it answered. And one of them was undoubtedly about who the "He" that Lex Luthor is talking about at the end of the movie is. Well, the deleted scene from the film, officially released by Warner Bros., provides perhaps the most accurate answer to this question at this point in time ... an answer that raises a whole string of new questions.

A deleted scene called "Communion" is shown at the beginning of the article, set after Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman defeat Doomsday. We can see Metropolis Police Special Forces infiltrate a Kryptonian spy ship in order to arrest the head of LexCorp for his terrible deeds - and find Lex in a Kryptonian birth matrix, communicating with a demonic-looking alien (note also the three boxes levitating at alien hands).

The scene looks like complete nonsense to the average viewer, but long-time DC comics fans will be replaced by a few intriguing details - as well as an explanation for those seemingly random bits of information that the film was never explained. For now exactly it is impossible to say what we saw, but we can make some educated guesses.


As expected, Lex was not just muttering to Batman that much more powerful forces saw the fall of Superman - and soon they would come to Earth to enslave her. Considering all the explicit references to Darkseid (parademons, the Omega sign in Batman's nightmare, the Mother Box) in the film, it becomes almost obvious that the New God (aka Darskeid) found the Earth and managed to "decompose" Lex (what does this mean specifically within the Extended Cinema- the DC Universe has yet to be known).

At the end of the scene in question, Lex looks like he's coming out of some kind of trance, which may be the reason for his incoherent mumbling when interacting with Bruce Wayne in prison. In the comics, it has happened that Darkseid sent her messages to people who were susceptible to this, which turned them into puppets, or at least influenced their vision of the prospect of those events that would happen in the world and around it. Given Lex's sociopathic behavior and the influence available to him, he was no doubt the first target for Darkseid.


The Mother Box is responsible for the creation of Cyborg and can be seen in the movie when the contents of Lex Luthor's files are shown, and the connection between Darkseid and the Mother Boxes is another example of the New Gods' advanced technology. In this context, they could be used as a method of communication over long distances, or even as a device to hack the matrix of a downed reconnaissance ship. It is also possible that the Boxes were in the process of being teleported to Earth, but the SWAT team disrupted the transition phase and Lex was considered an unreliable custodian of technology later on.

Another possibility is that in the MCU, the Mother Boxes, interacting with Kryptonian technology and/or artificial intelligence, could create Brainiac, a fan favorite of the Superman comics. Quite a logical assumption, but in fact, in this context, the interaction of Mother Boxes with Kryptonian technology can lead to any consequences. Perhaps the Boxes were involved in reprogramming the Kryptonian birth matrix? Why not, why not...

demonic monster

Considering Snyder's desire to introduce a host of characters from DC comics that include the powerful "New Gods" into the same "realistic" universe created by man of steel, it is not possible to assume 100% exactly what kind of demonic creature is holding the Mother Boxes. However, it should be noted that the creation is very similar to the gray-skinned demons present in Lex's painting (which is now upside down, yes) - and this suggests that the design was chosen for a reason and Lex's words about demons coming from heaven can only be called prophetic.

At first glance, one might confuse the creature with the same winged demons that appeared in Batman's dreams - they are known as Darkseid's parademons. However, in reality it is most likely Yuga Khan, the father of Darkseid who appeared in the comics as a horned demonic creature. Sure, it could be a completely redone Darkseid, or even his uncle, Apokolips' military leader Steppenwolf, but both characters look completely different in the comics. There is no doubt that this character's identity is causing a lot of debate among fans... but perhaps the monster is just some kind of lieutenant in Darkseid's army, a creature that heralds the coming of a New God to Earth. Well, plus, let's not forget that this can be a simple projection of the ship, that is, a picture depicting Darkseid as he was seen (or imagined) by the Kryptonians.

YUGA HAN in DC comics

We'll have to wait and see what will happen in those deleted scenes that will be included in the full director's cut of Batman v Superman (after all, it will be as long as 3 hours). And perhaps there we will finally get the final answer to the question of what the demons in the picture meant and what kind of horned creature that Lex Luthor communicated with in the Kryptonian ship.

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