The value of menstruation by day of the week. Women's fortune-telling by the monthly cycle


A person is always drawn to the unknown, he wants to know the future, to look beyond the veil of tomorrow. And this interest is typical not only for our contemporaries - people of the information age, when new knowledge allows us to be prepared for stressful life situations. Humanity has always been interested in the future, which is why folk omens were created, divination on cards, on the behavior of animals, there are even divination by menstruation.

And it is not surprising that such an intimate action as menstruation was elevated to the rank of fortune tellers. It is difficult to say when the next critical days of the menstrual cycle will begin. Today, doctors write off the dependence of the beginning of monthly discharge on the lunar calendar, the health status of girls, diet and working conditions. But it is also difficult to refute a certain mystical component of the menstrual cycle, because the regulars do not always last 5 days and are repeated every 28, some see this as the providence of higher powers that can help predict the future. Several methods of divination for menstruation have been developed, and their veracity can only be proven by time.

Like any other mystical process, divination by menstruation is shrouded in a certain superstition. Before proceeding to designate their future using any of the chosen methods, a woman or girl should familiarize herself with the rules of divination so as not to violate the purity of the process.

Monthly divination table

True fortune-telling by menstruation is possible if the fortune-teller observes such canons:

  • The resulting prediction is valid for only a month, or to be more precise, until the next cycle, which levels out the previous statements.
  • Is it possible to guess during menstruation? It is possible, but only on the first day of the start of menstruation.
  • For one rhythmic cycle, you can guess only once.
  • To obtain more complete knowledge, you can combine two divination options or even more.
  • If monthly fortune-telling led to a favorable result, then the girl should be silent about it until the very moment the prediction is fully fulfilled.

How true fortune-telling, only time can show. But all the reservations to divination draw attention to the fact that fortune-telling is true if the girl herself believes in those 2 options or her own mix of fortune-tellers that she uses. Internal confidence in the truthfulness and correctness of the actions taken guarantees the accuracy of predictions.

It is noteworthy that not only Slavic girls tried to predict fate in this way, but also girls from all over the world. To date, fortune-tellers for menstruation in Feng Shui and folk signs from other regions have reached us. Girls share all sorts of proven predictions with the help of the worldwide network and even guess online.

Cycle and numerology

The menstrual cycle is credited with a close relationship with numbers. Indeed, each woman has an individual calendar, according to which it is possible to predict the next ovulation, and bleeding, active phases and calm ones. Science explains this behavior by hormonal regulation, and the ancestors saw a close relationship when a woman is influenced by lunar days and higher powers. Depending on the date of this very lunar day, you can predict what the coming month will be like for a woman.

On knowledge of the influence of the moon on a woman, ways were developed to tell fortunes by date. This method is quite simple - remember the date of the first day of blood smearing, and find the value of its number in the table. Please note that for ease of understanding, fortune-telling is scheduled for 31 calendar days, it is important to choose the exact start day, no matter how many days this month are 31, 30 or even 28.

  1. leader number. The beginning of menstruation this day promises success in all endeavors.
  2. control yourself, your squeamishness can offend someone.
  3. scandals are possible, be prepared for not very pleasant discoveries in relation to your loved ones.
  4. Dreams Come True.
  5. pleasant surprises or gifts await you.
  6. there is a high probability of disappointment in loved ones.
  7. the secret will become clear, you can find out about the hidden sympathy in your direction.
  8. bouts of unreasonable jealousy are possible.
  9. be vigilant and collected, your thoughtlessness can offend loved ones.
  10. enjoy life and share happiness with your family.
  11. be careful, someone is plotting against you.
  12. you will be surrounded by temptations.
  13. control yourself, your emotions can hurt.
  14. Be careful, they are trying to scam you.
  15. promises an improvement in material affairs.
  16. wait for the guests.
  17. dream big, because in this cycle all dreams will come true.
  18. possible sad events around.
  19. disappointment that will bring only joy in the future.
  20. take a closer look at your friends, maybe not everyone is so open and glad to see you.
  21. major changes in your life.
  22. be prepared for petty squabbles at work.
  23. your merits will finally be appreciated.
  24. there will be betrayal in your life. Moreover, not only you can be betrayed, but you can also change.
  25. plans are not destined to come true.
  26. achieving success in business.
  27. financial success.
  28. be careful, someone will covet your money.
  29. the events that surround you defy logic. Do not worry about this, loved ones will always support you.
  30. something wonderful is about to happen - a marriage, an anniversary, a surprise.
  31. forget past grievances, only the best awaits you.

This version of fortune-telling by numbers is quite simple and popular, but different sources present different interpretations of those numbers when menstruation began. That is why it is recommended to use a combination of several divinations.

As the second leading value for divination, they take the day of the week when the first selections begin to go.

  • Monday - the beginning of something new awaits you, perhaps a surprise. In any case, you have to worry a little.
  • Tuesday - a pleasant meeting or a new acquaintance, be prepared for surprises.
  • Wednesday - serious changes in life are expected, for the better or not - time will tell.
  • Thursday - you will be invited to visit, there may be troubles that you can get rid of with humor.
  • Friday - be attentive to your own health, it can let you down at an important moment.
  • Saturday - pleasant surprises, love adventures await the fortuneteller.
  • Sunday - you will be able to have a good rest in the company of friends, together with the guests happiness and fun will come.

By combining predictions by numbers and fortune-telling by monthly 2 options, we get a more complete picture. The information obtained in this way may or may not be encouraging, but in any case, it provides an opportunity to prepare for upcoming events.

Divination for love

Of course, every girl is concerned about the question of whether she will marry. Our distant great-grandmothers found the answer to it by conducting fortune-telling by menstruation for love. As already noted, this type of divination carries information only for the period of a given menstrual cycle, that is, long-term prospects are not displayed, but at the same time, the beginning of menstruation, fortune-telling from it will tell you what to expect on the love front.

In order to look into the future, you need to pay attention to the time of the first discharge per day:

  • 00:00 - 08:00 - somewhere there is a fan who secretly "dries" for you.
  • 08:00 - 12:00 - sweet dreams and romantic dates are ahead.
  • 12:00 - 15:00 - your loved one will be with you, a love idyll is finally coming.
  • 15:00 - 18:00 - pleasant surprises and gifts from a loved one.
  • 18:00 - 24:00 - quarrels or mutual insults are possible.

Such divination, as a rule, is combined with divination by day. A huge number of contemporaries are ready to use proven and safe ways to determine their future. Unfortunately, it will not be possible to change the negative results, but girls and women will be able to prepare for them.

Chinese divination

The girls of the East also looked for ways to know their future, and learned to read it by when the first blood smearing occurs. Before revealing the secret of divination, we note that in China it is believed that during the period of menstruation a woman is cleansed of all negativity, the Universe helps her in this. It is the Great Universe that decides when the moment of purification will begin. The energy of the day is connected with the energy of the female element, which determines its further direction during the cycle.

Before you start fortune-telling by monthly feng shui, you need to decide on your element. It depends on the month of your birth.

So, fish, crayfish and scorpions in the zodiac belong to the elements of water; Aries, Leo, Sagittarius - to the element of fire; the elements of earth are Capricorn, Virgo and Taurus; and finally, the element of air - Gemini, Aquarius, Libra.

Please note that the energy of the day of the week and the elements of air give the same prediction as the energy of the day of the week and the elements of the earth.

  • Monday. Beginnings are waiting for the element of water, important news is coming. The element of fire - new acquaintances and changes in life; for earth and air - new pleasant acquaintances are coming.
  • Tuesday. For water - the implementation of plans, for fire - success in work; for air and earth - replenishment of the wallet.
  • Wednesday. Good luck accompanies water, love adventure awaits fire, and representatives of the elements of earth and air - a positive assessment of others.
  • Thursday. A bad day for all the elements - plans cannot be realized, there is no exact definition of the reasons for the failures.
  • Friday. Water and fire - be prepared for scandals. Earth and air - calm down, leave disappointments in the past.
  • Saturday. Water is an incredible luck in everything. Fire - activity and movement forward, that's your motto. Air and earth - serious passions can break out on the love front.
  • Sunday. Water and fire - relax, gain new strength, check your future after the next period. Earth and air - everything goes according to plan.

As you can see, even in the ancient East they knew whether it was possible to guess during menstruation, and they used the developed methods with pleasure.

Women's cycle and signs

Fortune telling by menstruation for a woman is an easy and safe way to find out the future. But in the old days, critical days also imposed certain restrictions. So, for example, women were forbidden to swim in rivers and visit church churches, it was also forbidden to cook food and do household chores, plant plants (according to you, the harvest will be bad).

If critical days began on the wedding day, then this promised a difficult fate for future children, so girls read special conspiracies before weddings. And if the first blood smearing began on the full moon, then the woman was considered a witch, she was forbidden to look at people and livestock in order to avoid the evil eye.

On the other hand, menstrual blood was revered as a protective one. If a fire started in a settlement, the “bloody girl” ran around the burning hut three times so that the fire would not spread to other houses. They also sprayed their own house with secretions to protect them from evil.

The most experienced witches in the settlements performed monthly divination according to the female lunar calendar. Regulus came to the growing moon - success in business, on the full moon - true female happiness awaits; on the falling moon - there will be disappointments and troubles. Older fortune-tellers also know that one cannot guess on 1, 12, 13, 14, 19, 23, 26, 29 lunar days. Since the information received these days is useless, does not correspond to reality.

If in ancient times only a witch and a seer could foresee events, today in every woman you can reveal a touch of a sorceress. It is no secret that there are many fortune-telling, the results of which really come true in reality. But few people know how to correctly interpret such mysterious rituals, so it’s worth learning the technology of mastery before starting fortune-telling.

There is in the arsenal of wise women one specific divination by monthly ovulation, which is performed according to the menstrual cycle and the days of menstruation. There is such a belief since the ancient times of witches and sages, according to which future events can be foreseen by the day of the week, time and day of the onset of menstruation.

Therefore, we can say that it is worth trying, perhaps many promising unpleasant moments can be avoided. To do this, you just need to compare the exact time, day of the week and month of the beginning of menstruation for fortune-telling with the data that will be given below to find out what fate has in store for the woman in the near future.

1 divination option

Option one: according to the time of the day of the onset of menstruation.

If the beginning of menstruation falls in the morning period of the day, a woman will soon expect the birth of love, but not exclusively feelings for a man. Love can spread to relatives, children, close friends and people around. Fortune telling only promises a flash of bright and intense love, which the woman herself will soon feel. If there are already feelings, fortune-telling promises a long or completely endless feeling of affection, tenderness and love.

The daytime beginning of menstruation promises an early good and positive mood for the next cycle until its very end. The evening hours of the day of the beginning of menstruation will turn out to be unfavorable, since in such a case a woman may face separation from her loved one, her life may become boring, dull and emotionless.

Second option

Option two: divination by day.

In this case, it is possible to interpret the onset of menstruation in two directions at once: according to the day of the week and according to the time of day, respectively, as in the first variant.

So, let's take a closer look at each day:

  • Did your period start on a Monday? Expect possible anxiety, but don't panic. Worry is not always due to troubles, you can worry for positive and favorable reasons. (The second method promises a brilliant big victory in some serious matter).
  • Did Tuesday start with a period? In this case, a woman should expect an early unexpected meeting with an important person, perhaps still unfamiliar to her. (The second method promises the same events).
  • Wednesday came and menstruation came? In this case, it is worth preparing for events that are not entirely favorable, which will last throughout the entire cycle. (Unforeseen circumstances according to the second method).
  • Menstruation on Thursday - an invitation to visit from someone will soon follow, maybe such that it will be an invitation to gatherings from a stranger. In general, there will be an unexpected change of plans. (The second method promises a feeling of shame for oneself).
  • Friday and period? In this case, you need to prepare yourself for any surprise, whether it is pleasant or not very much. (According to the second method, adverse events will occur).
  • Did your period start on Saturday? Then fortune-telling will prepare a woman to receive a declaration of love, and any secret desire can come true. (The second method treats the day in a similar way.)
  • On critical days on Sunday, you can determine the upcoming pleasant gatherings with friends, there is a chance to get into a fun adventure. (The second method promises replenishment of friends).


You can also predict upcoming events in a woman's life by the day of the month when the critical days began.

1 - the whole cycle will be accompanied by happiness and euphoric mood.

2 - a woman will feel contempt for an event or a specific person.

3 - a quarrel that can be quickly stopped or escalated into a scandal.

4 - a bright unforgettable day, the onset of a feeling of happiness.

5 - a quick good surprise.

6 - gossip and bad words on the side.

7 - there is talk of love for a woman.

8 - jealousy throughout the cycle.

9 - problems due to unpleasant words about a woman.

10 - upcoming love.

11 - the chosen one of a woman will be faithful to her, especially during this cycle.

12 - in relation to a woman, they will resort to seduction or magic in order to capture her attention.

13 - misfortune.

14 - favorable news.

15 - unfavorable news.

16 - excessive talkativeness will come out sideways to a woman.

17 - parting with the chosen one.

18 - the same as for the 10th number.

19 - upcoming love.

20 - a woman's love without an answer.

21 - lies in relation to her.

22 - profit of the material plane.

23 is the same as for the 1st number.

24 - guests coming soon.

25 - quick acquaintance.

26 - a feeling of compassion for a woman.

27 - a previously made wish will come true.

28 - good luck.

29 - grief because of a loved one, long tears and worries.

30 - the emergence of sympathy for a person, which will become mutual.

31 - an unexpected event will happen soon.

By comparing all three methods of divination with each other (time of day, day of the week and day of the month), it is possible to predict upcoming events that may occur during the current cycle.

Menstruation is a harmless way for a woman to find out her future. He will help her prepare for unexpected events and understand what actions will be best in the coming month of the cycle.

Upcoming events that affect the daily life of a woman and the lives of her loved ones can be both pleasant and negative, depending on a combination of various factors: time of day, day of the month, day of the week.

Does menstruation cause the awakening of special powers? The same that menstruation enhances sensitivity and intuition - this is confirmed by many women. It is in this state that you can see the signs of fate.

Features of correct fortune-telling by menstruation:

  • To calculate predictions, only the first day when menstruation began is taken into account.
  • If you use 2 options for fortune telling, you can get more accurate results.
  • The prediction is made only for one month
  • Having guessed, it is worth writing down the results somewhere. This will help not to forget what fate promises
  • You should not talk about a favorable prediction, so as not to prevent a good event from coming into your life. Foreign languages ​​can spoil everything

Prediction by time of day

Remember the time at which menstruation began, and get your prediction:

Early morning (from dawn to 11.00). The most successful period, promising love feelings, as well as mutual understanding with loved ones. Gives hope for a happy resolution of existing conflicts. Friendly relations with people around. Promises harmony, mutual understanding, warm family communication. Easy and painless passage of menstruation. Harmonious period, full of energy and fresh solutions.

Beginning of the day (from 11.00 to 14.00). It guarantees the owner of menstruation a good mood, pleasant surprises, joy and success in work. No conflicts, quarrels are to be expected. But positive emotions are provided in large quantities. Take advantage of this period to build relationships with your children or with your spouse. Host a small homemade feast. A great occasion for quiet evenings with the family.

Second half of the day (from 14.00 to 18.00). You should be careful and beware of possible difficulties and problems. Trust yourself and act thoughtfully. Small setbacks and small annoyances should not take you by surprise. In the love sphere - disappointments in a loved one or sad events.

Evening (from 18.00 to 21.00). Neutral period, with a touch of melancholy and depression. Do not expect major failures, but be prepared for situations that may sadden you. Some boredom and despondency will come to life, and the later the menstruation began, the greater the routine awaits the woman.

The monotony of events and the need to solve other people's problems can seriously unsettle. The most important thing now is not to let the depressive mood consume you. Look for ways to please yourself.

Night (from 21.00 to dawn). The most disturbing period, foreshadowing separation, parting, unpleasant events, possible deceit or misbehavior of loved ones. Be vigilant in relationships to avoid difficulties. This period can also predict the increased employment of a loved one or friends, due to which a woman will be given less time.

By day of the week

On what day of the week menstruation began, the decoding also matters.

Monday. Anxiety, vanity, worries. These unrest can be both successful and not, depending on the specific situation. A woman on this day can receive a valuable gift from a loved one and will be faced with the choice of whether to accept this gift. Beware of fraud when making a transaction.

Tuesday. The prediction promises an upcoming meeting with an old acquaintance with whom the woman has not communicated for a long time. Another interpretation: acquaintance with the very person who will become the main thing in a woman's life. In addition, the beginning of menstruation on Tuesday promises quick changes in life.

Wednesday. Unfavorable period. A woman should prepare for the upcoming unpleasant events that will take her a lot of time and energy to resolve. However, do not give up, if you do not give up, then all problems will be settled.

Thursday. A woman expects a certain meeting or even a celebration of an important event in a company with a large number of people. It can be an invitation to visit, and a home reception. But there is no exact interpretation, or this event will become unpleasant. Therefore, it is important not to relax and carefully observe the signs of fate.

Friday. A good period, portending joyful and unpredictable news that can become a catalyst for future changes in life. The new stage will start easily, but the woman will also have to participate in this and invest her efforts.

Saturday. A good day, predicting future positive events in life. In an easy and simple way, certain gifts of fate will come to a woman, without any effort. Problems will sort themselves out. A woman can receive a declaration of love. Perhaps the fulfillment of a long-forgotten innermost desire.

Sunday. This period means that it's time to have fun and lead an active lifestyle. Most favorable for cheerful women who are ready for adventure. However, all other representatives of the fair sex are waiting for a quick solution to personal problems and reconciliation with their loved one (if there were conflicts).

By day of the month

Numerology also includes divination by menstruation. If you believe in the magic of numbers, then look on the list for the day your cycle began.

What does the onset of menstruation on a certain day of the month mean:

  • 1 - Euphoria, joy, pleasant changes in life. happiness, luck
  • 2 - Disappointment in connection with the actions of loved ones.
    Unfriendly environment.
  • 3 - Conflicts with unpredictable development are possible, which will either disappear soon or will continue to grow, up to open hostility. Be careful to avoid a major quarrel. Pay attention to your health
  • 4 - A dream or desire will come true. Cheerful and happy period. Let go of petty worries
  • 5 - A loved one will present a gift. Also a good investment
  • 6 - Be careful. Your ill-wishers want to discredit you, slander you. Don't pay attention to gossip and don't worry about it
  • 7 - Meeting with the one and only man, from the main life. Another option is reconciliation with a loved one.
  • 8 - A far-fetched or real reason for jealousy. Watch your loved one. Do not arrange scenes of jealousy, so as not to bring to trouble
  • 9 - Requires caution and endurance. Enemies set out to destroy a woman's relationship with her beloved
  • 10 - Predicts falling in love with a new man or an old acquaintance, someone with whom the woman has already met
  • 11 - Beware of unreasonable feelings of jealousy and distrust. Both a woman and her man can be suspected of hidden motives, and vice versa. Be careful not to destroy the relationship by believing in some stupidity.
  • 12 - The possibility of a new feeling may be overshadowed by magical divination by a certain man
  • 13 - Serious difficulties. Unfavorable period
  • 14 - Unexpected happy news
  • 15 - Unpleasant surprises associated with a boyfriend and close friend
  • 16 - Gossip and gossip can lead to trouble. In order not to say too much, keep your mouth shut
  • 17 - Separation from the beloved. Beware of conflicts, otherwise this separation may become long-term
  • 18 - A marriage proposal awaits a single woman. In the life of a married woman, a new period in relations will begin, some major changes
  • 19 - New love, the hidden side of which is a certain calculation of a familiar man
  • 20 - Beware of deception from loved ones. However, such a lie can save you from some unpleasant truth. For unmarried women, this is a prediction of an unrequited feeling.
  • 21 - A major deception that can destroy relationships, even lead to the separation of spouses. Beware of scammers and be suspicious of dubious transactions. Devote more time to children
  • 22 - Financial well-being awaits you. Winning the lottery, successful replenishment of finances, unexpected bonus. You can also find a new source of income for yourself. The perfect time to look for ways to increase income
  • 23 - Unexpected joyful events will make a woman happy. These events will play an important role in her life.
  • 24 - A holiday in a big way. Many guests will be invited to the house. Get ready for the reception
  • 25 - Fateful or just pleasant communication with a new person. Expanding the circle of acquaintances
  • 26 - A man will enter the life of a woman who can become her devoted and attentive friend. Help from relatives. Stable life course
  • 27 - The sudden appearance of a friend or a new acquaintance will contribute to the fulfillment of cherished desires
  • 28 - Calm in the love sphere. Success in business. The appearance of money
  • 29 - Sorrows and reasons for tears are possible. Relatives are involved in problem solving
  • 30 - A new acquaintance with a man, which will lead to a long relationship with him. Mutual and vivid feelings
  • 31 - A sudden trip somewhere. Its cause may be some ugly events that a woman committed. Unpredictable Journey

Folk omens

Some folk signs look like superstition, and the other part looks like sensible advice related to the health and safety of a woman during menstruation.


Forbidden to go to church. During this period, a woman is unclean and has no right to cross the threshold of the temple.

Swimming in the river is prohibited. This is due to the undesirability of bathing in the river, where a woman with menstruation bathed, and to the hygiene requirements for the woman herself.

It is believed that food prepared by a menstruating woman will be tasteless.. This sign has scientific confirmation: during menstruation, a woman's perception may be distorted, which means that she will not be able to correctly calculate the dosage of foods or spices when cooking.

In past a woman on such days was not allowed to go to the vessels where beer, kvass, wine and other drinks fermented. Allegedly, its presence can interfere with the process and spoil the liquid.

It is forbidden to plant plants, even if it is necessary to sow at this time on lunar days. Otherwise, as folk wisdom predicts, vegetables can deteriorate and turn yellow even before harvest.

Menstruation, which began on the wedding day, predicts a difficult life for the bride's children.

If menstruation began on the full moon, then such a woman was considered a sorceress. People feared the evil eye if she looked at people or pets.

During the fire a woman with her period was asked to run three times around a burning house. It was believed that this would protect neighboring buildings from fire.

Menstrual blood was used to create charms, in particular, to keep the house out of trouble.

If menstruation began in a girl at a very young age - this meant that she would become the mother of a large number of children.

Menstrual cramps and weakness helped with a sudden slap from a married woman who is not currently menstruating.

Each woman will be able to independently check how true the menstruation is, using the above methods.

Since ancient times, menstruation has been closely associated with superstitions, despite the fact that different peoples had their own attitude to critical days.

Fortune telling by menstruation is a simple method for every woman, thanks to which they can find out what awaits them in the coming month. If you listen to the predictions, you can avoid most problems or, conversely, pay your attention to some little thing that will bring good luck in the future.

With a regular cycle, you can get a forecast for a month in advance. Before the onset of the next menstruation, women will already have the necessary information, thanks to which it will be possible to prevent failures and mistakes. It is only necessary to remember the day of the beginning of menstruation and see its interpretation.

If there is sincere faith in the prophecy, then it will certainly come true.

Methods of divination by menstruation

There are many methods that allow you to get a prediction for the menstrual cycle. It can be a specific time, day of the month, or day of the week. In Feng Shui divination, to obtain an accurate prediction, they also use the connection with the signs of the zodiac and the elements.

Since ancient times, everything that had at least some relation to menstruation was considered mystical, mysterious and frightening. And even though now science has fully explained this phenomenon, but still, during menstruation, a woman is endowed from above with some otherworldly power. Therefore, if fortune-telling is carried out on critical days, then this force will be directed for good and will allow you to open the veil to the future.

Do I need to believe fortune-telling by menstruation

Before starting to guess, many of us want to first find out how true the result of this prediction will be. So, according to numerous surveys, fortune telling on critical days for women is one of the simplest and most effective. And all because these days the feelings and emotions of the fair sex are maximally aggravated, and intuition allows you to see even what is hidden from the eyes behind the veil of the future. Moreover, our craving for the otherworldly and mysterious is directly influenced by the Moon, in the female menstrual cycle there are exactly 28 days, that is, the same number of days as there are in the lunar month. Is this not proof of the veracity of the prediction? The main thing is to add up for yourself the results of all fortune-telling by monthly, and then from this it will be possible to draw a conclusion about your near future.

Divination rules

In order for the results of divination by menstruation to be as accurate as possible, you should remember the important rules for its implementation.

  1. The beginning of critical days plays an important role during fortune-telling, because it is on it that we will predict the future.
  2. The result of fortune-telling will only matter until the beginning of the next menstruation, therefore, after receiving it, write it down on a piece of paper in order to then check whether it came true.
  3. If the result of the prediction promises you something pleasant in life, then you can’t tell anyone about it, as this can lead to the fact that there will be no happy event due to black thoughts or outside interference.
  4. It is imperative to combine several fortune-telling, because this is the only way to get the most accurate result of divination.
  5. To get an accurate answer, on the eve of the start of menstruation, you need to ask the universe a question that concerns you, and then the date and time of the onset of menstruation will tell you the right decision from the current situation.

Fortune telling on critical days by the days of the month from 1 to 7

Important in divination by menstruation is the day of the month in which they began. And if they went from the 1st to the 7th, then you can see the interpretation of this right now:

  • 1 - expect joyful events that will bring happiness and euphoria to life;
  • 2 - you will be disappointed in something or someone or feel disgust for the person;
  • 3 - quarrels and conflicts with loved ones await you;
  • 4 - luck and fulfillment of desire awaits;
  • 5 - a pleasant gift from a loved one or an unexpected gift of fate awaits you;
  • 6 - you should beware of gossip and slander from your inner circle, including those people from whom you do not expect this;
  • 7 - a person will appear in your life who is your destiny, or your chosen one will confess his love to you.

Fortune telling by monthly dates of any month from 8 to 14

And here is the interpretation of fortune-telling on critical days, which you can refer to if your menstruation began from the 8th to the 14th of any month:

  • 8 - soon you will begin to experience the strongest jealousy for your lover, both with or without him;
  • 9 - it is better for you to continue not to promise others what you cannot give them, otherwise they will no longer trust you;
  • 10 - you will soon fall in love or experience a rebirth of feelings for your young man;
  • 11 - there is a possibility of parting and a serious quarrel with a person whom you will be jealous of or experience unreasonable distrust of him;
  • 12 - you will have a secret admirer, who, moreover, may want to bewitch you;
  • 13 - difficulties, failures and disappointments await you;
  • 14 - you should wait for the soonest good news.

Prediction for menstruation by the days of the month from 15 to 21

The interpretation of fortune-telling on critical days for women, which began from the 15th to the 21st of any month, is given below:

  • 15 - in the near future you will encounter difficulty, but it can be overcome;
  • 16 - you should be careful what you say and to whom, otherwise it will turn into a serious scandal;
  • 17 - portends separation from a loved one or unrequited love;
  • 18 - a marriage proposal or a new round in a relationship with a loved one awaits you;
  • 19 - portends the arrival of a new love, which will be very strong, but perhaps not mutual;
  • 20 - someone close to you will deceive you, however, this person may think that such a lie will be good for you;
  • 21 - you can be deceived, so you need to be careful, because this deception can destroy a family.

Fortune telling "Critical days" by date from 22 to 31

But if your menstruation went at the end of the month from the 22nd to the 31st, then the result of this fortune-telling will be as follows:

  • 22 - your financial condition will be improved by a good bonus, an increase in salary, or even winning the lottery;
  • 23 - real female happiness awaits you;
  • 24 - guests will come to your house, which can be both your relatives and friends;
  • 25 - you will make a new acquaintance, which will play an important role in your destiny;
  • 26 - they will lend a hand to you and help in a difficult situation;
  • 27 - the fulfillment of a cherished desire awaits you, perhaps with the help of some person;
  • 28 - you will find success and good luck in work or even promotion;
  • 29 - grief and tears await you, but they should not be hidden from loved ones who can help you;
  • 30 - a person will appear next to you, to whom you will not be indifferent, and with whom you will have a long and serious relationship;
  • 31 - you will receive unexpected good news or go on a trip.

Fortune telling by the day of the week the start of menstruation

The result of fortune-telling on women's critical days also depends on what day of the week they began.

  1. Monday predicts future troubles and serious unrest, however, they can be both pleasant and not, which depends only on you.
  2. Tuesday predicts a meeting with an old friend or acquaintance whom you have not seen for a long time, or you will meet a person who will take an important place in your life.
  3. Wednesday promises trouble and disappointment, however, do not worry about them, as they will be fleeting and not fatal.
  4. Thursday portends that soon you will be invited to an important meeting or to visit, where some important event may happen, so it is better to be careful so that this meeting leaves good memories.
  5. Friday predicts unexpected news and surprises that can drastically affect your life.
  6. Saturday portends a romantic date, a declaration of love or the beginning of a new love story, full of tenderness and romance.
  7. Sunday promises the fair sex a lot of fun, joy and outdoor activities in the company of a loved one or friends.

Fortune telling by the hour of the beginning of menstruation

Equally important in fortune-telling "Critical days" is the hour when menstruation began, given that the time of day does not matter here. That is, that regardless of whether menstruation began at one in the morning or at one in the afternoon, the interpretation of fortune-telling will be under the number "1". So, let's look at the results of such a prediction.

  1. Pleasant surprises and good news await you.
  2. You need to be careful what you say so you don't get confused.
  3. A serious conflict can occur, so in order to avoid problems, it is better to be restrained and carefully weigh everything before you say or do anything.
  4. Happiness is at the doorstep of your house, so this month will be one of the best in your life.
  5. A very pleasant surprise awaits you, which will make you rejoice.
  6. Among your acquaintances there are many gossips with whom it is better to stop all communication.
  7. You will receive a declaration of love, which can be both from a loved one and from a secret admirer.
  8. You will become jealous of your chosen one, but before doing it openly, it is better to analyze whether he deserves this jealousy or it is completely groundless.
  9. They want to slander you, so it's better not to give ill-wishers a single chance for this.
  10. You will fall in love soon.
  11. You will be very jealous of your lover, which can offend him, because he does not deserve it.
  12. Someone from your inner circle is in love with you.

Prediction by time of day of the beginning of critical days

However, the time of day still plays a role in fortune-telling on critical days. Therefore, now we will find out what awaits a fortune-telling woman if her menstruation has begun:

  • in the morning, this promises love, tenderness and understanding with family and friends;
  • during the day, this portends a lot of positive emotions and a charge of excellent mood;
  • in the evening, this predicts sad events and loneliness for a whole month;
  • at night, this promises separation from her dear person.

Fortune telling for love by menstruation

Fortune telling for ladies on critical days also allows you to find out what they should expect in love. It also plays a role in what period of time menstruation began.

  1. Menstruation, which began from midnight to 8 in the morning, portends a love shrouded in mystery, as a woman will only secretly sigh for a man, but will not be able to confess her feelings to him.
  2. Menstruation, which began from 8 am to noon, predicts an unforgettable candy-bouquet period, beautiful courtship and romantic dates, both for established couples with a long relationship and for newly created couples.
  3. Menstruation, which began from noon to 6 pm, predicts that the girl will receive a gift or a surprise from her lover.
  4. Menstruation, which began from 6 pm until midnight, does not bode well for women in their relationship, which will consist only of lies, jealousy, understatement and betrayal.

Signs on critical days

However, menstruation allows not only fortune-telling on critical days, but some signs and prohibitions regarding various aspects of life are also associated with them.

  1. During menstruation, you should not go to church or swim in the pond.
  2. During menstruation, do not cook food and do not do housework, so as not to spoil everything.
  3. During critical days, you can not plant plants or seedlings in the garden, as this will lead to crop failure.
  4. If a woman starts menstruating right on her wedding day, she should immediately read the conspiracy, otherwise her children will have a very difficult life.
  5. If a woman began menstruating right at 12 o'clock at night, then she should not look at people or livestock during critical days, so as not to accidentally jinx them.
  6. If you collect a little menstruation, and then sprinkle your house with it, then it will be under serious protection from all evil.
  7. If menstruation comes suddenly, then this promises a woman an unexpected surprise and a new turn in her life path.
  8. The delay of critical days portends to a woman stability in her life and the absence of any changes.

And finally, I would like to mention that fortune-telling on critical days for women on 1, 12, 13, 14, 19, 23, 26 and 29 lunar days will not be accurate. If your period began on such a day, then you can not look at the interpretation of fortune-telling, and if on any other, then the prediction will be as true as possible.

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