More examples of words and sentences. Writing combinations zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, shu


Class: 2

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Target: development of spelling skills of the studied combinations based on spelling vigilance.


  • to form the ability to recognize spelling in words and correctly designate in writing;
  • develop students' speech, enrich vocabulary, attention, memory;
  • develop a positive attitude towards learning.

Means of education: computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, cards for individual work.


1. Organizational moment

Teacher: Children answer: Like this! Show movement.

How are you? Like this! (finger)
How are you going? Like this! (we walk)
How do you run?
Do you sleep at night?
How do you take?
How do you give?
How are you silent?
Are you sitting?

2. Updating knowledge

– And now we have a Russian language lesson, a lesson-travel. Are you ready to work with me? We will travel through the stations.

Stop "Guess!"

- Listen to the logic exercise:

Hedgehogs, siskins, mice live in the forest. Their dwellings are located in dry leaves, on oak branches, under an old stump. Determine where the animals live if siskins are known to build their nests on oak branches and mice do not live in dry leaves.

(Answer: we know that hedgehogs, siskins, mice live in the forest. Their dwellings are located in dry leaves, on oak branches, under an old stump. We also know that siskins build their nests on oak branches, and mice do not live in dry leaves. So mice live under an old stump, and hedgehogs live in dry leaves.)

- Determine what spellings were encountered in this exercise and formulate the topic of the lesson. (children's answers)
- The topic of our lesson: The correct letter of combinations ZhI, SHI, CHA, SCHA, CHU, SCHU.
- Guys! Today we are going on a journey through the country "Spelling". Spelling is the rules and norms of written speech. You need to make friends with her in order not to make mistakes in writing. To do this, we will work with the poster "What is a spelling?"

(Interactive poster: 1, 2 task) 2, 3 slides

Stop "Chistulka"

Calligraphy:f w w w w w h w

-Look at the blackboard. 4 slide - What letters do you see?
-What sounds are they indicated in the letter? Give a description of these sounds. (Hissing, sounds [Ж], [Ш] are always hard, sounds [Ч], [Ш] are always soft).
- What combinations with these letters do you know?
- Write the letters beautifully in a notebook.

3. Work on the topic of the lesson. Operating knowledge and methods of activity

Stop "Know"

Acquaintance with new vocabulary words: cabbage, good

1) At this stop, a riddle awaits us:

The lady sat down in the garden,
Dressed in noisy silks
We are preparing tubs for her,
And half a bag of coarse salt! (Cabbage) 5 slide

- This is a new vocabulary word. Write it down in a notebook, pick up related words and write it down. (Entry in a notebook: Cabbage, cabbage leaf, cabbage.)
What do you know about cabbage? (This is a butterfly that eats cabbage).
- What is cabbage?

2) Read the proverbs about cabbage on the blackboard, explain the meaning.

September smells like an apple, and October smells like cabbage. 6 slide
Without cabbage - cabbage soup is not thick

3) Spread the text with appropriate words. (Cards)

Read the text and fill in the correct words. (collective and independent work, checking along the chain)

Autumn has come. _______ ________ the harvest of vegetables has ripened. Cabbage was born to glory! ______ _______ heads of cabbage lie on the beds. Cabbage is not only _______, but also a beautiful vegetable.

(Reference words: juicy, late, rich, in the fields, famously, large, tasty.)

- And if there is a lot of cabbage and other vegetables in the garden, then how do we talk about such a crop? (Rich, big, good). 7 slide
This is another new word from the dictionary. Write it in a notebook, pick up the words-relatives.
When else do we use this word in speech? (good student, good friend). Choose the opposite word (antonym).

Stop "Check"

- Write down the words from the board in a notebook, underline the spelling.
Checking on the simulator "Magic pipe". 8, 9,10 slides
Fluid, fluffy, sorrel, dacha, eccentric, squinted, tentacles.

Physical education minute

4. Consolidation using elements of different levels of differentiation

Stop "Remember"

- It's time to work on your own, while working, remember what we are working on today. Be careful and careful!

Individual work on cards with checking by levels

1st level.

Write off, insert the missing letters, underline the spelling.

Sh ... shka, f ... raf, f ... zn, big ..e, baby ..., reeds ..., f ... r, already ... n, walrus ..., husband ... k.

2nd level.

Write off, opening brackets, underline the spelling.

Fragrant (lily of the valley), prickly (hedgehog), ripe (pear), funny (siskin), huge (puddle), colored (pencil), long (already), high (reed), prickly (ruff), blue (roof).

3rd level.

Make sentences from words. Write down, underline the spelling.

Fluffy, swirling, snowflakes.
Faith, y, new, skis.
Frost, not afraid, and, cold, children.

Stop "Think"

"Now we'll play." The game is called "Find the bugs"

(Interactive poster) 11 slide

5. Summing up and drawing conclusions

Stop "Final"

At this stop we will sum up the lesson.
- Did you like the lesson? What new did you learn?
- Words, with what spelling did we meet?
- What rules of the Russian language helped us in the lesson?
- Let's listen to what kind of verses are there about the studied spellings.

(prepared children tell)

1 student:

Mice, hedgehogs, snakes,
Skis, puddles and walruses,
Roofs, siskins, swifts,
Giraffes and pencils
them with a letter AND always write!

2 student:

Seagull, thicket, tower.
Grove, thick and candle,
Food, kettle, cups, tea -
How will you write? Answer!

3 student:

Stocking, twirl, a little sad.
I write all the words At.


Learn new vocabulary words, draw pictures, in the names of which there are studied combinations of ZhI, SHI, CHA, SCHA, CHU, SHU.

- The lesson is over, well done! 12 slide
– Thank you for your work!

Don't miss the letter combinations: zhi, shi, cha, shcha, chu, shu

In combinations zhi And shea write after consonants and And w letter And,

in combinations cha And shcha after h And sch - letter A,

in combinations chu And shu after h And sch - letter at :and And t, mash And on, h A shcha, h at before, u at ka.


Why we write and And, w And ? After all, the letter And usually shows that the consonant before it is soft, for example: artAnd st- [T'] . And the hissing [w] and [w] are hard! The fact is that this is a traditional spelling. Once upon a time, the sizzling ones were soft. Then they began to be pronounced firmly, and the spelling of the letter And after and And w preserved: skiing And, mash And on the.

Letters are also traditional A And at after h And sch: h A sch A, h at before, u at ka.


Letter Yu found in borrowed words: and Yu ri, bro Yu ra, parash Yu T, as well as proper names, for example AND Yu l Vern.

Do not be surprised, you may also come across complex abbreviated words that do not correspond to this rule, for example izhYu collegium(Izhevsk legal board). When forming complex abbreviated names and abbreviations, such combinations of letters are possible that are not typical for the Russian language.

Pronounce these words correctly: bro[shu] ra, couple[shu] T,[Zhu] le Verne, and[juju] collegium.
Don't be surprised: the word and Yu ri pronounced differently: and [w "y] ri, and [zhu] ri.

Selective dictations

1. Write down only words with letter combinations ZhI, SHI.

1) Reeds grow near the river. 2) After the rain, there are puddles in the yard. 3) Lilies of the valley are blooming. 4) Siskins sing. 5) Swifts flew away. 6) Ruffs live in the river, walruses - in the sea, hedgehogs - in the forest. 7) Skis are greased. 8) Lena has pencils. 9) My ears are cleaner. 10) Fragrant roses are good. 11) The rose has thorns. 12) Write without mistakes. 13) Write, but do not rush. 14) Snowflakes were spinning.

2. Write down only words with letter combinations CHA, SCHA, CHU, SCHU.

1) Frequent rain in the yard. 2) Yura Chaikin solved the problem. 3) The ravens screamed loudly. 4) Seagulls circled over the water. 5) The fishermen caught bream and pike. 6) Birds are looking for food. 7) A jackdaw has a jackdaw. 8) The wolf has cubs. 9) Cup and teapot - dishes. 10) The children came to the grove. 11) Magpies crackle. 12) Cows moo. 13) Mice squeak. 14) Woodpeckers knock. 15) Sorrel grew in the meadow. 16) Seagulls and bee-eaters are birds.

Test dictations

in winter

Winter. There is fluffy snow in the forest. Dots and lines on the snow. The tracks lead into the thicket. At night, predatory animals look for food. Here is a forest river. Fishermen sit on the ice. My friend caught a big pike. (34 words)

In summer

Our dacha is near the woods. There is the river Shchur. It was July. Morning. We fished in the river. Vaska the cat was sleeping in the grass. We caught perch and two bream. We gave the perch to the cat. (31 words)

hare and cat

Dima had a fluffy bunny. Our cat Vaska and the bunny were friends. The cat loved milk. The hare ate cabbage. In the spring, the hare began to get bored. The boy released the animal into the forest. (29 words)

Words for reference: let go.

in the grove

How nice in spring! We go to the oak grove. Siskins and thrushes sing merrily here. The rooks are screaming loudly. The motley woodpeckers are knocking. Nimble magpies are crackling. A bee buzzes over a flower. (29 words)

Spelling minutes

1. Underline letter combinations with a hard hissing consonant in words.

Hedgehogs, siskins, floors, reeds, mice, ears, fat;

spring, bug, fragrant, resident, cones;

Bold, stitch, fluffy, awl, snowflake, ruff;

Be friends, puddles, lilies of the valley, mice, skis, life.

2. Record by changing the number of items.

Kid - kids, swift, floor, ruff, walrus, lily of the valley;

Pear, pencil, hedgehog, snake, reed, ear, puddle, knife.

3. Underline letter combinations in words with a soft hissing consonant sound.

Hour, tea, kettle, seagull, thicket, part, candle, cup;

Forgive, playground, washcloth, locust, glove;

Meet, shout, grumble, be silent, squeak, crackle;

Child, spell, tea, frequent, bowl, swing, murmur;

Cloud, task, luck, thousand, heap, meeting, sorrel;

Pike, pike, cast iron, scarecrow, grumbler, miracle, stockings;

Closet, wonderful, alien, tentacles, squint, brush;

I scream, I cry, I cry, I keep silent, I fly, I knock, I drag.

4. Underline the letter combinations ChK, ChN, NShch, ChT, SCHN in words.

Barrel, dot, girl, pen, wheelbarrow, line, daughter;

Thorn, sister, chicken, duck, pipe;

What to, mail, mast, dream, read, reading;

Accurate, eternal, urgent, gloomy, river;

Assistant, predator, predatory, vegetable (soup);

Powerful (strike), woman, mason, drummer.

Goal of the work- check the ability to write down a text from dictation (mostly words are taken where the spelling does not differ from the pronunciation) using the spelling rules words with a combination of cha, shcha, chu, shu. When dictating, all spellings encountered that are unfamiliar to students are clearly pronounced.

Visual dictations

  1. Ball, puppy, box, pike, watch, scissors, cloak, brick, station, mittens, seagull, cloud, cup, kettle, compasses, chicken.
  2. A cloud, a candle, a shepherd dog, a kettle, food, sorrel, a square, a bowl, squeaked, rooks, goodbye.
  3. Pike, closet, squinted, stocking, knock, drag, treat, teach, rinse.

Auditory dictations

I had two siskins living in a cage. By spring, they were strong. Let me set them free! A grove was green in the distance. From there came the chirping of birds. My chizhiki got worried. I went into the thicket and opened the cage. The birds disappeared into the tops of the trees. (39 words)

A cloud covered the sun. There was silence before the storm. The rooks don't cry. Woodpeckers don't knock. Magpies do not crackle. (16 words)

I wandered into the woods. Bushes and old stumps blocked the path. Leaves rustled. I was afraid. And there was a hedgehog. That's the meeting! (22 words)

common grove
A path runs through the field. Dives into a birch grove and hurries on. The grove is the most common. Yes, they only enter the grove, but they do not leave the grove. Has the Serpent Gorynych wound up in the grove? I could not stand it and also went into the grove. And there everything is red from the bones! (48 words)

It's raining
Quiet around. Water lilies sleep under water. Only fish see their beauty. The willow lowered its branches. She is sad. The dog Chapa is also sad. (20 words)

Explanatory dictations

Cup, grove, sorrel, watch, stockings, forelock, part, siskin, seagull, pike, yellow, black, hedgehog, car, live, wide, cloud, stocking. (19 words)

Syllable. stress. Sounds and letters

Writing combinations zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, shu

Hedgehogs, knives, pears, skis, puddles, ears, bumps, siskins, good, wide, make friends, sew, circle; thicket, grove, tea, cup, dacha, knock, be silent, shout; miracle, pike, I'm looking for, I want, I'm silent, I teach, I cry.


1. Write down poetry. Underline words with combinations of zhi, shi, cha, scha, chu, shu.

In combinations of zhi, shi

Just keep writing!

Mice, hedgehogs, snakes,

Skis, puddles,


Giraffes, tires and walruses,

Rosehip and pencils,

Circle, serve, make friends and live,

Hurry, mix, hiss and sew.

Remember the syllables zhi and shi

And only with a letter and write.

In combinations cha, shcha

We write only the letter a.

Heap, thick, tower,

Cloud, grove, locust,

Thicket, cottage and seal

You need to write with the letter a.

In combinations chu, shu

Write only the letter y.

I want to write well

Words in chu and shu I teach:

A stocking, and a miracle, and cast iron,

An eccentric, and a pike, and a grumbler,

Dirty, scarecrow, chump,

Wonderful, feelings and closet,

I scream, I grumble, I search, I drag.

I write with y and chu, and shu.

(From the collection “Entertaining


2. Write down sentences. Underline words with combinations of zhi, shi, cha, scha, chu, shu.

1. I am in the first grade. 2. Siskins live in the forest. 3. The guys are looking for bumps. 4. Fragrant flowers grew in a flower bed. 5. Never take other people's things. 6. Grandmother treats us to a pie. 7. The giraffe has a long neck. 8. There are mice in the closet. 9. A seagull is circling over the sea. 10. I never cry.


1. Listen to excerpts from poems. Write down and read words with combinations of zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, schu.

The carpenter is good

Better for an engineer

I would go build a house -

Let me be taught.

I will draw first

The house is what I want.

Nice house, big house

On all four sides

And the guys will live in it

Comfortable and spacious.

(V. Mayakovsky)

Squinting eyes and furrowing brows,

Muttering in his mouth,

Watchmaker Ivan Petrovich

Carefully took the watch

(S. Mikhalkov)

2. Listen to riddles and proverbs. Write down words with combinations of zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, schu.

golden sieve

There are a lot of black houses.

How many little black houses

So many white people. (Sunflower)

Lies under the fence

Yes, wagging his tail. (Pig)

I don't upset anyone

But I make everyone cry. (Onion)

Flying like an arrow

Buzzing like a bee. (Airplane)

One-eyed old woman

Embroider patterns. (Needle)


1. Do not rake in the heat with the wrong hands! 2. You can't hide an awl in a bag. 3. Do not hurry with your tongue - hurry with your deeds. 4. It is better to lose wealth than to break a word. 5. No matter how keen a pike is, it will not take a ruff from its tail.


Underline words with combinations of zhi, shi, cha, scha, chu, shu.

Silence on the river in the morning. We are sailing on a boat along a wide channel. Wonderful white water lilies float on the water. A dragonfly circles above them. Dragonflies are like little helicopters.


My dad loves fishing. He often takes me with him. Yesterday we went by car to the lake. Dad caught a big bream and a pike. He put them in a garden.


Hedgehogs, mice and a hare live in our school. The kids take care of the animals. After the lessons we run to the living corner and treat our friends to something delicious.

Writing combinations zhi, shi, cha, schA, chu, shu - Russian mova

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