Chess problems - two-movers. Chess problems - two-movers Chess problems - two-movers


Chess is a board game for those who wish to develop logical thinking. It is played by two people with special pieces on a board consisting of sixty-four cells, one half of which is black, the other is white (in the classic version). Chess is an amalgamation of game, sport and art, which is why it is so popular these days. The whole gameplay comes down to putting a check on the opponent, that is, to drive him to a standstill. Chess virtuosos know how to checkmate in 2 moves - and this is a sign of undoubted mastery.

A bit of history

Now it is impossible to believe in it, but the age of the game so beloved by contemporaries is one and a half thousand years. Of course, initially the rules of chess were different. They varied depending on the region of distribution. So, the game migrated from India, its historical homeland, to the Arab East, then to Africa and Europe. By the fifteenth century, the canons of chess had almost formed, but the final standardization did not occur until the nineteenth century, when the first international tournaments began to take place.

checkmate in chess

The word "mate" in Arabic means "died". This is the name of a chess position in which the king's piece is already in check, and he has no way to escape. The deadlocked king is the end of the game, which is what players strive for when playing chess. In order to quickly win against your opponent, you should study the various positions for checkmate in 1 move, checkmate in 2 moves, and so on.

Checkmate for one move

This position is called classical. Here the black king is stumped and has no way to escape. The squares c7, d7 and e7 are well protected by the white king, while the squares c8 and e8 can be attacked by the white rook.

Checkmate in 2 moves

This alignment is called "stupid", or "fool's checkmate". This position is considered the fastest of all possible layouts of chess games. Players who know how to play it can "fool" their opponent and score a quick and easy win. So, how is checkmate played in 2 moves:

Everything ingenious is simple

As it turned out, putting a "stupid mate" is not difficult. However, in chess the main thing is not knowledge, but the ability to apply it. Seeing the board and the confident expression on the opponent's face, many are lost and cannot even checkmate in 2 moves. The tasks that abound on Internet resources can help hone your game skills and win many worthy victories.


Chess problems - two-movers

Chess problems, in which a mate in 2 moves is provided, are called two-movers. These are tasks for those who are serious about mastering the art of chess. To solve chess problems where the king is checkmate in 2 moves, you need to go through several

"preparatory" stages. For example:

  • tasks for beginners;
  • easy tasks.

After you can go to the solution:

  • complex and
  • the most difficult tasks.

It's no secret that it's hard to learn - easy to fight. If you:

  • pro at easy tasks;
  • Do you know what “sacrifice” means in chess;
  • you can quickly calculate dozens and hundreds of combinations in your mind;
  • choose the option that, as a rule, leads to victory,

then you can take on the solution of chess problems called "two-move". We warn you: do not expect that you will immediately show brilliant results and be the king of the chessboard. It takes patience and a willingness to overcome difficulties. In order to solve chess problems where the king is checkmate in 2 moves, you will need the skills you have already acquired.

Professionals believe that two-way tasks can be solved even in less than 5 minutes. Do you think this is impossible? The main thing, say grandmasters and experienced chess players, is to apply the correct solution algorithm.

Let's open a little secret: start the game with the move of the opposite side - black. If the move of the "dark" ones is possible, first of all track:

  • checks;
  • taking;
  • moves that allow the black king to escape from the field.

Don't forget to check if White's pieces checkmate in response to Black's actions. As a rule, there is always a "mat" combination in reserve for Black's response.

And remember: there is always a solution! You just need to find it. The chess problem, by its name “mate in 2 moves”, already, as it were, tells the chess player how to snatch victory from the opponent.

In the online school Chesslives, you will be taught how to solve chess problems of various levels of difficulty, including those where victory is achieved by checkmate to the king in 2 moves.

You can always find out how to get into the Chesslives school and learn from our coaches:

  • by calling the number indicated on the website;
  • leaving an online application.

See you in class!

Chess is a very popular game. There are many books that explain all its subtleties. You can find a large number of collections with a description of various situations that are proposed to be completed in a given number of steps. But not all authors include in such books of chess problems mate in 2 moves at the very beginning of the meeting. Of course, there are famous chess situations that took place at world competitions and assumed the end of the game with two steps. But they all happened in the middle of the game or closer to the end of the game.

stupid mate

Checkmate in 2 moves is also called stupid. It occurs very rarely. In most cases, it is not placed within the framework of the official game, but simply to demonstrate that such an outcome of the fight is real, and not a draw.

Few amateurs, other than GMs, are aware of the existence of checkmate in two, so this can be a great idea to argue with a beginner. He made a move with a pawn, put a checkmate, finished the game.

How to end a game of chess on the second move

Only black pieces can win the duel with two moves, since according to the rules they move second. White can checkmate like this, but due to the fact that he makes his move first, it will take him three steps to end the game in a similar way.

White's first move must be a pawn with a bishop on a square. F 6. Black must open his queen by resembling E3 or E4 with his king's pawn. White's second move - a pawn with a knight on G 5. Having made such a move, the opponent leaves his king open and defenseless. Neither the bishop, nor the knight, nor any other figure will be able to close it when attacked.

Black's next move ends the game by mate in 2 moves --- queen on H 5. A similar combination can be made in the middle of the game. And if a checkmate in 2 moves almost never occurs in the opening of a meeting, then closer to the middle of the game, the probability of such an outcome increases. But it still remains negligible.

Defense against stupid mate

As such, there is no defense against checkmate in 2 moves. Nobody practices it, since the moves that are necessary to complete the game in two steps do not bring any benefit to the player, but only make him lose tempo in the very opening of the meeting.

White pawn moves F 6 and G5 cover the entire side for attack. The only move that can be made is the knight or officer on H6, but the pawn won't let you do anything else. That is why even not the most experienced chess players do not take such a step and thereby avoid a stupid checkmate without knowing it.

Hello dear readers and guests of our site. In today's article, we will tell you from A to Z about the children's checkmate in chess and you will learn absolutely all types of children's checkmate.


Variant of children's checkmate No. 1 - white checkmate in 3 moves
Variant of children's checkmate No. 2 - checkmate in 2 moves is put by black

In addition, we will talk with you about how to defend yourself against these types of checkmate, so as not to lose a game to someone in disgrace, and even in front of friends, relatives, a girl, a guy, etc.

A small note: Obviously, the best way to avoid such incidents is education. For example, according to the Chess Training Programs.

In fact, most people on the planet, even beginners and not only chess players, think that there is only one kind of mate.

When, first of all, White moves the pawn from e4 to e5, then attacks the black f7-square with the bishop and queen, and, due to the beginner's inexperience, checkmate the black king with the queen, locking it in a cage. It looks something like this:

But look at the children's mat interactively:

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And here it is not. In fact, there are 2 types of children's mats. The second option looks like this:

If in the first version of the children's mat, about which I wrote above, there were 3 moves, then in the second version there were only 2 moves. YES YES! Surprised?

Everyone thinks that the fastest checkmate in chess is a three-move checkmate. And here are the figurines. There is also a checkmate in 2 moves, and it is also considered childish. Why childish? Yes, because only children can move with white pieces in such a way that black checkmates in 2 moves. An experienced chess player will not walk like that.

So let's get down to business.

The first version of the children's mat

1 move. White moves e4, black responds with e5. Standard opening in chess. White and Black made good moves.

2 move. White moves the bishop to c4, and let's say black moves the knight to c6. Everything is going fine so far.

3 move. White puts the queen on h5!!! Here Black must play correctly, because he is threatened by a checkmate on f7 with a queen.

But out of inexperience, some people move either with a knight to f6 or a pawn to d6, or even a pawn to b6, in order to supposedly bring the bishop out later, BUT! They get a baby checkmate with a queen on f7.

By the way, in chess this type of mate became famous as a mate in three moves, but in fact it would be more correct to call it a mate in 4 moves, because only on the 4th move does the white queen checkmate.

The second version of the children's mat

Black wins in this variation. But in this case White must make very stupid moves. We look.

1 move. White moves f4, black responds with e6. Diams... White has a strange start.))

In general, know that the squares f2 and f7 must be protected and not opened in chess, just as White did just now.

2 move. White moves g4!!! Horror. This is the end. Black checkmates with the queen on h4.

Here is checkmate in 2 moves.

How to protect yourself from child abuse?

In fact, the defense is simple. Let's not consider the second option. Because the defense in it is simple - no need to move the pawns f4 and g4.

Let's consider the first option. After White's queen is on h5, Black's best move would be queen f6.

Now he will defend the f7-square. In addition, Black's next move will allow him to move his bishop to the c5-square and the opponents will switch roles. Now White's weak f2-square is under threat.

In addition to the move - the queen on f6, Black also has a pawn move to g6 with an attack on the white queen.

And even if later the fer runs away to f3 with the continuation of the attack on Black's f7-square, then Black simply moves his knight to f6.

And voila. As a result, White wanted to create an attack and checkmate. But it turned out that they simply ran the queen around the board while Black developed the pieces. Black's position is better than White's.

Well, the last. I would like to comment on Black's mate defense when the pawn moves to g6 with an attack on the queen. This variation will work if initially Black's knight is on c6 and protects the e5-pawn. Well, either the pawn is on d6 and defends the same pawn on e5.

And if the pawn on e5 were not under protection, then it would not be right to defend against a childish mate with g6. Why? But because the queen eats the e5 pawn, checks the black king and simultaneously attacks the h8 rook, which it will crush on the next move.

This is how it is, dear friends. How do you like the article? Was it helpful to you? We hope that now you will easily beat beginners + you will know how to avoid childish checkmate if someone wants to put it on you.

If something was not clear to you, then I suggest watching this video:


What types of children's mat do you know? Maybe one of you knows checkmate in one move? Write in the comments. Thank you and see you soon...

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