Chess problems online. Chess problems - etudes Chess tasks for children


A chess problem is the position of the pieces on the board, accompanied by a task to be solved. Such a task can be to obtain a numerical advantage in the game, or to declare a checkmate to the opponent for a certain number of moves in the game, for example, checkmate in 1 move, checkmate in two moves.

Constant solving of chess compositions is necessary to improve the level of your game, develop combinational vision, when you can quickly assess the position and find ways to attack or defend, checkmate and win. For the successful development of their abilities, it is enough to devote 30-40 minutes a day to solving tactical tasks.

On our site, tasks are divided into difficulty levels according to the number of moves, how many pieces are on the board. This is the best solution, you can solve problems, watch video tutorials on various topics.

How useful are tasks for beginners?

Regular exercises in solving chess studies perfectly develop the intellect, and at any age. Even simple tasks with answers contribute to:

  • Faster search for the right move in the game for chess players;
  • Development of logic and thinking, drawing up interesting combinations;
  • Ability to find a way out even in a difficult position;
  • For children develop abilities in mathematics.

The most exciting are tasks that involve checkmate in 1 move, white or black pieces start. Putting a checkmate in two moves is already aerobatics, allowing you to move on to learning a full-fledged game of chess to participate in competitions and tournaments. It is recommended to start them after successfully mastering simpler chess puzzles and rules.

Until recently, meager collections of problems were on the shelves of bookstores, but now the Internet and interactive online chess problems for beginners with answers and solutions provide great opportunities, some of which were developed by the authors specifically for children of preschool and school age. They allow you to play online, disassemble game miniatures, complex puzzles. There are options for problem books for adults with different levels of training.

Solving chess problems for free on websites can teach you how to play chess practically from scratch, like a coach, such Internet resources as Chessday, Chessfield. The rating and activity of a chess player are considered. Properly selected materials.

22.04.2017 | 23:43

Good day, dear friend!

The child learned what a mat is. Great news. It's time to consolidate this knowledge with examples. Today we will analyze chess problems for children at this stage of a child's development as a chess player.

But first, a small digression. Since you have landed on this page, it means you are a beginner, so we bring to your attention a cool training video course "How to teach a child to play chess". Thanks to him, you yourself will study and learn all the rules, and also teach a child from 4 years old to play. You will not regret...

Learning to checkmate

He already knows what checkmate means and what it might look like.

But how to put it? Start in one go. This is one of the initial skills of a chess player. The task of checkmate should not cause difficulties.

Let's select tasks that will clearly fix the concept of "checkmate" in the mind, not only theoretically, but also practically. Let's learn how to identify a piece that checkmates the opponent's king.

Below are the tasks, arranged in order from simple to complex. First, simple checkmates, with a pawn, then more complex ones. Then figures on the same principle.

Let's move on to the problems "Checkmate in one move".

Checkmate pawn

The pawn moves in short “steps” and this makes it easier for the child to find a solution. It should not be forgotten that the unique property of a pawn is promotion. What piece should she turn into to checkmate?

1. White move

2. White to move

A more difficult task is that the pawn mates at the same time as the capture.

3. Black to move

The pawn mates at the same time as the promotion.

4 . White to move

The task becomes even more complicated: the pawn mates simultaneously with capture and promotion. First, the pawn beats the knight, then turns into a rook or queen and checkmates.

5. White to move

The pawn must turn into a specific piece - a knight. Only in this case is a checkmate given in one move.


6. Black to move

Linear mat.

7. White move

Linear stale mat.

8. White move

The task is to checkmate in two ways. Any of the rooks can do it.


9. White move

10. Black to move

The task becomes more difficult. The bishop checkmates only on the h4 square. If the bishop moves to a5, White's queen protects the king from check.

11. White to move

An even more difficult task. The rook captures the g6 pawn, gives an exposed check and checkmate from the bishop.


12. White to move

13. Black to move

Math in two ways.

14. White to move

"Opened" mat. The king bounces and the queen checkmates.


15. White to move

Who said you can't mate with a king and a knight?)

16. Black to move

Another example "from the same opera."

17 White to move

Mat with a link.

18. White to move


Chess problems - studies

A special area of ​​creative activity in chess is called a chess composition, which includes:

  • chess studies and
  • tasks.

Please note: there are examples on the website:

  • with answers;
  • with solutions.

Chess problems and etudes with solutions are created so that each player can analyze the moves and avoid mistakes in the future. The examples are taken from games played by someone (usually famous grandmasters) before.

Chess etudes and problems are a very interesting, exciting and exciting pastime. We have already said that mind games:

  • develop thinking, logic;
  • increase IQ;
  • are the prevention of Alzheimer's disease.

As for studies, this is a new level of mastery in chess. These are problems (with answers, with and without solutions), during which the player fights for the victory of his pieces (white by default). Chess etudes are solved by those who, so to speak, are already at home with the intellectual game. The number of moves here is impossible to predict. The game continues until:

  • one of the parties "in battle" will not lose all the pieces;
  • one of the kings will not be mated.

Chess studies and problems help young players to break into the leaders. It is recommended to solve them systematically. In chess, as in big sports, you need constant training. Otherwise, the skills will not become a habit. After a long break in your studies, you are unlikely to be able to immediately solve chess studies and problems - unless they come with answers. To return the "intellectual form", you will have to return to the initial level and again "dig" in tasks for beginners.

We warn you: Chesslives online school does not offer free play, but for a small fee they teach professionalism and true mastery of chess!

Call the number listed on the website and sign up for classes!

Chess problems allow novice chess players to learn the most important thing - to learn how to checkmate the king. It is from this that one should begin teaching chess to both children and adults. Start with the simplest - checkmate in one move. Programs for solving chess problems, allows you to learn how to checkmate both in one move and in two, three and four. Tasks can be solved online using any computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone.

When solving chess problems, beginner chess players need to follow some recommendations. When evaluating a chess position, it is recommended to use an algorithm of actions related to finding answers to the following questions:

  1. Is your king in check?
  2. Is it possible to checkmate in one or more moves? Naturally, we are not talking about checkmate in 10 moves. As a rule, beginners are offered to find a checkmate in 1-2 moves. In some problems, it is specified in advance, in how many moves it is necessary to deliver a checkmate. However, there are a large number of problems, the solution of which is not related to a quick checkmate.
  3. Is it possible to make a useful check? A useful check is a check that allows you to gain an advantage over your opponent, for example, make a fork and capture a piece.
  4. If a useful check cannot be made, can a useful capture be made? It is necessary to pay attention to whether there are “weak” pieces of the enemy. For example, an opponent's piece may be under tension (a pin) and there may be the possibility of capturing it.

Sometimes it seems that the position is better for white (black), as a result of a deeper analysis it turns out that the initial assessment was incorrect. Try to determine the outcome of the game yourself. Hint: this is a guaranteed win.

1B6/8/7P/4p3/3b3k/8/8/1K6 w - - 0 1

You must enable JavaScript to display charts.

If you were unable to solve this problem yourself, watch the video from the series "Chess with Olesya" ("Endgame in chess. Tactics in the endgame. Lesson 03 - part 1").

Now you know how important it is to give a correct assessment of the situation on the chessboard.

Problem solving by Alexander Gelman (video)

Recall that Alexander Gelman is an international chess master. In the video you can see how he solves chess problems. As Alexander himself admits, he does not always “see the whole board”.


Chess problems for beginners

Teaching the art of the most intellectual game in the world - chess - should be step-by-step and systematic, which is why our school provides chess problems for beginners. If you grab at once for complex tasks, you can get confused, lose faith in your own abilities and, as a result, lose interest in the learning process.

Chess problems for beginners are a great way to develop your skill gradually, without forcing learning. Of course, they are simple compared to tasks for advanced players, but they help to build a winning strategy for future fights with strong opponents. We offer online classes for beginners. They suggest:

  • ongoing coaching support;
  • selection of worthy opponents

and many other benefits. online school controls the educational process. Coaches with students:

  • analyze solved chess problems for beginners, even if initially they were with answers;
  • find other options for moves;
  • analyze every possible solution.

It is extremely important not only the outcome of the game, but its process. Close attention is paid to each move. Even easy tasks are not immediately given to young chess players. Beginners are warned: do not despair if the chess task seems very difficult, because these are only the first difficulties on the way to a big game and serious opponents. To step to the next level, you need to solve more than a dozen, or even a hundred problems with answers. The decision will gradually become easier. Chess problems for beginners with answers were invented specifically to help players quickly get the skills they need in intellectual battles.

Contact chess tutors - they will quickly teach you how to solve chess problems for beginners. You will use the acquired knowledge when you start solving complex problems.

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