Santa Claus knows who was the bad boy. Jokes for the new year


There is a 7 year old boy and a 6 year old girl in our family. Santa Claus came to our house (it was dad or one of our friends) and brought a whole bag of gifts. But this year, when we all started writing a letter to Santa Claus together, the son began to scream that he did not exist. And the daughter still believes in fairy tales. How to be?

child, under normal mental development, it is peculiar not to distinguish the real from the fictional. The kid must believe in fairy tales, be afraid of Baba Yaga, wait for the Snow Maiden with Santa Claus. This is how it forms the foundation. spiritual world. The baby can repeat the words of the pope: “There is no Santa Claus!” But as soon as he hears the doorbell, he hopefully rushes to open it: “Grandfather Frost brought me gifts!”

So the task of parents is to maintain the legend. Put gifts on the balcony and make big “Father Frost footprints” around in the snow, send the baby to the “Christmas tree” with a fun performance, buy him what he asked for from Santa Claus.

And a child can be disappointed in a fairy tale regardless of who is hiding behind a cotton beard and a red hat - dad or a hired artist. Many children, having matured, realize that Santa Claus is not magical hero, but a living person who gives gifts to everyone. But it happens that, having learned the truth, the child is very upset.

If this happened, do not try to explain your motives: they say that dad wanted to give a holiday and now he is also upset in his own way. Try to understand the child - what he feels (resentment, irritation, anger). Don't be afraid to ask what exactly upset him. Maybe the kid realized for the first time that Santa Claus is not real. Maybe he's upset because he didn't think of it sooner. Maybe he's angry that adults are laughing at him. As soon as you and your child formulate the cause of grief and disappointment, the mood of the baby will improve.

Perhaps some moms and dads feel that children's faith in Santa Claus is going too far. For example, a child is already big or gets very upset when parents hint to him that the hero is fictional. In this case, just shift the focus. Instead of a fairy tale, tell your child an adult story about Santa Claus - the legend of St. Nicholas (the prototype of Santa Claus) or Russian Saint Nicholas.

By the way, the fact that Santa Claus is not real is accepted by children in different ages. But even if the kid knows that this hero does not really exist, New Year's gifts he waits anyway.

How to answer a child's questions

Explains child psychologist Natalya GRISHAEVA

QUESTION. Does Santa Claus exist? Where does he live?

ANSWER. Of course there is! You saw him in cartoons, in films, in books, he brings you gifts and puts you under the Christmas tree at night. Santa Claus lives in the city of Veliky Ustyug.

QUESTION. Why did I receive a designer as a gift, although I asked Santa Claus for a car?

ANSWER. (Of course, you forgot about the typewriter, so you have to get out.) Grandfather Frost messed up, he has thousands of orders. Write him a letter and ask him to change gifts. (Letter, seal it in an envelope and drop it in front of the child in mailbox, and then you still have to buy a typewriter and give it belatedly.)

QUESTION. Mom, I saw how Santa Claus's beard came off, and the Snow Maiden was red under a white wig! Are they not real?

ANSWER. There are real Santas and Snow Maidens, and there are those who work with them to help the real ones do everything. Be sure to visit you next year the real one will come Santa Claus.

QUESTION. AT kindergarten Dudkin says that there is no Santa Claus, and parents buy us gifts. This is true?

ANSWER. You know, Santa Claus comes only to those who believe that he exists. So I believe, and he brings me gifts every New Year.

QUESTION. Mom, does Santa Claus have a wife?

ANSWER. Yes, but she is waiting for him at home. And with him the granddaughter, the Snow Maiden, visits the children.

QUESTION. I know that there is no Santa Claus, why did you lie to me?

ANSWER. We did not lie to you, we played with you fabulous game. All children play it while they are small. And now you have grown up and you know that there is no need to be afraid of Baba Yaga, and Santa Claus is a fairy-tale hero.


Correspondence with Santa Claus or with the Snow Maiden is a useful thing. The kid will be happy to learn and display letters, draw pictures, learn to write, read and send letters. And you can compose answers from Santa Claus, put them in your mailbox and take them out with your child. On the envelope, make a note: "Read only for children."

Remember the feeling from childhood: if you look up at the falling snowflakes, it seems as if you are flying somewhere far, far away? Until the new year, everything is nothing, the pre-holiday fuss reigns around, there are kilometer traffic jams on the roads. Adults frantically run around the shops, looking for gifts for relatives and friends, buying food and alcohol for all 11 days of vacation. What about children? And the children are just waiting for the holiday, funny and directly commenting on everything that happens.

I say to my niece:
- Well, Dasha, will we write a letter to Santa Claus?
- Wow! Do you know Santa's email address?

Actually, I didn’t behave very well, but Santa Claus brought me gifts so that I wouldn’t be nervous. Well, who needs a nervous child?!

Semyon, have you already figured out what you will ask Santa Claus for?
“And I won’t ask for anything.
- Why?
- I'd rather mess around.

Maxim sings a song:
- Built-in in winter and summer, it was green.

Mom, does the Christmas tree have a head?
- Not.
“What does she think then?” - looks thoughtfully at the top of the Christmas tree .. - with an asterisk or something?

Will be New Year. Santa Claus will give mom a white dress, and she will be a Snow Maiden. And dad will give a white shirt and a black suit, and he will be a zebra ..

The son examines the candy from the gift:
- Sweets with a taste of a snake, with a taste of a bear, with a taste of a little red riding hood ...

Tanya lost a tooth. Sits and considers, arguing:
- Well, what's the point of putting it under the pillow ?! Anyway, there is no Tooth Fairy, it’s my dad who puts money under my pillow, and takes the tooth and throws it away ... - I thought.
- Tanya, well, tell me more that there is no Santa Claus !!! I say.
- No ... Here is Santa Claus just there. There are so many of them, before the New Year, drunken people hang out on the street.

Christmas tree in kindergarten. Santa Claus runs out and shouts:
- Guard!!! Baba Yaga stole the Snow Maiden! What to do? What to do?
Children and parents are silent. Pasha shouts to the whole hall:
- What to do?! What to do?! Yes, call the police!

Today my son wrote a letter to Santa Claus:
"Hello, Santa Claus. I want you to give me a tablet for the new year. But if you think that I didn’t deserve it, then give it to dad!”

Two girls are talking to each other
- And I was born in the year of the mouse, so for the New Year I will be a mouse.
- And I was born in the year of the pig, so for the New Year I will be ... Snow Maiden!

Finding a pencil case, an album and a puzzle with the symbols of Spiderman under the tree, Andryusha says thoughtfully:
- Yeah, it looks like Santa Claus is also a fan of Spider-Man ...

Mom, does Santa Claus sleep during the day?
- I do not know…
- Of course he's sleeping. Sleeps during the day, comes to the children at night. Some sort of vampire!

Ksyusha was told to bring tinsel to school for decoration. I clarify:
- And as you were told, this is with a return?
“I don’t know, they didn’t tell us anything about debauchery.

Son, what will we order Santa Claus for the New Year?
- I do not even know. Everything seems to be there..
- Well, you have to think, otherwise he will bring something unnecessary.
“Then the pool.
— Inflatable?
- No, the real one, which will be in the yard.
"Son, how do you feel about it?" The pool will not fit into Santa Claus's bag!
— No, he will dig it himself. Big shovel.
- Just imagine this picture, it's cold everywhere, it's snowing, and Santa Claus is standing in our yard and digging a pool. And his children are waiting, and he is waving a shovel. And everyone is waiting and waiting for him ..
Nothing, they'll wait!

Vova looks at a gift from Santa Claus for a long time (there are sweets, nuts, tangerines) and asks:
“Mom, where did he get so much food?”

Morning. Kindergarten fees.
“Mom, do you have any diamonds?”
- Well, there is little.
What about other decorations?
- There is also.
“Then bring it all to the kindergarten in the evening.”
- Why?
- We will decorate our room there for the New Year, they said to bring decorations from the house.

Winter. Me (standing at the window):
- Wow! What a Grandfather Frost, well done! What kind beautiful patterns painted on the window.
Suitable son:
- What are you still naive with me ...

I tell my son:
“Maybe we can take down the tree already?”
- Not!!! Santa Claus has not brought gifts yet!
- Why didn't you bring it? Here they are!
- I didn't order it.

Sasha plays "continue the sentence" with her mother. Mom starts, son finishes:
- For the New Year, children dress up ...
– Christmas tree
- He's coming to the party...
- Father Frost
- They put it under the tree.
- Extension.

And finally.
- Nastya, call Santa Claus.
- Santa Claus!
Well done, now look under the tree.
Finds a package of sweets, tangerines. It eats it all up.
- Delicious?
— Yeah! Grandfather Mooroozaa, Grandfather Moroooozaaaa!

Well, at the end of the story, which has already appeared on the Internet more than once. Gl can't tell it again

On Friday I drive up to the hypermarket, stock up on beer and shrimp. I look - there is a free place, next to an awesome Harley.
I park, get out of the car, start looking at it, because I love motorcycles like that. Nearby, a family swarms around the car, packing their purchases. Mom, Dad, and a little boy, five years old.
And then the owner of the Harley appears.
Classics - leather pants, Cossacks, a leather vest on a naked body, on one forearm there is a ZZ Top tattoo, on the other - AD / DC. And ... Huge snow-white hair with curls, and the same snow-white beard to the navel. A sort of cross between the same ZZ Top and MC Flash.
The little boy yells - "Mom, look, Santa Claus !!!".
And his mother - "No, son, this is a biker uncle."
The boy's lower lip begins to puff out.
And the biker uncle turns to the boy and says in a well-delivered bass (further dialogue with the boy):
No, I am Santa Claus.
- Where is your red coat and why on a motorcycle?
- So summer, I have a vacation, I ride here, at the same time I look at the children, who are well behaved and who are bad, in order to know who to give gifts for the New Year and who not. And on a motorcycle, because the deer are resting, they are nibbling grass, they are gaining strength, because in winter we will have so much to do.
- And where is the Snow Maiden?
- And the Snow Maiden is resting in the south, in Turkey.
"But she won't melt?"
- No, these are fairy tales, we do not melt from the heat.
Then he opens the wardrobe trunk, which is packed full of small plush bunnies.
He takes one and gives it to the boy with the words:
- Behave yourself, obey Mom and Dad, and you will have a good present for the new year.
He almost has tears in his eyes from happiness.
Then he (the biker) turns to me, winks and whispers - "Third for today."
He sits on a motorcycle, and smoothly drives off.
Mom smiles, Dad smiles, the boy hugs the bunny.
I look at the sun and think - "How good life is!

On the morning of January 1, all the shops opened, but there were no visitors ... Only after dinner, the children reached out with notes ...;

From the forum:

- you need a gnome costume, size 54, height 178.

First comment:

- Snow White is even scary to imagine;

If you want your children to celebrate the New Year at home, go visit;

Dear Santa Claus! The boy Vova is writing to you. All year I was very good boy... Hmm ... Well, almost the whole year ... Well, at least sometimes ... Hmm ... Well, there were definitely a couple of times ... Oh, okay! I will buy everything!!!

A traffic cop stops a car that has exceeded the speed limit.

- Where are you in such a hurry?

- home. We celebrated the New Year with friends, I was a little late. The wife is worried.

But it's May in the yard now.

- that's why I'm in a hurry;

Santa Claus comes on the next call:

- What would you like, dear boy, as a gift?

The child, without saying a word, slaps Santa Claus.

- boy, why?

- and this is for the last year;

- Santa Claus, I beg you, give me a designer! the child screams.

“Don’t shout like that, Santa Claus will hear even a whisper,” his mother soothes.

- yes, but dad closed himself in the bath, and could not hear;

Dec. 31. A man puts down a stool and throws a rope over a chandelier. Suddenly the door swings open, and a drunken Santa Claus tumbles in. He flops down on the sofa, looks at the unfortunate man, and asks:

- what are you doing there?

- Yes, life is a nightmare, I can't take it anymore, I'm tired! Decided here...

- m-yes ... Well, since you are still on a stool, tell me, or something, a rhyme ...

- Hey! How did you celebrate the New Year?

- as a gift…

- I do not understand, how is it?

- I woke up under the tree.

- Well, what's wrong - as always ... Tradition.

- yes, but not in the middle of the forest;

- After the celebration of the New Year, friends meet:

- Well, how did you celebrate the New Year?

I don't know, haven't told you yet...

In half an hour the New Year will come. A couple with full bags hurries home through the deserted streets. They run into a drunk.

- you see, - the husband reproaches his wife, - everything normal people already having fun! And we always have everything at the last minute!

Son-in-law is tighter:

- Mom, let's celebrate this New Year together, after all, next year is yours, after all, the year of the Snake ...

- of course, son, otherwise when will we get together to celebrate the New Year, only in three years ...

What do we have in three years?

- year of the ram!

- and I put a gift under the Christmas tree for my beloved!

- what is she?

Yes, she is still looking for him. The taiga is big;

Husband wakes up in the morning, asks his wife:

- Has the New Year passed?

- passed.

- What is the date today?

- the second of January.

- was it the first one?

On the street hard frost. A flushed peasant with an empty sled runs along the road, and without turning around, yells:

- nothing Ssserezhenka, soon we will be at home, son!

Hello Dedushka Moroz! Last New Year, I asked to give me a year on the Black Sea coast so that I could admire tanned girls who, like mermaids, splash in warm water. Thank you very much, grandfather, my wish really came true! Sergey Smirnov, 2nd frontier company, Republic of Abkhazia.

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