Decoration of the hall for KVN in kindergarten. KVN in kindergarten "Friends of Nature


KVN for teachers on the topic "Pedagogical duet"

Alexandrova Alexandra Evgenievna music director GBDOU kindergarten No. 4 of the Krasnoselsky district of St. Petersburg
Work description: I bring to your attention the material creative competition teachers, held in the style of KVN - "Pedagogical duet"
Target: development of creative abilities and love for the profession
- formation of communicative abilities of individuals;
- strengthening the knowledge of the participants in the game about the features of communication with the child.


Presenter: We welcome you to this cozy room. Good afternoon, dear fans of KVN. What is KVN? K - club, B - lovers in pedagogical activity, and N - hoping that over time, and not without our participation, the world will become better and kinder, and adults and children will perfectly master the language of mutual understanding. And in order for this to come true, it is necessary now, without postponing for later, to learn to communicate, to check your thoughts, guesses.
KVN became an honorary special,
But interest in him has not been reduced -
Lets finish the job
forget about studying proccess.
We want now in this room
Your faces shone like the sun
So that smiles become wide,
As the newest building avenue.
Today, duet teams will “cross arms” in this hall. And as the charter of KVN says, these weapons will be knowledge, humor, resourcefulness and good breeding.
No one knows how this battle will end, but we are full of hope that the strongest of the strongest will win. According to Russian custom, it is supposed to greet each other, introduce yourself.
Presentation of duets (each duet introduces itself).

Presenter: Directly in front of you is the panel of judges, which also believes: "Let the strongest win!"

So, KVN begins!
Teams, no fluff - no feather!

Now we will reflect on the problems of interaction, on the ways and means of creating a joyful and cheerful mood in children in the course of communication with adults, solving pedagogical situations.

Within three minutes, teachers draw out a ticket with a described situation and answer how to solve the proposed problem.

Presenter: And now I propose to warm up and practice according to the Federal State Educational Standard.
Relay race “Social and communicative development(standing with their backs to each other, educators avoid obstacles)

Attraction for development fine motor skills"Put the lace and tie in a duet" (two teachers, holding hands, thread the lace and tie it with the other free hand)

Relay "How we feel each other"(the first teacher is blindfolded, who must overcome obstacles with the help of a verbal description of the second)

Music game in artistic aesthetic development"Pick up musical instrument corresponding to the sound of music" (teachers to the music should play a musical instrument that matches the sound of the musical fragment)
Presenter: In this world, tiny and shaky,
As long as the sun will shine on us
The woman remains a mystery
That no one can figure out.
A pleasant holiday only for women,
Which makes us all happy!
The eighth of March will provide
Sea of ​​smiles, happiness, laughter!
And today I suggest you create a duet card that you would like to receive for the holiday.

teachers in 10 minutes perform creative task

Game "Cognitive and speech development"(teachers throw the ball to each other and call lexical topics, but not necessarily only those that are written in the program kindergarten)

The game "Why I love my profession"(teachers pass a flower to each other to the music, when the music stops, he must answer the question “Why do I love my profession”)
Presenter: And in conclusion, I suggest you sing the final song on this spiritual note.
1. Only in the morning the dawn is engaged,
He cheerfully calls to work,
We rise briskly from the bed,
So every day, year after year.
tablecloth, tablecloth
The long way creeps
How many souls and years have been given to the garden!
To everyone, to everyone
He became like a native, -
There is no better kindergarten in the whole world.
2. Yes, friends, the work of a teacher is
Eternal road without end.
We all chose it consciously
We give our hearts to children.

Anna Akhmerova

Greetings to all who have looked at my blog! Today my post is about interesting event that happened to our team - preparation and performance at the KVN game. During the month of preparation, the employees of our garden rallied even more, we received so many positive emotions and a charge of vivacity and positive from the performance and in the process of preparation. I was the captain of the team and the author of the ideas.

The game was played within annual festival amateur art "Roshchinsky patterns" in the local Palace of Culture, 5 teams took part: a kindergarten, a combined team of the village, and 3 teams from other villages where the workshops of the state farm "Roshchinsky" are located.

So, we start KVN.

"Business card"

The "Interns" (as I called them) come on stage and perform the song-alteration "Good Girls". I am the author of the text and I will be glad if this version of the perky song is useful to someone.

1) Good girls

They work in a kindergarten.

Smart and funny

Yes, it's just pleasing to the eye!

Only we will tighten the song

Support us!

2) We are surrounded by children-

And we won't get old.

And from the smiles of children

Let it shine all around.

Our main wealth

Trusted by fate

This is of course a child

Our very best friend!

3) Like a bee educator

Until very late at night.

Twenty-five kids

Well, in the evening - the family.

After all, every year in the village

More and more kids

Come to our garden

Soooo! A moment of attention!

What is this gathering here?

Maybe on the agenda

Discuss me!


Yes, what are you?

We're arguing here

How to approach a child

In the new century modern

Find a common language with him!


We are advanced people

We have an approach to them!


We'll be happy to see

Show Masterclass!

Young educators and assistant educators come out, read REP. Once on the Day of the Preschooler, I found on the Internet one version of Rap for preschoolers. I left some of that text. Everything else is my work:


advanced ideas

Give a strong start

Federal will help

State standard!

Now I'm aware too

Preschool news.

There are seven educational

Bringing integration

in each of our projects.

We are not afraid of the new

New - RESPECT! (in chorus)

The names are changing

But the essence remains.

You are kind and open

Be a teacher!

We are preschoolers

Miracle teachers,

With childhood forever

Roads intersect.

We'll be forever young

And that's a plus! (in chorus)

Gives us a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy

Every toddler.

Our children participate

in competitions of various

And they always show

The result is decent!

There are awards in the Republic

And even in Russia!

fun pass

sports holidays,

Because the teachers

Our creative!

Children skiing in winter

Happy to ride

And all year round in the pool

Splashing with pleasure!

And children's matinees -

Like a social ball!

Come to us, believe

What got into a fairy tale.

Girls and boys

Sing to you from the heart

And they will show you the dance

Unparalleled beauty!

Chorus (in chorus):



We are on this day

Forgetting about worries

Let's tell the whole world

About our work.

Straight off the stage

Here and now

Our preschool REP

Sounds for you!

We give the child

Peace in the palm of your hand

Learning life

Take a little.

In drawings and colors

Looking for beauty

choose words,

Don't be shy yourself.

Learning to laugh

be sad, wonder

play in the theater

As an artist, don't be shy.

Each educator is

National artist!

Singer, musician,

Artist, linguist.

And all your secrets

The baby will open

Don't get bored with them

Yes, don't be sad with them.

And so that in your life

Suddenly it didn't happen

In the garden you forget everything

And give them warmth.

Chorus (in chorus)



Two kids come out senior group(I pre-recorded them in the studio)

The educator knows everything

Like a superhero!

Of course it's not easy

Coming, sometimes.

But for all questions

Finds answers

We love them very much

We even give away candy!


Our doors are open

Always and for everyone

If there's something to show

Why hide success?

And we don't stop

And we develop

Be the best in everything

And helps us

Muses. supervisor.

He is an inventor

And our inspiration!

Questions about methodology

senior teacher,

clear plan

Development creator.

And at the head

Our star stands

Creative person -

Manager! (in chorus)


Each of us

Sincerely glad

What attends


Chorus (in chorus):



All of us (and we are 20 people) say in unison:

Our team:


(this is our carpenter, the only man in the team)

(we add in chorus):


(one of the teachers whistles soooo - and we scatter, backstage.

Competition "Homework"

on the topic "Open Day"

Team Captain (i.e. me): It's no secret that the day open doors in preschool associated with visiting parents. But unfortunately, in reality, everything happens quite differently. Our frequent and not always welcome guests are all kinds of instances:



prosecutor's office

Sanitary and epidemiological station,



Employees of the above departments simply need to identify violations, even where they do not exist. The requirements of each of them, at times, are directly opposite to each other. But we are all people, we understand everything and try to satisfy every requirement of higher organizations. Here's what comes out of it. A day in the life of a kindergarten.

On the threshold - a representative of the sanitary and epidemiological station.

The manager comes up, meets:

Hello, we have been waiting for you, waiting for you!


SAN. Where is your kitchen?

HEAD. Please!

Cook (nervous, fiddling with dressing gown)

SAN. Soooo, aluminum buckets ... a mess! When food waste comes into contact with aluminum alloy, it reacts, during which harmful and dangerous fumes are released.

HEAD. We'll fix everything! (smiling commission)

(Angrily) GIRLS! PUT AWAY!

The shaking cook changes the bucket.

HEAD. Join the group please! (pass)

SAN. It's pretty cool in your group, and the floors are cold. Concrete, and immediately lenoleum on concrete. Your children must be sick often! With such cold floor coverings?

VOSP. No, what are you, warm, warm with us! We just opened the windows to ventilate, about two weeks ago ... We are still afraid to close ... The old ones, look like they will completely fall apart ... But on the floor we have Persian carpets - warm, children sit on carpets all day ... (During the teacher’s speech, the Head twists at her temple, grabs her heart, tries to stop the teacher’s revelations). And the carpet ... so we ... took it out into the street to shake it out. So here he is...and he's back. (spreads carpet).

SAN. Okay, but keep an eye on the temperature regime!

HEAD. Everything will be done in at its best! (shows fist to teacher)

The fireman followed.

The manager rushes about, not having time to see the representative of the sanitary and epidemiological station backstage, as she runs in the other direction to the fireman. The fireman is a man, so the manager flirts with him, takes him by the arm. But the fireman is adamant)

HEAD. Hello, we've been waiting for you!

POL. Please take me to the kitchen.

HEAD. Please! Don't want a soup? (coquettishly)

POL. I don't eat at work. (looks around)

POL. Plastic buckets... Violation! Fire hazard!

HEAD. Let's fix it!

HEAD. Put away! (angrily)

The shaking cook changes the buckets back.

POL. Okay, sorry for the first time.

HEAD. Join the group please! (pass, fireman looks around)

POL. Ba! Carpet.

VOSP. Oh, you noticed too! Yes ( smiling, bragging), new, beautiful, warm!

(The head behind the fireman's back twists at the temple)

POL. This is great, of course, BUT! Fire hazard!

HEAD. We were just about to take it out. Oh, and don't say it's dangerous. Dangerous ... And what a dust collector - horror. ( angrily) GIRLS! PUT AWAY!

The teacher rolls up the carpet, cleans it.

Closer to dinner is the Prosecutor.

The manager rushes about, not having time to see the firefighter backstage, meets the prosecutor from the other side of the stage.

ETC. Hello, please escort me to the bedroom.

HEAD. Let's go, please.

ETC. Lists please!

VOSP. Here you are. All 42 children as one (joyfully)!

ETC. (at a loss) Forty two? (counts beds) And where do they all sleep? And what, the kids are now skinny, skinny, two on one bed just fit everything!

The public prosecutor stares at the tutor, shrugging his shoulders.(With the manager "bad", clutching his heart, sits down on the bed, then jumps up and covers his mouth with his hand to the teacher)

HEAD. Do not listen, you her, her temperature is high, fever ... delirious! (Pushes out the teacher, saying):

It's time for her to go to the hospital, to the long-term sick leave, (turns to the teacher, through clenched teeth): followed by dismissal ... (pushes the teacher backstage)

HEAD. Sveta! Where are the checklists? (runs into play, gives other lists.)

HEAD. Here, everything is as it should be, 20 children - 21 (counts beds, slows down intonation) bed (shaking his fist in the direction from where the lists were brought).

ETC. Q.E.D! (With pleasure makes a note in a notebook)

HEAD. We'll fix everything! (angrily) GIRLS! PUT AWAY!

Play 1 and Play 2 carry away the bed.

ETC. Soooo ... How are things with the sizes ... (takes out a tape measure, starts measuring the rest of the bed up and down, looks into a notebook):

According to SANPINA standards, the distance from the wall to the bed should not be less than 15 centimeters.

HEAD. Let's add!

ETC (surprised) How? Will you tear down the wall?

HEAD. Let's demolish!

ETC. And still. based on regulatory documents, the back of your bed is 1.5 cm more than it should be!

HEAD. Let's saw off! (turns around, calls the carpenter) Rafkat!

Rafkat runs in, saws off the back of the bed, and runs away.

ETC. Promptly! (surprised, delighted)

A fireman appears from the other side of the stage:

Kh, kh! (coughs). The manager runs from the prosecutor, who went backstage to the fireman.

POL. Show me your basements!

HEAD. (coquettishly, slowly) you know the most interesting place in the garden - this is the basement, please come through! (go towards backstage, look backstage)

POL. Well, in principle, everything is clean, not cluttered. Just there in the corner (peers). Bed! Disorder! Fire hazard!

HEAD. Let's take it away now! (angrily) GIRLS! PUT AWAY!

2 educators run out and carry the bed back, from behind one side to the other.

Music comes out from behind the scenes. hands (i.e. me).

HEAD. And here we have a music hall, there is a matinee, do you want to stay?

Please. No thanks. (leaves)

HEAD. Anna Sergeyevna! Is the phonogram ready?

MUZ. RUK. Yes, everything is ready! What is a phonogram under your breath)

Here we show a scene taken from KVN-1992, the Yekaterinburg team "County Town", called "Seryozha-Well Done!". There is a video of this scene on the Internet. Muses. hands sings the melody of the dance "Apple" and tells the children along the way (disguised adults): do not pick your nose, turn around, stand in place, everything is enough, etc. And the cool and funny dressed "children" grimace on stage)

The next competition is the "Competition of captains". Team captains read prepared jokes. After each round, one captain, according to the jury, was eliminated. Here is my selection of jokes:

Got DPS officers. Today sat on the toilet and a little toilet paper didn't buckle up.

Daddy! May I kiss you!

No money! My mom already kissed me!

The grandmother brakes a taxi - well, she sits down with a goat. Stunned taxi driver: - Grandma, what are you doing! With a goat in a taxi!! - A sho, my dear - it's impossible! I heard the other day that you carry heifers too.

Honey, do we have anything for tea?

There are cookies, there are donuts.

Eat your own tampons.

Two women are coming from the hayfield. A guy on a motorcycle flies by. Headless. One: - Cinema, shtol, shoot? Second: - You would shift the scythe to the other shoulder.

Two guys enter the store, already drunk. They approach the beer and choose for a long time. Then they approach the seller and say: "Two Velkopopovets Goats." She: "I see, and what's next?"

Milllaya, I haven't drank! -

Say "in the bowels of the tundra, otters in leggings dig into buckets of cedar kernels."

The husband shouts to his wife: - Wife, do you know where our old saw is? Mother-in-law's voice: - It's none of your business where I drank! And anyway, I'm not old.

A cool, advanced girl from the city comes to her granny in the village.

Well, cho, granny, where can you go here at night?


"Musical competition"

Rafkat runs in with a stepladder, sits in a corner on a chair, followed by a helper. teacher with a mop

Rafkat! Raise your legs!

The teacher runs out: Uncle Rafkat, the light bulbs need to be replaced, they burned out!

Rafkat: Okay, I'll replace it after lunch.

The next teacher: Rafkat Aby, urgently need to nail the shelf!

Rafkat: I'll kill you! If I don't forget. And that's how it is every day. You are 40! And I am alone. They won't let you rest. (falls asleep) And our dance is his fantasy dream)

The girls and I prepared an original East Dance on the gymnastic balls. We rehearsed for an hour every day music hall, sacrificing my lunch break.) It's a pity I couldn't manage to upload the video. Therefore, for your attention - a photo.

Entertainment event for children preschool age. The purpose of which is to create a single educational space; fostering goodwill, the ability to work in a team, creating a positive emotional mood children and teachers.



Event progress.

Slide #1

The music sounds "We are starting KVN ..."

Hello guys! Today we will spend cheerful KVN.

What does KVN mean?

KVN is a Club - a game of Cheerful and Resourceful guys. And today we will play this game with the older group.

We will split into 2 teams. The team with the most correct answers wins.

Let `s start?

1 Team "Why"

And our motto is "Mind is good - two is better"

2 Team - "Znayki"

and our motto "Knowledge is power".

Slide #2

  1. Competition "Warm-up". We answer in turn and quickly.
  1. Today is Wednesday, in 2 days it will be …..?
  2. How many days in a week?
  3. What is the name of your group teacher?
  4. How many corners does a circle have?
  5. How many stars are in the sky during the day?
  6. What is the name of the country in which we live?
  7. What season is it now?
  8. What are the colors on the Russian flag?
  9. How many horns do two cows have?
  10. What time of day is for breakfast?

Slide #3

  1. Competition

"Friends Are Animals"

Guys, tell me who we call our lesser friends?

And the first task of this competition: recognize the animal or bird by the sound?

The second task "Settled tenants"

Slide #4

  1. Competition "Physical culture and sports"
  1. Relay with the ball (carry the ball between the legs)
  2. Relay " Transfer in a spoon" (with your left hand, transfer the ball to the basket)
  3. Relay "Worm"

Slide #5

  1. Riddles Contest:
  1. Little paws,

Paws of a tsap-scratch. CAT slide number 6

  1. cackle, cackle,

Convokes children

He gathers everyone under the wing. CHICKEN Slide number 7

  1. Not a rider, but with spurs,

Not an alarm clock, but wakes up. ROOSTER Slide #8

  1. In a fur coat in summer

And in winter the undressed FOREST Slide #9

  1. Golden coins fall from a branch. LEAVES Slide #10
  2. Before we ate it

Everyone had time to cry. ONION Slide #11

  1. Hat with polka dots, collar on a thin leg.

This mushroom is beautiful in appearance, but dangerous, poisonous. fly agaric Slide #12

  1. Growth is small and removed from me galloped. BALL Slide №13
  2. Water flows from a hot well through the nose. KETTLE Slide #14
  3. I am nimble, light-winged, the tail is forked like a pitchfork.

If I fly low, it means that the rain is close somewhere. MARTIN Slide #15

Slide #16

  1. Competition "Games with fans"

Task number 1 "Riddles"

  1. Waiting for mom with tar

And they let the wolf into the house,

Who were these

Small children? "THE WOLF AND THE SEVEN YOUNG GOATS" Slide #17

  1. This baby girl

She slept in a white lily.

Her evil toad at night

Took it to the swamp. "Thumbelina" Slide #18

  1. I went to visit my grandmother

She brought the pies.

The gray wolf followed her,

Deceived and swallowed. "RED RIDING HOOD" Slide #19

We'll build ourselves a house

We will live happily in it!

We are not afraid of the wolf

We are three and we are strong! "Three pigs" Slide #20

  1. But one day a root crop

Everyone pulled - a hail of sweat.

The mouse is small, but still it

Helped pull out the vegetable. "REPKA" Slide #21

  1. The ball rolled through the forest,

Running away from the animals

cheat outwitted

Learned the know-it-all. "KOLOBOK" Slide #22

Task number 2 Game "Tell me a word"

  1. The boy is polite and developed, he speaks at a meeting ... (Hello).
  2. During the day we were very tired, let's tell everyone ... (Good night).
  3. The old stump turns green when it hears ... (Good afternoon).
  4. When we are scolded for pranks, we say ... (Excuse me, please).
  5. You met a friend at lunch and told him ... (Hi).
  6. If there is a meeting in the evening, let's tell him ... (Good evening).
  7. If a girl is sick, she coughs hoarsely

And five times she sneezes again, we will tell her ... (Be healthy).

  1. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell mom ... (Thank you).
  2. And in France and Denmark they say goodbye ... (Goodbye).

Slide #23

  1. Musical competition

Guess the song by the melody.

(Teams will receive one chip for each correct answer)

Slide #24

  1. Artist Competition

1 task for attention

“What did the artist mix up?” Slide #25

Which team will find more differences on the picture

2 task


Two easels with paper. At the leader’s signal, the first from the group take a pencil and draw the beginning of the drawing, at the signal pass the pencil to the next. The task is for all competitors to draw a given drawing faster than their opponents.

Slide #26

  1. The final

- Here our cheerful KVN came to an end. The best part is the awarding of the winners!

The jury announces the results of the competition, names the winners. Team awards.


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KVN for children of senior preschool age

Kurilyak Svetlana Ivanovna, teacher - speech therapist MBOU Kasharskaya secondary school, s.Kashary.
Description: An important backbone element of the KVN game is the collective creative process. As a result, the children become able to independently set goals for themselves, regulate their activities. They learn interaction, discipline, responsibility, gain experience of collective experiences. The game stimulates their activity and reveals Creative skills.
This development will help develop creative imagination, to cultivate love for folk tales, carries a pedagogical value for speech therapists, class teachers primary school, GPA educators.
Goals: develop interest in the Russian language, logical thinking.
Equipment: word cards; table with letters: K, O, L, S, O; proverb posters.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment.
opening speech teacher:
The nut of knowledge is hard, but still
We are not accustomed to retreat.
Help us break it down
Our KVN, whose motto is:
"Want to know everything!"
- Today our KVN is dedicated to the Russian language. Three teams are playing.
For each correct answer, the team receives a token.
2. Presentation of commands.
Each team presents its name
3. Warm up
1. Primer. (ABC.)
2. A plant with sour leaves. (Sorrel.)
3. Apparatus for cleaning the room from dust. (A vacuum cleaner.)
4. An ancient and wise game on a black and white board. (Chess.)
5. Wooden strips for walking in the snow. (Skis.)
6. Seven days: from Monday to Sunday. (A week.)
7. Sheep cub. (Lamb.)
8. Predatory fish. (Pike.)
9. Ivanushka's sister. (Alyonushka.)
10. Cabbage soup. (Shi.)
4. Competition "Guess the words."
Each team is given cards with words written on them. The teacher reads a poem. Children select a card with the correct word.
Baba Yaga is not in the mood:
I got up, don’t stand, probably ...
Looks at Leshy as an enemy
Terribly angry Baba ...
Goblin could get angry in response -
He also picked up a forget-me-not...
The evil witch thawed out immediately,
I even put flowers in...
(Yaga, vase, bouquet, legs.)

Old castle in the middle of the forest.
Sleeping in this castle...
The forest hides a dense castle.
Prince brave to the castle ...
It is clear to everyone what will happen next:
Prince beauty...
The tale is called
(Wake up, beauty, ride, princess.)

Evil Koschey is not stupid at all.

He guards the old ...
On a chain of a hundred rings
Golden hangs...
Guarding that casket is not a joke:
The hare is in it, and in the hare - ...
On Koshchei, the duck is evil.
There is an egg in it, and in it - ...
Who will secretly get the needle,
He is stronger than Koshchei ...
(Needle, duck, become, casket, oak.)
E. Lavrentieva
5.Competition "Replace the letter."
The teacher reads the poem, and the teams correct the mistake:

On the wolf sour cream, cottage cheese, milk.
And I'd love to eat
Yeah, it's hard to get.
(On the shelf.)
Donut likes to gnaw grain - It is very tasty!

The bear did not cut firewood.
He heated the stove with caps.
The snow is melting, the stream is flowing.
The branches are full of doctors.

jumping jerseys
On the lawn.

Breaking the silence
Forks howl at the moon.
6. Competition "Competition of captains".
1) Swipe the arrows and read the title of the fairy tale:

stolen goods

2) From these letters, make up the words: K, O, L, S, O.

3) Name the words:
If it floats in the sky -
A little rain is coming.
If the letter is changed
You can write to her.
(A cloud is a pen.)
7. Competition "Rhyme".

Instead of a hat on the go
He put on...
(Frying pan.)
You have wax on your neck
Under your nose...
Here is the wise man before Dadon
Stood and took out of the bag
Golden ...

Fly went to the market
And I bought...
And the groom was found by her,
Royal ...

The bears rode
On the …
8. Competition "Echo knows everything."

"Who got under the sofa?"
Echoes back to me: “…”
“Who is not afraid of frost?”
Echo replies: "..."
"Who ate the chocolate bar?"
Echo (reproachfully): "..."
"Who walks until dawn?"
Echo answers: "..."
"Who's looking out from behind the shed?"
Echo knows: it is...
"Who dropped the sandal there?"
The echo says: "This is ..."

Summarizing: the team that gets the largest number tokens. Winner's reward ceremony.

Age: 6 - 7 years.

Location: gym.


- to acquaint children with the history of their people, its culture and oral folk art: riddles, games, nursery rhymes, incantations;

- to cultivate a respectful attitude towards Russian original culture;

- provide preschoolers with the opportunity to apply motor skills and abilities acquired in physical education classes.

Equipment: audio equipment, Russian recordings folk songs, stopwatch; 2 landmarks, 4 buckets, 2 rockers, bags, shovels, balls; puzzle sheets, satin ribbon, scarf, costumes for staging fairy tales.

Dictionary: buffoon, plowman.

The gym is decorated in the form of a peasant hut. Russian folk melody sounds.

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys! Today we are holding a KVN, in which two teams take part: Russian Boys and Red Maidens.

So let's meet the teams.

To the music, team members enter the hall and take their places. Team greetings begin.

Captain of the 1st team. Welcome to the "Russian Boys" team! Our motto:

“More jokes, smiles and laughter.

For a Russian guy, they are not a hindrance."

Captain of the 2nd team. Welcome to the Red Maiden team! Our motto:

We, beauties - girls,

Real queens.

Jury presentation.

Warm up

Within two minutes, each team is given 5 Russians folk mysteries. One point is awarded for each correct answer.

Riddles for the first team

blue fur coat

Covered the whole world. (Sky.)

Walking in the field, but not a horse,

Flies in the wild, but not a bird. (Wind.)

She was white and gray

Came green, young. (Winter and spring.)

I'm spinning, spinning and I'm not lazy

Spin around all day long. (Yula.)

We cry without it.

How will it appear

We hide from him. (Sun.)

Riddles for the second team

Not a bush, but with leaves,

Not a shirt, but sewn

Not a person, but tells. (Book.)

What is higher than the forest

More beautiful than the world

Does it burn without fire? (Sun.)

Spread golden bridge

For seven villages, for seven miles. (Rainbow.)

Large, fractionally frequented,

He watered the whole earth. (Rain.)

No arms, no legs

And he knows how to draw. (Freezing.)

The floor is given to the jury.

Task "Guess the rebus"

Each team needs to solve two puzzles. For each correctly guessed puzzle - 3 points. Maximum amount points in this task - 6.

Puzzles for the first team:

Answers: village, grip.

Puzzles for the second team:

Answers: bast shoes, cow.

Relay 1. "Bring water"

A member of each team must, with a yoke on which children's buckets are hung, run to the landmark, run around it, return to their team and pass the yoke with buckets to their friend.

Relay 2. "Running with a bun"

A member of each team must carry the ball on the shovel to the landmark, go around it, return to his team and pass the shovel and the ball to his friend.

Relay 3. "Jumping in bags"

At the command of the leader, a member of each team jumps into the bag and performs jumps in it to the landmark. Then he runs back to his team and passes the bag to his friend.

The floor is given to the jury.

In the next competition - the competition of captains - the captains take turns performing some kind of Russian game with the opposing team. folk game, the rules of which should be well known to everyone. The maximum score for this task is 3.

Game "Dawn"

The game is played by the captain of the Red Maidens team. The children stand in a circle, their hands are held behind their backs, and one of the players - Zarya (team captain) - walks behind with a ribbon and says:


red maiden,

Walked across the field

Dropped the keys

golden keys,

blue ribbons,

entwined with a ring -

Went for water.

FROM last words the driver carefully puts the tape on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, quickly takes the tape and, together with the driver, runs to different sides round. The one who is left without a place becomes Dawn. The game continues.

The game "Ordinary bluffs"

The game is played by the captain of the Russian Guys team. One of the players - blind man - is blindfolded, taken to the middle of the circle and turned around several times, then they ask him:

- Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

- At the pot.

- What's in the pot?

“Catch the mice, not us!”

After these words, the participants in the game scatter, and the blind man's blind man catches them. Whoever he catches becomes a blind man himself. Thus, the game is played several times.

Competition "Red Speech Saying"

Participants of both teams need to remember as many Russian folk rhymes, chants, teasers, proverbs and sayings as possible. The team with the most verbal examples wins. folk art. The number of points in this task corresponds to the number of examples.

Competition "Soon a fairy tale is telling ..."

In this competition, participants from both teams are required to stage a Russian folk tale. For the "Russian Boys" team, this is the fairy tale "Teremok". For the team "Krasna Maidens" - "Turnip". For preschoolers, the necessary costumes, music recordings and scenery have been prepared in advance.

The participation of teams in this competition is evaluated by the jury.

Leading. Well, guys, I want to thank you for your knowledge, dexterity, patience and will to win. While the jury is conferring and summing up, we will start dancing.

Children stand in a circle and perform rhythmic gymnastics with the use of Russian dance elements to the soundtrack of the song "The Moon Shines".

The floor is given to the jury, which determines the winner and conducts the awards. This is where KVN ends.

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