Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland during pregnancy. Breastfeeding in the development of fibroadenoma and pregnancy


Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland (FAM) develops with nodular mastopathy. The cause of the appearance of neoplasms are various endocrine disorders and hormonal disruptions. Local growth in the gland causes severe discomfort and requires immediate examination and treatment.

The FAM of the mammary gland is formed in the upper chest area. The formation is benign and is diagnosed more often in women, however, in the stronger sex, the tumor can also be detected.

The main signs of a neoplasm in the breast:

  • the presence of a ball in the thickness of the gland
  • the appearance of ulcers on the areola of the nipple
  • pain on pressure on the gland

At the initial stages, the tumor is extremely difficult to detect - a diffuse tumor develops asymptomatically, and there is no pain. Only with an increase in the size of the neoplasm can one feel pain when probing the gland. Fibroadenoma of the breast is detected by x-ray, ultrasound of the mammary glands or at a preventive examination by a mammologist.

In some cases, a visible oval-shaped tubercle can be found in the upper region of the mammary gland. With the further development of the tumor, the patient's well-being worsens. Cracks appear on the areola, cloudy discharge from the nipple, the skin of the breast turns red.

The occurrence of the disease

A neoplasm usually develops during the female menopause, as well as in adolescents during the period of growing up. An imbalance of hormones is the main cause of the appearance of a pathological focus. If the pathological focus begins to form in a young girl, then the tumor usually reaches its maximum development by the age of 30.

Factors predisposing to the disease are:

  • chest injury
  • abortions
  • breastfeeding mistakes
  • topless tan
  • mastitis

The causes of the appearance of pathology are different. The tumor begins to form due to hormonal imbalance, when the level of estrogen significantly exceeds the level of other hormones. Any negative factor can provoke the appearance of fibroadenoma. In the mammary gland, active division of connective tissue cells begins, and organic structures grow. At the same time, the cells retain their morphology and are not malignant.

Fibroadenoma can grow rapidly, so regular medical supervision is required. In the presence of a soft consistency, the neoplasm is considered immature. A dense fibroadenoma is surrounded by a capsule; when fully mature, the tumor hurts and no longer grows.

Diagnostic methods

To establish an accurate diagnosis, you must undergo an appointment with an oncologist. The doctor examines the mammary gland with the help of palpation and issues directions for examination.

The main diagnostic methods of fibroadenoma:

  • Ultrasound of the mammary glands
  • mammography
  • x-ray examination
  • biopsy

On x-ray, the tumor has a homogeneous structure and clear boundaries. Studies help determine the size of the neoplasm - sometimes the tumor can grow up to 3 cm. A distinctive feature of the tumor is the absence of metastasis, so in most cases the tumor is not dangerous. In some cases, multiple fibroadenomas may occur.

A biopsy allows you to exclude the malignancy of the process and reveal the morphology of fibroadenoma cells. For research, a small piece of the organic tissue of the tumor is taken and sent to the laboratory for analysis.

Types of education

Painless seals differ in their characteristics. Doctors distinguish several types of foci. There are several types of benign tumors.

This type of tumor is the most dangerous according to medical forecasts. The node is characterized by rapid growth, which is why the risk of converting a tumor into cancer increases several times. Fibroadenomas can be up to 5 cm in size.

The tumor has a layered structure and is often accompanied by gynecological disease. With a large size of a leaf-shaped tumor of the mammary gland, pain occurs, which increases with probing.

With thinning of the epidermis over the neoplasm, a phylloidal fibroadenoma is diagnosed, which can be mobile and quite large. The tumor is round and does not cause pain. A characteristic feature of this type of fibroadenoma is the separation of its structures from neighboring tissues and fuzzy contours.

Typically, the tumor is diagnosed in older women during menopause. Leaf-like fibroadenoma can occur due to stress, as well as hormonal failure. According to statistics, in 10 cases out of 100, a benign process ends in cancer. In such situations, removal of the fibroadenoma is required.


The tumor of this type does not have a clearly defined form and is localized in the structures of the lactiferous ducts. The node is characterized by slow development, during which pathological diffuse changes occur in the mammary gland.

When diagnosing a tumor, the allocation of individual lobes of the neoplasm is clearly visible. Their fuzzy boundaries are formed during the germination of connective tissues in the milk ducts.

The risks of degeneration of intracanalicular fibroadenoma into cancer are not high, but the possibility of a malignant process cannot be ruled out. A consultation with a mammologist will allow you to determine a further treatment plan - in most cases, this tumor is eliminated surgically.


The tumor is localized near the milk ducts and has a dense structure. Clear, clearly visible on the x-ray image, the boundaries of the neoplasm are diagnosed. Fibroadenoma usually develops in older women.

The causes of pericanalicular fibroadenoma are age-related changes in the body and hormonal changes. Education appears as a result of the growth of the structures of the mammary gland. Sometimes fibroadenoma hurts before menstruation, which is associated with the formation of calcifications in the fibrous-adipose tissue.

The threat of developing a malignant process is low, however, the nature of the tumor should be constantly monitored. Fibroadenoma responds well to medical treatment, so surgery for this type of neoplasm can often be avoided.


Involutive neoplasms are structures of connective tissue and parenchyma that have grown between the milk ducts. A mixed tumor has fuzzy boundaries, and on palpation, individual lobes of the neoplasm can be felt.

The medical prognosis of fibroadenoma is favorable with surgical removal of the neoplasm - the tumor is poorly amenable to drug therapy. The threat of developing cancer with this type of fibroadenoma is minimal.

The cyst, unlike fibroadenoma, has round smooth contours. The size of the neoplasm can reach 3-10 cm. The structure of the cyst is elastic and softer, the neoplasm is located in the upper quadrant of the mammary gland.

Usually cysts develop in women after 40-50 years, while fibroadenoma is also diagnosed in young girls. With a cyst, the defeat of two mammary glands is rare. In some cases, a particularly large cyst can deform the breast.

Fibroadenoma is characterized by different sizes of breast lobes and fibrous structure. With a tumor, a narrowing of the milk ducts is observed. In some cases, the connective tissue of the mammary gland can grow in a circle, in others it can grow into the ducts.


Is it necessary to treat the neoplasm that has appeared if it does not cause concern? Doctors are inclined to a single answer - it is necessary to eliminate the neoplasm. Methods of treatment of fibroadenoma are different and depend on the manifestation of symptoms, test results, features of the diagnosis.

Non-operable treatment of fibroadenoma

To remove fibroadenomas of the mammary glands or not, only the doctor decides. Conservative therapy includes:

  • use of local funds
  • taking hormonal drugs
  • immunity correction

To eliminate the symptoms of the disease and resorption of the neoplasm, local application of Progestogel gel is prescribed. The drug is indicated for various breast diseases and contains progesterone. This gel treats many pathological processes in the female breast, as well as benign tumors.

Mastodinon is prescribed in the form of drops or tablets. The natural preparation does not include hormones, and its action is aimed at stabilizing prolactin in the patient's body. Also, in case of pathology, the hormonal drug Dufoston is prescribed to correct the level of estrogen and progesterone.

Whether fibroadenoma can resolve is of interest to all patients undergoing conservative treatment. When diagnosing a poorly formed tumor, the effectiveness of drug treatment increases. In other cases, if the therapy did not bring the expected positive result, and the size of the tumor is large enough, surgery is prescribed.


There are several surgical methods for removing the neoplasm. An operation to remove a neoplasm is indicated for large tumor sizes, severe symptoms, and the risk of the process degenerating into cancer.

enucleation, exfoliation

The goal of enucleation is to completely eliminate the tumor without damaging adjacent tissues. The operation is performed only after receiving the results of the tests and lasts about 1 hour. In the presence of a cancerous structure, exfoliation of the tumor is contraindicated.

Sector resection

During surgery, the surgeon removes not only the tumor itself, but also neighboring tissues surrounding the tumor. Sectoral resection allows you to save the organ and is carried out in order to exclude the recurrence of pathology. During the operation, the local focus is completely eliminated.

Total resection

Indications for total resection are:

  • the presence of a risk of oncological process
  • rapid increase in the pathological focus
  • phylloid tumor

You should not wait for the tumor to resolve, the timely intervention of surgeons will allow you to quickly get rid of health problems and embark on the path of recovery. The operation is not sparing and minimally invasive; up to 75% of the organ can be removed during its process. Preparation for the operation is standard, and general anesthesia is used during the intervention.

laser excision

The newest method is safe and allows you to save the body during excision of the pathological focus. The minimally invasive method is based on the action of a precisely induced laser beam. Surgery is performed under local anesthesia and promotes the restoration of connective tissue.


Resection of the neoplasm using the vacuum method is a new method in the history of treatment that does not leave sutures. The method is a safe alternative to secretory resection, performed under local anesthesia. The intervention does not involve traumatic incisions, and the removal of the neoplasm is carried out under the control of an ultrasound machine.

In the postoperative period, it is important to follow a diet and medical recommendations. After removal of fibroadenoma, the breast is not deformed - the bust does not undergo visible changes and does not become ugly. The mammary gland fully retains its functions. A woman can become pregnant, but the question of the possibility of breastfeeding is decided by the doctor individually.

Do scars remain after surgery?

Surgical intervention ends with the imposition of a cosmetic intradermal suture. The incision on the skin is performed cosmetically, therefore, after its removal and complete healing, the traces of surgical intervention are practically not visible. There are also sparing methods for removing the tumor, in which there are no sutures left at all - cryodestruction, high-frequency ablation, laser exposure.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine offers many effective recipes in the treatment of benign tumors. From fibroadenoma, it is useful to take a decoction of pomegranate bark. To prepare it, 1 part of pomegranate peels is mixed with sprigs of viburnum and oak. The mixture is poured with boiling water and insisted in a water bath under the lid for 10 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and taken 5 tablespoons 3 times a day on an empty stomach.

Another recipe has been known for a long time. It is useful to drink with fibroadenoma a decoction from the collection, in which St. John's wort, pine buds, rose hips, and wormwood are present. The herbal mixture is brewed in a thermos or a sealed container, then placed in a water bath and 200 ml of alcohol or cognac are added. The broth is cooled and insisted. Alcohol tincture is taken with honey and aloe juice 30 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon. The course of admission is 6 days.

Important questions

Every patient is concerned about issues that relate to the health of the breast when diagnosing a benign tumor. At the doctor's appointment, a woman should ask all the questions of interest to the attending physician. A qualified specialist will give detailed answers.

Can fibroadenoma turn into cancer?

Many women are concerned about whether a fibroadenoma can develop into cancer. Leaf-shaped and pericanalicular tumors are most often affected by this phenomenon. However, the percentage of their transformation into a malignant process is not high. Fibroadenoma degenerates into cancer only in 20% of cases, the seal remains benign and rarely hurts.

A benign neoplasm requires constant monitoring and biopsy. Histological analysis of the biomaterial will determine the nature and morphology of the neoplasm cells.

Fibroadenoma and pregnancy

In many cases, the development of a benign tumor in the breast is diagnosed during childbearing. Fibroadenoma during pregnancy does not adversely affect the course of gestation, but can create discomfort and problems during breastfeeding.

A pregnant woman should be constantly under medical supervision. Doctors decide the need for surgery individually.

IVF and fibroadenoma

Is fibroadenoma of the gland compatible with IVF, the medical specialist will answer. A benign neoplasm is considered safe and is not capable of threatening the development of the embryo and the birth of a child. The tactics of doctors depends on the characteristics of each case - doctors recommend that some women perform an operation before IVF, others refrain from surgery if there are contraindications.


Among preventive measures, healthy nutrition and psychosomatics play a special role. A woman should avoid anxiety and stress, regularly monitor the course of menstruation and periodically undergo an ultrasound examination of the mammary glands. Annual preventive examinations at the gynecologist and mammologist allow timely detection of fibroadenoma.

2014-01-17 18:06:32

Love asks:

My name is Lyubov, 39 years old, there were no pregnancies, childbirth.
In early October 2013, a sectorally fast-growing phyllodes fibroadenoma of the left breast was removed. Histological findings: benign phyllodes fibroadenoma. A month later - organ-preserving abdominal surgery to remove multiple fibroids. Now, for medicinal purposes, as prescribed by a doctor, I take the contraceptive Janine.
Ultrasound results after 3 months:
Left: in the upper outer quadrant (at the site of the removed fibroadenoma) - local FAM 3.6 x 2.0 cm. There are no volumetric formations, cysts, calcifications.
On the right: there are no volumetric formations, cysts, calcifications.
Axillary lymph nodes are not changed, without signs of specificity.
My questions:
How serious is this situation - FAM after removal of fibroadenoma? Whether it can be a consequence of reception of a contraceptive? Will the operation be needed again? Is drug therapy necessary?
Sincerely, Love

2008-11-18 22:08:43

Lily asks:

Good afternoon, Andrei Ivanovich.
On 11/11/08 I asked you a question:

Maybe you need to get tested for some hormones?

11/18/08 You answered me:
There is, and the most direct. Determine the content of prolactin and estradiol in the blood (5-7 days of m.c.), progesterone (19-21 days of m.c.). Let me know about the results.

thank you very much for the answer
My hormone test results:
Progesterone (on the 22nd day of m.c.) - 8.5 ng / ml. reference values ​​1.5-15.9 ng/ml
Prolactin (on day 22 m.c.) - 30.92 ng / ml. reference values ​​1.2-29.93 ng/ml
Estraiol (on the 7th day of m.c.) - 56 pg / ml. reference values ​​21-251 pg/ml.
I will be very grateful for the explanation of my analyses.

Responsible Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

You have high prolactin levels, low progesterone levels. I think this is the root cause of all your problems. I recommend that you contact me by phone, or even better, meet in person to prescribe a full-fledged effective treatment.

2008-11-05 21:00:31

Lily asks:

Please give me a seat. I had a fibroadenoma removed 0.5 years ago.
before that there was a miscarriage. And after the removal of fibroadenoma, there was also a missed pregnancy.
Could there be a link between fibroadenoma and failed pregnancies?
Maybe you need to get tested for some hormones?

Responsible Babik Andrey Ivanovich:

There is, and the most direct. Determine the content of prolactin and estradiol in the blood (5-7 days of m.c.), progesterone (19-21 days of m.c.). Let me know about the results.

2013-04-05 10:56:10

Natalia asks:

I am 33 years old. There were no abortions or childbirth. In the left and right breasts, 8 fibrocysts and fibroadenomas were found together. The chest does not hurt and does not bother. I was examined in two clinics. The largest fibroadenoma is 8x16 mm in size. They did ultrasounds repeatedly and a biopsy was done 2 times (the first time they simply took liquid with a syringe, and the second one made one incision on each breast and took the liquid along with the tissues). According to the results of the study, they wrote that fibrocystic breast disease with apocrine metaplasia. After that, they gave the material from the biopsy for analysis to another clinic, and there they concluded that: fibrocystic breast changes from early columnar cell metaplasia. As a result, one doctor suggests staying under observation, and another recommends removing one fibroadenoma, which is with metaplasia and the largest of all (other fibroadenomas without metaplasia are also easy to observe). I would like to understand how the removal of fibroadenoma with my diagnosis is shown to me? Thanks in advance for your reply.

Responsible Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good afternoon, indeed, a larger fibroadenoma must be removed, since during pregnancy the risk of growth and inflammation in it is not excluded.

2012-09-12 07:48:12

Valeria asks:


I am 25 years old. I have a fibroadenoma and two cysts in both glands. In 2005, an operation was performed to remove a fibroadenoma in l. mzh .. Half a year ago, they prescribed treatment with Progetogel. The gynecologist prescribed birth control pills for treatment after a missed pregnancy (1st pregnancy).

Question: is it necessary to take pills and how will they affect the chest?

Curettage was a month ago for a period of 10 weeks. Saw Duphaston 3 tablets a day.
Before pregnancy, I took a hormone test, progesterone was slightly lowered. There is erosion of the cervix.

Responsible Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

You can take pills, sometimes there is tension in the chest, but this is easily compensated by herbal remedies.

2010-10-22 13:08:37

Gulnara asks:

Hello! I am 40 years old. I had an ectopic pregnancy removed 2 weeks ago. After the doctors prescribed a treatment, which included the reception of "Novinet". I am confused by the fact that 2 years ago I had a fibroadenoma removed in the left breast. This is the second removal of FA - the first was 3 years after the birth (daughter 17 years old). I don’t know what to do - no matter how it turned out this way - you treat one thing, you cripple another.
Now, too, there is a seal in the chest with a pea. And please tell me if I should plan a pregnancy after treatment. Thank you.

2012-08-20 09:48:26

Marina asks:

Hello. I am 34 years old. There is a child 10 years old. There were no abortions. Three months ago, on an ultrasound scan, I was diagnosed with an endometrioid cyst of the left ovary, I was in several uzists, the diagnosis was confirmed (LA 50 * 48 * 40 mm, it has a formation 48 * 38 mm in size with contents in the form of a suspension), they also found on ultrasound 4 fibroadenomas in the breast - two in the LM and 2 in the permanent residence (5.6 * 4.9 mm, 5 * 4.6 mm, 4.4 mm, 3.7 mm). 2 years ago I had two fibroadenomas removed, another 10 years ago there was an operation to remove one FA. As a treatment for the cyst, one doctor prescribed buselirin injections (for 3 months), another doctor prescribed Diana or Logest to drink OK, my choice, if there is no result, an operation to remove it. Plus, there is f.c. mastopathy, the mammary glands are very painful, I have been drinking mastodinone for 2 months, but I didn’t notice much result.
The question is, is it possible to drink hormonal drugs with fibroadenomas, I'm afraid that fibroadenomas will increase in size. Advise what to do in this situation!
And my husband and I are planning a second child, is pregnancy possible with all these problems after treatment?

Responsible Demisheva Inna Vladimirovna:

Good evening, with fibroadenomas, COCs are not contraindicated, but in terms of treating an endometrioid cyst, I would rather take buserilin.

2012-01-11 10:43:23

Anna asks:

Good afternoon my situation: I'm 25 years old, never gave birth and had no abortions. Two weeks ago I did an ultrasound of the mammary glands (on the 5th day of m.c.) found a fibroadenoma from 0.8-1.0 cm, and was sent for a consultation with a mammologist. Two days later, a mammologist (at the Cancer Institute) during palpation confirmed that it was a fibroadenoma and sent me for a second ultrasound at this institute and said in advance that he would do an operation to remove it. Uzist advised me to observe the fibroadenoma (1.1 cm) and consult an endocrinologist. A couple of days later (since it was New Year's holidays) I turned to an oncologist for a consultation, after palpation she sent me for an ultrasound of the thyroid and to take blood tests for hormones. Ultrasound showed no abnormalities and the blood test was also within normal limits. The oncologist prescribed me treatment: Mastofit for 4 months, Fibromium for 4 months, Liposil for 2 months, Neovitin for 2 months, bioanelgetic ointment. I started all these examinations with the desire to become pregnant. The doctor advised to postpone the pregnancy, but if it happens, then there is no danger from these drugs! Will this treatment help reduce, and subsequently resolve, fibroadenoma?

Most medical professionals are sure that breast fibroadenoma and pregnancy are incompatible things. Despite the fact that this neoplasm of the mammary gland is benign, the development of a child inside a woman causes a hormonal shift, which can provoke an increase in education. In the body of a woman during the period of gestation, changes occur, pituitary hormones are produced that activate the growth of fibrous neoplasms.

In the mammary gland, fibroadenoma is a benign tumor of the mammary gland, one of the forms of the so-called fibrocystic mastopathy. The tumor can affect both one breast and both mammary glands at once. The growth of fibrous tissues can be diagnosed by a mammologist, but most often women find a tumor in the breast on their own during self-examination of the mammary glands.

The characteristics of a fibroadenoma are:

  • the formation is dense to the touch;
  • it easily moves under the skin and inside the tissues, as it does not have adhesions;
  • the shape of the tumor is clearly limited in the form of a ball;
  • the surface of the neoplasm is smooth and even;
  • the tumor grows slowly and does not cause any discomfort, pain or other troubles to the woman.

Many women do not understand why such nodes should be removed, because they do not violate the quality of life in any way. But the fact is that there is one form of mastopathy - which tends to malignant degeneration. Sooner or later, any neoplasm reaches those dimensions when it begins to put pressure on the surrounding tissues and blood vessels, leading to painful sensations.

The following factors contribute to the appearance of a tumor:

  • abortions and miscarriages in history;
  • inflammation in the organs of the female reproductive system;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • constant hot water procedures;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation on bare breasts (in a solarium or on the beach);
  • chest injuries, as well as constant sleep in the prone position.

There are other reasons for its appearance, for example, exposure to carcinogens, living in adverse environmental conditions, heredity. Estrogens produced during pregnancy can provoke tumor growth, but can, conversely, contribute to the reduction and resorption of fibroadenoma. This can occur in cases where, before pregnancy, the neoplasm was small in size and did not increase.

What is the danger of breast fibroadenoma during pregnancy

Any woman of reproductive age can face fibroadenoma. If the pathology is detected even during the planning of pregnancy, doctors unambiguously and strongly recommend removing it. Although the tumor has no effect on the child, any neoplasms are potentially dangerous for the woman herself. The health of a child in the womb of a sick woman is not at risk, fibroadenoma is dangerous only for a future woman in labor.

It is especially responsible to approach pregnancy planning if a woman has a neoplasm in the breast, which is rapidly increasing. A large fibrous node, in addition to having a risk of malignancy, can lead to the impossibility of breastfeeding. When the tumor clamps the milk ducts, lactostasis (milk stasis) occurs first, and then mastitis (inflammation of the breast). Depending on exactly where the neoplasm was localized, it may not compress the duct, but block it with itself when located intraductally.

With breast fibroadenoma, which was diagnosed before pregnancy, you must first undergo treatment and recovery, and only after that plan to give birth.

Faced with pregnancy, a woman risks her health and breastfeeding. Pregnancy directly affects breast fibroadenoma, since this formation is hormone-dependent. Fibroadenoma during pregnancy can both progress and regress, but it is better not to put your body at risk once again, and undergo treatment before pregnancy.

Fibroadenoma after childbirth

After the birth of a child, significant changes occur in the woman's body, milk production begins in the breast. This process is stimulated by the pituitary hormone prolactin. It also inhibits estrogen production, ovulation, and egg growth. That is why the onset of a new pregnancy during this period, in most cases, is impossible. If for a long time estrogens are produced in the body in small quantities, then this can lead to a slowdown in tumor growth.

If a pregnant woman is faced with a fibroadenoma, then after giving birth she is recommended to breastfeed her baby for at least two years. Not in one hundred percent of cases, this recommendation leads to the disappearance or reduction of the tumor, but statistics show that prolonged natural feeding at the request of the child, and not according to the schedule, contributes to the regression of benign hormone-dependent neoplasms in the breast.

If the tumor is no more than three centimeters in diameter and does not increase, then the benefits of feeding cannot be overestimated. Leaf-shaped fibroadenomas are more dangerous, in this case the disease is not eliminated by lactation, regardless of the stage of development and size of the tumor. There are certain types of neoplasms that can interfere with natural feeding:

  1. An intracanalicular tumor is characterized by growth deep into the milk ducts, blocking them;
  2. Pericanalicular tumor has the same direction of growth as the previous one, but still leads to compression of the milk duct;
  3. A mixed tumor interferes with the movement of milk in the duct, which contributes to lactostasis and mastitis.

In order not to encounter these problems, it is necessary to be well examined before pregnancy, especially if a woman is at risk.

Fibroadenoma of the breast and pregnancy

Very often, breast fibroadenoma and pregnancy are detected at the same time. The doctor will have to decide what to do in this case. In order for the decision to be correct, the doctor collects an anamnesis, finds out the general condition of the woman, correlates these indicators with the gestational age. Not a single doctor with complete certainty will give any predictions about how the tumor will behave during pregnancy.

In twenty-five percent of cases, fibroadenoma begins to increase in size during pregnancy. In ten out of a hundred women with a tumor of a small diameter, it shrinks. Since the number of progression of the disease is greater than the number of regressions, doctors do not advise getting pregnant until the fibroadenoma has been operated on. The tumor does not have any effect on the development of the fetus or on the course of pregnancy, but can adversely affect the condition of the woman.

Basically, if a pregnant woman is diagnosed with fibroadenoma, then doctors do not risk resorting to its removal, since an operation with anesthesia and subsequent antibiotics can adversely affect the condition of the woman and the fetus. The doctor may decide to remove the tumor if there is a strong indication, but only if the gestational age is more than three months. The neoplasm is removed in the following situations:

  • the neoplasm has a size of more than five centimeters, which may indicate its leaf-like type;
  • the doctor suspects the presence of malignant cells;
  • the tumor deformed the breast, causing a cosmetic defect.

Surgery is performed under local anesthesia using the safest anesthetics for the fetus.

Fibroadenoma and IVF

Despite the fact that the tumor itself does not interfere with IVF, doctors advise removing it before performing in vitro fertilization. In order for as many ovaries as possible to mature in the female body in one cycle, reproductologists stimulate the ovaries, which leads to an increase in estrogen levels. Such hormonal activity contributes to the growth of the neoplasm, so it is best to get rid of the fibroadenoma before the oocyte retrieval and fertilization.


During breastfeeding, a lot of prolactin is produced and estrogen production is suppressed. Prolactin contributes to the fact that the tumor grows more slowly, and in some cases regresses and disappears. In order to have a better chance of self-healing, a woman should maintain lactation for as long as possible, while visiting a mammologist every three months. Once breastfeeding is stopped, the tumor may be treated with medication or surgery.


Before prescribing treatment for breast fibroadenoma, it is necessary to make sure that the woman is not pregnant. In most cases, the patient can safely bear the child with a neoplasm, but there is a risk that the tumor will begin to grow under the influence of estrogen. The tumor is removed only by surgery. Therapy using folk methods during pregnancy is contraindicated, since many herbs negatively affect the fetus and the course of pregnancy.

After removing the fibroadenoma, you can plan a pregnancy when the recovery course is over. To prevent the inflammatory process and suppuration, a woman is prescribed antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, which can adversely affect the condition of the embryo. Sometimes pregnancy after removal of a fibroadenoma can lead to a recurrence of the disease.

Women often face the diagnosis of breast fibroadenoma. This is a benign neoplasm that forms in fibrous tissue. In most cases, the tumor appears even before the conception of the future baby and does not bother the woman. However, during a period of severe hormonal stress, the tumor can behave unpredictably.

Does fibroadenoma interfere with conception

Fibroadenoma is a neoplasm of breast tissue, which, as a rule, proceeds without characteristic symptomatic manifestations.

Many women who are faced with this disease are concerned about the question "Is it possible to get pregnant with fibroadenoma?". The answer is definitely yes.

During the planning period for a future pregnancy, a woman and her partner are advised to go through the body. At this stage, a neoplasm can be detected.

If a breast fibroadenoma was discovered before conception occurred, doctors recommend removing it.

However, quite often this pathology is detected already during pregnancy. In this case, the risk of turning a benign tumor into a malignant one increases significantly. This is due to a change in the hormonal background of a woman.

breast swelling after childbirth

In the course of medical research, it was found that with prolonged breastfeeding, there is the possibility of natural removal of fibroadenoma.

With a favorable development of the situation during pregnancy, the tumor can slow down its growth. This is due to the lack of estrogen in the female body.

Some types of tumors in this situation resolve on their own.

This outcome is not possible in all cases. Sometimes fibroadenoma during breastfeeding can interfere and lactation cannot be established.

The following types of fibroadenoma negatively affect the lactation process:

  • a tumor that grows deep into the gland;
  • a tumor that, with its size, compresses the milk duct;
  • a tumor that provokes the development of mastitis.

Pregnancy and fibroadenoma

In most obstetric cases, breast fibroadenoma is detected already in the presence of pregnancy.

Naturally, a pregnant woman immediately raises the question “Is it possible to give birth with fibroadenoma?”.

This question can be answered only after the expectant mother undergoes a complete examination of the neoplasm.

Fibroadenoma does not affect the growth and development of the child, but pregnancy affects the development of fibroadenoma.

Hormonal changes almost always cause an increase in the size of a benign neoplasm. The tumor becomes larger and occupies a larger volume in the mammary gland.

If the size of the fibroadenoma does not go beyond the permissible limits, the woman continues to carry the pregnancy and the tumor remains in place.

Sometimes a tumor can transform into a malignant neoplasm. In this case, the question of the further course of pregnancy is acute. The operation in this case will be a mandatory step.

The likelihood of complications during pregnancy depends on the degree of development of the cancer process.

breast cancer during IVF

Fibroadenoma and IVF are quite compatible. The presence of a fibrous neoplasm in the breast is not a contraindication to the implementation of artificial insemination.

However, doctors strongly recommend removing the neoplasm before the IVF procedure. This is due to the fact that artificial insemination is preceded by serious and long-term hormone therapy, which involves an increase in the hormone estrogen.

It, in turn, provokes the rapid growth and transformation of the tumor.

Breastfeeding with fibroadenoma

In order for a woman to produce breast milk, it is necessary that the hormonal background changes again. The hormone prolactin is responsible for milk synthesis.

For fibroadenoma, it is an unfavorable factor and, therefore, inhibits its growth and development.

If the neoplasm is small, then it will not interfere with the process of feeding the child. In some cases, this action may be difficult.

Causes of lactation disorders in fibroadenoma:

  • the tumor is too large;
  • the tumor blocks the milky streams in the gland;
  • fibroadenoma provokes inflammatory processes in the mammary gland.

breast cancer during pregnancy

The most undesirable option for the development of the situation is a change in the nature of the tumor.

As a result of changes in the hormonal background, fibroadenoma can transform into a malignant neoplasm.

The sooner treatment and removal of an oncological tumor is carried out, the higher the chance of a successful outcome of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby.

Symptoms of fibroadenoma transformation:

  • pain in the area where the tumor is located;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • a sharp increase in the size of the neoplasm;
  • breast asymmetry.

When diagnosing such symptoms in yourself against the background of the presence of fibroadenoma, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible for a complete examination.

Oncology treatment is carried out with special medicines that are approved for use during pregnancy.

After the baby is born, the mother will need to undergo chemotherapy and surgical removal of the malignant neoplasm.


In order to determine an effective and safe treatment regimen for a woman who has been diagnosed with fibroadenoma, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, as well as a consultation with an obstetrician and a mammologist.

If the fibroadenoma is benign, then special treatment and intervention, as a rule, is not required.

The expectant mother needs to regularly come for examinations and observe changes in the neoplasm.

If the fibroadenoma interferes due to its large size, then surgical removal of the tumor is performed.

In cases where fibroadenoma becomes malignant, a pregnant woman is selected for drug treatment. It inhibits the development of the oncological process.

Usually this is enough and the woman gives birth to a healthy child in a timely manner. Surgery and chemotherapy are carried out after the baby is born.

If the tumor progresses rapidly and, especially, in situations where metastases have been detected, the woman is offered surgical treatment.

It is impossible to self-medicate in this situation. There is a lot of information about the treatment of fibroadenoma folk remedies. Before using any prescription or advice, be sure to consult your doctor.

An incorrectly chosen medication can cause a deterioration in the condition.

Fibroadenoma is a common pathology in the structure of the mammary glands. It is especially common in women over 30 years of age. It is better to diagnose this disease at the stage of pregnancy planning.

When a tumor is found in a woman's breasts, doctors recommend removing it before conception. If the disease was diagnosed already in the presence of pregnancy, regular monitoring of the state of the neoplasm is recommended.

If a fibrous tumor transforms into a malignant tumor, it is necessary to conduct an acceptable and effective treatment as soon as possible.

Useful video: what is fibroadenoma

Today, there are many pathologies of the breast, among which one of the first places in prevalence is breast fibroadenoma. Many women are rightly concerned about the question of what is the combination of fibroadenoma and pregnancy, and this question is very fair.

Features of the pathology

Fibroadenoma of the mammary gland is a tumor formation of a benign type, which has a mobile structure. Most often, the pathology affects only one half of the mammary gland, does not manifest itself for a long time and does not even hurt, but is often found during random examinations.

Features of the pathology are as follows:

All of these signs are not individual only for fibroadenoma, and therefore women should refrain from trying to conduct an independent diagnosis of the pathology. In some cases, fibroadenoma can be disguised as other tumor diseases that can be more dangerous than fibroadenoma, so if you find a neoplasm that resembles it, you should seek professional advice from a doctor.

Planning stage

Doctors who detect a breast tumor in a young girl who is just planning a pregnancy usually recommend surgery to remove the tumor first. These recommendations are not made in a vacuum. The fact is that the female body, preparing for pregnancy, releases a huge amount of hormones that trigger a number of processes that help to adapt to a new state.
At the same time, many breast tumors are defined as hormone-dependent, that is, a sharp jump in hormone levels can provoke their increased growth, and in some cases even their transformation into a malignant neoplasm.

Particular attention should be paid when planning pregnancy to breast fibroadenoma, which is rapidly increasing in size initially. Another reason for such recommendations in the upcoming lactation period. The fact is that a tumor can easily create an obstacle to the outflow of milk, which can provoke the development of lactostasis or mastitis. Depending on the position of the tumor, it can either simply squeeze the milk passage or dig it with its body if it initially grows inside it.

After surgery for fibroadenoma, a woman is recommended to go through a full rehabilitation period, and only then plan a pregnancy.

Detection during pregnancy

The detection of fibroadenoma during pregnancy is also a common combination, in relation to which action has to be taken.
Basically, doctors on the spot decide what to do in a particular case. The detection of a breast tumor during pregnancy is a situation that is considered dangerous and poses a direct threat to a woman's life in some cases, so this should be treated with the utmost care and attention.

The unpredictability lies in the fact that a huge amount of hormones constantly affects the tumor during pregnancy and lactation, which makes it difficult to fully predict its further development and, accordingly, choose the appropriate tactics for solving the problem. In about a quarter of cases recorded by medicine, fibroadenoma during pregnancy begins to actively grow, responding to a jump in the level of hormones in the blood, which occurs due to the active reproduction and differentiation of glandular tissue cells. On the other hand, in some cases, a small formation under the influence of hormones can independently decrease even more or even disappear. It is impossible to predict the result.

The question is whether the tumor affects the very course of pregnancy in any way? No, it doesn't. Pregnancy proceeds according to the standard scheme, nothing threatens the life and health of the fetus, only the health of the woman herself, who was diagnosed with fibroadenoma during pregnancy, is at risk. In rare cases, when the risk to the health of the mother outweighs the risk to the health of the fetus, a decision is made to perform surgery during pregnancy. In this case, the only important condition is the intervention for a period not earlier than three months.

Women diagnosed with fibroadenoma of the breast should be careful about planning pregnancy, since during this period the hormonal load on the body increases significantly, which can provoke tumor growth. Doctors recommend that you undergo an examination before planning a pregnancy, and only then seriously engage in conceiving a child in order to avoid unpredictable discoveries and prevent dangerous accidents.

Fibroadenoma of the breast during pregnancy

Such a combination as breast fibroadenoma and pregnancy is considered dangerous. The reason is that during this period the woman's body is rebuilt, the hormonal background changes greatly. All this contributes to the development and growth of the tumor. Therefore, doctors for the most part advocate unequivocally for the removal of fibroadenoma before pregnancy.

What is the danger of fibroadenoma during pregnancy?

Fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm that occurs in the mammary gland due to a hormonal shift. Under the influence of estrogen, the tumor can begin to grow intensively. This explains the fact that the diagnosis of "fibroadenoma" is most often made to young women. With the onset of menopause, the level of estrogen decreases, so the neoplasm most likely stops growing.

Fibroadenoma usually appears before pregnancy, not during it. The main reasons for its occurrence are as follows:

  • past abortions,
  • inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system;
  • constant stress;
  • frequent bathing in hot water;
  • sunbathing without a swimsuit for a long time;
  • unsuccessful massage of the mammary gland or other traumatic action in relation to it.

With the onset of pregnancy, fibroadenoma usually begins to actively develop, but not always. There are cases when the tumor, on the contrary, grew more slowly during this period. For example, this often happens if the neoplasm before pregnancy was small (up to 3 cm) and did not increase. But if the tumor grew rapidly before pregnancy, then after its onset, this process may become uncontrollable. Women under the age of 30 are most at risk.

Especially dangerous is the leaf-shaped or phylloidal form of fibroadenoma, which is more often detected after 40 years. Such a tumor grows rapidly, and the chance of its degeneration into a malignant one is very high.

It has been established that the presence of fibroadenoma does not affect the health of the fetus and is dangerous only for the woman herself.

How does fibroadenoma behave after childbirth?

After the birth of a child in the mammary glands, under the action of prolactin, there is an active production of milk. This pituitary hormone reduces the production of estrogen. This explains the fact that during lactation a woman cannot become pregnant - ovulation simply does not occur.

Such a natural estrogen deficiency over a long period of time can significantly slow down or even stop the growth of fibroadenoma. Therefore, doctors advise to breastfeed the baby longer.

If the tumor was already slow-growing and small, then lactation will not affect it in any way. Fibroadenoma foliaceus will keep growing no matter what. The mechanism of its transformation into a malignant neoplasm is still poorly understood.

Fibroadenoma in the breast during pregnancy can interfere with normal breastfeeding. Some of its species are able to block the milk ducts, causing milk stagnation:

  • intracanalicular grows into the milk duct;
  • pericanalicular develops around the lactiferous duct and gradually compresses it.

There is a tumor of a mixed type, which is also capable of blocking the ducts. This increases the risk of lactostasis, a pathological condition characterized by stagnation of milk.

Fibroadenoma can also cause mastitis, an inflammation of the breast.

Treatment of fibroadenoma at different stages

At the stage of pregnancy planning, if a fibroadenoma is detected, it is recommended to immediately remove the tumor. Especially if it grows rapidly or has a nodular or leaf-like form. Moreover, the operation is simple, lasts no more than an hour and is done both under general and local anesthesia. The tumor is exfoliated or enucleated, that is, the fibroadenoma is removed while preserving the mammary gland.

Removal of fibroadenoma is carried out even with the onset of pregnancy, if there are indications for this. The operation is not dangerous for the health of the fetus.

During lactation, the tumor usually does not develop, so it does not make sense to remove it or try to contain it. Operations are not carried out during this period. But a woman should definitely visit a mammologist every 3 months. After the end of lactation, you can start drug therapy or prepare for surgery.

And what to do if a woman is going to have in vitro fertilization? If IVF is planned, then at the preparatory stage, enhanced stimulation of ovarian function is carried out. This, in turn, provokes the release of estrogen, which means that the tumor can begin to grow at an accelerated pace. The decision on how to treat and whether fibroadenoma should be removed before IVF should be made by a specialist. But, most likely, the operation will be performed.

All about breast fibroadenoma - video

Fibroadenoma of the breast and pregnancy

The breast of a woman is a multifunctional organ that is responsible not only for the aesthetic appearance, but also for the full feeding of a newborn baby. Unfortunately, the mammary glands are very sensitive to the negative effects of external factors and internal problems in the body. That is why breast diseases are first on the lists in terms of their number and number among women of all age groups. Most often, in young nulliparous and planning pregnancy girls under the age of 30, the so-called breast fibroadenoma occurs.

Fibroadenoma is a benign formation that has a spherical shape, a dense consistency. At the same time, the patients do not observe other clinical manifestations, except for probing the elastic and movable knot. The unequivocal causes preceding the appearance of a tumor are not fully understood. However, the fact has been established that fibroadenoma is dependent on the hormonal background of a woman, and in particular, on the level of estrogen. This explains the appearance of seals just during periods of hormonal changes, one of which is pregnancy.

Fibroadenoma during pregnancy

Regardless of when the fibroadenoma appeared: during or before pregnancy, there are two options for the development of events. At the same time, both of them are scientifically substantiated and have a lot of examples in practice.

In the first case, urgent removal of fibroadenoma is assumed, since, according to some experts, this phenomenon and pregnancy are incompatible. By how hormonal changes associated with the restructuring of the body and its preparation for bearing and giving birth to a child can provoke active tumor growth. This is especially true of seals that exceed 1 cm in size and mature formations with a dense capsule that do not have the ability to dissolve.

There is also an opposite opinion, the supporters of which suggest that the presence of breast fibroadenoma during pregnancy, in its normal course, cannot have negative consequences. On the contrary, the subsequent long-term breastfeeding, with the appropriate hormonal background, affects the compaction in the best way and contributes to its resorption. The chances of the tumor disappearing on its own increase many times if the formation is immature, and the woman continues to breastfeed for 1.5-2 years.

Fibroadenoma does not affect the condition and development of the fetus.

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Development of fibroadenoma during pregnancy

Fibroadenoma during pregnancy is not the most common, but still occurring phenomenon. And it is important for a woman who is faced with this problem to find out all the possible risks and find out how to minimize them.

Can fibroadenoma appear during pregnancy

Fibroadenoma is a benign neoplasm localized in the mammary gland, suggesting a predominance of connective components, but at the same time having a glandular origin. Most often, this tumor occurs in women, and young ones. The peak falls on the childbearing age - the period from 20 to 30-35 years.

As a rule, fibroadenomas are discovered directly by the women themselves during self-exams. They can also be diagnosed quite by accident during a routine examination. The tumor is a well-palpable neoplasm. It has an elastic-dense consistency and marked boundaries, as well as moving in the tissues of the gland.

On palpation, you can find a small lump that will be easy to move. Sizes can range from a few millimeters or 1 cm to 5-7 centimeters or more. The disease can be almost asymptomatic and cause no discomfort to the woman. But if the fibroadenoma began to grow rapidly, then it can change the shape and size of the breast and even cause discomfort or pain.

Reasons for the appearance

The exact causes of the appearance are unknown, but hormonal changes play a certain role in development, since the mammary glands are considered hormone-dependent organs. Provoking negative factors include such as:

  • soft tissue injuries of the chest
  • frequent and severe stress
  • increased emotional or physical stress
  • concomitant endocrine or gynecological diseases or disorders
  • frequent insolation (sunbathing) and thermal effects

It is logical that pregnancy can provoke the development of fibroadenoma, because this stage is associated with serious hormonal changes that have a direct effect on the structure of the mammary glands. But in fact, looking at the statistics, one can come to the conclusion that the period of pregnancy itself is wrong to consider the cause of the neoplasm. In most cases, benign tumors are detected even before it occurs. If fibroadenoma is diagnosed after conception, then this does not mean at all that it was fertilization that became the trigger. Most likely, the neoplasm was present in the mammary gland before.

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How pregnancy affects the development of the disease

Can a fibroadenoma increase in size during pregnancy or, on the contrary, decrease? It is impossible to predict the exact scenario for the development of the disease, since it depends on many factors, such as the type of neoplasm, its structure and size, concomitant diseases, and so on. And although the tumor does not adversely affect the course of pregnancy, its size and structure under the influence of hormones can change, and not for the better.

Since significant changes in the hormonal background occur during gestation, the fibroadenoma of your breast during pregnancy can change, and both grow and decrease, or slightly change the structure. Often, an increase in the level of female hormones, provoking cell proliferation, causes tumor growth. And it is especially often observed if the size is more than 3 cm. If the fibroadenoma has a small diameter (1 centimeter or less), then most likely there will be no noticeable increase.

The anamnesis is also taken into account, that is, the features of the course of the disease before the onset of pregnancy. If before conception the tumor increased at a rapid pace, then after fertilization, unfortunately, it can continue to grow. If the growth was insignificant or absent, then it is likely that during pregnancy the diameter will remain the same, and it does not matter what it was before: 1 cm or 3-4. Interesting: Phylloid or leaf-shaped fibroadenomas are considered the most dangerous. They are prone to rapid growth, and hormones produced during pregnancy can accelerate it.

Pregnancy planning

In order for the pregnancy to proceed without complications, it must be planned, especially if a woman is diagnosed with fibroadenoma, even if it is less than 1 cm in size. Moreover, it is not enough just to know about the neoplasm, it is extremely important to minimize or completely eliminate all risks. But even an experienced doctor will not be able to evaluate them, because it is not known how the female body will behave after conception. And therefore, almost all women who have fibroadenomas and are planning a pregnancy are advised to remove the tumor. Also, removal is recommended and even mandatory before IVF, because the protocol includes ovulation stimulation, and it involves taking hormonal drugs and therefore can lead to serious consequences, provoking the growth of a neoplasm.

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