Name day lyudmila angel's day. Lyudmila's name day according to the church calendar


When do they celebrate their Angel Lyudmila Day? Today, this name is not so often given to newborn girls, but once it was one of the countries of the former socialist camp. Let's find out who patronizes Lyudmila, what is her character and astrological characteristics when Ludmila's Angel Day is celebrated.

Meaning of the name

It is of Orthodox origin and means "Dear to people." Main energy characteristics: sanity, independence. The phonetics of the word is dual: the first part of the name refers to a firm and strong-willed character, the second - to a sweet, sociable, compliant and even affectionate.

The character of Ludmila

According to astrology, this name is most suitable for women born under the sign of Libra. Lyudmila has a rather contradictory character. Outwardly, she is almost always calm, although emotions often rage behind this calmness. From childhood, Lyudmila accustoms herself to prudence, placing it above sensuality. As a result, a girl from a young age knows exactly what she needs, what is possible and what is not. In marriage, she often seeks to reshape her husband to fit her ideas about a real man. Alas, she rarely succeeds, however, like women not named Lyudmila. The nature of her name is such that it makes her always and in everything guided by logic, although excessive rationality in love and sensual affairs sometimes interferes. This is how Ludmila works.

Day Angel

Date - September 29, the day of memory of Lyudmila Cheshskaya. She is the patron saint of all her earthly namesakes, who were given this name at baptism. On this day, they celebrate the Day of the Angel Lyudmila and the name day.

Astrological name chart

It has already been noted that this name is suitable for Libra women. The ruling planet is Mercury, the suitable stone is jade, and the color is green. The color of the name itself is light green, sand, yellow-brown. The patron saint, as already mentioned, is Lyudmila Czech (September 29 - name day).

Ludmila, Angel Day and her famous namesakes

If we analyze the personalities of these women, it becomes clear that they fully embodied the characteristics inherent in their name. Firmness, prudence, independence allowed them to achieve indescribable heights in their work. On the other hand, they were not devoid of femininity and charm, thanks to which they had popular love and recognition, they were “nice to people”:

  • Lyudmila Gurchenko, film and theater actress.
  • Lyudmila Zykina, singer
  • Lyudmila Kasatkina, Soviet film actress.
  • Lyudmila Pakhomova, Olympic medalist.
  • performer of the role of N. Rostova in the film by S. F. Bondarchuk "War and Peace".

Holy Great Martyr

The Great Martyr Princess Ludmila of Czech is the first patroness of the Czech Republic. She was strangled in 921 at the age of 60 by her relatives who preached paganism. She raised her grandson in Christian traditions, who later became the ruler of the state. She was canonized in 1144, and on the day of her memory the Day of the Angel Lyudmila is celebrated. Her remains are still kept in Prague, in the Basilica of St. Ludmila Czech patronizes grandmothers, mothers, educators and teachers (Christian).


The name day named after Lyudmila is celebrated on September 29 (16 - according to the strict style) and is associated with the name of the Czech princess-martyr Lyudmila. She was baptized into Orthodoxy by Saint Methodius, a Russian enlightener and one of the authors of the first Slavic alphabet.

Having accepted the teachings of Christ, Lyudmila began to spread the Orthodox faith in the Czech Republic. She had a particularly great influence on the upbringing of her grandson Vyacheslav in the spiritual traditions of Orthodoxy. However, in 927 she was martyred by her daughter-in-law, who was an ardent pagan. Since then, the day of the angel named after Lyudmila has been celebrated in the fall, on the day of the death of the Czech martyr.

Day of the angel Lyudmila church pictures, congratulations: watch the video

Day of the angel Lyudmila church pictures, congratulate: Characteristics of the birthday girl Lyudmila

From the Old Slavonic language - dear to people. In Bulgaria, the male name is also popular - Lyudmil. Lyudmila's name day is in September. Lyudmila fully justifies her name - she has been doing everything possible since childhood to do something pleasant for her loved ones. It seems that Lyudmila was born immediately as an adult. So, she almost does not cry when she is very small - her mother has little trouble with her. She is not naughty, eats everything that is given to her, cleans up the dishes, does not scatter toys. From the age of 7-8, she washes dishes after eating, washes her things, at 10-12 years old, Lyudmila is the hostess in the house: she cleans the apartment and cooks food.

The sun shines everywhere
Today is just for you.
Happy Angel Day to you, Luda,
Congratulations, my dear.
Let life turn into a dream
And happiness will enter every day.
Everything is very easy,
And joyfully the soul sings.
I heartily congratulate you on the day of your heavenly Patron, on the name day! I want to wish that your invisible protector protects you from various troubles and misfortunes, so that he guides you on the right path, does not let you be sad! And also, so that you smile more often, because when you smile, your patron saint glows with happiness and this light is reflected in your eyes. May he keep you all your life! Be happy!
Today is your angel day!
God bless you good health!
May only peace lurk in your hearth,
Warmed by happiness, joy, love!
Lyudochka, Happy Angel Day to you!
Happy holiday today, congratulations
After all, you can’t forget about the name day,
I wish you from myself:
Clear skies and sunny days
Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,
In the house - prosperity, comfort always,
Don't let trouble knock on his door.
Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family - understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

On what day do girls with the name Lyudmila celebrate their name day? In our time, this name has become quite rare and unpopular among maiden names, however, in former times, the name Lyudmila was the most common maiden name in socialist countries. In our article, you will find out who is the heavenly patron of Lyudmila, get acquainted with her astrological chart and her character, as well as when her name day is celebrated.

Meaning of the name

The name Lyudmila is an Orthodox name and translates as "Dear to people." The owners of this name have such basic features as: Rationality, caution, pragmatism, independence. The nature of this name has two parts: the first is characterized by a firm and strong-willed character, and the other, on the contrary, by a sweet, sociable, compliant and affectionate character.

The character of Ludmila

According to astrologers, the name Lyudmila is best suited for girls who were born under the sign of the zodiac Libra. The owners of this beautiful name are characterized by a dual character. She almost never shows her emotions in public, remaining imperturbable, but under such a mask, a sensual volcano burns inside Lyudmila. From an early age, the representative of this name is trained in rational thinking, thereby suppressing her sensuality. Since childhood, Lyudmila has set a goal: what she needs and can do, and what she doesn’t need. In family relationships, quite often he tries to remake his spouse under his own image of a real man. However, she rarely achieves this, but to be honest, women who do not bear the name Lyudmila also do not succeed in this matter. The energy component of the name Lyudmila is such that it obliges the girl to constantly and everywhere rely on logic, but excessive prudence in friendly and amorous relationships sometimes creates obstacles. This is how Ludmila is characterized.

Astrological name chart

As already mentioned above, such a name suits Libra girls the most. The patron planet is Mercury, the talisman stone is jade, the favorite color is green. The name itself is characterized by a light green, sandy and yellow-brown color. The heavenly protector, as previously noted, is Lyudmila Czech (commemoration day, which is celebrated on the twenty-ninth of September).

Ludmila, Angel Day and her famous namesakes

There are quite a few famous women in the world bearing the name Lyudmila, for example, such as: Lyudmila Gurchenko, who was the most sought-after and famous actress in cinema and theater. Lyudmila Zykina is a Soviet artist. Lyudmila Kasatkina, popular Soviet film actress. Lyudmila Pakhomova, Olympic medalist. Lyudmila Savelyeva, the actress who played the role of Natasha Rostova in S. F. Bondarchuk's film "War and Peace", if you carefully consider the lives of these women, you can come to the conclusion that they fully showed the main features of the energy characteristics of their name. Purposefulness, pragmatism, independence - with the help of which they have achieved the highest heights in their profession. In addition, they possessed femininity and charm, which provided them with national fame and glory.

Holy Great Martyr

Saint Princess Ludmila of Czech is considered the first heavenly protector of the Czech Republic. Princess Lyudmila was strangled in the mid-nineties, when she was sixty years old. Her relatives who worshiped pagan gods killed her. The Czech princess raised her grandson in Orthodox customs, who after a while became the king of the Czech Republic. Lyudmila Czech was canonized in the year one thousand one hundred and forty-four, and on the day of her commemoration, Lyudmila celebrates her name day. Her relics are still in the capital of the Czech Republic, in the church of St. George the Victorious. Saint Ludmila is the protector of grandmothers, mothers, educators and teachers of the Christian faith.

Praise of St. Ludmila by the Russian Orthodox Church

Venerable Great Martyr Ludmila Czech praised by the Russian Orthodox Church, this name is included in the Russian Christian calendar, in many cathedrals the holy faces of this Saint are kept. In Belokamennaya, in one of the churches, there is a relic, which is the holy face of Lyudmila with a particle of her remains. A lot of pilgrims and just tourists from all over Russia come to Moscow in order to bow before this shrine.

What do they pray for Saint Ludmila?

Of course, originally Saint Lyudmila is prayed to by those believers to whom she is the heavenly protector. You can read the prayer of St. Ludmila daily or recite the akathist of the enlightened great martyr. This saint is prayed for the protection and guidance of God to their daughters and sons. . The prayer petition of St. Lyudmila, God's Pleasure, must be pronounced from a pure soul and a good heart.

Prayer to the Great Martyr is able to save believers from unclean thoughts, help them gain forgiveness and salvation from the Lord God. In prayers and hymns addressed to St. Ludmila, one can often find mention of her grandson, the Monk Vyacheslav. Prayers are addressed to him for the protection of their children and grandchildren. You can turn to the saint not only with special prayers, but also say, what do you think the protector, heeds every request, for salvation, which comes from a pure heart. Ordinary church special chants are found in prayer books, which can be bought at any church. You can pray to the Great Martyr Lyudmila at any hour convenient for you, when you need the divine help of the Saint.

The rule of offering prayers

Each of the people has his own path to the Almighty, and each of us is at a certain stage of this road. Each of the Christian believers is characterized by different physical and temporary abilities for reading prayer petitions, therefore, there is no strict mandatory requirement. Any of the believers can offer prayers to their patrons and the Almighty as much as they can and want.

Saints of the image of Blessed Ludmila in Russia

On the holy images, the Czech Princess Rev. Lyudmila is depicted in a long robe, her hair is constantly hidden under a cowl, and sometimes under a princely hat. The main symbol, which is of great importance, is the calistegia itself, which covers the shoulders. On some icons, Saint Ludmila is depicted with a rope around our necks, which is a symbol of suffering. Also quite rare are the holy images of the Great Martyr, where she is depicted with a goblet, which is filled to the top with grapes. In addition, there are icons in which St. Ludmila is represented with her little grandson Vyacheslav, who carefully listens to the Orthodox speeches of his grandmother.

Holy Face of the Czech Princess can help keep families from scandals, and also protects from evil influences. Prayers are served before the icons for the health and happiness of younger family members, traditionally this applies to children and grandchildren. The Great Martyr protects them from sinful deeds, helps them return to the true path, leading to the Lord. When a conflict has already occurred in the family, then the prayer uttered in front of the face of St. Ludmila will help in restoring calm. The girl, named after this Saint, when reading a prayer to her patroness, will be able to avoid various troubles and will be able to cope with all her life problems.

On the territory of our Motherland, the holy face of the Czech Great Martyr is kept in Belokamennaya in the Kotelniki district on the Compound of the Orthodox Church and Slovakia in the Cathedral of St. Nicholas.

On the day of commemoration of Princess Lyudmila a piece of the remains of the princess is brought to this cathedral every year. In addition, one face is kept in the temple of Vyacheslav Czech, which was built in Barvikha. Other icons, less popular, you can see in different parts of the country.

The meaning of the holy face

Holy image of Princess Lyudmila tells about the righteous way of life of the Czech ruler. However, all her misfortunes, which she courageously endured, also occur in the fate of ordinary girls, such as: disagreements with loved ones, in family relationships, the death of a loved one and a loved one. The story of the life of the princess shows us an example of how to overcome all obstacles, while remaining true to your faith and the Lord. She also gives love and help to those who turn to her. After all, a prayer read before the face of a saint repeatedly showed miracles.

Name day of St. Ludmila

According to the Orthodox custom, which prescribed to name the newborn only seven days after birth. The name was given by the Reverend Father, according to the church calendar. The saint in whose name the child was named was considered his patron saint. Christian believers follow this tradition in our time. All beautiful representatives of humanity, with the name Lyudmila (those who are baptized with this name) are obliged to honor their guardian angel and protector, who is considered the holy princess, whose memorial day is celebrated on the twenty-ninth of September. This day will be their day of the Angel. It is celebrated by the church on the sixteenth of September according to the old style and on the ninth of September - in a new way.

The Reverend Czech Princess can be honored as a holy protector by all Christians who need her help.

Holy Princess - Protector of the Native Land

Reverend Princess Ludmila is considered the first Czech sufferer, defender of her native land. In addition, the Saint is honored as the patroness of grandmothers, mothers, mentors, teachers and tutors. Also, her sculpture is located on the Charles Bridge, where there are also other statues of the most praised saints of the Czech Republic. Also, one of the main places is occupied by the image painted on the pedestal of the statue of St. Wenceslas, which is located in the central part of the Czech capital.

Cathedrals in Prague

The Catholic Church of St. Princess Ludmila the Great Martyr was built at the end of the eighteenth century. It is located on the central Peace Square, which is located in the Vinogradsky district. This beautiful neo-Gothic building is distinguished by the presence of two tall, completely monotonous bell towers. The church is erected in such a way that it seems that it is hanging in the air above the city center. Towers with a spire reach a height of more than fifty meters. The Church of St. Ludmila is considered the main highlight of the square and attracts not only pilgrims, but also ordinary travelers. High long stairs lead to the main entrance, and the oak doors and the entrance have a strict ornament.

Every year, the owners of the name Lyudmila celebrate their Angel Day in September twice: on the 28th and 29th. The dates for the celebration were chosen for a reason. On September 28, the Orthodox commemorate the holy martyr Lyudmila Petrova, and on September 29, Lyudmila of the Czech Republic. These days, you need to congratulate all those involved and send cool congratulations and postcards.

Happy name day to you, beautiful Lyudmila,

May the angel save you, you are just a miracle

Be loved always and be nice to people,

May everything be perfect in your life.

May your every day not be in vain,

Let him bring work and leisure with him,

And let him give you a fatal meeting,

So that a dear friend appears in your life.

I wish you joy, not to know heart wounds,

Be as attractive for many years,

May evil, misfortune, deceit not befall you,

So that you become happy, Luda, of course.

Let the name day be clean, like cotton wool,

Let there be a lot of light, do not measure,

Be healthy, Lyudmila, be rich,

I want to live long and trust people.

On your name day, Lyudmila, I wish

So that there is comfort in the family nest,

May your beloved husband indulge you

So that he never loses his heart to you.

Let the morning with the gentle trill of the nightingale

You have a good new day

Let the whole family congratulate today,

And even the sun won't set in the shade today.

Lyudochka, Happy Angel Day to you!

Happy holiday today, congratulations

After all, you can’t forget about the name day,

I wish you from myself:

Clear skies and sunny days

Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,

In the house - prosperity, comfort always,

Don't let trouble knock on his door.

Health, success, smiles in the eyes,

Faith, hope, good luck in business,

In the family - understanding, warmth and love.

Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

Postcards and funny congratulations in prose on Lyudmila's Day

Dear Lyudmila, congratulations! Let me wish you a bright radiance in life and warmth, sincerity of loving hearts and understanding friends, simple female happiness, love and respect, high achievements and prosperity.

Congratulations, dear Lyudmila, I wish you a juicy life, like a watermelon, rich and joyful emotions, bright and great ideas, fun and useful ideas, self-confidence and amazing mood, irresistible beauty and eternal charm.

Dear Lyudmila, dear Lyudochka, I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart and wish you great happiness in life and good luck in every day, great victories and grandiose successes, constant good luck and beautiful ideas, great mood and wonderful inspiration.

Dear Lyudochka, I sincerely want to congratulate you and wish the proud and beautiful diva to continue her journey, surprising those around her with her talents and achievements, bestowing loved ones with the light of love, filling her life with moments of happiness.

Postcards and funny congratulations in SMS on Lyudmila's Day

Lyudmila, my dear!
I wish you well
I wish you joy and happiness
Good luck and warmth.

Always be happy
Beloved and sweet.
We congratulate you
Our Lyudmila!

Health, wealth,
heartfelt moments,
Not a drop of sadness
Persistent aspirations.

I want, Lyudmila,
You were the happiest
The most feminine, beautiful,
Witty, kind, sweet.

I wish you, Lyudmila,
To always have happiness.
To holidays, fun
They lifted the mood.
Every day to be successful
And all the problems are ugly.
To avoid hassle
Let laughter live in your soul.
To be appreciated and loved
For you to be beautiful.

The history of the holiday of the holy martyr Lyudmila Petrova on September 28

The Holy Martyr Lyudmila (Petrova Lyudmila Vladimirovna) was born on February 26, 1879 in Rostov. All her life she worked as a needlework teacher, and in 1924 she retired. In 1930, she was arrested as a "member of the anti-Soviet church-monarchist group" and sentenced to three years of exile in the Northern Territory.

After her release, Lyudmila Vladimirovna returned to her native city. In 1936, she was again arrested on charges that she "corresponded with the exiled Metropolitan Joseph, provided him with material assistance," and was sentenced to three years in exile in Kazakhstan.

On July 10, 1937, Lyudmila Petrova was arrested in exile for the third time on charges of “belonging to a counter-revolutionary group of churchmen in the South Kazakhstan region,” and on August 23 she was sentenced to death. On September 27, 1937, the sentence was carried out. Ranked among the Holy New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia at the Jubilee Bishops' Council of the Russian Orthodox Church in 2000 for general church veneration.

The history of the feast of the holy martyr Ludmila of Czech on September 29

The Holy Martyr Ludmila of Czech was born around 860 and was married to Bořivoj I, the first Christian prince of Bohemia. They showed concern for enlightening their subjects with the light of the true faith, built churches and invited priests to perform divine services in them.

After the death of her husband, Princess Ludmila led a strict, pious life and continued to take care of the Church during the reign of her son Vratislav, which lasted 33 years. After the death of her son, on the orders of her daughter-in-law Dragomira, on the night of September 15-16, 921, she was strangled in her own chambers.

Most parents struggle for a long time over how to choose the right name for their child. You will have to live with this name all your life, and each name gives its own direction to the character of the child and practically determines his fate. A wonderful name for a girl is Lyudmila, what awaits the representative of this name in later life?

A little about the name itself

The name Ludmila comes from the Slavic male name Ludmil. It has several precise meanings such as freedom, hinder, and proliferate. The name itself is very affectionate and gentle, similar to the Russian pronunciation darling, it is reliable and beautiful. If you divide it into two forms. It will turn out to be nice to people, which affects the owners of this name. Once upon a time, it was very popular, but over time it lost it. Today this name is not used so often, but Orthodox people love it very much.

Name characteristic

There are several seasons by which you can determine which one your Lyudmila belongs to.
Spring Lyudmila is a gentle sentimental nature that is touched by any actions and deeds. She takes very close to her heart everything that does not work out and does not add up. Such Lyudmila, as a rule, choose the profession of an artist, educator or teacher. In this they are expressed and revealed.

Summer Lyudmila is a woman endowed with a good mind, resourcefulness and sometimes too kind. Such Lyudmilas will be able to perfectly fulfill themselves in rhythmic gymnastics and choreography. All Lyudmilas born during this period are very light and airy.
Autumn Lyudmilas love independence and often try to fight for independence. Such a person will make a good writer, poetess or journalist.
Winter Lyudmila, this is severity itself, It is from them that excellent leaders come out. They are brave, impetuous, very proud and demanding.

Little Lyudmila

As a child, Lyudmila usually lives up to her name; for those around her, they are cute and affectionate girls. They understand how charm affects those around them and constantly use it. But they do it quite sincerely without any ulterior motive. Almost all Lyudochki do not tolerate any scandals, they constantly want to be close to their parents, looking for peace and warmth in them. Different types of disagreements and quarrels have a bad effect on Luda's psyche. For such children, harmony in everything is in the first place, and therefore it will have to be observed in the family. For parents, the task will be to lead a very calm and measured lifestyle, in which there will be no outbursts of aggression, otherwise Lyudmila may begin childhood depression. Loving parents try to avoid various quarrels in front of the child and maintain balance in the house.

In school years, there are practically no problems with Lyudmila. She is successful in her studies and enjoys success among her friends. She has well-developed organizational skills and by the school years she, as a rule, already develops them. This age affects Lyudmil very positively, they are full of energy and optimism, which manifests itself in everything. During this period of life, Lyudmil has a bunch of friends, he conquers with his charm and optimism. She is the center of attention, who can cheer up and, if necessary, reach out and put her to rest. A sense of justice will go through life next to Lyudmila, it will not always play a good role, but she can’t get away from it. Sometimes a child needs a little rest in order to gain strength and go into battle again.

In the class, Lyudmila usually takes the role of headman, almost everyone trusts them. Diplomacy gives the status of an executive a little bit of attraction. They react very ambitiously to any movement that takes place around them, but they can always make the right and right decision. Hot temper and aggressiveness need to be helped to appease Lyudmila, this will not always be able to help her in life. This is a leader whose rules can be difficult to agree with, but she will be able to lead a large number of people.

Adult Luda

Adult Lyudmila remains the same indefatigable girl, but with a calmer character. Sometimes splashes of excess energy can occur, but she already skillfully copes with them. This charming person will also try to help everyone. If this is not needed, then he will be able to advise something, direct him in the right direction and convince him of the correctness of the decision.

If in life Lyudmila becomes a leader or assistant, then this is a great success. She makes an excellent worker who soberly assesses the situation and will be able to make the right decisions. A lot of ideas and fantasies fit in Lyudmila's head. She can plan a family dinner, and at the same time think about a new project. For the hearth, such women are simply irreplaceable. There is almost never a mess in Lyudmila's house. She is so fixated on this that sometimes it may seem that no one lives in the apartment. Cleanliness, neatness and everything in place are the most important principles of such women.

They usually choose a profession spontaneously, but there are those in which it will be like a “fish in water”. In medicine and psychology, these women will be able to fully open up and allow others to do the same, in general, they are perfectly disposed. In jurisprudence, this can be an excellent lawyer or prosecutor who from the very beginning will know the outcome of the whole case and will be faithfully directed towards it. If Lyudmila chooses a profession related to music, then the music director will come out of it best of all. In art, Lyudmila will also be able to express herself. With a wonderful sense of everything beautiful, she will be able to achieve good results. Close people often influence Lyudmila's choice of profession, she tries to listen and makes her choice.

Positive traits of Ludmila

Lyudmila is always a charming and neat girl who practically does not give her parents any trouble. From the early childhood of a child, one can immediately see which of the girls will grow up as a mother. Luda shows the traits of a caring and sensitive mother, even playing with dolls you can see it. For her, sometimes praise is simply necessary, and therefore understanding parents try to praise and encourage her for any reason. People like Lyudmila are very loving and will be able to forgive the stupidity and shortcomings of other people. They have an analytical mindset that only helps in life. The owner of an excellent memory, Lyudmila, will be ahead of everyone in her school years. She can be creative with everything. What will it take. Such people read a lot, but do not become bores. Luda loves guests, just as she herself is not averse to visiting.

Negative Traits

The most unpleasant thing is that two people seem to live in the character of Lyudmila. Rudeness, external weakness, hopeless laziness, can get along with opposite qualities in one person. Sometimes she is too touchy, at the same time cunning and sly. At first glance, it may seem angry, distrustful and rude, but this is most likely just an internal defense and over time they begin to understand it. Any feature of Lyudmila is her inner world, and sometimes it is so fragile and brittle, so you need to take care of it and cherish it.

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