How to change the size and weight of a photo. Reducing the size of a photo without losing quality


If you are faced with the task of how to reduce the size of a JPG file, then let's try to understand this situation together. Very often, the image size needs to be reduced so that the photos or pictures do not take up much disk space. Many users often send a large number of photos by e-mail, but as a rule, all mail servers have a limit on the amount of information in one letter.

Because of this, many people are unable to send images in an email, thus becoming stunned and do not know how to get out of the situation. Also, if you upload image files to a cloud service or transfer over a network, then this will happen faster if the image has a small weight. Therefore, files must be reduced in size while trying not to spoil the image quality.

JPEG(pronounced "japeg" by the Joint Photographic Experts Group) is the most popular raster image format. Files that contain images have the JPG extension.

If you pay attention, the names of many graphic images on your computer look like ("photo title".jpg or "photo title".jpeg). The .jpg extension is the most popular.

JPG files are perfectly compressed both with and without loss of quality. Accordingly, it all depends on what the user wants to get in the end result. There are a huge number of programs and online services for image compression. Therefore, let's look at how to reduce the size of a JPG file in different ways and programs. In order to determine the initial weight of the image, you need to right-click on it and select "Properties".

How to reduce the size of an image using standard Windows tools?

If you do not have to change the size of the image often, then the standard Paint program is suitable for such purposes. Its functionality will be enough for our purposes. So Paint allows you to perform the following functions:

  • Ability to add different text to the image;
  • Filling individual elements;
  • Ability to trim unwanted fragments;
  • Insert another image and more.

If you edit an image while adding new elements, then its size will change.

In order to reduce the size of a jpg file using the Paint graphic editor, follow the instructions below.

Advice! If the image is very large, then you can set the size to 1024 × 768. Also select the correct ratio of length and width, otherwise the image will not look quite correct.

How to reduce JPG file size using Microsoft Office programs.

Since the MS Office software package is installed on most users' computers. Then we will use this tool to edit the size of the JPG file.

Note! Your Microsoft Office package should include MS Picture Manager

In order to figure out how to reduce the size of a JPG file using MS Picture Manager, we do the following:

Advice! The more the image is compressed, the worse its quality will be. Therefore, choose the golden mean.

Reducing the size of a JPG file using online services.

If the above methods do not suit you or you need to compress a very large number of images, then you can use online image compression services. One of these services

With it, you can reduce the size of the image to the maximum possible, while the program itself perform all the actions for you. You will only need to add the image to the online service.

Note! After compression, you will be visually represented by how many percent the weight of the image has decreased after processing.

After adding a picture or photo, the program will automatically analyze the file and, if possible, compress it. At the same time, the image size, length and width, remains unchanged. The service works with different graphic image formats, so it will suit many users.

Another online service that allows you to resize an image file is The service supports working with various image formats. Unlike , the user chooses the settings for the generated image.

You can set the image size manually or choose from the suggested options.

For better compression, the program has various filters. In the save options, you can also set values ​​that will reduce the size of the output file.

Reducing the image size using the Snagit editor.

Not so long ago, I wrote an article, in this article I touched on the consideration of the Snagit program, which can take not only screenshots of the screen, but also edit the resulting images. This program is perfect for our purposes, now I will show you and tell you how to reduce the size of a JPG file using the Snagit editor.

I suggest doing everything step by step.

I often come across a situation where it is necessary to reduce the weight of a photo in order to upload it to classmates or transfer it over the Internet, or send it to a mailbox. In this note, I want to share how to easily and quickly reduce the weight or size of a photo to an acceptable level. You do not need to look for any third-party programs or applications, everything can be done from standard Windows XP.

What is the WEIGHT of a photo

There are such concepts as the size of a photo and the weight of a photo, with the size everything is clear, this is the number of dots horizontally by the number of dots vertically, let's say 3264 * 2448, they are also called pixels. Another thing is weight, by weight we understand the volume in megabytes. Let's say a photo taken with a good digital camera will have a weight of 4.04 megabytes. Naturally, such a weight of a photo is not always convenient to transfer, for example, to e-mail, or there is a desire to reduce the weight of the photo. This is done very simply from a program included in Windows called Paint.

So, select the photo of which we want to reduce the weight, click on it once with the right mouse button and select open with, then select PAINT, click on the left mouse button. The photo should open in Paint, see below.

Now, to reduce the weight, select from the top menu Picture and Stretch / Skew.

A window like this will open.

Now in the Horizontal column we change the value from 100 percent to 50 if we want to reduce the weight by half, and in the Vertical column we decrease it by 50 percent. Click on OK. Now click on File in the top menu, select Save as and save the photo. Everything is now reduced in weight. I note that sometimes it is enough to enter a value of 10 percent to significantly reduce the weight of the photo without losing especially the quality of the photo.

How to lose weight correctly? With this question, people often turn to doctors, or independently look for the answer in the printed literature or on the Internet. This is a very common problem in today's world. There are many different diets and nutrition programs. However, many of them are ineffective. Why? Most often, diets are not rational, they impose a "veto" on certain products that a person is used to. Often they are not physiological, unbalanced and do more harm than good. After “sitting” on such a diet for several weeks, at the end of it, a person “breaks down” on foods that were banned. And the kilograms that have gone with difficulty come back. And often a person gains more than he weighed before the diet.

Physiological and rational nutrition is not a painful test and does not impose a categorical ban on "favorite goodies", but limits them. Rational nutrition, although it does not lead to rapid weight loss, is ahead of newfangled diets in terms of effectiveness. Weight loss goes smoothly, in accordance with the physiology of the body, less often leads to "breakdowns" and gives a more stable weight loss.

Who needs to lose weight and why?

To determine if you are overweight, calculate your body mass index (BMI) using the formula: BMI = weight (kg) / height (m)2.

For example, your weight is 80 kg and your height is 165 cm. BMI will be 80/1.65²=29.4 kg/m².

  • 16 or less - severe underweight.
  • 16-18.5 - insufficient (deficit) body weight.
  • 18.5-24.99 is the norm.
  • 25-30 - overweight (preobesity)
  • 30-35 - obesity of the first degree.
  • 35-40 - obesity of the second degree.
  • 40 or more - obesity of the third degree.

The value obtained in the example corresponds to preobesity. Now calculate your body mass index. If the value obtained is equal to or more than 25.0 kg / m², you should think about changing your usual diet and lifestyle.

Why lose weight? Scientists have proven the relationship of obesity and overweight with diseases such as diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, endometrial cancer, breast cancer, prostate cancer, arthritis, cholecystitis, colon cancer. The higher the body mass index, the higher the risk of these diseases. With age, these risks increase even more.

Overweight and obesity are “unpleasant” in that not only somatic (“bodily”) health suffers, but also the psychological state of a person. Overweight people are more likely to have depressive disorders, increased anxiety. Society is not always kind to overweight people. Social isolation may occur. It turns out a vicious circle: excess weight leads to a decrease in self-esteem, anxiety. A person seems to “seize” these states, as a result of which the weight continues to grow.

Thus, weight loss with its excess is necessary for our health!

If you are planning to lose weight, of course you are interested in knowing how much you can lose weight, and in what time frame. This is a correct and very important question. Many people expect not quite realistic results. For example, they plan to reduce weight to ideal with obesity of the 3rd degree. You need to understand that reducing weight by 10 kg or more, and in the future - maintaining the success achieved is not an easy goal, and you need to go to it for a long time and hard.

Tip - to start, plan to lose 2-3 kg. Make "small" victories gradually, step by step approaching the cherished goal. Even a small weight loss will lead to a significant reduction in the risk of diseases associated with obesity, improve well-being, mood and self-esteem.

IMPORTANT! Discuss with your doctor (nutritionist, endocrinologist) how many kilograms you need to reduce body weight, what BMI value you should strive for. The doctor will guide you on nutrition for weight loss on an individual basis. Only a doctor at the appointment will be able to assess the state of your health, indications and contraindications for the use of certain products. For example, with gastritis, the consumption of legumes, vegetables and fruits in raw form is limited, with chronic kidney disease, the consumption of protein foods is limited, etc.

How fast does weight loss occur with a balanced diet? As a rule, weight loss of 0.3-0.5 kg per week is the most physiological.

If you have made the decision to lose weight, keeping a food diary will be necessary at the very beginning of the journey. It is needed in order to assess how many calories you actually consume per day, the composition of food in terms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In a diary, it is important to write down every bite of what you eat and drink. Very often we engage in self-deception, forgetting or not noticing what we have eaten. Before you eat something, think about whether you are hungry. This will help control food intake, and, therefore, avoid unconscious overeating.

Over time, even without a food diary, you will learn to estimate the approximate calorie content of foods and dishes. There is no need to keep a diary.

You can keep a food diary in a regular notebook, or in any Internet application. In the first column, we write down the products and their weight (it is convenient to do this using an electronic kitchen scale). In the second - we calculate the calorie content, in the third, fourth and fifth - the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the product. It is very important to correctly count calories. Information about the calorie content of any food can be found on the Internet, or in applications for calculating calories.

There are programs in which you can accurately calculate the calorie content of a complex dish prepared according to your recipe. Keep in mind that the calorie content of the finished dish will increase if you cook in oil. For this reason, it is better to stew, bake, boil, steam. It is better to use vegetable oil in its “raw” form, dressing salad with it. However, in this case, measure how many tablespoons of oil you used for dressing, because oil is the most high-calorie product of all, in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil about 90 kcal! Therefore, add no more than 1 teaspoon of oil to your serving of salad.

Keeping a diary will also help your doctor evaluate your diet, identify possible errors and make the necessary correction.

Calculate how many calories you need to consume per day to lose weight. First, calculate the daily energy expenditure required to maintain the main

  • for women: 18-30 years: (0.0621 × weight in kg + 0.0357) × 240
  • 31-60 years old: (0.0342×weight in kg+3.5377)×240
  • over 60 years: (0.0377 × weight in kg + 2.7546) × 240
  • for men: 18-30 years: (0.0630 × weight in kg + 2.8957) × 240
  • 31-60 years old: (0.0484×weight in kg+3.6534)×240
  • over 60 years: (0.0491 × weight in kg + 2.4587) × 240

If you have a sedentary lifestyle, multiply the resulting value by 1.1, if physical activity is moderate - by 1.3, with physical work or active sports - by 1.5.

Now subtract 500-600 kcal from the resulting value. This will be the number of calories that you should not exceed if you want to lose weight. One caveat - you should not consume less than 1200 kcal per day. In this case, the metabolism will slow down, which will negatively affect the dynamics of weight. If in fact you ate more than 3000 kcal per day, limit your food intake gradually - by 300-500 kcal per week until you reach your individual calorie intake.

How to do it? A food diary will help you with this. Evaluating the calorie content of the diet daily, you will find out which foods it is better to reduce or replace with less high-calorie foods. There is another way - to reduce the usual portion of food by 20%.

Distribute the calorie content of the diet for 3-6 meals.

Approximately: breakfast 25%, snack 15%, lunch 35%, afternoon tea 10%, dinner 15%.

Rational nutrition, first of all, is the correct balance of macronutrients (proteins, fats, carbohydrates) in the daily diet. The composition of food per day should contain approximately 15-20% proteins, 25-35% fats, 50-60% carbohydrates (mainly "complex").

Proteins are of animal and vegetable origin. Animal protein - meat, seafood, fish, eggs, dairy products, milk. Vegetable protein - soy products, legumes, corn, mushrooms, nuts.

Fats are of vegetable (vegetable oil, nuts, seeds) and animal (meat, fish, milk, dairy products, butter) origin. A lot of fat is found in cakes, pastries, cookies and many other flour products.

Carbohydrates are conventionally divided into "complex" (digested slowly) and "simple" (digested quickly). Complex carbohydrates - pasta, cereals, legumes, corn, bread, potatoes and vegetables. Simple carbohydrates - honey, sugar, flour products, ice cream, chocolate, jam, juices, fruit drinks, boiled cereals / pasta, mashed potatoes, sweet dairy products, fruits.

IMPORTANT! Before dismantling all the rules of rational nutrition, I want to draw your attention to one point. You should not try to follow all the rules at once. It is difficult to remember all the recommendations at once, you will get tired and confused. I recommend that you start small and gradually, in small steps, go towards the goal. For example, start by drinking the right amount of water, write down what you eat and drink in a diary, include vegetables in every lunch and dinner, eat dinner no later than 3 hours before bedtime. When these rules are easy to follow, start preparing yourself the right breakfasts, lunches and dinners, enter snacks. If a rule is difficult for you to implement at the moment, omit it. However, strive to implement it in the future.


  1. You need to drink enough water per day. Your individual water requirement is calculated according to the scheme: height in centimeters (we assume that these are milliliters) multiplied by 10 + 200 ml. For example, your height is 165 cm. 165*10+200=1850 ml. The first glass of water (250 ml) is drunk immediately after waking up. It is also recommended to drink a glass of water half an hour before each meal. Water should always be in front of your eyes! In the evening, drink no more than 2 glasses of water, take the entire main part before 18.00. If at first it will be difficult for you to drink the required amount of water, start small. For example, half a glass before breakfast, lunch, dinner, a glass of water during exercise, a glass of water after work. And gradually increase the amount of water you drink to the target amount. IMPORTANT! Tea, coffee, soup and other drinks and liquid meals do not count as water.
  2. You definitely need to sleep! You need to sleep at least 8 hours. Sleep deprivation and obesity are closely linked. The body responds to sleep deprivation by increasing appetite and cravings for “harmful but tasty” foods. We observe sleep hygiene: before going to bed, we ventilate the room, if possible, we sleep with the window ajar. For good sleep and healthy sleep, you need to stop watching TV, using a computer and gadgets at least an hour or two before bedtime. You can read a book before going to bed, listen to calm music, chat with your family. Make sure that at night you are not disturbed by the light of a lantern outside the window and other light sources. Remember that the amount of melatonin, the sleep hormone, necessary for good sleep is produced in the dark.
  3. The most rational is fractional nutrition. These are three main meals and 2-3 snacks. Dinner is recommended no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime. There should not be long breaks in eating, a minimum break of 2 hours, a maximum of 4 hours. For example, breakfast at 7.00, snack at 10.00. Lunch at 13:00, snack at 16:00. Dinner at 19.00, light snack at 21.00, bedtime at 23.00. Such a fractional diet is of great importance for our body. The digestive system works most efficiently, a good metabolism is maintained. There are no long breaks between meals - and the body does not have a goal to "store" calories in the form of fat "in reserve", as happens with irregular meals with long breaks - more than 4 hours. Long breaks between meals and overeating at night can cause inflammation of the stomach - gastritis. Calories eaten in the evening are used to restore the body after a hard day, and this restoration requires a small amount of energy (calories = energy). If more calories are received than necessary, the body “stores” the unspent energy in the form of fat. After all, after dinner, we, as a rule, rest, we do not actively consume energy.
  4. Breakfast. Cereals are great for breakfast - they contain carbohydrates that are digested for a long time, which means they maintain a feeling of satiety for a long time. In addition, eating cereals is very beneficial for good digestion. What cereals are good? These are buckwheat, oats, millet, rice, wheat groats, barley groats, flax groats. Semolina is not recommended for people who are overweight. You can add fresh berries, pieces of fruit, nuts, a little honey to the porridge. It is important not to boil the cereals! The less cereals were cooked, the more useful your breakfast is, the longer the feeling of satiety will last. Choose cereals that take a long time to cook. Groats - five minutes will not work! If there is little time for cooking in the morning, soak the grits overnight. In addition to cereals, it is not forbidden to eat cottage cheese and cottage cheese products (cheesecakes, casserole) for breakfast. However, you should try to minimize the amount of sugar in curd dishes. It is possible to use a vegetable sweetener - stevia. The preparation of curd products should be carried out without the use of oil - this is baking or steaming. Sometimes you can eat eggs for breakfast, they must be combined with vegetables. For example, you can cook an omelet with vegetables. In the morning, you can eat 1 fruit the size of a fist.
  5. Dinner. For lunch, it is recommended to consume an average of 150 grams of a protein product - it can be fish (fatty fish is also allowed to be eaten, but not more than 2 times a week), seafood, meat and poultry (it is important to choose as "lean" meat as possible - chicken breast , rabbit or turkey. Pork, lamb and beef - choose the most "lean" pieces, cut off excess fat when cooking. When cooking chicken and turkey, be sure to remove the skin. For lunch, it is good to eat 2-3 raw or 1 cup of thermally processed vegetables. If on there were no cereals for breakfast, cereals can be used as a side dish for a protein product - about 4-6 tablespoons of ready-made cereals.Let's say potatoes (2 pieces of medium size) as a side dish, but not more than 2 times a week.It is important not to boil it and do not grind it into a puree.A possible lunch option is a soup, which includes both protein (fish / poultry / meat), and carbohydrates (cereals or potatoes), and vegetables. Or vegetable soup + protein product +/- cereals /potatoes A healthy lunch would be eating 1 slice of whole grain bread. For dessert, you can eat 1 fruit the size of a fist.
  6. Dinner. For dinner, protein foods (meat/poultry/fish/seafood) and vegetables (both raw and cooked) are allowed. Carbohydrates, both simple and complex for dinner, must be completely abandoned. Potatoes and fruits are not recommended.
  7. Snacks between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner. Snacks are useful in that they dull hunger before the main meals. Thanks to a snack, you will not be "hungry like a wolf" and will not eat more than you should. The best snack is a glass of fermented milk product or a fist-sized fruit. It is possible to use 2-3 pieces of dried fruits with kefir or 2-3 pieces of bitter (not milk!) chocolate or 1 piece of marshmallow / marshmallow / marmalade with natural yogurt / kefir in one of the snacks.
  8. Snack 2 hours before bed. This snack is optional, especially if your dinner took place 3 hours before bedtime. But if you have had dinner 4-5 hours before bedtime and feel hungry, you can eat a light vegetable salad (without potatoes) seasoned with lemon juice or natural yogurt.
  9. To lose weight properly, be sure to include fruits in your diet! 2-3 fruits eaten in the morning and in the afternoon will help not to overeat in the evening. Special attention to vegetables - to reduce weight, you must consume at least 500 grams of vegetables per day!
  10. Milk and dairy products should be no more than 2.5% fat, cottage cheese - less than 9%. fat content, cheese - no more than 30%.
  11. Limit sugar and products with it as much as possible. Why is sugar bad? It has been proven that frequent consumption of sugar increases the risk of cardiovascular disease and atherosclerosis, and hence the risk of strokes and heart attacks. What can replace sweets? Instead of white sugar (for tea, coffee, when preparing cereals, pastries, etc.), you can use stevia-based sweeteners - this is a sweetener of plant origin. Replace cookies and cakes with natural sweets - honey, fruits, dried fruits (up to 5 pieces per day, in the morning). It is possible and useful to eat dark chocolate in small quantities and cocoa without sugar (for example, add cocoa to baking with a sweetener yourself). We do not do a complete ban on sweets - you will want even more sweets. We keep healthy sweets and fruits at hand - if you really crave sweets, you will not "break" into a cake or sweets.
  12. We do not buy or drink juices, sweet carbonated drinks, yoghurts with sweet filling, glazed curds. Instead of juices, we prepare our own fruit drinks and compotes from fruits, berries and honey, instead of sweet yoghurts and cheese curds, we eat cottage cheese with dried fruits or natural yogurt with berries / fruits. An excellent substitute for a cake and pastry is a sweetener pie with fruit. Chocolate sweets - sweets made from dried fruits and nuts with cocoa. Fresh or frozen cherries with agar-agar/gelatin and stevia make a delicious healthy marmalade.
  13. It is better to completely exclude any sausages from the diet. A good alternative is boiled pork from "lean" meat, baked in the oven yourself.
  14. Salt is limited to 5 g per day. For people with cardiovascular disease - up to 3 grams per day. High salt intake increases the risk of hypertension. Do not forget that salt is in almost all purchased products. Therefore, we try to use salt in cooking as little as possible! We limit salted fish, pickled, salted and pickled vegetables to 1-3 times a week. If there is arterial hypertension, it is better to completely abandon them. It is not recommended to eat salty at night in order to avoid puffiness in the morning.
  15. Beans can and should be consumed. They are quite high in calories, but contain a lot of fiber and therefore saturate quickly and for a long time. They can be added to salads and side dishes, to cook soups. To prevent the occurrence of gas formation when eating legumes, it is recommended to pre-soak them for 8-12 hours (for example, overnight) with the addition of half a teaspoon of soda. Rinse thoroughly with water before cooking.
  16. Avoid semi-finished products. Usually they do not have the best composition (for example, cutlets are made from scraps of meat, skin and fat). You can cook chicken breast cutlets, which will be less calorie, more tasty, healthy and natural.
  17. Try to include fish in your menu at least 2-3 times a week. This is a high-protein product - it contains 15-25 g of protein per 100 grams of product. Even in oily fish, the fat content is less than in the most "lean" pork. For example, in salmon and mackerel - 13-14 g of fat per 100 grams, while in "lean" pork - 22 g of fat per 100 g. Fish is an indispensable source of omega-3 fatty acids.
  18. Can you drink coffee? Can! Small amounts of coffee beans have been shown to have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system and liver, and reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease. The best time for coffee is not in the early morning, but between 9.30 and 11.30. It is permissible to drink no more than 2-3 cups of coffee per day. Since coffee is a natural diuretic, it is recommended to drink 1 glass of water after every cup of coffee to prevent dehydration.
  19. How to make a salad more healthy, at the same time tasty and satisfying? The composition of salads may include vegetables in raw or baked / boiled form, greens, legumes, chicken, fish, seafood, mushrooms. Each time you combine the ingredients in a different way, you will get a new tasty dish and your diet will not be monotonous. It is best to season the salad not with mayonnaise, but with vegetable oil or a sauce that is easy to make on your own - mix natural yogurt (or 10% sour cream), spices, herbs, mustard and lemon juice (or soy sauce). Try it, it's delicious!
  20. Desserts are allowed! But only dietary and low-calorie. It is not necessary to look for new recipes for such desserts. When preparing desserts and pastries known to you, instead of sugar, use honey / fruit purees / stevia sweetener, add dried fruits. Butter or margarine can be replaced with healthy vegetable oils. Do not forget, everything needs a measure - your portion should weigh no more than 120 grams or be the size of your fist. It is also important to eat treats - the first half of the day.
  21. Unloading days. They can be arranged no more than once a week. Fasting days help to achieve visible results in losing weight. As part of a balanced diet, protein or fruit and vegetable fasting days are acceptable.
    1. Protein fasting days. These days, it is allowed to eat cereals for breakfast (except semolina and rice) on the water. In the remaining 3-5 meals, it is recommended to consume a total of 400-500 grams of protein (fish, white meat (chicken, turkey), cottage cheese and seafood) + 700-1000g of vegetables (except potatoes), both fresh and stewed / baked form. Protein fasting days are contraindicated for people with chronic kidney disease!
    2. Frukto - vegetable fasting days. Fruits and vegetables can be consumed both raw and baked, stewed, steamed. Salads should be prepared without salt, you can season with lemon juice, vegetable oil, natural yogurt. Breaks between meals should be at least 2 hours. In order not to suffer from hunger during the day, always have a few apples, pears or other fruits and vegetables with you. Use potatoes, bananas, grapes these days in very small quantities, or completely abandon them. If you have diseases of the stomach and intestines, allergies, diabetes, such "unloading" is contraindicated.
  22. Don't go shopping hungry and buy products according to a pre-compiled list.
  23. Try to eat from small plates. On a smaller plate, the serving looks bigger, so you will eat less and feel full faster. Pay attention to the proposed picture and make sure this advice is correct. It is better to use white, light yellow, light blue, light green dishes. Red dishes excite the appetite, and black dishes make the dish less attractive. Beautiful table setting and creative design of dishes also contribute to weight loss!
  24. While eating, it is highly recommended not to watch TV. If you eat and watch TV at the same time, your brain doesn't fixate on what you've eaten. He is busy processing what he saw and heard. The risk of overeating is greatly increased, as you will be late to feel the feeling of satiety.
  25. Eat slowly, chewing your food thoroughly.

To lose weight correctly, it is important to combine a balanced diet with an active lifestyle.

IMPORTANT! To successfully reduce weight, you need to increase energy expenditure. First of all - due to regular physical exercises. In addition to a positive effect on weight, physical activity speeds up metabolism, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and overall well-being, improves mood. The most pronounced effect for weight loss is exerted by outdoor activities - walking, cycling, skiing. Physical exercise doesn't have to be difficult for you. The most important thing is to do them regularly. Start doing little by little. For example, walk for 40 minutes at an average pace 3-5 times a week, gradually increasing the amount of exercise per week, walking time, and its pace. Walking for 80-90 minutes in one or two stages (morning and evening) will be a good achievement. During physical activity, do not forget to control the pulse (HR)! You can calculate your rate according to the scheme: Heart rate (maximum) \u003d 200-your age. Try to walk whenever possible!

Changing habitual nutrition and activity is not an easy task, but it is doable! After a while, when the right way of life becomes familiar to you, you will certainly notice its benefits. Extra pounds will go away, self-esteem will increase, well-being and mood will improve.

I wish you success! Be healthy!

Endocrinologist Akmaeva G.A.

Photos, pictures and screenshots on your site are needed to illustrate what is written, appeal and stand out from other sites. In addition, we love to share the photo with friends via email or upload it to social networks for everyone to see.

The problem arises of how to reduce the weight of a photo without degrading the quality in order to quickly upload it to social networks, send it by e-mail or post it on a blog. How to optimize images for the best promotion of your site?

Small photos do not load the server of your hosting, allow you to increase the speed of the blog and speed up its promotion. I will tell you about the 2 fastest ways to reduce the weight of photos.

How to reduce the weight of photos in Microsoft Office Picture Manager.

The fastest way to reduce the weight of a photo is to use existing programs that are included in the Microsoft Office package, such as the Microsoft Office Picture Manager image processing manager.

1 Way to optimize images

  • We find the desired photo in the computer, right-click.
  • In the window that opens, select Open with - Microsoft Office Picture Manager
  • The program window will open with the inserted photo.
  • In the upper left corner, in the menu we find Picture - Compress Pictures, click.
  • The menu opens on the right. You can reduce the weight of the photo in 3 ways
  • Compress for documents. In this case, photos are saved in the size of 1024x768, which is quite good quality and the size of the photo is reduced from 6.7 MB to 478 KB

    Compress for web pages. In this case, photos of medium quality are obtained in the size of 448x336 pixels and the original size is reduced from 6.7 MB to 91.5 KB

    Compress for email messages. Now there is the largest reduction in size to 160x160 and weight from 6.7 MB to 11.6 KB

    Don't forget Save As, this is better than Save, because the original file does not disappear in the best "heavy" quality.

    In addition to photos, you can also optimize pictures.

    2 Ways to optimize images

  • Start as in Method 1. We find the desired photo on the computer, right-click. In the window that opens, select - Open with - Microsoft Office Picture Manager
  • In the upper left corner, in the menu we find Picture - Resize
  • In the menu that opens on the right, you also have 3 options for reducing the size and weight of photos and pictures:
  • We use the default width and height. Put a dot, then press the black triangle. In the drop-down menu, select the desired option (for example, web small 448x336 pixels) OK

    The image size is optimized to 448x336 pixels, and the weight can be viewed after saving. In my case, the weight of the photo decreased from 6.7 MB to 123 KB.

    We use arbitrary width and height. We put a point, set the desired width and height - OK - Save As

    The size will be 400x300 pixels, respectively, and the weight will be 103 KB

    Use the option percentage of the original width and height. We put a check-box, select a percentage (for example 10) - OK - Save as.

    It turns out a new size of 397x298 pixels and a new weight of 103 KB

    Mikhail Zeigarnik, a nutritionist of the highest category, executive director of the National Society of Dietitians, chief physician of the Nutrition and Health clinic, PhD, warns against reckless steps for owners of still discordant forms. So, you are making a mistake if:

    Trying to lose weight on laxatives. Yes, with the help of these drugs you can immediately reduce weight up to 2-4 kg. And even fit into your favorite jeans a couple of sizes smaller. But... don't lose weight. The fact is that the laxative removes the contents of the intestine and a large amount of water from the body. But not an ounce of fat! The laxative acts as an internal enema: first, the laxative enhances the flow of water into the intestinal lumen from its blood vessels, due to which the contents of the digestive organ soften and quickly exit. Moreover, if you continue to have fun in the same way - eat and take laxatives after meals - dehydration of the body and a sharp loss of important minerals, primarily potassium, will begin. Which can even lead to death.

    Are you taking diuretics for the same purpose?. The mechanism of action is approximately the same as in the first case. A person intensively expels water from himself, due to this, weight decreases. At the same time, since most diuretics significantly remove potassium from the body (potassium comes out first, followed by water), there is a risk of seriously disturbing the electrolyte balance in the body with all the consequences. The cardiovascular and nervous systems are most sensitive to the loss of potassium.

    Hoping to find appetite suppressant pills. In fact, legally such drugs do not exist today. The last such tablets were made on the basis of sibutramine. Now it is banned all over the world and in our country too. It turned out that by inhibiting a certain kind of receptors in the brain, the pills cause a side effect in the form of depression. Moreover, depression is of such strength that several hundred cases of suicide were recorded while taking such drugs. As a result, the manufacturer himself removed them from production.

    Are you taking other fat loss miracle pills?. For example, based on the substance orlistat. The drug really works, it blocks the enzymes that digest fats, so that fats cannot be absorbed and leave the body in the same form as they got. As a result, the amount of fat consumed is significantly reduced. Seems alright. But there are two nuances. First, a side effect of taking such a drug is diarrhea. Fat causes a laxative effect as it leaves the intestines. Not dangerous, but annoying. Secondly, since fats are not absorbed, the fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K are also not absorbed. Therefore, those who take this drug for a long time need to use special forms of these vitamins that can be absorbed without fat. And, frankly, this is a very unnatural way to correct weight. It is easier to reduce the amount of fat in the diet.

    Lean on the so-called "fat burners". This is pure myth. There are no substances that have the ability to burn fat. Some time ago, such qualities were attributed to bromelain, which is abundant in pineapples. However, this enzyme does not burn fat at all, but acts similarly to stomach enzymes that help digest protein. Moreover, they contribute, and do not digest. By the way, for the same reason it is good to eat meat with pineapples - it will be easier to digest. No other mythical tropical foods burn fat either. Fat burns in the body as a result of certain chemical reactions. Their speed and intensity is regulated by genes and the body's need for calories at the moment.

    Dreaming of losing weight by sweating for hours at the gym and not changing your diet. Yes, exercise burns fat. But not all. Of those calories that burn in the body, only 20% "go" to our physical activity, and the remaining 80% of the energy is spent on maintaining the body's own needs, which are generally only genetically programmed. This is maintaining body temperature, breathing, blood circulation - everything that we do not control. This is why it is so difficult to lose weight through exercise alone.

    You start eating little, and also use any half-starved and mono-diets. If you severely restrict yourself in nutrition and even starve, you can really reduce weight. But ... the body is smart. And sometimes smarter than his master. If he understands that the intake of calories from food has suddenly decreased dramatically (having decided, for example, that the “hungry time” has simply come), then instead of wasting energy on his constant activity, he will begin to store these calories. Strategically, so to speak. What happens: a woman, having reduced the caloric content of the diet by 3-4 times, that is, eating some unfortunate 400 calories a day instead of the prescribed 1800, receives all these 400 calories in the form of fat reserves. And for the sake of obtaining energy, the body begins to burn everything that comes across. Mainly muscles. Therefore, the quality of the skin is sharply disturbed - the body takes protein from it to break it down into energy. But he does not break down his own fat, even if there are extra reserves. Because he believes that he was "put in a camp." So such a sharp restriction in food can cause a completely unexpected result. Plus, a normal person can't eat like that all the time. Either he will fall into anorexia, or sooner or later he will come out of the hunger strike. And then the body will say “OK, finally they gave food” and will begin to store it even more intensively. You can't limit calories below a certain level. And in order not to be hungry with a reasonable decrease in the calorie content of the diet, you need to eat more often and little by little.

    Eliminate as much fat from your diet as possible. Now all experts come to the conclusion that the most dangerous in terms of weight gain are not fats, but carbohydrates. Scientists analyzed how nutrition has changed over the past 100+ years. It turned out that after all we eat a lot of light carbohydrates (pastries, sweets, etc.). And there were no more fats, because before the food was fatty. So obesity is clearly not related to this. After all, we eat a lot of sugar.

    We decided to eat "superfoods". In fact, superfoods in and of themselves are not harmful. Most often, these are some plant products that are credited with "magic" properties - cocoa beans, goji berries, algae, all kinds of roots and leaves, used in their natural form or in the form of juices, powders, extracts. Many of them contain useful substances in various concentrations, due to which they are promoted. But don't be fooled. First, their wonderful properties are often exaggerated by those who sell them. Secondly, it in no way leads to weight loss. For example, under the guise of exotic goji berries, barberry berries that are very similar to them are often sold. Give 1 thousand rubles for a handful of barberries - and why? What is the point? It’s easier to go to a nutritionist who will make a normal diet from ordinary food. I say all the time: you can lose weight by eating regular food. If you want artichokes, I will include them in your diet, but I can get by with the usual celery, cabbage and beets, and there will be the same effect.

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