GTA 5 features in single player. Useful little things in GTA V


GTA 5 Online on PC is a world-famous project that attracted the attention of millions of fans in no time. This is because here the player is invited to plunge into the criminal world with its own laws and realities.

A huge number of opportunities will not let you get bored, plus the GTA series of games is one of the best car simulators, which also increases interest in it. In this article you can find some important information about the game, cheats, account locks, money cards and myths. Any fan will be interested in this, so we definitely recommend this article for review.

Whatever update the developers from the Rockstar Games studio add to GTA 5 on PC, the value of money in this world is not lost. It is the currency that allows you to buy luxury cars, houses and build your own business. This is reason enough to look for the best ways to earn money.

At first, the user should look for easy targets that can be killed. Other users often set a reward for characters, which will allow you to earn some money. After parsing the basic mechanics, you can join a gang, find comrades and go on missions together.

Making money in GTA 5

This makes tasks much easier to complete, and the reward is given with a bonus for teamwork. In a gang, it is easiest to find comrades who will later become a team for a robbery. Hundreds of thousands of dollars are earned for cases of this kind.

Third Party Help

The PC version of GTA Online has been a huge success due to its features, but newcomers to this vast world often get lost. Often on the streets of multiplayer Los Santos there is complete chaos, and anarchists destroy all life. It often happens that it is not possible to deposit currency into the account, and a stray bullet takes away all the hard-earned funds.

In such conditions, the desire to continue to have fun is greatly reduced. To prevent this from happening, the player can order one of the pumping packages for himself. This paid service provides for the transfer of the account into the hands of professionals who will help in the development of the hero in the shortest possible time. The user can not only save his time, but also get the desired result. The character is guaranteed to rise in level, skills will grow, and there will be a good amount of funds on the account. High-level content in the game is much more interesting. For example, for decent racing, you need to have a fast car with a full upgrade in the workshop.

It will not be possible to get it without money, and pumping skills will increase the chance of finding a team for robbery. These scenarios are very complex and no one wants to take newcomers with them. Because of such problems, many people prefer to download GTA 5 game and enjoy the single player campaign, but in fact, multiplayer has its own advantages.

The problem of using cheats

Fashion for PC mod GTA 5 Online, which allows you to get significant benefits, began back in 2015, when the computer version was released. A huge number of users in any of the multiplayer games prefer to get victories in a dishonest way. At the same time, they greatly interfere with the enjoyment of honest players who follow all the rules.

There are no such problems on consoles, because it is simply impossible to introduce additional utilities into the system. Another thing is personal computers, where you can download a small application and get incredible abilities. This includes teleportation, passing walls, immortality and the like. In 2015, the situation reached such proportions that a cheater could be found on the main servers in every third session. The developers knew about this problem and began to deal with harsh methods.

Using the cheat on “Immortality”

Of course, not every player interfered with other users, some used the advantages for personal gain, but this was not a sufficient excuse. In 2016, Rockstar Games Corporation changed its account blocking measures, which greatly frightened many users. There have been instances where players have been banned for mods in single player mode that accidentally got into the multiplayer files, but the developers have responded to a similar problem.

Reasons and rules for blocking

In GTA Online on PC, an account ban was previously issued for the first time as a warning for several days. It did not carry any consequences, but in 2016 everything changed. Developers from Rockstar Games decided to fight cheaters with radical methods. It should be noted here that the only reason for blocking may be unfair play.

Now if a player receives the first ban, then all the accumulated progress is reset to zero. The character will return to the first level, without real estate and money, and the whole journey will have to start from the very beginning. Such a warning had a significant effect on cheaters and their number decreased. If a person continues to use prohibited utilities after that, then the second blocking is for life. The developers simply prohibit access from this Social Club account.

Blocking GTA Online

You should also think thrice before using prohibited functions because even after five years the account will not be unlocked. Such precedents did not happen, because the developers clearly follow the policy. From a legal point of view, license holders will not even be able to get their money back. This is because it is single-player content that is bought, and multiplayer is a free bonus. By this, publishers have secured themselves from all sides.

Official purchases

All fans of the gaming industry know that every popular project is a great way to make money, especially for publishers, whose greed is often over the top. This has never happened in GTA 5 Online. Developers regularly delight players with free content, and people can only purchase cosmetic items in the store for real money.

Not so long ago, the ability to purchase Shark cards was added to the project, which allows you to receive a certain amount of funds. The player, in fact, buys inside the game currency for real money. And everything is fair and there are no risks at the same time. The map data is confirmed by Rockstar Games and it was they who added this feature to their project. For creators, this is an additional way to get rich, and people can save a significant amount of time accumulating funds.

The cards are divided into categories, the minimum you can buy is 100 thousand dollars (red shark), the maximum is 8 million (megalodon). As mentioned above, the status and wealth of the user in the world of San Andreas depends on the amount of money. It is difficult to earn large amounts here, and therefore Shark cards are very popular. This is an alternative to game methods of receiving money, which does not upset the balance.

Various myths

In Grand Theft Auto V, you can not only play for free, but also look for a variety of myths, and later test them in practice. Each player understands how diverse the world of the fifth part is. So many details, various small functions are hidden inside it, that even in a thousand hours it is almost impossible to find and understand them all. For example, few users know that with the help of explosives, the player can disconnect funiculars on the go. This legend has been tested in practice and confirmed.

The same goes for sticky bombs, which can be detonated in the air without waiting for them to land on their target. Such a trick should have worked with grenades, but when tested, the result turned out to be negative. This type of explosive devices in the air is not possible to undermine. Such mechanics can come in handy in a robbery. The myth that the player in the role of one protagonist can pursue another is also confirmed. If this continues for a while, then he will get angry and kill the user character.

Another interesting legend is that the dog Chop can bring grenades. When the hero throws the ball to him several times, and then switches to explosive devices, the animal does not see the difference. The explosion will not kill him, but only knock him to the ground. The myths do not end there, because in the world of GTA 5 anyone can find them, and this activity is one of the most interesting.

In the development of GTA 5, the guys from Rockstar Games decided to take into account all the wishes of the gaming community and create a truly unique product that will leave an indelible mark on the history of the gaming industry.

The GTA 5 online mode is no exception either - the multiplayer has been completely redesigned and new features have been introduced, limiting the number of players who can simultaneously be in the game world.

Today GTA online is a unique opportunity not only to meet different players in the same world, but also to complete difficult missions with friends, which will certainly give you a lot of positive emotions. The new heist mode will allow friends to carefully plan the upcoming operation and complete the available missions on increased difficulty to get a gold medal as a reward.

Another notable feature of the multiplayer mode is a dynamically changing world that can take on one form or another, depending on the actions of the players. Rockstar Games plans to introduce updates that will allow you to build your buildings, build entire military bases, as well as use downloadable content from future DLCs in the online world of GTA 5.
So, what can you do in the online game mode of GTA 5? There are a lot of options. Firstly, this is a cooperative mode, thanks to which players will be able to unite in groups to complete the most difficult missions on increased difficulty. An interesting robbery mode is also available for cooperative passage.

The system of reputation and making money online is also interesting. It will not be possible to get rich quickly here - the developers made sure that it was very difficult to get the game currency. Depending on the speed of completing missions and robberies, your character's reputation grows, and with it, the reward for various types of tasks also increases. Naturally, other players will also strive to the top of the ratings, so it will not be easy to earn credibility.

The highlight of the GTA 5 project was the presence of a full-fledged multiplayer mode in GTA Online. A whole world is open to exploration with gemers from all over the world. Here you can jointly complete missions, create gangs and organize bloody showdowns in the style of John Woo, carry out daring store robberies.

More than 500 different missions and jobs are available in the online version, which are actively replenished with the release of new updates, and the phone regularly receives calls from key players in the single mode with offers to get their hands dirty and at the same time make good money.

There is also a mission editor that will allow you to create an exciting quest for friends on your own.

The following modes are available for the game:

  • Free
  • Co-op
  • Team fights
  • Deathmatch
  • Racing (land, air, water)
  • capture
  • Survival
  • Duel

In total, up to 16 people can be on one server at the same time in order to keep the city authorities in fear of waiting for the next robberies - quite enough. To play GTA 5 Online, it is mandatory to have a licensed copy of the game.

The section contains a lot of useful tips on how to adapt to life in GTA Online, succeed and pump your character into a real terminator.

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With all its undeniable merits, there is one problem - after the final credits, when there is no longer a global goal on the horizon, it seriously slows down. And despite the fact that there are a lot of activities, not everyone was able to find themselves in an empty world without robberies. Fortunately, GTA Online, "game within the game", this flaw easily corrects - it is an excellent cure for boredom.

The launch of the project, however, cannot be called successful. Server crashes, disappearing characters, crashes, clouds of bugs - in the first few days, it was almost impossible to plunge into the underworld. Nevertheless, the developers skillfully got out, quickly fixed the problems in front of the victims.

Most of Rockstar's promises were faithfully fulfilled.

Welcome to Los Santos

Surprises GTA Online already on the move - an unusual character editor. Changing the color of the eyes or the width of the nostrils will not be allowed, lovers will have to get used to this. Heroes are born in a much more interesting way.

First we need to select the fathers, mothers, grandparents of the future criminal, and then set his lifestyle (how many hours he spends on sleep, entertainment, work, idleness, etc.). Depending on this, a unique avatar will be generated for us. Facial features, scars, clothes, skin color, skills - almost everything changes, you just need to drag the slider in the editor.

If you want to cross a white girl and a dark-skinned guy, and put "legal work" in the first place in the list of hobbies - you will get a nice mulatto in a business suit. Shift the focus to lawless deeds, and black eyes will immediately appear on his face, his jacket will be replaced by a shabby jacket, and his “Shooting” ability will increase by one division. There are many such combinations: it is really difficult to meet identical (as well as frankly unsuccessful) characters in the world.

IT IS IMPORTANT: the whole of Los Santos and its environs is divided between sixteen players, and whether you will face any of them is still a big question. If you play with friends or with members of your gang (namely, the game “throws” us mainly to them), then you will surely go in search of adventures in a pleasant company. With strangers, you feel a little calmer than when traveling around the world - you never know if a person will turn out to be adequate or will try to kill you. However, if communication in the city is sometimes not enough, then in the course of the matches themselves, close contacts are unlikely to be avoided. To go to work, it is enough to drive up to one of the marks scattered around the location (each symbolizes a certain mode), receive an SMS with an invitation to a mission, or join someone's game yourself by selecting the desired item in the cell phone menu.

Throw our "newborn" in the thick of things, familiar to every fan of GTA. There is almost everything that was in single player mode: the same mechanics, the same island, the same activities (tennis, golf, hairdressers, the Internet, movies, etc.). Only they look completely different - playing tennis, for example, is much more interesting with a friend than with AI, and almost all the components are revealed from a completely different side.

You can "pass" GTA Online almost alone, but it's not nearly as interesting as doing business with friends.

Clothes, hairstyles, apartments, tuning - it is now that these gadgets begin to benefit. There is someone to show off in front of, someone to invite to visit - online it is really necessary and distinguishes you from other players. True, here, unlike the main plot, all this is not given immediately and in abundance. Literally, each “bonus” has to be earned by one’s own labor: to open, and then also to save huge sums for it.

In this regard, GTA Online is reminiscent of the past parts of the series, when we came to the city completely “naked” and slowly but surely climbed the career ladder. True, this process here is even longer, and the fault is not even character development (although it is progressing hard), but the so-called reputation points. They are given out for murders, successfully completed tasks, victories, escapes from the police and a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bthings, but they are needed for literally everything. New clothes, weapons, tasks - almost everything has to be opened, and again, it will not work out quickly.

And money will not interfere, which no one will allow honest players to row with a shovel. It is very difficult to get them here, and, on the contrary, it is too easy to spend them. So it is simply necessary to complete tasks and take on a variety of jobs. There are enough ways to get hold of money: you can sell stolen cars, rob shops and engage in all sorts of small things. However, all this brings a penny, and the real success will have to be achieved by going "on business": participating in team and single deathmatch, winning races, completing assignments, and so on.

Most of all this goodness you will not be able to open even in ten hours of continuous play.

THIS IS INTERESTING: one of the main items of expenditure is the services that characters and organizations can provide us. Lester, familiar in the story, for example, can help get rid of police stars or hide us on the map from other users, the mechanic will drive the right car to almost anywhere in the city, and the military company will provide fire support and provide ammunition right on the battlefield.

Regular shootouts are exciting, but not exciting, but races and tasks are a completely different matter. Races here for every taste: both water and air, with and without weapons. But first of all, rallies are remarkable, when one player (driving) is almost deprived of all landmarks and marks on the map, and the other (navigator) shows him the direction.

However, this is a trifle compared to what they offer to get up in missions. At first, however, we will be entrusted only with the boring role of an ordinary performer: stealing a car or disrupting drug deals. But with the growth of reputation, the complexity of assignments increases. And then you will have to steal documents from the roofs of skyscrapers, hijack cargo planes from crowds of well-armed mercenaries and stuff like that.

Particularly attractive are tasks in which several teams of players collide at once. For example, when four teams are assigned to drive the same rare cars. There are only five of them in the whole world, so you have to fight for cars: look for new ways to intercept targets before opponents, select less dangerous routes, eliminate enemies along the way and really work as a team.

City of great opportunities

At the same time, GTA Online has a lot of subtleties that the single player game lacked. For example, we can now be robbed, and to prevent this from happening, it is better to transfer everything acquired by overwork to a bank account (using ATMs or via the Internet). However, you can only pay the taxi driver in cash.

Another possibility, which for some reason did not find a place in the story campaign, is the purchase of apartments. It is one thing when you have to live in a house predetermined by the developers, and quite another when you are allowed to choose your own apartments and purchase them with your own hard-earned money. It is much nicer to have your own lair, where you can invite friends, where you can watch TV, have a kind of “parties” and just take a breath between things. So far, the house serves a purely aesthetic function, but Rockstar promises that it will soon become a real think tank for our future heists.

When robbing a store, you can yell into the microphone to tell the salesperson to hurry up, and, oddly enough, it works. A trifle, but nice!

Even more interesting is that you can keep your favorite car. It does not have to be put in the garage, it will not disappear for no reason, and if it is smashed into atoms, you can return it for a modest fee (or the fee will be removed from the player who blew up your car). All you need is to pay a few thousand dollars for insurance and put an inexpensive "beacon", after which your personal transport will always be with you.

This is also useful because driving a stolen vehicle in network mode for some time has ceased to be carefree - if the cops see you in a stolen car (and you haven’t had time to repaint it yet), they will immediately rush in pursuit. And we want to avoid situations like this.

IT IS IMPORTANT: the current version does not yet have two of the most interesting components: major robberies and a content editor. What will come of this, until you say, but in words everything is very tempting. For example, for raids on banks, as in single player mode, you will need to carefully prepare: think through a plan, arrange transport for withdrawal, and select a team. Well, the potential of the “designer” of tasks can only be assessed by trailers.

But the most important thing that distinguishes the online mode from the single mode for the better is, of course, people. Yes, there are a lot of children and simply inadequate personalities who can turn your existence into hell (sometimes neither the “passive” mode, nor even the fact that bastards are sent to servers for cheaters or a reward for their head can save you from this). But adequate players are able to give a lot of pleasant emotions.

In a single player game, cars kept disappearing from garages, but GTA Online allows you to collect a whole fleet of vehicles.

When after not the most successful raid you are pressed from all sides by cops, and a complete stranger comes to the rescue, the usual chase leaves completely different and much more vivid impressions. Yes, and with friends here you can work almost miracles: organize ambushes or robberies in a completely new way. While one holds the frightened salesman at gunpoint, and the other provides cover, the third will bring the escape vehicle in time, and as a result, the whole team will disappear before the police arrive at the crime scene. Of course, while the complexity of such operations is small, but just imagine what scope for improvisation will open up when we are allowed to rob banks!

* * *

True, while GTA Online is just a big and far from complete experiment. And he has almost the same problems as the previous parts of the series. The game harnesses for a very long time and forces us to deal with all sorts of small things, there is a lot of driving back and forth (you can call a taxi, but you can’t miss the trip - everything is in real time), and with interesting opponents and companions, luck is far from always.

Get ready to spend some of your time either waiting for a match (there are enough users, but it still takes several endless minutes to get ready, set up, etc.), or crossing almost the whole world on the way to the next goal.

But it's worth it. Especially if you have friends with you.

We present to your attention a list of useful tips and tricks for the game GTA 5, we are sure that they will be useful to you when passing through this wonderful game! When you click on the right arrow D-pad, you will begin interacting with the game NPC.

Using the "point of interest" function on the map, you can mark many useful and interesting places.

If you are walking with Chop, use LT(X360/XONE) or L2(PS3/PS4) to tie the dog to you.

There is one trick - it is possible to carry your bike in the back of a truck.

In GTA 5, smaller missions (or mini-missions) are marked on the map with blue dots.

The orange skull icons on the map represent special crazy rampage missions for Trevor.

If you want to understand what missions are currently available to you for this character, take a look at the map. Missions for different characters have different colors: Michael's is blue, Franklin's is green, Trevor's is orange.

When switching between different characters, be aware that the number below them indicates the number of missions available for that character.

We want to give one piece of advice - try to rob a cash-in-transit car. To do this, you need to open the rear doors of this car (shoot them or blow them up). Following this, cases with money will fly out of the car. Encounter with a cash-in-transit vehicle is a random event that can be found near gas stations.

To rob almost any store in GTA 5, you must go into the room so that the door closes behind you. When you exit, stop right in the aisle so that your character begins to hold the door to the store open. You will be able to get your weapon and shoot the cash register. In this case, bags of money will fall to the floor. What is sad, not all stores have such a cash register.

To restore health, you should look for medicines in your homes or look for a liquor store or vending machines to buy food. The services of night butterflies also replenish the health bar. Same effect when switching between characters.

If you need to hide from the police, here's our advice - use the bushes. In this case, your character's arrow will turn gray, which means they no longer know where you are.

When you complete all tasks in the shooting range of the Ammu-Nation store for a gold medal, you will receive a 25% discount on all goods in this store, at the same time increase your shooting performance. This valuable tip will save you a lot of money.

By pressing the right arrow on the D-pad, you will be able to turn on or turn off the flashlight on your trunk.

To purchase the maximum amount of supplies for your weapons in the Ammu-Nation store, you can click on the button that is responsible for switching between buying the maximum amount and purchasing one store. They are X (X360/XONE) and square (PS3/PS4). On Xbox 360 it's an X, and on PS3 it's a square.

If you want to shoot and run at the same time, then you should hold the right trigger to do this. And in order to perform a somersault, you need to hold one of the triggers and press X / ☐.

While in the car, and pressing the left bumper, you can show the middle finger to others. But first you need to check if you have a weapon in your hands. You can switch by pressing X/☐.

To make a dive, you need to jump, and then press B / ○.

The next time you stand at a traffic light, try to roar the engine, there is a chance that the nearest car will take part in a drag race with you.

When exploring the far zones of the huge GTA 5 map, you can quickly return to the mission zone by changing the hero.

If you want to find a parachute, then you need to climb to the top of the highest mountain in the game. The coveted backpack is located near the exit of the funicular. Press A/x to open the parachute. After a single appearance in your inventory, it will automatically be used when jumping.

In GTA 5, there is a scuba gear that allows you to dive to great depths, although there is no wetsuit and fins when equipped. You will find it behind the shipyards on one of the piers.

To avoid getting a wanted level at the airport, you need to buy one hangar.

If you want to fly a cropduster in GTA 5, look for it on the runway of Trevor McKenzie Field. These planes often land here.

After purchasing the Mackenzie field hangar, a twin-engine aircraft will appear in it.

If there is a need to urgently land on a plane, but you can’t find a runway, we recommend using the autobahn or the beach.

In GTA 5, you have the opportunity to buy a helicopter or plane through the Internet browser on your phone at Order military equipment at After you have purchased the vehicle, it will be delivered to the hangar.

You can hook up and move various vehicles using The Cargobob helicopter which is a cargo helicopter.

If you want to avoid hesitation when using the helicopter, then take our advice - hold down the right and left triggers.

To get rid of searchlights on police helicopters in GTA 5, you need to shoot at them.

To save money, try buying various goods on the Internet - they are usually cheaper there.

To quickly close the browser on a mobile phone, press Y/∆

After killing a passerby who has just used the services of an ATM, you will receive much more money.

Using his special ability, Trevor is able to survive a hard hit to the ground (a fall from a great height).

For more accurate shooting from a car, you can use Franklin's special ability.

You can increase the duration of Michael's special ability with yoga.

To avoid the appearance of the chase, you can call in the tunnel.

If you want to dial a number on your phone, go to your contact list, press X/☐, enter the number, then press X/☐ again.

Another useful tip is that during cutscenes there is an opportunity to use a pause.

In order to get more money for robberies, you need to hire the best shooters, drivers, hackers.

You can make a call to one of the main characters and meet for a joint pastime.

When the missions are over and it is not known how to continue the storyline, try changing the main character.

You can reply to emails, which will increase the degree of immersion in the game world.

If you want to increase the "hardcore", you can turn off the radar and HUD, so you will lose the ability to see the police and people on the minimap.

In order to get small discounts in stores and new services, try to go to the local Lifeinvader social network and subscribe to the pages of various people and companies. So you can unlock a new hairstyle by subscribing to Herr Kurtz Barber.

In order to unlock the "Out Of Your Depth" achievement, you have to be eaten by a shark. Find a boat and sail far into the open ocean until the water around you becomes darker. Then wait for the shark to appear (it will be marked with a red dot on your map) and jump into the water. Soon you will become shark food and get the coveted achievement.

When playing GTA Online, you can visit the bank's website from your mobile phone and transfer your money to a bank account without an ATM.

A good multiplayer tip is to get a free shotgun in GTA Online, go to Ammu-Nation. When choosing a weapon, scroll to the right and after the rocket launcher you will find your free shotgun, though without ammo.

GTA 5 online guide and best tips. How to start playing GTA 5 online, what to look for, tips and tricks.
GTA Online is an online part of the game GTA 5, bringing together a maximum of sixteen players on one server. GTA Online offers much of the same open-world experience that we experienced playing Michael, Franklin and Trevor.

You can go anywhere and do whatever you want, within the bounds of decency, of course, because the game rewards fair play behavior. GTA Online also offers a huge number of different missions that are built in a similar way to those known from single player gameplay.

However, the game is built so interesting that in most cases, when you do not know what activity you are experiencing, it will suggest and suggest action. It is impossible to get bored here and complain about the lack of classes. Especially that game developers are constantly developing the online part of the latest Grand Theft Auto game, offering new updates and challenges.

Wait for post updates

If you are just starting out, you should know the basic information.

  • what is Social Club

Here are some useful tips and rarities that you can use when playing Napady. And not only.

  • GTA Online - Enemy Modes: Attack - Defend
  • GTA Online - Adversary Modes: Hasta La Vista
  • GTA Online - Enemy Modes: Miniature Racing
  • GTA Online Enemy Modes: Morning Raid
  • GTA Online Enemy Modes: Sumo
  • GTA Online Enemy Modes: Keep the pace
  • GTA Online - Enemy Modes: Mechanized Combat
  • GTA Online Enemy Modes: Lust for Power

On June 13, 2017, another, larger addition to the game was released. We can buy a bunker in it and conduct research there and create a deadly arsenal of various types. Below are some tips for this supplement.

  • GTA Online - Armament: how to buy a bunker
  • GTA Online - DEFENSE: how to get resources
  • GTA Online - Armament: production and sale of goods

In this application, you can create your own criminal organization under the guise of legal activity or join an existing one using job offers. If you want to be your own boss, you must first buy your own office.

  • GTA Online - how to buy an office and become president of an organization

At the end of 2016, the game developers introduced a free add-on dedicated to motorcycle gang clashes. Below you will find out in particular how to create your own club or join an existing club and what we can do as a motorcyclist.

  • GTA Online - Motorcyclists: how to start a club

Breakout races on prepared routes are popular. These are not the classic street clashes in Los Santos, and only occasionally do some of them take place on the streets you know.

  • GTA Online Stunt Race: Wave
  • GTA Online Stunt Race: FallSee.

How to play GTA Online?

When playing GTA Online, you should be aware that many players will be dishonest towards you and you can get killed for just a few tens of dollars. Over time, this behavior can become annoying, but there is a way.

On the Internet tab, you can choose the option to enter passive mode. It costs $100, but thanks to this, you can peacefully, peacefully, peacefully and calmly without worrying about your life and savings. However, if you mentioned them, you should also realize that you make more money in the world of GTA Online without being passive. So, try to have a good relationship with other players and complete tasks together.

Naturally, sooner or later you will run into players who will kill you for no particular purpose. If this happens and you end up in the hospital, start running right away. There is a high chance that somewhere else someone is aiming at you with a sniper and wants to annoy you.

It is also customary to install explosive charges under cars. So if you spot any enticing car, think twice about getting into it - it might be armed. Also pay attention to how it is parked. If careless, the player may have left them behind - who knows if there are any with explosives attached?

- The game has problems with remembering your progress in the game (this bug is partially fixed). To be sure that the character will not be reset, use a hard recording of the game by going from Online mode to single player campaigns. Instead, avoid directly shutting down the console or playing online.

Are you tired of other players? Change the server or enter passive mode from the main menu where you move yourself into the game world and no one can harm you. The cost of this operation is $100.

- You can decide who you share your car with. In the main menu, set the appropriate option - it can be available only to you, your team, or everyone. We strongly reject the latter option.

- In the single player campaign, taxis were used for fast travel. Indirectly, we can do something similar in GTA Online. Simply select an action from the Internet menu, and when you are in the waiting room, simply deselect your choice - that way you will be at the starting point of the task. This way you won't get anywhere on the map, but of course in its surroundings, which makes the game much easier.

- After reaching the tenth level, the game will open the possibility of awarding prizes for someone's head. If you have set a bounty for you, you will be the main target of most players. Of course, this is not an option. Since, however, protecting yourself is rather ineffective, it's best to have your buddy around. Don't you have it? Therefore, be a good player on the server and you will surely find suitable colleagues who would like to help you in a difficult situation.

- In case your character gets stuck somewhere (it happens rarely, but nonetheless), or you find yourself too far from the nearest road where cars are moving, you can commit suicide from the main menu. Price? 500 USD.

- From the main menu, you can also change your mood, which will project your character's face. A wonderful addition.

- Increase the size of the map in the lower left corner of the screen. It will be useful for you when you run away from the police. This way you will see more police cars and get better tactics by using roads and lanes where there is no danger. Map enlargement will also be helpful if someone rewards you with a bounty. Knowing which direction your opponent is coming from can save your life.

You will arouse the interest of the police by running the stolen car in front of them. Among other things, this is why it is worth driving your own car. If, however, the cops spot you in a "borrowed" car, the chase will only be one star, meaning you'll escape it with no problem.

- If you have bought your first house, go to the shower and start singing into the microphone, making sure it is on - the game will reward you with reputation points. If you are unsure about this form of activity, just say something and the singing bar at the bottom right of the screen will start to fill up.

- Play golf, tennis and darts with other players on the server - this earns some rep, and also provides great fun and a great opportunity to make new friendships. In any case, how useful it is in the world of GTA Online.

- Try to develop your skills, as in the case of a game with one player. Since shooting other players is not a good idea, we suggest (after reaching level fifteen) to take part in the challenge of dealing with successive waves of enemies. This way you will quickly develop your shooting skills. As silly as it sounds, you will develop strength by beating and kicking your car or other cars of online players. As for the stamina of the hero, we suggest taking part in bicycle races, running a lot and swimming in the water. Developing your driving skills requires, of course, frequent driving, mainly in different types of races. Of course, an increase in lung capacity will occur after frequent diving.

- Where can I get a helicopter? Take a look at the main airport or visit Trevor's hangar airport area. If someone hasn't accepted it yet, you can walk in and feel like a bird. One helicopter sometimes also goes around the Vespucci beach.

- If your friend on the list is also currently playing GTA Online, you can call them from your phone. You can find it in the "Contacts" menu. Attention, for this conversation you will have to pay your virtual money - you will also have to pay bills!

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