And until the last series he loved Lavrenty Beria. City horror story: Beria's sex crematorium (6 photos) Actress Beria's mistress


There were legends about the love affairs of Lavrenty Beria, although for more than 30 years Nino Gegechkori, a woman who had to endure many trials, remained his only wife. Until the last days, she refused to believe in those horrifying facts that were told about her husband. What of this is part of the legend, and what really happened in their family?

Nino Gegechkori, wife of Beria

Nino Gegechkori met her future husband when she was only 16 years old, and he was 22. Then he proposed to her. Later there were rumors that the girl was married without her consent, but Nino herself said: “Without saying a word to anyone, I married Lavrenty. And immediately after that, rumors spread around the city that Lavrenty had kidnapped me. No, there was nothing of the sort. I married him of my own accord." Beria himself at that time was interested in marriage, since he had to go to Belgium to study the issues of oil refining, and to travel abroad it was necessary to become a married man.

Nino Beria until the last days tried to debunk the myth about her wife

While Beria was in power, Nino managed to avoid the fate of other wives of party leaders - she was not repressed, like the spouses of Kalinin, Poskrebyshev and Molotov. However, after Beria's arrest, she and their son Sergo spent more than a year in solitary confinement. During daily interrogations, she was forced to testify against her husband. But she either really did not know about his crimes, or pretended not to know - however, she refused to testify against her husband.

Lavrenty Beria and his wife Nino Gegechkori

The accusations leveled against her sounded absurd. “I was absolutely seriously accused of bringing one bucket of red earth from the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia. The fact is that I worked at the agricultural academy and was engaged in soil research. Indeed, at one time, at my request, a bucket of red soil was brought by plane. But since the plane was state-owned, it turned out that I used state transport for personal purposes, ”said Nino.

Beria and Stalin

After 16 months of imprisonment, Beria's wife was sent to Sverdlovsk, and after the expiration of the exile, she received permission to live in any city except Moscow. Nino and Sergo settled in Kyiv. Those who knew her personally said that she was a very kind and intelligent woman, in addition, she was called one of the most beautiful Kremlin wives. In 1990, Nino gave an interview in which she stated: “I never interfered in my husband's official affairs. The leaders of that time did not dedicate wives to their affairs, so I cannot say anything about it. The fact that he was accused of high treason is, of course, demagoguery - he had to be accused of something. In 1953 there was a coup. They were afraid that after the death of Stalin, Beria would not take his place. I knew my husband: he was a man of practical mind and understood that after Stalin's death it was impossible for a Georgian to become the head of state. Therefore, probably, he went to meet the person he needed, such as Malenkov.

Beria with his wife, son Sergo and daughter-in-law Marfa

Until her death in 1991, Nino denied her husband's guilt - both in regard to his political activities and in relation to love affairs. In one of her last interviews, she described Beria as a quiet and calm person, a wonderful family man, a loving husband and father. Nino was sure that he was killed without trial or investigation on trumped-up charges. She refused to believe the stories about the thousands of women raped and tortured by her husband, calling it counterintelligence stories. Allegedly, Khrushchev actually just benefited from denigrating his most dangerous competitor.

Lavrenty Beria and his wife Nino Gegechkori

In response to the evidence presented, Nino said: “One day the warden told me that 760 women recognized themselves as Beria's mistresses. An amazing thing: Lavrenty was busy working day and night when he had to make love with a legion of these women ?! In fact, everything was different. During the war and later, he headed intelligence and counterintelligence. These women were his collaborators, informants, and only had direct contact with him. And then, when they were asked about their relationship with the boss, of course, everyone said that they were his mistresses! And what were they to do? Recognize the charge of undercover subversive work?!"

Malenkov and Beria

Whether the “legion” was an exaggeration is hard to say, but many knew that Beria had a second unofficial wife. There is conflicting evidence about their relationship. It is known that at the time of their acquaintance, Valentina Drozdova (or Lyalya, as he called her) was a schoolgirl, and that for a long time he actually lived in two families. After Beria's arrest, Valentina claimed that he forced her into cohabitation against her will. He himself gave other testimony: "I had the best relationship with Drozdova."

Lavrenty Beria


Sexual exploits of L.P. Beria have already become the talk of the town. When he was tried, he challenged the testimony of many of the charges. In this one, he just waved his hand:

Let's not argue. I admit all the sins, no matter how many there are ...

And more than seven hundred and fifty women were written to his personal account, seduced, raped, ruined by him. They were of very different ages - from teenage girls to ladies wise in life experience - the wives of prominent Soviet dignitaries and military leaders. And sometimes it’s not even clear whether the husband was repressed because his wife ended up in the Beria collection, or was it just the opposite? ..

It is generally accepted that Lavrenty Pavlovich was most often interested in women with the sole purpose of enjoying and forgetting. And only one person until the end of his days, perhaps, was sure that Beria communicated with women only for the good of the state - they, they say, supplied him with valuable intelligence information. This person is the wife of L.P. Beria Nino Teimurazovna Gegechkori.

Here is her story, recorded by journalist Teimuraz Koridze in 1990.

“On the outskirts of a large city, stretching along the banks of the Dnieper, on a quiet street immersed in greenery, on the fourth floor of an ordinary“ Khrushchev ”with three tiny rooms, an eighty-six-year-old Georgian woman lives, whose sharp mind and lively eyes are not yet subject to time,” he begins his story . - But for a long time she practically does not go out without outside help. Her walks are limited to the apartment, where she moves slowly, leaning on a stick. All she has is a son and a grandson.

Modernity has long forgotten her - it was so pleasing to the state machine, which in an instant could make a person the most influential person or send him to camps - a machine that was actually created by her husband. Few people know her name now - except perhaps for a few historians who specialize in research about Stalin and his entourage and who, by the way, have long considered this woman to have died in the meat grinder of the camps.

In the history of the Soviet Union, it did not leave any noticeable trace either in foreign or domestic policy. She never traveled abroad as part of official delegations and very rarely attended official receptions in the Kremlin - "the wives of political figures did not take part in political affairs." And yet, for almost 15 years, she bore the official title of the first Soviet lady. Nino Teimurazovna Gegechkori was the wife of a man whose name today is remembered by many with fear, and some with admiration. Her husband was Lavrenty Beria.

Old age did not manage to destroy traces of former beauty on her face. Time has not erased her memory, and the years of separation from her homeland have not erased her magnificent Georgian language, in which she speaks the same way as in Russian. Let's listen to Nino Gegechkori's story...

I was born into a poor family. It became especially difficult for my mother after my father died. At that time in Georgia, wealthy families could be counted on the fingers. The time was also turbulent - revolutions, political parties, riots. I grew up in the family of my relative - Alexander Gegechkori, or simply Sasha, who took me to his place to help my mother. We lived then in Kutaisi, where I studied at the primary girls' school. For participation in revolutionary activities, Sasha often went to prison, and his wife Vera went to meet him. I was still small, everything was interesting to me, and I always ran with Vera to prison on these dates. By the way, the prisoners were treated well back then. I did not say, of course, that my future husband was in the same cell with Sasha, how could I know him. And he seems to remember me.

After Soviet power was established in Georgia, Sasha, an active participant in the revolution, was transferred to Tbilisi and elected chairman of the Tbilisi Revolutionary Committee. I also moved with them. By that time I was already an adult girl, and my relationship with my mother did not work out. I remember that I had the only pair of good shoes, but Vera did not allow me to wear them every day so that they would be worn longer. So I went to school in old rags and tried not to walk along crowded streets - I was so ashamed of my poor clothes.

I remember how, in the first days of the establishment of Soviet power in Georgia, students organized a demonstration of protest against the new government. I also participated in this demonstration. The students were dispersed with water from a fire hose, and I got soaked from head to toe. Wet, I ran home, and Sasha's wife asked: “What happened?” I told how it was. Vera grabbed the belt and gave me a good beating, saying: “You live in the family of Sasha Gegechkori, but you participate in demonstrations against him?!”

Once, on the way to school, Lavrenty met me. After the establishment of Soviet power in Georgia, he often went to Sasha, and I already knew him quite well. He began to pester me with a conversation and said: “Whether you like it or not, we must definitely meet and talk.” I agreed, and later we met in Nadzalavedi Park in Tbilisi. My sister and brother-in-law lived in that area, and I knew the park well. We sat down on a bench. Lawrence was wearing a black coat and a student cap. He said that he had been watching me for a long time and that he really liked me. And then he said that he loves me and wants me to marry him. Then I was sixteen and a half years old, while Lavrenty was 22 years old.

He explained that the new government was sending him to Belgium to study the experience of oil refining. However, the only requirement was put forward - Lavrenty had to marry. In addition, he promised to help me in my studies. I thought about it and agreed - rather than live in someone else's house, even with relatives, it is better to get married and create your own family. So, without saying a word to anyone, I married Lawrence. And immediately after that, rumors spread around the city that Lavrenty had kidnapped me. No, there was nothing of the sort. I married him of my own accord.

We lived in Baku for one year, and then returned to Tbilisi. In 1924, our first child, Sergo, was born. In 1926 I graduated from the Faculty of Agronomy at Tbilisi University and started working at the Tbilisi Agricultural Institute as a research assistant. But we didn't manage to go abroad. At first, Lavrenty's business trip was postponed, then some problems appeared, and Lavrenty plunged headlong into his state affairs. And then no one sent us abroad.

We lived in poverty - that was the time then. Prosperous, human life was then considered indecent. After all, the revolution was made against the rich and fought against wealth. In 1931, Lavrenty was appointed First Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Georgia. Before him, Kartvelishvili worked in this post. He was a strange person. It seems that the high position spoiled him. Only one Russian, Ershov, worked in his office. So, Kartvelishvili stole his wife. It was only later that the woman left Kartvelishvili, when he was removed from all posts.

Lavrenty spent day and night at work. He had practically no time for his family. He worked very hard. Now it is easy to criticize, but then there was a fierce struggle. The Soviet government had to win. Do you remember what Stalin wrote about the enemies of socialism? So after all those enemies really existed.

Yes, I personally knew this man. At one time we often went to visit each other. Indeed, Stalin was a very stern man, with a cruel character. But who can prove that at that time it was necessary to have a different character, that it was possible to do without cruelty? Stalin wanted to create a large and powerful state. And he did it. Of course, there were no casualties. But why did other politicians at that time not see another road that would lead to the cherished goal without loss?

So Sveta (4) wrote to her that her father treated her cruelly. Yes, Sveta grew up before my eyes. She was a very smart and determined girl. It was impossible not to love her. Stalin did not have a soul in her. And can you imagine his feelings when his beloved daughter one day tells her father that she fell in love with a man who is 23 years older than her and wants to marry him? This "chosen one" was a Jew, director Kapler. What would you do if your sixteen-year-old daughter shocked you with such news? The father slapped his daughter. And Kappler got what he deserved. He didn't like Light. I am sure that he wanted to enter the circle of Stalin's family.

Now there are many stories about Stalin. But in reality, he was an ordinary person with his own shortcomings and negative traits. It is said that he did not pay attention to his children. How did you not give it? I will say that he did not pay too much attention to his children. He believed that they should find their own way in life on their own. Why other evidence when there is an example of his son Jacob.

We moved to Moscow at the end of 1938. By that time, the repressions of 1937 were already a thing of the past. And my husband is accused of these repressions, not taking into account such an important fact. So it's more convenient - there is a person on whom you can hang all the sins. I am sure that someday they will write an objective history and it will put everything in its place. I won't live to see this paradise. But you will survive...

Son of Mikoyan, who writes absurd things, what does he know? He knows nothing, but still writes. Perhaps he wants to show himself to be a know-it-all. This is what dishonest people do. The tragedy of the Vano Sturua family was blamed on Lavrentiy. This is a very unfair slander… You know, there was such a mechanism at that time, and no one could stop it or change direction. Nor could Lavrenty.

I receive Georgian newspapers - "Literary Georgia", "Motherland", "Tbilisi", I also receive magazines. Here I will show you "Ciskari". Here is printed a poem by Gabriel Jabushanuri, which was written during Stalin's lifetime. But it has just been published. Of course, you can not love a person, but you can not write about him in such a tone. Even if everything he did was wrong, then let others blame Stalin, but not the Georgians ...

I have never interfered in my husband's business affairs. In those days, party apparatchiks knew how to put the wives of high-ranking officials in their place. Now everything is different ... Therefore, I can’t say anything about Lavrenty’s official affairs. And what he is officially accused of - anti-state activities - is just demagogy. After all, something had to be invented.

In 1953, they organized a coup - they were afraid that Beria would become Stalin's successor. I knew my husband and his character well. I'm sure he would have had the sense not to fight for this place. He was a rational and practical person, he knew that after Stalin a Georgian would not be put at the head of the state. No one could imagine such an outcome of events. Lavrenty, probably, would have helped a person who claimed the post of head of the party and state. Such a person could be, for example, Malenkov ...

In June 1953, my son Sergo and I were suddenly arrested and sent to different prisons. And only Sergo's family was not touched - his wife with three children remained at home. Sergo's wife's name was Marfa, and her maiden name was Peshkova, because she was the granddaughter of Maxim Gorky.

At first we thought that there was a coup d'état or something like a counter-revolution and an anti-communist clique came to power. They put me in Butyrka. Every day I was called in for questioning, and the investigator demanded that I testify against my husband. He said that the people were outraged by the actions of Lawrence. I categorically stated that I would not give any evidence, either good or bad. After this statement, I was no longer touched.

I spent more than a year in Butyrka. What were the charges against me? Do not laugh, I was absolutely seriously accused of bringing one bucket of red soil from the Non-Chernozem zone of Russia.

The fact is that I worked at the agricultural academy and was engaged in soil research. Indeed, at one time, at my request, a bucket of red pound was brought by plane. But since the plane was state-owned, it turned out that I used state transport for personal purposes.

The second accusation was related to my use of hired labor. A well-known tailor, whose name was Sasha, lived in Tbilisi. Once he came to Moscow, and I ordered a dress from him, for which, of course, I paid. Perhaps this is what was called "wage labor". To be honest, I don’t remember now if I had any Tbilisi tailor in Moscow. Maybe he was. But I paid money. I don't understand what my crime was.

Among other accusations, I heard that I rode horses with golden bells from Kutaisi to Tbilisi. I once rode horses, but golden bells - this has never happened. You know, people are a lot of fiction and love to pass off fantasies as real.

Somehow a person close to me came to me in prison, who wanted only good things for me. He suggested that I write a statement about my poor health. Based on this application, I was to be transferred to the hospital. Yes, I really lived in a cell in very difficult conditions - you probably heard about a solitary punishment cell, where you could neither lie nor sit. This is how I spent over a year. I refused the hospital, because the overseer, who was sympathetic to me, whispered in my ear: “There are rumors that you have lost your mind and are in a mental hospital.”

One day, the investigator stated that they had information allegedly that 760 women called themselves Beria's mistresses. That's it, and nothing more. Lavrenty spent day and night at work. When did he manage to turn a whole legion of women into his mistresses? In my opinion, everything was different. During the war and after Lavrenty led intelligence and counterintelligence. So all these women were intelligence workers, its agents and informants. And only Lavrenty maintained contact with them. He had a phenomenal memory. All his official connections, including those with these women, he kept in his head. But when these employees began to be asked about their relationship with their boss, they naturally stated that they were his mistresses. And why did you want them to call themselves informers and agents of the special services?

Such is the female logic.

The most interesting thing is that N.T. Gegechkori is right to some extent. Both the NKVD, the GPU, and the KGB made extensive use of women in their work. Moreover, all their talents were equally used, including sexual ones. Here are just a few examples...

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Lavrenty Beria On April 4, 1953, it was announced that the case of the "killer doctors" was fabricated by the leadership of state security and was a provocation. This news breathed hope into millions of people whose loved ones were still languishing in the Gulag, everyone was waiting for changes. And they gradually started

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From the book 1937. Stalin's Anti-Terror author Shubin Alexander Vladlenovich

Our Father Lavrenty Beria In recent years, Lavrenty Beria has become a hero of the Stalinist sovereigns. This is funny, because in the days of the USSR, the Stalinists justified Stalin, attributing the abuses of the era to Beria. But from hate to love - one step. And now before

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Chapter 7 Lavrenty Beria It is unlikely that there will be a more demonic figure in Russian history. This name is clearly associated with Stalin's arbitrariness, and throughout its entire length. “Documents expose the direct involvement of L. Beria, starting from the 20s, in absolutely illegal

From the book Great Contribution. What did the USSR get after the war author Shirokorad Alexander Borisovich

CHAPTER 21 HOW LAVRENTIY BERIA GOT THE GERMANS TO MAKE A BOMB FOR STALIN For almost sixty years after the war, it was believed that the Germans were extremely far from creating atomic weapons. But in March 2005, the Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt publishing house published a book by a German historian

author Mlechin Leonid Mikhailovich

Chapter 5 LAVRENTY PAVLOVICH BERIA The aircraft designer Alexander Sergeevich Yakovlev, famous during the war years, the creator of fighter aircraft, recalled an anecdote once told to him by a member of the Politburo Andrei Alexandrovich Zhdanov: “Stalin complains that the pipe has disappeared. Says: "I

From the book of the KGB. Heads of state security agencies. Declassified Fates author Mlechin Leonid Mikhailovich

Chapter 9 LAVRENTY PAVLOVICH BERIA. THE SECOND COMING This man had a great influence on the fate of our country. But they evaluate it differently. Some consider him a fiend, others - an outstanding organizer who was not allowed to turn around. The story could clearly have gone differently

From the book Forbidden Truth about "Stalin's repressions". "Children of the Arbat" are lying! author Lyskov Dmitry Yurievich

CHAPTER 7 LAVRENTIY BERIA There is hardly a more demonic figure in Russian history. This name is clearly associated with Stalin's arbitrariness, and throughout its entire length. “Documents expose the direct involvement of L. Beria, starting from the 20s, in absolutely illegal

From the book Hidden Pages of Soviet History. author Bondarenko Alexander Yulievich

Lavrenty Beria: the end of a career Each ruler has his own trusted people. Ivan the Terrible had Malyuta Skuratov. Napoleon Bonaparte has Minister of the Interior Fouche, Stalin has Nikolai Yezhov, Lavrenty Beria, Viktor Abakumov ... It is written about Beria's insidious methods of work

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Chapter Six LAVRENTY BERIA, POST-WAR REPRESSIONS, STALIN'S CULT ... As has been said more than once, the first post-war years are perhaps the most mysterious period of our history, which, in particular, makes it possible for one or another current author to compose any

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Lavrenty Beria This figure in the role of an independent politician could manifest himself only for several months after Stalin's death - from March to June 1953. But he did a lot in such a short time. Including in Ukraine. Ukrainian SSR Lavrenty Pavlovich

From the book Favorites of the Rulers of Russia author Matyukhina Yulia Alekseevna

Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria (1899 - 1953) Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria - a Soviet statesman and party leader, an ally of I.V. Stalin, one of the initiators of mass repressions - was born in the village of Merkheuli near Sukhumi in a poor peasant family. In 1915, Beria graduated from higher

From the book Who prepared the collapse of the USSR author Shevyakin Alexander Petrovich

Chapter 4. Lavrenty Beria and the first Soviet "perestroika" He led provocative work towards the bourgeois degeneration of our system ... He began the attack on the party with an attack on Stalin ... he said that Stalin was going against him, Beria ... He portrayed Stalin as the most unpleasant,

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Part II Who are you, Lavrenty Beria?

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Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria Lavrenty Beria Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria (1899–1953) is one of the most infamous statesmen of the Soviet era. Since 1921, Beria has held exclusively leadership positions. He was the closest adviser to I. V. Stalin. After

According to the guides, the effect occurs at night shortly after midnight. When you stand at the corner of Malaya Nikitskaya and Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, near the Tunisian embassy, ​​you suddenly hear the growing noise of a car - so distinct that you involuntarily shied away from the roadway. But you can't see anything with your eyes. A car slows down near the mansion, the door opens, unintelligible male voices are heard, then the door slams shut, the engine growls, and the sound of the car fades away ...

Mirage on Kudrinskaya

The sound mirage is repeated near the old mansion, in which, after the war, the all-powerful chief of state security of the USSR, Lavrenty Pavlovich Beria, lived.

The mansion overlooking Sadovaya-Kudrinskaya, Malaya Nikitskaya and Vspolny Lane is not overly luxurious. Built in 1884 for the mayor Stepan Tarasov, and before the First World War expanded for the founder of the Yuryevets flax spinning manufactory Ivan Bakakin, the city estate occupied a vast area. She, apparently, attracted a new owner from the Lubyanka.

Local residents, instinctively muffling their voices, told horrors about what was happening on the territory of the old estate. When the workers dug out a foundation pit for a heating plant on Kachalova Street (as Malaya Nikitskaya was called in Soviet times), they stumbled upon ... bones. The common grave belonged to the times of Stalin's repressions. But the closer the foundation pit got to the mansion, the more skeletons were dug up. So the rumors about the women raped by Beria and killed on his orders received indirect confirmation.

As Anton Antonov-Ovseenko tells in his book about L. Beria, a stone crusher was found in the basement of the mansion, with the help of which, apparently, the remains of the murdered women were crushed before they were lowered into the sewer.

According to other sources, a small crematorium was equipped in the courtyard of the estate, in which the bodies of the victims of the woman-loving executioner were burned.

In any case, the protocol of the arrest of L. Beria contains an inventory of women's blouses, stockings, combinations, tights, scarves, scarves seized during a search in his mansion. The “collector”, apparently, did not deny himself the pleasure of leaving something in memory of his charming captives. The children's sizes of some things confirm the rumors that teenage girls often became the prey of the voluptuous marshal.

Colonel Rafael Sarkisov supplied sex slaves to his boss. He usually went to negotiate with a lady who liked Lavrenty Pavlovich, politely but persistently asked for a phone number and delivered the guest to the mansion at night. Beria brutally raped some, treated others and entertained them with conversation - everything depended on the mood and the time available.

He was not embarrassed if the woman was married, because he knew that there was no such knight in the country who would dare to defend the honor of his wife if she liked such a gentleman.

"Let go of your daughter, shaitan!"

However, there was at least one exception. In 1944, the "harem" on Vspolny was replenished with another beauty - Sofia Shirova. She married ace pilot Sergei Shirov, Hero of the Soviet Union, who shot down 21 enemy aircraft during the war years and distinguished himself by taking Marshal Josip Broz Tito out of the fascist environment in the most difficult conditions of mountainous terrain and bad weather. The honeymoon had not yet died down, as Beria was seduced by the newlywed. Returning from a business trip on the tenth day after the wedding, Sergei did not find his wife at home. She was brought by car at two in the morning.

Sofia smelled of expensive wine. She did not deny it and, bursting into tears, confessed everything to her husband. Sharp and direct, Shirov began to loudly threaten Beria. Soon he was arrested, a case was fabricated against him. The pilot believed that at the trial he would just tell the whole truth about the seductive rapist. The naive hero did not imagine that 25 years in the camps would be assigned to him without providing an excuse. As Colonel Sarkisov, head of security for the chief of the NKVD of the USSR, later testified during interrogation at the Prosecutor General's Office, Sofia Shirova was on the list of women brought to the mansion under No. assured that all these women were scouts - agents and informants). In 1953, immediately after Stalin's death, Shirov was released. Fearfully looking around, a hunched, toothless 37-year-old man found his beloved - Sofia, who had already married another, slammed the door in disgust in front of her ex-husband. The ace pilot drank himself in three years.

The Tatar janitor Raisa, who served with Beria and for some reason enjoyed his respect, once noticing that the owner was grabbing her teenage daughter by the elbow, fearlessly yelled: “Come on, let your daughter go, shaitan!” Lavrenty Pavlovich, who did not expect such a rebuff, immediately turned everything into a joke. Raisa later said that under Vspolny Lane from the estate there was an underground passage, where the guards of the house dragged the torn female bodies. When the underground passage was excavated, dozens of skeletons were removed from it.

Beria went unpunished for many years, until in 1953, during a bitter struggle for power with Nikita Khrushchev, the recent executioner himself became a victim. According to official data, L. Beria was arrested in the Kremlin, and shot in the basement of the headquarters of the Moscow Military District.

Who do you think Beria: Stalin's executioner or "iron commissar"?

Sarkisov carried out the instructions of his boss, delivering to him the women and girls he liked. It usually happened like this. Beria, sitting in the car, pointed to one or another person. Sarkisov was supposed to get out of the car, approach her and invite her to drive with them. Sometimes the head of security was instructed to first follow the “object”, find out the name, surname, address. After that, Sarkisov was supposed to bring the woman to Beria's mansion. Soon all of Moscow knew Beria's armored Packard.

The head of state security did not disdain schoolgirls either. Any more or less pretty high school student had a chance to find herself in Beria's bed.

During a search in Beria's office, a mountain of women's underwear and pornography were found. Those who did not agree to intimacy voluntarily, Beria simply raped.

If the girl turned out to be accommodating, she could have her dividends from this. So, a high-ranking lover helped one ballerina from Podolsk get an apartment in Moscow. Those who resisted could be thrown into prison. Actress Zoya Fedorova, who at that time was breastfeeding a child, being brought to the mansion, began to beg to let her go, as her chest ached from surging milk. Beria was furious and soon ordered her to be arrested. Another actress, Tatyana Okunevskaya, he simply raped in his country house. Since Okunevskaya did not show due enthusiasm, she was also arrested and sent to Siberia for felling.

At the end of the love meeting, Sarkisov, on the orders of the boss, handed the woman a bouquet of flowers. If she refused to accept the bouquet, this entailed an arrest.

It is possible that Beria even killed some of his victims. In the mid-90s, while working in the garden on the territory of the former Beria mansion on Malaya Nikitskaya, the remains of several women were found. It is assumed that these were Beria's mistresses or those who refused to become them.

Beria Lavrenty Pavlovich is a man whose name is known to most adults in our country. At one time he was one of the leaders of the USSR and at some time claimed the highest post in the state. But it didn't work out. Perhaps this was prevented by Beria's mistresses, who ruined his political career. We will talk about the love adventures of the people's commissar today.

Our blog already has an article about prominent figures of the USSRwho have connections "on the side." Today's article is devoted to Beria's intimate relationships. A lot has been said about such adventures, and you cannot distinguish truth from fiction. And the reason for this is the political activity of Beria. He started it in the Caucasus. He proved to be a great enthusiast, managed to curry favor with Stalin, and in 1938 he became People's Commissar of Internal Affairs (headed the state security).

Intelligent leader

It must be said that during his tenure as the first secretary of the Communist Party of Georgia (1931-1938), the economy of the republic developed at a rapid pace. The oil industry, foreign trade in products of the subtropical climate led to the prosperity of the region.

When in 1938 Lavrenty Pavlovich became People's Commissar of the NKVD, the "Great Terror" raged in the country. With the advent of Beria to the post of head of state security, the scale of repression decreased: approximately 170 thousand prisoners were released from the camps. But instead, there was a place for new ones, 200 thousand people, mainly from Western Belarus and Western Ukraine.

But let's not get too deep into politics. According to many people, Beria had sexual relations with a large number of women. The exact number of his mistresses is unlikely to be known (unless, of course, these women really were mistresses). Beria's adjutant and head of security, State Security Colonel Rafael Sarkisov, specially kept a list of his boss's women.

Beria's mistresses were even students

The number of surnames in it was equal to 39. In addition to the first list, there was a second one - 75 names, there was also a third one - 115. Different sources give different data on the number of women in the lists. According to the testimony of the same Sarkisov, Beria had a student at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​​​Maya as his mistresses. She subsequently became pregnant and had an abortion.

From another girl, about 18-20 years old, Beria had a daughter. However, her name and further fate are unknown. Being the first secretary of the party of Georgia, Lavrenty Pavlovich had a sexual relationship with a certain citizen M., who then gave birth to a child. According to Colonel Sarkisov, he personally delivered him to one of the orphanages in Moscow.

The adjutant also said that a woman named Sofya had an abortion in an army hospital. And in 1943, Beria picked up syphilis. And all this is from the words of Colonel Sarkisov.

Connections on the side did not prevent Beria from remaining an exemplary family man - he was married to Nino Gegechkori. He met her in the late 1920s, when he was at party work in Georgia. It so happened that Nino's brother was arrested and she decided to turn to Beria for help.

Getting to know my wife

Beria helped, but as a payment for his services, he raped the girl. But he liked her very much and later he married her. However, Nino Gegechkori herself presents a different view of their acquaintance.

According to her, Beria did not rape her, although he acted in his own way, without taking into account the wishes of the girl. They had known each other for a couple of months and at one fine moment Lavrenty said that he really liked her and would become his wife. Nino lived with her uncle, she had no parents, and she did not think for a long time. And what was she to do - continue to live alone in those harsh years after the civil war?

It is not known exactly who spread the rumor about Beria's rape of his ex-wife. But the date of their acquaintance is indicated incorrectly. The son of the Beria couple - Sergo - was born in 1924. We return to the words of adjutant Sarkisov.

Beria was not interested in the age of a woman / girl and her position in society. If she was beautiful, she should have been in his bed. Colonel Sarkisov was in charge of supplying mistresses, so to speak. Beria from the car pointed to the person he liked and the security officer had only to approach her and, under some pretext, invite her to the car to the boss.

Sometimes Lavrenty Pavlovich instructed the chief of security to follow certain ladies, to find out their names, surnames and addresses. Then they were brought to Beria's home. According to Sarkisov, Beria's house soon became known to half of the female population of Moscow.

...and even schoolgirls

The chief of state security did not disdain high school students either. Sarkisov personally brought them to him. She talked about a love affair with Beria and one ballerina. She lived in Podolsk, there was no place to live in Moscow. Beria helped her get an apartment, in which, in addition to the ballerina, her mother also moved. To the question of the latter: “And to whom should I say thank you for such a gift?”, Beria joked: “Say thanks to the Soviet government.”

In general, ballerinas were a weakness not only of Beria alone, but also of many higher ranks of the 30-50s.

It would not be superfluous to listen to the relatives of Lavrenty Pavlovich. His son Sergo believes that his father, although he was a "womanizer", but not on the scale that is attributed to him. In particular, he confirms that Beria the eldest has a daughter (Lavrenty himself spoke about this). Isn't this the same child who was delivered to one of the Moscow orphanages by Colonel Sarkisov? Maybe.

Let's give the floor to the wife

And now let's turn to the memoirs of Beria's wife, Nino Gegechkori. After the execution of her husband, she was arrested and spent some time in exile. In 1990, she gave a short interview regarding her husband. Nino denies that Beria has mistresses. From her point of view, the situation was as follows.

Lavrenty Pavlovich during and after the war headed intelligence and counterintelligence. He had hundreds and thousands of people under him. Naturally, among this number were female agents. And when, after the arrest of Beria, a “purge” began among his subordinates, the women from the state security simply could not say that they were spies, informants: they called themselves his mistresses.

Nino Gegechkori said that her husband had an excellent memory. He kept all his business affairs, news and secrets in his head. For days on end, Beria disappeared at work. He simply did not have time for mistresses. Although, the ex-wife of the once all-powerful man of the country, did not ask to rehabilitate Lavrenty Pavlovich morally. Apparently, she did not tell all the secrets.

But we must remember that Beria held a high post, and big politics will definitely intervene here. After the death of Stalin in March 1953, Beria took over as Minister of the Interior (from March 5 to June 26 of the same year). At this time, the struggle for power began, in which Khrushchev won.

Who could denigrate Beria and why?

According to the official version, Beria was arrested on June 26, 1953. Subsequently, a trial took place over him and his entourage, after which, on December 23, 1953, Lavrenty was shot. But a number of historians are of the opinion that in fact Beria died at the end of June, during the storming of his house. Then the question arises - who was tried and who was shot?

Beria was in charge of state security and accumulated dirt on all the top leaders of the state. After his death, 130 bags of printed documents accumulated after his death. And no one, no one, from the party bosses, was interested in Beria blackmailing them.

Immediately after the death of Lavrenty Pavlovich, all his closest deputies were destroyed, in general, those who knew about the presence of compromising evidence. And then a fabricated trial was arranged, which was allegedly attended by Beria and his subordinates. There surfaced all the sins of the People's Commissar of State Security.

The court was then closed, so it is no longer possible to find out the truth. That's where all the dogs were hanged on Beria and his subordinates, denigrated as much as imagination was enough. So Lavrenty Pavlovich is a scoundrel, a murderer who raped schoolgirls and buried them to cover up the traces of the crime in his garden. Yes, Beria admitted to this at the trial.

So Beria's mistresses are a very dark story. But judging by the revelations of his son, they were, even if not in huge quantities. Probably, the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs could afford a little rest after hard work to identify the "enemies of the people."

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