Dictionary of chess terms. Glossary of chess terms (259 terms) How to play in a time pressure situation


Date added: 11/13/2007

The main chess concepts and terms found in chess literature are given.

  • Battery- two (or more) pieces, the combined strength of which enhances the attack (pressure) potential, for example, the “queen + bishop” battery, “rook + queen”, etc.
  • Blitz- lightning-fast game, which uses extremely short time control (as a rule, five minutes for each for the whole game, but there is a blitz control and three minutes for each and even a minute). The one who misses the time first (or, of course, the one who gets a checkmate) loses.
  • Rapid chess (rapid)- a game of chess with a shortened time limit for thinking (usually 15 minutes each for the entire game).
  • Vertical— fields of a chessboard with the same letter index (for example, the vertical f).
  • Perpetual Check- a situation in which the side to which checks are announced cannot evade them in any way. In the event of such a situation, the game is considered a draw.
  • Fork- a move of a knight or a pawn, in which two or more enemy pieces are under attack.
  • Gambit- a sacrifice in the opening of the material (usually pawns, less often pieces) for the sake of the fastest development.
  • Garde- In chess: an attack on the queen (the announcement of "garde" is not necessary).
  • Handicap- English, In a chess game, a competition between many players of different strengths, and the strong ones give some advantage (handicap: 1-2 moves ahead, pawn or piece) to weaker players for a relative balance of power.
  • Horizontal- fields of a chessboard with the same number index ("first horizontal", "fifth horizontal", etc.).
  • Two Bishops Advantage- a situation in which one of the parties has two bishops, and the opposite side has an elephant or a knight, or two knights. This advantage is especially pronounced in open positions, where the range of the bishops allows them to be used to their full potential.
  • Debut- the beginning of a chess game, aimed at the speedy mobilization (development, deployment) of forces.
  • demarcation line- a line conventionally drawn between the fourth and fifth horizontal lines and dividing the chessboard into two equal halves.
  • Diagonal- fields of a chessboard of the same color, located on the same line.
  • Children's mat— checkmate in the opening, which White announces by making the following moves: 1.e4 2.Bc4 3.Qh5 (or Qf3) 4.Q:f7X. The pieces can move in different sequences, but the main idea is that the queen and bishop attack the f7 square.
  • stupid mate— checkmate in the opening, which White gets by making the following moves: 1.f4 e6 2.g4?? Qh4X.
  • Victim- non-equivalent exchange, giving away some material (pawn, pieces, several pieces) to obtain a decisive (or positional) advantage, to declare a checkmate or draw the game.
  • The victim is correct- that is, justified, correct, justifying itself even with the best protection.
  • The victim is incorrect (bluff)- a sacrifice calculated on the mistakes of the defending side, on time pressure, etc., that is, having a fairly obvious refutation.
  • Chess problem is a product of a chess composition, the solution of which involves finding a strictly unique way to declare checkmate to the weakest side in the indicated number of moves. Depending on the number of moves required for solving, the tasks are divided into two-movers, three-movers and multi-movers.
  • yawn- a rough look, most often leading to the loss of the game.
  • Combination vision (tactical)- the ability to see the opportunities lurking in the position to gain an advantage with the help of various sacrifices of the material.
  • Blindfold- a game without looking at the board, one of the varieties of demonstration performances. Recently, in order to increase entertainment, the game "blindly" is included in the program of international tournaments ("Amber Tournament"). However, it allows players to use the image of an empty chessboard (on a computer display) for convenience.
  • Initiative- the advantage of the active side, which can impose on the defending side the style and pace of the struggle, prepare and carry out an attack, etc.
  • "Trap"- a trap that leads the “fallen” side to the inevitable loss of a queen or a piece.
  • Quality- “weight”, which distinguishes a heavy figure from a light one; "Win an exchange" or "sacrifice an exchange" means an operation in which one of the players wins (or sacrifices) a rook by giving (getting) a minor piece for it.
  • Chess qualification- recognized in accordance with the rules (code) level of strength of a chess player. It is fixed in the form of assignment of the corresponding titles and ranks (eg National Master, FIDE Master, International Master, International Grandmaster). The corresponding ranks and titles are awarded not only to chess players, but also to chess composers.
  • Combination- forced variant with sacrifice.
  • Countergambit- a kind of opening in which a counter sacrifice of material is made to counteract the plans of the opponent. For example, Falkbeer's countergambit in the King's Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.f4 d5).
  • Counterplay- the possibility of counterplay against the weaknesses of the opponent.
  • Co-op checkmate- a kind of chess problem in which the side receiving the checkmate assists the mating side.
  • Fortress— a kind of drawn positions in the endgame, in which the stronger side cannot win even if there is a large material advantage (for example, some positions in which the rook and pawn form an impregnable fortress against the queen).
  • Tacking- maneuvers of a positional nature, during which general tension and uncertainty are maintained, and the parties do not fully reveal their intentions.
  • "Lasker compensation"- compensation for the queen in the form of a rook, a pawn and a minor piece (usually a bishop). The term is derived from the name of the second official world chess champion Em. Lasker, who repeatedly and successfully carried out such an exchange of the strongest piece.
  • Trap- one of the fighting techniques in a practical game, when the side setting the trap is counting on the recklessness of the opponent, who will be tempted by a “poisoned” pawn or a queen left under attack and receive a checkmate “in return” or suffer significant material damage.
  • Checkmate Legal— a checkmate construction involving a queen sacrifice and a checkmate announcement by three minor pieces (the scheme of this construction is: 1.e4 e5 2.Kf3 d6 3.Cc4 Cg4 4.Kc3 h6 5.K:e5! C:d1 6.C:f7+ Kpe7 7 .Kd5x). The name of the checkmate comes from the name of Kermur Cyr de Legal, who first carried out this checkmate in a practical game against the Chevalier Saint-Bris (1787, Paris, cafe "Regence"). True, legal made the move K:e5 with the black knight on c6, and Saint-Brie could win by taking not the queen on d1, but the knight on e5.
  • Mat- in chess, a situation where the king is in check and there is no way to avoid this check.
  • Linear mat- a checkmate on the extreme verticals (horizontals), which is placed by heavy pieces (two rooks, a rook and a queen, two queens).
  • Mat stale- a checkmate declared by a knight, while the checkmate king is limited in movement by his own pieces and pawns.
  • Mat epaulette- checkmate, which is placed by the queen, while the checkmate king is limited on both sides by its own rooks ("epaulettes") (for example, the white queen from e6 checkmates the black king on e8, and the black rooks, respectively, are on the fields d8 and f8).
  • Matte network- a position in which the king of the weakest side cannot avoid checkmate due to the fact that all possible retreat squares are blocked by their own pieces or controlled by the attacking side.
  • Material- pieces and pawns that a player has in a chess game. Possession of excess material predetermines a material advantage. The surrender of material in the name of obtaining a decisive advantage is a combination, a sacrifice.
  • Miniature— 1) a game won already in the opening or at the beginning of the middlegame (that is, in no more than 20-25 moves) as a result of blunders of the losing side; 2) chess problems or studies with a small number of participating pieces.
  • Middlegame- the middle, the main part of a chess game, usually following the opening. Massive exchanges in the opening can lead to the fact that the game immediately goes from the opening into the endgame.
  • Target- a piece or field that is the object of a combination or attack.
  • Draw- the result of a chess game in which none of the players could win. For a draw, each player receives half a point.
  • New- a new move (new development scheme) in known variants (tabiah).
  • Knockout system- the principle of competitions (including the world championship), in which the winner of each of the pairs determined by lot goes to the next round. Moreover, games with classical control are played first, then (if the winner has not been determined) - in "rapid" chess, then (if the rapid has not determined the winner) - blitz.
  • Chess notation- a generally accepted system of notation, through which a chess game or a particular position is recorded. Recording in full notation implies the designation of the square from which the pawn or piece makes a move - and, accordingly, the square on which this move is made (for example, 22. Kra4-b3 means that the white king from the a4 square made a move to b3). Recording in abbreviated notation is limited to indicating the square on which the move is made (for example, 56. ... Rg7 - the black rook moved to the square g7). There is a difference between alphabetic and purely digital notation (the latter is used when playing by correspondence).
  • Pat- a position in which a check is not declared to any side, but it has no moves.
  • Plan in chess- the core of the chess strategy, which links together the opening, the middle of the game (middlegame and endgame). The plan is formed on the basis of a dynamic (changing) assessment of the position and includes setting an adequate goal of the struggle (struggle for a win, for a draw), an assessment of the need to regroup the pieces, assessment of the acceptability (unacceptability) of a series of exchanges, the need for certain maneuvers, maneuvering, etc.
  • Position- a situation that happened in a practical game or represents a task in a chess composition. The ability to adequately evaluate a position is one of the essential components of chess mastery.
  • Field- a unit of chess space, the same as "point", "cell of a chessboard". Possession of key fields in this particular position determines the positional advantage. "Weak" field - that is, a field available for invading enemy forces.
  • half way- one move by white or one move by black, the unit of measure and the minimum unit of change of position on the chessboard. Two half-moves make up a move, which is one line in the notation of a chess game on paper.
  • transformation- replacement of a pawn upon reaching the last rank with any piece of its color (except for the king).
  • Transformation "weak"- the transformation of a pawn not into the strongest piece (that is, not into a queen, as usual), but, for example, into a knight, bishop or rook. That is, a "weak" transformation can be the strongest move (!).
  • Chess program- a kind of gaming computer programs that can evaluate a position and, in accordance with the underlying algorithm, make (offer) a move. The best modern programs (Freetz, Deep Blue, Deep Thought, etc.) play at the level of strong grandmasters and successfully fight world champions (both Kasparov and Kramnik lost matches to computers ...). They are also indispensable when preparing for competitions and when analyzing games or technical positions.
  • passed pawn- a pawn in front of which there are no enemy pawns (including those on adjacent files) and which can move towards the promotion square.
  • Advantage- superiority over the position of the enemy in one of the components (material or positional advantage).
  • Exchange- a move (a series of moves), in which (in which) the parties exchange approximately equivalent material (exchange of a minor piece for a minor piece, a pawn for a pawn, a minor piece for three pawns, a queen for two rooks or three minor pieces, etc.) .
  • Rating- the current level of the relative strength of a chess player, expressed in a numerical coefficient (since 1972 - the Elo coefficient named after Arpad Elo, who proposed a method for calculating and using coefficients). Master level - from about 2200. Grandmaster level - from 2400 and above. Extra-class grandmasters - from 2600 and even from 2700 and above.
  • Rokada- a vertical open for rook maneuvers.
  • Castling- a move in a chess game, with the aim of taking the king away from the center; with a short castling, the king is evacuated to the kingside, with a long castling - to the queenside. When castling is carried out, the king is transferred over one square (respectively, for the white king to the fields g1 (for short castling) or c1 (for long)), the rook is placed on the square over which the king “jumped”.
  • Row- the same as the horizontal. The “gluttonous” row is the second (for black) or seventh (for white) rank, on which heavy pieces can “eat” pawns.
  • Bundle- a position when a piece cannot make a move due to the fact that after its move the square on which the king stands will be beaten.
  • Scacography- a genre of chess composition, in which the arrangement of chess pieces forms the outlines of letters, numbers or some kind of drawings (for example, the outlines of a Christmas tree).
  • "Blindness" chess- "eclipse" during the game, in which the player does not see obvious winning continuations or makes a rude "blunder" leading to a loss or loss of a decisive advantage.
  • Chess strategy- a long-term plan, the implementation of which is aimed at specific moves and operations. The general line of strategy is determined primarily by the requirements of the position and includes an assessment of the position, determination of the ultimate goal (struggle for a win or a draw), methods for achieving the latter (aggravation of the game, bluff, transition to an endgame, etc.).
  • tabia- a well-studied opening position, upon reaching which the players begin to make their own, not "bookish" moves. In ancient chess, the pieces were not distinguished by modern dynamics and range, and it took a lot of time to play the opening. Therefore, by agreement, the game immediately began with tabi.
  • Tactics chess- a system of tricks (primarily using combinations) that allow you to gain an advantage or reduce the game to a draw. The methods of chess tactics include a variety of typical means ("distraction", "lure", "destruction of defense", etc.).
  • Theory of chess- the sphere of analysis and generalization of practice, the identification of certain patterns inherent in the chess game at its various stages (the theory of openings, the theory of endings, etc.).
  • Tournament- a kind (along with a match) of a chess competition in which a number of participants play with each other. A typical example is a round-robin tournament in which each participant plays with all the others. A Swiss system tournament allows you to compete with many dozens (and even hundreds) of participants through a draw after each round (in each new round, participants with an approximately equal number of points play among themselves).
  • Phalanx- pawn chain.
  • Fireworks- a cascade of victims in the implementation of the combination.
  • Fianchetto— or fiancheting, a term denoting the development of the bishop on the long diagonal under the protection of the pawn "house" (for example, the bishop on g2 with pawns f2, g3 and h2).
  • Wing- the edge of the board, limited by the verticals a, b, c and f, g, h.
    • kingside- the flank closest to the king at the beginning of a chess game, on the f, g, h-files.
    • Queenside- the flank closest to the queen at the beginning of a chess game, on the a, b, c-files.
  • Fischer chess(random-chess) - chess in which the pieces stand in their original positions in a different way (but symmetrically for white and black) than in classical chess (pawns still occupy the second row) - moreover, elephants always stand on fields of different colors and rooks on opposite sides of the king. The positions in this variety of chess are not sufficiently studied by theory and are of a more "fresh" and original character.
  • outpost- a piece advanced into the enemy camp (that is, beyond the demarcation line) (usually a knight), protected by a pawn. For example, a knight on the e6 square, protected by a pawn on d5 or (and) f5.
  • Forcing- the implementation of a series of moves to which the opponent is forced to respond only in a certain way (for example, during exchanges, when declaring checks, etc.). Forced variants facilitate preliminary calculation.
  • window leaf- the field to which the king can retreat in the event of a check along the first (last) rank. Accordingly, “to make a window” is to make a move of one of the pawns covering the castling position. In the absence of a window, it is customary to talk about the possible weakness of the first (for whites) or last (for blacks) ranks.
  • move- moving a piece or pawn from one square to another. A move is considered to be made if the player has placed a piece or pawn on the field and released it. The moves of a chess game played in official competitions are recorded using chess notation. In the case of castling and capture, two pieces can participate in the course. See also half move.
  • Time trouble- lack of time to think about the move.
  • Center— fields with indexes e4-e5-d4-d5. The concept of extended center also includes adjacent fields.
  • Zugzwang- a situation in which one of the parties or both at once (mutual zugzwang) has no useful moves, so that any move by the player leads to a deterioration in his own position.
  • chess clock- a special kind of clock in which two dials are combined and when making a move, a special mechanism switches the clock in such a way that the clock of the one who is considering the move is running. Lack of time causes time trouble, and its exhaustion (if the required number of moves is not made) means time delay and defeat.
  • Fisher clock- a clock that provides for the addition of several seconds for each move made (that is, the possibility of delaying time in a winning position is minimized).
  • shah- a position in which the king is attacked by an enemy piece or pawn. A double check is a position in which the king is declared check by two pieces at once.
  • Chess composition- the field of chess art, in which artists (chess composers) create positions (problems and studies), in which certain ideas, principles and techniques are expressed in their pure form and have a pronounced aesthetic coloring.
  • Chess figure
    • Horse
    • King
    • Rook
    • Pawn
    • Elephant
    • Queen
    • Light figure- a light figure is called a horse or an elephant.
    • heavy figure- a heavy piece is called a rook or a queen (unlike light pieces, a separate heavy piece can, with the support of the king, checkmate the opponent's lone king).
  • "Frolov's Chess" - a kind of chess game invented by A. Frolov. The game starts on an empty board. Opponents alternately place their set of pieces on the board (their pawns - only on their own half of the board). The "regular" game begins when all the pieces are placed on the board. It is easy to assume that determining the possible position of one's king causes the greatest problems.
  • Endgame- the final stage of a chess game.
  • Etude chess- a product of a chess composition, an artificially composed position in which it is necessary to find the only true way (as a rule, non-obvious, paradoxical) to achieve the task (achieving a win or a draw).

Until the middle of the 19th century, chess games were played without time control. The games lasted several hours in a row, and sometimes even days. Some players in a deliberately losing position began to play for time, forcing the opponent to get nervous. When his nerves gave out completely, the opponent could agree to a draw, or even lose. If the opponents did not have time to finish the game in one game day, the game was postponed. The player whose move was the last before the game was adjourned recorded the secret move. The game was played out on the appointed day.

Literature describes a match between Howard Staunton and Pierre Saint-Amand in 1843. The 21st game of their match lasted 66 moves over 14.5 hours.

At the first London international tournament in 1851 in the game Williams - Macklow, both opponents fell asleep, about which the assistant referee made a note, and the fact went down in history.

chess clock

In 1853, for the first time, the time limit for thinking over moves was limited. In the game Harwitz - Leventhal, 10 minutes were given to think over one move. Time control was carried out with an hourglass - each opponent had his own. After the move was made, the player put the clock in a horizontal position and stopped his time to think. For exceeding the time, a fine was imposed.

In the match of 1866, Andersen - Steinitz used ordinary mechanical ones instead of hourglasses.

Another idea was to use two clocks, with the elapsed time recorded after each move. This method of time control was used in the tournaments of 1866-1873.

The first chess clock was used at the 1883 London tournament. The clock was of the pendulum type - after the move was made, the player rolled the clock to his side.

The time control in the tournament was one hour for 15 moves. For the first time in chess, a player who exceeded the time limit was credited with a loss. Prior to this, exceeding the time limit was not considered a defeat.

An important element of the chess clock, the flag, appeared in 1899. The use of the flag became generally accepted two decades later. Raising the flag indicated that there were 3 minutes left before it fell.

The buttons familiar to the modern player appeared on watches in 1900. Improved clocks began to be used everywhere.

The special chess clock has 2 dials and 2 buttons. Having made a move, the player presses his button and his clock stops. The countdown begins with the player who has passed the turn. The clock button must be pressed with the same hand that the player moved the piece.

The eleventh world chess champion Robert Fischer patented an electronic chess clock in 1989. The watch has become one of the most sought after in tournaments.

Time limit per game

At the end of the 19th century, the time limit was 2 hours for every 20 moves. At the beginning of the 20th century, games were most often played with a limit of 2 hours for the first 30 moves and one hour for every 15 subsequent moves.

If one player has overstayed the time, and the opponent cannot checkmate in any game of the opponent, the game is considered to be a draw.

If a player checkmates and is subsequently found to have missed the time limit, he is awarded the win.

When postponing the game for playing out, the clock is stopped, the time is recorded at the time of the stop. When playing out, the clock is started from the same readings.

There are different time limits for playing chess.

  • The classic version for playing chess is 2 hours for 40 moves, then 1 hour for the next 20 moves, 30 minutes to complete the game; or 2 hours for 40 moves, 30-60 minutes before the end of the game.
  • Rapid (rapid chess). The usual time limit is 30 minutes per player for the entire game. But in general, any game where more than 10 minutes and less than 1 hour of time is given is considered a rapid game.
  • Blitz. Each player is usually given 5 minutes for the entire game.

In international tournaments, "Fischer Tournament Control" is often used. According to this system, 100 minutes are allocated for the first 40 moves, 50 minutes for the next 20 moves, and 10 minutes until the end of the game. The system can change within certain limits.

The longest game in time Stepak - Mashian was played in the semi-finals of the Israeli Championship in 1980. It lasted 24 hours and 30 minutes and ended with White's victory on the 193rd move.

The longest chess game was played in Belgrade in 1989 between Ivan Nikolic and Goran Arsovic. Within 20 hours and 15 minutes, 269 moves were made in the game, the game ended in a draw.

To limit the duration of the game, a rule was introduced according to which a chess player can demand a draw if there has not been a single capture or pawn move in the last fifty moves.

The Brazilian chess player Francisco Trois took the longest to think over the move - 2 hours and 20 minutes.

Some chess players use the lack of time (time trouble) when getting into a worse position. Usually, these are players with quick thinking, developed intuition, who like to play blitz. The player deliberately takes time to get into time trouble. In time trouble, his opponent also starts to play quickly, so as not to give him the opportunity to think about reciprocal moves in his time. As a result, the opponent himself begins to make mistakes and misses the win, or even loses.

Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" As a manuscript KOBALIYA MIKHAIL ROBERTOVICH DECISION-MAKING IN CHESS BATTLE WITH TIME SUFFICIENCE 13.00.04 - Theory and methods of physical education, sports training, health-improving and adaptive physical culture The dissertation abstract on Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Moscow - 2007 Copyright OAO Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Evgeny Pavlovich Official opponents: Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Mikhail Yakovlevich Vilensky Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor Vladimir Dmitrievich Syachin Leading organization: Moscow State Academy of Physical Culture. ?//?/? Sis"** Thesis defense will take place<*?. .„ £:. 2007 года ъ?.?.... часов на заседании диссертационного совета К.311.003.01 при Российском государственном университе- те физической культуры, спорта и туризма по адресу: 105122, Москва, Сиреневый бульвар, д.4, ауд. 603. С диссертацией можно ознакомиться в библиотеке Российского государственного университета физической культуры, спорта и туризма. Автореферат разослан « » мая 2007 года. Ученый секретарь диссертационного совета, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Т000005109 ЦОБ по ФКиС РГАФК И.В.Чеботарева Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 3 ОБЩАЯ ХАРАКТЕРИСТИКА РАБОТЫ Актуальность исследования. В настоящее время в различных видах спорта существует тенденция, направленная на увеличение скоростных показателей сорев- новательного процесса. И в шахматах произошли кардинальные перемены, связанные с изменением системы проведения чемпионатов мира, введением нового контроля времени, совершенствованием подготовки шахматистов с помощью современных компьютерных технологий и сети Интернет. В этой связи особую важность приобре- тают вопросы, связанные с игрой в условиях дефицита времени в ходе шахматных поединков, разработкой профилактических мер с учетом современных требований. Достижение высоких спортивных результатов невозможно без изучения качества партий, определения эффективности действий шахматистов во время шахматных по- единков и успешности принятия решений. И, чем выше уровень квалификации шах- матиста, тем сложнее находить методы и способы совершенствования мастерства. Отсутствие глубоких исследований по этой проблеме требует детального изучения процесса принятия решения, способов его оптимизации. В связи с введением нового контроля времени ФИДЕ в международных соревнованиях поиск ресурсов для дос- тижения высоких спортивных результатов представляется особо актуальным. В нашем диссертационном исследовании впервые рассматривается процесс принятия решения при дефиците времени. Объект исследования - соревновательная деятельность шахматистов высокой квалификации. Предмет исследования - принятие решения шахматистами высокой квалифи- кации в шахматных поединках при дефиците времени. Гипотеза исследования. В основу исследования положено предположение о том, что алгоритм принятия решения будет эффективным, если: -он спроектирован с учетом системы тренировочного и соревновательного процесса; - адаптирован к различному контролю времени на обдумывание ходов в шах- матном поединке; - учитываются факторы, влияющие на процесс принятия решения; - созданы оптимальные условия для его реализации. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 4 Предполагается, что принятие решения в условиях дефицита игрового време- ни, влияет на результат игры и, в конечном счете, определяет уровень спортивного мастерства шахматиста. Целью исследования является теоретическое обоснование и разработка эффек- тивной системы принятия решения. В соответствии с гипотезой и целью определены следующие задачи исследова- ния: -исследовать систему принятия решения в международных и национальных соревно- ваниях шахматистов высшей квалификации; -определить понятие цейтнотной ситуации в шахматном поединке; -определить понятие «качество шахматных поединков»; -выявить результативность поединков в условиях дефицита времени и зависимость от принятого решения; - разработать алгоритм принятия решения в шахматных поединках; - разработать практические рекомендации шахматистам и тренерам для игры в усло- виях дефицита времени. Методологическую основу исследования составили труды шахматных специа- листов: Б.М.Блюменфельда, Л.А.Котова, Н.В.Крогиуса, В.А.Алаторцева, В.Б.Малкина, М.И.Дворецкого, В.И.Дыдышко, психологов А.Бине, А.Кливленда, П.А.Рудика, А.дс Гроота, О.К.Тихомирова, В.Н. Пушкина. В соответствии с целью и задачами в работе были применены следующие методы исследования: -анализ научно- методической и специальной литературы, - анкетирование -экспертный опрос шахматных специалистов, - специальное шахматное тестирование, - педагогическое наблюдение и педагогический эксперимент, - обработка результатов исследования методами математической статистики. Организация исследования проводилось в три этапа. Первый этап: 1999- 2001 г. Изу- чено более двухсот источников научной и специальной литературы. Определена обла- сть исследования, гипотеза, предмет, объект, цель, задачи, методы и структура иссле- дования. Второй этап: 2001- 2006 г. Проанализированы крупнейшие шахматные турни- Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 5 ниров, проведено анкетирование - экспертный опрос шахматных специалистов. Третий тий этап: 2004 - 2007г. Проведена обработка результатов исследования методами ма- тематической статистики, осуществлено оформление диссертационной работы и вне- дрение результатов исследования в практику. Научная новизна исследования. Впервые в шахматном спорте исследуются задачи, связанные с определением рациональных способов ведения шахматной партии, проведением графического анализа и графической оценки партий, нахождением кри- териев качества и эффективности шахматного поединка и определением психологи- ческих компонентов при принятии решения в условиях дефицита времени. Теоретическая значимость исследования заключается в том, что получены важные данные о процессе принятия решения в шахматных поединках, определены факторы, влияющие на принятие решения, выявлены психологические и специфиче- ские причины возникновения дефицита игрового времени, разработана классифика- ция цейтнотных ситуаций, определены способы оценки качества партии, методы оценки эффективности игры шахматистов. Практическая значимость работы состоит в том, что впервые разработан метод графического анализа и графической оценки партий шахматистов высокой ква- лификации, позволяющий качественно осуществлять оценку сыгранных поединков. Применение сформулированного в исследовании алгоритма принятия решения по- зволило уменьшить количество ошибок во время шахматной партии. Выявленные профилактические меры и рациональные способы расходования игрового времени позволят шахматистам уменьшить вероятность попадания в цейтнотные ситуации. Личный вклад автора: лично выбрана тема и методы исследования, разрабо- тана структура диссертации, проведены анкетирование, экспертный опрос и педаго- гический эксперимент, проанализированы и обсуждены результаты эксперимента и сформулированы выводы по работе; - разработан алгоритм принятия решения в шахматных поединках при дефиците вре- мени; - впервые в шахматном спорте исследован комплекс задач, связанных с определением оптимальных способов ведения шахматной партии, составлением стратегического плана игры, проведением графического анализа и графической оценки сыгранных Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 6 партий и определением психологических компонентов при принятии решения в усло- виях дефицита времени; - разработана методика оценки качества шахматной партии и определения эффектив- ности игры шахматистов в экстремальных условиях; - обоснована классификации цейтнотных ситуаций в игре шахматистов высокой ква- лификации. На защиту выносятся следующие положения: 1.Факторы и условия принятия решений в соревновательном процессе шахма- тистов высокой квалификации. 2.Классификация цейтнотных ситуаций в шахматных поединках. 3.Оценка качества шахматных партий и эффективности принятия решения при дефиците времени, 4. Алгоритм принятия решения в шахматных поединках при дефиците времени. 5. Практические рекомендации для шахматистов высокой квалификации. Структура и объем диссертации. Работа состоит из введения, трех глав, четыр- надцати параграфов, заключения, рекомендаций, библиографического списка (145 источников, в том числе 22 на иностранных языках) и 6 приложений. В диссертации 36 таблиц, 18 рисунков общего типа и 18 шахматных рисунков. Основное содержание исследования Во введении обоснована актуальность выбранной темы, определены объект, предмет исследования, сформулированы гипотеза, цель и задачи, представлены мето- дология и методы изучения проблемы, охарактеризованы основные этапы работы, ис- точники исследования, изложены положения, выносимые на защиту, изложены науч- ная новизна, теоретическое значение и практическая значимость исследования, све- дения об апробации. В первой главе «Теоретические аспекты принятия решений в шахматных поединках» изучено влияние мышления и памяти на выбор решения, проанализиро- ваны психологические аспекты принятия решения, использование игрового времени в шахматных поединках, определена классификация цейтнотных ситуаций при класси- ческом и новом контроле времени, психологические и специфические причины воз- никновения дефицита игрового времени. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 7 Теоретический анализ педагогической, философской и специальной литера- туры позволяет утверждать, что проблема мышления является одной из централь- ных для проникновения в творческую сущность шахматиста. Этот аргумент обу- словлен тем, что раскрытие некоторых механизмов мышления позволяет во многих случаях понять, почему шахматист выбирает тот или иной ход, делает ту или иную ошибку. Изучение мышления имеет исключительно большое как теоретическое, так и практическое значение, как для самих шахматистов, так и для тренеров. Первым, кто осуществил научное исследование психических процессов, ле- жащих в основе мышления шахматиста во время игры вслепую, был А.Бинэ. Повидимому, это было задумано с целью получения новой информации о памяти, так как он полагал, что шахматные мастера, способные одновременно играть с несколькими противниками, не глядя на доску, должны обладать феноменальной памятью. Наибо- лее ценным выводом работы ученого было заключение о том, что с помощью шахмат можно исследовать различные психологические процессы. При этом он полагал, что шахматы открывают возможность изучения творческой (эвристической) деятельно- сти и такого важного вопроса, каким является в процессе этой деятельности соот- ношение между памятью и логическим мышлением. Для изучения мышления шахматиста необходима разработка методов, адекватных задаче исследования. Сам процесс мышления в связи с недостаточной изученнос- тью остается во многом неясным. В настоящее время известно о мышлении шахма- тистов из информации, которая содержится в трудах В.А.Алаторцсва, А.Г.Белявско- го, А.Б.Михальчишина, В.И.Дыдышко, М.А.Вершшшна и др., использовавших шах- маты в качестве модели при проведении исследований. В 1925г. П.А.Рудик, И.Н.Дья- ков и Н.В.Петровский провели уникальное экспериментальное обследование психи- ческой деятельности шахматистов - участников международного турнира в Москве. Для этого с помощью тестов у шахматистов исследовали основные психологические параметры: уровень восприятия, внимание, память и пр. и сравнивали результаты исследования с аналогичными результатами, полученными при обследовании людей различных профессий. Попытка найти корреляцию между одаренностью шахматиста и исключительным развитием у них таких психологических параметров, как память, внимание, воображение и др. оказалась безуспешной. Они по полученным результа- там ничем существенно не отличались от лиц других профессий. У шахматистов бы- Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 8 ла выявлена лишь сильно развитая специфическая "шахматная" память и оказалась весьма развита способность к концентрации внимания. Большое значение имеют ис- следования, проведенные шахматными специалистами и психологами М.М.Ботвинни- ком, Л.дс Гроотом, Б.М. Блюменфельдом, О.К.Тихомировым, Н.В.Крогиусом, В.Б. Малкиным, А.А.Котовом и др. Весьма интересным представляется мнение одного из лучших шахматных тренеров мира М.И. Дворецкого о роли психологических факто- ров в шахматах. Он выделяет три основных направления в порядке убывание значи- мости: собственная психология, психология "абстрактного противника", учет харак- тера и стиля игры конкретного противника, с которым предстоит бороться. Учет лич- ностных качеств необходимо проводить в контексте предметной ситуации, в объек- тивных условиях борьбы. В неопределенных ситуациях или при борьбе противников равной силы возрастает роль учета индивидуальных особенностей. К сожалению, фундаментальных исследований но изучению зависимости твор- ческого уровня игры (качества партий), от количества отведанного на партию време- ни, еще не проводилось. Имеются лишь высказывания отдельных шахматистов. Подготовка шахматистов является целенаправленным психолого- педагогическим процессом, осуществляемым через избирательное и индивидуализи- рованное применение психических нагрузок, способствующих, развитию более важ- ных для спортивной деятельности психических качеств и состояний личности спорт- смена. Основная цель психологической подготовки в тренировке шахматиста - спо- собствовать деятельности спортсмена по достижению наиболее высокого результата. Учитывая сказанное и основываясь на наших рассуждениях, можно утверждать, что психологическая подготовка шахматиста - это процесс развития и воспитания лично- сти спортсмена, профессионально важных качеств деятельности, способствующих эффективному и надежному выполнению физических и психических нагрузок с це- лью достижения наиболее высокого спортивного результата. На основе анализа большого числа шахматных соревнований, анкетирования, экспертного опроса, педагогического наблюдения и эксперимента определены психо- логические и специфические причины возникновения дефицита времени, сформули- рована классификация цейтнотов: умеренный, средний и глубокий односторонний и обоюдный в зависимости от принятых в настоящее время двух видов контроля вре- мени: классического и нового, введенного ФИДЕ в 2001г. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 9 Во второй главе «Задачи, методы и организация исследования» рассматри- ваются методы исследования: теоретический анализ общей и специальной литерату- ры, анкетирование - экспертный опрос, педагогическое наблюдение, психологопедагогический эксперимент, педагогическое тестирование, методы математической статистики. В ходе исследования изучено и проанализировано свыше двухсот литератур- ных источников, связанных с тематикой работы. Непосредственно для правильной организации исследования изучалась литература по вопросам философии, психоло- гии, педагогики, кибернетики, теории стратегических игр и исследования операций, информатики, компьютерной техники. Организация исследования включила боль- шой географический и аналитический спектр. От матча за звание чемпиона мира в Лондоне (2000г.) между Г.Каспаровым и В.Крамником до крупнейшего за всю исто- рию шахмат «Аэрофлот опена» - 2007г. Было исследовано более тридцати турниров с участием сильнейших шахматистов мира и свыше 4,5 тысяч партий. В третьей главе «Исследование процесса принятия решения в соревнова- тельной деятельности шахматистов» рассмотрены аспекты использования игрового времени в шахматных поединках; определены факторы, влияющие на принятие ре- шения при выборе хода; проанализированы причины, приводящие к возникновению цейтнота в игре шахматистов; разработан алгоритм принятия решения, определены показатели качества и эффективности шахматных поединков; разработана схема при- нятия решения, предусматривающая два направления действий шахматиста: комби- национный и позиционный, которая явилась базовой для разработки алгоритма при- нятия решения. Выявлены и глубоко проанализированы факторы, влияющие на эффективность принятия решения в шахматных поединках, к основным из которых относятся: игро- вое время, игровая позиция, психологическое воздействие соперников, предложение ничьи слабейшей стороной, динамика развития шахматной партии, динамика сорев- нования, самочувствие игроков, система соревнований и внешние факторы. В основе принятия решения на выбор хода лежит анализ и оценка позиции. Оценка позиции это сложное комплексное действие, состоящее из различных элементов. Основные этапы оценки позиции состоят из учета материального соотношения сил, учета пози- ционных факторов, наличия комбинационных мотивов и пр. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 10 В анкетировании приняло участие шестьдесят респондентов. Для сравнения подхода к важному вопросу о расходовании игрового времени в шахматных поедин- ках все эксперты были поделены на две группы. В первую группу включены шахма- тисты, имеющие рейтинг Эло выше 2500 (14 мг и 16 мм). Вторую группу составили шахматисты, имеющие рейтинг Эло 2400-2495 (14 мм, 7 мф и 9 мс). Выделено 16 наиболее важных вопросов, заданных экспертам при проведении анкетирования. Анализ проведенного анкетного опроса показывает, что в первой группе в цейтнотной ситуации 46,7% шахматистов рассматривают 4 и более вариантов для выбора наилучшего хода. Причем, 66,7% этой группы считают, что цейтнот оказывает значительное влияние на исход поединка и существенно влияет на игру в последующих партиях, особенно после по- ражения. И, напротив, после удачно проведенной партии в сложной цейтнотной обстановке шахматист получает большую уверенность следующей игре. 40% второй группы ответили, что в среднем в цейтноте рассматривают только два хода-кандидата. Более половины 56,7% участников первой группы придерживаются мнения, что игру в цейтноте они при опреде- ленной тренировочной работе (специальные упражнения, аутотренинг и пр.) могут значи- тельно улучшить. Респонденты второй группы -40% считают, что игру в цейтноте можно не- значительно улучшить. В этом, видимо, сказывается разница в классе участников обеих групп и, естественно, больший игровой опыт шахматистов более высокой квалификации. Среди шахматистов высокой квалификации бытует мнение, что натренировать себя к игре в цейтноте можно с помощью блиц - партий (причем, с контролем на партию от 5 и до 1-2 минут). Опрос показал, что в первой группе такое суждение поддерживают лишь 30% опрошенных, в то время, как во второй - 43,3%. Дефицит времени в шах- матном поединке постоянно испытывают в первой группе 23,3% опрошенных, во второй - 36,7%, часто испытывают эту проблему, соответственно, 36,7 и 40% и редко - в первой группе 40%, во второй- 23,3%. Для того, чтобы уменьшить количество цейтнотных ситуация по мнению шахматистов первой группы следует: тренировать- ся, играя в блиц и быстрые шахматы -70%, оставлять резерв времени -50%, вести хронометраж партии-46,7%.Во второй группе мнения были следующими: тренирова- ться, играя в блиц и быстрые шахматы -60%,вести хронометраж партии -53,3%, раз- думывать во время хода противника-50%. Параллельно с анкетированием осуществ- лялся и экспертный опрос шахматных специалистов. Он способствовал получению дополнительной информации по проблеме исследования. В результате анализа полу- ченных данных выяснилась связь ошибок в ходе игры с различными проблемами в Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 11 спортивно - психологической подготовке шахматистов. К основным причинам, при- водящим к возникновению цейтнота в игре шахматистов, отнесены: недостаточная теоретическая подготовка и игровая практика, влияние авторитета соперника, важность играющейся партии для достижения цели в турнире, поиск наилучшего решения, переживания по поводу упущенных возможностей в партии, разница в уровне шахматного мастерства. В работе проведено четыре серии наблюдений. В первой серии исследовались матчи на первенство мира с 2000 по 2006 г.г., сыгранные с "классическом" и новым контролем времени (табл.1). Матчи за звание чемпиона Матчи В. Ананд - А. Широв В. Крамник - Г. Каспаров В. Крамник -П. Леко В. Крамник -В. Топалов Таблица 1 мира, сыгранные с классическим контролем времени Год Партии Результ.(%) Цейтноты Ошибки 2000 4 3 75 3 2000 13 7 15 9 2004 4 14 29 3 2006 12 50 6 6 Матч В.Ананд - В.Широв ознаменовался самой высокой результативностью 75% и тем фактом, что в 75% партий имела место цейтнотная ситуация. Больше все- го партий было сыграно в матче В.Крамник - Г.Каспаров (15). В этом же матче до- пущено и больше всего ошибок. Г. Каспаров часто играл в цейтноте и во многом его поражение предопределили ошибки, допущенные в условиях дефицита игрового вре- мени. В матче Р.Пономарев - В.Иванчук (2002г.) впервые был использован новый контроль времени (табл.2). В.Иванчук не смог полностью адаптироваться к этому контролю, часто попа- дал в цейтнотные ситуации, допускал ошибки и вследствие этого проиграл матч. Таблица 2 Матчи за звание чемпиона и Кубок мира, сыгранные с новым контролем времени Матчи Год Партии Результ.(%) Цейтноты Ошибки Р.Пономарев - В.Иванчук 2002 7 29 3 4 Р.Касымжанов -М.Адамс 2004 6 67 4 5 Л.Аронян 2005 4 50 2 2 - Р.Пономарев Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 12 В 2004-2006 г.г. были проведены вторая, третья и четвертая серии педагоги- ческих наблюдений трех международных турниров «Аэрофлота» с числом участни- ков более 2000 человек, состоявшихся в г. Москве. По существу - это сильнейшие турниры в мире, проводимые по «швейцарской» системе в настоящее время. В ис- следовании мы впервые в шахматной практике использовали глобальную сеть Интер- нет для отслеживания не только текущих позиций, но и точного времени на часах шахматистов. Это позволяет принципиально расширить возможности исследования шахмат, дает оперативную и детальную информацию о соревнованиях. В 2006г. проведены графический анализ и графическая оценка свыше ста пар- тий турнира «Аэрофлота», позволяющие более эффективно осуществлять оценку сыгранных поединков. Для примера приведем анализ двух поединков победителей турнира (рис. 1 и 2). В положительной части оси Y 1рафиков показаны временные затраты на каждый ход шахматистов, игравших белыми фигурами, отрицательные значения - игравших чер- ными фигурами. В. Б о л о г а н - В. П о п о в 1-0 Рис.1. График анализа шахматной партии В.Бологан- В.Попов В партии с мг В.Поповым мг В.Бологан рационально распределял игровое время, всего лишь один раз позволив себе длительное раздумье (11 мшгут). Его со- перник, напротив, в дебютной стадии подолгу задумывался над ходами (21 и 38 ми- нут, соответственно), что неизбежно привело его к глубокому цейтноту и поражению. Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 13 Б. Д ж о б а в а - Е. 1-0 Алексеев Рис.2. График анализа шахматной партии Б.Джобава- Е.Алексеев В партии международных гроссмейстеров Б.Джобава - Е.Алексеев (рис 2) раз- ница между временными затратами игроков не столь заметна. Б. Д ж о б а в а - Б. А л е к с е е в 1-0 количество ходов Рис.3. Графическая оценка позиции шахматной партии Б.Джобава- Е.Алексеев Партия проходила весьма напряженно. Важно отметить, что победы добились белые, которые имели небольшое преимущество по количеству игрового времени Оценка позиции в этой партии (рис 3) на протяжении всего поединка была в пользу Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 14 белых. В дебютной стадии она колебалась от 0,2 до 0,4 балла. В последующей игре соперники часто делали не лучшие ходы и оценка колебалась от 0,5 до 2 баллов в пользу белых. Определяющим моментом стали ходы с 37-й по 40-й, когда Е.Алексеев попал в цейтнот, ошибался при принятии решения и потерпел поражение. Основу исследования составил педагогический эксперимент, который состоял из шести серий, проведенных в течение 1998-2007годов. В первой серии (1998-2002г.г.) проведено исследование, направленное на изу- чение особенностей видов памяти в игре шахматистов различной квалификации. Оно состояло из двух этапов. На первом этапе с помощью анкетирования был проведен опрос тренеров и психологов. На втором этапе были выбраны психологические тес- ты, направленные на практическое изучение видов памяти. Изучались словеснологическая, образная, эмоциональная и двигательная память. Вторая серия (2003-2005г.г.) заключалась в проведении тестов разыгрывания позиций комбинационного и позиционного типа, каждый из которых состоял из 11 заданий, определяющих правильное решение и его реализацию. Тест на разыгрыва- ние позиций комбинационного типа 49% испытуемых контрольной группы определи- ли правильное решение и 23% успешно его реализовали. Показатели эксперимен- тальной группы оказались выше - 52% и 32%, соответственно. По результатам теста позиционного типа показатели оказались следующими: 48% испытуемых контроль- ной группы определили правильно решение и 29% его успешно реализовали, экспе- риментальной группы лучше справились с заданиями - 53% и 35%,соответственно. В третьей серии £2004-2006 г.г) были проведены педагогическое наблюдение и педагогический эксперимент. Сущность исследования заключалась в определении действий участников четырех турниров с нормой международного гроссмейстера, распределении временных затрат на каждый ход, умении принимать решение при де- фиците времени. По окончании партии с каждым участником проводилась беседа с целью определения его замыслов на игру и как они претворены в реальность; прово- дился детальный разбор закончившейся партии с участием обоих участников. Опре- делено количество цейтнотов в каждом турнире (табл.3). В 232 партиях, сыгранных в турнирах, общее число цейтнотов составило 140(60%). Наибольшее число цейтнотов было обоюдно- средние - 46 (33%) и обоюдно- умеренные -32 (23%), причем, больше цейтнотов зафиксировано в первом турнире (46 в 66 партиях, что составляет 70%). Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 15 Таблица 3 Виды цейтнотов в турнирах, сыгранных в 2004-2006г.г. | 4 1 1 2 8 3 3 6 5 17 5 3 4 3 15 16 8 2 6 32 12 12 12 10 46 глубокий средний умеренный количество цейтнотов 46 29 35 30 140 средний Количество партий 66 45 66 55 232 умеренный Турниры 1 2 3 4 Итого: ц е й т н о т о в Обоюдный глубокий Виды 1 6 2 10 4 22 В четвертой серии эксперимента (2004-2006 г.г.) было проведено специализи- рованное шахматное тестирование, состоящее из двух циклов. Сущность его заклю- чалась в решении восьми тестов, составляющих основу теоретической подготовки шахматистов. Задача заключалась в: анализе и оценке позиции, выработке стратеги- ческого плана игры, определении тактических принципов шахматной игры, опреде- лении комбинационных мотивов, ресурсов атаки на короля соперника и защиты соб- ственной позиции. На решение каждой позиции отводилось по 20 минут. Во втором цикле решалось восемь позиций эндшпильного типа с теми же задачами: оценить позицию и составить план игры до завершения партии. На решение каждой из пози- ций отводилось по 15 минут. В пятой серии (2006г.) всем испытуемым было дано общее задание найти мат в два хода в предложенной задаче, причем, мышление производилось путем речево- го рассуждения. Этот тест преследовал очень важную цель - как же шахматисты в зависимости от квалификации, мастерства и других качеств умеют принимать реше- ние. В результате старшие по званию мф и мс решили задание в 2,4 раза быстрее. В шестой серии эксперимента (2007г.) с помощью определения длительности индивидуальной минуты нами были выявлены восприятие и оценка времени шахма- тистами в зависимости от их квалификации. Из 1рафика (рис.4), видно, что показатели индивидуальной минуты десяти мс и кме значительно варьируются. У четырех шахматистов минута короче, а у шесте- Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 16)ых - дольше фактического времени. Разброс колеблется от 41 до 78 секунд. Как по- казывает практика-это очень важный фактор. Рис. 4. Определение индивидуальной минуты Практическое измерение качественной оценки партий является весьма актуаль- ной задачей. С решением этой задачи связаны, прежде всего, проблемы совершенст- вования игры шахматистов. Кроме того, это важно для диагностики способностей шахматистов на различных этапах спортивной карьеры. Наиболее распространенный способ определения качества партий - использование экспертных оценок. Другой способ измерения качественной оценки заключается в анализе отдельных ходов, по- лученном, например, из комментариев к партии. Определяется количеством хороших и плохих ходов и берется соотношение количества хороших ходов к сумме хороших и плохих. Предлагаемый в настоящей работе метод базируется на эффективности шахматных поединков. Для ее определения введено понятие «определяющие момен- ты» шахматной партии для принятия правильного решения (рис.4). Таблица 4 Показатели эффективности (ПЭ) игры шахматистов в турнирах 2004 и 2005г.г. Турниры ПЭ X Определ.моменты Принят.решений Миним. Максим. 2004 года 9,58 4,58 18 72 2005 года 9,4 4,8 13 75 9,49 4,69 15,5 73,5 X Copyright ОАО «ЦКБ «БИБКОМ» & ООО «Aгентство Kнига-Cервис» 17 Мы исходим из того, что в каждом шахматном поединке существуют «опреде- ляющие моменты», которые влияют на итоговый результат. В работе проведено оп- ределение эффективности игры участников двух международных гроссмейстерских турниров. В первом турнире она колеблется от 18 до 72%, во втором - от 13 до 75%. Важным результатом проведенного исследования явилась разработка и апро- бация в 3-х гроссмейстерских турнирах алгоритма принятия решения (выбора хода), который состоит из следующих блоков (рис.5): предварительный план, оценка пози- ции, выработка цели, определение плана игры, определение ходов-кандидатов, расчет вариантов, оценка ходов кандидатов, их соответствие и выбор хода. Каждый блок подчинен логической связи, адекватно отображает процесс выбора хода шахматиста- ми высокой квалификации. Кроме того, алгоритм способствует осуществлению вы- бора сильнейшего хода за наименьшее количество затраченного времени. Несмотря на то, что процесс выбора хода у каждого спортсмена индивидуален, данный алго- ритм позволит шахматистам лучше реализовать свой творческий потенциал. В таблице 5 приведены показатели коэффициента корреляции «г» и «t - кр. Стьюдента» при проведении тестов испытуемых контрольной и экспериментальной групп. Они выше по тестам: план, тактика, защита, анализ и оценка позиции в экспе- риментальной группе и незначительно выше по тестам комбинация и стратегия. Таблица 5 Показатели тестов испытуемых контрольной и экспериментальной групп га 5; - « и я К К * « О. - «* га га Н К К ЕГ п К Я Я м о о Е Е Я е r 0,62 0,22 0,73 0,23 -0,09 t-« 0,64 0,73 0,67 ra*i t -кр 1,69 0,64 3,04 1,00 0,36 3,54 3,04 3,81 При проведении экспертного опроса коэффициент конкордации для 1-й группы экспертов оказался равным 0,65, для второй группы достоверность исследования. 0> 6J^4TO ^*T^"T~*~^"~^ """ *""" \Ohm confirms Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Kniga-Service" Input 2.0 position evaluation 1. Preliminary plan 3 .Development of the goal of the SPT 5.Determination of candidate moves b.Calculation of options 4.0definition of the game plan SKT 00 FRV NRV KRV 7.Evaluation of candidate moves no 8.Correspondence of candidate moves Fig.5. Algorithm for choosing a move in a chess duel Yes Choice of a move Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 19 CONCLUSION strategic game plan, conducting graphical analysis and graphical evaluation of chess games, finding criteria for the quality and effectiveness of the game played, and determining the psychological components when making a decision under time pressure. The algorithm of decision-making in chess duels of highly qualified chess players under time pressure has been substantiated and tested. The analysis of the results of the study confirms the hypothesis that the methodology, which takes into account psychological and specific chess factors when deciding on the choice of a candidate move, is based on the use of new computer technologies and the Internet in the training system, increases intensity and increase the productivity of classes for the development of strategic and tactical material, increases the efficiency of the system of the training process of chess players. This makes it possible to successfully solve the problems of mastering the technique of calculating variants, analyzing and evaluating a position, and conducting accurate diagnostics of the state of a chess player. In connection with the emergence of new technical means in the arsenal of chess players and coaches, the intensity of training to solve training and control tasks to prepare for the game under time pressure and, especially, in time pressure situations, is increasing, which contributes to the successful solution of the problem of achieving high sports results. This determines the practical significance of the methods of the training process proposed in the work when playing in a limited time. The methodology was tested in the preparation and holding of international grandmaster, master and rating tournaments at the chess department of the RSUPC, in the chess club named after T.V. Petrosyan, Sports School No. 3 (Moscow), as well as the Russian and Moscow Chess Federations in the preparation of national women's chess teams for the European Championship 2007. Copyright OJSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 20 CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the theoretical and experimental study, the following conclusions can be drawn. 1. It has been established that at international and national high-level competitions, the main reasons for the decision-making system for choosing a move in a time trouble situation are: insufficient theoretical preparation and playing practice, the influence of the opponent’s authority, the importance of the game being played to achieve the goal in the tournament , the search for the best solution, worries about missed opportunities in the game, the difference in the level of chess skill. 2.0 it is determined that the decisive factors influencing the effectiveness of decision-making are: playing time, playing position, psychological impact of opponents, proposal of a draw by the weaker side, the dynamics of the development of a chess game, the dynamics of the competition, the psychological and physical condition of the players, the accepted system of competitions and external conditions. 3. The psychological and specific causes of the time deficit are substantiated, the classification of time troubles is formulated: moderate, medium and deep one-sided and mutual, depending on the currently accepted two types of time control: classical and new, introduced by FIDE in 2001. 4. A methodology has been developed for the qualitative assessment and effectiveness of chess duels. This aspect is connected, first of all, with the problems of improving the game of chess players. This is important for diagnosing the abilities of chess players at various stages of their sports career. The effectiveness of the game of participants in two international grandmaster tournaments was determined. In the first tournament it fluctuates from 18 to 72%, in the second - from 13 to 75%. 5. A decision-making algorithm was developed and tested in three grandmaster tournaments when choosing a move, which consists of the following blocks: preliminary plan, position assessment, goal development, game plan determination, candidate moves determination, calculation of options, candidate moves evaluation , their correspondence and choice of move. It contributes to the selection of the strongest move in the least amount of time spent. Copyright OJSC «Central Design Bureau «BIBCOM» & OOO «Agency Kniga-Service» 21 6. Graphical analysis and graphical evaluation of a chess duel are substantiated, allowing more efficient evaluation of the games played. 7. Recommendations have been developed for highly qualified chess players on the organization of special training for playing in time pressure. 8. The results of the development of specialized tests Ti (for combinational vision) and T2 (for positional sense) made it possible to outline specific measures to improve the sportsmanship of highly qualified chess players. 9. The data of special chess testing show that the average weighted indicators of the subjects of the experimental group are higher in the tests: “plan” (2.28 and 1.93), “strategy” (1.79 and 1.7), “combination "(1.86 and 1.61), "attack" (1.86 and 1.68), "position analysis" (1.89 and 1.63); significantly higher in the “position assessment” test (2.00 and 1.29), approximately equal in the “defence” test, and only in the “tactics” test the indicators are higher in the control group, respectively (2.75 and 2.43) . 10. Processing the results of an expert survey of chess specialists showed that the concordance coefficient W for the first group of experts is 0.65, for the second group - 0.62, which confirms the reliability of the study. PRACTICAL RECOMMENDATIONS On the basis of our research, we have identified practical recommendations and advice to chess players that allow excluding the possibility of falling into time trouble or doing it as rarely as possible: 1. Leaving a predetermined reserve of time. With a deep theoretical knowledge of the opening, chess players can play this stage at a faster pace, which will create a 20-25-minute reserve for possible unforeseen circumstances at the end of the game. In addition, it is necessary to provide a five-minute "emergency reserve" for the last move before the control. 2. Thinking during the opponent's turn. It is especially important to use this method at the most critical moments of a chess game, when the load on a chess player increases significantly, often causing overwork due to increased blood pressure and intracranial pressure, heart rate, and disturbances in the central nervous system. 3. Simplification of the position. Due to the lack of time, the chess player deliberately simplifies the position (as a rule, due to numerous exchanges), while sacrificing his advantage by offering a draw, often in equal, and sometimes in a better position for themselves. 4. Keeping timekeeping by the chess player himself on the form for recording the game. Next to the record of his move, the number of minutes and seconds spent on it is put down, which allows the chess player, when analyzing the game during training, to better identify specific time limits, intermediate stages, calculated for a certain number of moves and a certain position on the board. This, of course, requires some time and special training. 5.Special training "sense of time". To do this, the chess clock is turned back during the training game (the players do not see the clock readings) and their knowledge of the elapsed time is periodically checked. This training technique allows chess players to develop an intuitive “sense of time” and objectively determine “their individual minute”. 6. Solving a series of positions within a limited period of time. This method allows simulating a time trouble situation in the training process and preparing a chess player for all situations that arise when there is a shortage of time. 7. Knowing specific ways to prevent time pressure by the enemy allows one to judge some qualities of his character (arrogance, pedantry, indecisiveness, etc.) and makes it possible to more reasonably predict his behavior. 8. Based on the results obtained in the dissertation research, highly qualified chess players can more effectively use the developed methodological and practical recommendations. The application of the decision-making algorithm formulated in the study will reduce the number of errors during a chess game. 9. The experimental data obtained in the work can be used in the educational process of higher and secondary educational institutions of physical culture in the preparation of chess trainers. 10. Research materials can provide effective assistance to coaches and chess players in organizing the training and competitive process and rationally building tournament strategy and tactics. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau" BIBCOM " & LLC "Agency Book-Service" 23 111111 №! 1M111 № 1 T000005109 Ts O B for F K and S RGAFK The main provisions of the dissertation are reflected in the following publications: Determination of the qualitative assessment of a chess duel / M.R. Kobaliya, E.PLinovitsky // Theory and practice of physical culture. - No. 6.-2007. - S. 40-42 (Register of VAK). 2. Kobaliya M.R. Psychological impact of time deficit on sports results of highly qualified chess players /M.R. 3. Kobalia M..R. Chess and psychology / M.R.Kobalia. E.P. Linovitsky. // Sports psychologist. - 2004. - No. 2 - P. 37-39. 4. Kobaliya M.R. Psychological prerequisites for the appearance of a shortage of playing time in the matches of highly qualified chess players / M.R. Kobaliya. E.P. Linovitsky. // Sports psychologist. - 2004. - No. 3 - P. 38-41. 5. Kobaliya M.R., Linovitsky E.P. Research report "Influence of playing time on sports results of highly qualified chess players". - M: RSUPC - 2004. - P.27-69. 6. Kobalia M.R., Linovitsky E.P. Report on research “Decision making in chess duels under time pressure”. - M:, RGUFK, 2006. - 46s. 7. Kobaliya M.R. Making a decision / M.R. Kobalia // 64-chess review. 2006.-№10.-p.54-55. 8. Kobalia M.R., Grabuzov S.G., Linovitsky E.P. Training of chess players of the highest ranks / M.R.Kobalia. S.G. Grabuzov, E.P. Linovitsky. - M: "Physical culture". - 2006.- 133p. 9. Kobalia M.R., Linovitsky E.P. Teoriya i metodicheskie osnovy chess-mat. The program of the advanced training course for specialists of the IPK and PKK RSUPC / M.R. Kobataya. E.P. Linovitsky. - M: "Physical culture". 2007.-38C. Copyright JSC "Central Design Bureau "BIBCOM" & OOO "Agency Book-Service" f?&2£y Circulation 100 copies. Volume 1.0 p.l. Order number 420 Printed by Print Center LLC. 105122, Moscow, Lilac Boulevard, 4.

   When thinking about moves in front of the player more than once during the game, a problem arises that is usually solved intuitively. It is necessary "to consider a small number of options for as many moves as possible or a lot of options for two or three moves." (A.Kotov).
   Evaluating the emerging position after each specific calculation, the brain does a lot of work, which takes time.
   It's not uncommon for some games to have the most severe time troubles. There is an opinion that time troubles are inherent in "counters" chess players who try to fully calculate and evaluate all the options that arise during the game. However, such a solution to the problem is unlikely to exhaust it to the end. Indeed, among time troublemakers there are both strong and weak chess players who quickly and accurately calculate and make mistakes in their calculations. In order to properly understand this issue, let's consider what most of the time is spent on during the game. If we exclude rare cases when complex combinations with quiet, unobtrusive moves occur, time is spent mainly on drawing up a plan. A grandmaster, for example, as a rule, will not miss a forced combination with in time trouble, but he will feel uncomfortable in problem positions.
   "The closer to the time pressure, the less strategy and more tactics", - Grandmaster D. Bronshtein confirms this idea. But blind imitation of the grandmaster's methods of fighting in time trouble will not lead to good. And grandmasters in time trouble make mistakes, and young chess players often get lost so much that even the big advantage they have achieved loses its meaning, and the outcome of the game becomes a matter of chance.
   Time trouble usually begins in young years. Most often, the reason for it is not caused by poor counting abilities, but by a state of self-doubt, rechecking previously calculated options, hesitations when choosing one of several approximately equivalent proposals. This disease progresses over the years, and then it often becomes impossible to get rid of it. Therefore, it is necessary to deal with time trouble immediately without delay.
   The following interesting thoughts expressed by major chess experts are designed to help time troublemakers get rid of this insidious disease.

   "Many players make an important mistake, namely, in a confused position they try to find, first of all, a combinational solution to the problem that has arisen, and only then, having found nothing, decide to "satisfy" with positional continuation. This cannot be done: in positions containing a lot of almost equivalent combinational proposals, we must rush right off the bat for positional continuation, because analyzing a lot of complex options is an uneconomical task, and therefore we boldly and proudly refuse it.Another thing is, if the number of options is limited or if they are unequal, then you need to work on them. "

   "You have to play practice games and at the same time pay attention first of all to the clock... and continue these exercises until you develop the skill to manage your time wisely."
M. Botvinnik

   Very often chess players try to explain their defeats by lack of time. "I lost in time trouble," they say, trying to justify themselves and belittle the opponent's achievement. This harmful and unself-critical conclusion is no more self-deception. A defeat is always a defeat and cannot be justified by any means. But the true causes that caused it must be identified in order to achieve their eradication by appropriate training methods.

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Chess Dictionary


  • Outpost- this is a cell on the chessboard, which in the course of the game will no longer be able to be attacked by your opponent's pawn. A chess outpost that is protected by a player's pawn can becomea great place for a chess rook that controls an open file.
  • Automatic chess- this is the general name of various illusion devices in which the game is led by a chess player invisible to the public, who presses special levers to move the pieces. Automata, although they did not play independently, played an important scientific role, and were the prototype of modern chess computers.
  • Advance(advanced chess) - chess in which people are allowed to use the help of computers. From English Advanced chess.
  • « Armageddon" is a decisive blitz game between two chess players (usually takes place in the tie-break of a match for the championship title), which is played under unusual conditions: White has 5 minutes to think over all the moves in his game, and Black only 4 minutes, however White is satisfied only with a win, because in the event of a draw, the participant playing black will be declared the winner.
  • Attack- has two concepts. In tactical terms, it means a direct attack on the opponent's chess pieces. In strategic terms, it means an attack on any part of the chessboard or across the entire board according to a specific plan.
  • Ataker- a chess player who plays in a sharp-attacking style.


  • Battery- two (or more) chess pieces, the combination of which enhances the potential of a chess attack. For example, the battery "queen + bishop", "rook + queen" and so on.
  • Bagel(bagel) - defeat, zero in the tournament table.
  • Belopolnik- white-field elephant.
  • belotsvetchik- a player who plays strongly with white pieces and noticeably weaker with black pieces.
  • frenzied figure- a piece that is repeatedly sacrificed to create a stalemate on the board. An example of the fury of a rook in a study.
  • Blitz - a lightning-fast game of chess, which uses a shortened control of the time to think over your moves (as a rule, 5 minutes for each of the opponents for the entire game, there are 3 minutes, as well as 1). A player who overstays the time, gets checkmate, makes an illegal move, automatically loses.
  • Blitzor - A chess player who loves or is good at blitz chess.
  • Blockade- a strategy for limiting the mobility of the opponent's chess troops (pawns and pieces).
  • Blocker- a piece that blocks the advance of an enemy pawn with its position.
  • Bomb- a debut novelty (development) of great power, changing the assessment of a known variant. One of the brightest old, kind, pre-computer bombs.
  • Rapid chess(rapid) - a game of chess with a shortened time limit for thinking (as a rule, from 15 to 30 minutes for each of the opponents for the entire game).


  • Vertical- checkerboard fields with the same letter index (for example, verticals a, b, c or others).
  • Perpetual Check- a situation in which one of the sides (usually the strongest) cannot avoid a series of repeated checks from the opponent's pieces. The game in this case, as a rule, ends in a draw after a three-fold repetition of the position.
  • Taking on the pass- The capture by a pawn of an opponent's pawn on the square, which she crossed, making her "double move". It is possible only in the case when the pawn is on the 5th (for white pawns) or 4th (for black pawns) rank and the opponent's pawn, making a double move, crosses the square under attack by this pawn.
  • Chess messenger- a monthly magazine published in St. Petersburg in July 1885 - January 1887. The publication was mainly carried out by M. Chigorin, who considered it as a continuation of the Chess Leaf magazine and saw its task in spreading chess knowledge in Russia and uniting Russian chess players. A biweekly magazine published in Moscow in January 1913 - October 1916.
  • Fork- a move, after which two (or more) opponent's chess pieces are under attack.
  • Hanging pawns- two central connected pawns in the absence of own pawns on adjacent files.
  • Shown Check(flash) - a kind of open attack, in which a chess piece, making a move, opens the line of action of another piece, under the blow of which the king is, thereby declaring a check.
  • Expectant move- a move that does not fundamentally change the nature of the position, but at the same time, which aims to find out the opponent's further intentions by passing him the turn of the move.
  • « Take out in one gate» - confidently beat.


  • Gambit- a kind of opening in which material is sacrificed (usually pawns, less often pieces) for the sake of the fastest development.
  • garde(French gardez “beware (s)”) - an attack on the queen (obsolete; the announcement of “garde” is not necessary).
  • Handicap- English, In a chess game, a competition between many players of different strengths, and the strong ones give some advantage (handicap: forward 1-2 moves, pawn or piece) to weaker players for a relative balance of power.
  • Naked king- a king unprotected by its own pieces.
  • Horizontal- fields of a chessboard with the same number index ("first horizontal", "fifth horizontal", etc.).
  • Coffin - (hopelessness, pot, jug, pipe, box) - a terribly bad and hopeless chess position.
  • Houdini- one of the strongest analytical modules (chess programs), which beat Rybka.


  • Ranged figure- queen, rook, bishop.
  • Free ride- an attack without casualties or a comfortable position without risk.
  • Two Bishops Advantage- a situation in which one of the parties has two bishops, and the opposite side has an elephant or a knight, or two horses. This advantage is especially pronounced in open positions, where the range of the bishops allows them to be used to their full potential. The advantage of two bishops is sometimes called a "small exchange".
  • engine- this is a unique program that is built into the chess shell (for example, "Fritz", "Arena", "Schroeder"), thereby the power of the shell game increases many times over.
  • Debut- the beginning of a chess game, aimed at the speedy mobilization (development, deployment) of forces.
  • demarcation line- a line conventionally drawn between the fourth and fifth horizontal lines and dividing the chessboard into two equal halves.
  • Diagonal- fields of the chessboard of the same color, located on the same line.
  • Children's mat- checkmate in the opening, which is usually received by a beginner (child). The main idea is to declare checkmate with a queen and a bishop on the f7 (f2) square (that is, both white and black can be a victim). Scheme D.m. characterized by approximately the following moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Qf3 Kc6 3.Cc4 d6 4.Qxf7X.
  • domination- an overwhelming advantage, which manifests itself in complete control over the key fields and the space of the chessboard as a whole.
  • Come to the shore- deliberately play for a draw in all the remaining games of the tournament, having a good margin of points - so as not to lose the titmouse from the hands.
  • Chess board- a square of 64 (eight by eight) equal in size, alternately arranged light and dark square cells. Light cells are called white fields, dark - black. The chessboard is placed so that there is a black field to the left of the player.
  • The Dragon- a variant of the Sicilian Defence, in which the arrangement of the black pawns resembles the monster of the same name: 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 d6 3.d4 cxd4 4. Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 g6!
  • stupid mate- checkmate in the opening, which White gets by making the following moves: 1.f4 e6 2.g4?? Qh4X.
  • Hole- weak field.
  • Castling long- in addition to the generally accepted meaning, it also has another meaning: three defeats in a row. Arose from the designation 0-0-0.
  • Firewood(Drovishki) - weak pawns.


  • Hedgehog - a pawn structure that occurs in many openings, in which the pawns stand on the sixth (third) rank.


  • Victim- non-equivalent exchange, giving away some material (a pawn, a piece, several pieces) in order to obtain a decisive (or positional) advantage, to declare a checkmate or draw the game. The victim may also aim to seize (intercept) the initiative, receive compensation in the form of control over the center or key fields, etc.
  • The victim is correct- that is, justified, correct, justifying itself even with the best protection.
  • The victim is incorrect(bluff) - a sacrifice calculated on the mistakes of the defending side, on time pressure, etc., that is, having a fairly obvious refutation.
  • positional victim- not implying immediate return of material and focused on obtaining long-term positional advantages.


  • Chess problem- a product of a chess composition, the solution of which involves finding a strictly unique way to declare a checkmate to the weakest side in the indicated number of moves. Depending on the number of moves required for solving, the tasks are divided into two-movers, three-movers and multi-movers.
  • Fence- pawn chain.
  • gate valve- thematic victim of attraction, creating the prerequisite for a stale mate.
  • closed game- conducting the game with a closed (fixed) center, blocked by pawn chains. It is characterized mainly by positional play, maneuvering, regrouping of combat forces, groping for weaknesses in the enemy camp, etc. Opening the game is a transition to an open game (through a breakthrough, sacrificing material, etc.).
  • Ambush- a situation in which a long-range piece is located behind its own or someone else's piece (pieces). The action of a long-range figure is manifested only after the movement of the figure (pieces) standing in front of it.
  • Fall asleep- think for a long time.
  • ringing- chatter during the blitz.
  • yawn- a rough look, a mistake, the result of which is the loss of one or another chess piece or pawn, most often leading to the loss of the game.
  • Combination vision(tactical) - the ability to see the opportunities lurking in a position, to gain an advantage with the help of various sacrifices of material.


  • Blindfold- a game without looking at the board, one of the varieties of demonstration performances. Recently, in order to increase entertainment, the game "blindly" is included in the program of international tournaments ("Amber Tournament"). However, it allows players to use the image of an empty chessboard (on a computer display) for convenience.
  • Game for two- a situation where a stable advantage of one of the parties virtually eliminates the possibility of losing.
  • Three result game- an acute situation in which it is extremely difficult to predict the outcome of the game and everything is possible...
  • play with hands- play automatically, without hesitation, making obvious moves.
  • Insulator - isolated pawn, a pawn on adjacent files which has no own pawns.
  • Initiative- the advantage of the active side, which can impose on the defending side the style and pace of the struggle, prepare and carry out an attack, etc.
  • Spaniard- Spanish party. Occurs after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5…
  • ruin your hair- destroy the solidity of the pawn formation.
  • Italian- Italian party. Occurs after the moves 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5.


  • « Trap"- a trap that leads the "caught" side to the inevitable loss of a queen or other piece.
  • Ride- play absolutely any position to win.
  • Pitching- quality, the difference between a rook and a minor piece.
  • Chinese draw- stop the game by brushing the pieces off the board with a sweeping movement of the hand.
  • Quality- “weight”, which distinguishes a heavy figure from a light one; "Win an exchange" or "sacrifice an exchange" means an operation in which one of the players wins (or sacrifices) a rook by giving (receiving) a minor piece for it.
  • Chess qualification- recognized in accordance with the rules (code) level of strength of a chess player. It is fixed in the form of assignment of the corresponding titles and ranks (eg National Master, FIDE Master, International Master, International Grandmaster). The corresponding ranks and titles are awarded not only to chess players, but also to chess composers.
  • Kingchess is a chess variation based on an empty board at the start of a game. During the game, the opponents gradually put their pieces on the board.
  • « Classic» - a game played with the usual (classical) time control (as opposed to rapid chess or blitz).
  • Client- a convenient partner who manages to win always and everywhere.
  • Combination- forced variant with a sacrifice (the definition belongs to M. M. Botvinnik).
  • Combine- an effective combination.
  • combinator, combiner- a player who can combine beautifully over the board.
  • Komodo
  • Konoval- a player who skillfully operates with horses. Topalov showed himself to be an excellent Konoval in the match against Kramnik.
  • Countergambit- a kind of opening in which a counter sacrifice of material is made to counter the plans of the opponent. For example, Falkbeer's countergambit in the King's Gambit (1.e4 e5 2.f4 d5).
  • Counterplay- the possibility of a counter game against the weaknesses of the opponent.
  • Kasparov's horse- black knight on d3.
  • Tarrasch horse- a knight on the edge of the board.
  • King Steinitz- active king in the middlegame.
  • Co-op checkmate- a kind of chess problem in which the side receiving the checkmate assists the mating side.
  • Short castling- in addition to the generally accepted meaning, it also has another meaning: two defeats in a row. Arose from the designation 0-0.
  • Fortress- a kind of drawn positions in the endgame, in which the stronger side cannot win even if there is a large material advantage (for example, some positions in which the rook and pawn form an impregnable fortress against the queen).
  • Krugovik- a round-robin tournament, which provides for a small and usually even number of participants. All of them must play with each other - in one or two rounds.
  • Critter- one of the strongest analytical modules (chess programs).


  • Tacking- maneuvers of a positional nature, during which the general tension, uncertainty is maintained, and the parties do not reveal their intentions to the end.
  • Rookery- rook ending.
  • « Lasker compensation"- compensation for the queen in the form of a rook, a pawn and a minor piece (usually a bishop). The term is derived from the name of the second official world chess champion Em. Lasker, who repeatedly and successfully carried out such an exchange of the strongest piece.
  • Easy Party- a game played outside of official competitions (as opposed to a tournament or match game).
  • Trap- one of the fighting techniques in a practical game, when the side setting the trap is counting on the recklessness of the opponent, who will be tempted by a “poisoned” pawn or a queen left under attack and receive a checkmate “in return” or suffer significant material damage.
  • Horse- horse, chess piece.


  • small quality- this is sometimes called the advantage of two bishops. According to Tarrasch: the difference in strength between the bishop and the knight; exchange of an elephant for a knight.
  • Mat- in chess, a situation where the king is in check and there is no way to avoid this check.
  • Checkmate Legal- a checkmate construction involving a queen sacrifice and a checkmate announcement by three minor pieces (the scheme of this construction is: 1.e4 e5 2.Kf3 d6 3.Cc4 Cg4 4.Kc3 h6 5.K:e5! C:d1?? 6.C:f7+ Kpe7 7.Kd5x). The name of the checkmate comes from the name of Kermur Sir de Legal, who first carried out this checkmate in a practical game against the Chevalier Saint-Bris (1787, Paris, cafe "Regence"). However, legal's K:e5 move was made with the black knight on c6, and Saint-Brie could have won a piece by simply capturing the knight on e5 (rather than getting checkmate after capturing the queen on d1).
  • Linear mat- a checkmate on the extreme verticals (horizontals), which is placed by heavy pieces (two rooks, a rook and a queen, two queens).
  • Mat stale- a checkmate declared by a knight, in which the checkmate king is limited in movement by his own pieces and pawns.
  • Mat epaulette- a checkmate announced by the queen, in which the mated king is limited on both sides by its own rooks (“epaulettes”) (for example, the white queen from e6 checkmates the black king on e8, and the black rooks, respectively, are on the squares d8 and f8).
  • Matte network- a position in which the king of the weakest side cannot avoid checkmate due to the fact that all possible squares for retreat are blocked by their own pieces or controlled by the attacking side.
  • Material- pieces and pawns that a player has in a chess game. Possession of excess material predetermines a material advantage. The return of material to obtain a decisive advantage is a combination, a sacrifice.
  • Matovala- a chess player who loves or knows how to play on the mat.
  • Match- a form of chess competition in which 2 players play among themselves a certain even number of games (6,12,24,48, etc.) until a winner is revealed. The winner is the player who scored more points at the end of the match than his opponent. Most often, the match system is used in Candidates competitions and to determine the World Champion.
  • Mill- a typical combination with sequential alternation of checks and revealed checks announced by the attacking side. It is the "mill" in the party with Em. Lasker glorified the Mexican grandmaster Carlos Torre at a tournament in Moscow in 1925.
  • Miniature- 1) a game won already in the opening or at the beginning of the middlegame (that is, in no more than 20-25 moves) as a result of blunders of the losing side; 2) chess problems or etudes with a small number of participating pieces (no more than seven, including kings).
  • Middlegame- the middle, the main part of a chess game, usually following the opening. Massive exchanges in the opening can lead to the fact that the game immediately goes from the opening into the endgame.
  • Target- a piece or field that is the object of a combination or attack.


  • Draw- the result of a chess game in which none of the players could win. For a draw, each player receives half a point.
  • canopy- hit.
  • rape the position - to play contrary to the requirements of the position. For example, play for a win where you need to defend and fight for a draw.
  • Start position- the position of the pieces on the board before the start of the game.
  • Don't get out of debut- get a bad position right in the opening.
  • Draw in the pocket- the ability to play without any risk, with a guarantee of leaving for a draw if necessary.
  • New- a new move (new scheme of development) in known variants (tabiah).
  • Knockout system- the principle of competitions (including the world championship), in which the winner of each of the pairs determined by lot goes to the next round. Moreover, first games are played with classical control, then (if the winner has not been determined) - rapid chess, then (if the rapid has not determined the winner) - blitz. If the winner is not identified as a result of these competitions, then the last time the armageddon system is used - a system in which, by drawing lots, one side will be given 5 minutes for the game, and the other - 4 minutes. If the result of this game is a draw, then the victory is credited to the player who initially had less time. If the result is the victory of one of the parties, then the final result is set according to the result of the played game.
  • Chess notation- a generally accepted notation, through which a chess game or a particular position is recorded. Recording in full notation implies the designation of the square from which the pawn or piece makes a move - and, accordingly, the square on which this move is made (for example, 22. Kra4-b3 means that the white king from the a4 square made a move to b3). Shorthand notation is limited to indicating the square on which the move is made (for example, 56. ... Rg7 - the black rook has moved to the square g7). There is a difference between alphabetic and purely digital notation (the latter is used when playing by correspondence).


  • « monkey game"- the conditional name for a series of moves in a chess game, when one of the opponents mirrors the moves of the other.
  • turn around- make the wrong move.
  • Glutton row- the seventh rank, which is invaded by the enemy rook and begins to devour pawns.
  • raking lyuli- an action, in every sense, the opposite of their distribution.
  • spud- methodically, gradually attack, surround and destroy.
  • fry- win convincingly.
  • Postponing the party- the procedure for interrupting the game with subsequent replaying. At the same time, a player who had a turn to move could make it on the board (open move) or write it down on a form and seal it in an envelope (secret move). An adjourned game could be analyzed, while the help of other chess players was not excluded. Practiced before the widespread introduction of computer programs in life. Modern time control assumes that a game starts and ends on the same game day.
  • open game- waging a fight mainly by tactical means using open lines, diagonals, range of pieces, etc. (see also Closed game).
  • open line- the vertical of the chessboard, free from pawns.
  • Open debuts- chess beginnings that appear after the moves 1.e4 e5. Mostly they lead to a lively open figure game. Although a number of variations, for example, the Italian or Spanish games lead to closed positions and long-term positional maneuvering.
  • Poisoned Pawn- an explicitly unprotected combat unit, the capture of which leads to sad consequences.
  • backward pawn- a pawn that cannot stand next to its own pawn on an adjacent file.


  • Pat- a position in which a check is not declared to any side, but it does not have the opportunity to make a move.
  • First line- the best variant of playing for both sides, offered by one or another chess program.
  • Pawn- the minimum combat unit in chess, at the same time - the basic unit of measurement of chess material (on average, a minor piece is equal to three pawns, a rook - five, etc.). F. Philidor called pawns "the soul of chess."
  • Pedestrian- pawn ending.
  • Game plan- the core of chess strategy, which links together the opening, the middle of the game (middlegame) and the endgame. The plan is formed on the basis of a dynamic (changing) assessment of the position and includes setting an adequate goal of the struggle (struggle for victory, for a draw), assessing the need to regroup the pieces, assessing the acceptability (unacceptability) of a series of exchanges, the need for certain maneuvers, maneuvering, etc. P.
  • Scouts- pawns crawling into queens on different flanks at the same time.
  • Tight move- a move with an increased margin of safety, which improves the mutual protection of the pieces.
  • Giveaway(chess) - a game where the first side to give up all its pieces and pawns (including the king) wins.
  • Tweak position- complicate the game with an unobvious and maybe even a bad move. It is carried out in blitz or in a serious game in time trouble of the opponent.
  • Position(posture) - a situation that happened in a practical game or represents a task in a chess composition. The ability to adequately evaluate a position is one of the essential components of chess mastery.
  • Field- a unit of chess space, the same as "point", "checkerboard cell". Possession of key fields in this particular position determines the positional advantage.
  • Half a ruble- 50% of the possible points scored in the tournament.
  • "Weak" field- a field available for the invasion of enemy forces.
  • half way- one move by White or one move by Black, the unit of measurement and the minimum unit of change of position on the chessboard. Two half-moves make up a move, which is one line in the notation of a chess game on paper.
  • swim- lose the thread of the game, get confused.
  • Bury option- to refute the opening variation used in practice and considered correct. Bring the analysis to a categorical assessment in favor of one of the parties.
  • transformation- substitution of a pawn upon reaching the last rank by any piece of its color (except the king).
  • Transformation "weak"- the promotion of a pawn not into the strongest piece (that is, not into a queen, as usual), but, for example, into a knight, bishop or rook. In this case, a “weak” transformation can be the strongest move (!).
  • Capture an opponent in the opening- achieve a significant advantage in the initial stage of the game.
  • Sag- to be without protection.
  • Gap- an intermediate move, an unexpected insertion into a variation that initially seemed to be forced.
  • Chess program- a kind of game computer programs capable of evaluating a position and making (offering) a move in accordance with the underlying algorithm. The best modern programs (Rybka, Fritz, Deep Blue, Deep Thought, etc.) play at the level of strong grandmasters and successfully fight world champions (both Kasparov and Kramnik lost matches to computers ...). They are also useful when preparing for competitions and when analyzing games or technical positions.
  • Intermediate move- a non-obvious move made instead of an obvious (suggesting) move that allows you to extract additional profit from the position (for example, instead of an "obvious" capture of a piece during an exchange, an intermediate check is given, forcing the opponent's king to take an unfavorable position).
  • Space- one of the fundamental resources (along with time and game initiative) of a chess game. The conquest and use of space is a condition for the implementation of any game strategy focused on winning.
  • Prevention- measures that prevent possible risks and threats long before they manifest themselves in full.
  • passed pawn(rogue) - a pawn in front of which there are no enemy pawns (including those on adjacent files) and which can move towards the promotion square.
  • Advantage- superiority over the position of the enemy in one of the components (material or positional advantage).


  • Exchange- a move (a series of moves), in which (in which) the parties exchange approximately equivalent material (exchange of a minor piece for a minor piece, a pawn for a pawn, a minor piece for three pawns, a queen for two rooks or three minor pieces, etc.) . At one time, M. M. Botvinnik defined the content of a chess game as a generalized exchange.
  • Woodwork- analysis of a chess game on a board with figures, without using a computer.
  • Distribution of cradles- winning with special cynicism.
  • colorful- a position with opposite-colored bishops. For example, with a light-squared bishop for White and a dark-squared bishop for Black. There are no other bishops in the position.
  • paint- execute a short, quick draw. Most often in such cases, the agreement for a draw occurs even before the game.
  • crumble- lose a good position in a few moves.
  • Rating- the current level of the relative strength of a chess player, expressed in a numerical coefficient (since 1972 - the Elo coefficient by the name of Arpad Elo, who proposed a methodology for calculating and using coefficients). FIDE Master level - from 2300, International Master - from 2400. Grandmaster level - from 2500 and above. Extra-class grandmasters - from 2600 and even from 2700 and above.
  • x-ray- the effect of the long-term influence of a long-range piece, from which the opponent's pieces are not able to reliably hide. For example, in the construction “white bishop on g2, black knight on c6, queen on b7, king on a8”, the black king feels the x-ray action of the white bishop.
  • Retrograde analysis(retroanalysis) - a task in a chess composition that involves finding out what the last move in the game was (and which side - white or black), whose turn it is, etc.
  • Rokada- a vertical open for rook maneuvers.
  • Castling- a move in a chess game aimed at taking the king away from the center; with a short castling, the king is evacuated to the kingside, with a long castling - to the queenside. When castling is carried out, the king is transferred over one square (respectively, for the white king to the fields g1 (for short castling) or c1 (for long)), the rook is placed on the square over which the king “jumped”. Castling can only be done if neither the rook nor the king has moved before castling, and none of the squares between the squares occupied by the king and the rook is occupied by other pieces, the king is not in check and none of the squares on his way (the one that he crosses while making a move, and the one he moves to) is not under attack.
  • Row- same as horizontal. The “gluttonous” row is the second (for black) or seventh (for white) rank, on which heavy pieces can “eat” pawns.
  • chop the flag- play solely for the purpose of making the opponent overstay the time limit.
  • Fish- a draw.
  • Fish (Rybka)- one of the strongest analytical modules (chess programs).


  • The most popular chess term- a task in the popular online game "One Hundred to One". On the site you can find answers to it.
  • Bundle- a position when a piece cannot make a move due to the fact that after its move the square on which the king stands will be attacked. A connected piece can also be a piece, the move of which will lead to the loss of the queen or the loss of the exchange.
  • Tied pawns- standing on adjacent verticals side by side or protecting one another.
  • Doubled (tripled) pawns- two (three) pawns of one side, located on the same file.
  • Simultaneous session- a means of popularizing chess, an event during which a strong chess player (sessioner) plays simultaneously a number of games (from several games to several hundred games) with chess players of lower qualifications.
  • scachography- a genre of chess composition, in which the arrangement of chess pieces forms the outlines of letters, numbers or some kind of drawings (for example, the outlines of a Christmas tree).
  • "Weak" transformation- promotion of a pawn not into a queen, but into a rook or a minor piece.
  • "Blindness" chess- "eclipse" during the game, in which the player does not see obvious winning continuations or makes a blunder leading to a loss or loss of a decisive advantage.
  • Chess strategy- a long-term plan, the implementation of which is aimed at specific moves and operations. The general line of strategy is determined primarily by the requirements of the position and includes an assessment of the position, determination of the ultimate goal (struggle for a win or a draw), methods for achieving the latter (aggravation of the game, bluff, transition to an endgame, etc.).
  • self-propelled guns - connected and far advanced pawns, which the opponent is not able to stop.
  • Harvesting- implementation of positional superiority: a series of moves, as a result of which the attacking side achieves a significant material advantage.
  • Sicilian- Sicilian defense.
  • Throw off- donate or return material.
  • Slav- Slavic defense.
  • Elephants Gorwitz- (Horwitz Bishops), two bishops standing side by side and shooting through the opening of the diagonal. Used in the West.
  • Elephant Gufeld- black bishop g7 in the old woman.
  • Fisher's elephant- an active light-squared bishop in the Spanish or Sicilian.
  • Dismount- rescue in a difficult position.
  • Alloy- Intentional loss of the game.
  • old lady- King's Indian defense.
  • Stockfish (Stockfish)- one of the strongest analytical modules (chess programs).
  • Column- a serious overweight. From +/- or -/+. These are estimates put into use by the Yugoslav Informator. They are pronounced as “plus-minus in a column” (if White has an advantage) and “minus-plus in a column” (for black).
  • Stand- do not take active actions, make waiting moves.
  • Line- decisive advantage. From +- or -+ . These are estimates put into use by the Yugoslav Informator. They are pronounced as “plus-minus in a line” (if White has an advantage) and “minus-plus in a line” (for black).
  • Knock- play blitz. Also play in a serious game against the opponent's time trouble, move quickly and switch clocks abruptly.\


  • tabia- a well-studied opening position, upon reaching which the players begin to make their own, not "bookish" moves. In ancient chess, the pieces were not distinguished by modern dynamics and range, and it took a lot of time to play the opening. Therefore, by agreement, the game immediately began with tabi.
  • Tactics chess- a system of tricks (primarily using combinations) that allow you to gain an advantage or reduce the game to a draw. The methods of chess tactics include a variety of typical means ("distraction", "lure", "destruction of defense", etc.).
  • Pace- 1) the rhythm of the game; 2) a separate move (in this sense, the loss of tempo is an extra move, that is, a loss of time).
  • Theory of chess- the sphere of analysis and generalization of practice, the identification of certain patterns inherent in the chess game at its various stages (the theory of openings, the theory of endings, etc.).
  • Toptalka- repetition of the position again and again.
  • « Triangle"- one of the ways to transfer the turn of the move to the opponent at the end of the game or etude in order to put him in the position of zugzwang.
  • Tura- chess rook.
  • Tourists- 1. Amateurs who received in the XIX - early. XX centuries a handicap equal to a rook (tour); 2. Participants of the World Championship who do not claim a title or a high result. The term was coined by Garry Kasparov in 1999 during the FIDE knockout world championship in Las Vegas.
  • Tournament- a kind (along with a match) of a chess competition in which a number of participants play with each other. A typical example is a round robin tournament in which each participant plays with all the others. A Swiss system tournament allows you to compete with many dozens (and even hundreds) of participants through a draw after each round (in each new round, participants with an approximately equal number of points play among themselves). A tournament according to the Scheveningen system involves a team competition, where in the end each member of one team plays a game with each member of the other team.
  • Leaderboard- a document that allows you to evaluate the current standings of the tournament participants (according to the results of the rounds displayed in the table) or their final result (final table).
  • Poke- pawn strike.


  • Threat- an attack on one of the objects of the enemy's position with the creation of a real danger to his position.
  • Ukontrapupit- defeat, defeat.
  • Magic chess lesson- a task in the famous chess game Shararam from the fairy-tale character Losyash. On our site you can find answers to this chess lesson.


  • Phalanx- pawn chain.
  • Fireworks- a cascade of victims in the implementation of the combination.
  • Fianchetto- or fiancheting, a term denoting the development of the bishop on the long diagonal under the protection of the pawn "house" (for example, the bishop on g2 with pawns f2, g3 and h2).
  • Chip, fig- chess figure.
  • Wing- the edge of the board, located on the verticals a, b, c and f, g, h.
  • kingside- the flank closest to the king at the beginning of a chess game, on the f, g, h-files.
  • Queenside- the flank closest to the queen at the beginning of a chess game, on the a, b, c-files.
  • Fischer chess(random-chess) - chess in which the pieces stand in their original positions in a different way (but symmetrically for white and black) than in classical chess (pawns still occupy the second row) - moreover, the bishops always stand on fields of different colors and rooks on opposite sides of the king. The positions in this variety of chess are not sufficiently studied by theory and are of a more "fresh" and original character.
  • outpost- a piece advanced into the enemy camp (that is, beyond the demarcation line) (usually a knight), protected by a pawn. For example, a knight on the e6 square, protected by a pawn on d5 or (and) f5.
  • fast and furious- forced, that is, a forced option.
  • Forcing- the implementation of a series of moves to which the opponent is forced to respond only in a certain way (for example, during exchanges, when declaring checks, etc.). Forced variants facilitate preliminary calculation.
  • « window leaf"- the field to which the king can retreat in the event of a check along the first (last) rank. Accordingly, "to make a window" is to make a move of one of the pawns covering the castling position. In the absence of a window, it is customary to talk about the possible weakness of the first (for whites) or last (for blacks) ranks.

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