Illuminati and show business. Secret societies and the Illuminati


Money, power, influence. These values ​​were laid at the foundation of rap culture and still define it today. The cult of the so-called Illuminati, a secret society that supposedly concentrated all the control of the world in its hands, rests on approximately the same values. If we draw parallels and recall some facts, it turns out that hip-hop and the Illuminati have been going hand in hand for a long time - just not everyone notices it.

"Illuminati want my mind, soul, and my body/Secret society, trying to keep they eye on me/But I'ma stay incogni, in places they can't find me." These lines were first heard in 1995 from the lips of Prodigy, a member of the duo Mobb Deep, who read in the LL Cool J track "I Shot Ya (Remix)". They would later become the refrain of his solo song "Illuminati" and go down in history as the first rap about who really rules the world. It was nothing less than the beginning of a new type of thinking in rap - intelligent, but at the same time paranoid and critical.

Until 1995 (with rare exceptions), rappers did not read on such serious topics. Yes, and the texts of their tracks basically performed a certain function: to destroy the opponent, to lower him as much as possible; represent yourself, your team and your achievements in the best light; finally, to tell some tough "street truth" that every rapper must comprehend, if you follow a well-known stereotype.

Simply put, there were no smart people and writers in rap (which, for example, Kendrick Lamar is now considered to be). This is neither good nor bad, but an ordinary property of that era and just one of the stages in the development of rap culture. The first half of the 1990s was a transitional period for rap - from the complete underground to the masses, which fragmentarily hooked even post-sangish countries (due to which the gloomy smiley face, the logo of the Onyx group, adorned almost every third typical high-rise building).

Prodigy was the first to mention in his work the conspiracy theory around the Illuminati, whose adherents believe that there is an association of some powerful persons hiding from attention, but at the same time successfully leading our world. Also in 1995, Goodie Mob's debut single "Cell Therapy" was released, on which CeeLo Green read out the following lines: "Traces of the New World Order/Time is getting shorter if we don't get prepared/People it's gon' be a slaughter." At the same time, rapper AZ drops the single "We Can't Win", which begins with a monologue that reveals the world behind the scenes:

“This world is ruled and controlled by societies that exist within societies, that exist within societies, do you understand? These secret societies are maneuvering within society to control society. That's why society is outta control. Thirty-third and one third, I heard, the Illuminated ones."

Further, for some inexplicable reasons, references to the new world order turn into a kind of trend. Jay-Z samples Prodigy's Illuminati lyrics on his first album Reasonable Doubt, released in 1996. In 1997, on the Wu-Tang Clan's second album, U-God called for "get your shit together before the fuckin' Illuminati hit" on the track "Impossible". Canibus went even deeper down the rabbit hole with "Channel Zero," which begins with a claim that the government is covering up visits by superintelligent aliens to Earth, and the rapper goes on to claim that the Roswell incident, the cattle mutilations, and even the discoveries of astronomer Carl Sagan were part of a plan already drawn up by the Masons.

The degree of this Masonic paranoia among hip-hopers was so high that all sorts of bad rumors spread: the musicians themselves believed in their own words. In particular, the most surprising and difficult to explain was the sudden rise of the rapper Jay-Z, who was suspected of having links with the Illuminati. More than anyone else, Prodigy was sure of this, who in 2008, while in prison, wrote a fiery five-page letter especially for URB magazine about his worldview and how prison has changed it. Among other things, there were lines dedicated to Jay-Z: “There is so much righteous fire in my heart that I will attack the Illuminati, Jay-Z and other evils to the very end. Jay-Z - intentionally or not - has become a puppet of the Illuminati and is hiding the truth from the black community and the rest of the world. Instead, he promotes the lifestyle of the beast.”

Secret society allegations also hit Kanye West and Rihanna when they co-starred with Jay-Z in the "Run This Town" video, which was chock-full of occult symbolism. Even at the beginning of the video, you can see a direct reference: a man passes a lit torch to Rihanna and she holds it in her raised hand. This symbol is easily recognized by anyone who has even a little interest in the occult or its history. A torch held high is usually offered to Lucifer. And in the second trailer, which precedes the release of the video, Jay-Z appears in the frame in a hoodie with the inscription "Do What Thou Wilt", a direct reference to the teachings of Thelema. This video flirted so openly with Masonic symbols that detailed articles appeared with an analysis of all the references in it.

Nas, J Cole, Kendrick Lamar - after Jay-Z, any hip-hop figure who suddenly found huge success was immediately accused of having connections with the Illuminati. YouTube is filled with revealing videos that deconstruct all texts, music, hidden meanings that confirm the most terrible guesses.

However, not all rappers supported the hype around this topic. A well-known critic of Masonic paranoia was Tupac Shakur, even his posthumous album, released in November 1996, was called The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory. In an interview shortly before his death, Tupac succinctly explained the title: "I'm putting the 'K' because I'm killin' that shit." And about people who claim to know the truth about the Illuminati, he was skeptical that they do not understand a damn thing and operate only far-fetched rumors about the cash flows of the Greek Catholic Church. Talib Kweli went even further in the single "The Wormhole". He analyzes the history, philosophy, and politics of the Illuminati conspiracy theory, ending with a suggestion to explore the real sources of racial discrimination:

Kanye West, who himself regularly finds himself on the list of rappers suspected of having links with the Illuminati, turned out to be quite pragmatic in this matter. He expressed his position as follows: “If the Illuminati really existed, they would rather be in the form of conglomerates that concentrated energy resources in their hands. And certainly not in the form of celebrities who have dedicated their lives to music. I'm already tired of people who think popular musicians are Freemasons. We don't manage anything. We are celebrities. Brand faces. We should not comment on our work, so as not to lose money on contracts.

In general, it may seem strange that rappers are so carried away by this particular conspiracy theory. But there is an explanation for this, which lies in the very foundation of hip-hop - the values ​​on which this culture is based. Its whole evolution is based on reproducing portraits of real people with their real problems as accurately as possible, reducing the distance between the listener and the rapper who reads the beat. As Chuck D, a member of the legendary Public Enemy, once said: “Rap is the TV station of black America. It not only gives an idea of ​​what life is like for African Americans, but also a whole perspective of their life, a kind of context. Literally from the very beginning - the fateful Grandmaster Flash track "The Message" - the rap touched on the most serious topics that are usually safely silent about popular music: drug addiction, poverty, violence, institutional racism and so on.

Based on this, the fascination of rappers with conspiracy theories can be explained as follows: attempts to rationalize the violation of even seemingly elementary civil rights lead to it.

This rationalization leads to persistent beliefs among thinkers: “The game is not fair. The powerful of this world are deceiving us, otherwise how can this be at all.

For example, conspiracy theories about AIDS (made up by the government) and that some brands of cigarettes, soda and fast food are equipped with special additives designed to sterilize the black community are extremely popular in African American communities. Given the real history of institutional racism in the US, including covert surveillance of civic leaders, the infamous study of Tuskegee syphilis, outbreaks of police brutality and violence, and an overly biased criminal justice system, it's not hard to see why all these Masonic theories resonate so much in the rap community. .

The paradox is that, as the famous biblical proverb says, omnis qui quaerit invenit (“everyone who seeks finds”). A number of recurring symbols and images are literally scattered in popular culture (including rap). The All-Seeing Eye can even be seen in the video for Katy Perry's song "Dark Horse", filmed in the scenery of Ancient Egypt. Another popular image of the Illuminati is the pyramid. In gematria, the Assyrian-Babylonian method of interpreting the secret meaning of words and numbers, the three sides of this figure represent the world of spirits (more often than others, this symbol was used by Jay-Z, who folds his hands in a pyramid in many photographs). Even an innocent international OK symbol on Beyonce's fingers can turn into an analogue of the number of the beast. The deeper you look, the more you will find. Even the name of the daughter of Jay-Z and Beyoncé (Blue Ivy) can be deciphered as “Born Living Under Evil, Illuminati’s Very Youngest” if desired (there is such a popular theory).

Finding and deconstructing such symbols and their hidden meanings is not difficult, it is a great pleasure. Moreover, these symbols are everywhere. Circle around the eyes, "evil eyes", pyramids. They, like any discovery, bring a certain joy and allow you to include yourself in a certain system of views in the spirit of “now I know exactly what is happening.” On the other hand, you can get to the point that any geometry lesson at school is a Masonic rite, and an oculist who forces you to cover one eye to check your vision is an Illuminist practitioner. But no one will deny that something is wrong with this world?

Rap is also a culture of samples, remixes, rethinking old ideas into something new and relevant. This is exactly what is happening with the ancient myths about the Illuminati, which in hip-hop are transformed into a kind of springboard for critical thinking. You can, of course, endlessly monitor the pyramids in rapper clips, but you can go the other way - not to take everything on blind faith, to cultivate intuition and healthy doubts. In any case, Tupac Shakur (and a number of other great people) taught us this at one time.

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Secret societies

Secret societies have been represented in the history of mankind since ancient times. It all started thousands of years ago with the "brotherhood of the serpent", a secret society that referred to Satan (the great serpent) as being able to help people return to Eden. The Illuminati consider Satan to be a good god and the Old Testament God to be evil. They believe that Satan gave people knowledge, while God is trying to prevent this. From these positions, Satanism was developed, and it is practiced within secret societies to this day.

There are various theories about the origin of secret knowledge in secret societies.

I will mention here the two most common:

Sumerian inscriptions of 6000 years ago, which are stone slabs, talk about the Anunnaki - "who came from Paradise." According to scholars such as Zecharia Sitchin, David Icke, William Bramley 6, the Anunnaki were the gods mentioned in the Old Testament. They were aliens who came to Earth and created humans as slaves for themselves. Sumerian writings speak of Anu, who was the ruler of the Anunaki, and Ea (Enki), whose equivalent is Satan. It is said that he was the only one who gave people knowledge in the garden of Eden and created the first secret society - the notorious "brotherhood of the serpent." It is said that the Anunnaki came to Earth in order to develop its resources, and first of all, gold, which was not enough on their planet, although it was an important element of their atmosphere. This Ea, being a great scientist, created man as a hybrid of primitive terrestrial life and alien race.

Enki (Ea)

At first, humans were meant only for service and could not reproduce. Later this changed. Ea did not like that the creatures he created were of an inferior race. He wanted to enlighten them, teach them who they are and where they came from. He also wanted to tell them that every human being is a spirit infused into a body, and after the death of the body, he continues to live and incarnates again in the body on Earth.

David Icke, who has studied the Illuminati for decades, claims that the Illuminati's supreme lineages are shape-shifting reptiles, aliens not from outer space but from another dimension, and that THEY are the "gods" of the Anunnaki. According to him, they are responsible for all secret societies. These creatures have the ability to change into human form, and Ike says that he knows hundreds of eyewitnesses who have seen how they turn back into reptiles.

The Christian view of this fact is that the Anunnaki were in fact the giants who walked the earth that the Bible tells of. These giants were nephilim who rebelled against God and for this they were cast down to Earth from Paradise, led by their leader, Satan. Christianity explains the theory of transformations by the fact that the aliens are actually demons and Nephilim. They claim that the people seen shape-shifting are actually demon-possessed due to their black magic practices. And sometimes demons "look through a person" and show themselves in the form of reptiles or "gray aliens." Can there be different conclusions - different points of view on the same thing?

Whatever the truth, something is definitely going on. There is too much evidence, and in the age of the Internet, it has become easier for people around the world to communicate.

This may be the reason why we now hear so much about this phenomenon, which has been silent for so long. Information cannot be hidden on the Internet. On the other hand, we can't take everyone who speaks online seriously, because information like this can set off a psychological chain reaction. Some people "believe" that they have experienced something that actually did not happen. This is not a religious site, so I won't expand on it, especially since I don't know the answers to many questions. On the contrary, one of the goals of the site is to explain the situation in the world from the most objective point of view.

The truth is that throughout history there have been secret societies behind the scenes. The original brotherhood broke up into numerous cults and sects due to conflict at the top. Various poles of government emerged, which secretly fought each other (and still continue) invisible to the ignorant majority. They have invented various religions, sects and cults so that people are busy with nonsense instead of paying attention to what the brotherhood is really doing. They began to run churches to enslave the people [Third priority of government, owning first (our translation note)] and incite them into sectarian strife. Most of the wars were ideologized as wars "for faith".

From the original brotherhood came the Masonic orders, the Rosicrucians, the Templars, the Ordo Templi Orientis 8, the Knights of Malta and others. Someone may object that Freemasonry is a charitable organization and even a Christian society. Yes, all this is said there, and most of the rank-and-file members of the order believe in it. The vast majority of Freemasons are kind people, ignorant of what is going on at the highest levels. They do not know that Satanists and worshipers of the dark forces are standing over them. They do not serve God, they worship Satan or Lucifer, and this is the essence of what is happening in the modern world.

Bavarian Illuminati

Adam Weishaupt (1748-1811), originally a Jew, converted to Catholicism and ended up founding a "new" secret society called the Illuminati. In fact, it was not a new society at all, it existed under different names for a long time, but during the life of Weishaupt, the organization opened publicly. It is not clear whether he was under any influence, but most researchers, including myself, agree that Weishaupt was nothing more than a puppet in the hands of the Masonic elite.

Freemasons have recently founded a new branch of Freemasonry, Scottish Ritual Freemasonry, with 33 degrees of initiation. Today it is one of the most influential secret societies, including prominent politicians, religious leaders, businessmen and other people useful to them. The facts indicate that Weishaupt was sponsored by the Rothschilds, who then and now are the heads of Masonic structures around the world.

The Illuminati have their own hierarchy of initiations ABOVE (or rather after) the 33 degrees of Freemasonry. Even people who have reached the highest degrees of Freemasonry have no idea about the degrees of the Illuminati - this is a secret. Weishaupt dreamed of ruling the world, and he developed a clear strategy for creating a "one world government" and a "new world order". All of this was recorded in the so-called "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" 9, which allowed the Jews to be blamed if the plan failed.

And the plan failed! An Illuminati messenger was killed by lightning as he galloped across a field, and the "protocols" he was carrying were discovered and made public. This happened in the 1770s. Weishaupt and his "brothers" the Illuminati were forced to hide and work underground, since the activities of their organization were banned. The Brotherhood decided never to use the term "Illuminati" again, but to retain their agency to further their goal of world domination. One of these intelligence groups was the union of freemasons - Freemasonry, which has earned a good reputation in society.

It is believed that Weishaupt was killed by his own Masonic brothers because he could not keep his mouth shut and continued to use the name "Illuminati". There may be other reasons as well.

The secret goal, however, remained. Weishaupt and the Rothschilds then became the head of the Illuminati (and remain to this day). Great help in achieving their goal was provided by the Freemason Cecil Rhodes, who in the 19th century tried to build a one world government headed by the British Empire. This plan was funded by the Rothschilds. And it was Rhodes who created the secret society "Round Table", named after King Arthur and his Round Table, in which the elite of the brotherhood still sits today.

The first and second world wars were attempts to seize power. When they failed, the following happened. After the Second World War, people were so tired of all the horrors of the murders that they gladly welcomed the creation of the UN, which proclaimed its goal to prevent a repetition of the horrors of the Second World War. However, in reality, the UN is an important tool for the Illuminati to unite all countries into one. This is a typical example of the fraternity's work, illustrating their problem-reaction-solution pattern. By starting two world wars, they created a problem. In turn, this caused a reaction of the population, which wanted a solution to the problem of wars.
Thus, the Illuminati easily achieved the creation of the UN - another step towards world government. This obviously led to the emergence of the European Union (EU), which, if you look at it with an unclouded eye, is developing towards the largest fascist state that has ever existed, in which the individual country has less and less rights and independence, and Europe falls under the arbitrariness of a small ruling group - the central government. And who governs the EU? Freemasonry and the Illuminati.

By supporting disastrously progressive inflation, the international bankers (read the Illuminati) led us to believe that only the single currency of the European mint, the euro, would solve the problem. As long as this project is secure, the European Central Bank has full control over the European economy and can take us wherever it wants. Some politicians are simply short-sighted and hungry for power, others are afraid of facts and work for (or with) the Illuminati. Innocent people, deceived, suffer the most. Isn't this a betrayal beyond understanding!

The European Union may soon expand into the United States of Africa, Asia and South America. In the end, these countries may merge into one giant fascist state that will last for thousands of years, as their occult belief says. And then the "Golden Age" will come - the age of the Antichrist.

Secret societies, including the Illuminati, believe in the power of various symbols. The world is full of their black magic symbols. Despite this, we are so used to seeing them everywhere that we do not pay attention. The Illuminati believe that the more symbols around, the more powerful their magic. The emblem of the Illuminati and the "new world order" is the "all-seeing eye pyramid", which you can find on the US one dollar bill (a series of stamps containing this symbol were issued in the Vatican a few years ago). The all-seeing eye is the eye of Horus, it is also the eye of Lucifer. The history of this symbol is rooted in the era of ancient Egypt. The appearance of the one dollar bill was designed by the administration of President Roosevelt, and the following letter from Wallace 10 of 1951 shows that the president put a lot of work into its design:

“One day in 1934, when I was serving as Secretary of Agriculture 11, I was waiting in the outer office of [State] Secretary [Cordell] Hull 12. In the meantime, I decided to leaf through a U.S. State Department publication on the display entitled “History of the State Seals of the United States". Turning to page 53, I found a color reproduction of the reverse side of the Seal. The Latin phrase Novus Ordo Seclorum shocked me - it meant "a new course for the ages." I took the publication to President Roosevelt and proposed that a coin be minted showing both sides of the Seal.

Roosevelt, looking at the color reproduction of the Seal, was first struck by the presence on it of the "all-seeing eye" - the Masonic interpretation of the Great Architect of the Universe. Then he was impressed that the beginning of the "new order for the ages" was laid in 1776, but it can only be achieved under the supervision of the Great Architect. Roosevelt, like me, was a 32nd degree Freemason. He offered to print a seal on a dollar bill instead of a coin, and he himself decided to talk to the Minister of Finance 13.

When the Ministry of Finance showed the first impression, I saw that the front side of the Seal is on the left side of the bill, as it should be in heraldry. Roosevelt also insisted that the word order be changed so that the phrase "of the United States" was under the face of the Seal... branch or dollar bill."

The Illuminati is often featured in movies, TV shows, video games and comics, but to date it is not clear whether this secret organization, which is credited with huge influence in the world, really exists. One way or another, but quite often the Illuminati are credited with connections with celebrities. Some believe that they even had a hand in the deaths of some famous personalities, however, at the official level, the involvement of the Illuminati in such things has never been proven. Among the victims of this order are John F. Kennedy, his brother Robert, Abraham Lincoln and even Princess Diana. And although the very thought of such a thing may seem absurd, there is no evidence that could disprove the involvement of the Illuminati in their deaths. Today you will see a list of ten more celebrities who have become the alleged victims of this order.

10. Cory Monteith

The Glee star had already completed his drug rehabilitation program at the time of his death and officially joined the ranks of healthy lifestyles. For this reason, it came as a shock to everyone when news leaked to the media that Cory Monteith had been found dead in a Vancouver hotel room in July 2013. Death was the result of a drug overdose and excessive alcohol consumption. Some immediately started a rumor that his death was part of a ritual sacrifice by the Illuminati.

9. Anna Nicole Smith

During her short but turbulent life, Anna Nicole Smith managed to experience many difficulties, among which the tragedy that happened to her son stands out in particular. According to many of her acquaintances, she never recovered from the death of her son, and a few months later went after him, dying from a drug overdose. Many have chalked it up to depression, but conspiracy theorists believe her death was also ordered by the Illuminati as part of ritual sacrifices.

8. John Lennon

Apparently, John Lennon dug a hole for himself with his controversial statements. He was monitored by many organizations such as the FBI and INS as he was considered a threat to public safety. Conspiracy theorists believe that Lennon was assassinated by fanatic Mark David Chapman at the behest of the Illuminati to silence him.

7. Amy Winehouse

As talented as Amy was, she was also problematic. For many years, Amy Winehouse struggled with alcohol and drug addiction, and during one of her last performances, shortly before her death, she came on stage, stumbling and mumbling inarticulate phrases. The concert did not go as planned, which put an end to her future career. During her speeches, Amy talked about one of the members of the Illuminati order. She died of a drug overdose in 2011.

6. Kurt Cobain

Nirvana lead singer Kurt Cobain was allegedly linked to the Illuminati who wanted to use him in their mind control experiments. Cobain showed a fair amount of skepticism towards their research and refused to participate in this venture. His defiance caused him to be seen as a threat. In April 1994, he shot himself, although many tend to believe that the Illuminati was actually behind his death.

5 Whitney Houston

The death of Whitney Houston came as a shock to many, but some were not particularly surprised by its cause. Whitney died of a drug overdose. For many years she struggled with drug addiction, but at the time of her death she practically got rid of it. After the death of the singer, rumors arose that she was another victim of the bloody rituals of the Illuminati, but the reasons for her inclusion in this list are still not clear.

4. Brittany Murphy

Brittany earned recognition from the audience by starring in the teen film Clueless, after which she began to play more serious roles. The mysterious death of Brittany Murphy occurred at a time when she was at the peak of her popularity, now and then flickering in the news of the film world. An autopsy revealed that Brittany's cause of death was pneumonia and anemia, and when her husband died so suddenly a few months later, it was discovered that the couple's home had been infested with massive amounts of toxic mold. Many proponents of the Illuminati theory claim that the fungi were placed there deliberately.

There is no doubt that the entertainment industry brings huge profits. And where there is big money, there is power. Even for a trifle, people go to forgeries, theft and betrayal. For big money, most Homo Sapiens will do EVERYTHING.

The show business industry is full of people who seek to control and dominate the masses. They are pleased to be popular, to be on top, to be heard by millions of people around the world. But are they at the top? No. They are kind of just "shadows of those masters" who stand behind the curtain and actually pull the strings. All popular artists who are constantly in front of the crowd are called upon to play the role of a visual-noise screen. The names of the real puppeteers will remain unknown to the general public.

These real "rulers" of souls, who actually own the field of entertainment, will never appear on the covers of glossy magazines. They will never give interviews. They will not talk about buying real estate and will not publish family photos for the public to gawk at. The "true elite" has not been seen for a long time, and instead of it, the role of the "elite" for the cattle is played by hypocrites. This is their direct professional duty, giving them food - playing for the crowd. Let simpletons envy "star" life and "star" fees. This is just a show.

It is enough to give the simplest example of who is more important. Producer in Hollywood for one! the film gets several tens of millions of dollars, if not hundreds. Star performer of the main role - a couple of million. Only some select stars (eg Johnny Depp, Tom Cruise) can receive 20-25 million per film. And this situation is everywhere: in music, in sports, etc. But producers and directors are also not the very top. At the very top, people own billions and it is they who make sure that in films and music no one deviates from the general line of the party. These are businessmen for whom money is a religion, and they are the main priests of this religion. At this level, we are already talking about beliefs and convictions.

In the 19th century (and earlier), society discussed the news of the aristocracy. Now they are discussing the next black stepson of Angelina Jolie or Madonna. That's what they're happy with. Are we developing or degrading? But all this did not happen immediately and not by chance. Who and why replaced the true aristocracy with a fake one?

It is easy to see that there is nothing ingenious, good or even simply pleasing to the ear and eye of an ordinary listener and viewer in contemporary art, music and cinema. And after the collapse of the Soviet Union, everything generally went downhill. Anti-aesthetic "slop" is constantly poured on us. All current mass production is below any criticism. The slogan "The more disgusting, the more profitable!" has long been adopted by show business. Obscenity, dirty vices, sexual deviations are promoted by all modern art and are already presented as the norm.

But that's not all. In contemporary art and music, one constantly encounters such "harmless" things as Satanism. We'll talk about this.

At the top of the Western music charts are such first-rate entertainment businesses as Jay-Z, Lady Gaga, Riana, etc. Who put them on this top? Why do these people get fame, media support, money for promoting violence, sexual perversion, blasphemy in their work? You will know them by their fruits.

A person inexperienced in spiritual warfare might think that these artists only want money and fame, and it is for PR that they arrange constant provocations and scandals. Someone can say that they are driven by an irrepressible passion for self-affirmation, satisfaction of their ego at any cost. Perhaps this was originally the case. There is a partial truth in this, but this is not the main thing. At some stage of their "creative development" budding singers and aristas meet people who begin to lead them in a very specific direction. And it is from this moment that the morality of these artists, which was already in its most rudimentary state from the point of view of a Christian, is transformed into some kind of terrible mixture of esotericism and Satanism. There are a huge number of such examples of transformation. This topic can be devoted to a separate post. In fact, there is no longer a single very popular and highly paid (it is very important what exactly the money is paid for!) artist / artist from the USA or Europe who would not be members of various secret societies.

Example - I very clearly observed the change of Riana. From an ordinary Christ-believing black girl from Barbados, she turned into an anti-clerical and Satanist in a couple of years. Now even in Western blogs it is called only illuminati princess. However, she herself constantly emphasizes and exaggerates this topic.

Good Girl Gone Bad - Rihanna's Entrance into Satanic Illuminati Entertainment.

"With Caribbean charm and a unique voice, Rihanna has catapulted her to the very top of the music industry. As a protégé of Freemason and occultist rapper Jay-Z, she wasted no time declaring that her impact on society would be purely negative. The title of her album is "Good Girl Gone Bad "exactly tells what happened to Riana. From a morally inclined Christian girl, she turned into a sexually immoral, lustful and cruel diva. Her first single "Umbrella" was full of occult symbols."

The popularity and constant mention of the names of celebrities like Riana is due to the fact that the media and the entertainment industry belong to the same people. Business!? Not only. At the moment, all the money of the ball Earth is in the hands of the banking corporate mafia. Therefore, money is important only at the very first level. For the para-Masonic elites - the descendants of those who rejected Christ, something else is more important: the destruction of Christianity and its morality. Therefore, one should not be surprised at what is happening in contemporary art. Who pays, he orders the music. Unfortunately, society eats what they give it. And there is simply no other. Or the other is suppressed at the very beginning.

Some "artists" have reached such a degree of depravity and carry such things from the stage that you might think they are demons themselves. How, for example, to relate to such a statement by rapper DMX, who stated in one of his interviews in an Arizona prison:
- this is the country of the gods, because I met the devil here.
It refers to the deal he made. Maybe it's just a joke and a tribute to fashion? What kind of fashion is this - talking about deals with the devil?! No wonder they write about themselves - now it's fashionable to be a devil worshiper. The trend has gone. DMX is far from the only one talking about such things. Here are just a couple of names offhand - Will Smith, Jay Z and the same Rihanna, who bluntly stated in one interview that she worships the devil. Maybe she was joking too?

However, some artists see the light. They want to be independent of the puppeteers. For them, it ends badly. How badly it ended for Michael Jackson. Before he was physically killed, his name was gargled in the media for a long time and dragged through the courts. His personal doctor (by the way, also a Freemason) confirmed in court that he had prescribed a deadly medicine for the singer. Here it is - the punishment for infidelity. However, that Jackson. There, even the presidents are not spared if they go off the "correct" path. Therefore, it is not surprising that we constantly see on the screens and in the media a whole army of molesters singing and playing. It’s easier for them, it’s easier to live. In addition, don’t forget, for such work - to lead the NWO into construction, they pay very well.

So, 10 people of show business who are in the service of manipulators of human consciousness.

10. Let's start with Madonna, in the photo - Madonna at the Super Bowl, posing as a horned Isis:

The old woman began to engage in the occult a long time ago, from the very beginning of her career. Therefore, here I will post another old photo of her. This:

Everyone has already seen him. But it is interesting to us not only because of what is depicted on her jacket, but also because Madonna shows only one eye here. The landscape behind it is also interesting. It is blurry and unclear. It is difficult to understand which city is in the frame. But on the other hand, we very clearly distinguish the tower with the spire. This building is divided into three levels and symbolizes a pyramid, where the lowest and most extensive level symbolizes the profane and the cattle, that is, us in the understanding of the Masons.

This "nice" boy is a Masonic child. Or someone thinks that he took it himself and became popular at the age of 10.

In the red circle, Britney's tattoo is a triangle. I will say a little more about this tattoo at the end of the post.

1. And finally, Jay-Z. Much can be written about this "prominent figure in American culture". It was he who introduced Rihanna to a large audience, starting with the video "Umbrella" ("Umbrella"). It is also true that he, along with his wife Beons, who no less than him works in various Masonic shows and is also a puppet of the Illuminati, now earns the most amount of money in show business.

First photo of wifey Beons:

What an interesting sign she shows. Her husband likes to make the same gesture with his hands at concerts.

And here he is, the hero of the hit parade with one eye in the pyramid:

With one eye of their god Horus-Ra, they look at the world and at us, showing that they belong to the same sect of Satanists.
One-eyed! Their name is legion.

However, what is the use of a man from the fact that he gains the whole world, and loses his soul.

I decided to post this video of the new protégé of the Illuminati - Avicii. I don't even know how to pronounce this name in English.
So about Britney's tattoo, which I wrote about above.
In this video, people who have such a triangular tattoo belong to a special type of society. All of them are beautiful and young. But those who adhere to the old morality are shown as old or ugly. Here is such an advertisement for NMP and chipization. So unobtrusively they instill the idea: do not complex, go over to the side of the Antichrist, we will be cool!
I really hope that people will understand that this is just advertising. In fact, hell is completely different.

Lecture "The Influence of Music and Sounds on Human Psychophysiology" by Aleksey Vasilyevich Kholopov, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor of the St. Petersburg Law Institute of the Academy of the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation.

I was especially struck by the fact that Artemiev divides ALL music into two categories:
- one that excites;
- the one that leads to the higher realms.

I think that ALL art falls under this classification.

Most of our Russian people, and especially young people, love to listen to pop and rock music and do it daily, and very often.

Impeccably, Lady Gaga is a real POP icon of the whole world. Since 2008, the popularity of the American singer has risen to the heights of the world scale.

But here's the problem, in 2 years to achieve what Gaga has achieved is almost impossible. It turns out that all these outrageous outfits, extravagant hairstyles and other nonsense have nothing to do with it. It's not even about the vocal abilities and talent of the singer. It's just that Lady Gaga made a deal with Lucifer like so many other stars.

Our attention was focused on one of the singer's videos, which she filmed in 2008. "Bad romance" is the whole secret of Lady Gaga's success. What is "Bad Romance"? is not just an incredibly popular Lady Gaga video, but it is something more and more terrible. "Bad romance" is a kind of ritual.

Lady Gaga at the very beginning of the clip casts a kind of spell on her symbol. On her head is none other than a serpent, another symbol of Satan.

And probably the most important part of this video. This is the rite of calling Baphomet (Lucifer). This mystical rite is divided into 3 parts in the clip. In addition, there are other mystical signs in the clip. For example 13 stars in a triangular earpiece, or other symbols of evil such as the Demonic Trident.

The name "Gaga" directly refers to insanity. It means cheerful stupidity: empty-headed, empty, suffering from them: mentally ill, crazy, crazy, insane, disordered, out of his mind, crazy, insane, insane, crazy, crazy, manic, mentally ill, touched, unbalanced, abnormal, bad ,flighty.

Lady Gaga is not only dangerous to listen to and even watch her videos. In the photo, Lady Gaga's director Jonas Akerlund is wearing a T-shirt with the emblem of the Church of Satan.

Lady Gaga Judas

Lady Gaga released the single "Judas" this year. Here are some lines from there:
When you come to me I'm ready
I will wash your feet with my hair...
I want to love you,
but something gets in the way.
Jesus is the reason
And Judas is that demon to which I aspire
And a constant chorus
Oh-oh-oh I'm in love with Judas

The song went all over the world, taking high lines of the charts in different countries.

Very interesting

It's worth looking at a couple of photos or videos of Lady Gaga, and you will notice that she constantly hides one eye.

Most people will take this as a "cool trick" or "fashion gesture", but those who are familiar with the symbolism of the Illuminati know that the all-seeing eye is their most recognizable symbol.

Here is a list of those singers and performers:

Bob Dylan
Bono U2
Busta Rhymes
Cheryl Cole
Christina Aguilera
Elton John
Gary Numan
George Michael
Jay Z
Jim Jones
Jordin Sparks
Kanye West
Kylie Minogue
Lady Gaga
Lil Wayne
Lionel Richie
Ozzy Osbourne
The police.

September 25, 2011 The maid of London's Intercontinental Hotel, where the flamboyant singer Lady Gaga stayed, suggested that the singer was performing a satanic ritual.

After GaGa rested in the room, the maid found a bathtub full of blood. The maid reported what she saw to her concierge, Andrea Miller. It is not yet known if this was part of a satanic ritual or not, however, there is information that during that period Lady Gaga met with the leaders of the Scottish Freemasons, who are the link between the Illuminati and members of the British royal family. By the way, Scotland Yard began to investigate this issue.

All rock bands, rock-n-roll and punk and folk and jazz and rap - always admitted in their revelations that they did not compose songs and they did not perform them. They only prayed to Satan, and he put notes into their souls and hands through the drug, and helped in everything in winning the souls of children and adolescents...

Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber, who became a star thanks to YouTube, is another doll for intoxicating youth. On YouTube, Justin Bieber was noticed by Scooter Braun, who in 2008 signed his first contract with him.

And now he became a millionaire in two years, and today he already has more than 4.2 billion.

No Scooter Braun noticed him on YouTube, it was all set up from the start. As you all understand, such heights cannot be achieved in 2 years without outside help.

Justin was born in the city of Stratford, Canadian province of Ontario, on March 1 in the family of a very rich Jew. His father is a master of the MASONIC LODGE! So let's not forget where the strongest connections are.

New music video from Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj for the song Beauty and a Beat. Nicki Minaj acted as a backing vocalist, wrote raps and laid out all her works on MySpase, among which were mixtapes "Playtime is Over", "Sucka Free" and "Beam Me Up Scotty".

Nicki Minaj and Jay-Z sold their souls to the devil for fame and money. Why do many Internet users and their idols know about this, but because they talk about it openly.

You must understand one thing

They are rich and famous not because of their strength, but because of the prince of this world, who opens the doors of show business for them. There is a colossal amount of evidence and evidence for this on the Internet, when a person needs money and fame, he is ready to sell his soul VIDEO.

Through worship and service to Lucifer, people became rich. An example of this is the temptation of Jesus when he was told: "I will give you everything if you bow down and serve me." So people fall into the weak-willed slavery of Satan in order to do everything that he indicates. This is the only way to explain the emergence of new stars on the stage

Friends, learn to distinguish your surroundings.

Who are they:

Brad Pitt
Jay Z
Beyonce Knowles/Sasha Fiers
Christina Aguilera
Justin Timberlake
Nicki Minaj
Dr. Dre
The Beatles
Michael Jackson
Siven Tyler
Kani West
Lady Gaga
Britney Spears
Lindsey Loan
Mili Cyrus
Lil Wayne
Jennifer Hudson
Alisha Keys
50 Cent
Nelly Furtado
Avril lavigne
Willow Smith
Billy Idol
Celine Dion

Walt Disney
South Park

Many celebrities among athletes (pictured Shaquille O "Neal Professional basketball player and David Beckham)

Julia Roberts
Johnny Depp
Leonardo DiCaprio
John Travolta
Nicolas Cage
Angelina Jolie
Halle Bury
Denzel Washington
Samuel L Jenkson
George Clooney
Elijah Wood
Emma Watson
Jessica Alba
Tom Cruise
Reese Witherspoon
Katherine Hig
Cameron Diaz
Kevin Spacey
Brittany Murphy
Quentin Tarantino
Nicole Richie
Heidi Klum
Lance Armstrong
Warren Buffett
Oprah Winfrey

Rain Man

In the music industry, the image is "rain man", which in occult circles means the devil "fallen from heaven." There is a lot of evidence for this (listen carefully to the words).

Song - Rain Man (original Eminem).

My name was not to become
what I became with this level of fame
My soul is possessed by this devil my new name is Rain Man.

My name was not destined to be the one
What have I become, being so famous.
This devil owns my soul.
My name is Rain Man.

Valeria - Rain Man.
You are my favorite rain man
I can't change you for anyone
Native people are you and me
I love you forever
lyrics (lyrics) Valeria - Rain Man

Stars such as Jay-Z, Eminem, Rihanna, Rolling Stones, Madonna, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Kizz groups, Lady Gaga, etc. sing about the rain man.


All the great rock and pop stars have given themselves to the service of Satan voluntarily and consciously. At a séance, the spirit promises them praise and dominion over the world through rock music and wealth beyond measure.

The only thing he requires is a body to occupy him. After the sale of the soul, the man becomes the foremost leader, and all who knew him have their jaws dropped at his game.

Surprisingly, it is a fact - that they know about the court, about death, but go stubbornly into death, for the sake of a short moment to be "kings for an hour", for the sake of money - these PAPERS.

Now you understand why Satan uses music, he has the ability to influence the masses through music to possess people. You will notice how much Satanism has affected the music industry. They go stubbornly into destruction, for the sake of a short moment to be "kings for an hour", For the sake of this, betrayals of the Lord are committed.

reverse speech

Twenty years ago Australian David Oates(David John Oates) discovered the phenomenon of reverse speech. This is a speech that, when rewinding, speaks another speech that is produced by the right hemisphere of the brain, that is, the subconscious. This speech cannot be controlled!! And simple speech is produced by the left hemisphere of the brain, something that we control!

These messages conveyed by fate are varied: sexual perversion, rebellion against the established order, whispers of suicide, incitement to violence and murder, and finally dedication to Satan. It's verbal the message is transmitted through "Back masking", which means through listening in reverse. It immediately becomes clear if the record is played in reverse.

Following a California Consumer Protection Association trial, these subliminal messages were released. And in the spring of 1982, a California court convicted the British rock band Led Zeppellin for attempting to influence listeners with satanic subliminal messages on the record.

Those who try to decipher the lyrics of different songs will find out that the themes are always the same: rebellion against parents, against society, against everything that exists.

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