How to promote a new product in the market. The main methods of promoting goods on the market


Under the promotion of goods on the market understand the use of various methods by which the seller can convince the buyer to buy this product. The methods of promotion of goods are:

  • informing consumers about the product (where you can buy the product, what is its price and other information about the characteristics of the product);
  • belief in the merits of the product, motivation to buy this product;
  • product reminder needed to stimulate additional demand.

The following means of promoting products to the market are distinguished:

  1. Personal (personal) sale. It is a regular contact between the seller and the consumer. The seller, when serving the client, must provide him with all the necessary information about the product, about how to use it correctly.
  2. Advertising. It is paid messages about products that are distributed through the media. Advertisements are aimed at calling for the purchase of a particular product. An advertisement consists of two main parts: a text part, and an artistic, graphic part of the advertisement. Advertising must convey the right information, be transmitted a sufficient number of times, promote the sale of products, generate income that covers the costs of its creation.
  3. Public Relations. Good public relations contribute to the success of most firms. That is, it is necessary to maintain good relations with the local population, sponsors, government agencies, and the media. Most consumers prefer firms with a good reputation that have managed to create a favorable image of a respected firm.
  4. Sales promotion. This tool increases the effectiveness of advertising and personal (personal) selling. Sales promotion includes the following activities:
    • rewarding sellers for good work;
    • application of special discounts to the price in case of poor sale of goods;
    • distribution of free samples of new products;
    • free attachment of a small souvenir to the product;
    • organization of exhibitions;
    • issuance of coupons that make it possible to purchase goods at a discount;
    • holding contests and lotteries.
  5. Service. Customer satisfaction, quality customer service can guarantee new orders in the future. Service builds trust in the firm. An example is the establishment of a warranty period for goods, the possibility of returning or exchanging goods, and eliminating a malfunction.
  6. Creating a positive public opinion. This method is a free message about the company or its products through the media. For example, a speech by a company representative on television or radio, a press conference.


The manufacturer in a market economy, through advertising and other methods of sales promotion, tries to gain an advantage over competitors. The success of a business is determined not only by the size of the initial capital, but also by the quality of business communications. Types of business communications are very different. This includes: conferences, exhibitions, seminars, presentations, press conferences, interviews, round tables, business lunches, negotiations. But the most basic form of communication is advertising.

Purpose of advertising- increase the market share of the manufacturer of goods and strengthen consumer loyalty to the product. This means that the firm hopes to shift the demand curve to the right and at the same time reduce its price elasticity.

Advertising is any appeal by the manufacturer of the seller or their representatives to a potential consumer-buyer. In the mid-1990s, the advertising market in the United States was estimated at $250 billion a year (it has tripled in the last 10 years); in France at 30; billion dollars (tripling occurred in 7 years); in Russia at $1 billion, but the tripling took place in two years. The turnover of the Russian advertising market in 1996 increased by 10% compared to 1995 and amounted to 1.1 - 1.5 billion dollars. At the same time, the turnover on television reached 344 million dollars, the press accounted for about 700 million dollars, for outdoor advertising about 80 million dollars ("Advertising" Utkin E.A.). In the 2000s and 2010s, these values ​​increased many times over.

There are different types of advertising messages: informational, reminiscent, image. It is also possible to single out social advertising referring to universal values ​​(preservation of the environment, health, etc.). Informational advertising brings to the attention of the consumer information about the manufacturer, the product and its qualities, how to purchase the product or obtain additional information. The ultimate goal of information advertising is to create or increase sales of products.

  • daily newspapers, which, in turn, can be divided into business, entertainment, central and local; weekly publications are also divided into business, socio-political and thematic;
  • illustrated monthly publications primarily of a popular science or entertainment nature;
  • technical and professional publications;
  • advertising and information publications can be free, have a symbolic or very real price.

The main factors influencing the choice of a publication are the circulation and sales volume, the audience, the image of the publication and its life cycle (for daily newspapers - two days, for weekly publications - 10 days, for monthly - about 50 days), circulation ratio (average number of readers of one copy).

An important place is occupied by advertising on television. The disadvantages of television advertising are that information is poorly remembered, and the abundance of advertising blocks irritates consumers, and this reduces the effectiveness of television advertising. Significantly behind television and radio.

In the last 10-15 years advertising on the Internet has been rapidly developing. Even traditional business like funeral agencies began to be actively promoted in service aggregators. For example, many funeral agencies use the catalog of funeral agencies, some order other types of online advertising. Now on the Internet you can find almost any commercial offer, and in terms of audience coverage, the largest Internet sites are comparable to targeted channels.

Outdoor advertising plays a big role: posters, stands, billboards, scoreboards, as well as direct-mail (direct distribution of promotional materials).

Intermediate between media advertising and sales promotion is Point of Sale Advertising (PPO), which accounts for an average of 5% of a firm's marketing budget. It covers: the informational activities of the store itself (posters, posters, panels, video cassettes, radio announcements), the methods used by the manufacturer (racks, stands, video systems, carts, smells), joint activities of manufacturers and sellers (staff uniforms, exposition, containers, packages and other packaging materials).

When forming the advertising budget, it includes the costs of creating advertising materials and their placement in the media, as well as the administrative costs associated with this (wages of employees of the advertising department or consultants' fees). In accordance with another approach, a single marketing budget is formed, which includes expenditures on research (about 15% of total expenses on average), sales promotion (about 50% on average), advertising (about 30%) and public relations ( around 5%).

1 - research costs;
2 - the cost of sales promotion;
3 - advertising costs;
4 - public relations expenses.

Distribution channel (sales) - a set of ways to promote goods from the manufacturer to the consumer. Types of distribution channels for goods:
  1. Producer -> consumer. This channel is a direct, direct sale of goods by the manufacturer to the final consumer. For example, a private bakery sells its bread in its own shop.
  2. Manufacturer -> retailer -> consumer. In this case, manufacturers first sell their product to retailers, who then resell the product to the final consumer. Most often, such a channel is used to sell clothes.
  3. Manufacturer -> wholesaler -> retailer -> consumer. Such a distribution channel is suitable for the sale of household appliances.
  4. Producer -> sales agent (broker) -> wholesaler -> retailer -> consumer. This distribution channel is used in those industries in which the sale of goods is carried out by specialists.
The choice of distribution channel depends on the following factors: the number of points of sale of goods, distribution costs, the degree of control over the movement of goods through channels. Distribution channels for goods:


The distribution of goods includes the following costs: transportation costs, storage costs, administrative costs, other distribution costs.

The cost of transporting products is a significant part of the total cost of distribution. When choosing a mode of transport, the company is guided by the following task - to achieve the most efficient method of distribution as a whole at minimal cost. Transportation can have a significant impact on the sales volume of goods. The faster the company delivers its goods, the greater the advantage it will have over competitors.

There are the following modes of transport:

  1. Freight, automobile. This type is the most commonly used. The advantage of this type of transportation lies in the ability to transport cargo on highways at any time, in the ability to deliver cargo "from door to door". The disadvantage is the inefficiency of transporting heavy and bulky commodities such as metal or coal.
  2. Railway transport. This type of transport is characterized by the ability to carry heavier and more diverse cargoes. But the disadvantage is that it is impossible to deliver goods exactly to the consumer by railroad tracks.
  3. Water transport. This is the cheapest form of transport. This type mainly delivers goods such as oil, coal, ore, cotton and timber. The disadvantage is that the ships are slow and the flights are not frequent. It may also be accompanied by extra costs associated with the delivery of goods to the port, with damage to the goods.
  4. Air Transport. This is the fastest mode of transport. The disadvantage is the restrictions on the size and weight of the cargo. Also, airports are located in certain places, flights depend on weather conditions.
  5. Pipelines. This type of transportation is used to deliver gasoline, natural gas, coal or wood chips in a liquid medium. But this transportation is very slow.

Transport can have a huge negative impact on the environment: the noise of aircraft and cars, the emission of gases, the destruction of forests for the construction of roads, the pollution of the oceans and seas as a result of damage to oil tankers, etc.

From this article you will learn:

  • What are the main methods of promoting a product to the market
  • What marketing methods are right for you?
  • How to apply the method of promoting a product to the market

The modern market is oversaturated with goods and services - both domestic and imported. The task of bringing a new product to the trading floors is not easy and very costly, besides, it takes a lot of time. However, marketers and marketing agencies have reliable technologies and methods for getting a product to market.

The main methods of promoting goods on the market

The main tool that comes to mind when it comes to finding ways to promote products on the market is advertising. But you need to keep in mind that it is not an independent activity, but one of the marketing tools and should be used in combination with other technologies in order to mutually reinforce each other's action.

Marketing campaigns aimed at bringing a product to market can take many forms, but they will necessarily use the basic promotion methods, without which it is impossible to implement an integrated marketing strategy. These include:

  • advertising;
  • direct marketing;
  • telemarketing;
  • press information;
  • relationship marketing;
  • sales support;
  • printed materials.

An integrated approach to the promotion of goods and services implies that all elements of the campaign act in concert, reinforcing the effect of each other. For example, a promotion with a return coupon (which confirms the payment of postage and encourages the consumer to send their answer) is usually combined with direct mail, and then a telemarketing program is launched.
In principle, each of these methods separately - mailing, print advertising, telemarketing - is also effective, but not to the same extent as their complex application.

More about methods of promoting goods and services on the market


If you have at your disposal a sufficient budget and a well-designed media plan (chosen channels that provide the greatest effectiveness of the advertising campaign), then you can use advertising as the only method of promoting the product to the market.
In this case, it will perform several tasks, namely:

  • inform the consumer about the new product;
  • clearly show the advantages that distinguish this product from analogues offered by the market;
  • stimulate curiosity, fuel initial interest and motivate the consumer to learn more about this product.

The success of an advertising-only new product launch program will be determined by the amount of financial investment and the prudent use of these funds.

But if you add to advertising other marketing practices and methods of promoting a product to the market, then it will be possible to apply it more narrowly: to achieve specific goals set by the strategic program. This will significantly increase the effectiveness of the campaign and allow more economical and rational spending of the budget.

Therefore, advertising, among other methods, is usually included in integrated product promotion programs. Those of its forms, types and channels are selected that are best suited for solving the tasks.
You can use ads in a variety of ways:

  1. Make it a means of direct contact with the target audience (for example, provide consumers with the ability to quickly respond by sending a return coupon with an order, calling, requesting additional information, etc.). This is usually carried out nationwide and is the stage preceding direct or telemarketing campaigns (for this, “tips” must be received - a client base has been formed).
  2. The same thing, but on a narrower - regional - scale. The information obtained about consumers is then used in activities carried out by local counterparties to stimulate the sale of goods.
  3. Apply as part of a campaign to promote the product in selected regions. In this case, potential buyers are not only asked to leave their data, but also financially stimulated.

This makes advertising a much more flexible and efficient method of bringing products to market.
One of the popular marketing tools is direct marketing. It is resorted to in cases where it is necessary to increase the effect of using other promotion methods, but it can also perform other functions and be used in a very diverse way.

Thus, direct mail often becomes an excellent substitute for traditional advertising in the press or other media, since it is targeted and makes it possible to cover only the desired market segments. In addition, it can be used as a channel for subsequent contacts with the target audience, namely the part that is interested in the product and requested detailed information about it.

Direct marketing, by the way, is an excellent method of building and maintaining long-term relationships with customers. As part of an integrated marketing campaign, it also increases its effectiveness.
At the first stage of a campaign to promote a service or product in the market, direct marketing can be combined with consumer advertising to achieve the following goals:

  • Continue your direct response campaign by collecting key data of interested potential customers who can become a customer base for future direct marketing campaigns.
  • Develop differentiated offers for different groups of potential buyers who took part in the first promotion.
  • Reach other markets or target market segments in your current marketing campaign.
  • Attract those segments and niches of the market that cannot be contacted in other ways, and influence them more often or aggressively.
  • Strengthen the advertising campaign through special marketing activities in the future.


This method of promoting a product to the market, such as telemarketing, is used along with traditional advertising or direct marketing. The goal may be to collect data from potential customers and inform them. More specific tasks solved by telemarketing are varied:

  • conclusion of transactions by phone (in fact, these are the same direct sales);
  • building good relationships with existing customers;
  • development and release of new products based on the needs of customers (for this, relationships must be established with them);
  • selection of the most promising "leads" from the total client base for which the mailing is done;
  • conducting promotional activities following the direct marketing program;
  • return of lost customers (usually by offering them other products that may be of interest to them);
  • processing the database of "cold" contacts received through advertisements, through direct marketing, from intermediaries;
  • market research, studying the response of the target audience (through surveys, reviews) to the product or the measures that the company takes to implement it;
  • maintaining contacts with potential customers (relationship marketing).

Telemarketing is also a convenient way to get any information of interest from consumers in order to analyze it and use it to plan and implement further marketing programs.

Press information

This set of actions is one of the classic public relations methods used in large PR campaigns. For example, it could be sponsoring entertainment or sporting events. It raises awareness of the target audience about the activities of the company, strengthens its reputation. Parallel to this work are direct marketing campaigns and promotional activities focused on promoting the brand as a whole and getting a direct response from consumers.

Sales support

Through advertising and direct marketing as part of an integrated marketing program, the firm gathers "leads" to potential customers. In the future, this information will be needed by sales personnel.
Many companies are implementing telemarketing as a way to market their products to manage their current interactions with potential customers in a convenient and modern way, and this significantly increases sales efficiency.
It is very important to provide managers with information about the product or service being promoted on the market and about the current market situation in a timely manner. This will make their work more productive.
The sales support program includes the following measures:

  • direct support of trade workers (wholesalers and retailers);
  • informing sellers about specific products (creating instructions, manuals);
  • preparation of standard and individualized presentations for each market segment;
  • informing about advertising and marketing activities to promote the product, which are currently being carried out;
  • providing information about competitors.

Relationship Marketing

This method works with a database of "cold" contacts of potential buyers, which was collected through advertisements or direct marketing.
In addition, relationship marketing is a great way to maintain and strengthen relationships between sellers and customers, increasing consumer loyalty.
Relationship marketing as part of a comprehensive marketing campaign to promote a product or service on the market performs a whole set of functions:

  • strengthens control over regular customers;
  • maintains a database of existing customers;
  • forms a constant, clearly planned information flow;
  • strengthens consumer loyalty.

Printed materials

As a rule, the publication of information and image materials in the print media is not included in an integrated marketing campaign to promote a product on the market. However, it is the most important method of the communication policy of the enterprise, which cannot be ignored.

Publications in the media are necessary to solve such problems as:

  • strengthening the brand image;
  • informing the target audience about the points of sale of the product, its characteristics and benefits;
  • maintenance of trading events (as an auxiliary method).

Low-budget marketing… Every business owner's dream. And even “dreamer” - if, at the same time, the recognition of the company (product) would grow exponentially ... and the sales curve would bend more and more upward from day to day ..

But the reality is that marketing budgets ( advertising, PR - underline what is necessary) are made up according to known only to the "layout" himself ( read - marketer, advertiser ...) laws ... And, with rare exceptions, they are a weak reflection of reality and the company's need for contacts with the target audience.

They say that the true professionalism of a marketer is to bring a company (product) to the market without a budget ... Well, or with the minimum necessary cash injections.

I don’t know how true or controversial this statement is - I can hardly imagine Coca-Cola, Mars and Adidas on the market without budgets ... but still. The fact remains, and the reality of the market is that not everyone has the budget to pay for "multi-layered" advertising campaigns. In addition, due to the still prevailing mentality of Russian business owners, who are skeptical and distrustful of their own marketing services, small and medium-sized businesses are not yet ready to part with money for advertising and other marketing communications ( because there is no clear understanding, “how can we get all this back…”).

So, what low-budget ways do you use to market your company or product?

I can offer you tools that I have used quite often in my practice, which have been tested by the market and have shown their effectiveness, and which have helped me more than once.

1. Barter. A lot of people don't like this word. Especially in accounting. I don't like it very much myself. But I must admit that such a scheme of cooperation is quite common in the Russian business segment, even among large and respected players (for example, such as Rosinter). Of course, if you have something to offer your potential partner. And, obviously, the value of your proposal for a partner should be no less than what you expect (ask) from him.

2. Exhibitions. Yes, your industry exhibitions are a good opportunity to promote yourself in your own market among your partners and target audience. And no - it is not necessary to buy an expensive place and mount a stand. Be creative - push the boundaries of your imagination. There are many other ways to make yourself known at the exhibition, give away your contacts and collect the ones you need.

Carefully study the proposal of the exhibition organizer, the site where the exhibition will be held - look for opportunities for a low-budget "performance".

It can be just placement in the exhibition catalog, placement on the website, renting 2-3 square meters at the entrance to the exhibition, putting a girl / boy with the distribution of samples (or just some “goodies” - usefulness with your contacts), investing in a package participant, organization of a photographer with instant printing of photos on the background of a press-wall with your logos, and so on - think of it! (by the way, such participation can also be closed by barter)

3. Events are internal. Meaning - your personal events for your target audience, for your potential customers. Create some kind of useful event for your customers - what is their most pressing problem? What critical question do they have that they usually pay money to answer?

Give them this answer for free! Perhaps in the form of a mini-seminar or micro-training for 4 hours, maybe together with a representative of an authoritative opinion for them (for example, if this is medicine, then this can be the head physician of a serious clinic, if trade is the manager of a large network, the head of the tax, top - bank manager, etc.).

You can arrange such a seminar with the owner of the premises, who is also interested in an audience that intersects with you, but is not a competitor to you in terms of services. For example, it can be a cafe, club or restaurant that is simply interested in visitors and sales of the kitchen and bar. In addition, in your pre-PR campaign to recruit attendees for your event, you will promote them, as well as in post-releases and reports after the workshop. Do not forget to mention this in negotiations with the site owner.

4. Events external. Many people forget about the most useful semi-informal hangouts or, on the contrary, professional “meetings” of their decision makers (persons making decisions about cooperation) in the form of various chambers, clubs, communities, and so on.

Look - there is probably a Chamber of Commerce and Industry in your city, which periodically arranges parties for general or financial directors. Look for different trendy features, such as a mafia game club for HR directors. For accountants, these may be seminars conducted by the local IFTS. Find out where CMOs hang out in your area (if you offer printing, design, or advertising services, for example...). Find out where the logistics directors live (if you are a courier service or a transport company).

If it’s completely boring in your city and poor decision makers stupidly go home after work - see the paragraph above: think of it yourself! Your events. Finally create your club of mafia players for ____ ( insert the position you want)! Your costs are buying or ordering printing of special cards, blindfolds and beautiful rules on A4 sheets!

Any restaurant in the city will be happy to lend you space on Wednesday evenings with this theme. In addition, it is not necessary to make such evenings free. Freebie relaxes. And the mafia club requires discipline ( read the rules online). Therefore, take 100-500 rubles from the players. per evening (the amount should be such that it is dealt with painlessly, and the value received in return at times blocked such a “loss” from the wallet).

5. Press releases. Get in the habit of issuing press releases about your company every Tuesday. Releases should not be large and voluminous - make text on 1/2 printed sheet plus a couple of key sentences about the company.

Look for information breaks within the company all week long! Establish a system for collecting and processing news and, in general, everything that happens in the company. Any sneeze should flock to your department. And you yourself decide whether to air it or not ( together with the business owner, of course).

And distribute your press releases regularly across the network and through all communication channels available to you: website, corporate newspaper for clients, newsletter, bulletin board in the trading floor or reception… Register your press releases in free press release directories ( they are easily found in any search engine). Send your news to interested publications in your region - both print newspapers and magazines, and online media.

6. Publications. The same goes for larger press releases - provide free content to journalists and the media. These can be interviews on your market, on some problem of your consumers, analytical reports and sections, statistical data ( many media outlets love different statistical compilations), just interesting publications “in the subject”. Invite the leading publication in your region to organize and maintain some special interesting column - and supply your column with relevant and fresh information weekly.

Everyone needs interesting and useful content! Finally, ask your buyers or potential clients - what is THEM interested in your topic, what do they want to know about?

7. Cases. Or case studies. Or success-story. The nature is slightly different, but the point, in principle, is one - to show your target segments by example the solution to THEIR problems. Write stories according to the formula "Problem - Solution - Result", "how bad it was before - and how wonderful it became after", the principle, I think, is clear. Stories in this vein are very attractive and have.

8. Reviews. Customer feedback is something you should collect from when your company was still a baby business. Especially if your client is a more or less well-known company in your region. On corporate color forms, with a beautiful seal, signed by the first person or a key top manager of your client.

Collect and store your reviews in a separate folder, each in a separate file, treat them carefully and with respect -) Well, without fanaticism, of course. You just have to understand that these are the results of your work. These are your "thank you, you helped us a lot" from your customers. And don't forget to digitize all your customer testimonials. Only rovnenko, in color, with high resolution and readable text.

9. "Word of mouth". Involve the local population in promoting your company, products, brands. It has long been no secret to anyone that the “dress” works best in the service market. But in order for your “dress” to work, you need to work on it! What did you think? They just launched a rumor to the people - and he picked it up and carried it to the masses? Of course, it would be great if everything was so simple - no one would spend money on expensive TV and radio advertising, but only would be engaged in “injecting” rumors into the masses.

The simplest and most effective thing is to remember yourself. What information have you personally ever transmitted by word of mouth? It was probably something shocking, out of the ordinary, or terribly funny, or curious, or disgusting, or improving some aspect of your life ... Feel what I mean? Yes, that's right - it should be something that will hook.

But here, be careful - your legend should support and enhance your company/product image, not destroy it.

10. Free consultations, demonstrations, samples. The name speaks for itself. Don't be afraid to give! Nobody likes to buy a pig in a poke. Everyone wants to try first, and then make a buying decision.

Here your marketing should work in close connection with sales as never before. Because it’s not enough just to give a try - after that you need to constantly ask at a given frequency - “Well, how did you like it? Let's buy the full version. Did not like? Why? and so on...". Keep in touch, monitor your potential client. Offer him special offers, inform about new products, promotions, discounts.

But at the same time, do not be afraid to calculate and cut off “eternal tryers” - these are those who initially know that they will never buy, but they will never refuse a freebie ... You should not waste your precious time on such “non-customers” ...

11. Atmosphere and design of the client office/service hall, reception, meeting room/. In these rooms, EVERYTHING should speak about your professionalism, the quality of your services and the specialists who, in fact, provide these services, inspire confidence in you, your company, your product - every little thing and every element.

Remove already, finally, all these antediluvian letters and thanks of 2003-2007, issued to you by someone for something! Leave one - but a normal, fresh, up-to-date solid professional license, or a certificate, or a diploma, or whatever you need according to the specifics ...

No wobbly chairs, tattered tables, scorched sofas, cracked glass surfaces… Well, you remove this piece of furniture if you don’t have money yet to reupholster, repair, buy a replacement. It’s better to throw a couple of frameless “pears” for one and a half thousand rubles if you need to somehow take up space - well, let no one sit on them, but they will give some kind of “their dude” - freshness and dynamism to your office.

12. Gift certificates, loyalty programs. That is, make sure that the client wants to not only come to you again, but bring someone else with him next time. By the way, this also works with corporate clients. You just need to think a little longer ... And ask around / observe clients, what can stimulate them to such an action.

A great example is large cosmetic chains, fitness clubs, mobile operators ( least). Copy this ready-made and perfectly working model and apply it to your business - what exactly is stopping you? ( the first gift certificates can also be printed on a color printer, if it’s really tight ... get rich - print plastic, it’s okay!)

In addition, if you have a representative office of some federal discount coupon network in your city ( like Groupon, but there are a lot of them now), or perhaps there is a local company with this kind of working principle, contact them, let them plan an advertising campaign for you. They won’t take money from you for this, but on the other hand, you will clearly see how much you can earn in one day of such a promotion with zero investment in reach and attraction. The decision is yours.

13. Cross marketing promotions with partners. Organize joint promotions with your colleagues with whom your products can complement each other for the same target audience ( “Blah blah printing house and blah blah furniture salon — only from May 1 to May 20 they are holding a joint promotion: buy office furniture and get 80% discount on any advertising printing!”). Promote them well in the region ( You can also partner with the media), share contacts with each other, and work with the resulting client base, each in its own format.

14. Contests, quizzes. This is about the same as cross-marketing, only a more entertaining format. Each partner performs its own function, makes its contribution - provides prizes of various formats and nature, covers the event, prints banners, programs the web, deals with logistics, photographs, shoots videos, feeds, clothes, etc. But someone has to take on the role of organizer and coordinator. For example, you are the initiator and creator of the concept ( which you pre-send to the partners you need for your contribution).

15. Cultivate feedback from your customers. Build relationships with them. And develop them. Invite them to express their opinion on any occasion - about your services, about the same services on the market in general, conduct surveys, call for action in your communications, provoke them to respond to your messages, conduct surveys on the site or together with partners, give them free advice and ask them to evaluate them, get their consent to receive your marketing materials (only useful to them and not often!).

Final word

Of course, all these low-cost marketing methods do not require a lot of money, but they require the investment of other resources - this is time, effort, patience, energy, imagination and your knowledge.

Yes, and you should not be scattered on all of the methods of promotion described - try each of them in turn, see - which works best for you, brings the most customers? Focus on the few most optimal for you in terms of time and labor costs / number of deals.

And one more piece of advice that I would like to mention, but which everyone often forgets about ... Due to blurryness and immersion in routine, probably ...

Promote and sell not your company and your products, but the "emotion" and "result" from using your services and contacting your company!

The services of a beauty salon are few people need, but a beautiful haircut and a perfect manicure - yes! I'm not at all interested in the services of an advertising agency, but here's a 20% increase in sales in 6 weeks - let's discuss this soon! There are plenty of tours to Egypt and Greece for cheap, but a complete disconnection from current worries and immersion in absolute relaxation for two weeks - there are few such offers! (if they exist at all...)

So stop, colleagues, disconnect from the hustle and bustle, take a time out for the day, go to the park, turn off your mobile phone, sit on a bench, relax, look at the fountains, people watch - low-budget ways to attract customers are on the market, you can think of them. Just in pursuit of frenetic sales and abstract results, we don't always see them.

P.S. And don't forget that acquiring a new customer costs FIVE times as much as keeping an old one. Therefore, do not forget about your client after the first sale (obtained by one of the methods discussed in this report), in fact, work with him is just beginning here!

You found a product and created your online store, using standard promotion methods. Now what? Here are 10 creative ways to promote a new or existing product that you need to try - suggests Cassandra Campbell on the Shopify marketplace blog, translates the site

Articles "what to give ..." with a mention of your product

What do you do when you are looking for a good gift idea? If you're like most people, you google "colleague gift ideas" or "fancy birthday gifts." Then you scroll through tons of “what to give…” articles that show up in the search results.

Why not include your own item in these gift guides? Find massive gift ideas searches, study the articles about it that rank on the first pages for such searches - and try to create a similar article on your store website (or pay for it to be posted somewhere else - with hyperlinks to your store, of course).

Optimize, promote, bring this article to the top for requests for certain gifts: this can lead to tons of traffic to your store .

Also, offer to include your product on a paid or free basis in those lists of gift ideas that influential media and bloggers are sure to make. In your letter to media editors, be sure to include what makes your product a great or unique addition to their current list.

Partnership with celebrity bloggers

If you don't have the money to do some serious advertising, consider local bloggers and thousands of vloggers.

Partnering with them is usually much cheaper than placing ads in the media and offline - and lead generation to your store is often no less.

Go Live With Periscope!

The mobile application for live broadcasts (streams, streaming video) Periscope has demonstrated a huge marketing potential. Many companies are already promoting themselves through streaming.

In particular, it is convenient to use Periscope to not only offer video demonstrations of your product in different environments of use, but also to answer questions from viewers online. Or even fulfill the requests of “customers behind the scenes” right in the frame - and do whatever they want with your product, showing them it live.

Of course, the best showcase for announcing and then posting your streams are your pages on social networks (by the way, Periscope is owned by Twitter Corporation).

Activity on Pinterest

Pinterest social photo hosting is a place where a modern online seller needs to advance. Among Canadian millennials, 93% (almost all!) said they use this visual tool to plan holiday gifts. Conversely, many people use Pinterest to create wish lists - gift ideas for themselves.

This makes this service a great place to promote products. For businesses, there is a special Pinterest feature that allows, in addition to photos, to publish various content about the product - Rich pins (“Detailed pins”).

Or you can take your visual social media marketing to the next level with Buyable Pins. Basically, this tool creates your new online store on the Pinterest platform: with prices and a buy button.

Naturally, in such a visual network, your products need to create a photo of special attraction, with a special charm!

Connect Facebook Shop Section

Facebook Shop is also a tool that actually creates a new online store for you on the social network platform. Promoting a new product in this format is more promising than just in the form of posts on Facebook - the client does not need to go anywhere to see the price and make a purchase.

Instagram activity

Don't forget to shop on the website in the most prominent place of the Home page to offer visitors go to your "shops" on Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram .

After all, it is more convenient for many people to flip through the familiar formats of these platforms (especially from smartphones) than a new online store for them with an unfamiliar, sometimes very complex structure.

YouTube activity

YouTube has become one of the world's largest search engines for new content. What's more, YouTube videos are getting higher rankings by traditional search engines. This creates huge opportunities for product promotion.

Activity on Uncrate is one of many English-language new product review sites with a loyal following. People who frequent Uncrate don't just love looking at cool products - they love buying them. The appearance of your product on Uncrate can lead to significant sales and attention from other media.

It's not easy to get feedback from Uncrate - they don't sell this feature (which is what readers love them for). There is no formal process for partnering with them, but one thing is for sure: your product must be cool.

Uncrate employees find some companies themselves - but others have succeeded after telling the portal employees about their product or sending them a sample.

Activity on ProductHunt is another popular English speaking community for people who love finding new products. While mobile apps and software are more popular here than other industries, you will see physical products appear regularly on the front page as well.

Stores that are most likely to generate tons of leads with Product Hunt typically sell one (or a small set) of very new or aesthetically unique items. But goods from the category of the usual are not very quoted here.

reddit advertising

Pop-up shop (offline tray or trailer-kiosk, constantly changing location)

If your entire business is online, you don't have to open a full-fledged offline store for those who want to inspect the goods in person. Instead, you can run a Pop-up shop.

Most likely, there are unused spaces in your city that you can agree on, that you occupy one or the other point for a week or just for the weekend - and open a temporary store, a mini-fair.

And finally, be sure to participate in specialized mass fairs in your city. This will not only get visitors familiar with the product and sell it - but often leads to free appearance of your product and your brand in local media publications.

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