Funny scenes about vegetables at the autumn festival or autumn ball. Autumn leisure scenario for the middle group Debate scenario for children about tastes argue


Festive leisure for medium groups

The world. NOD "These are the vegetables"

Types of children's activities: musical - artistic, perception of fiction, artistic - theatrical, cognitive - research.
Integration of educational areas Keywords: knowledge, reading fiction, music, work, health.
The goals of the teacher's activity: consolidate knowledge about vegetables; continue to acquaint children with autumn phenomena in nature, the work of people in harvesting; develop curiosity, observation.
Materials and equipment: caps with the image of vegetables; musical compositions: A. Aleksandrova "Autumn", A. Filippenko "Harvest"; P. Tchaikovsky "Waltz of the Flowers"; V. Vitlin "Hello, autumn!"; vegetable compositions; illustrations depicting the labor of people in the fields and gardens, transporting crops to factories for processing; canned products from vegetables and berries, salads from raw and boiled vegetables.
1. Water conversation.
Leaf fall wanders through the bushes and maples in the grove,
Soon he will look into the garden with a golden ring.
We will collect a fan from the leaves, bright and beautiful,
The wind will run through the leaves, light and playful.
And obediently to the wind the leaves fly away,
So, summer is no more, - autumn is coming ...
(A. Pleshcheev.)
A melody sounds. And Filippenko "Harvest".
The exhibition includes compositions of vegetables, illustrations depicting the labor of people in the fields and gardens, transporting crops to factories for processing; there are also canned products from vegetables and berries, salads from raw and boiled vegetables.
Autumn! Nice time!
The kids love autumn.
Plums, pears, grapes -
Everything is ripe for the guys.
And, seeing an important watermelon,
The children will come to life
And everyone will happily say:
- Hello, it's time for autumn!
Cranes fly south
Hello, hello autumn!
Come to the holiday with us
Autumn, please.
Autumn enters under "Waltz of the Flowers" by P. Tchaikovsky (adult in a suit)
You about me, and here I am,
Hello autumn to you, friends!
Are you glad to meet me?
Do you like forest outfit?
Autumn gardens and parks
Decorated with a bright pattern!
We are glad for you, harvest, beauty!
Harvest fruits in autumn
A lot of people joy after all the work.
And we meet you with a rich harvest!
Dance V. Vitlina "Hello, autumn" is performed.
Your harvest is good, it was born thickly:
And carrots, and potatoes, white cabbage.
Blue eggplant, red tomato
They start a long and serious argument.
2. Dramatization of "Vegetable Dispute" (N. Semenova).
Which of us, from vegetables, is both tastier and more necessary?

Polka dots jumped out - well, a braggart! ...
polka dots
I'm such a pretty, green little boy!
If I want, I'll treat everyone with peas!
Blushing from resentment, the beets grumbled ...
Let me say a word, listen first.
Beets are needed for borscht, and for vinaigrette.
Eat and treat yourself - there is no better beetroot!
Shut up, beets, they cook cabbage soup from cabbage.
And what delicious cabbage pies!
Bunnies - rogues love stumps.
I will treat the guys with a sweet stalk!
You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will love it, of course!
I am a ruddy radish
I bow low to you - low.
Why praise yourself?
I am known to everyone!
A short story about me:
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice
And gnaw carrots -
Will you then, my friend,
Strong, strong, dexterous.
Then the tomato puffed up and said sternly...
Don't talk carrots, nonsense
Shut up a little.
The most delicious and enjoyable
And, of course, tomato juice.
And now friends vegetables are doing exercises:
Tomato in the garden
Makes a charge:
How is the health of the tomato?
- Fine! In order!
He was all sweaty, but not tired.
From charging it became red!
There are a lot of vitamins in it, of course we drink it!
Put a box by the window, water only more often,
And then, as a true friend, green onions will come to you.
I am the spice in every dish
And always helpful to people.
Guessed? I am your friend,
I am a simple green onion!
I am a potato, so modest -
Didn't say a word...
But the potatoes are so necessary
Both big and small!
Eggplant caviar is so necessary, useful ...
It's time to end the argument!
It's useless to argue!
Someone seems to be knocking...
This is Dr. Aibolit!
Well, of course it's me! What are your friends arguing about?
Which of us, from vegetables, is tastier and more important than all of us?
Who will be the most useful in all diseases?
To be healthy and strong
Gotta love vegetables!
All, without exception,
There is no doubt about it!
In each there is a benefit and a taste,
And I can't decide
Which one of you is tastier
Which one of you is more important!
Well thank you friends
Very satisfied, I stayed!
I will treat you all now with delicious hodgepodge,
Everyone get up and let's go dancing in the forest clearing.
Everyone leads a round dance, Autumn treats with hodgepodge.
Summary of the lesson.
Children conclude that:
- Vegetables are good for health.
- To grow a crop, you need to work hard.


Children participating:

Aibolit, 1st leader (girl), 2nd leader (boy), eggplant, peas, beets, cabbage, cucumber, radishes, carrots, tomatoes, potatoes.

Each child has a cap on his head with the image of a particular vegetable; Aibolit has a white coat and a doctor's cap.

1st host: Blue eggplant, red tomato

They start a long and serious argument.

Vegetables: Which of us, vegetables, is both tastier and more useful?

Who with all diseases will be more useful to everyone?

2nd leader: Polka dots jumped out - well, a braggart!

polka dots(funny):

I'm such a good green boy!

If I want, I'll treat everyone with peas.

1st host: Blushing from resentment, the beets grumbled:


Let me say a word

Listen first:

Need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat yourself and treat -

There is no better beetroot!


You beet, shut up!

Shchi is cooked from cabbage!

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!

Rogue Bunnies

They love stalks.

I will treat the guys

Sweet stalk.


You will be very pleased

Eating a pickled cucumber!

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will love it, of course!

Crunchy, crunchy...

I can feed you!


I am a ruddy radish.

I bow low to you.

Why praise yourself?

I am known to everyone!


The story about me is not long.

Who doesn't know vitamins?

Always drink carrot juice and gnaw carrots -

Will you then, my friend, strong,

strong, smart!

2nd leader: Here the tomato puffed up and said sternly:

Tomato: Don't talk, carrot, nonsense.

Shut up a little!

The most delicious and pleasant

And, of course, tomato juice!

Children: There are many vitamins in it.

We enjoy drinking it!

1st host: Put a box by the window

Water more often

And then, as a true friend,

Green comes to you...

Children: Onion.

Onion: I am the spice in every dish

And always helpful to people.

Guessed? I am your friend.

I am a simple green onion.

Potato: I am a potato so modest

She didn't say a word.

But everyone needs potatoes:

Both big and small.

Eggplant: Eggplant caviar is so tasty, healthy...

2nd leader: It's time to end the dispute, it's useless to argue!

(A knock is heard on the door. Vegetables crouch on the floor in fright.)

Onion: Someone seems to be knocking.

(Aibolit enters.)

Potato: This is Dr. Aibolit!

Aibolit: Well, of course it's me.

What are you arguing, friends?

Eggplant: Which of us, from vegetables,

All tastier and all the more necessary?

Who in all diseases

Will it be better for everyone?


: To be healthy and strong

Gotta love vegetables

All without exception!

There is no doubt about it.

In each there is a benefit and a taste,

And I can't decide

Which one of you is tastier

Which one of you is more important.

Leading: And the guys prepared a dance

Guys, come out, show us your delicious dance!


The game "What destroys health, and what strengthens?"

Choose those foods that are good for health:

Kefir, sunflower oil, carrots, chips, onions, croutons, Snickers, apples, pears, Pepsi, lollipops


(The host brings vegetables and fruits cut into small pieces on a plate

Blindfolded children try vegetables and guess them to taste.)

DANCE "Boogie-Woogie" - dance with parents

Marina Kaznachevskaya
Scene "Vegetables" (senior group)

scene"Garden" (senior group)

(Mistress enters, Vegetables become staggered

turn their backs to the audience. The hostess takes a watering can, waters vegetables.

Vegetables grow(children turn around)

Mistress. The harvest in my garden is not bad.

I planted carrots, and cabbage and peas.

Tomatoes ripen, cucumbers grow.

And potatoes, beets are growing, onions are turning green.

The sun is in the beds, the rain is pouring!

Vegetables on the beds quickly ripen.

(Vegetables stand in one line, each one in turn comes forward and talk about themselves)

Mistress. More interesting, which one of you

And tastier and more useful.

Who with all diseases

It will be better for everyone.

Carrot. I am a Carrot to everyone's wonder!

And blush and beautiful

I am smooth carrot

Redhead, sweet.

Pull my ponytail

And I will come to visit you.

Cabbage. I am white and juicy

I am useful and tasty

Without me, the plates are empty

Most importantly, I am Cabbage!

Even in my salad, even in cabbage soup

Look for one like this.

Peas. I'm so pretty

green boy,

I am a fun braggart!

If I only want

I will treat everyone with peas!

Tomato. I am very important Signor,

Ripe sweet tomato.

Red, juicy me and smooth

I treat all my friends.

Who drinks my tomato juice

Not sick for a whole year.

Cucumber. I'm fresh and crispy

I am a real Cucumber!

I was green in the garden

I will become salty in a jar.

Potato. I am Potato, so modest.

She didn't say a word.

But everybody needs potatoes

Both big and small.

Beet. I am round and strong

Dark red sides.

The beetroot is young, so sweet!

I am proud for lunch, and in borscht, and in vinaigrette.

Onion. Ah, I'm Luke, I'm the most useful of all!

I save from diseases

From me, at least tears and the sea,

This is joy, not grief.

And don't be afraid of tears.

Tomorrow you will laugh!

Vegetables(together). We are all from the garden bed.

Remember us, friends!

Rich in vitamins!

And we always need you!

Mistress. You are all right! To be healthy, strong -

This without a doubt -

Necessary love vegetables

All without exception!

The hostess invites vegetables in a round dance.

I invite you to the round dance

My happy garden! (leave)

Related publications:

"Health Day" (senior group) HEALTH DAY MORNING. Morning exercises PURPOSE: to instill in the child the habit of charging. ANIMAL GYMNASTICS One - squat, Two - jump. This.

Scene-alteration "Seeing off to school" 1 child A wonderful holiday in February My country meets. She heartily congratulates her defenders.

Homework on the lexical topic: "Vegetables" preparatory group Homework. Dear parents! Consider vegetables with your child: cucumber, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, beans, beets, pumpkins, radishes, peas.

1. Program content: To consolidate the ability to convey the shape of various vegetables in modeling (carrots, beets, cucumbers, potatoes, pumpkins, tomatoes.

Synopsis of the GCD "Vegetables and Fruits" in the educational field "Speech Development" (second junior group) ABSTRACT of the integrated educational activity "Vegetables and Fruits". Educational areas: "Social and communicative development", "Speech.

SHORT-TERM PROJECT "VEGETABLES". By dominant activity: cognitive. Duration: short term. Project type: group.

Classroom script for grade 2 on the topic: “Hello, Autumn!”

Goals: to summarize the knowledge of children about autumn signs; test children's knowledge about vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, berries; develop imagination, ingenuity, love for native nature; broaden the horizons of students.

Equipment: a circle with the letters of the word "sediment", a basket with cards for the "Mushroom box" contest, children's drawings on an autumn theme, autumn illustrations of paintings by different artists; prepare with the children a sketch “Dispute of vegetables”; 2 baskets with models of fruits and vegetables.

Class hour progress

Introductory speech of the teacher

And today we're talking about...

Came without paints and without a brush

And repainted all the leaves. (It's autumn.)

Autumn! Nice time!

The kids love autumn.

Plums, pears, grapes -

Everything is ripe for the guys.

And seeing an important watermelon,

The kids will come to life -

And everyone will happily say:

Hello autumn time!

Indeed, we will talk about autumn. Everyone sees autumn in their own way. Look at illustrations of paintings by artists. What a different autumn here. And this is how our guys see autumn. Look at these drawings. Which one do you like the most?

(Exhibition of children's drawings on the autumn theme and illustrations of paintings by artists.)

And recently we heard a dispute of vegetables.

Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

1st leader.

Our harvest is good

Born densely:

Both carrots and potatoes

White cabbage.

Blue eggplant.

red tomato

Are planning a long

And a serious argument.

(Children playing the role of vegetables enter the stage.)

2nd leader.

Which of you, from vegetables,

And tastier, and more necessary?

Who in all diseases

Will it be better for everyone?

popped peas,

Well, braggart!

I'm so pretty

Green boy!

If I only want

I will treat everyone with peas!

1st leader.

Blushing from resentment

The candle growled...

Beets (important).

Let me say a word

Listen first!

Need beets for borscht

And for the vinaigrette.

Eat yourself and treat -

There is no better beetroot!

Cabbage (interrupting).

You beet, shut up!

Shchi is cooked from cabbage.

And how delicious

Cabbage pies!

Rogue Bunnies

They love stalks.

I will treat the guys

Sweet stalk!

Cucumber (fervently).

You will be very pleased

Eating a lightly salted cucumber.

And a fresh cucumber

Everyone will love it, of course!

3rd leader.

A tomato puffed up

And he said sternly...

Do not talk, cucumber, nonsense,

Shut up a little.

The most delicious and enjoyable

Of course, tomato juice!

Potatoes (modestly).

I am a potato, so modest -

Didn't say a word...

But the potatoes are so necessary

Both big and small!

2nd leader.

It's time to end the argument!

It's useless to argue!

To be beautiful, strong,

Gotta love vegetables

All, without exception,

There is no doubt about it!

In each there is a benefit and a taste,

And I can't decide

Which one of you is tastier

Which one of you is more important!

A conversation about vegetables

How was the vegetable dispute resolved? (Children's answers.)

Do you know about the importance of vegetables in human life? Vegetables - a piggy bank of vitamins (from the Latin word "vita", which means "life"). Thanks to their healing properties, vegetables become "doctors" of sick people.

Carrots and beans treat anemia for those guys whose cheeks need to turn pink. Pepper escorts scurvy out of the body, that is, it heals the gums. And lettuce and tomato make fat people lose weight. Cabbage heals stomach ulcers, while turnips, zucchini, eggplant and watermelon help those with liver pain. Grandparents who have high blood pressure turn to pumpkin, parsley and beets for help.

In the gardens of our planet, more than 120 types of vegetable crops and 70 garden crops are grown.


1. What vegetables are also called "blue"? (Eggplant.)

2. What vegetable is called "snake grass"? (Garlic, it repels snakes.)

3. What vegetable is called "extraordinary berry"? (Tomato; translated from Italian as "golden apple".)

4. Which vegetable is both sweet and bitter? (Pepper.)

round, ruddy,

I grow on a branch.

adults love me

And little kids. (Apple.)

blue uniform,

yellow lining,

The middle is sweet. (Plum.)

Grass above the ground

Under the ground - a scarlet head. (Beet).

Red nose stuck to the ground

And the green tail is outside.

We don't need a green tail

All you need is a sweet nose. (Carrot.)

Game "Give me a word"

He is mustachioed and creeping,

I hid the nucleoli in a pod -

Saber fist.

You can't figure it out if it's dry

It's called ... (peas).

In the garden, leaned on a barrel

A solid, round-headed ... (zucchini).

The tail is green, the head is red,

This is a pointed ... (carrot).

It's round and red

Like the eye of a traffic light.

Among the vegetables there is no juicier ... (tomato).

From frequent watering

Almost got wet

Shaggy, dark purple ... (beets).

Quiz "Determine to taste"

The players are blindfolded and allowed to taste pieces of fruits and vegetables. The one who correctly names the fruit or vegetable receives the whole fruit as a reward.

The game "Who is faster"

There are two or three guys involved. Everyone gets a bowl of fruit and vegetables. The winner is the one who quickly separates the fruit from the vegetables. - And now answer in chorus.


The branches are bare knocking,

Black jackdaws scream

In the clouds, a rare blue,

Autumn has come).

The icicle crunches thinly,

The bird will cry loudly

As if asking for food

Autumn has come).

Black nests are empty

The bushes have become smaller.

The wind carries the leaves

Green onion - delicious!

He is a condiment for dishes.

Eat, children, green onions,

It is useful to people.

Vitamins in it can not be counted,

I need to eat green onions.

And onion heads too

We are useful and nice.

A carrot girlfriend

Road and love.

Children eat all carrots,

Brush your teeth.

And I'm a fat tomato

Full of vitamins.

I've been growing for a very long time -

My age is advanced.

First I was green

But the month of August has arrived.

I began to blush day after day,

To take me home.

Eat, children, tomatoes,

Drink tomato juice:

It is useful, vitamin

And it tastes good.

Excellent Cucumber

Lies on a loose bed.

Eat, children, cucumbers,

Everything will be all right!

Our yellow turnip

Already firmly planted in the ground,

And who will get that turnip,

He will be healthy and strong.

We planted potatoes

Back in the month of May.

We grew up amazingly -

And big, and so beautiful!

And potatoes are the second bread,

We know this with you.

Harvest potatoes boldly

Do not spare your strength for the cause.

For health and strength

Eat more...

Autumn is famous not only for vegetables, but also for mushrooms. Which of you collected mushrooms? What mushrooms do you know? What is the right way to pick mushrooms? (Repeat the rules for picking mushrooms.)

Competition "Mushroom box"

Each team receives a basket for "picking mushrooms", which contains 1 card with the syllables: "Ka-ro-mas-le ..." (see at the end of the poem) and 8 clean sheets.

Along the path at full speed

A rooster flies through the forest.

He shouts: Ku-ka-re-ku!

Honor and glory to the mushroom picker!

I filled my body

And I'm running home.

A hedgehog snorted from under the tree:

You will shake all the mushrooms!

The hedgehog is right: the rooster

There is one rubbish in the box:





Connect the stems and caps of the mushrooms together. Don't be surprised if you don't find them nearby: they may be at the bottom of the basket or on top. Who will fill his box with mushrooms faster?

(“Mushrooms” - cards with words. Each team puts the mushrooms in its box for two minutes and hands it to the jury: butter dish, boletus, volnushka, russula, boletus, camelina, honey agaric, chanterelle.)

mushroom quiz

1. What forest plants can nutritionally replace meat? (Mushrooms.)

2. Can a mushroom eat a house? (Yes, debt mushroom, destroying wood.)

3. What birds eat mushrooms? (Caercaillie.)

4. This mushroom has many names: grandfather's tobacco, Galkin's bath, damn tobacco. What is the real name of the mushroom? (Raincoat.)

5. Which mushrooms appear first? (Lines, morels.)

6. For whom is fly agaric not poisonous? (For deer, elk.)

7. Which mushroom cures diseases? (Chaga is a tree fungus used to treat ulcers and tumors.)

8. These mushrooms live on trees or on stumps. They live in big groups. Sometimes a whole basket can be collected from one tree or stump. (Honey mushrooms.)

9. You will recognize these mushrooms by their color. And also by the fact that a drop of orange juice appears on the cut mushroom leg, which smells pleasantly of resin. (Ryzhik.)

10. The flesh of this mushroom never darkens, for which it got its name. This is the mushroom king. (White.)

11. In dry weather, the caps of these mushrooms are unremarkable, but in damp weather they shine, as if oiled. (Oiler.)

12. The caps of these mushrooms look like fallen autumn leaves of the tree under which they are most often found. (Boletus - redhead.)

Competition "How many words?"

A circle with six letters is drawn on the board. How many different words - nouns - will you read here? Can be read as you go

clockwise and vice versa, words can be composed of any number of letters, just read them in a row. Sediment: wasp, dock, spit, cage, garden, juice, ode, hell, eye, code - 11 words.

When the time runs out (1 min), the team that got the most words reads them.


Say what berries you know whose names begin with these letters. (Strawberries, lingonberries, blueberries, sea buckthorn, mountain ash, raspberries, blueberries, currants.)

Physical education minute

(The host says the words and shows the movements, the children repeat after him.)

We leave the house and walk along the sidewalk (stomp our feet).

We turn onto a country road, the fallen leaves rustle under our feet (sliding foot movements).

There is a river ahead, we walk along the sand, the sand rustles under our feet (rubbing palm on palm).

And now we cross the river along the wooden bridge (clapping hands on the knees).

We crossed the river and again we go along the sand.

And now for the leaves.

The trees around are large, swaying (arms above your head, like crowns).

And ahead of the groove, jump (clap on the knees).

And now the bush, let's jump.

Teacher. Here are some helpful tips for you.

If you are worried about pallor -

You don't have enough iron.

Rye, parsley and mushrooms

They will help you get in shape.

If there is a problem with the skin

Folic acid will help.

Eat eggs, kidneys, cheese -

Invite your friends to the feast.

Strawberries, beets, liver

All diseases will be cured of you.

Lettuce, spinach and avocado -

We will be happy again!

If the hair is not smooth,

And the strand is not friendly with the strand,

Vitamin P group (pe)

You are missing here.

Butter, fish and nuts

Include in the diet soon.

Milk, beans, rowan

Needed for hair.

And now guys

Let's solve riddles!


Girls in the meadow

In white shirts

In green coats. (Birches.)

In the forest in the meadow

Worth curly Vanya,

The rich man is not great

And give nuts. (Hazel.)

In the middle of the dark forest

The red girl is standing. (Rowan.)

Wonderful tree!

Both winter and summer are green,

sticking high,

Looks far. (Fur tree, pine tree.)

Bitter in haymaking, sweet in frost,

What is a berry? (Rowan.)

Under the ground, a bird made a nest,

She laid the eggs. (Potato.)

A girl sits in a dungeon

And the spit is on the street. (Carrot.)

In a golden ball

The oak tree hid. (Acorn.)

Sits - turns green,

Falls - turns yellow.

Lies - turns black. (Sheet.)

Both uphill and downhill.

Under the birch and under the tree

Round dances and in a row

Well done in hats. (Mushrooms.)

Autumn quiz

1. Where do butterflies disappear in autumn? (Hide in a crack, under the bark of trees.)

2. What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal? (Nests.)

3. Do birds stock up for the winter? (Yes, owls and jays.)

4. How do ants prepare for winter? (Close the entrances and exits of the anthill.)

5. Where do frogs disappear for the winter? (Hide deep under stones or in silt.)

6. When do the last ducks fly away from us? (When the rivers freeze.)

7. Which trees shed green leaves? (Alder and willow.)

8. What garden flowers bloom before the first snow? (Asters.)

9. Which trees turn red in autumn? (Aspen, rowan, maple.)

10. Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog.)

11. Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel.)

12. Which animal has cubs in autumn in leaf fall? (At the hare.)


1. LTAIPDSO (leaf fall).

2. JYOD (rain).

3. NSG (snow).

4. OZHUYRA (harvest).

5. EJASTNBR (September).

6. ARMT (March).

7. BKROYAT (October).

8. NOVEMBER (November).

What word is missing?


What new things did you learn about autumn today?

Additional material for the teacher

costume performance

We are sister cherries

Cheerful girls.

We grew up on a tree

But we got bored.

We decided together

Come to your holiday.

Plum I'm purple

Ripe, garden.

For myself in my garden

I will always find a job.

I never grieve

And I'm friends with everyone.

I'm a pouring apple

Such a cute one.

Doesn't sit right in my place

And today we are all together

Gathered for a holiday to you,

Where we won't be bored.

I am a ripe pear

Apple friend.

We grew up in the same garden

They came to visit you together.

Children love us very much

After all, we are fruits - the highest class!

Ripe, juicy I am a tomato,

I am very happy to see everyone.

I never get discouraged

I sing songs with you.

I don't sit still

Fruits are all my friends.


Ripe, juicy grapes

Also very happy with the sun.

In every berry lies

Lots of southern warmth

And for your autumn holiday

The bunch of grapes has arrived.


And I'm a ripe orange

The sun is a cheerful son.

I'm handsome, mischievous.

Will be fun with me

Jump, have fun.

Sing, play, frolic.

I am a fragrant apricot.

I grew up warm in the south

But I wanted to go north

Arrived on an airplane.

I'll be with you, kids

Have fun from the heart.


I am a garden strawberry

I am a small berry.

Though I grow on the ground

But I'm not bored at all.

I'm an unusual pineapple

And I am very glad to see you.

I came to you from Africa

And I found a lot of friends here.

I am tropical banana

I am an exotic fruit.

Look at my outfit

Any child is happy for me!

Poems about autumn

Autumn maples are already blushing,

And the spruce forest is green and shady.

Autumn yellow sounds the alarm.

A leaf fell off a birch,

And, like a carpet, covered the road.

The sun is tired

You are warming up.

Yellow and scarlet

Sheets are spinning.

In the rustle and in the rustle

Our autumn garden

Heaps on the paths

The motley ones lie down.

Autumn is a glorious time!

The kids love autumn.

Plums, pears, grapes -

Everything is ripe for the guys.

And a watermelon, seeing an important one,

The children will come to life

And everyone will happily say ...

"Hello, it's time for autumn!"

He showered the forest on his peaks,

The garden bared its brow.

September is dead!

October has come

Already the grove is shaking off

The last leaves from their naked branches;

The autumn chill blew

The road freezes.

The murmur is still running

Behind the mill a stream...

Already the sky was breathing in autumn,

The sun shone less

The day was getting shorter

Forests mysterious canopy

She stripped naked with a sad noise.

Fog fell on the fields

Noisy geese caravan

Stretched to the south: approaching

Pretty boring time;

November was already at the yard.

All of a sudden everything was dark

The sun has gone behind the clouds

Autumn rain pours everywhere

He sings his song.

Rain, rain, you are long

You are from heaven to earth.

Rain, rain, more, more

Let's grow up fast!

We're not scared at all

Run in the rain

If the rain is heavy

Let's take umbrellas.

Autumn's palette has different colors,

And even animals change color.

Change the color of red to gray fox,

And the white hare will jump all winter long.

There is a bright yellow color, there is a light green color.

We've known each other since the warm summer...

And there is blue, well, like raindrops ....

And I know red, the color of viburnum berries!

How many colors autumn brought

I dressed nature like a carnival,

And we, having finished different things,

Let's take on something else together.

We will live in autumn, like in a fairy tale,

Let's not grieve about the past summer,

We will cherish this sometimes

Like everyone in this wide world.

Summer is leaving us, as always,

There is no end to the autumn rains.

Again, a series of warm days will come,

And again the birds will sing to us.

Therefore, we will not regret it,

It will come back to us.

Also we will meet the cold

And white snowflakes salute.

Let them fly, let the leaves fly

Like birds to the south, to the south.

Spring will come to us again

When time makes a circle.

Song-game "Call of the rain"

(The host says the words, and the children repeat after him. Use as a physical education minute.)

rain, pour,

Rain, lei.

We have more fun with you.

We are not afraid of damp

We will only grow more.

Wash away all the dirt as soon as possible

Let it become cleaner and brighter!

Now clap

Now spank

Stomp your feet

And clap again!

Scene from the life of animals

Bear. In autumn, we bears have a lot of worries. First, we shed. Secondly, you need to take care of a reliable shelter where you can sleep peacefully until spring. But in order to sleep peacefully, we need to accumulate a supply of fat, and this is done in summer and early autumn, because at this time there is a lot of food for us bears: berries and other fruits have ripened, plant roots have become sweet and juicy, there are many insects everywhere, with with great pleasure we feast on the honey of wild bees and wasps. Accumulate fat, and you can go to sleep in a lair. Fat is a supply of food for the whole winter. We bears live up to fifty years.

Fox. And we, foxes, also change our fur coat for a warmer and fluffier one for the winter. In fairy tales, the fox is the most cunning. In fact, I am no smarter than many other animals. If it were not for my keen eyes, sharp hearing, and most importantly - an amazing instinct, then no cunning would have saved me from wolves and hunting dogs. To catch a frog, I don't need any special tricks. And I find my main prey - mice-voles - without any tricks. My nose and ears help. It is difficult for us to catch up with a hare, so the talk that foxes destroy many hares is incorrect. Unless we accidentally run into a scythe or run into a hare.

Game "Vegetables-Fruits"

Everyone sits in a circle, the host gives each player the name of a vegetable or fruit. The host calls a vegetable. The named vegetable runs out, and the one sitting on the right quickly slaps on a free chair and names another vegetable or fruit, the next one does the same. The task is to have time to take a free chair until it is slammed.

Fruit salad game

The host “distributes” (names) some fruit to each person sitting in the circle. At the signal of the leader, for example: “apples”, “apples” change places, the leader’s task is to take the place of one of the players. The signal can be, for example: “apples, pears”, “fruit salad”, in this case everything changes.

Scenario of the event for elementary school "Let's talk about proper nutrition"

Compiled by: primary school teacher Vlasenkova LN, gymnasium No. 5, Novorossiysk.

Goals of the event "Let's talk about proper nutrition":

  • to develop the ideas of younger students about proper nutrition, its importance for health;
  • develop motivation for a healthy lifestyle;
  • develop communication skills


Teacher: Hello! Usually people say this good, kind word when they meet, wishing each other good health. We all want to grow up strong and healthy. And without proper nutrition, there can be no health.

On the board: "You need to eat to live, not live to eat."

Guys, how do you understand this wise saying? The state of their health, ability to work, protective and body capabilities largely depend on how people eat.

To be healthy, smart and beautiful,
You need to eat a lot of different vitamins.
There are many of these vitamins everywhere.
A lot in fruits and other products.

Children love apples and pears,
But beets also need to be eaten more often.
And cottage cheese and sour cream are also useful.
For brains and strength, eat fish more often.

To be healthy, smart and beautiful
Just remember: eat vitamins!

So where are the vitamins? What is the healthiest vegetable or fruit?

Children's answers.

Now we will watch the scene "Dispute of vegetables"

Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

Which of us, from vegetables,
And tastier, and more necessary?
Who in all diseases
Will it be better for everyone?

Popped peas -
Well, braggart!

I'm so pretty
Green boy!
If I only want
I will treat everyone with peas!

Blushing from resentment
The candle growled...

Let me say a word
Listen first
And for the vinaigrette
There is no better beetroot!

You beet, shut up!
Shchi is cooked from cabbage.
And what delicious cabbage pies!
Rogue Bunnies
They love stalks.
I will treat the guys with a sweet stalk.

You will be very pleased
Eating a lightly salted cucumber.
And a fresh cucumber
Everyone will love it, of course!

A short story about me:
Who doesn't know vitamins?
Always drink carrot juice
And gnaw carrots -
Will you then, my friend,
Strong, strong, dexterous.

A tomato puffed up
And he said sternly:

Don't talk, carrot, nonsense,
Shut up a little.
The most delicious and pleasant
And, of course, tomato juice.

Put a box by the window
Water more often
And then, as a true friend,
A green onion will come to you!

I am the spice in every dish
And always helpful to people.
Guessed? I am your friend
I'm a simple green onion!


I am a potato, so modest -
Didn't say a word...
But the potatoes are so necessary
Both big and small!


eggplant caviar
So tasty and healthy...

It's time to end the argument!

Someone seems to be knocking...

(Doctor enters)

Well, of course it's me!
What are you arguing about, friends?

Which of us, from vegetables,
All the tastier and all the more important?
Who in all diseases
Will it be better for everyone?

To be healthy and strong
Gotta love vegetables
All without exception.
There is no doubt about it!
In each there is a benefit and a taste,
And I can't decide
Which one of you is tastier
Which one of you is more important!

Eat more vegetables
You will be healthier!

We have already said that vitamins from vegetables are better absorbed if they are flavored with sunflower oil, which also contains many vitamins.

Assignment to teams: come up with a salad of fruits or vegetables.

But you won't be full of vegetables alone. Listen to the song.

Children listen to the song "Far, far away in the meadow graze to ..."

What important product for children is sung about in this song?

Drink, children, milk. It turns out that milk is useful not only as a means to protect against diseases, but also as ... a “cure” for excessive fullness ... But fermented milk products are even more useful.

Task: Which team will name the most dairy products.

Now let's talk about porridge. Read the proverbs that the people came up with about porridge.

"Good porridge and small cup"
"You can't spoil porridge with butter"
"Porridge is our mother"
"Schi and porridge - our food"
"Dinner is not lunch without porridge"

And who found other proverbs?

The children are called.

Kasha is the most ancient dish. In ancient Rus', everything that was cooked from crushed products was called porridge. People learned how to cook porridge before they baked bread. Porridge is a dish that accompanies a person from birth to death. Now try to guess what kind of cereals we are talking about. All cereals are familiar to you, it is from them that cereals are made.

One king had a daughter. Indescribable beauty - white face, scarlet mouth, black hair. The king kept thinking about what to call her, what name it would be better to choose - he didn’t like it, it didn’t fit. Then he decided to go out on the road and ask the first woman he met, "What's your name?" And the same name to call his daughter. No sooner said than done. The stranger called herself Krupenichka. And the tsar's daughter received the name Krupenichka.

When she grew up, the country was attacked by enemies. The king was killed, and the beautiful princess was taken prisoner. On the foreign side, Krupenichka yearned for her native land, turned into a grain and returned home. The friends buried Krupenichka in their native land. Since then, not a year, a white flower on a red stalk grew in this place, gave birth to grains, dark as a girl's hair. In memory of the beautiful princess, the people named this plant:

What is the name of this plant? (buckwheat)

Next task. It has been grown for a very long time, before many other types of plants. The grain of our Russian is of a golden hue. It is spring and winter. Spring is sown in spring. I winter - in the fall. What is the name of this plant? (wheat)

Teacher: Delicious, satisfying, nutritious and healthy wheat porridge is cooked from wheat grains. But you have not heard of such a mess.

When crossing the Alps, a cook came to the commander and complained: "There are not enough peas, not enough for porridge, barley is also running out, and there is not a lot of millet. How to feed the soldiers?" The commander instantly solved this problem: "Rash everything into one cauldron!" Since then, such porridge has been called after his last name. Name a famous general. (Suvorov).

Teacher: Porridge, named after the commander, is called Suvorov porridge.

Eat a variety of porridge and you will be full of energy for life.

The last thing to remember is meat and fish. Meat is necessary for a person as a source of protein, a building material. It is better to choose lean boiled or steamed meat. Any fish can and should be eaten.

But meat products, such as sausages, sausages, sausages are not so useful. Canned fish and meat will also bring little benefit.

Well, let's summarize and try to answer the questions.

Questions :

Finish the proverb "Porridge with butter (you won't spoil it)
Guess the word: KEM-M + PHIL - L + R (kefir)
What cereals can be obtained from wheat? (wheat, semolina)
What should be the interval between two meals during the day? (3-4 hours)
They don't eat me alone and they don't eat without me. (salt)
Which nutrient is very important for the body? (vitamins)
How can you store food at home? (in a refrigerator)
What healthy drinks do you know?
What are useful products? (vegetables, berries, fruits)
What has long been the name of strong, strong people? (heroes)
When is it better to eat porridge: in the morning, afternoon or evening?
Soft, fluffy and fragrant. He is black and he is white. (bread)
Liquid, not water, white, not snow. (milk)

We talked about useful products. Let's come up with food rules.

1. Daily consume 1-2 glasses of milk or dairy products, cottage cheese or cheese

2. Limit salt intake and replace table salt with iodized salt;

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