Synopsis of nodes in the preparation group for drawing. GCD abstract for drawing in the preparatory group Topic: “Lunar landscape


State budgetary preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 97 compensating type

Central district of St. Petersburg

Educator: Krylova Elena Vasilievna

Abstract of the GCD on drawing in the preparatory school group "Spring Melodies"

Program content:
Learning tasks:
To teach children to depict a picture of early spring; use different art materials in the drawing. To enrich the speech of children with emotionally colored vocabulary.
Development tasks:
Develop the ability to use a palette to prepare the desired shade of color, paint samples; dilute watercolors with water to obtain light colors.
Educational tasks:
To develop in children the aesthetic perception of spring nature. Cultivate love for the native land.
Methodical methods:
The story of the educator, artistic word, questions, search questions, musical accompaniment..
Preliminary work:
Watching spring manifestations in nature during a walk, looking at illustrations with spring landscapes, compiling stories based on them, reading and learning poetry.
Reproductions of paintings about spring, album sheet, watercolors, colored pencils, wax crayons, felt-tip pens, brushes, cups of water, napkins.

GCD progress.
Our land is beautiful in all seasons, and each time is beautiful in its own way. But there is a time in nature when nature awakens from its winter sleep and all lives in anticipation of heat, the sun. When do you think this happens?
It happens in the spring.
Indeed, in the spring. What an affectionate and gentle word - spring! And there is no more sleep. Something joyful, restless sounds in this name. Yes, spring brings everyone the joy of life, the joy of creativity, activity! This feeling embraces all people, and poets write poetry, composers write music, artists write their paintings. Now I will read poems about spring, and you close your eyes and imagine what I will read about ...
The snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are already rustling in the spring -
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
They run and shine and say ...
They speak to all ends;
Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead.
(F. Tyutchev)
Chased by spring rays,
There is already snow from the surrounding mountains
Escaped by muddy streams
To flooded meadows.
Nature's clear smile
Through a dream meets the morning of the year.
(A. Pushkin)
Have you seen spring? What mood did the poets convey?
The poets conveyed a joyful, cheerful mood.
We read a lot of poems about spring, and they are all joyful. Why do you think?
Winter is coming to an end, the cold and frost are leaving. Spring is coming. The sun shines brighter. There are thawed patches, the first snowdrops. The birds return from the south and sing their cheerful songs.
Remember how Russian poets call spring?
Russian poets call spring a beauty, ruddy, young, beautiful child.
Spring comes with its own palette of colors. What are the colors on it?
The teacher draws the attention of children to the exhibition of reproductions of paintings about spring, gives them the opportunity to examine them.
In early spring - a clear blue sky, on the thawed patches - gray or black earth, green grass; melted snow, blue streams. Against this background, slender birches stand out with their whiteness, from which blue shadows fall, as the sun shines brightly.
Physical education "We will become trees"
We will become trees
(walking in place)
Strong, big.
Legs are roots
(feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt)
Let's spread them out wider.
To keep the tree
(fist to fist)
Didn't let it fall
From the depths of the underground
(bent down, palms cupped)
The water was brought
Our body is a strong trunk.
(straighten up, palms down the body)
He wobbles a little.
And with its top
(hands with a hut)
Reaches into the sky.
Our hands are branches
(open palms, spread fingers)
The crown is formed.
(close fingers)
Together they are not afraid
(shake head)
If the winds blow.
(shake arms above head)
And now I invite you to draw your own picture of spring. Think about what plot you want to draw, what you will draw with.
Children are offered paper of various sizes, watercolors, wax crayons, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, salt and semolina.
Music sounds. Children start drawing, the teacher reminds that the drawing should be placed on the entire sheet of paper. Clarify the rules for mixing paints, especially the use of wax crayons.
An exhibition of works will be organized at the end of the lesson. Children are invited to describe their drawing.
While telling, children can read poems.
The sun shines brighter
The air is warm.
And wherever you look
Everything around is light.
Again there are no streams of rest -
Day and night murmur in the bushes.
The golden sun is walking
In pure, pure skies.
Pours rays on snow and meadow
And all the flowers around.
Snow is melting, streams are running.
In the window it blew in the spring ...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in foliage!
Winter is getting angry
Her time has passed
Spring is knocking on the window
And drives from the yard.

Synopsis of GCD "Boy with a finger" preparatory group

author: Koryakina Alena Vasilievna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of the combined type No. 53" Sverdlovsk region, Asbest city
Material Description: I offer you a summary of directly educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic "A boy with a finger." This material will be useful to educators of the preparatory group.

Summary of direct educational activities

Group: preparatory (6-7 years)
Educational area: Artistic creativity
GCD type: drawing
NOD type: combined
Subject: Tom Thumb
Planned result:
-Children know the work "Boy with a finger."
- Children are friendly to their peers and their work.
- They strive to achieve a high-quality result, the work is done carefully.
- Demonstrate activity in a conversation on a work, are able to conduct a dialogue;
- Actively apply previously learned methods of depicting a person (size, shape of the body);
- Demonstrate the ability to work with visual materials (watercolor) and tools (pencil, brush);
- Strive to achieve high-quality results, carefully performing work;
- Show kindness to peers and their work;
- In the process of drawing, they keep their posture, take an active part in the physical minute;
- Correctly keep posture, demonstrate the ability to draw small parts in the figure, take an active part in the physical minute;
-Together with the teacher, they plan the sequence of drawing a person, exercise self-control, mutual control, self-assessment, mutual assessment, introspection, mutual analysis.

Target: Improve children's drawing skills.
To educate the moral culture of the individual (goodwill towards peers and their work).
Raise the need to achieve a quality result, accuracy.
Develop integrative personal qualities: "Inquisitive, active" (, interest in drawing; ability to conduct a dialogue);
"Physically developed" (keep posture, develop fine motor skills in the process of drawing, take an active part in physical minutes);
“Having mastered the prerequisites of UUD” (together with the educator, plan the sequence of drawing a person, exercise self-control, mutual control, introspection, mutual analysis, self-esteem, mutual evaluation).

Visual: actively apply previously learned methods of depicting a person.
Technical: Learn to work with visual materials (watercolor) and tools (pencil, brush).
Compositional: Encourage children to draw large, place the drawing on the entire plane of the sheet, achieve a high-quality result, carefully doing the work.
Color: learn to get skin tones of different lightness and saturation using color mixing.
Principles of learning: the principle of learning in the zone of proximal development, the principle of visibility, the principle of systematicity and consistency, the principle of activity.
The principles of education: the formation of a personal style of relationships with peers and a teacher, the creation of a positive emotional background and an atmosphere of emotional upsurge, education through interaction.
Teaching methods:
Methods of organizing cognitive activity: explanation, conversation, demonstration, illustration, repetition, practical work.
Methods according to the level of involvement in productive activities: problematic presentation of the studied, explanatory and illustrative.
Stimulation methods: stimulation with entertaining content, creating a situation of success, encouragement.
Methods for the development of creative abilities: the creation of a creative field, a creative task.
Methods of control and diagnostics: self-control, observation, analysis of children's activities.
Methods of education: conversation, example, creating a situation of success, encouragement and censure;
Forms of organization: group, individual.
Didactic tools: simple pencil, paper, watercolor, brushes, jars of water, reference drawings of the stages, color model.
Connection of GCD with other educational areas: "Cognition", "Socialization", "Communication", "Physical development"

References: 1.Lykova, I.A. "Visual activity in kindergarten" [Text] - M.2013
2.From birth to school. The main general educational program of preschool education / ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: mosaic-synthesis, 2010. 1. Organizational (motivational-target) stage
2. Perception;
3. Explanation of working methods;
4. Physical minutes;
5. Questions for clarification;
6. Practical work;
7. Analysis of children's work;
8. Summing up.

Activity progress

Organizational (motivational-target) stage
Goal: Get the attention of the children. Motivate them for future activities.
Guys come to me! While I was walking to visit you, a white owl flew over me and dropped the letter. Do you want to know what is there and who wrote it?
- Yes, we do!
So, let's open the letter and read it carefully!
- hello guys, this is the king from the fairy tale boy - with a finger, I want to ask you to help me draw him. I want to make an exhibition-museum of my little boy in my kingdom, but I cannot do all this alone. Will you help me?
- let's help!
Here are the guys that the king wrote to us.

Perception (actualization of knowledge about the drawing, fixation of difficulties in activity)
Update knowledge about
drawing, fixing difficulties in activity.

Do you remember anything from this fairy tale? Let's check:
How many sons did the woodcutter have?
(children's answers)
Where did the children go for brushwood?
(children's answers)
What happened to the children in the forest? (presumed answers of children)
- how did the children get home? (children's answers) Do you guys remember the fairy tale well
And here is a portrait of a boy - with a finger
-Tell me how it differs from drawing an ordinary person?
(children's answers)
Tell me, please, what does the boy-with-a-thumb have?
- torso head, arms, legs, eyes, mouth, nose.
That's right guys!
Seating children at tables
Look how I drew a boy-with-a-finger, he will be the very first to hang at the owl in the museum.

Problematic explanation of working methods
Task: to teach how to draw a fairy-tale hero, trying to convey the features of appearance, to bring up the need to achieve a high-quality result;
-Tell me, in order to draw a boy-with-a-finger correctly, where do we start?
- We start with the torso,
I will draw the torso in the center of the sheet.
Then we will draw the legs, neck, head, arms. We will draw the boy with a finger in different colors, only the torso in light brown, since the color of our skin is light brown. Eyes can be drawn in blue, green or brown. Lips pink. Eyebrows and eyelashes are black.
Clothes can be painted in different colors.

relieve muscle tension.
Before we get started, let's do a physical exercise first.
And now it's all right
Let's get up together for exercises (hands on the belt).
Hands bent to the side
Raised up, waved
They hid behind their backs.
Looking over the right shoulder
Through the left.
sat down together,
Heels hit,
Got up on my toes
Put your hands down.

Questions for clarification (primary reinforcement in external speech)
To develop the ability to actively apply previously learned methods of depiction in drawing a person.
Tell me what should we do?
- "boy-with-finger"
Where do we start? Guys, here we have a scheme for drawing a boy-with-a-finger, let's look at it
(we pronounce the drawing plan based on dynamic schemes) - first we draw a shirt, then panties, pens, a neck and a head. let's add the ears, then add the arms and legs
- then the guys will draw hairs, eyes, nose, mouth, pockets on the pants. And what color will we draw it?
- in different colors only the body is pink.
And now let's close our eyes and imagine what kind of boy-with-a-finger we have?
(ask 1-2 people what kind of boy they imagined)
Practical work
(with self-test)
Continue to teach children to mix paints when obtaining shades of the same color, improve the technique of drawing with a brush.
The teacher observes the activities of children, encourages self-control, introspection.

Individual work of the educator to correct errors in drawing the proportions of the human figure, I advise children to select colors in relation to each other.
I help with advice when mixing paint to obtain shades of the same total color, I remind you of brush painting techniques.

Incorporating Knowledge into the Repetition System
Objective: to consolidate ideas about the distinctive features of a person.
Are you guys done yet?
What good fellows you are. Let's lay out your portraits of toe-boys on the carpet and admire them.
Guys, whose work do you like more?
-Why do you think so?
What is the difference between drawing a boy with a finger and an ordinary person. You guys did your best, the king will like your work
These are the boys with fingers turned out by our guys !!!

Task: to exercise self-control, mutual control, self-analysis, mutual analysis, self-assessment, mutual assessment.
Well done boys! Today you tried very hard, drew enthusiastically, with desire. The work turned out neat, the boys-with-fingers on them as if they were alive. Your drawings, after they dry, I will collect them and give them to the owl and she will give them to the king and he will make a very good museum!

GCD abstract for drawing in the preparatory group.

"Secrets of the Winter Forest"

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Integration of educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Cognitive development", "Social and communicative development", "Physical development".

Types of children's activities: communicative, productive.

Target: teaching children non-traditional drawing techniques: drawing by poking (hard semi-dry brush) and crumpled paper.



Exercise children in the ability to draw a Christmas tree, using different visual drawing techniques in one drawing: the poke method (hard semi-dry brush), the method of drawing with crumpled paper.

To consolidate the ability to properly hold the brush, rinse it after using the paint.


Develop aesthetic feelings and emotions, a sense of composition;

Develop sensory skills - coordination and fine motor skills of hands, when drawing;

Develop accuracy when working with paints;

To develop imagination in children, the ability to convey the color of winter.


Cultivate confidence in yourself, in your creative abilities;

Cultivate responsiveness, a desire to help;

To instill in children a love for nature through the fine arts.

Characters: Fairy Guardian of the winter forest, children.

Equipment: 4 tables, chairs, easel, projector, tape recorder with audio recording, e-mail from the snow queen, gifts from residents.

Materials: Tinted album sheets, with pre-drawn stenciled Christmas trees. Album, gouache, hard brushes, napkins, jars of water, palette, paper for snowballs.

GCD progress:

Fairy - Hello guys! I am the Fairy Guardian of the magical winter forest, but everyone calls me Olga Igorevna. And I came to you because trouble happened in my winter forest. And the inhabitants of the forest, my animal helpers, sent me exactly to you. They are sure that you will help because you are strong, smart, brave. Look what happened...

(The Snow Queen appears on the projector)

Snow TO. I will wave my stick

I'll take the outfit from the Christmas trees!

Let them become colorless

cold, gray, pale.

So that your forest freezes forever

I took your colors!

Conversation after watching the video:

Fairy: Here you go! What are we to do now? How to be further? Can you tell me how we can revive the forest?

Children options.

Fairy: Fine. Guys, let's go to my magic meadow together. There I have everything that will help revive the forest: return the color to the Christmas trees. Do you know what color we need?

Children: Green!

Everyone goes to the clearing: colorless Christmas trees are drawn on separate sheets on the table. And 2 open paints blue and yellow, a palette, a brush, a jar of water.

Fairy- And here the Snow Queen used her magic! But no matter how hard she tried, two colors remained. Which?

Children's answers : (blue and yellow left)

Fairy- Two colors, two colors

Guys, is this too much?

Where can we get green?

And if we mix the colors on the palette?

We mix blue and yellow

What color do we get?

Children: Green!

(only the Fairy mixes the paint and got the green color)

Fairy: We got the color we wanted. Let's each take a Christmas tree and color it to bring our forest to life. I invite you to the creative workshop of small artists. Come in and have a seat.

Children take jobs. The fairy reminds of a beautiful and correct posture at the table, as well as accuracy when drawing. (Sleeves)

Fairy: Here comes the green paint! Guys, but first we need to circle our Christmas tree along the contour with our finger, this will help you see the border of the color distribution. And now look how I will revive the Christmas tree using the poke method.

The teacher shows the drawing process and speaks.

Fairy: I take the brush near the skirt and hold it vertically. Then I pick up green paint with the tip of the brush on the palette. Then, with the tip of the brush, I begin to draw a Christmas tree, while the brush easily jumps over the sheet. After painting, wash the brushes and put them on a stand.

Now try it yourself.

Children draw to the accompaniment of music. The teacher observes and works individually with each child.

Fairy: Guys, you are real wizards, together we were able to disenchant our Christmas trees. Now they are green again. And the forest dwellers were delighted that they were inviting us to dance with them.

Phys. minute with the accompaniment of music and the inhabitants of the forest.

Fairy: Guys, while we were dancing, forest animals told me.

That the forest woke up, started up, but it did not turn into winter!

That the forest woke up, woke up, but it did not turn into winter!

Let's go back to our seats, look at our drawings and think about what else we forgot to draw!

He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him

Become a little clean

How to catch in the palm of your hand. Guys guess what I mean?

Children: Oh snow!

Fairy: What color is the snow?

Children: White.

Fairy: Well, here we have destroyed the magic of the Snow Queen ... Yes, white paint has appeared. In order to draw snow, please take the leaves that are near you and turn them into snowballs.

Children crumple paper with the fairy.

One two three four ,

We quickly made snowballs.

Fairy: And now we have snowballs that will help us draw snow. And then our forest will become winter. Look how I use my snowball, using the method of priming, to pick up white paint on the palette, and by pressing down I will draw snow. This drawing technique is called crumpled paper drawing. You can distribute snow all over the sheet and be sure to draw a lot of snow on the ground to make snowdrifts.

Now try it too!

Children draw snow with the help of lumps to the music. escort

F: Well done! Now put your snowballs in a basket and be sure to wipe the paint off your fingers with napkins. And now let's take our Christmas trees, take them to my magic clearing and see what happened.

Fairy: Guys, look, our forest came to life and sparkled with colors. You are real wizards ... Thank you for helping to unravel the mysteries of the winter forest and

defeat the sorcery of the Snow Queen. After all, good always triumphs over evil!

Fairy: And what helped to defeat witchcraft?


Fairy: What have we done to help the winter forest?

Children: We drew.

Fairy: What did we draw?

Children: Tassels and paper.

Fairy: That's right, guys, we painted with a hard brush using the poke technique and crumpled paper.

The projector turns on with a screensaver of a lively winter forest and its inhabitants.

Fairy: And for the fact that you helped me, the forest dwellers and I want to thank you and give gifts that will help you develop your creative abilities.

In the process of distributing gifts to children, note each for his initiative and active participation.

Fairy: Well, now it's time for us to say goodbye. We will definitely meet with you again. Goodbye! (Children go to the group to the music).

Municipal budgetary educational institution kindergarten No. 3 "Alyonushka"

Theme of the lesson: "DRAWING A HARE". (preparatory group)

Purpose of the lesson: 1. Exercise in the image of animals (hares) in motion.

2. Continue to form the skills of depicting animals from spots.

3. To consolidate the ability to place an image on a sheet of paper, observing the rules of composition.

4. Develop voluntary attention, speech, perseverance and accuracy when performing a task.

Materials for the lesson:

For the educator: reproductions with images of a hare, visual aids for changing the shape of the body and the position of the hare's legs in motion.

For children: tinted paper, white and black gouache, brushes, a jar of water, napkins.

Course progress.

Guys, all of you probably know Russian folk tales. Please remember which animals are the heroes of these fairy tales? (hare, fox, bear, rooster, wolf ...).

Well done, and now, I will ask you a riddle: guess what animal we are talking about?

What kind of forest animal is this, like a column under a pine tree?

And stands among the grass - ears larger than the head? (hare)

That's right - it's a rabbit!

Who remembers the Russian folk tales about the hare and what they are called (“Frost and the Hare”, “Zayinka's Hut”, “Hare-boast.”)

And what, by nature, is the hare in these fairy tales? (cowardly, defenseless, economic, resourceful, quick, boastful).

That's how different it turns out, this character happens.

Today we will try to portray this animal.

Please remember what parts the hare consists of (torso, legs, tail, head, ears).

Look, the bunny is hiding or resting. His paws are pressed to the body, his ears are to the back.

And suddenly he heard a sound, got up and listened. What changed? (The position of the body: the ears stood upright, slightly raised on its paws.)

The hare realized that the fox was sneaking and ran.

How has the position of the body changed now? (it stretched out, became narrower and longer).

When a hare runs, in order to push off, its body bends in an arc, the position of the paws changes.

Tell me, please, what shape is the head of a hare (oval).

Now let's take a closer look at the hare's paws. Are they the same or not? (different, front shorter and rear longer).

That's right, the hare's hind legs are long, powerful, it repels them when it runs and its run turns out to be fast jumps.

On the front paws, the hare has a shoulder, elbow, middle part of the paw and a brush. The brush is small, short, slightly thinner near the fingers.

And the hind legs are different in that they have a large thigh, the middle part of the leg, and the knee.

Where is she looking back or forward? (back).

And there is also a foot, it is long, large, so that it would be more convenient for the hare to push off.

Now let's see, when the bunny is sitting, its front legs are tucked under the chest and only the elbow is visible, and, at the rear, the thigh and long foot.

The bunny stood in a column and the position of the paws changed.

The front paws are slightly bent at the elbow and the hands hang down, while the hind legs remain the same, but the bunny is slightly raised and we see the second part of the paw and it rests on a long foot.

The bunny ran, and the front paws stretched forward, and he throws his hind legs up and the foot with the knee is also on top.

Then he bends again to push off and the hind legs go forward, and the front legs between them.

In order to draw a hare, you first need to think about what it will do with you. Then find the position of the hare's body on a piece of paper.

Here I draw the line of the back, and then I type the torso with a spot.

Now we draw an oblong head, ears.

Then we start drawing paws.

We draw the elbow and the front paws stretched forward.

Then we draw a thigh against the background of the back of the body, then a paw raised up.

And a long foot.


Physical education minute: "A little white bunny is sitting"

Before you get started, think about what your bunny will do and how best to turn the sheet of paper: vertically or horizontally.

When you draw, try to convey the movement of your hare.

Pull a sheet of paper towards you and get to work.

Here are some wonderful hares we got!

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