Abstract of the lesson in the preparatory group “Road signs. Summary of the lesson on traffic rules in the preparatory group


summary of the lesson in the preparatory group on traffic rules

"Smart Pedestrians"

Formation of children's ideas about road signs.

Program tasks:

1) expand and consolidate children's knowledge of traffic signals and traffic rules;

2) introduce children to road signs:

- index ("Pedestrian crossing"; "Underground pedestrian crossing"),

– forbidding (“Pedestrian traffic is prohibited”; “Bicycle traffic is prohibited”),

- service signs ("Hospital"; "Food point"; "Petrol station");

3) consolidate the knowledge gained about road signs through the didactic game "Assemble the sign" and drawing road signs;

4) to cultivate a culture of behavior on the street, developing the need to comply with the rules of the road.


Road signs, traffic light layout, templates, ○, □ shapes, wax crayons, didactic game "Assemble the sign".

Lesson progress


Guys, guess the riddle:

My three magical eyes

They manage everything at once.

I'll blink - cars will go,

There will be women and men.

Answer together, in chorus

What is my name? .. (Traffic light).


(shows a mock-up of a traffic light)

What is a traffic light for?

A traffic light is needed in order to regulate traffic, so that there is order on the streets and roads.


What does each traffic light mean?

Red is a dangerous color

This means there is no move.

Yellow - don't rush

And wait for the signal.

Color green says:

Now the way is open for you!


The traffic police inspector came to visit us. He wants to test your knowledge of the rules of the road.

traffic police inspector:

Hello our little walkers. Now you go to kindergarten with your parents, and next year you will go to school and you will have to walk the streets and cross the road on your own. As you know, there are many cars moving along the streets and roads, and if you do not know the rules of the road, you can get into trouble. Do you all know these rules?

(Answers of children).

Let's get a look:

What is the name of the people walking down the street? (Pedestrians).

- Where can I cross the street? (By transitions).

What transitions do you know? (Ground, underground).

What is the safest crossing? (Underground).

What should be done before crossing the street? (Look - to the left, walk to the middle of the road - look to the right, then go the rest of the distance).

Why is it dangerous to cross the street? (Because in addition to pedestrians, there are also cars on the streets).

traffic police inspector:

Well done boys! You know the rules of the road well.


There are not enough rules of the road in the world,

It would not hurt you to learn all of them,

But the main of the rules of motion

Know how a multiplication table should

Do not play on the pavement, do not ride,

If you want to stay healthy!

Fizminutka "Traffic light".

We will play at the traffic light, (Children clap their hands).

One two three four five.

I invite you all to stand up. (Children get up, walking in place marching).

Red light to us "Stop!" screams, (Children stand still).

Wait for the green orders.

So the yellow caught fire, (Jerks of hands under the chest).

It's time to get ready

Hands, feet, warm up

Let's start kids!!! (Squats).

Here the green lights up, (Hands up).

Can we go forward, (Walking in place marching).

Be a bold pedestrian.

traffic police inspector:

Guys, I came to visit you not alone, but with my road sign assistants. Road signs are needed so that the street can “talk” with drivers and pedestrians in a language they understand. Wherever you go, everywhere on the streets you are met by road signs. They are of different colors and different shapes. This is no coincidence. Today you will try to learn to understand the language of the street - the language of signs.


Children, all road signs are divided into warning, prohibition, prescriptive, index. There are also service marks. Now we will get acquainted with these signs.


This sign is called "Crosswalk". This is a direction sign that indicates the place where you need to cross the road.

Pedestrian only

Sign at the crossing

In the blue square

transition pointer.


Every pedestrian knows

About the underpass.

He does not decorate the city

But it doesn't interfere with cars.

(The teacher shows the sign "Underground pedestrian crossing").


Among all the road signs, the most strict ones are forbidding. They are round in shape with a red border or red background. You need to remember the following signs:

"No Pedestrians".

In rain and clear weather

There are no pedestrians here.

One sign tells them:

"You're not allowed to go."

(The teacher shows the sign "Pedestrian traffic is prohibited").


Bicycle on a red circle

So it's dangerous to drive here!

(The teacher shows the children the sign "Movement on bicycles is prohibited").


Children, among the road signs there are service signs that show drivers where the hospital is located, the canteen, where you can fill up with gasoline! These signs are rectangular in shape with a blue stripe.

(The teacher shows the children service signs).

Didactic game "Collect the sign".

Contours of road signs are made of cardboard, elements of a road sign are made separately. On the instructions of the teacher, the children must find the elements of the sign and put them in the appropriate circuit.

At the end of the game, children answer the following questions:

What is the name of the sign?

What does it matter?

What road signs are found on the way to kindergarten?

Show signs?

Show prohibition signs.

traffic police inspector:

Well done boys! You did a good job and answered the questions correctly.


Through the city, down the street

They don't just go like this:

When you don't know the rules

It's easy to get into trouble.

Be careful all the time

And remember beforehand:

They have their own rules

Driver and pedestrian!


Today in the lesson we studied road signs: index, prohibition and service signs. And so that you remember them better, I suggest drawing them.

(The teacher distributes to the children round, triangular, rectangular road sign templates and wax crayons).

At the end of the lesson, an exhibition of children's works is held, the traffic police inspector praises the children and gives them the board game "Traffic Light".

Abstract of a lesson on traffic rules with children of a preparatory group for school

MBDOU "Vysokogorsky Kindergarten "Petushok" of the Vysokogorsky Municipal District"

Republic of Tatarstan, village High Mountain

Topic: "Road signs always remember"

Target: to teach children to distinguish road signs by color and shape, to form a system of knowledge about road signs, to consolidate the ability to distinguish between road signs: forbidding, warning, prescriptive, to consolidate children's knowledge of modes of transport, to develop attentiveness, the ability to apply learned traffic rules in various game situations . Cultivate organization in children.

educational tasks. To teach to distinguish and understand road signs intended for drivers and pedestrians.

development tasks. To form the ability to navigate the main road signs. Develop logical thinking, memory, orientation in the environment of children.

educational task. Raise the desire to teach the rules of behavior on the street to younger children, their friends.

Lesson material. A poster with road signs (prohibiting, warning, prescriptive), cards for the type of transport, envelopes (according to the number of children) in which there are cut signs, a sign "Bus stop place", panama hats, tickets, a stand "School of road signs".

Methodical methods: Questions, a surprise moment, a conversation.

Artistic word: Riddle, rules of conduct in public transport.

Preliminary work: Reading fiction, observation.

Course progress.

Educator. Guys, today we will go to school, not to the school where students go, but to the “School of Road Signs”.

What would you like to ride?

Children:(by bus, by tram, by plane…)

And what is the name of the vehicle that you have just named in one word? (Transport).

To find out what we will eat, you must guess the riddle:

The house is walking down the street

Everyone is lucky to work

Not on thin long legs

And rubber boots. (bus).

Yes guys, you guessed right.

Guys, when you get into transport, who do you become? (Passengers).

What rules of conduct should a passenger know?

1. You need to wait for the bus at a special stop.

2. In public transport, you can’t talk loudly, make noise, shout.

3. It is forbidden to distract the driver with conversations.

4. An educated person gives way to the bus for the elderly, the disabled.

5. You can't stick your head out of the bus window.

What is the name of the person who drives the bus?


And the person who sells tickets on the bus? (conductor)

Where should we wait for the bus? We'll be leaving soon. In order not to get bored on the way, let's sing a song. ("We are going, we are going ...)

So we arrived at the School of Road Signs.

And now I will check you

And I'll make a game for you

I will ask questions for you

Answering them is not easy.

Guys, we have different tasks waiting for us at school.

Here is the first task. On the tables you have cards with numbers. Find your card by ticket number. Take the cards, look carefully. What is on our card? You must tell me the type of this transport. We approach me one by one and put the drawings in the pockets.

Air Water Ground

Now let's play. I will now give you sticks that are wearing panama hats. And three sticks will be empty. While the music is playing, you must exchange panama hats with those who do not have them. For part 2 of the music we put on panama hats on our heads. Our transport stopped. We looked at our panama hats. What do you see on panama hats? (bus, tram, truck, passenger car, trolleybus).

Guys, what do you think, what is superfluous here? That's right, the boat is superfluous.

Why do you think so? (The boat is a water mode of transport. And the rest are land.)

And now guys all come to me. Let's remember road signs.

(Children look at the poster, which shows road signs). What types of road signs do you see here? (They say what the sign is.)

1.Warning. These signs warn that the driver is approaching a dangerous section of the road. Triangle shape with red border. Children name the signs: “Railway crossing with a barrier”, “Pedestrian crossing”, “Road works”.

2. Forbidding. They introduce or cancel certain limited movement. Round shape with red border. Color is red.

3. Prescriptive. They give clear orders. Round shape, blue color.

What are road signs for? And if there were no road signs, what would happen? (Answers of children).

Guys, now it's time for us to go to kindergarten. We get on the bus and let's go.

Did you like School of Road Signs?

What have we learned?

You guys are all great. For this, I give you the book "The ABC of Road Traffic". The group will continue to study the rules of the road.

Target : fix the rules of the road.

Tasks : continue to get acquainted with road signs - warning, prohibiting and informational - indicative; leading to an awareness of the need to complyTraffic Laws, fostering a culture of behavior on the street and in public transport.

Integration : Cognition, Physical education, Socialization, Communication, Safety.

preliminary work: looking at illustrations, getting to know the signs of DD, guessing riddles, talking from personal experience.


- Children, we live with you in a large, beautiful village of Amzya, with wide streets, large houses. There are many cars, trucks and buses on the roads. And no one bothers anyone. And why? (This is because there are clear and strict rules for drivers and pedestrians).

- What are the signs? (forbidding, warning, information-indicative).

- Warning signs are triangular in shape - they warn road users of dangers.

- Prohibition signs - prohibit certain actions (for example, a U-turn); prohibit the movement of certain vehicles (for example, the prohibition of movement for tractors).

- Warning signs - instruct road users to take certain actions, such as the direction of turns.

— Information — index signs designate objects and signs of service. They inform road users about the nature of the road, the location of traffic lanes, etc. These signs also include direction and distance indicators, kilometer signs, signs indicating the names of cities and rivers. Inform road users about various services: gas stations, hotels, campsites.

"Cut Signs".

Children are divided into 3 teams. Teams are given the task of assembling a road sign from parts and explaining its purpose.

Solving the crossword puzzle.

1. pedestrian

2. bike

3. traffic light

4. transition

5. traffic controller

6. sign

Crossword riddles:

1. Who is walking along the transition

By following the rules?

Make way for them

All machines are happy. (A pedestrian).

2. On two wheels I roll,

I spin with two pedals,

Behind steering wheelkeep looking forward

And I see - soon the turn. (Bike).

3. Got up from the edge of the street

In a long boot.

Three-eyed scarecrow on one leg.

Where the cars move

Where the paths converged

Helps people cross the street (traffic light).

4. If you are in a hurry on the way

Pass through the street

Go where all the people

Where is the inscription... (transition).

5. Look, what a strong man:

On the go with one hand

stop used to

five ton truck(adjuster).

6. It will oblige us to drive quietly,

A close turn will show.

And remind you what and how

You are on your way…. (road sign).

7. Central word.

Everyone has known her for a long time -

Waits obediently near the house,

Just walk out the gate

Wherever you want to lead. (Road).

Finger gymnastics"Three colors "

If the light is onred- (arms bent at the elbows, fingers clenched and unclenched)

So it's dangerous to move - (arms crossed)

Yellow light - warning - (arms bent at the elbows, fingers clenched and unclenched)

Wait for the signal to move (clap hands)

The green light says: - (arms are bent at the elbows, fingers are clenched and unclenched)

“Come in, the path is open” - (walk in place)

Situation solution.

I will read you a poem about a boy. You listen carefully and think about whether the boy behaved correctly or not correctly on the road and why?

What's happened? What's happened?

Why is everything around

Frozen, stopped

And how did you go to sleep?

It's just a boy Misha

Walking slowly into the garden.

Barely he walks

Doesn't look around

On the way, he falls asleep -

You can't behave like that!

Why do you need to

Misha also teach

How do I drive a road

Move right!

Children's answers.

Creative "Guess the transport."

The child thinks of anyvehicle. He must portray it without words, using only body movements. Children guess which vehicle he will portray (trolleybus, carriage, motor ship, steam locomotive, helicopter).

- Well done, guys, today you showed yourself as good pedestrians and experts on traffic rules!

Software content. Introduce children to new road signs: "Railway crossing", "Point of medical care", "Telephone". Learn to distinguish signs, acquaint with the appointment.

Visual aids. Toy cat, road signs (“Pedestrian crossing”, “Railway crossing”, “Telephone”, “Aid point”) (for each child), 3 pictures of a railway crossing, a telephone booth, a hospital, 1 picture of a telephone booth , railway crossing and hospital, united in one plot; 3 large road signs "Railway crossing", "Point of medical care", "Telephone".


In front of each child, there are road signs on the table (“Pedestrian crossing”, “Railway crossing”, “Telephone”, “Point of medical assistance”).

A cat (toy) appears with a bandaged paw and tail.

Educator. Guys, look who came to our lesson today. This is the cat Kotofeich.

Cat. Hello guys!

Educator. Kotofeich, why are you all bandaged? What happened to you?

Cat. Oh, trouble, trouble! Evil wizards attacked our toy city and stole all road signs.

caregiver. How do you manage without them now?

Cat. And you look at me. My tail was run over by a train, my paw was crushed by a car.

Cars and trains all around.

Then suddenly the bus is on the way.

To be honest, I don't know

Where can I cross the road.

Guys, help me

And, if possible, tell me.

caregiver. Well, let's help Kotofeich? Tell him where to cross the road? (Where there is a Crosswalk sign.) Show this sign. (Children find a sign and pick it up.) What is the name of this sign? (Pedestrian crossing.) Remember the poem about this sign.

Child reads a poem

Pedestrian, pedestrian!

Remember about the transition.

underground, ground,


Know that only the transition

It will save you from cars.

O. Bedarev

Educator. Cat, do you remember where to cross the road?

Cat. Remembered. The road can only be crossed where there is a road sign "Pedestrian crossing". What other road signs are there?

caregiver. Just today road signs promised to visit us. (There is a knock on the door.) Here they are.

Three children enter with large road signs in their hands: "Railway crossing", "Point of medical care", "Telephone" - and greet.

caregiver. Dear guests, we are very glad to meet you. Let's get acquainted.

A child with a sign "Railway crossing" comes forward.

That's the sign!

I don't believe my eyes.

What is the battery for?

Does it help with movement?

Steam heating?

Maybe in winter blizzard

Do drivers need to warm up here?


Here the barrier is a crossing,

Wait, the express will pass.

1st sign. My name is Railroad Crossing.

caregiver. Guys, find and show this sign. (Children find a sign and pick it up.) What is the name of this sign? (Railroad crossing.) This sign stands where the highway crosses the railroad. Does anyone know how to cross the crossing? (You can cross the crossing only when the barrier at the crossing is raised. This means that the path is open. If the barrier is lowered, the path is closed, wait for the train to pass.)

Cat. How well you explained everything! Now I'm not afraid of the train.

The sign "Railway crossing" sits on a chair, the sign "Point of medical aid" comes forward.

Cat. What is this cross?

caregiver. This cross is not simple, it means that somewhere nearby there is a clinic. And this sign is called "Point of medical care." Guys, find it on your desk and show us. (Children complete the task.) What is the name of this sign? (Point of medical assistance.) Where can you find him? (Next to the hospital.)

The teacher puts up a picture of a railroad crossing on the board.

caregiver. What sign should be placed here? What is it called? (Railroad crossing.)

The child attaches the railroad crossing sign to the picture.

The teacher puts up a picture with the image of the clinic.

caregiver. What is shown in this picture? (Hospital.) What sign should be put here? (Point of medical assistance.)

Cat. Hooray! Our signs have awakened.

Signs. Thank you guys for your help.

caregiver. And now we will go to your city and help you put all the signs in their places.

Children place the signs "Pedestrian crossing", "Railway crossing", "Point of medical care", "Telephone" on the picture-diagram depicting the city and explain their choice.

caregiver. Watch out for road signs. They are your faithful assistants in safe movement.

Cat. Thanks a lot guys! You helped us a lot. It's time for me to go home.

Signs. It's time for us to get on the road. We will leave these road signs as a memory of ourselves. (They put signs on a stand and leave.)

caregiver. So our meeting with road signs ended. But we do not have to wait long for a new meeting, because road signs surround us everywhere on the streets and roads. Befriend them and they will never let you down.

"Journey to the City of Road Signs"

Summary of the lesson for children of the preparatory group with OHP

Conducted by: Volchkova T.E.

"Journey to the City of Road Signs" Abstract of the lesson for children of the preparatory group with OHP.

Educational areas: Social and communicative, cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic.

Target : To instill the skills of safe behavior on the roads.

Tasks: Summarize children's ideas about the rules of behavior for pedestrians on the street, in public transport. To consolidate the knowledge of children about different types of transport. To teach to navigate in space and on a plane with the help of a plan map, diagrams, verbal installation. To develop visual perception of children, their speech and motor activity. To cultivate friendly relationships between children, responsiveness, the ability to coordinate their actions.

Corrective tasks: Exercise children in the correct construction of sentences. To enrich the vocabulary of children - a pedestrian crossing, a roadway, an intersection, a sidewalk, an excavator.

Methods: Visual, verbal, practical, playful.

Receptions: Game situation, artistic word, questions for children, children's actions, surprise moment, teacher's verbal instructions, teacher's assessment of children's work.

Preliminary work:

    Reading fiction

    Examining the illustrations

    Conversations with children on traffic rules

    Walks, city tours

    Game situations according to traffic rules

Materials: Models of traffic lights, road signs, buses, houses; road sign cards a box with models of houses, trees, road signs; plankarta Ruzaevka, glue, brushes, napkins, oilcloths, coasters for brushes for each child.

Musical accompaniment: Music from the movie "Beware of the car".


V .: Guys, today I propose to go on a trip to the City of Road Signs. You can only get there by transport. How do people travel from one city to another?

D: People travel by bus, car, gazelle, train...

V: Right. We'll go by bus. Who will we be?

D: We will be passengers.

Q: Artem, who drives the bus?

D: The driver drives the bus.

V .: But before we get on the bus, we need to find a stop. How can we find it?

D: Here is a sign with the letter A and a picture of a bus on it. It is near the bus stop.

V: Right. People are waiting for the bus at the bus stop. They stand on a special platform. You are not allowed to enter the carriageway. You can get hit by a car. Here is the bus, the doors are open. Passengers enter the front door. And we will enter. Did everyone take their seats on the bus?

V .: Now, with the help of a rhyme, we will choose a driver

Passengers, hurry up

Sit two side by side.

The driver is driving

He looks at the traffic light.

(The driver takes his seat.)

Q: A cultural passenger should know what is allowed and what is forbidden to do in transport. While we are driving, we will play the game "It is allowed-it is forbidden." I will start the sentence and you will finish:

Ride a hare, as you know .... (forbidden)

Give the old woman a seat .... (allowed)

Pushing everyone, shouting .... (forbidden)

And stand still... (allowed)

Take ice cream on the bus .... (forbidden)

Well, apples in a bag .... (allowed)

Play ball at the stop .... (forbidden)

Walk around the back of the bus.... (allowed)

Well, in front, of course .... (forbidden)

V .: Well done, guys, you know the rules of cultural and safe behavior in public transport and next to it.

Here we have arrived. We leave through the back door.

Guys, in order for us to get into the city, we need to cross the road correctly. What will help us cross the road?

D .: A pedestrian crossing will help us cross the road.

Q: How can we find it?

D: Near the pedestrian crossing there is a sign that depicts a pedestrian walking on a zebra.

V .: That's right, you need to cross the road at a pedestrian crossing. To cross the roadway you need to be very careful, hold an adult by the hand.

Now guess the riddle:

On the road he stands

Follows the movement

He has three bright eyes

Guess, kids, now?

D: It's a traffic light.

V: Right. How many signals does a traffic light have?

D: The traffic lights have three signals.

B: To help us

The path is dangerous

Burning day and night

Green, yellow, red.

V .: Children, if the red traffic light is on, you can’t cross the street.

Yellow - you need to get ready, and green - feel free to cross the road.

Now let's play the game "Traffic Light". Listen carefully to the rules of the game: when I show a red traffic light - you must sit down, a yellow traffic light - you stand still, a green traffic light - you go in a circle one after another. (The children become in a circle, in the center is the teacher. The teacher takes turns showing the children different traffic signals - the children perform movements.)

V .: Well done, guys, they well remembered the rules for crossing the roadway.

The traffic light turned green - it's time for us to cross the street. (Children walk along the crosswalk)

V .: So we ended up in the city of Road signs. (In the center of the city there is a magnetic board with which the inhabitants of the city - road signs, greet children.)

DZ: Dear guys, we are very glad to meet you. You are in for a surprise. We have prepared riddles for you. Try to guess them:

Striped lies across the road,

People are in a hurry to pass through it.

And in front of her, the driver, you stop!

While the people are walking, take a breather. (Zebra)

He regularly eats gasoline

And when he rides, he releases smoke.

It doesn't need rails.

And the "horns" are also not important.

He strictly follows the route

And he takes people to work. (Bus)

This one is on the road

He has rubber feet.

Hurries along the wires to and fro

On the head of his "horns" is always (Trolleybus)

He is the most important in the cabin,

He keeps order.

"Pay the fare!" - so important

He speaks loudly to everyone. (Conductor)

They can be seen everywhere, they can be seen from the windows,

The street is moving at a fast pace.

They carry a variety of goods -

Brick and iron, grain and watermelons. (Trucks)

DZ: Well done guys, they guessed all our riddles very quickly and correctly.

V .: And now the guys and I will tell the residents of the city how well we know you.

1. You can meet a sign like this

On the fast road.

Where is the big hole

And it's dangerous to walk straight

Where the district is being built,

School, home and stadium.

2. Here is a fork, here is a knife,

Refueled a little.

They also fed the dog

We say thank you sign. (Point of supply)

3. There is a sign on the road

He speaks in a stern tone.

Cars can't drive here

It is forbidden to pass. (Brick - no entry)

4. Hey driver, be careful!

Impossible to drive fast

People know everything in the world

Children go to this place. (Caution children)

5. Familiar stripes

Children know, adults know

Leads to the other side


6. Leads down from the sidewalk

There is a long entrance under the road.

There is no door or gate.

That - (underpass).

7. You did not wash your hands on the road,

I ate fruits and vegetables.

It's good that the point is nearby

medical assistance.

8. What should I do?

What do i do?

You need to call urgently.

Both you and he should know

This place has a telephone.

V .: Well done guys, they talked well about road signs. The residents of the city are very happy.

V .: So that we do not forget the rules of the road, we will draw up a plan - the map "My safe city". Let's go to the tables.

This is the plan of the main street of our city Ruzaevka - V.I. Lenin. (showing).

The roadway on the plan - the map is marked in black. The sidewalk is a path for pedestrians, marked in brown. We were on V.I. Lenina Street and saw where the pedestrian crossings are on the roadway. Now we will place pedestrian crossings on the plankart in the places where they should be. But first, let's do finger gymnastics, which is called "Don't play on the road."

We prepared the right hand, starting with the little finger:

The skier goes on the track

Hockey is played on the rink

Playing snowballs in the yard

They roll a snow woman.

Just know this for sure

On the road - do not play!

Once again from the left hand. (Children perform gymnastics with the left hand).

And now let's get down to the task. (The teacher approaches each child and helps if necessary).

Now you need to designate pedestrian crossings with appropriate signs. Let's get to work. (Children do the task)

Now we will build houses and plant trees. You and I will get a residential area. Each of you will take two houses of different colors from the box and place a plan - maps on the green zone. Then you need to glue them. We do.

Guys, look what a beautiful residential area we have. You like? I propose to donate this plan - a map to the people of the city of Road Signs. Do you agree?

And it's time for us to go back. (Children line up in pairs and go to the bus stop.)

We arrived at the bus stop. Here is the bus. We enter through the front door. Did everyone sit down?

While we are driving, we will play the game "Clever and clever". I will ask questions and you take turns answering them.

What is the name of:

A strip of land intended for the movement of vehicles? (Road)

Home for a car? (Garage)

A person walking on the sidewalk? (A pedestrian)

A road for pedestrians? (Sidewalk)

A place on the road reserved for pedestrians? (Transition)

Road crossing point? (Crossroad)

Common name for a bus, trolleybus, tram? (Public transport)

A person traveling in transport, but not driving? (Passenger)

V: Here we are. Did you enjoy our trip? Artem, what was the most interesting for you? Sveta, what do you remember about our trip? Ksyusha, what did you like the most?

Well done boys! During our trip, all of you answered the questions with a full answer, correctly guessed riddles, spoke well about road signs, competently made the panel “Street of my city”.

Residents of the city of road signs liked you very much.

The driver sits behind the wheel, he looks at the traffic light.

Game "Traffic Light"

And now, the guys and I will tell the residents of the city how well we know them.

Making a plan map "My safe city"

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