Credit to pensioners in Sberbank what documents. Lending to pensioners at Sberbank: preferential terms


Today on blotter ru I will talk about loans to pensioners in Sberbank. What is the amount, rate and conditions for obtaining a loan.

Very important for retirees know what are the reasons for refusing a loan by Sberbank and what is included in the cost of a loan at Sberbank and any other large bank.

Sberbank, the largest credit institution in the Russian Federation, is trying to cover with its services the widest possible strata of the population, including such an extensive social group as pensioners. Today, a positive attitude towards clients of retirement age is becoming commonplace. This is not least due to the increase in the number of this social stratum, as well as the emergence of a large number of well-to-do and healthy pensioners. For them, retirement often means not the end of the active phase of life, but its transition to a different quality.

Can a pensioner get a loan from Sberbank on preferential terms?

There are no separate pension programs in Sberbank, but there are a number of banking products that provide preferential terms for obtaining loans for pensioners that meet certain requirements:

  • Preferential conditions in Sberbank are provided only for those who receive here retired or has a salary card. The remaining pensioners receive loans on a general basis;
  • Preferential credit terms can only be obtained people who are already retired. If you have a year and a half left to work, do not count on the fact that upon entering a well-deserved rest, you will automatically recalculate the interest. It will not happen. If you need a loan here and now, apply for it for the period remaining until retirement, and then get a new loan on the conditions provided for pensioners;
  • Age of pensioner, of course, matters for the bank's decision to grant a loan. Only those people who at the time of its repayment will be no more than 65 years old can get an unsecured loan. That is, if the loan term is 5 years (and this is the maximum period for which a pensioner can receive a loan), then it will not be given to a pensioner over 60 years old. If an elderly person receives a loan secured by an individual, the maximum repayment age is raised to 75 years. The lower age limit for the borrower is 55 years for women and 60 years for men, that is, the retirement age. Of course, there are also younger pensioners, but the bank works with such on an individual basis;
  • Impeccable credit history- a good prerequisite for obtaining a loan from Sberbank. On the contrary, "black pages" greatly reduce the chances of getting money;
  • The amount of a possible loan is directly proportional to the income level of the borrower. When calculating the maximum possible amount of credit funds that can be issued to a client, the bank proceeds from the fact that after paying the monthly installment, it should have at least 55% of the total income in its hands. If the level of welfare of the client does not allow to receive the entire required amount, a guarantor or borrower will provide assistance in obtaining money.

What benefits do pensioners receive from Sberbank

For its customers, Sberbank has provided a number of advantages that greatly facilitate both the process of obtaining a loan and repaying it:

  • Making a decision on issuing a loan within 2 business days (sometimes the period is reduced to 2 hours);
  • Instead of a standard package of documents, only a passport is required;
  • Lower interest rates on all types of loans;
  • The ability to take a loan at any branch of Sberbank in the territory of the Russian Federation without reference to the place of registration;
  • The ability to use the Sberbank Online service to apply for a loan without visiting the bank.

Consumer loans for pensioners at Sberbank - conditions for obtaining and paying

The most common type of credit is consumer credit. It can be issued for the purchase of any purchase or service not intended for production needs, from a mobile phone to an apartment. Consumer loans issued by Sberbank to pensioners are of two types:

  • Unsecured consumer loan – issued for any purpose, no collateral or guarantee of another person is required to obtain it;
  • A consumer loan secured by individuals requires the obligatory involvement of a guarantor - a person who is ready to share responsibility for repaying the loan with the pensioner.

Consider in detail the conditions for issuing loans without collateral and under surety:

  1. The size of a consumer loan without collateral for pensioners of Sberbank starts from 15 thousand rubles. The largest amount that can be received without collateral is 1.5 million rubles. Individuals receiving a salary or pension to an account opened with Sberbank can count on an interest rate of 15.9-20.9% for loans for a period of 3-24 months and 16.9-21.9% for loans from 25 to 60 months. Borrowers who are not included in the preferential category pay 2% more per annum. The maximum repayment period for a consumer loan is 5 years. Payments are made in annuity (equal) installments throughout the entire term of the loan.
  2. A consumer loan secured by a guarantee is issued when the bank needs guarantees for the return of funds. The amount of this loan is from 15 thousand to 3 million rubles. The repayment terms are the same as for an unsecured loan, that is, from 3 to 60 months. The interest rate is 14.9-19.9% ​​for loans from 3 to 24 months, and 15.9-20.9% for loans from 25 to 60 months. For individuals who do not have benefits, the loan is more expensive by 2% per annum for both positions. The loan is repaid according to the annuity scheme, that is, the borrower repays the debt to the bank in equal installments throughout the entire repayment period.
  3. You can also get a non-targeted loan from Sberbank secured by real estate- a dwelling, a land plot, a country house, a garage, but in this case no benefits are provided for non-working pensioners, they are credited on a general basis. The minimum interest rate in rubles is from 15.5% for those who receive a salary to an account with Sberbank. The minimum loan amount is 500 thousand rubles, the maximum is 10 million rubles. The repayment period can be up to 20 years inclusive.

Can a pensioner take a mortgage at Sberbank

To receive a housing loan from Sberbank, the borrower must be at least 21 years old, and his age at the end of the loan repayment must not exceed 75 years. The spouse of the title borrower automatically becomes a co-borrower, regardless of his age and income level. In total, no more than 3 individuals can be attracted as co-borrowers for obtaining a loan.

Retirees can use the following Sberbank programs to purchase real estate:

  1. Acquisition of finished housing. Under this program, borrowers can receive money to buy real estate (houses, apartments, townhouses, etc.) in the secondary market. The loan is issued in rubles in the amount of at least 300 thousand. Interest rate - from 12.5 to 14% per annum. The maximum amount should not exceed 80% of the cost of the purchased premises or the premises issued as collateral. The buyer pays a down payment from his own funds in the amount of 20% of the value of the object. The loan repayment term can be up to 30 years. Since the purchase is made on the security of real estate, it is not necessary to confirm the presence of official income in order to receive a loan.
  2. Acquisition of housing under construction. Under this program, borrowed money is taken to buy housing in a new building. The loan amount can range from 300 thousand to 15 million rubles. Proof of income and employment is optional. Down payment - at least 20% of the cost of housing. The loan is issued for up to 30 years at 13-14% per annum.
  3. Residential building construction. The funds are provided by Sberbank for individual construction. The loan can be taken for up to 30 years. The loan amount cannot be less than 300 thousand rubles and more than 75% of the cost of the loaned premises. The interest rate is 13.5-14.5% and depends on the terms of the loan and the size of the down payment. The greater the amount of own funds contributed to pay for housing, the lower the bank interest. The minimum down payment is at least 25% of the required amount.

In addition to the basic home loan programs, there are several special programs, for example, "Mortgage with state support" or the "Garage" program.

The procedure for granting and repaying a loan for pensioners

If an elderly person receives a pension through Sberbank, he does not need any documents other than a passport to receive a loan. All other information about his financial situation is known to the bank. An external borrower who wants to receive a bank loan must confirm his solvency. From working pensioners, in addition to a passport, it is required to provide a personal income tax certificate from the place of work, from non-working - a certificate from the Pension Fund. The borrower's income must be at least the minimum established by the bank.

Without collateral, small loans are usually issued within the range of 50 thousand rubles., often less, and for a short period of time. It is difficult for non-working pensioners without a guarantee to receive money for a period of more than a year and a half. If the borrower needs a more substantial amount, and income does not allow it to be attracted, he may need additional security in the form of collateral, the help of a reliable young guarantor or co-borrower, which is usually the spouse of a pensioner. Documents confirming the presence of additional income will also come in handy - a real estate lease agreement from renting out housing, an employment contract in the presence of additional earnings, the presence of a country economy, profit from entrepreneurship, etc.

A pensioner can apply for a loan to any lending division of Sberbank in Russia, and not only at the place of registration. If the bank makes a positive decision to issue a loan, 30 calendar days are allotted for receiving funds. The money is credited to the borrower's current account or bank card, from which, if desired, the client can withdraw cash.

Possibility of early repayment of the loan- in part or in full, without making additional payments. The amount of monthly payments can be calculated independently on the loan calculator posted on the bank's website.

Pensioners receiving loans from Sberbank are advised to insure life and health. This measure is absolutely not superfluous, given that two issues are thus resolved - reducing the risks of the bank and the burden on relatives in the event of an insured event. The insurance company will take over the payment of the loan and remove the burden of responsibility from the relatives of the pensioner. Indeed, according to Russian laws, after the death of the borrower, his debts automatically pass to the legal heir. Therefore, all parties should be equally interested in joining pensioners to the insurance program.

As you can see, Sberbank, which receives strong state support, is willing to cooperate with pensioners, and these relations are mutually beneficial. Elderly people are distinguished by increased responsibility, which is sometimes lacking in the younger generation. Having a stable income, they repay loans on time and in full, which is welcomed by the bank. Pensioners, for their part, as conservative people, know how to appreciate predictability and reliability - the best qualities of Sberbank's work style.

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In the article:

Pensioners have long ceased to be considered an insolvent stratum of society. First of all, because they have a stable income in the form of pensions or social benefits, and many pensioners combine well-deserved rest and work. Therefore, many financial institutions, including Sberbank, offer loans to pensioners at good interest rates in 2018.

Interest rates on loans

Sberbank has several consumer loan options that are suitable for people of retirement age. Let's consider some of the possible options.

  • A consumer loan, under which a Sberbank client will be able to receive a cash loan secured by third parties. This option is extremely beneficial for pensioners - after all, the bank offers a more than affordable interest rate, which starts from 13.9%. At the same time, the loan amount varies from fifteen to three million rubles, depending on the other parameters of the loan.
  • Consumer credit without a guarantor. This type of loan product is suitable for those who already have a positive credit history and for whom the bank can approve an application for a decent amount. However, this option of consumer lending is more risky for the bank, since it is not secured by anything, and therefore interest rates are higher - from 14.9%.
  • If a pensioner cannot boast of having a credit history, and also cannot attract a guarantor, the bank will gladly accept the client's property as collateral. With such security, Sberbank offers a loan to pensioners with an interest rate of 14%, and the opportunity to receive up to 10 million rubles, inclusive.

Conditions for obtaining a consumer loan

It should be noted right away that, despite a fairly stable income in the form of pensions, this is far from the only requirement that the bank takes into account when considering an application. Let's look at all the conditions of consumer lending for pensioners in more detail.

Requirements for the borrower

However, pension programs provide for a number of points specially prepared for such a category as pensioners, which means that the requirements will be somewhat different than the requirements for ordinary borrowers.

  • A potential borrower must have the status of a pensioner and, if necessary, confirm it. Of course, this is the main condition of the loan program designed for pensioners.
  • The third requirement of Sberbank, which issues consumer loans to pensioners at a favorable interest rate, is age. At the time of closing the credit debt to the bank, the pensioner client should not be more than 75 years old.
  • If you have a positive credit history, this point will be taken into account by the bank's specialists. For the bank, the main proof of the client's reliability is the absence of past due debts on his past cash loans, as well as a good credit history not only in Sberbank, but also in other banks.
  • Income verification. If the pension is transferred to an account in another bank or the pensioner receives it at the Russian Post offices or other banks, then a certificate from the Pension Fund on the amount of the accrued pension is sufficient.

Get a consumer loan at Sberbank, contact any branch of the network, where a consultant will provide you with useful information support

Benefits of Sberbank for a pensioner in 2018

A pensioner who is also a bank client can safely count on a reduced interest rate. This means that the bank will not need to provide additional documents confirming income - when considering the application, the bank's specialists see all the movements in the account in the programs.

If you, as a pensioner, are served by Sberbank, this will not only have a positive impact on obtaining a consumer loan, but will also save time and expenses on opening new accounts.

Sberbank provides for the possibility of early or partial early repayment of a loan, moreover, on mutually beneficial terms and without charging penalties.

Each pensioner can receive an individual offer from Sberbank. In addition, this bank makes it possible to participate in special bonus programs that provide the opportunity to receive discounts and privileges.

Services and online calculator

Sberbank offers all its clients, including pensioners, a wide range of additional banking services and services.

Firstly, it is prompt service by highly qualified specialists of the bank. This also includes the presence of a Sberbank hotline operating around the clock. Call center operators are ready to provide the necessary clarifications and information on the issue of interest to the client at any time of the day or night, without weekends and holidays.

In addition, the bank provides a lot of ways to repay debts to the bank. Here the client chooses a method convenient for him - either at a bank branch, or using the Sberbank Online @ yn program, or by using ATMs and self-service terminals.

On the Sberbank website, you can find a convenient and useful service - a preliminary calculation on a calculator that will allow you to find out in advance what interest rates and lending conditions you can count on.


In conclusion, it should be said that due to the status of a state institution, a solid reputation and a reliable investment portfolio, Sberbank offers loans to pensioners in 2018 at favorable interest rates.

In April 2013, the number of pensioners using the Sberbank-Maestro® Social card to receive their pension exceeded 10 million people, which means that a quarter of Russia's pensioners are active clients of Sberbank. The figure is impressive, but, unfortunately, not everyone understands that the "Social" card is actually the key to access the bank's product line - non-cash payments, transfers, remote account management, etc. And most importantly, this card gives you access to special offers of Sberbank, taking into account the social status of customers. Let's take a closer look at these products.

In the previous review, we compared the profitability of Sberbank's pension deposits and made recommendations on choosing one or another savings program. In this article, we will continue the topic of special offers and talk about Sberbank loan products and whether an ordinary pensioner will be able to use them.

What Sberbank loans are available for pensioners

After analyzing Sberbank's lending conditions, we were pleasantly surprised - almost the entire line of loan products is available to pensioners. The main limitation is the age of the client at the time of the end of an unsecured loan agreement should not exceed 65 years, under an agreement with a pledge (mortgage, car loan) - 75 years. At the same time, preferential lending terms are offered for pensioners receiving pensions to Sberbank accounts - at minimum rates. Let's note the distinctive features of credit products:

  • car loans – the basic program and special lending conditions are available. Under the basic program, a pensioner receiving a pension from Sberbank can count on a discount of up to 1%;
  • mortgage loans. There are no benefits for pensioners for this type of product, in addition, a mortgage loan will not be issued to the elderly without the involvement of a co-borrower or guarantor;
  • credit cards - available in full (8 in total, including co-branded cards, Platinum and Gold cards, cards with a charitable program, etc.) with the possibility of obtaining a preferential interest rate;
  • cash loans – available in full (loans without collateral, secured, secured by real estate, etc. – 5 programs in total) with the possibility of obtaining a preferential interest rate and a “pre-approved offer” from Sberbank.

We will dwell on the last two lending programs in more detail and try to find out which type of loan - a cash loan or a credit card - is more beneficial for pensioners.

Sberbank credit cards - conditions for pensioners

Among all credit card offers, the most affordable for pensioners are "classic" credit cards - Visa Classic or MasterCard Standard and "instant" credit cards - Visa and MasterCard "Momentum". "Classic" credit cards can be obtained by personally submitting an application at a branch, or by receiving a so-called "pre-approved offer" from a bank with a calculated credit limit and a set rate. As part of pre-approved offers, the rate is always lower than the standard (24%) and is 18.9%. There is no fee for servicing the card within the framework of pre-approved offers (the standard fee is 750 rubles per year). The card is issued for a period of 3 years, with a grace period of 50 days.

Visa and MasterCard "Momentum" cards are issued only within the framework of "pre-approved offers" with a pre-calculated credit limit (no more than 150 thousand rubles). To receive this credit card, you must contact the branch where you receive your pension with a passport (no other documents are required). The card is issued within 15 minutes. If you need a personalized credit card of a higher class, you must apply and wait a few days (you may have to pay the cost of its production, if it is provided for by tariffs). The rate on "instant" cards is fixed and amounts to 18.9% per annum. The card is issued only for 1 year, additional cards cannot be issued to it, no fee is charged for servicing the card, the grace period is 50 days.

The commission for cash withdrawals with Visa and MasterCard "Momentum" and Visa Classic or MasterCard Standard cards at Sberbank ATMs is 3% of the amount, at least 199 rubles, at other ATMs - 4% of the amount, at least 199 rubles. Penalty for late loan repayment - 37.8% per annum.

To find out if there is a special offer for you, you need to contact the branch where you receive your pension, or go to the Sberbank Online @ yn system. You can also find out about the approved offer at an ATM - when you request a balance, replenish an account or pay for services.

Next, we will try to estimate the cost of using a Sberbank credit card. The peculiarity of owning this financial instrument is that, under the terms of the agreement, in the case of using credit funds, the client must monthly replenish the card account in an amount not less than 5% of the principal amount (loan debt excluding accrued interest). At the same time, the client determines the repayment period independently, based on financial capabilities.

So, suppose that Sberbank provided a customer with a credit card under the terms of a pre-approved offer (18.9% rate) with a credit limit of 70,000 rubles. If the client immediately uses the entire amount of the loan, and in the future will only be calculated, the first mandatory payment will be 3.5 thousand rubles. At the same time, in cash, the amount received will be less, since you will have to pay a commission for withdrawal - 2,100 rubles (3% of the amount). If you do not change the repayment amount (3.5 thousand rubles), the final settlement can be made within two years, overpaying about 15 thousand rubles. Additional costs may be supplemented by a fee for the Mobile Bank service - 30 rubles per month.

By gradually reducing the amount of the mandatory payment (as the amount of the principal debt decreases), it is possible to stretch the repayment process for a longer period, but at the same time the amount of the overpayment will increase.

The next step is to consider the terms of a classic consumer loan without collateral.

Cash loans - conditions for pensioners

To date, the most popular is the cash loan program without collateral and guarantee. For pensioners receiving a pension from Sberbank, the rates depend on the requested loan term and range from 17% for a loan term not exceeding 2 years, and from 18.5% per annum if the loan term is from 2 to 5 years. The rate is calculated individually based on the borrower's scoring. No commission is charged for issuing a loan, the minimum loan term is 3 months, the maximum is 5 years; the minimum loan amount is 15,000 rubles, the maximum is 1,500,000 rubles.

So, we will calculate the overpayment on a cash loan based on the amount of 70,000 rubles, but at the same time we will start from a more affordable monthly payment of 2,500 rubles. According to the Sberbank loan calculator, the minimum interest rate is 18.5% per annum (available to customers with a positive credit history). In this case, the loan repayment period will be 37 months, and the overpayment amount will be 22,400 rubles.

Please note that in the period from October 20, 2013 to February 15, 2014, Sberbank has a cash loan promotional offer. The Bank issues loans in the amount of 150,000 rubles to 1,500,000 rubles (without guarantee) and 3,000,000 rubles (under guarantee) per year at a rate of 14.5% per annum. If you need 150,000 rubles and the loan term - 1 year - suits you, you can get these funds with a minimum overpayment: only 12,040.58 rubles.

This offer is also relevant for pensioners, however, it should be taken into account that the amount of the planned payment, even with the minimum loan amount, is 13,503.38 rubles, therefore, the confirmed income of the borrower must be no less than 23,000 rubles.

Summing up, we can say that Sberbank provides pensioners with many options for obtaining profitable loans. Unemployed older people, unfortunately, are unlikely to receive a loan in the amount of more than five of their standard pensions without a guarantee; if a person works and receives a salary, or can bring a guarantor, his opportunities increase dramatically. At the same time, the lending program should be chosen based on your plans: a credit card may be more convenient for you, and a cash loan may be more profitable, the choice is always yours.

The development and improvement of banking services makes them accessible to all segments of the population.

Those who did not have the opportunity to take out a loan yesterday because of strict criteria, today can apply for such an application without any problems. First of all, pensioners can be attributed to such citizens.

Now they are the target customers of those banks that have developed special conditions for loans for them.

Many banks began to issue loans to pensioners on normal terms.

These include, for example, a consumer loan for pensioners from Sberbank of Russia.

Pensioners are provided with various options for obtaining a bank loan.

  • They can choose to either get a loan in the standard way, or they can apply for a plastic card.
  • which card will be a credit card, but in addition, it can also be used for debit payments, for example, for crediting a pension.

See the list of credit cards with a grace period on the page. We have compiled a detailed review.

The solvency of pensioners is easy to establish by collecting data on the size of the monthly pension, and in the case of working pensioners, the amount of wages is also added to this amount.

It happens that the funds received by one citizen are not enough to repay the loan. In this case, it is possible to include a spouse as a co-borrower.

Credit programs for pensioners

Sberbank has developed several types of loans for pensioners. For example, a loan that requires the mandatory participation of guarantors and a loan that does not require a guarantee.

For pensioners, there are even benefits and tariffs for taking out a loan.

  • First option lending involves an amount not exceeding 3 million rubles, the lower threshold is 15,000.
  • Interest on the loan will range from 14.4% to 19% per annum.
  • There are age restrictions - at the time of application, the borrower must be no more than 75 years old.
  • The minimum term is 3 months, the maximum is 5 years.
  • A loan application is usually considered within 2 days.
  • The participation of a co-borrower is expected.

  • Second option lending assumes the same repayment terms, but the amount is halved - only up to 1.5 million.
  • The maximum age of the borrower is 65 years.
  • For owners of a bank account to receive a pension, the consideration period will take a couple of hours, for others the same two days.

Sberbank loan calculator for pensioners

Choose the type of loan

Consumer loan Car loan Credit card Business loan

Payment type

Annuity Differentiated


*Annuity payments are equal monthly payments on a loan.

*Differentiated payment - every month you pay different amounts.

Your monthly income (in rubles)

Loan amount (rub.)

Interest rate (%)

Loan term (months)

Sberbank of Russia today is the most reliable and universal bank in our country, the trust in which has been confirmed over the years and millions of satisfied customers. A variety of money transfers, fast payments and other high-quality services provided by Sberbank are highly valued by Russian citizens.

One of its main features is the social orientation of credit and financial products. In particular, I would like to note that Sberbank provides loans to pensioners.

And he singles them out as a separate social group, because their income, although stable, is in most cases small. It is in connection with this circumstance that the terms of the loan at Sberbank are preferential for pensioners. Moreover, a pensioner at the moment can work, and maybe unemployed.

Preferential conditions

The conditions of a loan at Sberbank for pensioners provide for special privileges for persons receiving a pension to an account with this bank:

lower interest rates on any loan product;

Presentation of only one document (passport) when applying for a loan;

· the application for a loan is considered as soon as possible (the decision will be known within 2 hours);

a pensioner can come with an application to absolutely any branch of Sberbank that issues loans (and completely regardless of his place of residence);

· there is an alternative related to the method of receiving money: whether they will be issued in cash or will be transferred to the borrower's card.

Types of loans

In addition to the fact that Sberbank issues loans to individuals, among them it also singles out a separate category - pensioners. The types of credit products for people of retirement age are quite diverse, but the bank is very strict about their approval, realizing that this category of citizens implies a fairly high risk of non-payment of funds. Therefore, Sberbank of Russia issues loans to pensioners only if the borrower's credit history is impeccable.

Sberbank divides loans for pensioners into several categories:

· consumer;


· credit cards.

Borrowed funds may not be secured, but may be provided under the guarantee of another individual.

Consumer loan without collateral

This loan is characterized by the simplest application process. A pensioner will only need a passport, an application and a certificate of income (salary and / or pension).

Due to the fact that this loan does not provide for the presence of security either in the form of any real estate or in the form of a guarantee from third parties, the amounts issued are relatively small. The minimum amount is 15,000 rubles (for Moscow consumers of banking services - 45,000), and the maximum loan limit is 1,500,000 rubles.

Provides for pensioners, the interest rate for which is determined depending on the loan term:

a loan issued for a period of up to 2 years will be subject to a minimum of 17% per year;

Borrowing money from a bank for five years will cost the pensioner 18.5% per year or more.

Citizens who prefer to take a loan in foreign currency will enjoy more favorable conditions. Thus, the interest rate for a two-year loan will be 14% per annum and higher, and for a five-year loan - from 15.5% per annum.

Borrower age limit

Since Sberbank issues these loans to individuals whose age is retirement, it is logical to note that at the time of application, the borrower should already have a pension, and he should not be older than 65 years. In addition, it is important that at the time of fulfillment of loan obligations the borrower is younger than 75 years of age.

The bank employees consider the submitted application within two working days, and it can be issued within a month from the date of receipt of a positive response. Repayment occurs in equal monthly installments. Early repayment will not require any additional fees from the borrower. Sberbank does not set either the minimum part of the early partial payment, or the minimum period for the early repayment of the loan in full. The penalty for late payment is standard and amounts to 0.5% of the amount of the monthly installment. It is added to the debt in this amount every day.

Loan secured

The conditions of a loan at Sberbank for pensioners provide for the possibility of borrowing large sums of money, only for this it will be necessary to attract guarantors without fail. The presence of individuals who increase money-back guarantees automatically increases the credit ceiling to 3 million rubles. The process of obtaining and servicing a loan is identical to the usual consumer option. The repayment period varies from 3 months to 5 years.

The main advantages of this type of lending are attractive interest rates and no payment fees.

Pensioners who are served by Sberbank can get a consumer loan secured by individuals with a rate of 16.5% per annum, and those who want to take money in dollars or euros will receive even greater benefits. For them, the annual percentage will be at least 13.5%.

Sberbank issues a loan to pensioners whose age at the time of the expiration of the contract will not exceed the threshold of 75 years.

Credit cards

Favorable rates for servicing credit cards with a large amount of the limit are available to pensioners who are participants in Sberbank's salary or pension projects. Also, this product can be obtained by borrowers with a positive credit history and customers with a debit card. In such cases, the credit card is offered to the client pre-approved. And the application for it is considered by the manager of Sberbank as soon as possible, he immediately reports the available limit on it.

It is enough for a pensioner to present a passport with Russian citizenship and registration. The annual interest rate on a credit card will vary from 18.9% to 24% per annum, and the maximum amount can reach 600,000 rubles.

car loan

Bank loans for pensioners can be provided for the purchase of a car, both new and used. If a car of domestic or Chinese production has already been in use, then its age should not be older than 5 years, and if a foreign car is made in another country, then it should be no more than 10 years old.

Does not include commissions. You can not provide proof of income if you make an initial payment of 30% of the loan amount for the car you like. You can also provide the bank with any of your property as collateral.

To buy a car, Sberbank is ready to issue a loan to pensioners, the interest on which will vary from 13.5 to 15% at the minimum rate, depending on the loan term. Preferential interest is also charged for using a loan in foreign currency: loans up to 1 year, up to 3 years and up to 5 are subject to 10.5%, 11.5% and 12%, respectively. The indicated prices are valid for pensioners serving in Sberbank as pension recipients, and other clients will receive a loan with a rate of 1% more.

As a loan, you can get up to 5 million rubles, and the smallest amount is 45,000 rubles. As soon as the bank has approved the application, the countdown for choosing the object of lending begins, which lasts 90 days.

Mortgage credit lending

To buy a home, you can find quite acceptable loan conditions in Sberbank for pensioners. This participant in the financial and credit market offers three home loan programs to older clients:

  • purchase of finished housing;
  • acquisition of an object under construction;
  • building a house on your own.

Sberbank provides a loan for pensioners, the interest rate for which is one percent lower than the standard annual mortgage rate.

When purchasing finished or under construction housing, persons of retirement age have the right to take out a loan in the amount of 45 thousand rubles. The minimum down payment in this case will be 15% of the price of the house.

The maximum term of a housing loan is 30 years. With an initial payment of half the cost of the apartment, the borrower can make the loan more profitable, that is, the interest rate on it will drop to 12% per year.

Advantages of a pension loan at Sberbank

These offers on the modern credit market are the most attractive and profitable among all banks in Russia. Service at Sberbank for pensioners means the following benefits:

Loan conditions for pensioners differ in their benefits;

The loan can be repaid ahead of time without any additional payments;

Only highly qualified specialists serve pensioners;

· hot telephone line operates around the clock; by calling her, you can find out comprehensive answers to all questions of interest to the client;

a borrower of retirement age at Sberbank can become a member of a bonus program or a special promotion that favorably affects the state of credit debt;

Loan processing in this bank is distinguished by transparency and a clear presentation of all clauses of the agreement;

a variety of ways to repay a pension loan: cash payment at a bank branch, transfer from a plastic card, money transfer through the Zolotaya Korona or Contact system, crediting money to a credit account from an electronic wallet.

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