The peoples of Russia. The national composition of the population of the earth The main peoples


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  • The peoples of the world in manners and customs. Issue 10. South India, Ceylon, Malaysia
  • The peoples of the world in manners and customs. Issue 11th. Malay Peninsula, Dutch East Indies, Borneo,. Petrograd, 1916. P. P. Soikin Publishing House. Richly illustrated edition. Typographic cover. The safety is good. "Peoples of the World in Manners and Customs" is a collective work of more than...
  • The peoples of the world in manners and customs. Issue 12. Philippine Islands, Afghanistan and Balochistan, Persia,. Petrograd, 1916. P. P. Soikin Publishing House. Richly illustrated edition. Typographic cover. The safety is good. "Peoples of the World in Manners and Customs" is a collective work of more than...

Do you know how many peoples there are in the world? Probably, few people can accurately answer this question, even among scientists and historians. In Russia alone, there are 194 positions of the peoples of the world (the list goes on and on). All people on Earth are completely different, and this is the biggest advantage.

General classification

Of course, everyone is interested in quantitative data. If you collect all the peoples of the world, the list will be endless. It is much easier to classify them according to certain criteria. First of all, this is done depending on what language people speak within the same territory or within the same cultural traditions. An even more generalized category is language families.

Preserved for centuries

Every nation, no matter what its history, is trying with all possible strength to prove that their ancestors built the Tower of Babel. It is flattering for everyone to think that he or she belongs to those roots that originate in far, far away times. But there are ancient peoples of the world (the list is attached), whose prehistoric origin is beyond doubt by anyone.

Largest nations

There are many large nations on Earth that have the same historical roots. For example, there are 330 nations in the world, numbering one million people each. But those with more than 100 million people (in each) - only eleven. Consider the list of peoples of the world by number:

  1. Chinese - 1.17 million people.
  2. Hindustanis - 265 million people.
  3. Bengalis - 225 million people.
  4. Americans (USA) - 200 million people.
  5. Brazilians - 175 million people.
  6. Russians - 140 million people.
  7. The Japanese - 125 million people.
  8. Punjabis - 115 million people.
  9. Biharis - 115 million people.
  10. Mexicans - 105 million people.
  11. Javanese - 105 million people.

Unity in Diversity

Another classification characteristic that makes it possible to distinguish between the population of the world is three. These are Caucasoid, Mongoloid and Negroid. Some Western historians give a little more, but these races still became derivatives of the three main ones.

In the modern world, there are a large number of contact races. This led to the emergence of new peoples of the world. The list has not yet been given by scientists, because no one has done an exact classification. Here are some examples. The Ural group of peoples originated from a mixture of some branches of the northern Caucasians and northern Mongoloids. The entire population of southern insular Asia arose as a result of the relationship of Mongoloids and Australoids.

Endangered ethnic groups

There are peoples of the world on Earth (the list is attached), the number of which is several hundred people. These are endangered ethnic groups that are trying to preserve their identity.


It can be interpreted in different ways. Some will argue that this is a population within the state, others will insist that it does not matter where people live, the main thing is that they are united by some common features that determine their belonging to the same historical origins. Still others will consider that the people are an ethnic group that has existed for centuries, but has been erased over the years. In any case, all people on Earth are very diverse and it is a pleasure to study them.

Not a single science has yet given an exact definition of such a concept as “people”, but everyone means by this concept a large community of people living compactly in a certain territory.

The science of ethnography, which studies peoples and ethnic groups, including the most numerous peoples, distinguishes today from 2.4 to 2.7 thousand nationalities living on earth. But ethnographers can rely on statistics in such a delicate matter, which give a figure of 5 and a half thousand peoples on Earth.

No less interesting is ethnogenesis, which studies the emergence and development of various ethnic groups. Let us present in a short review the largest nations that developed in ancient times, and their total number exceeds 100 million people.

Chinese (1,320 million)

The generalized concept of "Chinese people" includes all residents of China, including people of other nationalities, as well as those with Chinese citizenship, but living abroad.

Nevertheless, the Chinese people are the largest, both in the concept of "nation" and in the concept of "nationality". Today, 1 billion 320 million Chinese live in the world, which is 19% of the total number of inhabitants of the planet. So, the list of the largest nations in the world, in all respects, is rightfully headed by the Chinese.

Although in fact, those whom we call "Chinese" are ethnically representatives of the Han people. China is a multinational country.

The very name of the people "Han", which means "Milky Way", and comes from the name of the country "Celestial". This is also the most ancient people of the Earth, whose roots go back to the distant past. The Han Chinese in the PRC make up the absolute majority, about 92% of the country's population.

Interesting Facts:

  • The Chinese people of Zhuang, who are a national minority in the country, have a population of about 18 million people, which is comparable to the population of Kazakhstan and exceeds the population of the Netherlands.
  • Another Chinese people, Huizu, has a population of about 10.5 million people, which is early for the population of countries such as Belgium, Tunisia, the Czech Republic or Portugal.

Arabs (330-340 million)

The second-placed Arabs are defined in ethnographic science as a group of peoples, but from the point of view of ethnogenesis, they are one people of the Semitic language group.

The nationality developed in the Middle Ages, when the Arabs settled in the Middle East and northern Africa. All of them are united by a single Arabic language and a peculiar script - Arabic script. The people have long gone beyond the boundaries of their historical homeland, and at the present stage, due to various circumstances, settled in other regions of the globe.

Today, the number of Arabs is estimated at 330-340 million people. Mostly adhere to Islam, but there are also Christians.

Did you know that:

  • There are more Arabs in Brazil than in the United Arab Emirates.
  • Arabs consider the gesture of a figure to be an insult with sexual overtones.

Americans (317 million)

Here is a vivid example when it is possible to accurately define the people, with the practically non-existent concept of "American nation". In a narrow sense, this is a group of various nationalities that make up the population of the United States and have American citizenship.

Over the 200-year history, a single culture, mentality, and a common language used in communication have developed, which makes it possible to unite the population of the United States into one nation.

There are 317 million US Americans today. For the indigenous population of America, the Indians, the name Americans may be used, but according to ethnic identification, this is a completely different ethnic group.

By the way, read about the most interesting sights in the United States.

Hindustanis (265 million)

At the moment, Hindustanis have compactly settled in three neighboring countries of the South-Eastern region of the planet - India, Nepal and Pakistan.

As for India, the largest number of them live in the northern part of the state. In total, ethnology has about 265 million Hindustanis, and the main language of their communication is various dialects of the Hindi language.

Interestingly, of the related peoples, the Gypsies and Dravidians, who inhabit the southern regions of India, are closest to them.

Bengalis (over 250 million)

Among the numerous peoples, the Bengalis, numbering more than 250 million, occupy their leading positions. They mostly live in Asian countries, but there are small diasporas in the USA and Great Britain, they also exist in other European countries.

Over the centuries, the Bengalis have retained their national culture, identity and language, as well as their main occupations. In the Asian region, they live mainly in rural areas, since they have been engaged in agriculture since ancient times.

The Bengali language is one of the most difficult on earth, so it developed as a result of the synthesis of the Indo-Aryan language and numerous local dialects.

Brazilians (197 million)

A group of different ethnic groups living in Latin America has developed into a single Brazilian people. There are currently about 197 million Brazilians, most of whom live in Brazil proper.

The people went through a difficult path of ethnogenesis, so it began to take shape as a result of the conquest of the South American continent by Europeans. Indian nationalities alternately lived in vast territories, and with the advent of Europeans, most of them were destroyed, the rest was assimilated.

And so it happened that Catholicism became the religion of the Brazilians, and the language of communication was Portuguese.

Russians (about 150 million)

The name of the most numerous people of Russia came about as a result of the transition of the adjective "Russian people", "Russian people" into the generalizing noun "Russians", in the concept of the people.

Modern statistical studies show that there are about 150 million Russians on Earth, most of whom live in Russia. The most numerous people of Russia belongs to the language group of the East Slavic languages, and today more than 180 million people consider Russian as their native language.

Russians are practically homogeneous in anthropological terms, although they are settled over a large territory and are divided into several ethnographic groups. The ethnos was formed during the development of the Russian state from different ethnic groups of the Slavs.

Interesting Fact: The largest number of Russians outside the Russian Federation and the countries of the former USSR is in Germany (~ 3.7 million) and in the USA (~ 3 million).

Mexicans (148 million)

Mexicans, who number about 148 million people, are united by a common territory of residence, a single Spanish language of communication, as well as an amazing national culture that has developed on the basis of the heritage of the ancient civilizations of Central America.

This people is also a vivid example of duality, since those Mexicans who live in the United States can be considered Americans at the same time.
The uniqueness of the people is also in the fact that by ethnicity they are Hispanics, but the language of communication refers them to the Romance group. It is also a nation on our planet, growing at the fastest pace.

Japanese (132 million)

There are 132 million conservative Japanese on Earth, and they live mainly in their historical homeland. After the Second World War, part of the Japanese settled around the world, and now only 3 million people live outside of Japan.

The Japanese people are distinguished by isolation, high diligence, a special attitude to the historical past and national culture. For many centuries, the Japanese have managed to preserve, and most importantly, increase their heritage, both spiritual and material and technical.

The Japanese have a special, somewhat suspicious attitude towards foreigners, and are reluctant to allow them into their lives.

Punjabis (130 million)

Another of the largest nations lives compactly in the territories of India and Pakistan. Of the 130 million Punjabis in the regions of Asia, a small part settled in Europe and Africa.

The hard-working people for many centuries created an extensive irrigation system of irrigated fields, and their main occupation has always been agriculture.

It was the Punjabis, one of the first peoples on earth, who created a highly developed and cultural civilization in the Indian river valleys. But, as a result of the cruel colonial policy, much of the heritage of this people was lost.

Biharis (115 million)

The amazing people of Biharis, who live mainly in the Indian state of Bihar, today number about 115 million people. A small part settled in other Indian states and in neighboring states.

Modern representatives of the people are direct descendants of those. Who in the Indus and Ganges valleys created the first agricultural civilizations on Earth.

Today, an active process of urbanization of Biharis is observed, and, leaving the main occupations and ancient crafts and crafts, they massively move to cities.

Javanese (105 million)

The last major nation of the earth, whose population is above 100 million people. According to the latest data of ethnology and statistics, there are about 105 million Javanese on the planet.

In the 19th century, only the Russian ethnographer and traveler Miklukho-Maclay cited data on the origin, and today quite a lot is known about the ethnogenesis of the Javanese.

They settled mainly on the islands of Oceania, and are the indigenous population of the large island of Java and the state of Indonesia. For many centuries they have created a unique and inimitable culture.

Thais (over 90 million)

Already by the name of the ethnic group, it becomes clear that the Thais are the indigenous population of the Kingdom of Thailand, and today there are more than 90 million of them.

The etymology of the origin of the word "tai", which in local dialects means "free man", is interesting. Ethnographers and archaeologists, studying the culture of the Thais, determined that it was formed in the early Middle Ages.

Among other nations, this nationality is distinguished by sincere love, sometimes bordering on fanaticism, for theatrical art.

Koreans (83 million)

The people formed many centuries ago and at one time settled the Korean peninsula of Asia. They managed to create a highly developed culture, and carefully protect national traditions.

The total number of people is 83 million, but the confrontation led to the formation of two states with one ethnic group, which is today an unresolved tragedy of the Koreans.

More than 65 million Koreans live in South Korea, the rest in North Korea, and also settled in other Asian and European countries.

Marathi (83 million)

India, among all its uniqueness, is also the record holder for the number of numerous nationalities living on its territory. For example, the amazing Marahti people live in the state of Maharashtra.

A very talented people whose origins hold high positions in India, Indian cinema is filled with marahti.

In addition, Marahti is a very purposeful and close-knit ethnic group, which in the 50s of the twentieth century achieved the creation of its own state, and today, numbering 83 million people, this is the main population of the Indian state.

European peoples

It is worth separately touching on the largest peoples of Europe, among which the descendants of the ancient Germans, the Germans, are in the lead, the number of which, according to various sources, ranges from 80 to 95 million. The second place is firmly held by the Italians, of whom there are 75 million on earth. But the French firmly settled in third place, with a population of about 65 million.


In the photo: Fountain of Friendship of Peoples in Moscow.

Large peoples living on the globe, however, like small ones, have their own cultural, national traditions that have developed over a long historical process.

Today, the process of erasing ethnic and national boundaries is increasingly observed. There are practically no mono-ethnic states left on Earth, it’s just that in each of them, there is some one predominant nation, and all the multi-ethnic people are united under the generalized concept of “resident of the country”.

Every day leaving home and going to work, to the store or just for a walk, I am faced with the fact that a large number of people on the streets of the city have a variety of nationalities. I think you also noticed this feature, especially if, like me, you live in one of the megacities of Russia, for example, in Moscow or St. Petersburg. Today I will try to answer your question: What peoples live in Russia?».

Peoples living in Russia

No wonder they say that Russia is a multinational country I completely agree with this expression. I myself have enough friends and acquaintances, colleagues and even relatives who are representatives of other countries and peoples. The good news is that if you believe their words, then we can conclude that the attitude of the indigenous people towards them in the vast majority of cases is extremely friendly. My Ukrainian neighbor says that he does not feel any sidelong glances at his work even after the conflict between our countries. And this is definitely pleasing, since my personal opinion is this - all people, regardless of race or religion, should live in complete peace and harmony, we are people, not savages! I also noticed a trend that people have recently begun actively become friends, and at the present time in one company of people you can often see representatives several nationalities at once.

Representatives of various nations with whom I communicate

Given that the percentage of Russian people living in Russia is about 80%, also lives in our country over 190 other nationalities. I have no desire to once again write out official statistics, I’d rather try to tell by my own example who I personally have to deal with almost every day while living in Moscow.

  • Azerbaijanis. Two large wonderful families of this people live in two neighboring apartments on my floor, I often greet and communicate with them.
  • Ukrainians. One of my neighbors is Ukrainian, as are five of my colleagues. With all only positive communication.
  • Armenians. Extremely pleasant and polite people, who have always been famous for their hospitality.
  • Bashkirs. Being classmates in the past, we are still happy to keep in touch.
  • Chechens. I have several distant relatives of representatives of this people. We communicate with pleasure.

I want to wish all readers to be wiser and think with their own heads, and not with public opinion, often imposed on us by politicians. Remember - there are no bad or good people, there are only bad and good people!

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