Promise definition. The meaning of the word "promise"


PROMISE, -i, cf. A voluntary commitment to do something. Run about. Break about. Give a solemn Take about. from someone. Once a year, as promised (very rarely; joking). To feed on promises (to make irresponsible promises; colloquial).

Watch value PROMISE in other dictionaries

Promise- word
Synonym dictionary

Promise promises, cf. given to someone. voluntary commitment. execute. Make a promise. To keep a promise. To break a promise. "I don't need an oath," said Lisa, "pretty........
Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

Promise— Irresponsible, grandiloquent, loud (obsolete), loud, swearing, frivolous, pompous, unshakable, indestructible, half-hearted, empty, magnificent, holy, sacred, ........
Dictionary of epithets

Promise Wed.— 1. Given to smb. a voluntary commitment to do something
Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova

Promise- -I; cf. A voluntary commitment to do smth. Give about. Execute, execute o. Take from someone O. Once a year by promise (jokingly; very rarely).
◊ Feeding promises.........
Explanatory Dictionary of Kuznetsov

Public Promise Rewards- - a civil law obligation, provided for in Ch. 56 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with Art. 1055 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a person who publicly announced the payment of a monetary reward or extradition ........
Economic dictionary

Public Promise Rewards- - a civil law obligation, provided for in Ch. 56 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. According to Art. 1055 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation "a person who has publicly announced the payment of a monetary reward or the issuance of another ........
Law Dictionary

Faculty Physician's Promise- (historical) a solemn obligation to honestly fulfill a medical duty, given at the end of a higher medical educational institution in pre-revolutionary Russia; beret........
Big Medical Dictionary

Promise- A speech act in which the speaker, as you might guess, agrees to something. Promises are commissives and are usually more cognitively complex and digestible........
Psychological Encyclopedia

Vow, vow, obligation, promise, word; threat. Wed… Synonym dictionary

The Promise: The Promise (film) several films with a similar title. The Promise (novel) 1958 novel by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Promise (programming) A special object returned by a function when implementing lazy evaluation. Notes ... ... Wikipedia

A term used by the Promissory Note Regulations to express the content of a promissory note. See also: Bill of exchange legislation Financial Dictionary Finam ... Financial vocabulary

Promise- PROMISE, guarantee, pledge, oath, obligation, bail, surety, oath, guarantee, word, high. vow, open the promise of the owls PROMISE, colloquial, owl. insinuate the devil. and owls. PROMISE / PROMISE, take / take, carry. and owls… … Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

PROMISE, I, cf. A voluntary commitment to do something. Run about. Break about. Give a solemn Take about. from whom n. Once a year, as promised (very rarely; joking). To feed on promises (to make irresponsible promises; colloquial). Explanatory ... ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (The Pledge), USA, 2001, 123 min. Detective, psychological drama Nevada homicide detective Jerry Black is retiring. His colleagues threw a party on this occasion and paid him a trip to Mexico, on a fishing trip, which he had long been talking about ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

See Oath (Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom." ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Promise- Irresponsible, grandiloquent, loud (obsolete), loud, swearing, frivolous, pompous, unshakable, indestructible, half-hearted, empty, magnificent, holy, sacred, vain, firm, solemn, hasty, crackling, ... ... Dictionary of epithets

A term used by the Promissory Note Regulations to express the content of a promissory note. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

Promise- keep a promise implementation make a promise action keep a promise implementation keep a promise implementation guarantee quality modality, promise guarantee normal operation modality, promise guaranteed judicial… … Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


  • Promise, Stefan Zweig. PROMISE First published in Russian, the novella is still the same deep exploration of a restless heart, a story of immortal love that conquers time. An elderly tycoon takes on…
  • The Promise, F. Dürrenmatt. An eight-year-old girl is brutally murdered in a small Swiss town. The killer left no trace. The only clue is a child's drawing that seems too naive to contain...
meaning, word definition

PROMISE, -i, cf. A voluntary commitment to do something. Run about. Break about. Give a solemn Take about. from someone. Once a year, as promised (very rarely; joking). To feed on promises (to make irresponsible promises; colloquial).


  • Noun, inanimate, neuter


This story is about friendship, loyalty, envy and love. But the main thing is the promise! A promise is something you make for a reason. And when this oath binds you, it must be fulfilled.

“Having opened the door, she immediately noticed that he was crying. The tears hadn't dried yet, and he didn't wipe them away. “Oh my God, Tom, what happened?” Come in! She pulled him by the sleeve. You might think he didn't even feel it, but then he finally decided to step over the threshold. He looked around the apartment - and did not recognize it, as if he saw new furniture and repainted walls ... "

Words that are close in meaning

  • POSUL, -a, m. (simple). Same as promise. Empty promises.
  • FLICKLESS, th, th; - flax, - flax. Full of frivolity. Frivolous girl. A frivolous promise. II n. ...
  • VOW, -a, m. (high). Solemn promise, commitment. Give, say about. Break about. O. silence.
  • OBESHCHALKIN, -a, m. (colloquial jest.). A person who easily makes promises and forgets to keep them.
  • TO BE SECURED, - I flatter, - you are flattered; owls than. To be seduced by something, to be seduced. O. promises. II Nesov. flatter yourself, I bet...
  • to be seduced, - I am flattered, - you are flattered; owls than. To succumb to the temptation, the charm of something. P. promises, n carry. be seduced, I bet...
  • REPENT, -ayes, -ayesh; owl., with neopr. (colloquial). Make a promise to yourself not to do something. Repented to be late. II Nesov. ...
  • ZAROK, -a, m. An oath not to do something. Give h. Take s. from someone. II adj. vault, -th, -th (obsolete).
  • DENY, -ayes, -ayesh; nonsov., from someone (colloquial). By all means, evade, refuse. O. from your promises. II...
  • Oath, -and, f. Official and solemn promise. Military n. Take an oath. Take an oath. II adj. juror, wow...



Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949-1992 .


See what "PROMISE" is in other dictionaries:

    Vow, vow, obligation, promise, word; threat. Wed… Synonym dictionary

    PROMISE, promises, cf. A commitment given to someone to do something. Make a promise. To keep a promise. "To break a promise. I don't need an oath, Lisa said: your promise alone is enough. Pushkin. Dictionary… … Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    The Promise: The Promise (film) several films with a similar title. The Promise (novel) 1958 novel by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. Promise (programming) A special object returned by a function when implementing lazy evaluation. Notes ... ... Wikipedia

    A term used by the Promissory Note Regulations to express the content of a promissory note. See also: Bill of exchange legislation Financial Dictionary Finam ... Financial vocabulary

    Promise- PROMISE, guarantee, pledge, oath, obligation, bail, surety, oath, guarantee, word, high. vow, open the promise of the owls PROMISE, colloquial, owl. insinuate the devil. and owls. PROMISE / PROMISE, take / take, carry. and owls… … Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

    - (The Pledge), USA, 2001, 123 min. Detective, psychological drama Nevada homicide detective Jerry Black is retiring. His colleagues threw a party on this occasion and paid him a trip to Mexico, on a fishing trip, which he had long been talking about ... ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    See Oath (Source: "Aphorisms from around the world. Encyclopedia of Wisdom." ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    Promise- Irresponsible, grandiloquent, loud (obsolete), loud, swearing, frivolous, pompous, unshakable, indestructible, half-hearted, empty, magnificent, holy, sacred, vain, firm, solemn, hasty, crackling, ... ... Dictionary of epithets

    A term used by the Promissory Note Regulations to express the content of a promissory note. Dictionary of business terms. 2001 ... Glossary of business terms

    Promise- keep a promise implementation make a promise action keep a promise implementation keep a promise implementation guarantee quality modality, promise guarantee normal operation modality, promise guaranteed judicial… … Verbal compatibility of non-objective names


  • Promise, Stefan Zweig. PROMISE First published in Russian, the novella is still the same deep exploration of a restless heart, a story of immortal love that conquers time. An elderly tycoon takes on…

Dictionary of Efremova


Given to someone a voluntary commitment to do something

Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


Syn: assurance, obligation, vow, word

Dictionary Ushakov


Promise, promises, cf. A voluntary obligation given to someone to do something. Make a promise. To keep a promise. "To break a promise. "I don't need an oath," said Lisa, "your promise alone is enough." Pushkin.

Ozhegov's dictionary

PROMISE A NIE, I, cf. A voluntary commitment to do something. Run about. Break about. Give a solemn Take about. from cogon. Once a year as promised (very rarely; colloquial joke.). Feed on promises (make irresponsible promises; colloquial).

Westminster Dictionary of Theological Terms


♦ (ENG promise)

(from lat. promittere - to send)

obligation to do or not to do something. In ethics, promises are related to obligations and truthfulness. The promise is morally restraining in terms of justice and mutual fidelity. It binds actions to words.

Sentences with "promise"

As a result, society to this day is forced to pay heavily for the lightweight promises of bygone years.

Therefore, men's promises, including pre-election ones, must be treated with caution.

So Kudrin has to puzzle over what is more dangerous not to fulfill in the pre-election year: the task of the prime minister or the promise of the president.

Despite the government's promise to increase security, analysts say the government is not doing enough to protect foreigners.

The beggarly, spring charm of houses, paper crosses, rook nests touched with hope, with a promise to live.

Indeed, although the Swiss have announced their readiness to introduce a tax on interest on deposits, this promise may remain on paper.

As befits Santa Claus, he was cheerful, ruddy and incredibly generous with all sorts of treats and gifts, and even more with promises.

A magical delusion: everything sings in you, in you and delight, in you and tears, and promises, and thousands of years of life on earth, and such insight that it becomes cramped in yourself!

If the Ministry of Finance fails to guarantee the fulfillment of Putin's re-election promises, the chances of turning the Glazyevites into a real alternative to the Medvedev government will increase.

I am a 100% opponent of the bright socialist future that was, but all the promises that were made over these 10 years, absolutely nothing was fulfilled.

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