Lyudmila's birthday in the year. Ludmila's Angel Day


September 29 - Angel Day at Lyudmila. According to the church calendar, on this day the memory of the martyr Lyudmila, the Czech princess, is honored. Do not forget to congratulate friends and acquaintances of Lyudmila on September 29 with a birthday. We have chosen the most beautiful and cool short SMS congratulations on Angel Lyudmil's Day in verse and prose, in Russian and in Ukrainian - choose the coolest and send!

Angel Day Lyudmil: what does the name, origin, talismans mean

The name Lyudmila is of Slavic origin and means "Dear to people." In the Indo-European version it means "growing". In Latin, the roots that form this name are "freedom" and "prevent".

And in Bulgaria, on this day, name days are also celebrated by some men! It turns out that the male name is also popular there - Lyudmil.

Talismans for Luda are sapphire, alexandrite and pomegranate. Yellow sapphire is necessary for Lyudmila to maintain moral principles. Alexandrite will warn against danger. Pomegranate is able to awaken tenderness and passion.

Angel Lyudmila's Day: beautiful and funny SMS congratulations on the name day 2015:


  • The sun shines everywhere
  • Today is just for you.
  • Happy Angel Day to you, Luda,
  • Congratulations, my dear.
  • Let life turn into a dream
  • Everything is very easy,
  • And joyfully the soul sings.


I heartily congratulate you on the day of your heavenly Patron, on the name day! I want to wish that your invisible protector protects you from various troubles and misfortunes, so that he guides you on the right path, does not let you be sad! And also, so that you smile more often, because when you smile, your patron saint glows with happiness and this light is reflected in your eyes. May he keep you all your life! Be happy!


Ninі in garnoi people -
Naikrutishі name day.
There will be gifts in you
Hello and kisses...
I'll come to everything
Hai is healthy "I don't lead,
Oh pennies hi go!!!
Happy Happy Angel Day!!!


Today is your angel day!
God bless you good health!
May only peace lurk in your hearth,
Warmed by happiness, joy, love!


Lyudochka, Happy Angel Day to you!
Happy holiday today, congratulations
After all, you can’t forget about the name day,
I wish you from myself:
Clear skies and sunny days
Good and faithful girlfriends and friends,
In the house - prosperity, comfort always,
Don't let trouble knock on his door.
Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family - understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!


Luda, happy birthday to you,
May your dream come true
You help her come true -
All you need to do is fall in love!
I wish you much happiness
I love and respect the little one.
Happy birthday,
And invite worthy guests!


May the Angel keep your life
And let the trouble bypass you
Let sorrow flee from you
Let friends always find
May joy, happiness and success
Good luck, tenderness, ringing laughter,
Like an early star in the sky
You are always accompanied!


Restless and noisy
Busy, funny
Actions are not always smart
But happy in business.
And also Lyudmila, Lyudochka,
It's so easy to get hooked!
How sweet and charming
Very, very attractive!


On the day of the Angel, I pray for love
I kind of soul of successful victories,
Nathnennya, happy light, healthy
God bless you!


I wish you always bloom
Like the Garden of Eden, like the prairies of spring!
What would your wallet be rich,
What would it contain both dollars and hryvnia

I wish that in life there was
All the best just for you!
Happy birthday, Lyudmila
My dear, dear sister!


The sun shines everywhere
Today is just for you.
Happy Angel Day to you, Luda,
Congratulations, my dear.
Let life turn into a dream
And happiness will enter every day.
Everything is very easy,
And joyfully the soul sings.


Happy angel day!!!
Nina in Garnoy people
Naikrutishі name day.
There will be gifts in you
Greetings and kisses.
I'll come to everything
Hai in life everything will be cool!
Hai is healthy "the cell is growing,
Good luck and bad luck!

She was given in marriage to Prince Borivoi. Both of them were personally baptized by Saint Methodius. After that, the couple did a lot to ensure that Christianity spread among their subjects: they built temples, invited priests to conduct worship.

However, great grief befell this family; at the age of 36, Prince Borivoi passed away to the Lord. Saint Lyudmila, after the death of her husband, led a pious life, taking care of the Holy Orthodox Church. 33 years after Prince Borivoi, his son Vratislav, who was married to Dragomra, ruled. They had a son, Vyacheslav. After the death of Vratislav, the son ascended the throne. But since he was inexperienced, his mother Dragomira concentrated all power in her hands.

She began to plant paganism in the country. But she received powerful opposition from St. Ludmila. Then Dragomira decided to kill her mother-in-law. At the time when the martyr retired to pray in the city of Techin, the murderers sent by Dragomira entered her cell and carried out their crime. So the martyr Lyudmila departed to the Lord, whose body was first buried in Techin, and then transferred to Prague to the church of St. George.

Most parents struggle for a long time over how to choose the right name for their child. You will have to live with this name all your life, and each name gives its own direction to the character of the child and practically determines his fate. A wonderful name for a girl is Lyudmila, what awaits the representative of this name in later life?

A little about the name itself

The name Ludmila comes from the Slavic male name Ludmil. It has several precise meanings such as freedom, hinder, and proliferate. The name itself is very affectionate and gentle, similar to the Russian pronunciation darling, it is reliable and beautiful. If you divide it into two forms. It will turn out to be nice to people, which affects the owners of this name. Once upon a time, it was very popular, but over time it lost it. Today this name is not used so often, but Orthodox people love it very much.

Name characteristic

There are several seasons by which you can determine which one your Lyudmila belongs to.
Spring Lyudmila is a gentle sentimental nature that is touched by any actions and deeds. She takes very close to her heart everything that does not work out and does not add up. Such Lyudmila, as a rule, choose the profession of an artist, educator or teacher. In this they are expressed and revealed.

Summer Lyudmila is a woman endowed with a good mind, resourcefulness and sometimes too kind. Such Lyudmilas will be able to perfectly fulfill themselves in rhythmic gymnastics and choreography. All Lyudmilas born during this period are very light and airy.
Autumn Lyudmilas love independence and often try to fight for independence. Such a person will make a good writer, poetess or journalist.
Winter Lyudmila, this is severity itself, It is from them that excellent leaders come out. They are brave, impetuous, very proud and demanding.

Little Lyudmila

As a child, Lyudmila usually lives up to her name; for those around her, they are cute and affectionate girls. They understand how charm affects those around them and constantly use it. But they do it quite sincerely without any ulterior motive. Almost all Lyudochki do not tolerate any scandals, they constantly want to be close to their parents, looking for peace and warmth in them. Different types of disagreements and quarrels have a bad effect on Luda's psyche. For such children, harmony in everything is in the first place, and therefore it will have to be observed in the family. For parents, the task will be to lead a very calm and measured lifestyle, in which there will be no outbursts of aggression, otherwise Lyudmila may begin childhood depression. Loving parents try to avoid various quarrels in front of the child and maintain balance in the house.

In school years, there are practically no problems with Lyudmila. She is successful in her studies and enjoys success among her friends. She has well-developed organizational skills and by the school years she, as a rule, already develops them. This age affects Lyudmil very positively, they are full of energy and optimism, which manifests itself in everything. During this period of life, Lyudmil has a bunch of friends, he conquers with his charm and optimism. She is the center of attention, who can cheer up and, if necessary, reach out and put her to rest. A sense of justice will go through life next to Lyudmila, it will not always play a good role, but she can’t get away from it. Sometimes a child needs a little rest in order to gain strength and go into battle again.

In the class, Lyudmila usually takes the role of headman, almost everyone trusts them. Diplomacy gives the status of an executive a little bit of attraction. They react very ambitiously to any movement that takes place around them, but they can always make the right and right decision. Hot temper and aggressiveness need to be helped to appease Lyudmila, this will not always be able to help her in life. This is a leader whose rules can be difficult to agree with, but she will be able to lead a large number of people.

Adult Luda

Adult Lyudmila remains the same indefatigable girl, but with a calmer character. Sometimes splashes of excess energy can occur, but she already skillfully copes with them. This charming person will also try to help everyone. If this is not needed, then he will be able to advise something, direct him in the right direction and convince him of the correctness of the decision.

If in life Lyudmila becomes a leader or assistant, then this is a great success. She makes an excellent worker who soberly assesses the situation and will be able to make the right decisions. A lot of ideas and fantasies fit in Lyudmila's head. She can plan a family dinner, and at the same time think about a new project. For the hearth, such women are simply irreplaceable. There is almost never a mess in Lyudmila's house. She is so fixated on this that sometimes it may seem that no one lives in the apartment. Cleanliness, neatness and everything in place are the most important principles of such women.

They usually choose a profession spontaneously, but there are those in which it will be like a “fish in water”. In medicine and psychology, these women will be able to fully open up and allow others to do the same, in general, they are perfectly disposed. In jurisprudence, this can be an excellent lawyer or prosecutor who from the very beginning will know the outcome of the whole case and will be faithfully directed towards it. If Lyudmila chooses a profession related to music, then the music director will come out of it best of all. In art, Lyudmila will also be able to express herself. With a wonderful sense of everything beautiful, she will be able to achieve good results. Close people often influence Lyudmila's choice of profession, she tries to listen and makes her choice.

Positive traits of Ludmila

Lyudmila is always a charming and neat girl who practically does not give her parents any trouble. From the early childhood of a child, one can immediately see which of the girls will grow up as a mother. Luda shows the traits of a caring and sensitive mother, even playing with dolls you can see it. For her, sometimes praise is simply necessary, and therefore understanding parents try to praise and encourage her for any reason. People like Lyudmila are very loving and will be able to forgive the stupidity and shortcomings of other people. They have an analytical mindset that only helps in life. The owner of an excellent memory, Lyudmila, will be ahead of everyone in her school years. She can be creative with everything. What will it take. Such people read a lot, but do not become bores. Luda loves guests, just as she herself is not averse to visiting.

Negative Traits

The most unpleasant thing is that two people seem to live in the character of Lyudmila. Rudeness, external weakness, hopeless laziness, can get along with opposite qualities in one person. Sometimes she is too touchy, at the same time cunning and sly. At first glance, it may seem angry, distrustful and rude, but this is most likely just an internal defense and over time they begin to understand it. Any feature of Lyudmila is her inner world, and sometimes it is so fragile and brittle, so you need to take care of it and cherish it.

Lyudmil's name day is celebrated on September 29 (September 16, old style), which is associated with the name of the Czech princess, Great Martyr Lyudmila. She was converted to Orthodoxy by St. Methodius, an educator in Rus' and one of the authors of the first Slavic alphabet. Lyudmila, having accepted the teachings of Christ, decided to spread the Christian faith in the Czech Republic. She had a great influence on her grandson Vyacheslav, raising him in Orthodox traditions.

In 927, the princess was martyred by her pagan daughter-in-law. Since that time, the day of the angel named after Ludmila has been celebrated in the fall, on the day of the death of the Czech martyr.

St. Ludmila comes from a noble Serbian family, whom her parents married to a Czech prince. The couple were pagans, but after learning about Christ, the family was baptized and began to glorify the Christian faith. They built temples and enlightened their subjects with faith.

After the death of her husband, Lyudmila did not leave worries about the education of the peasants and continued to financially support churches and temples. Their son Bratislav, married to an ardent pagan Dragomir, ascended the throne at that time. The woman, feeling the power, wanted to revive pagan traditions in the country, starting the persecution of Christians: executions were carried out, churches were destroyed, paganism was glorified.

Princess Lyudmila stood up for mere mortals, which caused the hatred of her daughter-in-law. Upon learning that Dragomira wants to kill her from the world, the princess hid in the city of Techin. But even there, the bride's henchmen found her, broke into the house and strangled Lyudmila, who at that moment was just praying.

Believers began to come to the grave of the Saint. There is a daily brief prayer to Blessed Lyudmila:

“Pray to God for me, holy servant of God Lyudmilo, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.”

The meaning of the name Lyudmila

Lyudmila is considered a beautiful old Russian name, which means "dear to people." In Russia, it was forgotten, and it began to appear again only in the era of romanticism. A great influence on the emergence of interest in the name Lyudmila was made by such classics of Russian literature as A. Zhukovsky and his ballad "Lyudmila", as well as A.S. Pushkin, who wrote the well-known poem "Ruslan and Lyudmila". In the Soviet period, this name was the most popular. These days, it is not so common for girls to be called by this ancient name.

You always want to know more about the origin of your name. One of the first questions that arises is about stories related to the life of the saints of the same name and the days of their memory. After all, it is at this time that the day of the angel is celebrated. After reading the article, you will find out when the name day of Lyudmila is according to the church calendar.

The Slavic roots of the name originated during the Middle Ages. The era of romanticism of the 19th century is the time of the spread of this name. The impetus was the appearance of Pushkin's poem about Ruslan and Lyudmila. Most often it met in the 50-60 years of the previous century.

The church form of the name is.

Briefly - , . In foreign countries it is found as Lucia. In the male version - Lyudmil.

The name speaks for itself - "sweet people."

It can be divided into two parts:

  • “people” sounds tough;
  • “Mila” is pronounced softer and more melodic.

This property gives duality to the behavior of a woman. Luda's prudence and organization are combined with irascibility and impulsiveness.

Twice a year, the name day of Lyudmila is mentioned in the church calendar:

  • Petrova - September 28;
  • Czech - 29 September.

A folk sign says: you can judge the approach of cold days if you saw flocks of goose flying away these days.

Brief description of Lyudmila

A lot of trouble for Luda is caused by the duality of character. It combines strength with weakness, laziness with efficiency, sensuality with emotional coldness.

She has a good memory, so studying is very easy for her.

She has many girlfriends. always tries to help them in solving problems, to give useful advice. He is respected for his ability to keep other people's secrets secret. Gossip, squabbles are not for her.

Positive traits:

  • kindness;
  • unselfishness;
  • love of reading and needlework;
  • attentiveness;
  • accuracy;
  • patience;
  • hospitality.

Professional activity

Lyudmila does not like monotony and painstaking work. She needs an interesting job with a creative approach.

She has excellent intuition, which allows her to quickly deal with the characters of the people around her.

He will find his calling in the profession:

  • medical worker;
  • teacher;
  • lawyer
  • designer
  • seller;
  • advertising agent;
  • artist;
  • writer.

She is suitable for leadership positions. She does not find fault with trifles in vain, she fairly evaluates the actions of employees.

In creating her own business, she is not always lucky, often having to create everything again.

Family relationships

Independence of character and excessive independence of Luda is a common cause of discord in the family. The husband does not want to put up with these traits. The family is falling apart.

Successful marriages with Alexander, Andrei, Eugene, Cyril, Ilya, Dmitry.

Family relations with Nikolai, Yegor, Yakov, Stepan, Eduard do not add up.


A woman needs to pay attention to the cardiovascular system. At a fairly early age, varicose veins occur. The main thing is not to miss the onset of the disease.

Problems with neurological disorders are observed when the daily regimen is not observed, when he goes to bed late and sleeps for a long time in the morning. This way of life affects her appearance.

History of the Holy Martyr Princess Ludmila of Czech

She is called the patroness of grandmothers, mothers and Orthodox teachers.

The origin and date of birth of Lyudmila Czech is unknown. She was married to a Czech prince. Together with her husband, she adopted the Christian faith. They preached it to their subjects, built new temples.

Soon the prince died at the age of 36. After his death, the widow led a righteous life, worried about the church, ruled the country for her young children.

Her son Vratislav, married to the pagan Dragomir, came to the throne, and then their son. Dragomira took advantage of the youth and inexperience of the young man, began to spread pagan rites in the country. She hated her mother-in-law, who tried to resist, and tried to destroy her. On her instructions, the princess was killed during a prayer.

According to legend, various miracles took place at the burial place (near the city wall):

  • burning candles appeared at night;
  • the blind man was healed when he touched the ground from the grave.

Knowing about the signs that are happening,

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